Particleboard Compressed
Particleboard Compressed
Particleboard Compressed
• Fine sawdust ~ course pulp chips
1. Flakes (Serpih) 5. Granules
2. Shavings (Pasahan) 6. Slivers (Kerat)
3. Chips (Tatal) 7. Strands (Strand)
4. Fibres 8. Excelsior (Wol kayu)
Type of Particle Particleboard Industrial Development
1. Shaving a small wood particle of indefinite dimensions produced { PB is a relatively new products
when planing or jointing wood. Variable in thickness and F 1905 - 1937, patents to produce PB were released
often curled. F F 1940’s - 1950’s, plants were built in Europe and US, but without market
2. Flake a small, flat, thin particle of predetermined dimension F by 1960 PB was able to enter new market and industry grew rapidly
produced in specialized equipment. Uniform in thickness, Lack of equipment and the technology of manufacture were the main factors
with fiber orientation parallel to the faces. F responsible for the time lag of the realization of the PB industry.
3. Wafer similar to a flake in shape but larger. Usually over 0.020 in.
During 1970’s research and development about the PB was very fast. The
thick and over 1 in. long. It may have tapered ends. F
annual production rate of PB increased as much as 19% compare to only 8%
4. Chip a piece of wood chopped from a block by a large knife or for plywood.
hammer, as by a pulpwood chipper. Usually reduced to
smaller size before use. F They were widely used because the process enabled wood particles from
relatively useless small and/or low grade timber to be transformed into useful
5. Sawdust produced by a saw cut. F large wooden panels (Kubler 1980).
6. Strand a long flakes (± 30 mm). For production of oriented strand board (OSB) F
{ Different stimulation of PB developments in Europe and US:
7. Sliver nearly square cross section, with length at least four times the thickness.
[Europe] ─> stimulated by lumber shortage.
8. Excelsior (Wood wool) ® long, curly, slender particles. For production of cement board, and as cushioning in [US] ─> stimulate by large quantity of unused softwood residues
packages. F
Particleboard Classification Particleboard Classification
1. Number of layer or particle distribution between face & core
3. Uses or Resin type
homogenous PB
layered PB (3 or 5 layers) Interior PB àType 1 à Urea resin (UF) ® non-structural uses
graduated PB Exterior PB àType-2 à Phenol resin (PF) ® structural uses
A. Wood B. Adhesive
• Low density wood • Liquid adhesive usually used with solid content of 40-
• Wood waste (wood industry waste, harvesting waste) 65%
• Lesser use species, low quality wood, fast growing • Usually Thermosetting resins, thermoplastic resins
species sometimes used for specified type
• Lignocellulose materials (bagasse, bamboo, rice • Interior (UF/MF/MUF), Exterior (PF)
husks, straws, and other agricultural residues) • Amount of adhesive added depend up on strength of
• Bark wood (≤ 5%) board:
• More than 90% of the raw material is wood with Single layer : 6-10%
the recovery factor about 75-90%. Cost of wood Three layers: SL: 8 – 12 %; CL: 6 – 8%
raw materials is about 10-30% depending on the ≈ based on solid content
location of the industry • Hardwood > Softwood
F See illustrative
Manufacturing Step process Manufacturing Step
Raw material (round wood, shavings, chips, sawdust) is separated Forming is the process of depositing furnish into the form of a
Preparation Preparation
on the basis of its form, species and MC. mat.
of Particles of Particles
Roundwood: debarked à cut shorter à cut to particles
Solid wood à chipped à breakdown into particles. Using air as the conveying medium:
Blending Blending The particles are dropped into an air chamber above the
The particle is dried up to 2-5% MC.
cauls or belts and float down into their position.
The particles are screened to remove fine, dust like material F see Mat Former
Mat Forming (fines). Mat Forming
Fines : absorb more resin ® lowering strength Some former can orient the particles (mechanically or
contribute little to the core but weight electrostatically) to get a cross laminated construction as in
Pressing Blending is the process of adding the adhesive resin Pressing [Mechanical orientation] ® dropping long, slender
and wax to particles particles between thin parallel plates from which they
The amount of resin is 6 – 12% by weight and wax is are then dumped onto the caul.
Finishing about 1% by weight. Wax is added to provide some Finishing [Electrostatic orientation] ® dropping particles between
water repellency. charged plates, and the particles, align themselves with
the electrical field.
There are three categories of greener PB and MDF
available on the market:
Standard Requirement for Particleboard
No Properties Value Unit Note
Environmental Impact
• A portion of the trees cut for lumber and plywood production
become sawdust and trimmings that are used in PB and MDF. If
trees are harvested for direct use in these products, then the
impacts from growing and harvesting these trees must be
considered as part of the environmental profile of PB and MDF.
• The wood residues are either ground into particles (for PB) or
steam heated to break down the residues into fibers (for MDF),
then dried to lower moisture content. Many dryers are directly
heated by combustion of a portion of the wood residues; others
are heated by burning oil or natural gas.
• The type of resin used to bind the wood fibers
determines the type of air emissions released during
• Dryers release wood dust, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide,
nitrogen oxides, fly ash, volatile organic compounds—such as the pressing process; typically these emissions
terpenes, resin, and fatty acids— that evaporate from the include formaldehyde compounds, such as urea
wood, and combustion and pyrolysis products, such as formaldehyde.
methanol, acetic acid, ethanol, formaldehyde, and furfural.
• When used in the home in furniture, subflooring, or
• After the fiber is dried, it is blended with wax, a synthetic
resin such as urea formaldehyde, and other additives and stair treads, PB and MDF made with formaldehyde-
formed into mats. The mats are processed in large presses based resins continue to release small amounts of
that use heat and pressure to cure the resin and form the formaldehyde gas. Producers have generally met
product into sheets or boards. Presses are usually heated by industry standards and have reduced formaldehyde
steam, which is generated by a boiler that burns wood
emissions from PB an average of 80 percent below
1980 levels, primarily by reducing the ratio of
formaldehyde to urea in resin formulations
A. Wood = 100/108 x 100 tons = 92.59 tons
You are asked to produce 100 tons of particleboard with Recovery factor = 100/80 x 92.59 tons= 115.74 tons
density of 0.65 g/cm 3 by using the sengon wood with
specific gravity of 0.5 and recovery factor of 80%. Liquid
Volume = 115.74 tons/0.5 = 231.48 m3
UF adhesive (RC50%) was used in amount of 8%. How
1. Vol. of wood is required? B. Adhesive = 8/108 x 100 tons = 7.41 tons
2. The amount of adhesive should be prepared? Liquid adhesive = 7.41/0.5 = 14.81 tons
3. The compression ratio of the board?
4. Container volume is needed for handling the
particleboards? C. Compression ration = 0.65/0.5 = 1.3
OD boards B = ρ.V
You are asked to produce 1 piece of particleboard = 0. 60 g/cm3 x (340 x 340 x 10) mm3 = 693.6 g
size (340 mm x 340 mm x 10 mm) with density of
0.60 g/cm3 by using the Afrika wood flakes Afrika wood particles (MC 5%)
particles (MC 5%). Liquid UF adhesive (RC65%) was = (100/110 x 693.6 g) x 105/100 = 662.07 g
used in amount of 10%. How much:
1. Afrika wood flakes particle is required? UF Adhesive (RC 65%)
2. The amount of adhesive should be prepared? = (10/110 x 693.6 g) x 100/65 = 97.01 g
Thank You