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Ethernet Field Upgrade.022-000060C

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Vib Pro TM

Ethernet Interface Guide

January 2007

Copyright © 2007 Input/Output, Inc. All rights reserved.

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translated into any language or computer language in any format or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
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Input/Output, Inc.
12300 Parc Crest Drive
Stafford, Texas 77477-2416 USA
Tel +1.281.552.3002
Fax +1.281.879.3626
Copyright violators also may be subject to civil penalties.
Input/Output, Inc. makes no warranties as to the accuracy, validity, or fitness for use or application of the
contents of this document. Input/Output, Inc. reserves the right to revise the information in this document
at any time without notice.

Original publication date: January 2007

P/N 022-000060C

Setting Up the Software............................................................................................................................... 1

Operating System Requirements .................................................................................................... 1
Interface Connections ..................................................................................................................... 1
Software Installation....................................................................................................................... 1
Manual Installation of ComMgr ..................................................................................................... 1
Before You Begin ........................................................................................................................... 1
Task: Install ComMgr on Windows 2000 or Windows XP ............................................................ 2
Task: Install ComMgr on Windows NT ......................................................................................... 2
Configuring ComMgr ..................................................................................................................... 2

Configuring Vib Pro .................................................................................................................................... 6

Overview ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Configuring Instructions................................................................................................................. 6
Task: Configure Vib Pro Ethernet Interface for Windows 2000 .................................................... 6
Task: Setting Up a Static IP Address for Windows XP .................................................................. 8
Establishing a Network Connection ............................................................................................. 10

Overview .......................................................................................................................................11
Understanding the Connector Panel ..............................................................................................11
Verifying the Operation of the Ethernet Interface ........................................................................ 13
Troubleshooting............................................................................................................................ 14

Ethernet Field Upgrade.............................................................................................................................. 16

Ethernet Interface Upgrade Kit..................................................................................................... 16
Before You Begin ......................................................................................................................... 16
Task: Upgrade the Vib Pro Unit ................................................................................................... 16
Setting Up the Software

Setting Up the Software

Operating System The software that supports the Vib Pro Ethernet Interface is compatible with
Requirements Microsoft® Windows® NT, Microsoft® Windows® 2000, and Microsoft®
Windows® XP.

Interface The Vib Pro Ethernet Interface can be connected directly to a computer or to a
Connections network via an Ethernet hub or switch.
• Direct Connection
If the interface is to be directly connected to a computer, the Ethernet
crossover cable (P/N 101-100972) must be used.
• Network Connection
If the interface is to be connected to a network, the straight-through
Ethernet cable (P/N 101-100980) connected to a network hub or switch
must be used.
When using an Ethernet hub or switch to connect to a network, the hub or
switch must be capable of 100 megabit per second (100 Base) operation. A
10 megabit per second (10 Base) hub or switch will not work.

Software The Communications Manager (ComMgr) software and associated files are
Installation installed with the standard Vib Pro Installation CD. Use ComMgr version and higher. Contact I/O Customer Service for ComMgr software at
For correct operation of the Vib Pro Ethernet Interface and the Vib Pro
software, it is very important that the ComMgr be configured correctly
before using the Vib Pro Software. The ComMgr replaces the Com4nt

Manual Installation Follow these instructions to manually upgrade an existing Vib Pro Software
of ComMgr installation with the ComMgr program. This manual process is not needed if
the Vib Pro Install CD (included with this kit) has already been used to update
your system.

Before You Begin Do the following:

• On the hard drive, locate the current Com4NT.exe and Com4all.dll files.
Then, move all copies of these files to a new location. A suggested
location would be a new subdirectory located under My Documents.
• Navigate to the Pelton Software directory, and locate the ComMgr
directory. If the ComMgr directory does not exist, construct the directory.

Vib ProTM Ethernet Interface Guide 1

Setting Up the Software

Task: Install 1. Copy the new Com4all.dll file to the Windows\System32 subdirectory.
ComMgr on
2. Copy the ComMgr.exe file into the ComMgr subdirectory.
Windows 2000 or
Windows XP 3. Execute ComMgr.exe in the ComMgr subdirectory.

Task: Install 1. Copy the new Com4all.dll file to the WinNT\System32 subdirectory.
ComMgr on
2. Copy the ComMgrNT.exe file into the ComMgr subdirectory.
Windows NT
3. Execute ComMgrNT.exe file in the ComMgr subdirectory.
This ends the manual installation.

Configuring 1. If connecting to the Vib Pro through a network, verify that the computer
ComMgr with the Pelton Software is correctly connected to the network and is
functioning correctly on the network.
2. Connect the Vib Pro Ethernet Interface to the network hub (or switch), or
to the computer, using the appropriate cable. (See the interface
connections, Figure 13, page 12.)
3. Turn on the Vib Pro.
• It may take a few moments, but verify that a valid network connection to
the Vib Pro exists. This can be done by viewing the two LEDs that can be
seen through the connector panel on the Vib Pro unit. On most computers,
there are one or two lights next to the connector that receive the Ethernet
cable. Verify that these lights are on. If either set of lights are not on,
communications cannot take place.
• On the computer, start ComMgr program. There should be a ComMgr
shortcut in the Pelton Vib Pro window. If there is no shortcut, then search
for ComMgr.exe on drive C or the drive that contains the Pelton
Software. Once the program is started, the ComMgr icon (Figure 1) will
appear on the right-hand side of the task bar.

Figure 1. ComMgr Icon

4. Click the ComMgr icon. The Communications Manager menu

displays (Figure 2).

2 Vib ProTM Ethernet Interface Guide

Setting Up the Software

Figure 2. Communications Manager Menu

This menu will have a different appearance under Windows NT, but will
have the same selections.
5. Click Settings. The ComMgr-General Settings window displays
(Figure 3).

Figure 3. ComMgr-General Settings Window

6. Click Create Key. A message (Figure 4) displays, indicating the success

or failure of this operation.

Vib ProTM Ethernet Interface Guide 3

Setting Up the Software

Figure 4. Create Key Message

7. Click OK. The ComMgr-General Settings window re-displays.

8. In the Connection Type section of the window, select Ethernet.
9. Click Configure. The Ethernet Configuration window displays
(Figure 5).

Figure 5. Ethernet Configuration Window

This window contains the following elements:

• Get Information – Clicking this button will:
a) Obtain the IP address of the computer running the ComMgr.
b) Obtain the network name of the computer.
c) Examine the Vib Pro Ethernet Interface and obtain the IP address
that is stored in its memory and the actual IP address this network
operation returns.
These two address numbers must match.

• Re-set Interface – Use this button to command the Vib Pro

Ethernet Interface to perform a re-set.
• Set Default Factory Settings – This operation will command the Vib
Pro Ethernet Interface to revert back to its factory programmed

4 Vib ProTM Ethernet Interface Guide

Setting Up the Software

settings. The Vib Pro Ethernet Interface performs an automatic re-set

when it receives this command. This is useful if there have been
mistakes in attempting to change its IP address, or when moving the
Vib Pro unit from one installation to another.
• If used, cycle power in the Vib Pro.
• Set IP Address – This operation will command the Vib Pro Ethernet
Interface to change its old IP address to the new address located in the
address window, left of the Set IP Address button.
• If used, cycle power in the Vib Pro.
10. Click Get Information.

Figure 6. Ethernet Configuration Window

The IP addresses displayed in Figure 5 and Figure 6 are examples only.
The actual addresses configured in your equipment may be different.

11. If there are no address changes that need to be made, click OK. The
ComMgr-General Settings window re-displays (Figure 3). The Vib Pro
Ethernet Interface is ready to use with the Pelton Software.

Vib ProTM Ethernet Interface Guide 5

Configuring Vib Pro

Configuring Vib Pro

Overview Determine if a direct connection to a computer or a network is to be made to

the Vib Pro Ethernet Interface.
When connecting to the Vib Pro unit through an existing network, it is best to
configure the computer and verify its connection to the network before
attempting to connect with the Vib Pro Ethernet Interface.
After deciding the type of connection and configuring the computer, follow
“Configuring Instructions”, pages 6-10, or Establishing a Network Connec-
tion, page 10.

The following table shows the attributes and values for configuration:

Attribute Value

Communication Rate 100 megabits per second (100 base)

IP Address

NOTE: The Vib Pro Ethernet Interface uses

a static IP address.


Table 1. Attributes and Values

Configuring The computer to be connected to the Vib Pro Ethernet Interface must have a
Instructions static IP Address.
Set the IP address of the computer to
An address series of 127.0.0.xxx must not be used.

Task: Configure 1. From the Active Desktop, right-click on the My Network Places icon.
Vib Pro Ethernet
2. Select Properties from the resulting menu.
Interface for
Windows 2000 3. Right-click on the Local Area Connection icon.
4. Select Properties from the resulting menu. The Local Area Connection
Properties window displays (Figure 7).

6 Vib ProTM Ethernet Interface Guide

Configuring Vib Pro

Figure 7. Local Area Connection Properties Window

5. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).

6. Click Properties. The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window
displays (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Window

7. Select Use the following IP address.

8. Enter into the IP address field.
9. Enter into the Subnet mask field.

Leave the Default gateway and Preferred DNS server fields blank.

10. Click OK. It may be necessary to re-boot your computer for the setting to
take effect.

Vib ProTM Ethernet Interface Guide 7

Configuring Vib Pro

Task: Setting Up a Setting up an alternate address is shown because a notebook computer is often
Static IP Address used in various locations.
for Windows XP
If the computer being used will mainly be connected to the Vib Pro Ethernet
Interface, then configure the primary address. You must be an administrator or
have administrator rights to reconfigure the Internet connection in Windows
1. Click Start | My Computer.
2. In the Other Places section of the window, select My Network Places.
3. In the Network Tasks section of the window, select View Network
4. Right-click on the Local Area Connection icon (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Local Area Connection Icon

5. Select Properties from the resulting menu. The Local Area

Connection Properties window displays (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Local Area Connection Properties Window

6. Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).

8 Vib ProTM Ethernet Interface Guide

Configuring Vib Pro

7. Click Properties. The Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window

displays (Figure 11).

Figure 11. Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties Window

8. Select the Alternate Configuration tab (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Alternate Configuration Tab

9. Select User configured.

10. Enter into the IP address field.
11. Enter into the Subnet mask field.

Vib ProTM Ethernet Interface Guide 9

Configuring Vib Pro

12. Leave all other fields blank.

13. Click OK. Windows XP will evaluate the connection made to the
Ethernet card in your computer and will connect using either the
primary or alternate connection information.
14. Close all windows.

Establishing a If an existing network is being used, consult the network administrator to

Network determine how to configure the computer that will be used to connect with the
Connection Vib Pro Ethernet Interface.
The IP address of the computer needs to be known, and there needs to be a
vacant IP address for the Vib Pro Ethernet Interface. For these instructions,
assume that the vacant IP address is If this is true, then the
address of the computer with the Pelton Software will be 172.16.16.nnn,
where nnn is between 1 and 255.
Once the computer has been set up, and has access to the network and the
resources on the network, you may connect the Vib Pro Ethernet
Interface to the network. Then, begin to configure the software in the

10 Vib ProTM Ethernet Interface Guide



Overview The Pelton programs will now use the ComMgr for communications. When
operating with the Vib Pro Ethernet Interface, the Com Port parameter now
refers to the Vib Pro serial port numbers from the previous version of the
connector panel. For example, the Encoder program, VpKop, and WVSig32
all would use Port 3 on the Vib Pro unit. Therefore, the Com Port number in
these programs would be set to 3. VibQc32 acquires data from Port 4 of the
Vib Pro unit, so the Com Port number for this program is 4.
If a serial connection is needed from the Recording System (assuming 19.2 K
baud) to the Encoder program, connect a cable from the recording system to
Port 5 of the interface. In the EncSetup program, specify COM 7 for the RTI
communications port.
A similar serial connection can be made to Port 8 of the Ethernet Interface.
Port 8 also serves as the programming port of the interface. Its connector is
female instead of male. The TX/RX crossover has been implemented in this
port’s circuitry, so a straight-through cable must be used with this port.
If a crossover cable is to be used (with normal female connectors on the
cable), then connect a gender changer with a crossover before connecting the

Understanding the Figure 13 is a drawing of the connector panel for the Vib Pro equipped with
Connector Panel the Ethernet Interface.
• Port 1 is the same as in the original connector panel.
• Port 2 is the Ethernet connector.
• Link Act is the LED that indicates if the physical Ethernet link is
active or not.
• Speed is the LED that indicates if the physical link speed is 100 mega-
bits per second, or 10 megabits per second.
Only the 100 megabits per second link is supported.

• Port 5 is the first alternate serial port. It can be used to connect

devices, such as a recording system, to the Ethernet. Programs can
access this port by selecting COM 7.
• Port 6 is the GPS data port. An external GPS receiver can be
connected to this port. The Ethernet Interface receives data from this
port, but cannot transmit data out of this port. Programs access this
port by selecting COM 6.
• Port 7 is the GPS command port, as it was in the original connector
panel. The Ethernet Interface does not access this port.
• Port 8 is the programming port used to upload a binary image of the
firmware for the Ethernet Interface. This port can also be used as a

Vib ProTM Ethernet Interface Guide 11


second alternate serial port. Programs can access this port by selecting
COM 2.

Figure 13. Connector Panel Equipped with the Ethernet Interface

Connector Com Baud

Gender Function
Panel Port # Port # Rate
- - 3 19,200 I/O for Vib Pro messages
(Note 1)
- - 4 115,200 I/O for PSAC (Note 2)
- - 5 115,200 VSS data output
5 M 7 19,200 Alternate 1
6 F 6 9,600 GPS Receiver output
7 M N/A N/A GPS Receiver programming.
Not connected to Ethernet
8 F 2 19,200 Interface Programming/
Alternate 2 (Note 3)
Table 2. Ports of Connector Panel and Ethernet Interface
1. Various Vib Pro PSS, Configuration, Start Code messages.
2. Signal acquisition data and commands.
3. Alternate 1 and 2 are pass-through ports. The interface converts the serial
communications to Ethernet. The serial connection of Alternate 2
internally connects the internal TX to the RX of the connector and the
internal RX to the TX of the connector. This arrangement requires the use
of a “straight-through” cable when connecting equipment to Alternate 2.

12 Vib ProTM Ethernet Interface Guide


Verifying the Verify the operation of the Ethernet Interface with the following steps:
Operation of the
Ethernet Interface NOTE
The ComMgr should NOT be running when beginning the testing process.
You will need to know the IP address of the Ethernet Interface before
testing can begin.

After the Ethernet Interface is installed in a Vib Pro unit or connected to a

power source:
1. Connect a computer to the Vib Pro using the Ethernet cable.
2. Perform the following steps until the equipment is functioning properly:

The IP addresses listed here are for examples only. Use the actual IP
address of the Ethernet Interface.

• Verify that the Ethernet Interface is powered on, and the Ethernet
connection is established. This can be done by observing that the
green light (LINK ACT) in the Ethernet Interface is on.
• Open a Command Prompt window.
• Type ping -n 200 This command causes the computer to
“ping” the Ethernet Interface 200 times.
• Press Enter. A line of status for each “ping” displays. The line should
read (in part):
Reply from bytes=32 time...
At the end of 200 “pings” there will be a list of statistics. The second line
should read: If the Lost Count is greater than 5, then the Ethernet Interface
could be defective.

The statistics generated by the Ping command can be saved in a text

file by typing the following in the Command Prompt window:
ping -n 200 >c:\temp\pingtest.txt
All the text generated by the Ping command is stored in the
pingtest.txt file.
Make sure all results are correct, and verify there is a Temp subdirectory on
drive C.

Vib ProTM Ethernet Interface Guide 13


Troubleshooting Symptom:
The Ethernet Interface lights are on, but programs cannot open
communications; Errors occur to the effect that the port cannot be opened.
If the IP address for the computer has just been set, try re-booting the
computer and cycling the power of the Vib Pro unit. Then try again.
If communications still cannot be established, perform the following.
Make sure the Vib Pro unit is powered on, and the interface lights are on:
1. Start the ComMgr.
2. Open the Ethernet Configuration window. See Figure 5, page 4.
3. Click Get Information. If the ComMgr is able to communicate with the
Ethernet Interface and displays the information from the Ethernet
Interface, then the possible causes of the communication failure are:
• Incorrect COM number selected in software. Only ports 2,3,4,5,6, and 7
are valid.
Check the settings in ComMgr. Verify that Ethernet is selected.
• Incorrect IP address of the Vib Pro Ethernet Interface is set in the
ComMgr. Verify these settings.
If the ComMgr is NOT able to communicate with the Ethernet Interface, the
possible causes of the communication failure are:
• Incorrect cable type is being used.
• Incorrect IP address is set for the computer. Verify that the IP address is
correct. It must NOT be in the series of 127.0.0.xxx. An IP address is
composed of four numbers, each separated by a period. Each number is in
the range of 0 to 255. For the Ethernet Interface and for the computer, the
first three numbers in each IP address (moving from left to right) must be
the same.
Example: (Ethernet Interface Address) (Computer Address)
The fourth number (right most number) must not be the same as the other

• Multiple Network Interface cards in the computer. The ComMgr program

reads the list of Network Interface cards in the computer, and selects the
first one.
The selected interface may not be the one that is actually connected to the Vib
Pro unit. This can happen when a wireless network adaptor is installed.
The solution is to re-order the discovery of the Network Interfaces.

14 Vib ProTM Ethernet Interface Guide


The Windows XP instructions for this process are:

1. Click the Network Connections icon.
2. In the window that opens, click the Advanced | Advanced Settings menu
In the window that displays, there is a Connections list box where it is
possible to re-order the Network Interfaces:
3. Re-order the list.
4. Click OK.
5. Close the Network Connections window.
6. Re-start the computer, and try to connect again.

Vib ProTM Ethernet Interface Guide 15

Ethernet Field Upgrade

Ethernet Field Upgrade

Ethernet Interface The Ethernet Interface Upgrade Kit (PN 102-000136) is comprised of the
Upgrade Kit following components:
• 4 – 019-000490 SCREW 4-40 X 1/2 PH PHL SS [HS412PHP]
• 1 – 101-100962 VIB PRO CONN CARD-3 W/ ETHERNET
• 1 – 101-100972 RSS RJ45S CR 841-5N CROSS CABLE
• 1 – 101-100973 RSS RSS 841-5M ETHERNET CABLE
• 1 – 101-100980 RSS RJ45S 841-5M ETHERNET CABLE
• 1 – 103-000030 3/32 BALL HEX TOOL
• 1 – 103-000081 1/4 INCH NUT DRIVER
• 1 – 103-000085 4 INCH SCREWDRIVER
• 1 – 103-000088 26110 PHILLIPS SCREWDRIVER 1X6
• 1 – 025-000003 PELTON INSTALL CD
• 1 – 019-000698 ETHERNET ID LABEL

Before You Begin The Vib Pro unit should be uninstalled from the vibrator or recorder with all
power and cable connections disconnected. Please read through the
instructions in their entirety before starting the upgrade.

Task: Upgrade the 1. Remove the four screws on the Vib Pro front panel.
Vib Pro Unit
2. Remove the front panel from the Vib Pro enclosure, and the front panel
ribbon cable from the backplane.
3. Remove the ribbon cable attached to the connector card and
4. Remove the four 4-40 kep nuts and screws from the connector card, and
remove the connector card from inside the enclosure. The 4-40 kep nuts
and screws will not be reused.
5. On previous Vib Pro units, a connector card gasket was installed. Remove
the gasket and any excess glue that the gasket might have left.
6. Use the new screws to attach the new connector card.
7. Remove the bottom cover from the Vib Pro unit.

16 Vib ProTM Ethernet Interface Guide

Ethernet Field Upgrade

8. Remove the power supply card and any additional cards until you are able
to access the power supply cable connection on the Vib Pro backplane.
There are two different power supply cards. Each one has
different mounting hardware. However, the same cable is used on both.

9. Unplug the power supply cable from the backplane and the power supply
card. This power cable will not be reused.
10. If connected, disconnect the 3-pin power connector from the brown and
blue wires. Note the orientation of the connector in Figure 14, page 18,
Step 10.
11. Plug in the new power supply cable. Connect the end with the
breakout wires to the backplane.
12. Then, route the wires by the backplane to the top of the Vib Pro enclosure.
13. Route the brown and blue wire pair around the backplane. These wires
slip under the lower right hand side of the backplane.
14. Connect the other end of the cable to the power supply card.
15. Replace the power supply card and all other removed cards.
16. Replace the bottom cover.
17. Plug in the pins from the brown and blue wires into the 3-pin
connector. Refer to Figure 14 for wire and pin location.
18. Then, attach the connector onto the Ethernet card.
19. Replace the ribbon cable to the Ethernet card and backplane.
20. Replace the ribbon cable to the Vib Pro front panel and backplane.
21. Replace the four screws to the front panel.
22. Remove the serial identification label from the Vib Pro enclosure and
attach the Ethernet identification label where the serial label was
previously attached.
23. Re-install the Vib Pro unit into its environment.
24. Refer to the Ethernet Interface setup for configuration and operation of
the Ethernet unit. See “Setting Up the Interface,” page 1.

Vib ProTM Ethernet Interface Guide 17

Ethernet Field Upgrade

Figure 14. Vib Pro Ethernet Field Upgrade

18 Vib ProTM Ethernet Interface Guide

Ethernet Field Upgrade

Input/Output 24-Hour Customer Support

Phone: 281-552-3002
Fax: 281-879-3626
Email: customer.support@i-o.com
Website: http://www.i-o.com

Vib ProTM Ethernet Interface Guide 19

Ethernet Field Upgrade

20 Vib ProTM Ethernet Interface Guide

12300 Parc Crest Drive
Stafford, TX 77477

Tel +1.281.552.3002
Fax +1.281.879.3626


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