How To Cancel Payment Run F110
How To Cancel Payment Run F110
How To Cancel Payment Run F110
In this blog we will discuss both the traditional and the new
functionality of reversing the payment run F110.
The Traditional and painful way of reversing the payment run F110 is
FBRA and F.80. This is the manual approach of doing this.
Believe it or not, SAP has come up with a solution for this. The new
Program “RFF110S_REVERSE” can be used to reverse the
payment documents created from F110, Automatic payment Run.
I personally think, SAP should have created a new TCode for the
same. Or if, SAP has one please let me know in comment.
1. First, delete the DME file or Payment medium file via FDTA or
This will delete the entries from REGUT table.
2. Next, we need to delete the entries from DFPAYG table.
For this, we have to make use of the program RFPAYM_RESET.
Once all these steps are completed, we can reverse the payment
documents with the help of program RFF110S_REVERSE.
If above steps are not followed, we might get the following error:
Payment media have already been created for payment run
xx/xx/xxxx xxxx
Screenshot showing the Details of Program RFF110S_REVERSE\
If you know a better way to address the payment document reversal
issue, do let me know in the comment below.