Fault Analysis of Grid Connected Photovoltaic Syst
Fault Analysis of Grid Connected Photovoltaic Syst
Fault Analysis of Grid Connected Photovoltaic Syst
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1 author:
Prakash Hota
Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology
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Received: August 16, 2016; Accepted: September 3, 2016; Published: September 29, 2016
Abstract: A new method of current control strategy for grid connected photovoltaic (PV) system is presented in this paper.
The connection of photovoltaic system with the grid is a difficult task as the solar irradiation is a nonlinear quantity. The
objective of this work is to develop a model of the photovoltaic system with maximum power point tracking (MPPT) system
connected to 11 KV grid by implementing new control technique so that maximum active power transfer from PV to grid can
be taken place without injection of harmonics. The considered system consists of a PV system, MPPT controller, boost
converter, voltage source inverter (VSI), 3-Φ filter, a control system, a distribution network, load and grid. In the beginning, a
model of a photovoltaic array was developed and then a MPPT controller and a direct current to direct current (DC-DC)
converter are designed. To connect PV system to grid, a power electronics converter is needed which can convert DC voltage
into three- phase AC voltage. Three-phase VSI using insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) is used. By means of a step-up
transformer and filter, this three-phase VSI is connected to the distribution network. The proposed control of the three-phase
grid-connected solar PV system is designed in the synchronously-rotating d-q reference frame. Here, Vdc is measured, then
compared with Vdcref and accordingly the error is fed to proportional-integral (PI) controller from which Idref is generated. As
PV system should inject only active power, so reactive power injected to grid is made zero by making Iqref zero. There after the
final model is simulated by using MATLAB/SIMULINK and different output waveforms are analyzed for different conditions.
Finally the fault analysis is carried out to observe the behavior of the system.
Keywords: Grid-connected PV System, MPPT, Voltage Source Inverter (VSI), PWM Technique, LLLG Fault,
approaches to modeling and simulation of photovoltaic active power, so reactive power injected to grid is made zero
arrays. A novel approach for solar module temperature by making Iqref zero. There after the final model is simulated
estimation using a simple diode model has been described by by using MATLAB/SIMULINK and different output
Farivar, et al. [1]. Schonardie, et al. [2] have applied dq0 waveforms are analyzed for different conditions. Finally the
transformation on the three-phase grid connected PV system fault analysis is carried out to see the behavior of the system.
with active power control. Cai, et al. [3] have analyzed and
simulated the grid connected photovoltaic PV systems using 2. Proposed Methodology
MATLAB. A control methodology has been proposed by
Yazdani, et al. [4] and characterization of dynamics for a The proposed method is based on the controlling of
photovoltaic system interfaced with a distribution network current, active power and reactive power injected to the grid.
has also been made. Blaabjerg, et al. [5] have presented an The total system consist of a PV panel, MPPT controller,
overview of control and grid synchronization for distributed boost converter, three-phase voltage source inverter,
power generation systems. Sunny, et al. [6] have discussed sinusoidal filter, step-up delta/star transformer, distribution
the harmonics control and performance analysis of a grid- network, phase locked loop, dq-abc transformation block,
connected photovoltaic system. Some of the advantages that PWM generator, distribution network, load and grid. The 305
have given below motivate the grid-connected photovoltaic Solar Panel is being chosen for modeling and simulation
system applications. These are (i) Cost reduction of the PV using MATLAB. Three-phase inverter converts 1200 V of
panels [7], (ii) Operation is pollution free (it does not harm constant DC voltage which is the output of boost converter
any eco-system) [8], (iii) Capability to supply AC loads and into sinusoidal A.C voltage of magnitude 800V, then a step-
(iv) Photovoltaic system injects active power to the grid and up delta/star transformer is used to boost voltage up to 11
also relieving the demand of the grid (distributed generation). KV. A phase locked loop (PLL) is used to track the phase
In addition, one of the most significant advantages is the angle which is required by the dq-abc transformation leakage
possibility to accomplish a reactive power control originated block. Again the signal is transformed back to abc reference
from linear and non-linear loads that is connected to the frame and that is fed to the PWM generator which provides
system. This fact looks very attractive, so a single system is pulse for grid connected PV inverter. L and R represent the
able to analyze the following two different functionalities transformer resistance and reactance. L1 and R1 represent the
such as (i) Energy generation to supply AC loads and (ii) distribution network resistance and inductance. In the
Active filtering. Kjaer, et al. [9] described about different following sections each subsystem of the proposed
inverter topology used for grid connected PV system along methodology are described individually. The Fig. 1 given
with their advantages and limitations. Carrasco, et al. [10] below illustrates the block diagram of grid-connected
have given a survey of power electronics equipments used photovoltaic inverter.
for PV system required for grid connection. Enslin, et al. [11]
have demonstrated the harmonic interaction between a large
number of distributed power inverters and the distribution
Network. Srisaen, et al. [12] described the effect of PV grid-
connectedsystem location on a distribution system. A
rigorous study and implementation of synchronization
algorithm in three-phase grid connected system has been
described by Naik, et al [13].Teng, et al [14] have studies on
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the proposed system.
harmonic and reactive current detection in grid-connected PV
power stations. Grid voltage monitoring techniques for
single-phase grid connected solar PV system have been 3. Solar PV System
proposed by Lakshmanan, et al [15]. Pattanaik, et al [16]
Solar cells are the basic constituents of photovoltaic panels.
have discussed the design, simulation and performance
Maximum solar cells are manufactured using silicon and also
evaluation of three-phase grid connected PV panel.
other materials are employed. Solar cells have property of
A new method of current control strategy of grid
photoelectric effect, where some semiconductors have
connected PV system is presented in this paper. The objective
capability of changing electromagnetic radiation precisely to
of this work is to develop a model of the photovoltaic system
electrical current. The charged particles produced by using
with maximum power point tracking (MPPT) system
incident radiation are distinguished smoothly to develop an
connected to 11 KV grid by implementing new control
electrical current by using suitable layout of the solar cell. The
technique so that maximum active power transfer from PV to
electricity generated by solar cell depends on the intensity of
grid can be taken place without injection of harmonics. The
sunlight. When the incidence of sunlight is perpendicular to the
proposed control of the three-phase grid-connected solar PV
front side of PV cell, the power generated by the solar cell is
system is designed in the synchronously-rotating d-q
optimum. The basic fundamental element of a solar
reference frame. Here, Vdc is measured then compared with
photovoltaic system is a solar cell. They are connected in
Vdcref and accordingly the error is fed to PI controller from
series and parallel to constitute PV module and array. A single
which Idref is generated. As PV system should inject only
American Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 2016; 5(4): 35-44 37
solar cell is mainly a combination of one current source, a The 305 Solar Panel is being chosen for modeling and
diode and two resistors. The basic equivalent circuit of solar simulation using MATLAB [1], whose parameters are shown
PV system is presented in Fig. 2. in Table 1.
Temperature 25 ºC
Open circuit voltage, Voc 64.2 V
Short circuit current, Isc 5.96 A
Voltage at MPP, Vmpp 54.7 V
Current at MPP, Impp 5.58 A
Maximum power, Pmax 70KW
Fig. 2. Single diode model of a solar cell.
Temperature coefficient of ISC, KI 3.5 mA/°C
Where, Iph is the current produced by the photoelectric Temperature coefficient of power, KP –0.38%/°C
effect, Id is the diode current and Ish is the current through
shunt resistance. RS and Rsh are inherent resistances in series
and parallel associated with the cell. Applying Kirchhoff’s 4. Boost Converter and MPPT
law of current, the terminal current of the cell is: Techniques
As the output voltage of PV array is very low, so a step-up
Iph=Ir*Isc/Ir0 (2) converter is necessary to increase the level of the PV voltage.
DC-DC converter can be employed as switching mode
Is =Isc/[exp(Voc/(aVt))-1] (3) regulator used for modifying uncontrolled dc voltage to a
controlled dc output voltage. At fixed frequency controlling
Id =Is*[exp ((V+IRs)/(aVt))-1] (4)
is normally accomplished by PWM and the switching device.
Ish=(V+IRs)/Rsh (5) The boost converter operates in two modes. During Mode I
when the switch is closed, the current rises gradually through
Vt=kTNs/q (6) inductor and the diode D is off during this interval. During
The light generated current or photo current is related to Mode II when switch is opened, the current flows through
irradiance and temperature and the light current measured at inductor, diode, capacitor and the load. The switch has a duty
some reference conditions. Then Final equation developed is: ratio D which is defined as
(V + IR ) q V + IR (8)
I = I − I [exp s − 1] − s
ph s (7)
akTN R
s sh The relation between the output and input voltage of the
Where, Isis the reverse saturation current, Ns number of converter is as follows.
cells connected in series, q is the electron charge, k is
Boltzmann’s constant and a is the ideality factor modified. In
MATLAB/SIMULINK the PV array is modeled by using
The switching of the DC-DC is regulated by using
these above equations [1].
different MPPT techniques. MPPT is a method where some
The Fig. 3 illustrates the I-V and P-V characteristic curves
devices are employed for tracking maximum power. The
of photovoltaic module. As the PV equations are nonlinear,
most widely used maximum power point tracking method is
so the I-V and P-V characteristic curves are also nonlinear in
Perturb and Observe (P&O) or hill climbing method which
nature. Therefore, from Fig. 3 it can be summarized that the
has been considered in this work. P&O MPPT algorithm is
irradiation level regulates the output current of solar cell,
implemented very easily. It is based on the principle that
while temperature regulates the output voltage of solar cell.
when the voltage of operation of the PV array is varied in a
given direction and the power extracted from the PV array
increases, this suggests that the operating point has shifted
toward the MPP and then the operating voltage must be
changed in the same direction until the power drawn from the
PV array decreases and so the operating point has deviates
away from the MPP and hence, the direction of perturbation
of operating voltage should be inverted. The Fig. 4 shows the
schematic diagram of boost converter.
! " ! ! #
5.1. Control Techniques
! !
PV panel is connected to the ac grid which is maintained at
11KV via a common DC/AC inverter. Inverters must produce (13)
! $% ! " ! ! #
higher voltage than the grid to assure power flow to the
grid.So, PV inverter needs more attention from control point (14)
of view. PWM techniques are used for switching of the
Where, C is the DC link capacitance, is capacitance
Inverter.The control strategy applied to the grid-side
current, & is the photovoltaic current, is the DC link
converter consists mainly of two cascaded loops. Usually,
voltage, the reference DC voltage, is d-axis
there is a fast internal current loop, which regulates the grid
component of grid current, is its reference value.
current, and an external voltage loop, which controls the dc-
link voltage. 5.3. Current Control Scheme
5.2. DC-link Voltage Control Scheme In the given control scheme, because of the control action
the output current of the inverter follows a specified
The Fig. 5 shows block diagram of dc-link voltage control
reference signal. This is achieved by transforming the three-
scheme. Here, which is the reference DC voltage
phase output currents of the inverter to the rotating reference
tracked by the MPPT controller according to the maximum
frame (dq0) and then again converting them to the desired
power point. Then, reference value compares with the actual
value. Here the system is assumed as a balanced system. So
DC voltage and the error signal is fed to the PI
by using Park’s transformation theory the abc component of
controller. Then the PI controller generates the the
output currents injected by the inverter are converted into
reference current value of d-axis component. This reference
three constant DC variables named as the direct, quadrature
current value is passed through the current controller to
and zero variables Id, Iq and I0, respectively. From this dq
generate actual d-axis current and then is passed
transformation the constant DC quantities are obtained which
through integrator which generates .
can be easily controlled by using proportional-integral (PI)
American Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 2016; 5(4): 35-44 39
G @
processing the error signal:
5 ,
H @
Similarly, Uq is the output of another controller processing , ( (23)
grid was set to zero and thus Iqref = 0. The voltage VPV and
(18) current IPV of the PV arrays are used for calculating the
inverter real power output delivered to the grid. In
(19) accordance with IEEE recommended practice for utility
interface of PV system (IEEE Standard: 929-2000), most of
Where,<: is time constant of the current control loop. The the PV inverters designed for utility-interconnected service
Fig. 6. Block diagram of current control scheme. Initially all the parameters are analyzed at grid without a
fault in the distribution network.The DC voltage delivered by
The PWM modulating signals are generated by using the boost converter is given in Fig. 8. Fig. 9 shows the voltage
equations: delivered by PV inverter after filtering. Figs.10 and 11 show
= "@ AB C@ #
the three- phase voltage and current generated at the grid.
( (20)
Figs.12 and 13 give the idea about active and reactive power
injected to the grid. Fig. 8 depicts that at 1000 W/m2 solar
=( "@( C AB C @ (#
(21) irradiance, the PV array generates voltage of about 321V. The
voltage of inverter after it passes through filter. The respectively, P and Q both are decreasing slightly. The step
conversion of sinusoidal AC voltage to the boosted DC change in the temperature affects the active power as well as
voltage is done by 2-level, 3-phase voltage source inverter. reactive power flow to the grid.
For filtering harmonics that are produced by VSI, the
sinusoidal LC filter of the series inductance branch of 10 mH 6.2. Fault Analysis
with internal resistance 1Ω and 100 µF capacitor banks is Though there are many ways to check the transient state
used. Fig. 10 depicts about 3-phase voltage injected to grid. stability of the system, only few factors are taken into
Inverter voltage is stepped up by using a delta/star account. Next section depicts about the dynamic performance
transformer before the grid which boosts up the voltage of the plant. Here the system is tested under the worst fault
nearer to the grid voltage. A 3-phase voltage of magnitude conditions i.e. the symmetrical fault in A.C side and
8KV is injected to the grid. Fig. 11 depicts about the behavior unsymmetrical fault. Fault analysis is performed on grid
of 3-phase current injected to the grid. Some transients are connected PV system in MATLAB/Simulink to analyze the
seen in the beginning, which can be avoided by optimizing dynamic behavior of the system. PV system behavior during
the value of the filter components. After 0.1sec, three- phase faulted conditions is also investigated. For the purpose of
current of 6 ampere flows to the grid. Fig. 12 depicts that fault analysis, a three-phase line-to- ground symmetrical fault
0.06 MW of active power injected to the grid. Initially and unsymmetrical faults are introduced on the grid side of
transients are seen up to a certain instant of time that is the PV system.
0.15sec.Then because of the controlling action after 0.15 sec, Line to Line to Line to Ground Fault (LLLG Fault)
the power injected to the grid is stable. Three phases to ground fault is a very common fault in
Fig. 13 depicts about the variation of reactive power at industrial environment which is in fact very dangerous for
different time interval. As Iqref was set to zero, thus the the power electronics based converters. Because of the fast
reactive power during different time interval is zero response of the semiconductor devices the voltage dip and
independent of irradiance. Initially PV draws reactive power over current flow have to be controlled to avoid any damage
from the grid up to 0.15 sec, there after it is zero because of to the devices. The results of grid-connected PV system with
the control strategy. According to the IEEE Standard 929- a LLLG fault are shown below in Fig. 18. At t=0.3 sec to 0.4
2000, THD of grid current and voltage must lie within 5%. sec, LLLG fault is introduced in the distribution network. DC
Fig. 14 indicates that the total harmonic distortion (THD) of voltage delivered by the boost converter with LLLG fault is
the grid current 0.28% which is smaller than 5%.Also, the also shown in Fig. 18. Figs. 19 and 20 show 3-phase current
Fig. 15 shows that the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the and voltage, respectively, at grid with LLLG fault. Figs. 21
grid voltage 0.26% that is smaller than 5% as recommended and 22 indicate the variation of active and reactive power
in IEEE standard. Fig. 16 depicts about the variation of active injected to the grid, respectively, during and after faulted
and reactive power with change in irradiance. It is observed period. The DC voltage delivered by the DC converter is
that with the increase in irradiance from 400 to 1400w/m2 in disturbed during the LLLG fault from 0.3 sec to 0.4 sec is
steps of 200w/m2 at time instants of 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and shown in Fig. 18.The controller has the ability to control the
2.5 sec, respectively, the active power as well as reactive disturbance, so that just after 0.4 sec the voltage reaches its
power flow to the grid also increases. Fig. 17 depicts about steady state value which is 1200V. At 0.3 sec DC voltage
the variation of active and reactive power with change in rises suddenly from 1200V to 1600V and then decreases to
temperature. With step change in temperature from 20 to 1100V before clearance of the fault.
80°C in steps of 20°Cat time instants of 0, 0.5, 1.0and 1.5sec,
The Fig. 7 shows the Simulink diagram of the proposed the voltage to the level of grid. Table 2 gives the data of the
system. The PV sub-system consists of PV array, MPPT and system parameters and specifications used for the analysis of
boost converter is connected to grid through three phase the system.
PWM inverter. The step up transformer is used to increase
American Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 2016; 5(4): 35-44 41
Fig. 8 depicts about DC voltage generated by boost converter. Fig. 11. Thee-phase current at the grid.
At 1000 W/m2 solar irradiance, the boost converter is increasing
voltage of PV natural voltage 321V to 1200 V DC voltage. Fig. 11 depicts that the 3-phase current of magnitude 6
ampere is injected to the grid.
Fig. 9. Inverter output voltage after filtering. Fig. 12. Active power injected to the grid.
Fig. 9 shows the filtered output voltage of inverter. Here Fig. 12 depicts that 0.06 MW of active power is injected to
LC filter is used to damp out the harmonics produced by the grid.
Voltage source inverter.
Fig. 13 depicts about the variation of reactive power at different time interval.
Fig. 14 indicates that the THD analysis of the three phase Fig. 16 depicts about the variation of active and reactive
grid current which is 0.28%. power with the change in irradiance.
Fig. 18. DC voltage delivered by the boost converter with LLLG fault.
200 A
150 C
Line Current (A)
Fig. 22. Reactive power at the grid with LLLG fault.
Figs. 21 and 22 show the disturbances in active power and
reactive power injected to the grid during fault period.
The behavior of three-phase current during LLLG fault is
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
shown in figure 19 which indicates that before the initiation
Time (s) of the fault, the current is settled at 5A and with the injection
Fig. 19. Three-phase current at the grid with LLLG fault. of fault at 0.3 sec, the current increases to 200A.Finally the
current returns to its normal value of 5A after the faulted
Fig. 19 shows the behavior of three phase current during period. The result shows that current initially rises suddenly
LLLG fault. to 200A during the faulted period before reducing to the
steady state at a time instant of approximately 0.5 sec. Fig. 20
depicts about the behavior of three-phase voltage during
LLLG fault. Before the initiation of the fault, the voltage is
maintained at 8kV (max). During the LLLG fault, the voltage
at grid is zero for 0.3 to 0.4 sec. After 0.4 sec, the voltage
settled to its normal value. The result shows that the inverter
is shut down during the period from 0.3 to 0.4 sec. Active
power injected to the grid during faulted period is shown in
Fig. 21.From the practical experiences as well as from the
simulation it is shown that the real and reactive power
injected to the grid are also disturbed during the LLLG fault
during the period from 0.3 sec to 0.4 sec. During the faulted
period the active power injected to the grid is zero. It is also
visible that a power surge occurs just after the fault clearance,
Fig. 20. Three-phase voltage at the grid with LLLG fault.
which enforces the converter to carry more power which puts
Fig. 20 depicts that during LLLG fault, three-phase voltage stress on the devices. Fig. 22 depicts about the variation of
at the grid is zero. reactive power during the faulted period. The result shows
that reactive power is a less disturbed parameter among all
other parameters. Just after the clearance of the fault a surge
is seen, then after 0.5 sec it settled to its normal value.
6. Conclusion
In this paper, a modified current control strategy based on
MATLAB/Simulink has been studied for PV system which is
connected to11KV grid. The variation of three-phase current,
voltage, active power, reactive power injected to the grid at
different time intervals are studied. The mathematical model
of the converter is based upon the d-q reference frame. A
three-phase voltage source inverter is regulated to inject
Fig. 21. Active power at the grid with LLLG fault. maximum real power into the grid in the synchronously
rotating frame. The correctness of the proposed current
control technique is proved by the given simulation results.
The simulation results depict that the proposed controller
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