Proposed Workflow For PLS-POLE: Power Line Systems
Proposed Workflow For PLS-POLE: Power Line Systems
Proposed Workflow For PLS-POLE: Power Line Systems
The intent of this flow-chart is to assist both new and
experienced users of our software with a handy and
Process – with subsequent steps - linked to the Subprocess details
general reference for the typical decisions and steps
needed to develop and model a complete PLS-POLE
project. Process – with subsequent steps.
Not necessary on every project
- Back to Main Process workflow
projects may well require a different sequence to that
proposed in this document.
- Webinar Available for download
Not all steps are mandatory/required for every type of through latest version of PLS-CADD
- YouTube Feature Overview video available
The main process flow can be comfortably printed/plotted
on A0 size paper (47x33"). Although it is expected that this - Technical Note Available at
will remain as an electronic PDF file in most cases.
Once the model has been checked, its analysis can be performed
General Menu:
with the Model/ Run command, as long as you have allocated or
The General Menu has many
defined a loading file (.lca, .lic or .eia)
Imperial (U.S.) important settings
Unit System Once the analysis is complete, typically the following windows Results reports
should be are opened:
used? Linking to PLS-CADD parts and assemblies • the Deformed Geometry The reports can be viewed in PLS-POLE, or can be saved as
Metric (S.I.) Text or PDF files.
management system • a long text report (labeled Analysis Results) and
If you make use of material tracking in the PLS System • a short report (labeled Summary) Additionally, if you right-click in any result table you can
and have an existing Part/ Assembly Library (*.prt file) enter a table view mode. This mode allows for the sorting
with the corresponding stock numbers being used for You can see all windows simultaneously with Window/ Tile and filtering of the results/data, as well as extraction
File and Directory Mapping the structural components in the structural program, Horizontal or Window/ Tile Vertical. copying for use in other programs.
The location of default locations for the directories or library Set Preferences Component Libraries:
Preferences are set and controlled under the File/Preferences then PLS-CADD can automate material take-off and
files is mapped here. Normally only need to define the Component Libraries are defined at length in Section 3 of Additionally, all tables and reports can be exported as an
menu. costing for and entire line project. The menu command File/Analyze Multiple Models... will allow
Structure Directory, the Cable and Marker Balls Directory the Manual. XML file for outside post-processing.
and the Part/Assembly Library (.prt file). When you OK the Preferences dialog, all the preference settings, In many cases the data needed or these various libraries for the selection and analysis of multiple structure files. This
The Schema file Schema file (.sma) for personal are automatically saved in a file named PLS_CADD.ini which is Geometry/ PLS-CADD/ … feature opens models in read-only mode to avoid errors if files
should be defined by the User. However, there is a large Section 2.4
customizations such as report or toolbars is also mapped located in your WINDOWS directory or in “C:\Users\<user Appendix B.2 can't be locked.
range of available libraries that are available on the Power
and selected here. name>\Appdata\Roaming\PLS\pls_cadd.ini”.
The file name may vary based on the WINDOWS installation. Line Systems website for download, but these can be
accessed directly through the Software. Section 2.3
These preferences remain in effect until changed.
Geometry/ PLS-CADD/ Insulator Link The program is dynamic in that it will flag you during
Select the Fonts and Colors for various reports and graphics the modelling process if there are any Errors or
views generated by the program and control the View Appendix B.1
Warnings with text and visual prompts, however the
background color.
Model/ Check is a concise list for the whole model.
Standard Interface
More traditional way to build
a model up by adding
individual components.
Start a new
Choose Place any Global Joints Build the structures geometry
project General project Define or Check the Define Pole
Open Project General Menu needed to model the by adding individual component Attach Insulators and Clamps Miscellaneous options Link to PLS-CADD Loads Model Menu Outputs
setup Component Libraries Geometry
Create a project directory Section 4.1 Type structure elements
2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10
Framing Wizard 4
Allows for rapid modelling by
leveraging Frame sets of Load Master
standard designs. Files
Section 2.1.1
Apply a variety of Settings or Mini-Preferences. 1
These control a range of attributes or settings from unit
preferences, display settings and many more.
Select the Fonts and Colors for various reports and graphics
views generated by the program and control the View
background color.
General Menu:
The General Menu has many
important settings
General Data
Controls most of the information about the type of analysis and the
• Analysis Type (Linear or Non-linear).
• Strength check type for Wood, Steel or FRP Poles.
• What type of Load (i.e. Transmission or Telecommunication)?
Output Options
This menu gives the User control over what is produced after a Model is Run.
• Controls the creation of and the contents within the Analysis Results and
Summary Results Reports. Also allows for the Printing of Extended
diagnostic output to allow further investigation into background
calculations performed by the software.
• Allows for the creation of separate windows for:
• Non-linear convergence graph
• Usage summary graph
• Base plate design
You can also create customised Member Labels, and choose a Warning to
print in any reports.
Wood: Naturally grown Number
of Poles
in Model?
Fibre Reinforced Polymer
~ Composite
By the X, Y and Z of base and X, Y inclination
Modular Latticed Masts
~Emergency Response Structures
This should be used for single poles and simple
Section 4.4
Wood: Naturally grown
Fibre Reinforced Polymer
~ Composite
Modular Latticed Masts
~Emergency Response Structures
Push Brace:
The Push Brace dialog box/tool allows
you to quickly and easily model the
selected wood pole as a push brace with
a pinned connection if needed.
Add Framing:
Add Guy: A Framing is a collection/grouping of structural
Guy wires are attached to structures to resist loads and elements that do not include the pole itself. These can
prevent large deflections. Guys always connect to a fixed be added onto an existing pole model to rapidly create a
anchor joint model of a standard configuration.
Section 4.7.2 The Components/ Framing/ Manager is used to not
only place the framing graphically on a model as
Add Cables: discussed in Section 4.16 but also to edit the framing in
Cables are similar to Guys, but they must be connected case you need to change something in the framing
between 2 joints. These can be used to model Span guys, library.
tension only slender cable elements.
Section 4.7.3 Add Vang (Not in a library):
Vangs are small components used to attach insulators
or other items to the face of a pole, crossarm or davit
Add Davit Arm: arm. They are not modelled as structural elements and
Davit arms are prismatic components with a uniform cross-section act as a load transfer mechanism.
along its length. Geometry/ Vangs
A Tubular steel davit arm is made out of steel and the cross section Section 4.4.7
shape can be any one of the shapes available for tubular poles, it can
be tapered along its length.
Generic or Tubular Davit Arms can be attached rigidly to any joint with Add Loads from Permanently attached Equipment
a pre-defined label. Davit arms can be oriented in any direction around (Not in A Library):
the pole, by specifying the azimuth angle. Design loads from attached equipment that is not
You can add intermediate joints along the length of the member to actually modelled can be placed at specified joints by:
change the shape, make it inclined or represent a curve. Geometry/ Miscellaneous/ Dead Loads and Drag
Geometry/ Davit Arms or Geometry/ Tubular Steel Davit Arms. Areas
Section 4.5 Section 4.9
Add Clamp:
A clamp is a device that transfers concentrated loads
from ground wires, conductors or other sources to an
attachment point on the structure. A clamp has no
physical dimension and no weight, but has strength
Find Allowable Swing Angles
PLS-POLE is capable of
calculating the allowable swings
Add Strain: of suspension insulators from
A strain insulator is normally used to dead- the size of the energized zones
end a ground wire or conductor to a associated with the insulators
structure. It is not modeled as a structural and attached hardware and the
element, but as a load transfer mechanism. required electrical clearances to
the various components of the
pole including guy strain
Foundation Properties:
You can enter both the Strength and Stiffness data for the foundations of
Pole models.
So, the actual foundation is not modelled, but the capacity of the
foundation system can be checked by PLS-POLE during the analysis.
Geometry/Miscellaneous/Foundation Strength....
Section 4.11
Section 4.11.3
Geometry/ PLS-CADD/ …
Appendix B.2
Design loads on transmission poles/ frames include wire loads
(from conductors and ground wires), dead loads from the
structure and permanently attached components, wind loads on
the structure itself and possibly ice loads on the members.
Sections 5.3.
Model Menu
Once your model is complete and loads have been
assigned, it is good practice to initially check the model
to see if there are any Warnings or Errors
Deformed Geometry View
The program is dynamic in that it will flag you during
the modelling process if there are any Errors or This view provides you with a graphical summary of
Warnings with text and visual prompts, however the the analysis results. The picture that you see depends
Model/ Check is a concise list for the whole model. on the selections made in the 3-d Controls dialog box.
That 3-d Controls dialog box is opened by clicking on
the 3D button.
Once the model has been checked, its analysis can be performed View/ Display Options/ Set Rotation, Color and
with the Model/ Run command, as long as you have allocated or Label Options
defined a loading file (.lca, .lic or .eia) Section 2.5
Results reports
Load trees
A summary table of the loading on the Pole structure
can be obtained by selecting Loads/ Loading Tree
Pole drawings
Scaled drawing sheets can be produced automatically by PLS-POLE according to user specified parameters.
You have complete flexibility in choosing scales and page appearance.
The drawings can be sent directly to a Windows® printer, or they can be exported as DXF files readable by
most CAD systems (AutoCAD ®, Microstation ®, etc.) for further enhancements, or they (together with other
project documents) can automatically be converted to PDF documents as a truly universal way to share
them with all interested parties.
Drawings can be embellished further by adding Inset Views and even attaching external files to be used.
Section 8
Power Line Systems produced a series of Webinars on selected
topics during 2020.
These webinars are available through the latest version of the
software by selecting:
In this dialog box you can access the Past Webinars. These are
available in the drop down list.
You will receive a URL link to either watch the videos online, or
to download them.