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Floor Cleaning
Task: Sweeping
Dustpan and Brush
Warning Signs
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Display the warning signs in the area, ensuring all signs are visible
3. Pick up all large items of litter, for example, crisp packets, tissues
4. Use a scraper to remove any chewing gum from the floor area
6. Starting with the edges sweep vertically going from left to right
13. Remove gloves and wash hands
Task: Mopping
Equipment Required:
Bucket with Compatible Wringer
Mop Handle
Mop Head
Warning Signs
Floor Cleaner or General-Purpose Detergent
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Display the warning signs in the area, ensuring all signs are visible
3. Sweep the floor (Refer to the Sweeping Method Statement)
4. Prepare the cleaning solution in a well-ventilated area (refer to manufacturers’ instructions).
5. Attach the mop head to the mop handle
6. Submerge the mop into the cleaning solution and remove excess solution from the mop in the Wringer
7. Mop the floor in 1-2 metre square sections
8. Mop edges of the floor with a straight stroke, use a figure-of-eight (8) pattern, turning the mop frequently,
leaving the floor as dry as possible after cleaning the rest of the section.
9. Avoid splashing other surfaces and remove any splashes that do occur
NOTE Regularly replace the mop head and water
10. On completion, remove mop head and place in a laundry bag
11. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area
12. Remove gloves and wash hands
1 Double Solution Mopping System (2 buckets, wringers, mops)
1 Long Handled Scraper
Protective Gloves
Cleaning Agent & Dispenser
Colour Coded Cloths
Rubbish Sack
Warning Signs
Stairs & Landings
3. In one bucket prepare cleaning solution according to the manufacturer's instructions, adding the solution to
the water. Fill the second bucket with clean water.
4. Apply cleaning solution to an area of landing with a fairly well wrung mop. Mop using a figure 8 stroke with
each pass overlapping. Clean adjacent to skirting by cutting in parallel.
5. Mop stairs from inside edge to outside including the face of the steps, using straight, continuous strokes.
Remove streaks and runs as they occur with a clean cloth.
6. Rinse stairs and landings with the clean well wrung mop and water.
4. Mop from the furthest point to the access point e.g.: walkway to entrance lobby. Mop using a figure 8
stroke with each pass overlapping. Clean adjacent to skirting and platform edge by cutting in parallel. Remove
splashes to walls as they occur with a clean cloth.
6. Rinse the floors with the clean well wrung mop and water.
7. When all areas have been cleaned, clean equipment and return to the store.
2. Use as little water as is necessary. Do not use soaps as these can make the floor slippery.
3. Mop only one flight of stairs at a time. Do not remove warning signs before the stairs or floors have dried.
4. Do not leave equipment lying around. Check handles are smooth (rough handles may cause splinters).
1. Remove mop heads from handles (if applicable) wash and allow to dry. If re-assembled, store head up.
2. Wash buckets and wringers, wipe with a clean cloth, store upside down.
Equipment Required
Mopping (Refer to the Mopping Method Statement)
Sweeping (Refer to the Sweeping Method Statement)
Floor Pad and Drive Disk/Board
Ultra-High-Speed Machine (with or without Suction Unit)
Warning Signs
1. Plan work route and when necessary, remove furniture and equipment
2. Wash hands and put on gloves
3. Display the warning signs in the area, ensuring all signs are visible
4. Sweep the floor (Refer to the Sweeping Method Statement)
5. Mop the floor (Refer to the Mopping Method Statement)
6. Ensure the floor is dry before buffing.
7. Attach the drive disk/board and floor pad to the Ultra-High-Speed Machine (refer to manufacturers’
8. Unwind cable (if present) and plug into a mains socket and a circuit breaker if appropriate.
9. Adjust handle to a suitable/comfortable height making sure arms are straight
10. Ensure the Ultra-High-Speed machine is held firmly in contact with the body and the cable is behind.
11. Switch the machine and suction unit on (beware of initial “kick”)
12. Start buffing the floor by continuously moving the machine side-to-side without over stretching, in a
straight line
13. Buff the edges first and fill in with overlapping passes
NOTE If Ultra-High-Speed Machine remains over one area, it may burn the floor
14. On completion, remove the floor pad and place in a laundry bag
15. With dry hands, remove the plug from the mains socket and re-wind the electricity cable.
16. When the area is completely dry, return the furniture to original position.
17. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area.
18. Remove gloves and wash hands
Equipment Required
Mop Handle
Mop Head
Sweeping (Refer to the Sweeping Method Statement)
Edge Cleaning Tool and pad
Floor Pad and Drive Disk/Board
Scouring Pad
Standard Speed Rotary Machine including Tank
Warning Signs
Floor Cleaner or General-Purpose Detergent
Floor Scrubbing
1. Plan work route and when necessary, remove furniture and equipment
2. Wash hands and put on gloves
3. Display the warning signs in the area, ensuring all signs are visible
4. Sweep the floor (Refer to the Sweeping Method Statement)
5. Clean and prepare the floor edges using the Edge Cleaning Tool and pad, if necessary
6. Attach the floor pad to the Rotary Scrubbing Machine (refer to manufacturers’ instructions)
7. Prepare the cleaning solution in a well-ventilated area (refer to manufacturers’ instructions) and add to the
Scrubbing Machine tank
8. Unwind cable and plug into a mains socket and a circuit breaker if appropriate
9. Adjust handle to a suitable/comfortable height making sure arms are straight.
10. Ensure the Standard Speed Rotary Machine is held firmly in contact with the body and the cable is behind.
11. Switch the machine on (beware of initial “kick”)
12. Start scrubbing the floor at a point furthest from the door in 5-metre square sections, by releasing a small
amount of the Floor Cleaner solution or by pouring slowly on the area being worked on.
13. Remove any excess water residue (refer to the Water Extraction Method Statement) and splashes from
skirting boards and walls
14. When cleaning a large area, always check floor pad regularly
NOTE Regularly replace the floor pad. For stubborn stains use a scouring pad/abrasive pad
15. On completion, remove the floor pad and place in a laundry bag.
16. With dry hands, remove the plug from the mains socket and re-wind the electricity cable.
17. Empty the water tank (refer to manufacturers’ instructions)
18. If necessary, mop the floor with clean water.
19. When the area is completely dry, return the furniture to original position.
20. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area
21. Remove gloves and wash hands
Equipment Required
Mop Handle
Mop Head
Mopping (Refer to the Mopping Method Statement)
Sweeping (Refer to the Sweeping Method Statement)
Edge Cleaning Tool and Pad
Floor Pad and Disk Drive/Board
Floor Stripper
Knee Pads
Standard Speed Rotary Floor Machine
Ultra-High-Speed Machine (with or without Suction Unit)
Warning Signs
1. Plan work route and when necessary, remove furniture and equipment.
2. Wash hands and put on gloves
3. Display the warning signs in the area, ensuring all signs are visible
4. Sweep the floor (Refer to the Sweeping Method Statement)
5. Remove old polish from floor edges and chewing gum using an Edge Cleaning Tool/Scraper
6. Attach the floor pad to the Rotary Floor machine (refer to manufacturers’ instructions)
7. Put on goggles
8. Prepare the Floor Stripper solution in a well-ventilated area (refer to manufacturers’ instructions) and add to
the Rotary Machine tank or by pouring slowly on the area being worked on.
9. Remove goggles
10. Unwind cable and plug into a mains socket and a circuit breaker if appropriate.
11. Adjust handle to a suitable/comfortable height making sure arms are straight
12. Switch the machine on
13. Start stripping the floor at a point furthest from the door in 5-metre square sections by moving the Rotary
Floor machine in small side-toside, overlapping movements.
NOTE Regularly change the Floor Pad. Hard and semi-hard floors can be damaged if the floor stripping
solution is too strong and has a long a contact time (refer to manufacturers’ instructions). Do not let the
floor dry while carrying out stripping
14. Use a Wet Pick Up Machine to remove the additional ‘slurry’.
15. Ensure all polish has been removed and if there is any polish remaining, re-apply the process.
16. On completion of stripping, allow the area to dry
17. With dry hands, remove the plug from the mains socket and re-wind the electricity cable
18. Damp Mop the floor with clean water to rinse and neutralise (refer to the Mopping Method Statement).
Check the pH of the floor covering with Universal Indicator Paper. The floor must be neutral pH 7.
19. Sweep the floor to remove any additional dust (refer to the Sweeping Method Statement)
20. When the area is completely dry, return the furniture to original position.
21. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area
22. Remove gloves and wash hands.
Applying Polish
Equipment Required
Flat Mop Head (Polish Applicator)
Mop Handle
Floor Stripping System (refer to the Floor Stripping Method
Floor Polish
Warning Signs
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Display the warning signs in the area, ensuring all signs are visible
3. Remove all furniture and equipment from the room (if possible).
4. Prepare the floor for polishing (refer to the Floor Stripping method statement)
5. Pour a small amount of floor polish into the bucket
6. Attach the mop head to the mop handle
7. Place the mop head into the bucket, so that the floor polish is absorbed onto the mop; do not submerge the
8. When taking the mop out of the bucket it should not be dripping
9. The first stroke on the floor should be 15cm (6 inches) from and in line with the wall, leaving a substantial
line of polish, (the 6 inch - 15cm gap should be left around all the edges).
10. Work from the furthest point of the room to the door. Keep the mop in contact with the floor at all times
(lift only to re-apply polish).
11. Using the mop, draw floor polish across the room ensuring a uniform amount is spread across the floor
area, with no bare patches, streaks or bubbles. Re-working of polish can be done with the mop up to 30-60
seconds after application to the floor to cover areas missed or ensure a uniform coat. After this period do not
12. When the area is completed, allow it to dry. Do not walk on the area until it is dry.
13. The second coat should then be applied (in the same manner as 8, 9 and 10) except the floor polish should
be laid in the opposite direction to the first coat using a clean bucket and mop head.
NOTE Ensure that different floor polish products are not mixed together in the bucket or on the mop. Some
polishes may require buffing between coats (refer to manufacturers’ instructions)
14. If a third coat is required, apply in the same manner as 8, 9 and 10, in the direction of the first coat
15. On completion, remove the mop head and place in a laundry bag
16. When the area is completely dry, return the furniture to original position
17. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area
18. Remove gloves and wash hands
Equipment Required
Warning Signs
General Surface Cleaner or Chewing Gum/Graffiti/Adhesive Remover
Types of stains include:
• Chewing gum
• Oil and water-based stains
a) Physical method
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Use a cloth or paper towel to absorb the liquid.
3. Display the warning sign over the stained area, until area has dried
4. Always start from the outer edge of the stain and work towards the middle. This prevents the spreading of
the stain.
5. Dispose of the cloth or paper towel when the task is completed
6. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area
7. Remove gloves and wash hands Friction removal water staining
b) Chemical method
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. This involves scraping, brushing, rubbing or scrubbing to remove dried-on stains.
3. It is important to rub gently to avoid damage to the surface.
4. Always start from the outer edge of the stain and work towards the middle.
5. Display the warning sign over the stained area, until area has dried
6. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area
7. Remove gloves and wash hands.
NOTE never rub the stain into the carpet/fabric
Should the friction method not work use the chemical method:
b) Chemical method
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Display the warning sign over the stained area, until the area has dried
3. Prepare the cleaning solution in a well-ventilated area (refer to manufacturers’ instructions).
4. Pour a small amount of the chosen cleaning solution onto the stain
5. Allow the cleaning solution to have contact time with the stain.
6. Using a scraper and cloth, start from the outer edge of the stain and work towards the middle until stain is
7. Dispose of the cloth when the task is completed
8. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area
9. Remove gloves and wash hands
Equipment Required
Suction Cleaner (Cylinder or Upright)
Suction Cleaner Attachment for example, Crevis Tool, Floor Tool
Warning Signs
Suction Cleaning
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Display the warning signs in the area, ensuring all signs are visible.
3. Move furniture so the area to be cleaned is freely available. Manually pick up all large items for example,
crisp packets, tissues
4. Attach the appropriate tool onto the vacuum cleaner (refer to manufacturers’ instructions)
5. Unwind cable and plug into a mains socket and a circuit breaker if appropriate
6. For floor cleaning, adjust the floor tool so that the bristles are:
a. Hard floor – Bristles down
b. Soft floor – Bristles up
7. Switch the vacuum cleaner on.
8. Start vacuuming the floor at a point furthest from the door, paying particular attention to edges and corners
in busy areas
9. Suction clean the floor in parallel, overlapping lanes all the floor area. Several passes may be needed
10. Always finish in the same direction that the carpet pile runs.
11. On completion, re-wind the electricity cable
12. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area
13. Remove gloves and wash hands
General Cleaning Method Statement
Equipment Required
Cleaning Trolley
General Purpose Detergent or General Surface Cleaner
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Prepare the cleaning solution in a well-ventilated area (refer to manufacturers’ instructions).
3. Place the bucket onto a cleaning trolley
4. Dampen or rinse a cloth in the cleaning solution
5. Remove items from the surface to be cleaned
6. To Damp Dust flat surfaces, wipe in straight lines cleaning the edges first
7. If cleaning a bedside table, extend it and wipe underneath
8. Wipe the main surfaces in a figure of eight (8) pattern
NOTE frequently turn the cloth and rinse in the cleaning solution. Change the cleaning solution when it
becomes soiled.
9. Use the chosen cleaning solution to remove any grease marks or stubborn stains
10. Replace items on to the clean surface After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and
returned to the storage area. Dispose of cloth.
11. Remove gloves and wash hands
Equipment Required
Cleaning Trolley
Radiator Tool
General Purpose Detergent or General Surface Cleaner
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Prepare the cleaning solution in a well-ventilated area (refer to manufacturers’ instructions)
3. Place the bucket onto a cleaning trolley
4. Dampen or rinse a cloth in the cleaning solution.
5. To Damp Dust flat surfaces wipe in straight lines cleaning edges first
6. Wipe main surfaces in a figure of eight (8) pattern.
7. Use a Radiator Tool to clean behind the radiator
NOTE Frequently turn the cloth and rinse in the cleaning solution. Change the cleaning solution when it
becomes soiled.
8. Use the chosen cleaning solution to remove any grease marks or stubborn stains
9. Dispose of the cloth when the task is completed
10. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area
11. Remove gloves and wash hands
Equipment Required
Cloths x 2
Labelled Spray Bottle
Glass Cleaner
General Purpose Detergent or General Surface Cleaner
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Prepare the cleaning solution in a well-ventilated area (refer to manufacturers’ instructions)
3. Spray the Glass Cleaner or cleaning solution onto the cloth.
4. Wipe the glass surface, starting from the top and working down in a figure-of-eight (8) pattern covering all
of the surface.
5. Buff to a shine with a second cloth to remove smears
6. Dispose of the cloth when the task is completed
7. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area
8. Remove gloves and wash hands
Equipment Required
Labelled Spray Bottle
Abrasive Pad
Access Equipment for example, Platform Steps
Masking Tape (To Cover Electrical Sockets)
Plastic Sheeting (if required)
Warning Signs
General Surface Cleaner or General-Purpose Detergent
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Put on goggles
3. Display the warning signs in the area, ensuring all signs are visible.
4. Cover the electric sockets with masking tape
5. Place dust sheets or plastic sheeting on floors, to protect from spillages
6. Remove furniture or cover with dust sheets
7. Prepare the cleaning solution in a well-ventilated area (refer to manufacturers’ instructions).
8. Apply the cleaning solution to the wall wiping from bottom to top, allowing a short time for the cleaning
agent to work. Then rinse/ wipe the wall from top to bottom, to leave the wall as dry as possible.
9. Remove drips and runs as they occur.
10. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area
11. Remove gloves and wash hands.
Cleaning Lifts
2. Assemble equipment, check electrical equipment for safety, particularly plugs and cables.
6. Pick up loose dirt and debris , place in refuse sack and remove to point of disposal, taking care not to
transfer soil between the lift floor and landing stage.
8. Close and clean the door, then clean roof, sides and control buttons.
10. Remove warning signs, put the lift back into operation.
12. Return equipment, materials and warning signs to store and close the ventilation, if appropriate.
• Remove warning signs and locate in agreed storage area.
• Leave areas tidy.
• Remove gloves and wash hands.
• Sign out before leaving site.
• Leave site in a safe and professional manner
Kitchen Cleaning Method Statement
Equipment Required
Abrasive Pad
Scrubbing Brush
General Purpose Detergent
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Remove all residual waste from crockery and place in a waste container
3. Empty the sink of any utensils
4. Sort the items for washing into soil categories, (cleanest to dirtiest).
5. Pre-wash heavily soiled items first
6. Fill the sink with hot water, adding recommended General-Purpose Detergent (refer to manufacturers’
7. Immerse soiled items into the hot cleaning solution water,
8. Transfer clean items to a rinsing sink and disinfect if necessary.
9. Rinse all items thoroughly and wipe with cloth/paper or leave to dry.
10. Clean sink, drainers, splash backs, taps and plugs thoroughly, (refer to the sink cleaning method).
11. Ensure all surrounding areas are clean and uncontaminated
12. Dispose of the cloth when the task is completed
13. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area
14. Remove gloves and wash hands
Equipment Required
Paper Towel Roll
General Purpose Detergent
General Surface Cleaner or Degreaser Microwave
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Disconnect the microwave from the mains socket
3. Remove all detachable parts to a safe cleaning area
4. Prepare the cleaning solution in a well-ventilated area (refer to manufacturers’ instructions).
5. Thoroughly clean all detachable parts, rinse and dry.
6. Remove excess soil and food debris from the interior of the microwave
7. Dampen or rinse a cloth in the cleaning solution and wring out well
8. Clean all internal and external surfaces of the microwave, paying particular attention to the corners and top
NOTE Frequently rinse the cloth in the cleaning solution. Change the cleaning solution when it becomes
9. Rinse with clear water and dry with a paper towel roll.
10. Re-assemble the detachable parts correctly
11. Plug the microwave into the mains socket
12. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area.
13. Dispose of the cloth when the task is completed.
14. Remove gloves and wash hands
Equipment Required
Gauntlet Gloves or Safety Gloves
Labelled Spray Bottle
Non-Abrasive Pads
Plastic Sheeting (if required)
Warning Signs
General Purpose Detergent
Degreaser or Oven Cleaner
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Put on goggles and mask
3. Display the warning signs in the area, ensuring all signs are visible.
4. Place plastic sheeting on to the floor, to protect from spillages
5. Switch the gas/electricity off
6. Ensure the equipment is at the correct temperature for the task
7. Remove all detachable parts to a safe cleaning area (or soak tank).
8. Remove internal shelves and panels
9. Remove excess soil
10. Prepare the cleaning solution in a well-ventilated area (refer to manufacturers’ instructions).
11. Dampen or rinse a cloth in the cleaning solution and wring out well
12. Thoroughly wipe clean all detachable parts, rinse and dry.
13. For stubborn stains/soil use oven cleaner/degreaser, (refer to manufacturers’ instructions)
NOTE Frequently rinse the cloth in the cleaning solution. Change the cleaning solution when it becomes
14. Pay particular attention cleaning inside of the oven, especially where a hot oven is required
15. Allow sufficient contact time for the cleaning solution to soften soil.
16. Remove all cleaning solution from the surface, rinse and leave to dry.
17. Clean inside and outside of the oven and its immediate environment.
18. Re-assemble the detachable parts correctly
19. Re-connect the gas/electricity. Test for correct operation. Re-ignite, pilot lights where necessary.
20. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area.
21. Dispose of the cloth when the task is completed.
22. Remove gloves and wash hands.
Equipment Required
Non-Abrasive Pad
General Purpose Detergent
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Remove food to another suitable storage area
NOTE Discard any out-of-date or unlabelled food
3. Remove all loose debris and excess soiling
4. Prepare the cleaning solution in a well-ventilated area (refer to manufacturers’ instructions).
5. Dampen or rinse a cloth in the cleaning solution and wring out well
6. Remove and clean all shelves, hanging rails and drip trays and take to a cleaning area to dry.
7. Clean accessible fan parts, door seals and handles
NOTE Frequently rinse the cloth in the cleaning solution. Change the cleaning solution when it becomes
8. Return the shelves, hanging rails and drip trays to the correct position
9. Replace food in the correct order (but only when the correct refrigerator temperature has been reached)
10. Check the refrigerator temperature is correct. If it is not report to a supervisor.
11. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area.
12. Dispose of the cloth when the task is completed.
13. Remove gloves and wash hands
Equipment Required
Abrasive Pads
General Purpose Detergent
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Empty the sink and remove debris.
3. Thoroughly rinse the sink and drainer before cleaning.
4. Prepare the cleaning solution in a well-ventilated area (refer to manufacturers’ instructions).
5. Dampen or rinse a cloth in the cleaning solution and wring out well
6. Wipe clean the framework of the sink and pipework.
7. Clean the sink, drainer and taps.
NOTE Frequently rinse the cloth in the cleaning solution. Change the cleaning solution when it becomes
8. Replenish soap dispenser (refer to the Soap Dispenser method statement)
9. Clean any splash back and surrounding areas.
10. Rinse the sink and drainer with clean water.
11. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area.
12. Dispose of the cloth when the task is completed.
13. Remove gloves and wash hands.
Sanitary Cleaning Method Statement
Equipment Required
Labelled Spray Bottle
Non-Abrasive Pad
Supply of Toilet Paper (to replace used items) General Purpose
Toilet Brush
Warning Signs
General Surface Cleaner or Toilet Bowl Cleaner
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Assemble the equipment and check for safety.
3. Display the warning signs in the area, ensuring all signs are visible
4. Ventilate the area (for example, open a window)
5. Prepare the cleaning solution in a well-ventilated area (refer to manufacturers’ instructions).
6. Flush the toilet with the seat lid down
7. Lower the water level using the toilet brush by pushing the water back down the U-bend to expose the
water line
8. Apply the cleaning agent to the inside of bowl, including under the rims and allow to soak (leave the toilet
brush in the bowl)
9. Remove any splashes or marks from the wall
10. Dampen or rinse a cloth in the cleaning solution and wring out well
NOTE Start cleaning at the highest point and work towards the lowest, from outside to the inside and from
clean to dirty
11. Wipe outside and around the toilet bowl, including the toilet roll holder, pipework, sanitary bins, cistern,
toilet seat lid, top and underneath and hinges, (including sanitary bins).
NOTE Frequently rinse the cloth in the cleaning solution. Change the cleaning solution when it becomes
12. Scrub the toilet bowl with a toilet brush, particularly any stains, water lines and under rims.
13. Flush the toilet, rinsing the brush in flushing water.
14. Wipe the brush holder and replace the brush
15. Wipe the toilet seat and flush handle with the cloth, then close the lid.
16. Check and replenish toilet paper, if necessary.
17. Dispose of the cloth when the task is completed
18. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area
19. Remove gloves and wash hands
Equipment Required
Labelled Spray Bottle
Bottle Brush
Non Abrasive Pad
Supply of Toilet Paper (to replace used items)
Toilet Brush
Warning Signs
General Purpose Detergent
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Assemble the equipment and check for safety.
3. Display the warning signs in the area, ensuring all signs are visible
4. Ventilate the area (for example, open a window)
5. Prepare the cleaning solution in a well-ventilated area (refer to manufacturers’ instructions).
6. Fill a spray bottle with the cleaning solution and spray internal surfaces.
7. Remove any hair or other items from the plug, plug hole and plug chain
8. Dampen or rinse a cloth in the cleaning solution and wring out well
NOTE Start cleaning at the highest point and work towards the lowest, from outside to the inside and from
clean to dirty
9. Wipe the surrounding areas including external surfaces and pipe work
10. Rinse the cloth and wipe internal surfaces, pay particular attention to water marks and drains.
11. To remove any build-up of soap and grease, repeat steps 8 and 9 applying the cleaning solution and using a
non-abrasive pad.
NOTE Frequently rinse the cloth in the cleaning solution. Change the cleaning solution when it becomes
12. Rinse the urinal with clear water.
13. Channelled Urinal splash backs should be carefully sprayed with the cleaning solution and wiped clean with
clear water.
14. Dispose of the cloth when the task is completed
15. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area
16. Remove gloves and wash hands
Washroom Cleaning Method Statement
Equipment Required
Bucket or Labelled Spray Bottle
Bottle Brush
Non-Abrasive Pad/Cloth
Supply of Soaps/Paper Towels and Waste Bags (to replenish stock)
Warning Signs
General Purpose Detergent
General Surface Cleaner or Bath/Washbasin/Shower/Bidet Cleaner
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Display the warning signs in the area, ensuring all signs are visible
3. Ventilate the area (for example, open a window)
4. Prepare the cleaning solution in a well-ventilated area (refer to manufacturers’ instructions).
5. Remove any objects from the bath (for example, soap)
6. Remove any hair or other items from the plug, plug-hole and plug chain
7. Dampen or rinse a cloth in the cleaning solution and wring out well
NOTE Start cleaning from outside and work towards the inside
8. Wipe the surrounding surfaces of the bath, including wall tiles, ledges, pipes, underneath the bath, paper
towel dispenser, soap dispenser
9. Polish stainless steel or chrome with the cloth
10. Wipe the inside of the bath, including the plug, plug chain, taps and overflow.
11. With running tap water, rinse the bath thoroughly, directing water into the overflow. Clean the overflow
with a bottlebrush.
12. To remove any build-up of soap and grease, repeat steps 10 and 11 applying the cleaning solution and
using a non-abrasive pad.
NOTE Frequently rinse the cloth in the cleaning solution. Change the cleaning solution when it becomes
13. Remove any splashes or marks from the walls and wipe door handles.
14. Dispose of the cloth when the task is completed
15. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area
16. Remove gloves and wash hands
Equipment Required
Bucket or Labelled Spray Bottle
Non-Abrasive Pad
Supply of Soaps/Paper Towels and Waste Bags (to replenish stock)
Warning Signs
General Purpose Detergent
General Surface Cleaner or Bath/Washbasin/Shower/Bidet Cleaner
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Display the warning signs in the area, ensuring all signs are visible
3. Ventilate the area (for example, open a window)
4. Prepare the cleaning solution in a well-ventilated area (refer to manufacturers’ instructions).
5. Remove any objects from the basin, (for example, patient personal items)
6. Remove any hair or other items from the plug, plug-hole and plug chain
7. Dampen or rinse a cloth in the cleaning solution and wring out well
NOTE Start cleaning from outside and work towards the inside.
8. Wipe the surrounding surfaces of the bowl, including wall tiles, ledges, pipes, underneath the basin, paper
towel dispenser, soap dispenser
9. Wipe the inside of the bowl, including the plug, plug chain, taps and overflow with a cloth rinsed and wrung
out in the cleaning solution.
10. With running tap water, rinse the basin thoroughly, directing water into the overflow. Clean the overflow
with a bottlebrush.
11. To remove any build-up of soap and grease, repeat steps 10 and 11 applying the cleaning solution and
using a non-abrasive pad.
NOTE Frequently rinse the cloth in the cleaning solution. Change the cleaning solution when it becomes
12. Polish stainless steel or chrome
13. Replace items removed to original position, replenish soap and paper towels (refer to the Replenishing
Consumables method statements)
14. Dispose of the cloth when the task is completed
15. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area
16. Remove gloves and wash hands
Task: Replenishing Consumables
Equipment Required
Damp Dusting (refer to the Damp Dusting Method Statement)
Dispenser Key (if required)
Hand Soap Refills
General Purpose Detergent or General Surface Cleaner
Soap Dispenser
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Check if the soap dispenser is empty
3. If the soap dispenser needs refilling, open the dispenser and remove the contents (refer to manufacturers’
4. Damp Dust and clean all surfaces of the soap dispenser to remove any grease marks or stubborn stains
(refer to the Damp Dusting method statement)
5. Dispose of the cloth when the task is completed
6. Refill, and then close the dispenser
7. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area
8. Remove gloves and wash hands
Equipment Required
Damp Dusting (refer to the Damp Dusting Method Statement)
Dispenser Key (if required)
Hand Towels
General Purpose Detergent or General Surface Cleaner
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Check if the hand towel dispenser is empty
3. If the hand towel dispenser needs refilling, open the dispenser and remove the contents (refer to
manufacturers’ instructions)
4. Damp Dust and clean all surfaces of the hand towel dispenser to remove any grease marks or stubborn
stains (refer to the Damp Dusting method statement)
5. Dispose of the cloth when the task is completed
6. Refill, then close the dispenser
7. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area
8. Remove gloves and wash hands
Equipment Required
Damp Dusting (refer to the Damp Dusting Method Statement)
Dispenser Key (if required)
Toilet Roll/Tissue
General Purpose Detergent or General Surface Cleaner
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Check if the toilet tissue/roll dispenser is empty.
3. If toilet tissue/roll dispenser needs refilling, open the dispenser and remove the contents (refer to
manufacturers’ instructions)
4. Damp Dust and clean all surfaces of the toilet tissue/roll dispenser to remove any grease marks or stubborn
stains (refer to the Damp Dusting method statement)
5. Dispose of the cloth when the task is completed
6. Refill, then close the dispenser
7. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area
8. Remove gloves and wash hands
Equipment Required
Buckets or Labelled Spray Bottle
Bottle Brush
Non-Abrasive Pad
Warning Signs
General Purpose Detergent
General Surface Cleaner or Bath/Washbasin/Shower/Bidet Cleaner
1. Wash hands and put on gloves
2. Display the warning signs in the area, ensuring all signs are visible
3. Ventilate the area (for example, open a window)
4. Prepare the cleaning solution in a well-ventilated area (refer to manufacturers’ instructions).
5. Empty waste bins
6. Remove any objects from the bath, bowl and shower (for example, soap and rubber mats)
7. Remove any hair or other items from the plug, plug-hole and plug chain
8. Dampen or rinse a cloth in the cleaning solution and wring out well
NOTE Start cleaning at the highest point and work towards the lowest, from outside to the inside and from
clean to dirty
9. Clean the curtain rail, then starting at the highest point of the shower, wipe the wall tiles from clean to dirty
10. Check the shower curtain; wipe clean and dry; change if necessary.
11. Wipe the showerhead, hose, taps and soap tray.
12. If a shower tray is present, clean the inside and outside with a wrung-out cloth.
13. Wipe around the inside of the shower cubicle
14. Clean the overflow with a bottlebrush.
15. To remove any build-up of soap and grease, repeat steps 13 and 14 applying the cleaning solution and
using a non-abrasive pad.
NOTE Frequently rinse the cloth in the cleaning solution. Change the cleaning solution when it becomes
16. Rinse the shower cubicle thoroughly with clean water, swilling the water into the overflow
17. Where rubber mats are present, thoroughly clean and dry (for example, by airing)
18. Polish stainless steel or chrome
19. Dispose of the cloth when the task is completed
20. After use, all equipment should be checked, cleaned, dried and returned to the storage area
21. Remove gloves and wash hands