Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

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Neural Network Toolbox™

Release Notes
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Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

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Contents 1

Summary by Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Version 7.0 (R2010b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software . . 3

Version 6.0.4 (R2010a) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software 21

Version 6.0.3 (R2009b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software 22

Version 6.0.2 (R2009a) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software 23

Version 6.0.1 (R2008b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software 24

Version 6.0 (R2008a) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software . 25

Version 5.1 (R2007b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software . 28

Version 5.0.2 (R2007a) Neural Network Toolbox™

Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Version 5.0.1 (R2006b) Neural Network Toolbox™

Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Version 5.0 (R2006a) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software . 37

Version 4.0.6 (R14SP3) Neural Network Toolbox™

Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Compatibility Summary for Neural Network

Toolbox™ Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Neural Network Toolbox Release Notes

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

Summary by Version
This table provides quick access to what’s new in each version. For
clarification, see “Using Release Notes” on page 2.

Version New Features Version Fixed Bugs and Related

(Release) and Changes Compatibility Known Problems Documentation at
Considerations Web Site

Latest Version Yes Yes Bug Reports Printable Release

V7.0 (R2010b) Details Summary Includes fixes Notes: PDF

Current product
V6.0.4 (R2010a) No No Bug Reports None
Includes fixes
V6.0.3 (R2009b) No No Bug Reports None
Includes fixes
V6.0.2 (R2009a) No No Bug Reports None
Includes fixes
V6.0.1 (R2008b) No No Bug Reports None
Includes fixes
V6.0 (R2008a) Yes Yes Bug Reports None
Details Summary Includes fixes
V5.1 (R2007b) Yes Yes Bug Reports None
Details Summary Includes fixes

V5.0.2 (R2007a) No No Bug Reports None

V5.0.1 (R2006b) No No Bug Reports None

V5.0 (R2006a) Yes Yes Bug Reports None

Details Summary

V4.0.6 (R14SP3) No No Bug Reports None

Summary by Version

Using Release Notes

Use release notes when upgrading to a newer version to learn about:

• New features
• Changes
• Potential impact on your existing files and practices

Review the release notes for other MathWorks® products required for this
product (for example, MATLAB® or Simulink®) for enhancements, bugs, and
compatibility considerations that also might impact you.
If you are upgrading from a software version other than the most recent one,
review the release notes for all interim versions, not just for the version you are
installing. For example, when upgrading from V1.0 to V1.2, review the release
notes for V1.1 and V1.2.

What Is in the Release Notes

New Features and Changes
• New functionality
• Changes to existing functionality
Version Compatibility Considerations
When a new feature or change introduces a reported incompatibility between
versions, the Compatibility Considerations subsection explains the impact.
Compatibility issues reported after the product is released appear under Bug
Reports at the MathWorks Web site. Bug fixes can sometimes result in
incompatibilities, so you should also review fixed bugs in Bug Reports for any
compatibility impact.

Fixed Bugs and Known Problems

MathWorks offers a user-searchable database so you can view Bug Reports.
The development team updates this database at release time and as more
information becomes available. This includes provisions for any known
workarounds or file replacements. Information is available for bugs existing in
or fixed in Release 14SP2 or later. Information is not available for all bugs in
earlier releases.
Access Bug Reports using your MathWorks Account.

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

Version 7.0 (R2010b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

This table summarizes what’s new in Version 7.0 (R2010b):

New Features Version Fixed Bugs and Related Documentation at

and Changes Compatibility Known Problems Web Site

Yes Yes—Details Bug Reports Printable Release Notes: PDF

Details below labeled as Includes fixes
Compatibility Current product
Considerations, documentation
below. See also

New features and changes introduced in this version are:

• “New Neural Network Start GUI” on page 4

• “New Time Series GUI and Tools” on page 5
• “New Time Series Validation” on page 13
• “New Time Series Properties” on page 13
• “New Flexible Error Weighting and Performance” on page 14
• “New Real Time Workshop® and Improved Simulink® Support” on page 15
• “New Documentation Organization and Hyperlinks” on page 17
• “New Derivative Functions and Property” on page 17
• “Improved Network Creation” on page 18
• “Improved GUIs” on page 19
• “Improved Memory Efficiency” on page 19
• “Improved Data Sets” on page 20
• “Updated Argument Lists” on page 20

Version 7.0 (R2010b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

New Neural Network Start GUI

The new nnstart function opens a GUI that provides links to new and existing
Neural Network Toolbox GUIs and other resources. The first panel of the GUI
opens four “getting started” wizards.

The second panel provides links to other toolbox starting points.

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

New Time Series GUI and Tools

The new ntstool function opens a wizard GUI that allows time series problems
to be solved with three kinds of neural networks: NARX networks (neural
auto-regressive with external input), NAR networks (neural auto-regressive),
and time delay neural networks. It follows a similar format to the neural fitting
(nftool), clustering (nctool), and pattern recognition (nprtool) tools.

Network diagrams shown in the Neural Time Series Tool, Neural Training
Tool, and with the view(net) command, have been improved to show tap delay
lines in front of weights, the sizes of inputs, layers and outputs, and the time
relationship of inputs and outputs. Open loop feedback outputs and inputs are
indicated with matching tab and indents in their respective blocks.

Version 7.0 (R2010b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

The Save Results panel of the Neural Network Time Series Tool allows you to
generate both a Simple Script, which demonstrates how to get the same results
as were obtained with the wizard, and an Advanced Script, which provides an
introduction to more advanced techniques.

The Train Network panel of the Neural Network Time Series Tool introduces
four new plots, which you can also access from the Network Training Tool and
the command line.

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

The error histogram of any static or dynamic network can be plotted.


The dynamic response can be plotted, with colors indicating how targets were
assigned to training, validation and test sets across timesteps. (Dividing data
by timesteps and other criteria, in addition to by sample, is a new feature
described in “New Time Series Validation” on page 13.)

Version 7.0 (R2010b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

The autocorrelation of error across varying lag times can be plotted.


The input-to-error correlation can also be plotted for varying lags.


Simpler time series neural network creation is provided for NARX and
time-delay networks, and a new function creates NAR networks. All the
network diagrams shown here are generated with the command view(net).

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

net = narxnet(inputDelays, feedbackDelays, hiddenSizes,

feedbackMode, trainingFcn

net = narnet(feedbackDelays, hiddenSizes, feedbackMode,


net = timedelaynet(inputDelays, hiddenSizes, trainingFcn)

Several new data sets provide sample problems that can be solved with these
networks. These data sets are also available within the ntstool GUI and the
command line.

Version 7.0 (R2010b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

[x, t] = simpleseries_dataset;
[x, t] = simplenarx_dataset;
[x, t] = exchanger_dataset;
[x, t] = maglev_dataset;
[x, t] = ph_dataset;
[x, t] = pollution_dataset;
[x, t] = refmodel_dataset;
[x, t] = robotarm_dataset;
[x, t] = valve_dataset;

The preparets function formats input and target time series for time series
networks, by shifting the inputs and targets as needed to fill initial input and
layer delay states. This function simplifies what is normally a tricky data
preparation step that must be customized for details of each kind of network
and its number of delays.
[x, t] = simplenarx_dataset;
net = narxnet(1:2, 1:2, 10);
[xs, xi, ai, ts] = preparets(net, x, {}, t);
net = train(net, xs, ts, xi, ai);
y = net(xs, xi, ai)

The output-to-input feedback of NARX and NAR networks (or custom time
series network with output-to-input feedback loops) can be converted between
open- and closed-loop modes using the two new functions closeloop and
net = narxnet(1:2, 1:2, 10);

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

net = closeloop(net)

net = openloop(net)

The total delay through a network can be adjusted with the two new functions
removedelay and adddelay. Removing a delay from a NARX network which
has a minimum input and feedback delay of 1, so that it now has a minimum
delay of 0, allows the network to predict the next target value a timestep ahead
of when that value is expected.

Version 7.0 (R2010b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

net = removedelay(net)

net = adddelay(net)

The new function catsamples allows you to combine multiple time series into
a single neural network data variable. This is useful for creating input and
target data from multiple input and target time series.
x = catsamples(x1, x2, x3);
t = catsamples(t1, t2, t3);

In the case where the time series are not the same length, the shorter time
series can be padded with NaN values. This will indicate “don't care” or
equivalently “don’t know” input and targets, and will have no effect during
simulation and training.
x = catsamples(x1, x2, x3, 'pad')
t = catsamples(t1, t2, t3, 'pad')

Alternatively, the shorter series can be padded with any other value, such as
x = catsamples(x1, x2, x3, 'pad', 0)

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

There are many other new and updated functions for handling neural network
data, which make it easier to manipulate neural network time series data.
help nndatafun

New Time Series Validation

Normally during training, a data set’s targets are divided up by sample into
training, validation and test sets. This allows the validation set to stop
training at a point of optimal generalization, and the test set to provide an
independent measure of the network’s accuracy. This mode of dividing up data
is now indicated with a new property:
net.divideMode = 'sample'

However, many time series problems involve only a single time series. In order
to support validation you can set the new property to divide data up by
timestep. This is the default setting for NARXNET and other time series
net.divideMode = 'time'

This property can be set manually, and can be used to specify dividing up of
targets across both sample and timestep, by all target values (i.e., across
sample, timestep, and output element), or not to perform data division at all.
net.divideMode = 'sampletime'
net.divideMode = 'all'
net.divideMode = 'none'

New Time Series Properties

Time series feedback can also be controlled manually with new network
properties that represent output-to-input feedback in open- or closed-loop
modes. For open-loop feedback from an output from layer i back to input j, set
these properties as follows:
net.inputs{j}.feedbackOutput = i
net.outputs{i}.feedbackInput = j
net.outputs{i}.feedbackMode = 'open'

When the feedback mode of the output is set to 'closed', the properties
change to reflect that the output-to-input feedback is now implemented with

Version 7.0 (R2010b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

internal feedback by removing input j from the network, and having output
properties as follows:
net.outputs{i}.feedbackInput = [];
net.outputs{i}.feedbackMode = 'closed'

Another output property keeps track of the proper closed-loop delay, when a
network is in open-loop mode. Normally this property has this setting:
net.outputs{i}.feedbackDelay = 0

However, if a delay is removed from the network, it is updated to 1, to indicate

that the network’s output is actually one timestep ahead of its inputs, and must
be delayed by 1 if it is to be converted to closed-loop form.
net.outputs{i}.feedbackDelay = 1

New Flexible Error Weighting and Performance

Performance functions have a new argument list that supports error weights
for indicating which target values are more important than others. The train
function also supports error weights.
net = train(net, x, t, xi, ai, ew)
perf = mse(net, x, t, ew)

You can define error weights by sample, output element, time step, or network
ew = [1.0 0.5 0.7 0.2]; % Weighting errors across 4 samples
ew = [0.1; 0.5; 1.0]; % ... across 3 output elements
ew = {0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 1.0}; % ... across 5 timesteps
ew = {1.0; 0.5}; % ... across 2 network outputs

These can also be defined across any combination. For example, weighting
error across two time series (i.e., two samples) over four timesteps:
ew = {[0.5 0.4], [0.3 0.5], [1.0 1.0], [0.7 0.5]};

In the general case, error weights can have exactly the same dimension as
targets, where each target has an associated error weight.
Some performance functions are now obsolete, as their functionality has been
implemented as options within the four remaining performance functions: mse,
mae, sse, and sae.

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

The regularization implemented in msereg and msnereg is now implemented

with a performance property supported by all four remaining performance
% Any value between the default 0 and 1.

The error normalization implemented in msne and msnereg is now

implemented with a normalization property.
% Either 'normalized', 'percent', or the default 'none'.

A third performance parameter indicates whether error weighting is applied to

square errors (the default for mse and sse) or the absolute errors (mae and sae).
net.performParam.squaredWeighting % true or false

Compatibility Considerations
The old performance functions and old performance arguments lists continue
to work as before, but are no longer recommended.

New Real Time Workshop® and Improved

Simulink® Support
Neural network Simulink blocks now compile with Real Time Workshop and
are compatible with Rapid Accelerator mode.

Version 7.0 (R2010b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

gensim has new options for generating neural network systems in Simulink.
Name - the system name
SampleTime - the sample time
InputMode - either port, workspace, constant, or none.
OutputMode - either display, port, workspace, scope, or none
SolverMode - either default or discrete

For instance, here a NARX network is created and set up in MATLAB to use
workspace inputs and outputs.
[x, t] = simplenarx_dataset;
net = narxnet(1:2, 1:2, 10);
[xs, xi, ai, ts] = preparets(net, x, {}, t);
net = train(net, xs, ts, xi, ai);
net = closeloop(net);
[sysName, netName] = gensim(net, 'InputMode', 'workspace', ...
'OutputMode', 'workspace', 'SolverMode', 'discrete');

Simulink neural network blocks now allow initial conditions for input and
layer delays to be set directly by double-clicking the neural network block.
setsiminit and getsiminit provide command-line control for setting and
getting input and layer delays for a neural network Simulink block.
setsiminit(sysName, netName, net, xi, ai);

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

New Documentation Organization and Hyperlinks

The User’s Guide has been rearranged to better focus on the workflow of
practical applications. The Getting Started section has been expanded.
References to functions throughout the online documentation and
command-line help now link directly to their function pages.
help feedforwardnet

The command-line output of neural network objects now contains hyperlinks

to documentation. For instance, here a feed-forward network is created and
displayed. Its command-line output contains links to network properties,
function reference pages, and parameter information.
net = feedforwardnet(10);

Subobjects of the network, such as inputs, layers, outputs, biases, weights, and
parameter lists also display with links.
net.inputWeights{1, 1}

The training tool nntraintool and the wizard GUIs nftool, nprtool, nctool,
and ntstool, provide numerous hyperlinks to documentation.

New Derivative Functions and Property

New functions give convenient access to error gradient (of performance with
respect to weights and biases) and Jacobian (of error with respect to weights
and biases) calculated by various means.
staticderiv - Backpropagation for static networks
bttderiv - Backpropagation through time
fpderiv - Forward propagation
num2deriv - Two-point numerical approximation
num5deriv - Five-point numerical approximation
defaultderiv - Chooses recommended derivative function for the network

Version 7.0 (R2010b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

For instance, here you can calculate the error gradient for a newly created and
configured feedforward network.
net = feedforwardnet(10);
[x, t] = simplefit_dataset;
net = configure(net, x, t);
d = staticderiv('dperf_dwb', net, x, t)

Improved Network Creation

New network creation functions have clearer names, no longer need example
data, and have argument lists reduced to only the arguments recommended for
most applications. All arguments have defaults, so you can create simple
networks by calling network functions without any arguments. New networks
are also more memory efficient, as they no longer need to store sample input
and target data for proper configuration of input and output processing
% New function
net = feedforwardnet(hiddenSizes, trainingFcn)

% Old function
net = newff(x,t,hiddenSizes, transferFcns, trainingFcn, ...
learningFcn, performanceFcn, inputProcessingFcns, ...
outputProcessingFcns, dataDivisionFcn)

The new functions (and the old functions they replace) are:

feedforwardnet (newff)
cascadeforwardnet (newcf)
competlayer (newc)
distdelaynet (newdtdnn)
elmannet (newelm)
fitnet (newfit)
layrecnet (newlrn)
linearlayer (newlin)
lvqnet (newlvq)
narxnet (newnarx, newnarxsp)
patternnet (newpr)
perceptron (newp)

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

selforgmap (newsom)
timedelaynet (newtdnn)

The network’s inputs and outputs are created with size zero, then configured
for data when train is called or by optionally calling the new function
net = configure(net, x, t)

Unconfigured networks can be saved and reused by configuring them for many
different problems. unconfigure sets a configured network’s inputs and
outputs to zero, in a network which can later be configured for other data.
net = unconfigure(net)

Compatibility Considerations
Old functions continue working as before, but are no longer recommended.

Improved GUIs
The neural fitting nftool, pattern recognition nprtool, and clustering nctool
GUIs have been updated with links back to the nnstart GUI. They give the
option of generating either simple or advanced scripts in their last panel. They
also confirm with you when closing, if a script has not been generated, or the
results not yet saved.

Improved Memory Efficiency

Memory reduction, the technique of splitting calculations up in time to reduce
memory requirements, has been implemented across all training algorithms
for both gradient and network simulation calculations. Previously it was only
supported for gradient calculations with trainlm and trainbr.
To set the memory reduction level, use this new property. The default is 1, for
no memory reduction. Setting it to 2 or higher splits the calculations into that
many parts.

Version 7.0 (R2010b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

Compatibility Considerations
The trainlm and trainbr training parameter MEM_REDUC is now obsolete.
References to it will need to be updated. Code referring to it will generate a

Improved Data Sets

All data sets in the toolbox now have help, including example solutions, and
can be accessed as functions:
help simplefit_dataset
[x, t] = simplefit_dataset;

See help for a full list of sample data sets:

help nndatasets

Updated Argument Lists

The argument lists for the following types of functions, which are not generally
called directly, have been updated.
The argument list for training functions, such as trainlm, traingd, etc., have
been updated to match train. The argument list for the adapt function
adaptwb has been updated. The argument list for the layer and network
initialization functions, initlay, initnw, and initwb have been updated.

Compatibility Considerations
Any custom functions of these types, or code which calls these functions
manually, will need to be updated.

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

Version 6.0.4 (R2010a) Neural Network Toolbox™

This table summarizes what’s new in Version 6.0.4 (R2010a).

New Features Version Fixed Bugs and Related Documentation at

and Changes Compatibility Known Problems Web Site

No No Bug Reports None

Includes fixes

There are no new features or changes in this version.

Version 6.0.3 (R2009b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

Version 6.0.3 (R2009b) Neural Network Toolbox™

This table summarizes what’s new in Version 6.0.3 (R2009b).

New Features Version Fixed Bugs and Related Documentation at

and Changes Compatibility Known Problems Web Site

No No Bug Reports None

Includes fixes

There are no new features or changes in this version.

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

Version 6.0.2 (R2009a) Neural Network Toolbox™

This table summarizes what’s new in Version 6.0.2 (R2009a).

New Features Version Fixed Bugs and Related Documentation at

and Changes Compatibility Known Problems Web Site

No No Bug Reports None

Includes fixes

There are no new features or changes in this version.

Version 6.0.1 (R2008b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

Version 6.0.1 (R2008b) Neural Network Toolbox™

This table summarizes what’s new in Version 6.0.1 (R2008b).

New Features Version Fixed Bugs and Related Documentation at

and Changes Compatibility Known Problems Web Site

No No Bug Reports None

Includes fixes

There are no new features or changes in this version.

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

Version 6.0 (R2008a) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

This table summarizes what’s new in Version 6.0 (R2008a):

New Features Version Fixed Bugs and Related Documentation at

and Changes Compatibility Known Problems Web Site

Yes Yes—Details Bug Reports None

Details below labeled as Includes fixes
below. See also

New features and changes introduced in this version are:

• “New Training GUI with Animated Plotting Functions” on page 25

• “New Pattern Recognition Network, Plotting, and Analysis GUI” on page 26
• “New Clustering Training, Initialization, and Plotting GUI” on page 26
• “New Network Diagram Viewer and Improved Diagram Look” on page 27
• “New Fitting Network, Plots and Updated Fitting GUI” on page 27

New Training GUI with Animated Plotting Functions

Training networks with the train function now automatically opens a window
that shows the network diagram, training algorithm names, and training
status information.
The window also includes buttons for plots associated with the network being
trained. These buttons launch the plots during or after training. If the plots are
open during training, they update every epoch, resulting in animations that
make understanding network performance much easier.
The training window can be opened and closed at the command line as follows:

Two plotting functions associated with the most networks are:

Version 6.0 (R2008a) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

• plotperform—Plot performance.
• plottrainstate—Plot training state.

Compatibility Considerations
To turn off the new training window and display command-line output (which
was the default display in previous versions), use these two training
net.trainParam.showWindow = false;
net.trainParam.showCommandLine = true;

New Pattern Recognition Network, Plotting, and

Analysis GUI
The nprtool function opens a GUI wizard that guides you to a neural network
solution for pattern recognition problems. Users can define their own problems
or use one of the new data sets provided.
The newpr function creates a pattern recognition network at the command line.
Pattern recognition networks are feed-forward networks that solve problems
with Boolean or 1-of-N targets and have confusion (plotconfusion) and
receiver operating characteristic (plotroc) plots associated with them.
The new confusion function calculates the true/false, positive/negative results
from comparing network output classification with target classes.

New Clustering Training, Initialization, and Plotting

The nctool function opens a GUI wizard that guides you to a self-organizing
map solution for clustering problems. Users can define their own problem or
use one of the new data sets provided.
The initsompc function initializes the weights of self-organizing map layers to
accelerate training. The learnsomb function implements batch training of
SOMs that is orders of magnitude faster than incremental training. The
newsom function now creates a SOM network using these faster algorithms.

Several new plotting functions are associated with self-organizing maps:

• plotsomhits—Plot self-organizing map input hits.

• plotsomnc—Plot self-organizing map neighbor connections.

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

• plotsomnd—Plot self-organizing map neighbor distances.

• plotsomplanes—Plot self-organizing map input weight planes.
• plotsompos—Plot self-organizing map weight positions.
• plotsomtop—Plot self-organizing map topology.

Compatibility Considerations
You can call the newsom function using conventions from earlier versions of the
toolbox, but using its new calling conventions gives you faster results.

New Network Diagram Viewer and Improved

Diagram Look
The new neural network diagrams support arbitrarily connected network
architectures and have an improved layout. Their visual clarity has been
improved with color and shading.
Network diagrams appear in all the Neural Network Toolbox graphical
interfaces. In addition, you can open a network diagram viewer of any network
from the command line by typing

New Fitting Network, Plots and Updated Fitting GUI

The newfit function creates a fitting network that consistes of a feed-forward
backpropagation network with the fitting plot (plotfit) associated with it.
The nftool wizard has been updated to use newfit, for simpler operation, to
include the new network diagrams, and to include sample data sets. It now
allows a Simulink® block version of the trained network to be generated from
the final results panel.

Compatibility Considerations
The code generated by nftool is different the code generated in previous
versions. However, the code generated by earlier versions still operates

Version 5.1 (R2007b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

Version 5.1 (R2007b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

This table summarizes what’s new in Version 5.1 (R2007b):

New Features Version Fixed Bugs and Related Documentation at

and Changes Compatibility Known Problems Web Site

Yes Yes—Details Bug Reports None

Details below labeled as Includes fixes
below. See also

New features and changes introduced in this version are:

• “Simplified Syntax for Network-Creation Functions” on page 28

• “Automated Data Preprocessing and Postprocessing During Network
Creation” on page 29
• “Automated Data Division During Network Creation” on page 32
• “New Simulink Blocks for Data Preprocessing” on page 34
• “Properties for Targets Now Defined by Properties for Outputs” on page 34

Simplified Syntax for Network-Creation Functions

The following network-creation functions have new input arguments to
simplify the network creation process:
• newcf
• newff
• newdtdnn
• newelm
• newfftd
• newlin
• newlrn
• newnarx
• newnarxsp

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

For detailed information about each function, see the corresponding reference
Changes to the syntax of network-creation functions have the following

• You can now specify input and target data values directly. In the previous
release, you specified input ranges and the size of the output layer instead.
• The new syntax automates preprocessing, data division, and postprocessing
of data.

For example, to create a two-layer feed-forward network with 20 neurons in its

hidden layer for a given a matrix of input vectors p and target vectors t, you
can now use newff with the following arguments:
net = newff(p,t,20);

This command also sets properties of the network such that the functions sim
and train automatically preprocess inputs and targets, and postprocess
In the previous release, you had to use the following three commands to create
the same network:
pr = minmax(p);
s2 = size(t,1);
net = newff(pr,[20 s2]);

Compatibility Considerations
Your existing code still works but might produce a warning that you are using
obsolete syntax.

Automated Data Preprocessing and Postprocessing

During Network Creation
Automated data preprocessing and postprocessing occur during network
creation in the Network/Data Manager GUI (nntool), Neural Network Fitting
Tool GUI (nftool), and at the command line.
At the command line, the new syntax for using network-creation functions,
automates preprocessing, postprocessing, and data-division operations.

Version 5.1 (R2007b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

For example, the following code returns a network that automatically

preprocesses the inputs and targets and postprocesses the outputs:
net = newff(p,t,20);
net = train(net,p,t);
y = sim(net,p);

To create the same network in a previous release, you used the following longer
[p1,ps1] = removeconstantrows(p);
[p2,ps2] = mapminmax(p1);
[t1,ts1] = mapminmax(t);
pr = minmax(p2);
s2 = size(t1,1);
net = newff(pr,[20 s2]);
net = train(net,p2,t1);
y1 = sim(net,p2)
y = mapminmax('reverse',y1,ts1);

Default Processing Settings

The default input processFcns functions returned with a new network are, as
net.inputs{1}.processFcns = ...
{'fixunknowns','removeconstantrows', 'mapminmax'}

These three processing functions perform the following operations,


• fixunknowns—Encode unknown or missing values (represented by NaN)

using numerical values that the network can accept.
• removeconstantrows—Remove rows that have constant values across all
• mapminmax—Map the minimum and maximum values of each row to the
interval [-1 1].

The elements of processParams are set to the default values of the

fixunknowns, removeconstantrows, and mapminmax functions.

The default output processFcns functions returned with a new network

include the following:

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

net.outputs{2}.processFcns = {'removeconstantrows','mapminmax'}

These defaults process outputs by removing rows with constant values across
all samples and mapping the values to the interval [-1 1].
sim and train automatically process inputs and targets using the input and
output processing functions, respectively. sim and train also reverse-process
network outputs as specified by the output processing functions.
For more information about processing input, target, and output data, see
“Multilayer Networks and Backpropagation Training” in the Neural Network
Toolbox™ User’s Guide.

Changing Default Input Processing Functions

You can change the default processing functions either by specifying optional
processing function arguments with the network-creation function, or by
changing the value of processFcns after creating your network.
You can also modify the default parameters for each processing function by
changing the elements of the processParams properties.
After you create a network object (net), you can use the following input
properties to view and modify the automatic processing settings:

• net.inputs{1}.exampleInput—Matrix of example input vectors

• net.inputs{1}.processFcns—Cell array of processing function names
• net.inputs{1}.processParams—Cell array of processing parameters

The following input properties are automatically set and you cannot change

• net.inputs{1}.processSettings—Cell array of processing settings

• net.inputs{1}.processedRange—Ranges of example input vectors after
• net.inputs{1}.processedSize—Number of input elements after

Changing Default Output Processing Functions

After you create a network object (net), you can use the following output
properties to view and modify the automatic processing settings:

Version 5.1 (R2007b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

• net.outputs{2}.exampleOutput—Matrix of example output vectors

• net.outputs{2}.processFcns—Cell array of processing function names
• net.outputs{2}.processParams—Cell array of processing parameters

Note These output properties require a network that has the output layer as
the second layer.

The following new output properties are automatically set and you cannot
change them:

• net.outputs{2}.processSettings—Cell array of processing settings

• net.outputs{2}.processedRange—Ranges of example output vectors after
• net.outputs{2}.processedSize—Number of input elements after

Automated Data Division During Network Creation

When training with supervised training functions, such as the
Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation (the default for feed-forward
networks), you can supply three sets of input and target data. The first data set
trains the network, the second data set stops training when generalization
begins to suffer, and the third data set provides an independent measure of
network performance.
Automated data division occurs during network creation in the Network/Data
Manager GUI, Neural Network Fitting Tool GUI, and at the command line.
At the command line, to create and train a network with early stopping that
uses 20% of samples for validation and 20% for testing, you can use the
following code:
net = newff(p,t,20);
net = train(net,p,t);

Previously, you entered the following code to accomplish the same result:
pr = minmax(p);
s2 = size(t,1);

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

net = newff(pr,[20 s2]);

[trainV,validateV,testV] = dividevec(p,t,0.2,0.2);
[net,tr] = train(net,trainV.P,trainV.T,[],[],validateV,testV);

For more information about data division, see “Multilayer Networks and
Backpropagation Training” in the Neural Network Toolbox™ User’s Guide.

New Data Division Functions

The following are new data division functions:

• dividerand—Divide vectors using random indices.

• divideblock—Divide vectors in three blocks of indices.
• divideint—Divide vectors with interleaved indices.
• divideind—Divide vectors according to supplied indices.

Default Data Division Settings

Network creation functions return the following default data division
• net.divideFcn = 'dividerand'
• net.divedeParam.trainRatio = 0.6;
• net.divideParam.valRatio = 0.2;
• net.divideParam.testRatio = 0.2;
Calling train on the network object net divided the set of input and target
vectors into three sets, such that 60% of the vectors are used for training, 20%
for validation, and 20% for independent testing.

Changing Default Data Division Settings

You can override default data division settings by either supplying the optional
data division argument for a network-creation function, or by changing the
corresponding property values after creating the network.
After creating a network, you can view and modify the data division behavior
using the following new network properties:

• net.divideFcn - Name of the division function

• net.divideParam - Parameters for the division function

Version 5.1 (R2007b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

New Simulink Blocks for Data Preprocessing

New blocks for data processing and reverse processing are available. For more
information, see “Processing Blocks” in the Neural Network Toolbox User’s
The function gensim now generates neural networks in Simulink® that use the
new processing blocks.

Properties for Targets Now Defined by Properties

for Outputs
The properties for targets are now defined by the properties for outputs. Use
the following properties to get and set the output and target properties of your

• net.numOutputs—The number of outputs and targets

• net.outputConnect—Indicates which layers have outputs and targets
• net.outputs—Cell array of output subobjects defining each output and its

Compatibility Considerations
Several properties are now obsolete, as described in the following table. Use the
new properties instead.

Recommended Property Obsolete Property

net.numOutputs net.numTargets

net.outputConnect net.targetConnect

net.outputs net.targets

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

Version 5.0.2 (R2007a) Neural Network Toolbox™

This table summarizes what’s new in Version 5.0.2 (R2007a):

New Features Version Fixed Bugs and Related Documentation at

and Changes Compatibility Known Problems Web Site

No No Bug Reports None

There are no new features or changes in this version.

Version 5.0.1 (R2006b) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

Version 5.0.1 (R2006b) Neural Network Toolbox™

This table summarizes what’s new in Version 5.0.1 (R2006b):

New Features Version Fixed Bugs and Related Documentation at

and Changes Compatibility Known Problems Web Site

No No Bug Reports None

There are no new features or changes in this version.

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

Version 5.0 (R2006a) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

This table summarizes what’s new in Version 5.0 (R2006a):

New Features Version Fixed Bugs and Related Documentation at

and Changes Compatibility Known Problems Web Site

Yes Yes—Details Bug Reports None

Details below labeled as
below. See also

New features and changes introduced in this version are

• “Dynamic Neural Networks” on page 37

• “Wizard for Fitting Data” on page 38
• “Data Preprocessing and Postprocessing” on page 38
• “Derivative Functions Are Obsolete” on page 39

Dynamic Neural Networks

Version 5.0 now supports these types of dynamic neural networks:

Time-Delay Neural Network

Both focused and distributed time-delay neural networks are now supported.
Continue to use the newfftd function to create focused time-delay neural
networks. To create distributed time-delay neural networks, use the newdtdnn

Nonlinear Autoregressive Network (NARX)

To create parallel NARX configurations, use the newnarx function. To create
series-parallel NARX networks, use the newnarxsp function. The sp2narx
function lets you convert NARX networks from series-parallel to parallel
configuration, which is useful for training.

Version 5.0 (R2006a) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

Layer Recurrent Network (LRN)

Use the newlrn function to create LRN networks. LRN networks are useful for
solving some of the more difficult problems in filtering and modeling

Custom Networks
The training functions in Neural Network Toolbox are enhanced to let you
train arbitrary custom dynamic networks that model complex dynamic
systems. For more information about working with these networks, see the
Neural Network Toolbox™ documentation.

Wizard for Fitting Data

The new Neural Network Fitting Tool (nftool) is now available to fit your data
using a neural network. The Neural Network Fitting Tool is designed as a
wizard and walks you through the data-fitting process step by step.
To open the Neural Network Fitting Tool, type the following at the MATLAB®

Data Preprocessing and Postprocessing

Version 5.0 provides the following new data preprocessing and postprocessing

dividevec Automatically Splits Data

The dividevec function facilitates dividing your data into three distinct sets to
be used for training, cross validation, and testing, respectively. Previously, you
had to split the data manually.

fixunknowns Encodes Missing Data

The fixunknowns function encodes missing values in your data so that they can
be processed in a meaningful and consistent way during network training. To
reverse this preprocessing operation and return the data to its original state,
call fixunknowns again with 'reverse' as the first argument.

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

removeconstantrows Handles Constant Values

removeconstantrows is a new helper function that processes matrices by
removing rows with constant values.

mapminmax, mapstd, and processpca Are New

The mapminmax, mapstd, and processpca functions are new and perform data
preprocessing and postprocessing operations.

Compatibility Considerations. Several functions are now obsolete, as described in

the following table. Use the new functions instead.

New Function Obsolete Functions

mapminmax premnmx

mapstd prestd

processpca prepca

Each new function is more efficient than its obsolete predecessors because it
accomplishes both preprocessing and postprocessing of the data. For example,
previously you used premnmx to process a matrix, and then postmnmx to return
the data to its original state. In this release, you accomplish both operations
using mapminmax; to return the data to its original state, you call mapminmax
again with 'reverse' as the first argument:

Derivative Functions Are Obsolete

The following derivative functions are now obsolete:

Version 5.0 (R2006a) Neural Network Toolbox™ Software


Each derivative function is named by prefixing a d to the corresponding

function name. For example, sse calculates the network performance function
and dsse calculated the derivative of the network performance function.

Compatibility Considerations
To calculate a derivative in this version, you must pass a derivative argument
to the function. For example, to calculate the derivative of a hyperbolic tangent
sigmoid transfer function A with respect to N, use this syntax:
A = tansig(N,FP)
dA_dN = tansig('dn',N,A,FP)

Here, the argument 'dn' requests the derivative to be calculated.

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

Version 4.0.6 (R14SP3) Neural Network Toolbox™

This table summarizes what’s new in Version 4.0.6 (R14SP3):

New Features Version Fixed Bugs and Related Documentation at

and Changes Compatibility Known Problems Web Site

No No Bug Reports None

There are no new features or changes in this version.

Compatibility Summary for Neural Network Toolbox™ Software

Compatibility Summary for Neural Network Toolbox™

This table summarizes new features and changes that might cause
incompatibilities when you upgrade from an earlier version, or when you use
files on multiple versions. Details are provided with the description of the new
feature or change.

Version New Features and Changes with Version

(Release) Compatibility Impact

Latest Version See the Compatibility Considerations subheading

V7.0 (R2010b) for this new feature or change:

• “New Flexible Error Weighting and Performance” on

page 14
• “Improved Network Creation” on page 18
• “Improved Memory Efficiency” on page 19
• “Updated Argument Lists” on page 20
V6.0.4 (R2010a) None
V6.0.3 (R2009b) None
V6.0.2 (R2009a) None
V6.0.1 (R2008b) None
V6.0 (R2008a) See the Compatibility Considerations subheading
for this new feature or change:

• “New Training GUI with Animated Plotting

Functions” on page 25
• “New Clustering Training, Initialization, and
Plotting GUI” on page 26
• “New Fitting Network, Plots and Updated Fitting
GUI” on page 27

Neural Network Toolbox™ Release Notes

V5.1 (R2007b) See the Compatibility Considerations subheading

for this new feature or change:

• “Simplified Syntax for Network-Creation Functions”

on page 28
• “Properties for Targets Now Defined by Properties
for Outputs” on page 34

V5.0.2 (R2007a) None

V5.0.1 (R2006b) None

V5.0 (R2006a) See the Compatibility Considerations subheading

for this new feature or change:

• “mapminmax, mapstd, and processpca Are New” on

page 39
• “Derivative Functions Are Obsolete” on page 39

V4.0.6 (R14SP3) None

Compatibility Summary for Neural Network Toolbox™ Software


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