Erp - 1
Erp - 1
Erp - 1
7.2.1 Introduction
The emergency is an undesirable occurrence of events of such magnitude and nature that
adversely affect production, cause loss of human lives and property as well as damage to the
environment. The emergency may be man-made or natural type. The production unit has to be
prepared against such emergency/disaster and consequences.
It is difficult to forecast the time and nature of emergency, which might strike the unit. In spite of
the fact that every industry is expected to take steps to assess, minimize and wherever feasible
eliminate risks, accidents may occur, as risk can only be minimized, it can never be totally
Industrial units are vulnerable to various kinds of natural and man-made emergencies. Examples
of Natural disasters are flood, Cyclone, earthquake, lightening etc. and manmade disasters like
major fire, explosion, sudden heavy leakage of toxic / flammable gases, civil work plant failure,
human errors, vehicle crash, sabotage, Bomb-Threat, etc.
Thus, the emergency can be divided in the following types, depending upon the nature:
Mode of emergency may depend upon the chemical property of the hazardous materials and
maximum storage inventory. Fire emergency may arise due to flammable property of the
Hazardous material. While explosive materials may create explosion emergency. Toxic gas
dispersion in atmosphere creates Toxic release Emergency. Further, uncontrollable chemical
reaction or dangerous occurrence may result into emergency. However, chemical incident can be
following types;
Toxic /flammable gas/Vapour release as plume /puff from pipeline /fittings failures, tank ruptures
etc. including flashing liquids stored above their atmospheric boiling point.
While preparing the emergency plan, worst possible scenario of the accident or incident of the Unit
should be considered. The worst effect of the maximum quantity of hazardous chemical, which
create major accident must be calculated.
Controlling the emergency will require prompt action by the operating staff, the staff of various
agencies, emergency teams and outsiders when called for. Minimizing the effect on people may be
achieved by prompt communication, rescue, evacuation etc., if the situation so warrants.
However, an effective emergency plan helps to minimize the losses in terms of human lives, plant
assets and environmental damage and to resume the working condition as soon as possible. In all
these steps “Speed is the Essence”.
The plan consists of the actual performance of duties & responsibilities by designated personnel
and other agencies. Therefore, the plan is divided into three stages. The stage one is pre-
emergency period i.e. Normal activities before emergency or preparedness, awareness and
training parts.
While stage second explains actions during emergency period i.e. during actual emergency period,
specific duties are to be performed by designated personnel, using available resources & control
measures in systematic ways.
The third stage indicates post emergency period, which describes how to safe rehabilitation,
restarting, to face inquiry, to preserve evidences and records for remedial measures etc; as
required by various authorities. It also explains corrective steps from the incident and finding out
the correct reason behind the emergency, so that such type of incident will not occur again.
The chart of emergency plan, explaining how entire arrangement is required to manage, is
produced below;
The level of Emergency can be classified according to the gravity of the situation at site. The
command and control will follow as per the level of emergency.
The type of emergency, which can be handled and controlled by the management with own
resources as per On-site emergency plan, is called as On-site or Level-I.
If the Level-1, is uncontrollable by the management, further help is needed, the neighboring units
or mutual aided local units will provide their resources to tackle the situation. The emergency of
the unit which is handled and controlled by the outside resources, is called as Mutual Aided local
crisis or Level-II. Further, if this type of emergency is governed by Local Crisis Group then it is
called as Local Crisis or Level-2.
Even after putting efforts as explained in Level-II, the situation becomes uncontrollable and
beyond the control of Local Crisis Management, than the District Crisis Group will take over the
charge & handle the emergency situation. This is termed as Level-III or District Crisis.
If gravity and situation of the emergency is beyond control of Local or District Crisis Group, The
State/National Crisis Group has to command and control such crisis by utilizing all resources from
the State or Nation, as prevailing circumstances, and then it is called as State Crisis or National
The growing complexity of industrialization in our country, with the increasing use of hazardous
chemicals with machineries, which put danger to human being as well as property, it is pertinent
that industries plays a vital and responsible role to ensure occurrence of any such incident. Hence,
it is absolutely essential that emergency procedures shall be success with effective control and
enthusiastic management.
There are two types of emergency control plans, (1) On site emergency plan and (2) Off site
emergency plan/Disaster plan. On Site Emergency Plan is to be prepared by an industrial Unit
under the guidance of the Government and local Authority, with compliance under statutory
provisions. Off site Emergency Plan is to be prepared by the Local Authority and the Government
itself with the help of the Government machineries and emergency resources including the
concerned industrial units also.
Considering the jetty operation, any type of emergency may strike out; as described below:
There are many sources for fire i.e.
Emergency Management
The emergency management plan includes clearing stating the line of command, each person’s
specific responsibilities, and organizational set up available to tackle the emergency effectively.
The command & control will be single structure, till emergency controlled. The personnel from the
organization involved in emergency response management are identified as Designated Person.
In order to effectively achieve the objectives of emergency planning, the critical elements that
form the back bone of On Site emergency plan are;
The ultimate responsibility to manage the emergency rests with the occupier or site main
controller of the unit for on-site emergency plan.
The duties, functions and responsibilities of the designated persons, in respect of responding
emergency are described in brief, in foregoing paras. However, specific action plan can be
prepared in form of task force. The working group has to evaluate the situation and actions with
rapid force should be activated as per pre-decided way. However, the maximum credible scenario
for the unit shall be considered.
On receiving information on emergency, he will reach at the scene / location & get details on
incident from IC
On consultation with IC, he will assess the situation and declare the emergency and activate
the On Site Emergency Plan and inform to Head Office / Higher authorities
Ensure the information to fire brigade, police, medical, experts, Director Industrial Safety &
Health, GPCB, and other statutory authorities
Ensure medical treatment to injured persons
To ensure the accounting of personnel and search of missing persons and arrange
hospitalization of victims and additional helps if required
To ensure Control of traffic movement in factory premises & surrounding area
If emergency is prolonged, arrange for the relief of personnel and to provide catering facility
Direct the close down the plant and evacuation of the persons in consultation with the IC
Ensure co-ordination among all and key personnel &essential workers are called in
Ensure rehabilitation of affected areas and victims
Continuous Review of developments of emergency & responding actions
To ensure that proper consideration is given to the preservation of evidence. Arrange for
photographs or video
Withdrawal of emergency
Order restarting the plant consulting with IC, after getting clearance from Director, Industrial
Safety and Health or other authorities, as required
To investigate the cause of accident & corrective measure.
His primary duty is to take over the charge at the incident place immediately on getting
information on the occurrence and assess the situation and start remedial measures from
available resources
He will work under the direction of SMC & keep informed of the development
Try to minimize damage to property, environment and material loss by taking necessary
actions within his control
Start emergency action with the help of key personnel and essential workers
Cordon incident / accident area and restrict unauthorized entry
Ensure immediate starting of firefighting system like fire hoses, monitors, sprinklers system,
sprays, and neighboring equipments
Search in affected area for casualties
Call mutual aiders, if required
Action Plan for In-charge of Emergency Control Center i.e. Communication Officer
(On Hearing Alarm/ Emergency information)
Factory Medical Officer has to arrange Casualty Receiving Centre with para-medical staff;
necessary special medical treatment with medical equipment along with required antidotes. CRC
should have sufficient space, capacity and located in a safe place, avoiding normal downwind
direction. There shall be sufficient first-aiders; properly trained. FMO has to categorized the person
as per injury and arrange the serious person for hospitalization immediately with necessary
instruction indicating involved chemicals, special medical treatment and antidotes and toxicological
details. He has to maintain the register for all people, containing the details, with respect to type
of injury, treatment given, time of arrival, observations, further recommendation, discharge, etc.
FMO has to carry out the work with consultation with SMC and IC
Fire Team,
First Aid Team
Repair & maintenance Team
Rescue Team
Transportation & Evacuation Team
Emergency Runners.
On receipt of information in case siren is not actuated, sound / blow the siren, if directed by
Depute security guards to control traffic around area of emergency and cordoning of incident
Keep visitors out & prevent unauthorized entry
Control Traffic at gate / inside and outside Plant premises
Await further instructions from in-charge of emergency centre
Inform others as directed by in-charge of emergency centre
Search affected areas for causalities
Eliminating ignition sources
Removal of tank, Lorries from unit
Instruct non-essential workers to go to the safe assembly point and Head Count
Observe Evacuation of site (Partially or full)
Guide the mutual aiders, fire brigade, govt. officers, emergency vehicles, etc. for safe way
towards emergency incident and safe parking
Other matters as instructed by SMC/IC.
Leave the site/place immediately by safest route to safe assembly point, as directed
Proceed at right angles to wind direction or cross wind direction to safe place
Do not re-enter site unless directed personally or via PA system
Assist in head count at assembly point
Inform contractor personnel to stop work upon hearing fire / gas alarm and ask to assemble
at the Safe Assembly point or main security gate
Do not go to incident place unless specifically instructed by Emergency in-charge
Avoid Panic & do not spread any rumors
Do not smoke
Extinguish any source of ignition, cigarette, bidi, lighter, gas, etc.
Ask others to keep calm & discipline manner.
The role and responsibilities of designated persons shall be fixed by names, with contact phone
numbers/Mobiles and seat, residential address, in all shifts of working days and on holidays. The
designated persons shall be available during all shifts and holidays. Protective equipment, lifting
gears, fire control points, fire-water etc. shall be sufficient in numbers and their locations shall be
well informed. Necessary vehicles shall be kept ready to shift the persons in case of emergency.
Reporting Incident
There are possibilities of various types of accidents or mishaps occurring in the factory premises.
Most are of minor type, while few cases may be major type. Sometimes there is no single incident
during the life span. However, when any incident occurs, it cannot be distinguished immediately,
the subsequent development or seriousness of such occurrence is required to handle safely.
It should be general practice that any person noticing the accident / fire / explosion / mishap at
the site, should shout “FIRE”, “FIRE” or “HELP”, “HELP” and such message should reach to
Supervisor / Shift Engineer / Senior Person of the unit. This way first information will reach to
responsible person. The information shall communicate regarding type of incident and type of help
It is said that root cause should be removed immediately. Similarly, if any incident takes place in
the premises it should be tackled with available resources, and it should be so responded that it is
contained immediately before spreading. If the incident looks severe and cannot be controlled by
simple efforts, the Shift Engineer or Senior Man should rush to the place and try to control by
using resources at the site.
In Case of Fire
Persons working near the incident or who has seen the incident are responsible to report the
details of the incident (Small, minor, major, etc) shift in-charge and shall act by all available
means to prevent/ control it till it is possible. Time being, shift in-charge will work as Incident
Controller, till IC (Designated Person) is arrived.
1. IC shall
It is not possible to include and discuss every action, which should be taken first during
emergency. It is also not possible to describe entire actions on emergency situation. The basic
principle of handling emergency is to rely upon person, who has the knowledge and experience to
assess the situation and give direction as per the objectives as quickly as possible. However, the
aim is to control the situation by safest way in limited time within available resources. Further, it
should handle with care so that loss of life, property and environment is minimized. In short, the
plan should be successfully complied with.
Site Main Controller/ Responsible Person assesses the situation and declares On Site Emergency
Plan to put in operation. The incident handles as site crisis and he starts responding actions to
control the incident.
He will-
Call the essential workers, key personals to perform their duties immediately
Activate the fire brigade, mutual aiders, police, medical services, expert persons etc. as per
Mobilize more resources from the neighboring industries and other available resources
The messages regarding prevailing situation to concerned authorities, agencies, neighbors etc.
will be communicated through the control room
Non-essential workers, visitors, guest, contractor workers shall rush to safe assembly point
and they will report to the nominated person. They have to stay there till emergency over or
as instructed by responsible person
Try to contain by using all available resources within his command & by use of outside
resources and with help of expert persons’ advice
On controlling the emergency, site main controller has to ascertain the risk and if he observes
the safe position, then he can declare “the emergency is over” and ask to blow the siren
declaring the withdrawal of emergency
Only after declaration of withdrawal of emergency, the work by other people / workers should
be restarted by resuming the duties
The site main controller, after consulting the authorities, can carry out the clearing procedure
to set the interrupted work and restart the process works
In case of the situation of emergency is turning into more serious and uncontrollable by site
main controller even utilizing own all resources, than he should immediately ask and call the
Local Crisis Group to handle the situation.
Assembly Point
The Assembly Point will be marked at a conspicuous place, i.e. near security office and entry gate.
The non-essential workers include employees, who have no any duties /responsibilities allotted,
contractor’s person, vendors, visitors etc. have to rush at specified Safe Assembly Point, as
announced, or they have to go at Assembly point as directed by IC/ Security/ Control Room, or
rush to well away from areas of risk and least affected by the down wind direction. They have to
report their presence to the person attending duty.
SMC will activate ECC by posting proper person, who obey and perform the emergency duties, in
two folds, internal, like- sounding the siren, alert the workers/persons regarding type of
emergency and response actions, direction to safe assembly point/shelter, by emergency
communication system. Further, external to emergency communicate to the authorities,
surrounding people and industries, type of helps/source required from outside, and other required
matter for emergency purpose. In-charge of ECC will be constant touch with SMC/I.C.
Thus, siren or public address system or any device is useful to alert the workers immediately; siren
installed at jetty whereas loud speaker at barrage, where it can be heard to all the employees.
Wind Sock
Wind Sock shall be installed at the highest point, where any person can see and can observe the
direction of wind.
Emergency Facility
The various types of equipments, appliances, facilities, etc. are to be utilized during the
emergency, which depends upon type of emergency. Therefore, the emergency facilities shall be
ascertained & listed according to the hazardous chemical being stored, handled or processed
including quantities. Further, it should be ensured by the concerned person that the sufficient
inventories should be maintained & keep in order to handle the emergency successful. Ensure the
availability of PPEs, Safety equipment, Neutralizing Agents, D. G. Set., adequate supply of water,
man power, etc. The emergency details are given Table 7-1.
The following resources shall be available in adequately, working condition & updated for the
emergency purpose.
At the time of emergency, different types of help, services and cooperation from various
emergency services like fire, police, medical, Govt. organizations/department, Private
organizations, surrounding industries, out-side-experts, various suppliers, hospitals-authorities,
medicines suppliers, special equipment suppliers, etc are be essentially utilized on urgent need
base. Liaison with all type of organizations/person shall be made with their name of contact
person with phone/ mobile numbers, residential address, etc and upto date record shall be
maintained with ECC and responsible persons.
Check Schedule
The following arrangements are to be maintained and up-dated for preparedness of emergency
purpose during pre-emergency period.
Communication System
Emergency Telephone Nos. with name of contact person etc. modification shall be carried out for
changes time to time.
Fire Protection
Check all the fire – fighting equipments, units and machineries for their conditions, physical
availability, workable and take necessary actions on replacement and maintenance, if required.
Check resources of water and keep necessary telephone Nos. of suppliers for the same. Maintain
the co-ordination with other fire – services. The water showers should be checked periodically for
working conditions.
personnel protective equipments. Also, maintain the relation with the mutual aiders for their
supply of Personnel Protective Equipments at the time of emergency.
Safety Systems
Check the working of all safety devices; interlock systems, safety-guard, railing, and fencings, in
position. The safety equipments shall be maintained in working condition. The safety motivation
and safety training are continuous process and arrange such type of training, periodically. Check
the monitoring instruments, if provided, for correct working. Check the alarm systems for its
working condition. The care shall be taken in respect of wind sock/cock that it shall remain always
in the position.
Medical Facilities
The First Aid Boxes provided at the plant area shall be adequately filled with requisite medicines
and equipments. Arrangement shall be made that at least one trained person should be available
during the working hours. The name and address with telephone No. of Doctors shall be displayed
in the Control Room along with General Hospital & Ambulance facilities.
Monitoring of Environment
A suitable type of flameproof and portable combustible gas indicator / sensor shall be provided
and sample of various locations shall be measured & record shall be maintained in Form No.37, as
prescribed under GFR.
Maintenance of Records
Keep the records of the monitoring conditions, safety systems, storage levels, process condition,
etc. and maintain the log – books, registers etc. Keep the onsite emergency plan with required
details at the emergency control centre.
Potentiality on Liaison
Keep constant liaison with mutual aiders, fire services, police department, medical services,
statutory authorities, District administration, during pre-emergency situation. Keep liaison with
local Crisis Group and District Crisis Group.
Public Education
Efforts are to be made to educate the surrounding public about the existing hazards of the plant,
the possible emergency actions and the precautions required to be taken in such condition. Leaflet
containing such details can be distributed amongst the public. The training program can be
arranged in the school, public institution. It can be circulated to news media, TV, Video- channels,
newspapers etc. Disclosure of Information to the public can be issued as part of Statutory
Siren Testing
The siren shall be checked & tested periodically at certain intervals so that awareness &
preparedness can be checked.
Post Emergency
To ensure that all fires are extinguished and there is no risk of re-ignition, before starting
To ensure that there is no chance of secondary explosion.
Do not disturb wreckage and debris except to rescue the injured or recover bodies, until
permitted to do so by statutory authority.
All victims, dead or alive, are systematically identified and keep the records accordingly.
Give information to their relatives, if asked.
Record all relevant information.
Take photograph / video or make suitable sketches of the incidence.
Report the accident / incident, with details, to the statutory authorities, if not informed.
Permission for restarting is required to be obtained from statutory authorities.
Keep registers for recording the entries, details, inventory, list of persons etc. & preserve
all the documents, log books, maps, registers & all records taken from the site.
Keep the record of help; Co-operation, Mutual aiders sought from others & write thanks
giving letters to them.
Arrange the compensations to the affected persons, injured persons, dead etc. as per
circumstance and if applicable, keep the records accordingly.
Estimate the expenses incurred during the emergency.
Estimate the various expenses under different head & prepare the total expenditures
Appoint the internal committee to investigate into the causes of the accident / incident, if
necessary and get report.
The transportation of material by road has got significant hazards. These need for precaution and
actions during the Transport Emergency for mitigate the effect of the material in the surroundings
as well passers by on the road. When the trucks filled with material is on the road and may trap
with accident, which resulted into road transport emergency. The action plan is essential to handle
and control such emergency.
The provisions on road transportation are made under Central Motor Vehicle Act and Rules. These
need on vehicles, display of correct technical name of the material/Chemical, special signs or
plates, Trem Card, Safe packing conditions, Particulars in transport documents, display of
supplier’s name, address, and phone number; including phone number from where specialist
advice can be available.
Further, transporters should carry “Emergency Kit” containing tool kit, emergency lighting, fire
extinguisher, protective clothing, and First Aid Kit, etc. Proper training to the drivers on emergency
is legally required.
In case such emergency suddenly strikes then, prompt and proper responding actions shall be
initiated and it will save the life and damage to property, and environment.
Containers should marked/Labelled with the details, such as Name of content, quantity, Name and
address of manufacturers, physical & Health hazards, precaution during handling, personnel
protective equipments to be used during handling etc. The drivers / helpers are educated
Safety Kit
Following items are required with the truck/tanker carrying Material/ Hazardous Goods/ Chemicals
on the road.
Safety equipments
Personnel protective equipments complete safety goggles two pairs, gum boots two pairs.
Tool Box with required tools. Non sparking Tools like Hammer etc. Safety Torch, First Aid Box
fully equipped, etc.
It shall be also ensured that the driver being deputed for transportations is trained to handle and
transport such hazardous materials and has been provided adequate and correct information, so
as to enable him to comply with various safety rules and regulations as prescribed.
Action Plan during transportation emergency for owner of the Company (Factory-
Safe handling, control, mitigation, public disclosure and caution, etc during road transportation
emergency are main activities.
On receiving the information from driver or transporters regarding the Accident of the transport
vehicle, the owner will form emergency team of three to four members; with consultation of the
plant Manager and SHE Department, and ensure to reach immediately to the site. The team will
rush to the site of the accident with all necessary PPE, tools, First Aid Box, etc.
Emergency Actions
The natural or man-made emergency/disaster can be identified as like Bomb Threat (Terrorism),
flood, Earthquake, Thunder Storm / Lightning Strike, Cyclone/Hurricane, Heavy Rain, Tsunami,
etc. The Response Actions on each disaster are explained as below;
At our site the most vulnerable areas to be searched first if no area is specified.
Action for Person working inan area where asuspect package, parcel or letter bomb is
Suspect Vehicle
Following conditions are the sources of flooding inside the plant or buildings;
Cloud bursting
Heavy Rainfall
High tide in River or Ocean
Release of water from Dam or other nearby dam
Assess the situation through flood control room and inform Emergency Control Centre
Go to the high level, if escape is not possible
Shut off hazardous chemical supply valves. Close the other operations
Remain calm, reassuring. Alert staff to potential hazards
Look for loose or grounded / downed power lines. Avoid area. Report problems to Emergency
Control Centre
Look for electrical system damage: sparks, broken/frayed wires, smell of burning insulation.
Turn off electricity at main switch, if you can without risk
Do not re-enter the Building until declared safe by authority or emergency management
Stay well clear of any downed or damaged power lines. Establish a safe distance from the
lines and report the incident to the responsible authority. Only adequately-trained authorized
electrician will handle damaged power lines for corrective action
Electrician will first assess the hazards present in order to minimize the chances of
exaggerating the situation. Idle the lines involved will be de-energized
When working on downed or damaged power lines, electrical workers must utilize proper
electrical safe work practices and proper personnel protective equipment.
After Earthquake
Be prepared for aftershocks. Although smaller than the main shock, aftershocks cause
additional damage and may bring weaken structures down. Aftershocks can occur in the first
hours, days, weeks, or even months after the quake.
Help injured or trapped persons.
Give first aid where appropriate.
Do not move seriously injured persons unless they are in immediate danger of further injury.
Call for help.
Listen to a battery-operated radio or television for the latest emergency information.
Remember to help your neighbors who may require special assistance-infants, the elderly, and
people with disabilities.
Stay out of damaged buildings.
Return home only when authorities say it is safe.
Use the telephone only for emergency calls.
Clean up spilled chemicals or other flammable liquids immediately. Leave the area if you smell
gas or fumes.
Thunderstorm is invariably accompanied by lightning A single stroke of lightning has 125,000,00
volts of electricity. That’s enough power to light a 100-watt light bulb for more than 3 months, or
enough to seriously hurt or to skill someone. Know what steps to take in the event of an oncoming
thunder storm & lightning. Lightning is something you should not be careless about, so seek a
safe shelter immediately! Be warned, lightning can and does strike just about any object in its
path. When you see lightning, follow these safety rules.
Stay or go indoors, If you hear thunder, don’t go outside unless absolutely necessary. Stand
clear from windows, doors, and electrical appliances.
Stay away from anything that could conduct electricity. This includes electric lines, Electric
Instruments, wires etc and phones. Unplug appliances well before a storm strikes.
Don’t use any plug-in electrical appliances like Cell phones, TV, music system, mixer, blender,
iron press, hair dryer, or electric razor etc. If lightning strikes your house, these electrical /
electronic gadgets can conduct the charge to you.
Don’t use the telephone during the storm. Lightning may strike telephone lines outside. Use
the telephone quickly only for emergency purposes. Avoid contact with piping including sinks,
baths and faucets.
When outdoors, seek shelter from lightning! Buildings are best for shelter, but if no buildings
are available, you can find protection in a cave, ditch, or a campus. Trees are not good cover.
Tall trees attract lightning. Never use a tree as a shelter.
Stay in your vehicle if you are travelling, vehicles gives you excellent lightning protection. Get
in a hard topped car.
If you can’t find shelter avoid the tallest object in the area. If only isolated trees are nearly,
your best protection is to crouch in the open, keeping the distance twice the height of isolated
trees. Avoid areas that are higher than the surrounding landscape.
Don’t use metal objects outside. Keep away from metal objects including bikes, electric or
telephone poles, fencing, machinery etc.
Get out of the water. Immediately get out and away from pools, lakes, and other bodies of
When you feel the electrical charge – if your hair stands on end or your skin tingles- lightning
may be about to strike near you. Immediately crouch down and cover your ears. Do not lie
down or place your hands on the ground.
Victims of lightning shock are administered Cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) i.e. artificial
respiration, if necessary. Seek medical aid.
Cyclone/ Hurricane
The nature of a cyclone provides for more warning than other natural and weather disasters.
Stay calm and await instructions from the Emergency Coordinator or the designated officials.
Continue to monitor local TV and radio stations for instructions.
Move early out of low-lying areas, at the request of officials.
If you are on high ground, plan to stay, secure the building, moving all loose items indoors
and close windows and openings.
Collect drinking water in appropriate containers.
Be ready to evacuate as directed by the Emergency Coordinator and/or the designated official.
During a Cyclone
Remain indoors and consider the following:
The phenomenon Tsunami is a series of travelling ocean waves of extremely long length
generated primarily by earthquakes occurring below or near the ocean floor; occurrence of
Be familiar with the tsunami signals. People living along the coast should consider an earthquake
or a sizable ground rumbling as a warning signal. A noticeable rapid rise or fall in coastal waters is
also a sign that a tsunami is approaching.
Listen to a radio or television to get the latest emergency information, and be ready to
evacuate if asked to do so.
If you hear a tsunami warning, move at one to higher ground and stay there until local
authorities say it is safe to return home.
Move in an orderly, clam and safe manner to the evacuation.
Stay away from the beach. Never go down to the beach to watch a tsunami come in.
Return home/plant only after authorities advise it is safe to do so.
Stay tuned to a battery- operated radio for the latest emergency information.
Help injured or trapped persons.
Stay out of damaged buildings. Return plant/home only when authorities say it is safe.
Enter your home with caution. Use a flashlight/ torch when entering damaged buildings.
Check for electrical shorts and live wires. Do not use appliances or lights until an electrician
has checked the electrical system.
Open windows and doors to help dry the building.
Shovel mud while it is still moist to give walls and floors an opportunity to dry.
Check Accumulated mud & do not drink, drinking water retained in the pot or container.
If Fresh food that has come in contact with floodwater may be contaminated and will be
thrown out.
When the industrial disaster cannot be controlled by using unit’s own resources, then, it is
necessary to involve Govt. and other external resources to control such emergency. Even when
Industrial disaster spread outside its premises and likely to affect / ought to be affected
surrounding population, other industries, etc. then also Govt. resources etc needed to control it.
This emergency called as Off Site Emergency & it will be controlled by either Local or District
authority under District Crisis group (DCG)/ (Local crisis group (LCG).
The emergency location will not change but the line of actions will be governed by crisis group
instead of unit’s authorities. The unit’s own authority has to extend facilities, liaison, and
coordination to the Local Crisis Group or District Crisis Group as per the requirement or situation.
The emergency operations outside the factory premises are not different in character from those
applicable to on sites. Hence the approach to and preparation for on-site emergency detailed in
previous chapters will be applicable in case of Off-Site action also. However, the following points
should be kept in mind:
The groups involved are not as enlightened and responsible as those within the factory.
In off-site actions, the local participants particularly the administration, fire & police play the
dominant role. Industrial management has a limited and comparatively submissive role.
The diversities of the problems and response are bigger.
Humanitarian work assumes more importance.
The correct management strategy in this situation will be to involve the local participants’ fully in
emergency operation and provide technical and financial support to them to manage the
emergency. This task is more difficult than managing the on-site emergency operation in many
ways and call for elaborate and consistent efforts.
If On site emergency turns to off-site, the SMC has to provide the following information/details to
the Authority with explaining the situation and to provide the required resources.
Type of Accident, involved materials/chemicals, with quantities worst scenarios, effect (which
can escalate in to off-site emergency), probable duration, casualties, damaged
Resources can be spared by the management of Affected Unit
Availability of special Medical treatment
Location of Safe Assembly Points, Emergency Control centre with In-charge Person, Parking
Area and Approach route, etc
List of required helps, resources (Type of Fire Fighting materials, Damage Control System,
Repair Items etc), Neutralizing Agents, Type of emergency equipment, etc
Matter to notify to Public, Evacuation arrangement
Arrangement of disposal of waste, clean up, etc
Actions by Site Main Controller (SMC) & Incident Controller (IC) - During Off Site
Emergency In Brief
The Unit’s Site Main Controller, Incident Controller and In-charge of ECC have to perform the
duties and responsibility different from On Site Emergency Plan. The Government Authority
(Chairman of DCG/LCG) will take charge of situation and they will be called as “Site Main
Controller” or Chairman for Off Site Emergency plan.
Therefore, the Unit’s Site Main Controller will act “Site Co-ordinator”, Incident Controller will act as
“Incident Co-ordinator” and In-charge of ECC will act as Liaison Man.
During Off Site Emergency, Unit’s Site Main Controller becomes Co-ordinator and his duties are as
He has to extend liaison, co-ordination and facility to the Chairman of local crisis group or
Chairman of district crisis group.
He has to explain about disaster, his efforts and what type of help is needed in brief to
Chairman of Local Crisis group (Govt. Authority) and Control Room.
He has to communicate about available resources, fatality/injury to his own employees and
probable affected surrounding area with maximum credible scenario.
He has to keep ready with maps, layout of unit, records, documents, On Site Emergency Plan,
Details of Process Hazards, Safe Handling procedure on specific material etc.
He has to advise for medical treatment
He has to divert Communication system for Off site emergency.
He has to divert all available resource for Off site emergency.
He has to provide aid and assistance for Off Site Emergency.
Shutdown plant safely, if hazards is not involved.
He has to reorganize the work of Key personal & essential worker.
Arrangement of food, water, rest etc. for the person engaged in the duty.
Arrangement of disposal of contaminated water, effluent, solid waste, etc.
He has to show the actual incident place to off site action group.
He has to provide proper information to all incoming off site action group.
He has to also explain safe route for off site team members, fire crew members, etc.
He has to describe available resources, other hazardous material near disaster, available
PPE’s, Neutralizing Media, etc.
He has to show safe & proper parking arrangement for off site action group members.
The Unit’s In-charge of Emergency Control Centre have to perform the duties as liaison man and
to communicate massages to emergency services, outsiders and as instructed by authorities of
During off-site emergency, Emergency Control Centre will work as base communication centre and
directives will be given by District Crisis Group and as instruction from Emergency Control Room.
Key persons, Safety Officer, FMO, Manager (HR), Security Officer and others have to co-operate,
help & assist and coordinate with SMC and IC during Off-site Emergency till control and clean-up
Responding Actions
As declaration of Off-site Emergency, the Authority of LCG/DCG will take over the charge of
situation and conduct the responding actions to handle and control the emergency by putting on
line the emergency services, pulling & acquiring the govt. /pvt. Resources; as per their own
Emergency Plan, consulting other designated emergency officers with consultation of SMC/IC.
Fire protection system will be provided as per OISD norms, details of details on proposed fire
protection facility is given below:
Source of Water
Company will provide fire hydrant networks to cater most of the area of the installation. Following
system will be provided on Fire hydrant system.
Fire Extinguishers
Mechanical Foam
Dry Powder,
The details of fire extinguishers for Jetty and Barrage are given as following;
DG Set
To get the power supply in case of emergency or in case of power failure, DG sets will be
Training on Fire fighting will be imparted to various employees. Further, all security persons with
training in Fire Fighting will be selected for employment.
Wind Sock
Safety Showers with eye wash fountain will be provided at various locations.
Medical examination of workers will be carried out periodically. Employee will be trained person in
First Aid.
Minor accidents on material/chemical do not much impact or damage, but major accidents
involved large volume of inventories called as Disaster/Emergency cause extensive damage to
person, property and environment. Emergency situation arises all of a sudden and contains high
potential to cause havoc.
Therefore, advance emergency planning and proper training of every employee in the emergency
functions is very essential to make emergency control measures more effective.
There are two types of emergency control plans for chemical accidents,
The first is to be prepared by an industrial unit under the guidance of government & local
authorities, while second one is to be prepared by the local authority or the government itself with
the help of government machinery and resources including the concerned industrial units also.
The Disaster is caused by an accident that takes place in the plant and effects are confined to the
factory premises involving the persons working in the factory. On-site Emergency Plan to deal with
such eventualities is the responsibility of the occupier and is mandatory. “The Key- Elements” of
On-site Emergency Plan are:
Internal & External contact numbers and addresses of all connected persons with
Site Plan, Lay out Plan, Entry & Exit Gates, Locations of various facilities, Fire Protection
system, etc.
Process with flow chart.
Role and responsibility of designated persons, their availability and response actions.
Infrastructure, Communication & Warning system,
The experienced and senior persons are selected from the Unit and they will be responsible to
handle and control the disaster over and above their general duties. The aforesaid person will
called as “Designated Person” for disaster purpose. They have to perform their duty coordinately
till the controlling the disaster. Further, every incident requires special treatment, because, it is
difficult to predict type of situation will take place & how it turn and how person will react. The
Disaster Set-Up is given in chart, as per below:
Hazard identification is a critical component for disaster plan, which is discussed above.
Various actions are required to be initiated according to the situation. However, some systematic
codification is required to control such disaster; the following sequential actions will be helpful to
contain disaster.
There are possibilities of various types of accidents or mishaps occurring in the factory premises.
When any incident occurs, it should be distinguished immediately with the subsequent
development or seriousness of such occurrence. So, subsequent response actions can be taken
immediately to handle & control the situation.
The person noticing (First Eye Witness) the ”Fire” or “Emergency” condition shall shout " Fire, Fire,
Fire " or “Emergency” and also manually sound the nearest bell kept in the field for attracting the
attention of the personnel in the near vicinity.
Then, he will rush to the control room and inform Supervisor/ Officer.
In case of “Fire”, he shall immediately Attack the Fire with, appropriate type of first-aid firefighting
extinguishers available everywhere in the field and ask help of available trained persons at site.
On receiving “Message of Fire / Occurrence”, one of the Supervisor will proceed to the trouble
spot and other may remain available in control room for guidance and coordination.
The Supervisor will access the situation, consulting with technical persons then, he will hold the
charge of “Incident Controller” and will inform immediately to Site Main Controller [Sr. Terminal
Manager]. On consultation and accessing situation, Site Main Controller will order to operate
“Disaster Plan” and declare emergency. To better deal with disaster coordination and co-operation
among participants and members concerned are pivotal. Information sharing and awareness
raising should also be incorporated in this network.
Response actions shall be initiated immediately by the concerned Team-Heads with their
members, by use of available resources as per instruction by SIC. Looking to the situation,
information regarding development of incident, type & nature of incident, in case more help
needed etc. shall be communicated to the Emergency Control Centre by SIC.
Unit Head/ Manger / Shift in Charge will initiate following actions as “Site Incident Controller”.
Inform the employees / persons working around to leave the area immediately & go to the
safe assembly point.
Continuous responding actions, with the use of Key Persons, Essential Workers and other
helps, till control the incident.
Constantly brief & inform the higher authority.
On controlling the situation, he will communicate the CIC & Higher authority. On hearing, CIC
will assure the safety of the area, & then declare withdrawal of Emergency and ask to sound
the siren accordingly.
The role & responsibility of designated person are illustrated as below. However, response actions
may differ according to the prevailing situation.
Manager / Shift In-Charge will work as Site Incident Controller. Further, He will hold the position
of CIC, till CIC will take over. SIC has to perform the following duties, along with other duty as
directed by CIC.
The SIC shall maintain a workable emergency control plan, establish emergency control
centers, organize and equip the organization with DMP and train the personnel;
The SIC shall be capable of making quick decisions and taking full charge;
The SIC shall communicate to the Emergency Control Centre; where it can coordinate
activities among groups;
The SIC shall be responsible for ensuring that appropriate local and national government
authorities are notified, preparation of media statements, obtaining approval from the CIC and
releasing such statements once approval received;
The SIC shall also ensure the response to the incidents or the emergencies, as the case may
be, is in line with entity procedures, coordinating business continuity or recovery plan from the
incident. He must ensure next of kin are notified in a timely manner;
The SIC shall also co-ordinate if any specialist support is required for the above purpose; and
The SIC shall decide on seeking assistance of mutual aid members and external agencies like
police, fire brigade, hospital etc.
Responsibilities of the administration and communication controller shall include the following;
Responsibilities of the Fire and Safety Coordinator shall include the following;
To ensure that key personnel are called in and to release crew of firefighting operations as per
emergency procedure;
Assess functioning of his team and communicate with the CIC and or administrative controller
for any replenishment or, replacement of manpower or firefighting equipment;
Direct the fire brigade personnel and mutual aid members to their desired roles as also proper
positioning of the manpower and equipment;
To decide the requirement of mutual aid and instruct fire station, who, in turn will contact
mutual aid members;
To coordinate with outside fire brigades for properly coordinated firefighting operation;
To ensure that casualties are promptly sent to first aid centre / hospital;
To arrange requirement of additional firefighting resources including help from mutual aid
Ensure empty and loaded trucks are removed to safer area to the extent possible so as not to
affect emergency handling operations;
Continually liaise with the SIC and or CIC and implement the emergency combat strategies as
communicated by him; and
Ensure adequate hydrant pressure in the mains and monitor water level in the reservoir.
Note: Fire chief shall wear identification jackets at the site of disaster so that he is clearly
distinguished among firefighting personnel and is visible from a distance.
Safety personnel will guide and assist the CIC/SIC on chemical-safety, toxicological details, MSDS,
neutralizing agent, type of PPE and safety equipment to be used, Health effect, environment
effect, etc.
They will be treated as Essential Workers in Disaster Plan. The List of Essential Workers shall be
prepared and they shall be trained accordingly.
The following additional coordinators may be nominated and delegated the specific responsibilities
falling under the basic functions of SIC and or CIC;
The Security Coordinator reports to the Chief / Site Incident Controller and is responsible for
security of the installation during any incident or emergency situation and for implementing the
actions below:
To stop the entry of all the unauthorized persons into the Terminal and control the traffic.
To Guide the fire tenders etc. for the approach to Fire Spot & to keep the route open to
facilitate external help.
To maintain discipline in the truck parking area.
To control and disperse the crowd from the main gate.
The team will insist all the persons other than the employees of ASAP to vacate the Terminal.
Obtaining an approved visitor list from the security department or reception for ensuring that
personnel on the list are escorted to reception by security staff;
Maintaining security of the office in the event of an office evacuation;
Providing office security and assisting authorities in the event of civil unrest or when required
organizing additional security at the emergency scene;
Obtaining initial briefing from Chief / Site Incident Controller and providing security
information and or status reports to Site Incident Controller during the emergency;
Assuming responsibility for any task delegated by Chief Incident Controller; and
Assessing the emergency, identify security specific problems and recommend solutions to
Chief Incident Controller.
The qualified, experienced, senior officers shall be selected to carry out liaison, communication,
pool out resources, conveying messages etc emergency duties as per instruction by SMC/IC or
situations and they have to perform their duties on urgent basis. Further, they have to ensure that
proper messages along with statutory documents/formats/details should reach to the Factory
Inspector/DISH and other authorities in time. They will also keep liaison with Explosive
Department, GPCB, etc. They will perform liaison work with hospital Authorities for admitted
injured person and inform their relatives. If emergency extend for prolong period, then they will
arrange for water and food as per prevailing situation under consultation with SMC.
The persons, who are not taking part/ allotted duties during emergency, they supposed to rush
immediately at safe assembly point upon hearing emergency siren/alarm;
7.3.7 Infrastructures
Each installation shall have the provision of ECC preferably with a back- up arrangement.
The ECC shall be away from potential hazards and provide maximum safety to personnel
and equipment.
Preference should be given to a non-combustible building of either steel frame or
reinforced concrete construction.
The ECC should have at least two exits and adequate ventilation
14. Following certain basic supplies and dedicated equipment shall be made available at the ECC.
Maps and diagrams showing buildings, roads, underground fire mains, important
hazardous material and process lines, drainage trenches, and utilities such as steam,
water, natural gas and electricity are required.
Aerial photographs, if possible, and maps showing the site, adjacent industries, the
surrounding community, high-ways, rivers, etc., help determine how the disaster may
affect the community so that the proper people can be notified, adequate roadblocks
established, and the civil authorities advised.
Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of employees.
Names, addresses, and telephone numbers of off-site groups and organizations that might
have to be contacted should be available. All telephone lists should be reviewed for
accuracy on a scheduled basis and updated, as necessary.
Dedicated and reliable communication equipment should be provided at the ECC. Enough
telephones and one fax line to serve the organization for calls both on-and off-the-site.
Two-way radio equipment shall be provided to maintain continuity of communications
when other means fail and also provides an excellent way of keeping in contact with field
All ECC should have emergency lights so that operations can continue in the event of
power failure.
Facilities for recording the sequence of events should be provided to assist in investigating
causes, evaluating performance, and preparing reports. This can range from a pan board,
logbook to a tape recorder with a person assigned to record pertinent information.
ECC should also have dedicated computer with LAN/ internet facility to access the
installation data and also it should have the latest and updated soft copies of all standard
operating practices (SOP) etc.
There should be pre-designated areas in safe zone as per quantitative risk assessment, where
the personnel like workers, staff, contractor workers etc. not involved in emergency
operations shall assemble in case of an emergency.
Depending on the location of the emergency, the assembly point can vary. For each potential
hazardous zone, a specific assembly point shall be identified and clearly marked on the zones
or maps.
The assembly point should be clearly marked with directional display board along the route.
Route should be well lighted with florescent marking.
During an emergency, pre-designated persons would take charge of this point and take the
roll call of the people reporting. Provisions should be made for assembly points,
communication and headcount facilities at assembly points, and personnel to control the
movement of assembled employees.
The Emergency siren/s should be located suitably to cover the whole area with the operational
control within the installation. These should be tested at least once in a week to keep them in
working condition.
Emergency siren code should be as follows, namely;
gap 1 min + wailing siren 2min + gap 1min + wailing siren 2min) total duration of Disaster
siren to be eight minutes.
Two D.G sets of 380 KVA are available at jetty premises. To fulfill the requirement of operation
activities one D.G set is sufficient, one will remain as stand by for emergency conditions. After the
expansion one more D.G set of 380 KVA will be procured, Out of the three on will remain as stand
The fuel requirement for the D.G set operation will be 30 liters per hour per one D.G set.
Safe Escape Route
Safe Assembly Point
No Smoking
Use of PPE
Fire Extinguisher
First Aid Box
Siren Code
Parking / No Parking
Speed Limit
Emergency Exits
The emergency exit route shall be pre-decided and the boards shall be displayed accordingly; so
person can come out safely from the site during disaster.
Personnel Protective Equipment and safety equipment will be proposed as mention in Table 7-1
7.3.8 Evacuation
initiated and handled by district authorities, the affected installation shall help to implement
such evacuation.
This evacuation plan shall also consider:
If evacuation takes place after initial head counts are reported, means for recounting may be
necessary. Where it is safe to do so, areas being evacuated should be thoroughly searched to
ensure everyone has departed safely. Portable mobile vehicle for announcement should be
available in the emergency.
The safety measures to be taken in the event of an emergency shall be made known to the
general public who are likely to be affected.
For the purpose, use of Dos' and Don’ts' shall be prepared and furnished to the Crisis
management Group. Display boards carrying do’s and don’ts should be located outside the gate as
well as in the neighboring colonies and other habitat areas in the immediate vicinity.
Termination activities should concentrate on giving accurate information to people who need it
most especially employees, neighborhood, District Authorities engaged in offsite emergencies,
and should begin as soon as the emergency phase of the operation is completed.
The termination of emergency shall be declared through siren as per the Siren Code defined
by industry in case of Level- I and II. For Level-III termination of emergency shall be declared
by District Authority through appropriate mode of information transfer so as to reach each and
every one.
After the emergency, the following activities need to be carried out in detail.
The check-points for incident preventing measures are given as per following;
In our operations involving production and export of salt, are committed to:
Complying with all applicable legal requirements and other requirements, which our company
subscribes to, which are related to the environmental aspects of our activities, products and
Establishing and implementing an Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety
Management System, which shall include setting and reviewing objectives and targets related
to our environmental, occupational and safety performance and standard operating
procedures for periodically evaluating environmental, occupational and safety performance,
identifying non-conformances related to environmental, occupational and safety, non-
compliances to all applicable legal requirements related to environmental, occupational and
safety and implement corrective actions
Continually improve our environmental, occupational and safety management and
environmental, occupational and safety performance,
Prevention of pollution, injury and ill health.
7.5.1 Purpose
To define steps for identifying non-compliances related to all applicable legal requirements in the
area of Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and taking corrective actions.
7.5.2 Scope
The steps defined in this procedure cover all applicable legal requirements in the area of
Environment, Occupational Health and Safety.
7.5.3 References
All identified applicable legal requirements in the area of Environment, Occupational Health and
7.5.4 Responsibilities
7.5.5 Procedure
Prepare a checklist of compliance check-points taking into consideration all the applicable legal
requirements in the area of Environment, Occupational Health and Safety. (One-time action)
Check for every check-point identified in 5.1 above, once every 3 months.
Identify root cause for each of the detected non-compliances.
Plan and implement corrections (for mitigation of the non-compliance) and corrective actions
(for preventing recurrence of non-compliance) for each identified non-compliance
Maintain records of all identified non-compliances, root causes, corrections and corrective
Report all cases of legal non-compliances to the top management who shall consider
informing these cases of non-compliances to the Board of Directors and/or shareholders
where deemed necessary.
Update the checklist of compliance check-points if required.
7.5.6 Records