Pulp Alley
Pulp Alley
Pulp Alley
Basing, Measuring & Scale — Most figures will Perils and challenges are unpredictable and
easily fit on bases measuring about 3/4” to 1”. offer multiple paths to success.
Some larger miniatures may need a base twice Scenarios are plot-driven, encourage action,
this size. In general, the base is simply used to and offer an array of different rewards.
indicate the character’s area and for a common
point to measure to/from. When you want to Campaigns and Experience offer further
determine the distance between models or other opportunity to develop your characters.
markers, measure the space between the
It is important to note that the character Health — The Health trait is used to represent a
creation rules cover all types of characters, be character’s overall condition, including their
they human, beast, robot, or whatever. It is willingness to fight. Although Health is included
simply a matter of selecting the abilities and in the character profile, it is not a “skill”. In Pulp
skills that fit the character you want to portray. Alley, a character’s Health is listed as a die-type
— d6, d8, d10, and d12,
Beyond the general basing rules and a smidgen
of common sense, it is up to the individual Health determines the type of dice rolled for
player to decide what model best represents Health checks.
their character. A wide range of sample
characters and leagues is available on the Pulp When a character is injured, their Health
Alley forum. shifts down one die-type.
Character Profile
Your Pulp Alley characters have different skills
and abilities to make them unique. Some
characters may be career soldiers, g-men, mad
scientists, intrepid explorers, brash adventurers,
or dangerous gangsters – it is all up to you. Each
character will share a common profile —
including Health, combat skills (Brawl, Shoot, and
Dodge), and action skills (Might, Finesse, and
Cunning). Together, these six skills are used to do
anything important in the game.
Example — A character’s profile clearly indicates the dice rolled for each of their various skills —
Sharp Once per turn, this character may re-roll one Shoot or Finesse die.
Athletic Shift this character’s dice up one type when rolling Might or Finesse for a Plot Point.
Pulp Alley © 2012. This page may be copied for personal use.
Kazak d6 2d6 3d6 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6
Crafty This character may re-roll one Dodge or Cunning die per turn.
Animal Character may not shoot, but adds +1 die to any two other skills (included above).
Singapore Smith’s League (left to right): Little Skeet, Kazak, Singapore Smith, Arge, Enki, and Chu-Chu.
Commander Add +4 slots to your league roster to use for Allies and Followers only.
Crafty Once per turn, this character may re-roll one Dodge or Cunning die.
Shrewd This character’s Dodge and Cunning dice-type are not lowered due to injuries.
Animal Character may not shoot, but adds +1 die to any two other skills (included above).
Brute Once per turn, this character may re-roll one Brawl or Might die.
Athletic Once per turn, shift their dice-type up when rolling for Might or Finesse.
Pulp Alley © 2012. This page may be copied for personal use.
Ally Health Brawl Shoot Dodge Might Finesse Cunning
Start of Turn
1. DRAW — Draw one Fortune card.
Action Sequence
2. DIRECT — The player with Initiative decides who
will activate the next character.
3. ACT — The activated character may move, perform an
action, or attack.
Repeat steps 2 & 3 until all characters have activated.
End of Turn
4. RECOVER — Injured characters may recover.
At the start of the first turn, each player draws
three cards from the top of the Fortune deck.
Thereafter, one card is drawn at the start of each
turn. The basic number of cards drawn may be
Play: When an enemy activates.
modified by random events, character abilities,
scenario rewards and the like. These cards have
Effect: The enemy immediately
a wide array of uses throughout the game. encounters a random peril.
As a matter of decorum the player with Initiative
draws first. After all players have drawn their “Listen! Do you smell something?”
Fortune card(s) play proceeds to the Action
Effect — This area explains the effect Peril — If the challenge is a peril, this area
the card can create. A Fortune card indicates the consequences of failure.
only affects a single event, situation, or Whenever you have the opportunity to
roll. In most cases, the effect is play a peril on an enemy character, you
temporary and only relates to the may only play one challenge per perilous
event which triggered the card. situation.
Initiative Direct
Having the Initiative gives you the opportunity to Holding the Initiative gives you control over who
direct the flow of the game. Once you have activates the next character. During the Action
control of the Initiative, you will hold it until Sequence, you may decide to activate one of
another player takes it away. Unlike other games your own characters or direct another player to
where control is politely handed over at activate a character. NOTE: Directing another
predetermined points in the turn, in Pulp Alley player to activate one of their characters does
you must earn the Initiative and fight to keep it. not automatically give them the Initiative.
Now Susan has control of the Initiative, so she Otherwise, a character may not voluntarily
can activate another character or make the boys leave the table except where specifically
activate one of theirs. permitted by the scenario rules.
The two most common types of movement in
Pulp Alley are Walk and Run. With a few
exceptions, a character may move before they
attack or perform an action.
A character may not run through a perilous Dodge vs. Perils — Instead of using the skills
area. listed on a card, a character may substitute
Dodge. Attempting to dodge a peril always
ends the character’s activation (see Perils).
Run — up to 12”
Pools of quicksand.
Treacherous tunnels.
A character is considered engaged anytime they
are in base-to-base contact with an enemy
Clouds of noxious gas.
model. Being engaged will most certainly limit
the number of options available to the character.
Thick patches of tangled jungle.
Specifically, the character’s movement, shooting
and actions are limited —
Rocky cliffs.
An engaged character may not walk or run
(see Dodge Move). Steep rooftops.
The character may not shoot or be the target Pool of hungry crocodiles.
of a shooting attack.
Interior of a burning building.
They may not perform any actions.
Shooting Modifiers
In Cover
Shooting follows the basic fighting sequence, but
there are a few modifiers that only apply to
ranged attacks.
Match — The Ape cancels all three of Smith’s Many of the rules relating to Dodge have already
successes. been covered on the previous pages, under
Results — The Ape avoids injury by
Dodge Move and Matching. However, there are a
successfully dodging the attack, but Smith has his few important Dodge rules still to cover.
attention now…
Dodge Modifiers — No basic modifiers
(including multiple combats) reduce the
number of dice rolled for Dodge but it may
be affected by cards, abilities, and the like.
Later in the same turn, The Ape activates and
rushes to engage Smith.... Combat Skills — Dodge is a combat skill and
will affect shooting and brawling if used in
Attack — The Ape’s 5d8 Brawl is lowered to the same turn (see multiple combats).
4d8, due to multiple combats.
Followers — Health
Level 1 characters roll Health checks as
normal. However, when a Follower fails a
Health check then they are automatically
knocked-out — rather than down.
As a general rule, players only need to roll for an Long Action — It is possible that a character may
action when it is important to the scenario or not complete some plot points in a single
potentially dangerous. Primarily, these actions activation. However, any successes you roll will
will relate to special abilities and plot point carry over to their next activation, or to any
challenges. attempt made by a colleague to complete the
same plot point.
Perils represent obvious risks like crossing a Although plot points and perils both use the
crumbling rope bridge or scaling a treacherous bottom portion of the Fortune cards, they are
cliff. In addition, perils may come from unseen handled somewhat differently. No single action
hazards like a dangerous patch of quicksand, or move can involve more than one challenge
poisonous gas, or even a bullet fired from a dark played as a peril. For example jumping off a
window. In Pulp Alley, any potentially harmful speeding truck onto a moving train is a single
situation your characters may encounter, outside peril.
of combat, is called a peril.
When a character passes a peril they may
continue their activation as normal.
Encountering Perils If a peril is failed, the character suffers a
number of hits indicated by the card and
Perils in Pulp Alley can be unpredictable and
their activation ends immediately. No further
come at surprising moments. The two most
moving, actions, or combat may occur during
common ways to encounter a peril are in Perilous
this activation.
Areas and at Plot Points. In either case, when the
opportunity arises, an opponent has the option A peril is normally played directly by an
to play one (only one) Challenge from their opponent, rather than drawn from the top of
Fortune cards. This challenge counts as a peril. the Fortune deck.
At Plot Points — Every time a character attempts The Fortune card is discarded after the peril
to complete a plot point they may encounter one is resolved. Even if two characters enter the
peril, before resolving their action. same perilous area, their challenges may be
In Perilous Areas — When a character enters or quite different.
activates in a perilous area they may encounter When a peril affects multiple characters, like
one peril, before continuing their activation. a burst, a single challenge card is played.
Example — Peril
Phantom Ace moves 2” and then goes to climb
the side of a building — up 3” to the balcony.
In Pulp Alley, plot points represent all manner of Plot Point Challenge
key scenario objectives from acquiring important
A character in contact with a plot point marker
information, rescuing a hostage, defusing a
may attempt to complete it as an action. Every
ticking time-bomb, and other acts of daring-do.
time your character attempts to complete a plot
Plot points encourage action for clear and well-
point they may encounter one peril. If they pass
motivated reasons, around which the story of the
the peril, the plot point is then resolved as a
scenario revolves.
random challenge — unless the challenge is
Within the context of the rules, plot points are already established.
very important. In addition to giving the scenario
Rolling for a plot point challenge ends the
more meaning and background, plot points
character’s activation, regardless of the
provide you with the means to....
Control the Initiative.
You immediately take control of the
Earn scenario bonuses. Initiative when your character completes a
plot point.
Earn post-scenario resources.
Characters do not suffer hits for failing a plot
Earn experience for your league. point challenge, as with perils.
Example — A Crooked Cop Grabbing for his nightstick, Doughty growls, “You
had your chance, Gordon.”....
Two players are playing the Trail of Clues scenario,
included with this book. On the second turn of the
game, Player A activates Gordon and moves the Roll 3 successes with:
character into contact with a nearby plot point Any Skill
marker. Before the scenario, this plot point was
determined to be a Crooked Officer — Peril: 3 hits if failed
Doughty was a crooked cop. As crooked as they Player A checks Gordon’s character profile and
come. But what he didn’t know about the city’s rolls 3d10 for Brawling —
seedy side, wasn’t worth a plug nickel....
Later in the game, on turn 3, Player A activates The trail of clues continues. Can Gordon reach the
Gordon, and tells Player B that he is going to have a sealed letter before the murderous syndicate
go at the plot point again. This time, she is ready and goons? Or could it be that Gordon is racing
drops a peril on the table — headlong into a perilous trap?
After all characters have activated, the Action Down & Out — Like your other injured
Sequence ends and the game proceeds to the characters, you will roll a 1d6 Recovery check for
End of Turn. each downed character. However, there are a
few rules that only apply to characters that are
currently down.
When a down character passes a Recovery check,
At the end of each turn, all injured characters
their Health moves up to a d6. Stand the model
have an opportunity to recover. This applies to
back up to indicate that the character is ready for
any character in play that is below their normal
action. If this would place them in contact with
Health status (dice-type). Roll 1d6 for each of
an enemy, you have the option of sliding your
your injured characters, one after the other.
character back 1” to 3” before standing them up.
A roll of 4+ indicates that the character has A down character is knocked-out if they fail a
regained some of their strength — improve Recovery check. They no longer possesses the
their Health by 1 dice type. will or ability to carry on. The model is removed
Unless the character is already down, failing from the table and the character plays no further
this check has no further effect (see Down & role in the current scenario.
End of Scenario
Noteworthy — When a character is KO’d, this
does not mean they were killed, or even seriously All of the basic scenarios included with this book
injured. Instead, a player is free to make up their have a length of 6 turns. However, with luck and
own reasons. Optionally, you may choose to roll
on the Harrowing Escape table after the game.
skill a player may be able to extend the scenario
Some of the possible results are listed below — by another 1 or 2 turns.
Special — Elaine immediately moves 1d6" in a Deploy Leagues – Starting with the player with
random direction if you fail to pass this peril or Initiative, players take turns placing one character on
plot point. the table until their leagues are deployed. A character
may not deploy within 6” of a plot point or an enemy,
Elaine’s Quarters (Plot Point) — Located somewhere but may otherwise deploy anywhere on the table.
in her personal quarters are important clues. But what
else will you find? Turn Limit – At the end of 6 turns, heavily armed
federales enter the picture and stop the fighting.
Ancient Artifact (Plot Point) — Lady Elaine’s most
recent discovery may prove to be quite useful. If
nothing else this “wondrous artifact” could be worth a
small fortune. Rewards & Aftermath
Elaine's Luggage (Plot Point) — Lady Elaine’s trunks The leagues learn that Lord Donovan Darrow has been
are packed and ready for travel. Where is she off to? communicating with his daughter, Lady Elaine, via
Searching her luggage may reveal clues. letters. Lord Darrow had been crisscrossing south-east
Asia for years, gathering clues about the lost Enochean
Elaine's Loyal Maid (Plot Point) — Lady Elaine's culture. His last letter, many months ago, mentioned a
personal maid, U'bunyu, looks like a cross between a mysterious crate sent to E. J. Demas in Athens, “for
woman and an ox. Surely, she knows something. But safe-keeping” — far across the Atlantic!
will she speak?
Scenario Resources
Gather Resources — Use Network of Supporters,
Bastion of Science, and like perks/abilities to gather
additional resource points.
Scenario Set Up
Scenario Events – Each player rolls 1d10 for a random
scenario event using the basic table.
At the end of each game players have the Reorganize — You may reorganize your league
opportunity to earn rewards, recover their between scenarios by removing and adding
injured characters, reorganize their leagues, and characters. By removing a character from the
spend hard-won experience points. The scenario roster, you free up those slots. Empty slots may
wrap up follows the sequence below — then be used to add new characters as normal.
Note that Leaders may not be removed from the
roster, as this would disband the league.
Scenario Wrap Up
Character Development — Experience points
Rewards — Record the rewards may be spent to further develop your characters.
collected from the scenario. Experience can be a rare and hard-won reward.
You have control over how to spend your
Recover — Injured and KO’d
2. league’s xp within the following guidelines —
characters may recover.
Rewards — Your league earns rewards based on The maximum number of new abilities a
their plot points at the end of the game, as character may ever gain through xp is equal
indicated by the scenario. to the their level. For example, a Follower
may never learn more than 1 new ability,
Victory: You earn 3 victory points for holding but a Leader may eventually pick up 4 new
the major plot point and 1 victory point for abilities through experience.
each minor plot point. The league with the
most points is the victor. Harrowing Escape — roll 1d6
Reputation: Your league earns 1 point of HEADSHOT! – In the next scenario, the
Reputation per victory point. Update your 1 character suffers a -1d penalty to one
total and check for new league perks. random skill.
CHARACTER ACTIVATION — Although it is not a normal part of the rulebook, this chart may help some
players learn the basic sequence. Please note that this chart does not include everything that can occur
during a character’s activation:
Resolve the action. Is the character already yes Resolve the fight.
yes no
Is the character
The character may move.
performing an action?
Did the character run? Is the character engaged or yes
shooting an enemy?