Power Range kVA: Super Silent

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Power range 10-3000 kVA
Super Silent

Power generators 1500-1800 RPM - 50/60Hz - 400-230 V/480-277 V

Super sound-attenuated Generating sets designed

enclosures to offer the best quality,
durability and low noise level
Suitable for any type
of industry and use The generators of the SS series
offer a wide range of power
Custom-tailoring with a
and engine brands
wide range of accessories

Power range 10-3000 kVA
Power generators 1500-1800 RPM - 50/60Hz - 400-230 V/480-277 V

EU regulations

Super Soundproofed generators Safe for the operator and Fully customizable to
for residential areas easy to maintain fit all needs

Thanks to a sturdy metal All operations, such as use, Thanks to the wide range
structure, they guarantee commissioning and of accessories we can configure
reliable handling. maintenance are carried out the generator to be perfectly
They are built with elements in complete safety, thanks to suitable for your needs.
of ultimate technology, which all the specifically designed
allow to reduce the noise devices.
generated from the engine.
Engine and Alternator Brands

Electric power supply Applications
ELCOS Super Silent Gen Sets is These generators can be used in a variety
a versatile range built to cover of applications, such as:
the widest application field and
customizable to any needs.
-Data Centers
They offer the maximum level -Hotels
of performance in the event -Residential areas
of a sudden power failure. -Hospitals
These Gen Sets grant a reliable -Malls
power supply.
-Livestocks Farms
The Super Silent range
-Recreation centers
covers the reference power
from 10 to 3000 kVA, -Military applications
equipped with premium -Telecommunications
engines and alternators brand. -Oil & Gas

Power range 10-3000 kVA
Power generators 1500-1800 RPM - 50/60Hz - 400-230 V/480-277 V

Pitched roof
to avoid rainwater collection

Super soundproofed Canopy

Built to be used in extreme environments
Soundproofed with durable class 1
rated rot-proof polyester fiber

Wiring Engine heater Automatic stop Tank inspection hatch Anti-vibration pads
excellent degree of for easier cranking system to inspect the tank during attenuate the vibrations
resistance with plug-in in cold environment due to lack of fuel maintenance caused by the unit
4 connectors
Tank filler Lifting hook Galvanized metal Battery compartment
with wide dimensions robust and useful sheet to increase externally accessible
for easy refuelling for easy handling strength and durability for easy maintenance

Wide opening doors

for easy maintenance

External oil Residential muffler

drain point -35 dBA
allow to change oil for enhance sound
easily attenuation

Alternator with Exhaust terminal

switch on board for pipe with tilting cap
a comfortable and safe rain cover

Anti-turning forklift tunnels

for safe handling Air intake louvres Heat and rotating
guarantee suitable part guards
ventilation in all to prevent injuries
conditions to the user

Exhaust pipes Bunded base Cable output Inspection doors Snap handles with
with exhaust heat wrap enviromental friendly - on the side or below with double frame key lock
for high-performance to contain the liquids in the GS with rubber and airtight gasket to offer maximum
and security the event of a spill protection security and protection 5
Power range 10-3000 kVA

MC4# evo QPA

Applications Applications
w Auto-production (island) w Auto-production (island)
w Construction site w Redundancy
w Rental w Rental
w Emergency to the mains w Load request

Variant +011 Variant +014

Without integrated switching With integrated motorized switch
With this variant the SWITCHING is externally This variant allows the GS to be synchronized in parallel with
managed through separate ATS panels (optional). each other, to have power supply management, load
management, redundancy, load request.
It monitors the GS managing measurements and alarms, it starts
Variant +010 and stops it depending on the system parameters.
With integrated switching
With this variant the SWITCHING is INTEGRATED and connected
on board in order to have a unique and complete emergency è Engine measures l MAN mode button
power system. l OFF mode button
l Fuel tank level %
l Reset alarm button
l Engine oil pressure BAR
l Alarm mute button
l Engine Coolant temperature °C
è Controls è Signals/Protections l Total run timePartial run time
l Transfer to Mains button
l Manual start up and stop l Failed to start l Transfer to generator button
l Hours to maintenance
l Automatic start up and stop from AMF l Failed to stop l Battery voltage
l Start up and stop through contact l Low oil level* l Battery charging voltage
l Fuel pump control l Low oil pressure è Visualizations
l Start-ups counter l Pre-alarmsAlarms
l Lock l Reset l Minimum oil pressure (pre-alarm) l Engine speed
l Programmable automatic test l Low cooling liquid level l Engine measures
l Engine Oil temperature l Alternator measures
l Emergency stop button l Very high cooling liquid level l Cooler temperature
l Main counter command closed l High temperature (pre-alarm) l Mains measures
l Engine oil level l Date and time
l G.s. counter command closed l Generator battery charger l Engine coolant level
l No fuel l Operating mode
l Engine coolant pressure
è Engine Measures l Low fuel level (pre-alarm) l Turbo pressure
l Genset status
l Engine RPM* l Start up l Mains status
l Fuel Consumption l Mains contactor status
l Engine oil pressure BAR l Stop
l Engine oil temperature* l Fuel pump running l Genset contactor status
l Digital Input and Output status
l Engine oil level* l Battery connected è Misure alternatore
l Cooling system pressure* l Battery charging l Generator Voltage L1, L2, L3 è Functions
l Cooling system temperature°C l Battery undervoltage l Generator Voltage L1-N, L2-N, L3-N l Automatic start and stop when the
l Coolant level % l Battery overvoltage l Generator frequency Mains Fails
l Fuel consumption* l Genset overvoltage l Generator current L1 l Remote Start and Stop
l Fuel level % l Genset undervoltage l Generator current L1, L2, L3 l Manual Start and stop
l Total operating hours l Genset overload l Generator Apparent Power kVA l Emergency stop button on panel
l Partial operating hours (resettable) l Genset short circuit l Generator Active Power kW board
l Hours to maintenance l Genset maximum frequency l Generator Reactive Power kVAR l Remote emergency stop
l Battery charger voltage l Genset minimum frequency l Generator accumulated power kWh l MODBUS commands (Start, Stop,
l Start up counter l Genset connected l Power factor Cosfi Reset, Test)
l Genset contactor closed l Scada available with PC connected to
è Communication Interfaces l Circuit breaker protection è Misure di rete the controller
l CAN-BUS communication l Mains connected l Mains voltage L1, L2, L3 l PLC editor
l USB port for saving parameters l Mains overvoltage l Mains voltage L1-N, L2-N, L3-N l Manual switching commands
and firmware updates l Mains undervoltage l Mains frequency
l RS485 serial output l Mains contactor closed
l Emergency button pressed
è Equipment è Porte di comunicazione
l Microprocessor logic l Can-bus port
l Backlit refractive display l RS485 port with Mod-bus RTU
l 16-event alarm history list communication
l Multi-language management l Configurable via PC using USB port
l Troubleshooting with suggestions
è Equipment
è Alternator Measures l Microprocessor Logic
l Back-lit display
l Genset voltage three-phase
l Programmable by PC software
l Genset star voltage RN.SN.TN.
l 250 event log
l Genset three-phase current
l Multiple display languages
l Genset frequency
l STOP -START button
l Genset apparent power KVA
l AUT mode button
l Genset actual power KW
l Genset reactive power KWr
l Genset KWh
l Genset power factor cosfì
è Main Measures
l Mains voltage RST
l Mains frequency

6 www.elcos.net
Panel on board

mc2 Amf
Applications 1
w Emergency to the mains 2

w Auto-production (island)
w Construction site
w Rental
I /0 I /0

Variant +011 Variant +012

Without integrated switching Manual panel with sockets
With this variant the SWITCHING is externally managed With this variant, the GS is controlled manually by
through separate ATS panels (optional). the operator and it enables the view of the parameters.

Variant +010
With integrated switching Sockets with magneto-thermal differential protection 0.3A
With this variant the SWITCHING is INTEGRATED and
connected on board in order to have a unique and complete
emergency power system.

è Engine measures l Genset short circuit

l Genset overvoltage
l Fuel tank level %
l Genset undervoltage
l Engine oil pressure BAR
l Genset high frequency
l Engine Coolant temperature °C
l Genset low frequency overspeed
l Total run timeBattery voltage
l Earth fault (alarm)
l Start-ups counter
l Maintenance request
l Engine speed 10 -15 n.1 CE 2P+T 16A 230V / n.1 CE 3P+T 16A 400V / n.1 CE
l Emergency button pressed
è Alternator measures l Remote emergency active kVA 3P+N+T 16A 400V
l Genset negative phase sequence
l Generator Voltage L1, L2, L3 20 n.1 CE 2P+T 16A 230V / n.1 CE 3P+T 16A 400V / n.1 CE
l Generator Voltage L1-N, L2-N, L3-N è Visualizations kVA 3P+N+T 32A 400V
l Generator frequency
l Pre-alarms
l Generator current L1, L2, L3 25-40 n.1 CE 2P+T 16A 230V / n.1 CE 3P+T 16A 400V / n.1 CE
l Alarms
l Generator Apparent Power kVA kVA
l Engine measures 3P+N+T 32A 400V / n.1 CE 3P+N+T 63A 400V
l Generator Active Power kW
l Alternator measures
n.1 CE 2P+T 16A 230V / n.1 CE 3P+T 16A 400V / n.1 CE
è Communication ports l Operating mode
l Genset status 3P+N+T 32A 400V / n.1 CE 3P+N+T 63A 400V
l Can-bus port kVA
l Genset contactor status Total power terminals (no differential)
l RS485 port with Mod-bus RTU
l Glow plugs status
l USB port for parameters saving and è Functions
firmware update
l Remote Start and Stop è Commands è Equipment
è Equipment l Manual Start and stop l Manual start and stop l Digital voltmeter
l Emergency stop button on panel l Emergency stop button l Digital frequency
l Microprocessor Logic
board l Digital ammeter
l Back-lit display è Measures engine l Digital Kilovoltammeter
l Remote emergency stop
l Programmable from display l Fuel tank level
l Remote test on load l Digital Battery voltage
l 16 event log l Total workinghours
l Scheduled start-ups l Digital fuel level
l Icons management l Battery voltage
l MODBUS commands (Start, Stop, l Analog hour meter
l STOP button
l START button
Reset, Test) è Measures alternator l Ignition key
l GS Voltage R-S l Connector Remote Control
l TEST button
l GS Current on phase R l Emergency stop button
l Reset alarm button
l Alarm mute button l Generator Frequency Hz
l Apparent Power generator KVA
è Pre-Allarms/Allarms è Connector Remote Control
l Common Alarm For connecting:
l Fuel reserve (pre-alarm) l Radio control Elcos (optional)
l Low fuel level (alarm) l Control with Elcos-Cable to start and stop
l Charge alternator failed (dinamo) the genset from distance (optional)
l Low oil pressure (alarm)
l Oil sensor failed (alarm) è Signals / Protectors
l High coolant temperature (alarm) l Low oil pressure
l Low water level l High coolant temperature
l Water in fuel l Fault dynamo batterycharger
l Battery undervoltage l Fuel reserve (G.S. stops after 5min.)
l Battery overvoltage l Generic Fault
l GS failure to start l IP 55
l GS failure to stop
l Can-bus Failure
l No Can-bus communication
l Genset overload L1, L2, L3 phases

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Power Generators 10 - 40 kVA
1500/1800 RPM DIESEL
50 /60 HZ 400-230 V - 480-277 V

SPEED dBA switch


10 kVA
GE.PK.011/010.SS 10 - 9 - Perkins 403A-11G1 W50° Stage 0 M 175x90x140 650 110 48 58 16

GE.YAS5.011/010.SS 11 10 10 9 Yanmar 3TNV80F W50° Stage 5 M 175x90x140 581 110 62 58 16

15 kVA
GE.BD.017/015.SS 17 25 15 23 Baudouin 4M06G20/5 W50° Stage 0 M 175x90x140 763 110 30 58 20

GE.PK.017/015.SS 17 19 15 17 Perkins 403A-15G2 W50° Stage 0 M 175x90x140 667 110 36 58 20

GE.YAS5.017/015.SS 17 17 15 15 Yanmar 3TNV88F W50° Stage 5 M 175x90x140 630 110 43 58 20

20 kVA
GE.BD.022/020.SS 21 32 20 29 Baudouin 4M06G25/5 W50° Stage 0 E 175x90x140 782 110 25 60 32

GE.PK.022/020.SS 22 26,5 20 25 Perkins 404A-22G1 W50° Stage 0 M 175x90x140 737 110 28 60 32

GE.PKS5.021/020.SS 21 27 20 24 Perkins 404J-22G W50° Stage 5 M 175x90x140 737 110 28 60 32

GE.YAS5.022/020.SS 22 - 20 - Yanmar 4TNV88-BIECS W50° Stage 5 M 175x90x140 667 110 28 59 32

25 kVA
GE.CU.030/027.SS 27,5 - 25 - Cummins X2.5G2 W50° Stage 0 M 190x90x150 853 110 23 63 40

30 kVA
GE.AI.033/030.SS 33 37 30 33 FPT S 8000 AM W50° Stage 0 M 190x90x150 993 110 21 64 50

GE.BD.035/032.SS 35 42 32 38 Baudouin 4M06G35/5 W50° Stage 0 E 190x90x150 913 110 21 63 50

GE.DWS5.032/030.SS 32 41 30 37 Doosan D18 W50° Stage 5 E 190x90x150 858 110 20 64 50

GE.PK.034/031.SS 33 38 30 35 Perkins 1103A-33G W50° Stage 0 M 190x90x150 1036 110 20 64 50

GE.YA.037/033.SS 37 38 33 35 Yanmar 4TNV98 W50° Stage 3A M 190x90x150 875 110 22 63 50

GE.YAS5.037/033.SS 37 - 33 - Yanmar 4TNV98C-IYE W50° Stage 5 E 190x90x150 926 110 - 63 50

40 kVA
GE.BD.044/040.SS 44 51 40 47 Baudouin 4M06G44/5 W50° Stage 0 E 190x90x150 939 110 17 65 63

GE.YA.047/044.SS 47 55 44 50 Yanmar 4TNV98T W50° Stage 2 M 190x90x150 911 110 16 63 63

GE.YA3A.047/044.SS 47 - 44 - Yanmar 4TNV98T ZGECS W50° Stage 3A E 190x90x150 928 110 16 63 63

GE.YAS5.044/040.SS 44 - 40 - Yanmar 4TNV98CT-IYE W50° Stage 5 E 190x90x150 952 110 - 63 63

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Power Generators 50 - 100 kVA
1500/1800 RPM DIESEL
50 /60 HZ 400-230 V - 480-277 V

SPEED dBA switch


50 kVA
GE.AI.056/051.SS 55 - 50 - FPT N45AM2 W50° Stage 0 M 220x110x165 1182 250 27 65 80

GE.BD.055/050.SS 55 63 50 56 Baudouin 4M06G55/5 W50° Stage 0 E 220x110x165 1048 250 29 65 80

GE.DWS5.052/050.SS 52 56 50 52 Doosan D24 W50° Stage 5 E 220x110x165 1026 250 30 65 80

GE.PK.051/046.SS 50 60 45 54 Perkins 1103A-33TG1 W50° Stage 0 M 220x110x165 1253 250 31 65 63

60 kVA
GE.AI.066/060.SS 66 73 60 66 FPT N45SM1A  W50° Stage 2 M 220x110x165 1278 250 26 65 100

GE.AI3A.066/060.SS 66 - 60 - FPT N45SM1F W50° Stage 3A M 220x110x165 1278 250 20 65 100

GE.AIS5.061/060.SS 60 - 60 - FPT F34TEVP01.00 W50° Stage 5 E 260x110x168 1270 250 23 65 100

GE.BD.065/060.SS 66 - 60 - Baudouin 4M11G70/5 W50° Stage 0 E 260x110x168 1462 250 23 67 100

GE.PK.067/061.SS 66 75 60 69 Perkins 1103A-33TG2 W50° Stage 0 M 220x110x165 1299 250 25 65 100

80 kVA
GE.AI.090/080.SS 90 99 80 90 FPT N45SM3 W50° Stage 0 M 260x110x168 1453 250 17 67 125

GE.AI3A.088/080.SS 88 - 80 - FPT N45TE1F W50° Stage 3A E 260x110x168 1503 250 16 66 125

GE.AIS5.090/085.SS 90 - 85,7 - FPT F36ETVP03.A85 W50° Stage 5 E 260x110x168 1433 250 20 66 125

GE.BD.090/082.SS 90 103 82 94 Baudouin 4M11G90/5 W50° Stage 0 E 260x110x168 1605 250 19 67 125

GE.DWS5.085/075.SS 85 100 75 90 Doosan D34 W50° Stage 5 E 260x110x168 1541 250 18 67 125

GE.PK.088/080.SS 88 100 80 90 Perkins 1104A-44TG2 W50° Stage 0 M 260x110x168 1527 250 18 66 125

GE.PK3A.088/080.SS 88 100 80 91 Perkins 1104D-E44TAG1 W50° Stage 3A E 260x110x168 1531 250 15 65 125

GE.VO.094/085.SS 95 97 85 86 Volvo TAD 530 GE W50° Stage 2 M 260x110x168 1569 250 20 66 125

100 kVA
GE.AI.110/100.SS 110 120 100 110 FPT N45TM2A  W50° Stage 2 M 260x110x168 1526 250 16 67 160

GE.AI3A.110/100.SS 110 - 100 - FPT N45TE2P W50° Stage 3A E 260x110x168 1526 250 14 67 160

GE.AIS5.110/100.SS 110 - 100 - FPT F36ETVP03.A94 W50° Stage 5 E 260x110x168 1456 250 15 67 160

GE.BD.110/100.SS 110 132 100 120 Baudouin 4M11G120/5 W50° Stage 0 E 260x110x168 1672 250 15 67 160

GE.PK.110/100.SS 110 125 100 112 Perkins 1104C-44TAG2 W50° Stage 2 E 260x110x168 1561 250 15 67 160

GE.PK3A.110/100.SS 110 125 100 114 Perkins 1104D-E44TAG2 W50° Stage 3A E 260x110x168 1561 250 13 67 160

GE.VO.110/100.SS 110 115 100 103 Volvo TAD 531 GE W50° Stage 2 M 260x110x168 1592 250 16 65 160

GE.VO3A.110/100.SS 110 - 100 - Volvo TAD 551 GE W50° Stage 3A E 260x110x168 1679 250 14 65 160

www.elcos.net 9
Power Generators 130 - 250 kVA
1500/1800 RPM DIESEL
50 /60 HZ 400-230 V - 480-277 V

SPEED dBA switch


130 kVA
GE.AI.131/120.SS 135 140 120 130 FPT  N45TM3 W50° Stage 0 M 340x120x195 2067 400 19 66 250

GE.AI3A.140/130.SS 144 - 130 - FPT  N67TM1F W50° Stage 3A M 340x120x195 2244 400 16 66 250

GE.BD.150/135.SS 150 170 135 150 Baudouin 6M11G150/5 W50° Stage 0 E 340x120x195 2273 400 18 67 250

GE.PK.151/137.SS 150 169 135 152 Perkins 1106A-70TG1 W50° Stage 0 M 340x120x195 2290 400 18 67 250

GE.VO.150/135.SS 144 151 130 135 Volvo TAD 532 GE W50° Stage 2 E 340x120x195 2233 400 20 66 250

GE.VO3A.150/135.SS 144 151 130 135 Volvo TAD 750 GE W50° Stage 3A E 340x120x195 2563 400 18 67 250

150 kVA
GE.AI.176/165.SS 176 187 165 170 FPT  N67TM4  W50° Stage 0 M 340x120x195 2262 400 14 68 250

GE.AI3A.165/150.SS 165 - 150 - FPT N67TE1F W50° Stage 3A E 340x120x195 2282 400 15 68 250

GE.AIS5.165/155.SS 165 - 155 - FPT N67TEVP06.00 W50° Stage 5 E 380x120x215 2341 400 17 68 250

GE.BD.165/150.SS 165 200 150 181 Baudouin 6M11G165/5 W50° Stage 0 E 340x120x195 2311 400 15 68 250

GE.DW.170/150.SS 170 200 150 185 Doosan DP086TA W43° Stage 0 E 340x120x195 2460 400 16 68 250

GE.PK.166/150.SS 165 188 150 168 Perkins 1106A-70TAG2 W50° Stage 0 M 340x120x195 2391 400 17 67 250

GE.VO.165/150.SS 165 172 150 155 Volvo TAD 731 GE W50° Stage 2 M 340x120x195 2394 400 16 67 250

GE.VO3A.165/150.SS 165 172 150 155 Volvo TAD 751 GE W50° Stage 3A E 340x120x195 2601 400 15 67 250

180 kVA
GE.AI3A.190/170.SS 190 - 170 - FPT N67TE2F W50° Stage 3A E 380x120x215 2388 400 13 68 250

GE.VO.205/185.SS 205 227 185 203 Volvo TAD 732 GE W50° Stage 2 E 380x120x215 2596 400 14 68 320

200 kVA
GE.AI.221/201.SS 220 234 200 210 FPT N67TM7 W50° Stage 0 M 380x120x215 2458 400 11 68 320

GE.AI3A.220/200.SS 220 - 200 - FPT N67TE3F W50° Stage 3A E 380x120x215 2458 400 10 68 320

GE.AIS5.220/200.SS 224 - 200 - FPT N67TEVP05.00 W50° Stage 5 E 380x120x215 2442 400 13 68 320

GE.BD.220/200.SS 220 250 200 225 Baudouin 6M16G220/5 W50° Stage 0 E 380x120x215 2910 400 13 68 320

GE.DW.220/200.SS 225 250 200 230 Doosan P086TI W43° Stage 2 E 380x120x215 2696 400 13 68 320

GE.PK.220/200.SS 220 - 200 - Perkins 1106A-70TAG4 W50° Stage 0 E 380x120x215 2587 400 12 68 320

GE.VO.225/205.SS 225 252 205 226 Volvo TAD 733 GE W50° Stage 2 E 380x120x215 2757 400 13 68 320

GE.VO3A.225/205.SS 220 252 200 226 Volvo TAD 753 GE W50° Stage 3A E 380x120x215 2811 400 12 68 320

250 kVA
GE.AI.275/250.SS 275 290 250 260 FPT N67TE8P W50° Stage 0 E 380x120x215 2588 400 11 69 400

GE.AI3A.275/250.SS 275 - 250 - FPT C87TE3F W50° Stage 3A E 410x150x230 3388 600 11 68 400

GE.BD.275/250.SS 275 313 250 284 Baudouin 6M16G275/5 W50° Stage 0 E 380x120x215 3011 400 10 68 400

GE.DW.250/230.SS 250 285 230 250 Doosan DP086LA W43° Stage 2 E 380x120x215 2797 400 11 69 400

GE.PK.275/250.SS 275 250 250 225 Perkins 1206A-E70TTAG3 W50° Stage 0 E 380x120x215 2705 400 10 68 400

GE.SCS5.275/250.SS 275 - 250 - Scania DC09 320A 02-61 W50° Stage 5 E 410x150x230 3360 600 16 68 400

GE.VO.275/250.SS 275 287 250 255 Volvo TAD 734 GE W50° Stage 2 E 380x120x215 2848 400 10 68 400

GE.VO3A.275/250.SS 275 287 250 255 Volvo TAD 754 GE W50° Stage 3A E 380x120x215 2912 400 10 68 400

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Power Generators 275 - 400 kVA
1500/1800 RPM DIESEL
50 /60 HZ 400-230 V - 480-277 V

SPEED dBA switch


275 kVA
GE.DW.300/275.SS 300 335 275 300 Doosan P126TI W43° Stage 2 E 410x150x230 3449 600 14 70 400

300 kVA
GE.AI.332/305.SS 332 363 305 330 FPT C87TE4 W50° Stage 0 E 410x150x230 3581 600 12 69 630

GE.AI3A.335/300.SS 335 - 300 - FPT C87TE4F W50° Stage 3A E 410x150x230 3586 600 11 69 630

GE.BD.340/310.SS 350 385 320 350 Baudouin 6M16G350/5 W50° Stage 0 E 410x150x230 3555 600 12 70 630

GE.DW.340/310.SS 340 390 310 345 Doosan P126TI-II W43° Stage 0 E 410x150x230 3449 600 13 69 630

GE.PK.335/300.SS 335 389 300 352 Perkins 1506A-E88TAG5 W50° Stage 0 E 410x150x230 3662 600 13 69 630

GE.SC.335/304.SS 350 360 320 340 Scania DC09 072A 02 13 W50° Stage 0 E 410x150x230 3628 600 13 67 630

GE.SCS5.330/300.SS 330 - 300 - Scania DC09 320A 02-63 W50° Stage 5 E 410x150x230 3828 600 13 67 630

GE.VO.320/300.SS 320 360 300 320 Volvo TAD 842 GE W50° Stage 2 E 380x120x215 2105 400 10 67 630

GE.VO.360/325.SS 350 360 320 340 Volvo TAD 1341 GE W50° Stage 2 E 410x150x230 4155 600 14 67 630

GE.VO3A.360/325.SS 360 375 325 340 Volvo TAD 1351 GE W50° Stage 3A E 410x150x230 4155 600 12 67 630

350 kVA
GE.AI.385/350.SS 385 418 350 380 FPT C13TE2A  W50° Stage 2 E 410x150x230 3811 600 11 69 630

GE.AI3A.385/350.SS 385 - 350 - FPT C13TE1F  W50° Stage 3A E 410x150x230 3859 600 9 69 630

GE.BD.385/350.SS 385 413 350 375 Baudouin 6M21G385/5 W50° Stage 0 E 410x150x230 3766 600 10 70 630

GE.DW.400/365.SS 405 445 365 400 Doosan DP126LB W43° Stage 0 E 410x150x230 3632 600 11 70 630

GE.PK.400/350.SS 400 440 350 400 Perkins 2206A-E13TAG2 W50° Stage 0 E 410x150x230 4098 600 12 69 630

GE.SCS5.385/350.SS 385 - 350 - Scania DC13 320A 02-61 W50° Stage 5 E 410x150x230 4212 600 12 68 630

GE.VO.375/350.SS 375 438 350 401 Volvo TAD 1342 GE W50° Stage 2 E 410x150x230 4155 600 12 68 630

GE.VO3A.375/350.SS 400 438 364 401 Volvo TAD 1352 GE W50° Stage 3A E 410x150x230 4130 600 11 68 630

375 kVA
GE.SC.410/375.SS 410 451 375 410 Scania DC13 072A 02 11 W50° Stage 0 E 410x150x230 4049 600 12 68 630

GE.VO.410/375.SS 410 451 375 410 Volvo TAD 1343 GE W50° Stage 2 E 410x150x230 4291 600 11 68 630

400 kVA
GE.AI.440/400.SS 440 462 400 420 FPT C13TE3A W50° Stage 2 E 410x150x230 3995 600 9 69 630

GE.AI3A.440/400.SS 440 400 FPT C13TE2F W50° Stage 3A E 410x150x230 3995 600 8 69 630

GE.BD.440/400.SS 440 488 400 438 Baudouin 6M21G440/5 W50° Stage 0 E 410x150x230 3956 600 10 69 630

GE.DW.460/420.SS 470 510 410 445 Doosan P158 LE W43° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 4801 1150 18 71 630

GE.PK.450/400.SS 450 438 400 400 Perkins 2206A-E13TAG3 W50° Stage 0 E 415x150x230 4244 600 10 69 630

GE.SC.456/413.SS 450 501 410 456 Scania DC13 072A 02 12 W50° Stage 0 E 410x150x230 4106 600 11 68 630

GE.SC3A.440/400.SS 440 - 400 - Scania DC13 071A 02 02 W50° Stage 3A E 470x180x250 4541 1150 18 72 630

GE.SCS5.440/400.SS 440 - 400 - Scania DC13 320A 02-62 W50° Stage 5 E 410x150x230 4356 600 11 68 630

GE.VO.450/410.SS 450 501 410 456 Volvo TAD 1344 GE W50° Stage 2 E 410x150x230 4291 600 10 68 630

GE.VO3A.450/410.SS 440 437 400 397 Volvo TAD 1355 GE W50° Stage 3A E 410x150x230 4266 600 10 68 630

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Power Generators 450 - 700 kVA
1500/1800 RPM DIESEL
50 /60 HZ 400-230 V - 480-277 V

at 75%
SPEED dBA switch


450 kVA
GE.AI.500/450.SS 500 550 450 475 FPT C13TE6W W50° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 4967 1150 16 71 800

GE.BD.500/450.SS 500 500 450 455 Baudouin 6M21G500/5 W50° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 4841 1150 17 72 800

GE.DW.500/460.SS 510 570 450 520 Doosan DP158 LCF W43° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 5236 1150 16 72 800

GE.PK.500/450.SS 500 550 455 500 Perkins 2506A-E15TAG1 W50° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 5365 1150 16 70 800

GE.SC.503/456.SS 503 553 450 503 Scania DC13 072A 02 13 W50° Stage 0 E 410x150x230 4176 600 10 71 800

GE.SCS5.500/450.SS 495 - 450 - Scania DC13 320A 02-63 W50° Stage 5 E 470x180x250 5171 1150 20 70 800

GE.VO.500/450.SS 500 501 450 456 Volvo TAD 1345 GE W50° Stage 2 E 430x150x230 4351 600 9 71 800

GE.VO3A.510/460.SS 500 564 455 506 Volvo TAD 1650 GE W50° Stage 3A E 470x180x250 5231 1150 15 70 800

500 kVA
GE.AI.550/500.SS 550 605 500 550 FPT C13TE7W W50° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 5040 1150 15 70 800

GE.BD.550/500.SS 550 563 500 500 Baudouin 6M21G550/5 W50° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 4890 1150 15 72 800

GE.DW.580/520.SS 580 630 530 568 Doosan DP158 LDF W43° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 5439 1150 14 72 800

GE.PK.550/500.SS 550 563 500 513 Perkins 2506A-E15TAG2 W50° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 5306 1150 16 72 800

GE.SC.553/503.SS 553 553 503 503 Scania DC13 072A 02 14 W50° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 5134 1150 17 70 800

GE.SCS5.550/500.SS 550 - 500 - Scania DC16 320A 02-62 W50° Stage 5 E 470x180x250 5384 1150 17 70 800

GE.VO.550/500.SS 550 645 500 573 Volvo TAD 1641 GE W50° Stage 2 E 470x180x250 5302 1150 16 70 800

GE.VO3A.550/500.SS 550 645 500 573 Volvo TAD 1651 GE W50° Stage 3A E 470x180x250 5304 1150 15 70 800

550 kVA
GE.DW.625/560.SS 605 670 550 610 Doosan DP180LAF W43° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 5558 1150 13 72 800

GE.SC.613/555.SS 613 607 555 550 Scania DC16 093A 02 52 W50° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 5489 1150 15 70 800

600 kVA
GE.AI.620/600.SS 660 685 600 620 FPT C16TE1W W50° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 5410 1150 13 72 1000

GE.BD.660/600.SS 660 719 600 650 Baudouin 8M21G660/5 W50° Stage 0 E 485x180x250 5836 1150 15 72 1000

GE.DW.710/640.SS 710 748 640 678 Doosan DP180LBF W43° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 5850 1150 12 72 1000

GE.PK.660/600.SS 660 680 600 625 Perkins 2806A-E18TAG1A W50° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 6006 1150 13 72 1000

GE.SC.670/610.SS 670 690 610 630 Scania DC16 093A 02 54 W50° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 5639 1150 14 70 1000

GE.VO.650/596.SS 650 690 596 625 Volvo TAD 1642 GE W50° Stage 2 E 470x180x250 5582 1150 14 70 1000

630 kVA
GE.VO.700/630.SS 700 761 630 685 Volvo TWD 1643 GE W50° Stage 2 E 470x180x250 6318 1150 13 70 1000

650 kVA
GE.BD.715/650.SS 715 750 650 688 Baudouin 6M33G715/5 W50° Stage 0 E 485x180x250 6814 1150 12 72 1000

GE.DW.760/680.SS 750 - 680 - Doosan DP222LBF W43° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 6049 1150 11 72 1000

GE.PK.715/650.SS 715 687 650 625 Perkins 2806A-E18TAG2 W50° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 6148 1150 12 71 1000

GE.SC.700/640.SS 700 725 640 660 Scania DC16 093A 02 54 W50° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 5881 1150 13 72 1000

GE.VO.715/650.SS 715 - 650 - Volvo TWD 1644 GE W50° Stage 2 E 470x180x250 6416 1150 12 72 1000

700 kVA
GE.SC.770/700.SS 770 770 700 700 Scania DC16 078A 02 43 W50° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 5881 1150 12 74 1250

GE.VO.770/700.SS 770 800 700 727 Volvo TWD 1645 GE W50° Stage 2 E 470x180x250 6473 1150 11 74 1250

12 www.elcos.net
Power Generators 750 - 1100 kVA
1500/1800 RPM DIESEL
50 /60 HZ 400-230 V - 480-277 V

SPEED dBA switch


750 kVA
GE.BD.825/750.SS 825 825 750 750 Baudouin 6M33G825/5 W50° Stage 0 E 485x180x250 6856 1150 11 74 1250

GE.DW.825/750.SS 825 930 750 845 Doosan DP222 LCF W43° Stage 0 E 470x180x250 6049 1150 10 74 1250

800 kVA
GE.BD.900/810.SS 900 880 810 800 Baudouin 12M26G900/5 W50° Stage 0 E 570x225x262 9132 900 7 73 1250

GE.PK.880/800.SS 880 940 800 845 Perkins 4006-23TAG3A W40° Stage 0 E 570x225x262 8344 900 7 73 1250

900 kVA
GE.BD.1000/900.SS 1000 1125 910 1000 Baudouin 12M26G1000/5 W50° Stage 0 E 570x225x262 9138 900 7 75 1600

1000 kVA
GE.BD.1120/1020.SS 1120 1250 1020 1138 Baudouin 12M26G1100/5 W50° Stage 0 E 570x225x262 9335 900 6 76 1600

GE.PK.1130/1000.SS 1124 1125 1022 1000 Perkins 4008-TAG2A W40° Stage 0 E 650x240x282 10866 1000 7 76 1600

1100 kVA
GE.BD.1250/1125.SS 1250 - 1125 - Baudouin 12M33G1250/5 W50° Stage 0 E 650x240x282 11442 1000 6 76 2000

GE.PK.1250/1125.SS 1250 - 1125 - Perkins 4008 30TAG3 W50° Stage 0 E 650x240x282 12184 1000 6 76 2000

www.elcos.net 13
Power Generators 1250 - 3000 kVA
1500/1800 RPM DIESEL
50 /60 HZ 400-230 V - 480-277 V

SPEED dBA switch


1250 kVA
GE.BD.1400/1250.SS 1400 - 1250 - Baudouin 12M33G1400/5 W50° Stage 0 E 720x240x310 12837 1000 6 - 2000

GE.PK.1380/1250.SS 1378 1378 1253 1253 Perkins 4012-46TWG2A W40° Stage 0 E 720x240x310 13752 1000 6 - 2000

1400 kVA
GE.PK.1500/1370.SS 1500 - 1364 - Perkins 4012-46TWG3A W40° Stage 0 E 720x240x310 13874 1000 5 - 2000

1500 kVA
GE.BD.1700/1500.SS 1700 - 1500 - Baudouin 16M33G1700/5 W50° Stage 0 E 800x245x310 15259 1000 5 - 2500

GE.PK.1660/1500.SS 1656 1656 1505 1505 Perkins 4012-46TAG2A W40° Stage 0 E 800x245x310 14784 1000 5 - 2500

1700 kVA
GE.BD.1900/1750.SS 1900 - 1750 - Baudouin 16M33G1900/5 W50° Stage 0 E 800x245x310 15797 1000 4 - 3200

GE.PK.1880/1700.SS 1876 1880 1705 1710 Perkins 4012-46TAG3A W40° Stage 0 E 800x245x310 16495 1000 4 - 2500

1900 kVA
GE.BD.2000/1830.SS 2000 - 1830 - Baudouin 16M33G2000/5 W50° Stage 0 E 940x245x310 17402 1000 0 - 3200

GE.PK.2030/1850.SS 2028 - 1844 - Perkins 4016-61TRG1 W50° Stage 0 E 940x245x310 19083 1000 4 - 3200

2000 kVA
GE.BD.2300/2100.SS 2300 2500 2100 2280 Baudouin 12M55G2300/5 W50° Stage 0 E 940x245x310 22885 1000 4 - 3200

GE.PK.2265/2060.SS 2250 - 2000 - Perkins 4016-61TRG2 W40° Stage 0 E 940x245x310 19367 1000 3 - 3200

2300 kVA
GE.BD.2550/2280.SS 2550 - 2280 - Baudouin 12M55G2550/5 W50° Stage 0 E 940x245x310 23374 1000 4 - 4000

GE.PK.2500/2250.SS 2500 - 2250 - Perkins 4016-61TRG3 W40° Stage 0 E 940x245x310 20001 1000 3 - 4000

2500 kVA
GE.BD.2750/2550.SS 2750 - 2550 - Baudouin 12M55G2750/5 W50° Stage 0 E 1030x245x310 25822 1000 0 - 4000

14 www.elcos.net
Power range 10-3000 kVA

Heavy duty air filter
Fuel/water separator filter
Engine liquids -40 °C
Oil suction pump
Oil pressure level and engine temperature sensors
230 Vac engine pre-heater
Automatic oil refilling system

230 Vac anti-condensation heaters
RTD-PT100 probes on stator windings
PT100 probe on bearings
Temperature control unit up to 4 PT100 probes

Redundant battery system
DC isolator
Maintenance free high efficiency starter batteries
24 Vdc NiCd starter batteries

Catalytic converter (CAT)
Particulate filter (DPF)
Spark arrestor

www.elcos.net 15
Power range 10-3000 kVA

Electrical System
16 alarm relay module
RS485 Converter LAN / USB
GSM remote management modem
Remote panel
Remote management software
WEB remote management system via LAN/GSM/GPRS with GPS
Start-stop radio control (500 mt. indoor / 5 km outdoor range)
Start and Stop module for load request for QPE, QLE
50Hz 400V / 60Hz 480V switch selector
Option with QBM DSE 7320 on board
Option with QBM ComAp AMF25 on board
Differential protection
Start-stop radio control (500 mt. indoor / 5 km outdoor range)
Auto start-stop at load request (QMC)
Option with ComAp controller on board
GCB accessible from the outside
Total output power with drawal
Up to 10 Module sockets for construction site

Fuel Supply
Oversized tank on board
Fuel connections with 3-way valve and quick connections
External refill point with warning light for full tank
Automatic fuel refilling system on board

16 www.elcos.net

IP 43 Conveyors
Double soundproofing
Frontal air expulsion
Custom colour casing paint
High resistance canopy treatment for corrosive environments
Stainless steel canopy option
Lift off doors kit
Tamper-proof Hinges and Doors
Fire detection and estinguishing kit
Internal LED lighting with micro-switches
Door opening alarm system

Off-road trailer with 2 pneumatic wheels and tow bar
Roadworthy trailer (80km/h)

Toolbox for routine maintenance
IP 55 document pocket
Separate Switching Panels - ATS
Separate Parallel Panels
Factory acceptance test (FAT)
Vibrations test
Phonometric test
Double wall tanks with feet, with pull-off valve
Single wall tank for outdoor use with bunded base and roof
External tanks and transfer systems
Automatic fuel refilling system with bunded base on trestle
Tanks with bunded base on trestle
www.elcos.net 17
Testing Rooms

Testing Room 1 from 5 to 1000 kW Certified for phonometric tests

LOW Voltage DC Voltage
TR1 50 Hz
400 - 380 - 230 V
48 VDC

60 Hz
480 - 240 - 208 - 220 - 277 V
Features of Testing Room N° 1
l 607 kW x 2 automatic test with 10 load steps
l 35 kW automatic test with 10 load steps
l 10 kW automatic test in DC with 10 load steps
l Full tests with 6 PT 100 probes, 3 thermal probes
l Air flow test with anemometer
l Vibrations test
l Phonometric test
l Data registration by MODBUS

Testing Room 2 from 250 to 4000 kW

LOW Voltage MEDIUM Voltage
TR2 50 Hz
400 - 380 - 230 V
50 Hz
3/3.3 - 6/6.3/6.6 -10/11 -15 kV
60 Hz 60 Hz
480 - 240 - 208 - 220 - 277 V 4 - 7.2/11.4 - 12.4/13 kV

Features of Testing Room N° 2

l 3000 kW automatic test with 20 load steps
l Multi-voltage transformer with MV cells
l Full tests with 6 PT 100 probes, 3 thermal probes
l Parallel test for up to 6 containers
l Air flow test with anemometer
l Vibrations test
l Phonometric test
l Data registration by MODBUS

18 www.elcos.net
About us


Elcos is located in Northern Italy,

in the province of Cremona. It has been
operating in the domestic and international
market for over forty-five years.

Elcos researches and develops products that use innovative

technologies in order to optimize its production efficiency and
performances provided by its systems, offering the user
(from 1 to 3150 kVA) a customized product.

Elcos is an independent group that designs and produces in Italy

power generation systems (emergency and self-production)
intended for the international market.ELCOS has promoted
an internal behavioural code based on customer satisfaction.

Product quality and customer satisfaction: the passions that guide us.
The R&D department is constantly studying the possibilities of
technological innovation to improve the products proposed, to
explore the possibilities of new products and to improve production
processes. Always focused on quality, ensuring conformity of the
product and the processes according to legislation, by respecting
environmental issues.

45 The R&D department implements existing systems and

looks forward to future opportunities that can meet the
Years of experience QAIC/IT/91790-A
needs of customers.

Other Elcos products

GE-RB ge-SS ge-bf ge-TLC GMV-BF nO BREAK

GDC-HS GDC-saps ge-echo ge-zip TF agriplus

www.elcos.net 19
Strada Statale 234 Km 58.250 -
26023 Grumello Cremonese CR - Italy
tel +39 0372 72330 - fax +39 0372 7233220
PI 01084730199
info@elcos.net - elcos@pec.elcos.net


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