CIPD Foundation Certificate in People Practice: Level
CIPD Foundation Certificate in People Practice: Level
CIPD Foundation Certificate in People Practice: Level
CIPD Foundation
Certificate in
People Practice
DPG has worked with CIPD for almost Making the Right Choice 4
30 years with an excellent track DPG enjoy an Excellent recommendation rate
record for innovation and in delivering on Trustpilot. We keep in touch with and listen
to our participants across our social channels and
qualifications for CIPD and our award-winning DPG Professional Development
participants. We’re absolutely delighted Community. This constant collaboration enables
us to keep a step ahead of the rest and support
to be a fully approved CIPD Training
our participants in achieving excellence.
Centre for CIPD qualifications and look
forward to helping thousands more 12
Professional Recognition
HR and L&D professionals to achieve
their professional aspirations through
Now more than ever, HR and L&D professionals
need the breadth and depth of knowledge and 14
obtaining this prestigious qualification. skills to help their organisation to develop and
prosper. It’s exciting times for HR and L&D as the
power of its impact on organisational success is
Our core purpose forms part of the DPG Difference
increasingly recognised. Together we can have
– which you’ll see in every interaction you have
a huge impact on the HR and L&D community.
with us; before, during and after your programme.
For 30 years, our innovative learning approach and
commitment to excellence has helped thousands
of people like you become CIPD qualified. You’ll
quickly discover how passionate we are about the
People Profession and development. This passion
drives our absolute commitment to delivering
to you a truly best in class experience that is
designed using the latest thinking, technology
and facilitation techniques.
3 CIPD Foundation
Certificate in
People Practice
The CIPD Level 3 Certificate in People Practice
is a Foundation-level, professional qualification
based on the CIPD Profession Map. The Map
was launched in 2018, having been developed
in collaboration with a wide range of experts
working at the heart of the profession. It sets the
international benchmark for the people profession
and provides a strong foundation to give people
professionals the confidence and capabilities
to guide their decision-making, actions and
behaviours. Each unit within the CIPD Level 3
Foundation Certificate in People Practice has clear
linkage to the Profession Map. This qualification
is the gateway to entering this sought-after
profession and gaining a wide range of relevant
knowledge and expertise in People Practice.
7. Networking opportunities
Completing a CIPD Qualification leads to
Membership of the CIPD adding credibility
to your skills.
4. L3CPP Choosing the right qualification Need more info? Visit 5.
Foundation Certificate
Core Unit 3 L3CO3 Core Unit 5 L3CO5
Core behaviours for people professionals Supporting Change Within Organisations
This unit introduces the core behaviours for people This unit highlights the key areas involved in the
in People Practice
professionals, focusing on ethical practice to create change process with a focus on organisational
value. It considers how certain ways of thinking change in reference to key internal and external
and acting should be universally consistent, even factors. It explores the different approaches to
in new and challenging situations, to promote managing change, how people respond to change
a sense of wellbeing and inclusivity in the in various ways, and how change manifests itself
organisation. in variable behaviours. It also focuses on the
This qualification introduces the learner to a wide implications of change for the HR functions, whilst
offering a deeper understanding of the change
range of relevant knowledge and expertise in Core Unit 4 L3CO4
process and how it can enhance HR’s ability to
people practice. Essentials of people practice
support the organisation and its employees.
This unit introduces the fundamentals of people
It is suited to individuals who: practice, ranging from the employee lifecycle to
policies, regulation and law. It further explores
∞ are studying, aspiring to, or embarking on, a career in a diverse array of specialist subjects such as
people practice recruitment, talent management, reward and
∞ are working in a people practice support role and wish learning and development, essential to a career
to develop their knowledge and deliver immediate and in people practice. Importantly, this unit enables
short-term value for their organisation practitioners to apply their knowledge and skills,
∞ wish to develop the specialist knowledge, skills and building their confidence and ability to practice
understanding required to be a people professional. progressively.
"The interactive nature
of the lessons, tests
It consists of 5 core units aligned to the core and challenges made
knowledge and behaviour standards of the
the content engaging
Profession Map at Foundation level.
and relatable."
Faith Bartlett – Office Manager
Core Units
Core Unit 1 L3CO1
Understanding Organisations and the Role
Core Unit 2 L3CO2
Principles of Analytics Does this sound like the right
of Human Resources
This unit looks at how people professionals make qualification for you?
This unit focuses on the role of HR and L&D as both straightforward and complex choices as they
well as its purpose within the workplace and its carry-out their roles. It focuses on how utilising a
operating environment. It also explores the HR diverse range of analytics and evidence is essential Get in touch on 0330 660 0220 or email
activities that support an organisation’s strategy to the rationalisation and enhancement of working to start your CIPD journey today
and assists in the achievement of its business practices and situational decision making to create
objectives by examining how these elements are value.
shaped by internal and external factors.
Your questions
What does CIPD stand for?
CIPD is the abbreviation for the Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Development. The CIPD is the internationally recognised professional
body for HR and People Development, and is a trusted career partner
for more than 140,000 members around the world.
Are there any hidden costs? What does this programme lead to?
The only additional charge is your CIPD Successful achievement means you will be a CIPD
membership. Foundation Member. You may wish to progress
further with your CIPD qualification through our
How long will it take for me to complete my Level 5 programme. We’ll check with you at the
course? end of your programme to find out if you would
like further information regarding possible next
The average completion time is 7 to 9 months.
How will I be assessed?
What are transition courses?
You'll complete written assignments for each
This course is part of the transition to CIPD’s new
module and submit them online to be marked by
2021 syllabus. In January and February, you’ll have
our assessors. CIPD will review all your assignments
access to the first two modules which are taken
before awarding your qualification.
from the previous CIPD syllabus. In March, you’ll
gain access to the rest of the modules which are
Do I have to complete exams?
from the new CIPD syllabus. This won't affect the
No, none of the CIPD Qualifications in People qualification you achieve – you'll be awarded the
Practice or Learning & Development require you to new 2021 qualification.
undertake exams.
When can I start my programme?
How much time should I set aside in between the
Anytime, anywhere. All of our programmes have
workshops to work on the assessments?
immediate start dates available so you can start
As a guideline we recommend that you set aside accelerating your career today. To secure your
8 to 10 hours per week. However, we find that this place call one of our advisors on 0330 660 0220.
time varies from participant to participant.
10. L3CPP Your questions answered Need more info? Visit 11.
The DPG Community
What is the DPG Professional Development Community?
The DPG Professional Development Community is a virtual space
where professionals in people management can:
Join Us
The online DPG Professional The award-winning DPG Professional Development
Development Community is free to join Community is free to join because we are committed
and anyone can participate! If you are to supporting the People Profession. Come along
"I came across DPG and it was
studying a DPG programme with us, we and join today to help us build and maintain this
the flexibility in their delivery
have groups in our Community where of the programme that struck Professional Development Community.
communications are focused on your me. I work full time and have
programme. In your group, you’ll also fantastic support from them,
find information on how to get started so I am able to balance study
and details of upcoming events. requirements alongside my
day to day role."
Mykela Pratt - Improvement Manager
12. L3CPP The DPG community Need more info? Visit 13.
The DPG Difference
DPG’s core purpose is to drive both individual and
organisational performance. Trusted by over 25,000
learners, we pride ourselves on being pioneers in CIPD
Qualifications. Our position in the market, quality
record and exceptional support highlight this and
enable you to enjoy fantastic benefits long after your
programme has finished.