FAQs Auto BillsPay 2011

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Auto BillsPay - FAQs

Q What is Auto BillsPay?

A Auto BillsPay is the simplest way of paying any monthly bill (i.e. mobile phones, electricity,
Internet etc.) and/or any recurring fees (i.e. tuition/semester fees, Club members’ dues,
insurance premium etc.) from a Standard Chartered Credit Card or Account. You can choose to
pay multiple bills from the same Credit Card or Account.

Q How many Auto BillsPay partners currently do you have?

A Currently we have 12 partners as mentioned below:

Type of Partners Name

Mobile Operator Airtel, Banglalink, Citycell, Grameenphone, & Robi
Internet Service Provider (ISP) Qubee
Utilities DPDC, DESCO
School Scholastica
Insurance Metlife-Alico
Club Dhaka Club, Chittagong Club

Q How can I enroll into Auto BillsPay?

A All you have to do is fill-out the Auto BillsPay Form (attached) available at our branches and
enclose a copy of the monthly usage bill/Membership ID/Premium Slip with it.

The bill copy is not required for Mobile Operators & ISPs, so you can simply call our 24-hour
Contact Center @ 8957272 & get enrolled into Auto BillsPay for any of these partners!

For enrollment in Auto BillsPay for Insurance Payment (i.e. Metlife-Alico), you need to visit the
nearest Metlife-Alico office.

Q Can I enroll into Auto BillsPay through the 24-hour Contact Center?
A Yes! Since we do not require the copy of any previous bill for enrolling into Auto BillsPay for the
Mobile Operators & ISPs, so simply call our 24-hour Contact Center @ 8957272 & get enrolled
for these companies. For all the remaining partners, you will have to fill-out the Auto BillsPay
Form and return it to any of our Branches with a copy of the monthly usage bill/Membership
ID/Premium Slip..

Q From when the enrollment will be effective in my account?

A It will be effective from next month’s billing date of the subscriber if it is dropped at our branches
or Contact Center on or before 20th of the month with complete documentation & information.
The Bank will also inform the customer once he/she is successfully enrolled into Auto BillsPay
for the selected partner.

Q What charges are applicable for Auto BillsPay service?

A Currently these services are ‘free of charge’.

Q Can I choose either Credit Card or Account for Auto BillsPay?

A Yes! You can also choose to pay multiple bills from the same Credit Card or Account.

Q Since there are no payment receipts, what will be the ‘proof of payment’?
A Your monthly Credit Card or Account Statement will work as the proof of your bill payment.

Q In case there is insufficient limit or balance in my Credit Card or Account, how will the
payment be settled?
A In case there is insufficient limit or balance in your Credit Card or Account, the bill will not be
paid. You are advised to contact the utility company directly for settlement in such cases.

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