Supply Chain Logistics Coursera Report

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Operation and Supply Chain Management

Lecturer: Hoang Thu Hang

Supply Chain Logistics

Student: Nguyen Doan Nam Han

Student ID: 3119102524

Course Curriculum
The curriculum is designed consisting of 4 weeks of learning, including Video, Reading, Quiz, Peer-Graded Assignment,
and Review Your Peers.

It allows students to learn within four years, nonetheless, I just learned it in about four days. Every lesson is designed
easy to understand and catch up, especially I can keep track of my progress then I am able to arrange my schedule

What have I learned?

First of all, I can have an overview of Supply Chain Logistics, the reason why it is crucial. Moreover, I have learned about
several kinds of transportation, their features, and situations,... It comprises Motor Freight over the road, Flying Freight,
Air Carriers, and Containers on the train. They have their own pros and cons, depending on that the supply chain
managers can choose suitable modes of transport for particular goods or services.

It is a tradeoff between Motor freight on the road, Containers on the train, and Flying Freight. If a company’s priority is
cost, they want to save money as much as possible, their goods are delivered through an enormous distance, they should
choose Containers on the train. On the other hand, if they are concerned about speed so that they are willing to pay a large
cost, as well as they want to deliver large bulk of goods, the best choice in that situation is Air Carriers or Flying Freight.
Meanwhile, a company’s priorities are speed, reliability, low damage, and accessibility, so they should definitely choose
Motor Freight Over the road.

Also, I have learned about other essential parts of the Supply Chain such as Warehousing, Inventory, and How to design a
Logistics network. The most impressive assignment that I was pleased with is Designing a warehouse layout. I had to
design a warehouse layout including dock doors, case lot/ fast mover section, bulk storage/ slow mover section, flow rack/
broken cases section, conveyor belt, sorter, packaging station, staging area, at least two miscellaneous areas (such as
equipment storage and maintenance, and/or assembly, etc.) and then I must explain why I think it is effective and
superior to the traditional one. I am happy with this assignment because I have done it quite well, and I received many
compliments in the Peer-graded session.

Figure 1: My Warehouse layout design

Figure 2: Comments and Feedback I received from my peers

The other assignment which is my final exam required me to build a Logistics Network for any product that I chose. It is
an exciting assignment that I can brainstorm myself to design a logistics network for a particular product (I chose flower).
Mainly, I can realize that how important it is to have an effective logistics network. To be a Supply Chain Manager, I must
answer questions about how many and where. The location of warehouses and how many there are, which are absolutely
crucial when building a logistics network.

My feelings about the course

Although the course is not long, it gives me an opportunity to experience learning on Coursera. It is the first time I have
learned one course on this platform and for sure I will learn more courses in the future. All the lessons and knowledge are
designed for learners to understand without much difficulty.

Lastly, sincere thanks to Ms. Hang, I feel sorry that we can not meet face to face due to the pandemic. Nevertheless, I can
feel your energy and enthusiasm when you explain the lessons and interact with us during all sessions on MS Teams. I
am grateful that I can have that chance to work with you. Thanks for your inspiration as well as all the interesting
knowledge about Operation and Supply chain management. Hopefully, we can meet and have another opportunity to
work together directly.

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