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NHPC Limited ENERGISING INDIA WITH HYDROPOWER Vi Kaila Wahl KP singh Fe ‘CENTRAL BOARD OF IRRIGATION & POWER ‘Ss Matcha Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Dethi Publication No. 308 SR eon Manual on Petia elem Eaitors VK. Kanjlia RP Wahi \ KP, Singh CENTRAL BOARD OF IRRIGATION & POWER Maicha Marg, Chanakyapurl, New Delhi #10024, April 2010 2010 (SON e1-7206-9164 “Sroncipeent veto be pale Te otras ave {Sten umoncare to a eer tha ubeson. However, putea ‘Sore no way oso rb etry ec itlomaton von te Central Board of Irigation & Powor Set Seen aeancmaten Sia host Mec usu Cone Saris covet a Moy Ron Sua i MESSAGE, 1 ry gy at Cot a of rin & Posing Maa (Goel Sim The Grad Sunn icine som po ‘ewe thae ou of npc ily teri nd eel opi wens ‘te ssh fn a ehh eC ng ae ao “eraed do peje Theil wip any hms eae i re nx edd son nmin Sao ‘stone pt href prc a pl hasnt eet Ta mel Su cea compe svg pet Teneo Fes, Shing Armee ong Cn Opts rs erect snes pin by te eb 0 ape ni in pga of ‘he dsm [on sel epceng tntywol d e aet ey l {ong CIP anal ebro egy Wing doc, Aloe aa igh Rie Semen Sah Ea new NEC Untied Ke on RSS AGERE pn M7 The Nations enc Pn fies a con of Neon! Gs ha ‘Geant sopcte on wee rn ars ue ony ad ‘a aman nh any pe teneih t Danae yur mno” Snse and subitoe ae beg rg tae ra atest of ity Soy on. pry, dese! ergrow hee od crrarg ‘impact tiutedSubiaton (0s, ocean ete ecnon rts See ne apace fan bse Snow (sb 2 Fo | am hay br tht CIP hs ttn an etree poste be iia iS" sowed, fom ts nee ‘elma oan pao To nar cow ‘shacnvved es cowopmantt Gs am so eget ar en {ae donmen tence vs ade | serch iat nt up by CB anal comlie mando Expat (Sp nba ot dota Bh. eX eufevesy PREFACE, ‘commrrres, Sse Ree sc te a 2h lag, Bae Rl, anise Members eee nena ets ne Catton sgn inc ban minions ine Fe tay : {sins ms enter oid ‘acon Shue wee thc on fr Becomes re Sones SUG rir 9 (ucottn iphegnntencintecometn werden neneoat at ee Hoke Bax) oar Secs terme tind micmucrminaaky trance Adee — SN Cam Ea ee Teter scones opepent namin ibcowemganoc Fora epee Pos SUR 1.1 ‘io fers ome! wh nso mane oC acer esr ae ‘tet tenis il pp by ep oie. yee orm) nd a etiam uo nrc awa emotes etna co me iru cring Giotto tuipummcen, Spear Esreset (Sn nd gute menos sel ConiRanintin Roepe cet otenmbencepet AiR | ma {theme ging wey mc te rpg rou pe of ln ‘ate ptt aj Km 2, SRC me ito et ‘apes tcfor cin sgn Ca eps Sh Pa Dy Se seen cee a ‘is hoped hat his document wil be salto servo a reference Mana! forthe peoaionls (Gs auld Subsdons cae oe da es how, Lontintermnten wi stanass Se = a ao oe ooo ME eager See eee eee. Sevoatbow ‘eo Coley Nev ‘en Moe cai Sete ‘Si aoa Ne setae gr echt Rend 0809) Beata Sls Scr Ree 0 Sa Lambe De Sey pro) aa i ra Ne, Sot ser, cn 3¢ 10 Siem am) Se ey to ‘mucha Boe Tanto Mew ba 100 (Goa ip so SRD gto. seca Gt oe Sine Shc, Wo Ma Dao se Kae Soman (Si dt ign oer Newpenctioon i ie Sr nf gin 8 Roe Nowbatetbear™ CONTENTS gee ‘CHIAPTIER 2 Tes som ei 211 Conpsnea Lan Runt 3 22 Meat Zo ‘ 24 Repana pnan 9 AIIS Cri Foes Dod 4 242 Oneal Lie (IL Appentn 5 25 Aiy dey s 26 sey ‘ 2.7 Sage Leeson ‘ 28 Leo cat 100) 7 210 Cat Conga Been ASS ‘CHAPTER 3 - Siig Scam Opto and tl Sinle Line Diagrs 512 Lag VIS, Genin Ses Tine ake 513 Mont Acie Sing She ‘CAPTER 4S Regul are Appian of IS ELV & Aber) 42 Tani Recon age Star 43. Se fr Ptcng Feros ‘OUAPTER Snr Lay, aupment Arrangement Se of Belg 51 Laos SL Bung pcan 53.1 Omang tin 532 Spey Open Manis 53. Day Ce of Opting Nahi 5.5 Ato Reding gp (er seine ern) 4 Dacenecse (it) sd a Sr S44 Opting Mec nd Cale 546 Shr Cost Roronnts 5 core nd Ying Tse 55.1 Cue Taft Moe (CD) 532 age Tens (7) 553 Govt Regents 57 Sale Lake SERRE eR EES SRRES ouArrE 6 sarang os {2 Cas an Sane ce Erting 6 Mh fr xing Soe 64 Dies of ing Syme 65 Mewes faring yt 16 Desig ines 67 Te Sp Vg in IS (68 oud of aloes (69 homing of Is Fanon ‘CHAPTER Ga ding yt 1 iHome 6) 12 Gar Spesitenton 14 SF, Oe Menorng Dee 15 $6 Ga Manes Pat 16 SF, is Lage Deng Ieee 157 Maine of Cs tain Ste (CHAPTER 9 ~List f Sndards Manes, Cte and Rafrenes ‘CHAPTER 18—Emwrig Techno 101 His Spe 102 Conte Swaing Heston 103 GMs Ext Poy 105 Bas Toekng 106 Compa Digs 107 Gu Be Taio is Page. seeseeen eessues CCUAPTER 1 —Traigpet aN ‘OUAPTER 12— Fv Pramcr be Spc daring tin on Fagy 122 Gal atin 124 Many Mane en 126 Qui Amare 128 Gantelas| 124 ype Grding 11S Sipe of etn 126 Motel Tec Specatin 0 12.7 Gora Toa uaa (TD Anosrs 121+ Ga Ile See CHAPTER 13 eect and Quay Asarase 11 Toon Abr So Abies 152 QulityAsaee 13 Mode Qty sana Anserare UL Quay Assurance Pan (Mad) ee ‘CHAFTEE 14 mooring, Open sd Manne 1 Noe 4 Mic aM OA Re gn 14.1.2 Moning Dang Sooge 11.3 Moning Dig ntl 1422 Condon boing of IS 124 Pata Drs Meat 1426 Awa Paling Meee 143 Pay fans 144 tens acd Dn Opeaton Caren 15min, erp etn, 1521 Shmgs of Anembl Tek 18 153 Fst Thing & Comming 16 Gace Saat Operon 162 Lito 5 ition ase y HEL Sic 188 Paseo. eas Crompton Greaves Linitd ‘Offers compact Gas Inauated Switchgear (5) romping C0) epatatbe US Arriba muy acagontih eh Senge Seat Rect ande ete acteeteaoeccan nas “ie amp Geeesloen lenge isso ears nnd ths reine sages epee cea. marc an marten ea Sate Ereitavecoenon cats ur race Saenger Tate ctes tens ts ERS sees seen eens ‘gincutk accel Sans srdtbeo, Dkeeeee «on re i Saas ‘eens tnt ints cert, be, ee es ee Poet an Gers inte ‘mncaimen Cuareme 1 Intent Temalar mesial Inu Sisco wo gu hing pee Deca say (ck etn of 8 tly tg, a tin aging yam ee + Coma bing noc deg epmetam, ‘Comite ci okey ne cieing oe ingiins ‘+ Hh amen use hi contig ence Pie at of pd stan a, ‘esas de in ty io le i Ses en phe mi oe ning pc Te al ‘Sng giao, of eye Tie acon be sre yh et ‘soit nei i pec elon ily ‘ps me poperiing o mat ofetomet omits Neely Fest inde he IS le toe fr ssi a auton pr esa al ip nea at min () 30 To pein See shad ‘Sty one cam hat pe ha ogo ow it pee Seeiay nmin ist rn sor soa Te ade eed a9 [1S ne ato 20% peng igi fe en ook {AIS (Ai Il Sune) sb. Ta song el ed ery sh ‘te su vote etl he soon temo eos sl meee on ‘gig ine an aed GS semen she ped Seer ata ky Pen pattem Wi "gto an canspoy my m ‘Sesromicopmto nic uly our eons ed ‘Shipmaschtstereaecpeio. Altar ta ye Soot estate pment pce (li soi sve ever ns, ae on ne can ‘eso aia pon resin in Sit sy ae of ee ‘Supona nds GS ps pcos wenn itil 7 ‘SBT ry unger on oe yt sais, (Cuaprnn 2 Techno Economic Feasibility nt ep cr oS uy ih ha oA. Ta ae ryt cs hi lth wad eae ep el qa exe ‘arr ae of Gi eget AIS mcm Sn he mae AES su cit csc orn an ro Compaen al rie + apne of AS pein poe de + lin aa + Appetite 21 COMPACTNESSIAND REQUIREMENT. Sco dei ig ie on SOR ein ‘stn on regen nd co Cc ag leaps Ij den and sow wr ni open: Th (ontlring yc no hereof 10 3 ‘Smt pe tage a he can equa sor, ad inringatin in Te ving oben wing bec od Set ag 8 ring pos, Int or en hee poe ps Sco be ence ores {© the on et sy ot os bee seg te pce by, ‘oom dacn nonrigid ot rton son a owes Pats Tate coo FY es ‘Sieileret crying ng ey greedy don pence sso Ihe sno ne on es cneig wie pcs fame 2 NouNIANOLS7OMS ‘Std diet rr Tacs gh deep eat when or I he sue ‘etn ow anne et ig Cenelion of yl wa a tino Pesen towor mil ko ue til eyo ‘Ste fash nt gee Gs wl ane prem ngs ‘eta efan A ypc aoa ac gee ob at iw bet Tin vp aoe Sc ina conic te Sinn pa ay oe eter pay may ra) ‘ia iy tn wae ‘Writ ne ph ae ett of oa dy. ‘ee pens yt) we a a GS oc ‘Fjarootag melted ung an CS roe aig Sci cnn hn ev eh meeas of AS onk ‘Sars pte eens epg den oo ans ois ws we nav ony atid son oveon ‘18 howl nh ding wold be teat Gm he Ets et he Ei at power ph up ene Op i hep tite enna tinal ene einmotal n smgeeme ‘18 wih hig ag cb depo 9 AIS a et ong owe oan places se ent te sng ipa tine of he ed ee ems woth itt ond ln aan, 8 10 ay 32 "Sco eay reply» thy 304 ls ls shal nent te of ti st wh mg el a "The modular contracon of SF, awitchestr ba An added advnigs to build GS ea ype af yt oar oY mo Sf, pc spre nln neon, vig le sew nes ao a a ‘epee pear Sy emerges Cn barr 6K la 8h 65m eth tgs HV Ce ‘Tie son be coe mee pment fn pn ae The i Tieng da ohana shave spi econ, AD “pete lone amet reno shee mr noe cnt nian nance etree tyalleumre hss te comin of ene endothe ‘ip rman sev 242 a tel Lie IL Apt Sih leno (we att gh ek ie ion ont poner ema. Inte pots pwe lt wet es vce cay nn ht nt ry 1 1d le iw be ‘span, necking and moiting hii igh qual Sanda eee y he [Sarl eeu sre ean a ened y mace Faro Sie of neg er reid cova bly sd wing il snd no iy eye, wh ere he re poy on tthe ine et ‘Syntype in et wer intl, Ui Sacto ont ishing ‘omc Che cml, et cy Be ee ry ou ns tr opeing ene Tehee tego tne t of ‘cp compet nea be ey lo GS wou ne very gh ay od ‘lay ow eau dane als) ve ( | a | i it | ] ee eee — ‘he nipeon ofS rie «ih dg ey ope lr pane ‘espn ne a eg sa hin trchtar neg pope opens acd nin th ‘cenit Spon of rea vo ba ne se ‘So tie No CS pu wl ep tn Samal ep ins a ge copsinesiten Thee find IS itchy ey fr stag tins ‘oe Wig eiugtag be ena dr ever, el Alt ‘Suns Dba, Doni Ca ert nis {ermal nope li enti nn stains he other opis ‘arene heen cast a ems rie enon ini me mln ity nid oe ih ee lt ‘ial val songs Tea ited nrc se ur tis ae mpd on ss) an ou rm ere SF, Fae mer nae die yo pene conan ol eh thee "Tmo on ees ig pa ent na ns pce ‘monaco fnge pat in age ptt Wi eo 1220 Ta matt nolo eimmens te chgs eet pt ‘rinse Lng ot a en emo, n e 2s urecrerx cost ace, ton fiting eye e400) rine dee Ths cpt sof ISAS ng aa at, ings enol eto ol aca sea pen tsa cope + Maisons Te caf pee nents ee mates pe nnn ors ei a eine es + Open Cousins pertinent eos Chen onward ing wie fn te crn nc fm, non pi (o) Protas (4) Cote iti wd ln smart on) (©) Catteni dtutae ican co cone (6) olen cont oid (©) Avs dayne RAR oe ene (©) a owas fr AIS we STS nda ht at itd nes (© Caley ssn lene nding on of ig into ss ‘flag pcos ag gh =A a comp Is (0) Opening ct Thi cond cae ut til ing sed ka “Ton inert (© Senn rome of CCTs ome, and Pe (© Pty ie dsr ae dover a igh eed 2.10 COST COMPARISON HETWHENAISAND GIS nord amp ea vita aang Si Vs hed Seto fw orb wih sy to ey (Dbl Bas Ba Vs np oe ing eton + a0kY, hey Stn (0) Dose as a Vs ype ene hv ae “ae wing fh abv eae en Til 2,22 23 copy ‘Scene hans ba on seme The we eld a te ae ‘bin yo set ening on pce neo octet 8 5 etn eyo ete Ab pep TGR | eas co mn ‘ti [5 Sone eget EF se 1 ome sow es oe Gut ea, as |e wees a ‘hey ae samen th te ae. 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Sed det A fe sow nee of tama pac & oe ear ‘nro ft aon taco hehe italy ecg Sy arming ein sca tn cy megs gs LP ene comet nome GS gh ton igs {5413 Femi of Fok heh Mh Pe Gee ‘ecm ves 8 nh oh ine mint gin ti ting ss XLPHOW Fc ca rh F/M, SY 8 ‘hie tmnt a polo. Thos cst fp pgs Ah inate nes pls nik ingle eon mer 4 Laon 9 Suge rer Sl Comation ith La Parmer conf Sse arn depend dit ben GS ing enn, ate odes dco een oon ‘So gp ecemen S115. 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