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1st SEM CHEM 1001 - 2020

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(CHEM 1001)
Time Allotted : 3 hrs Full Marks : 70

Figures out of the right margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to answer Group A and
any 5 (five) from Group B to E, taking at least one from each group.
Candidates are required to give answer in their own words as far as
Group – A
(Multiple Choice Type Questions)

1. Choose the correct alternative for the following: 10 × 1 = 10

(i) A reaction has ∆H = ─ 33kJ and ∆S = 58 kJ. This reaction would be
(a) Spontaneous below a certain temperature
(b) Non spontaneous at all temperature
(c) Spontaneous above a certain temperature
(d) Spontaneous at all temperature.
(ii) Which statement is not correct regarding reversible process?
(a) It is imaginary process. (b) It takes infinite time.
(c) Work obtained is maximum (d) It is spontaneous.
(iii) If the frequency of a wave of light is 12×1014 s−1 then the wave
number associated with this light is
(a) 5×10−7 m (b) 4×10−8 cm−1
(c) 2×10−7 m−1 (d) 4×104 cm−1.
(iv) Which one of the following is the correct electronic configuration
of Lanthanum (57La)
(a) [Rn]4f15d16s1 (b)[Xe]4f15d16s1
(c) [Rn]5d16s2 (d)[Xe]5d16s2.
(v) The bond order and magnetic property of B2 molecule are
(a) 1 and diamagnetic (b) 2 and paramagnetic
(c) 1 and paramagnetic (d) 2 and diamagnetic.

CHEM 1001 1
(vi) ThePb-acid storage cell consists of
(a) PbO2 anode and Pbcathode
(b) Pb anode and PbO2 cathode
(c) Pb anode and PbSO4 cathode
(d) PbO anode and Pb cathode.
(vii) Order of the reaction + is
(a)1 (b)0 (c) ½ (d) 2.
(viii) In the linear plot of equation = − √ the slope ‘b’ changes at
very high concentration for CuSO4, but not for HCl, although both
are strong electrolytes. This is due to
(a) Difference in size of the ions (b) Difference in ionic mobility
(c) Ion-pair formation (d) Ion-solvent interaction.
(ix) Identify the chiral molecule among the following
(a) Ethanol (b) 1-pentanol
(c) 2-pentanol (d) 3-pentanol.
(x) 2-fold alternating axis of symmetry is equivalent to which of the
(a) Plane of symmetry
(b) Centre of symmetry
(c) Both plane of symmetry and centre of symmetry
(d) None of these.
Group – B
2. (a) Write the two statements of the Second law of thermodynamics
(b) Derive Clapeyron-Clausius equation and mention its applications.
(c) Calculate (i) the de Broglie wavelength of an electron moving with a
velocity of 5.0  105 ms–1 and (ii) relative de Broglie wavelength of
an hydrogen atom and an oxygen atom moving with the same
velocity (h = 6.63  10–34 kg m2 s–1).
(d) Write down the important applications of ultra-violet spectroscopy?
2 + 4 + (2 + 2) + 2 = 12
3. (a) Derive the equation to find the efficiency of Carnot cycle.
(b) Write the wave function and the total energy of a particle in a one
dimensional box for its ground state.
(c) Calculate the vapour pressure of water at 90°C taking the heat of
vaporization in the temperature range 90-100°C as 542 Cal/gm.
(d) What is chemical shift in NMR spectroscopy? Why 13C is NMR active
but 12C not?
4 + 2 + 3 + (2+1) = 12
CHEM 1001 2

Group – C
4. (a) Carbon monoxide (CO) is a sigma donor and pi-acceptor ligand -
explain with the help of Molecular Orbital energy level diagram of
CO molecule.
(b) Arrange the electronegativity sequence of carbon atom in C2H6, C2H4
and C2H2 and justify your answer.
(c) Explain why the most common oxidation state for the heaviest
element (Pb) in Group 14, is +2 rather than +4.
(d) Why the solubility of AgCl is reduced in a 0.1(M) HCl solution?
(e) Calculate pH of a mixture of 164 ml (N/5) acetic acid and 36 ml of
(N/5) sodium acetate. The dissociation constant of acetic acid is
4+ 2 + 2 + 2 +2 = 12
5. (a) Why PCl3F2 molecule has zero dipole moment?
(b) Using VSEPR theory, draw and explain the structure of I3- and
indicate the state of hybridization of the central atom.
(c) Using Slater’s rule, calculate the shielding constant and therefore
find out the effective nuclear charge experienced by the first valence
electron in Ga (Z= 31).
(d) Why is the first ionization potential value of Cu higher than that of K
although both K and Cu have their valence electron in 4s orbital?
(e) Derive an expression for pH of aqueous solution containing salt of
weak acid and strong base. Calculate the hydrolysis constant of
0.625 M solution of CH3COONa. (Ka=1.754×10-5)
2+ 2 +2 + 2 +(3+1) = 12
Group – D
6. (a) What are the typical factors affecting the chemical reaction rates?
(b) What is the significance of ‘probability’ or ‘steric factor’ in the
modified ‘Collision Theory’ of reaction rates?
(c) At 13oC the equivalent conductance (λ0) for NH4Cl, NaOH and NaCl
are 129.8, 217.4 and 108.9 mho cm 2 respectively. Find out the
equivalent conductance of NH4OH solution.
(d) Show how hydrogen bonding accounts for faster transport of H+
than Na+ in aqueous electrolytes.

CHEM 1001 3
(e) What is the physical significance of relaxation effect (Debye-Onsager
constant, B) in ion conductance?
(f) Consider the cell Cd │ Cd++║ KCl │Hg2Cl2 (s)-Hg
Write the cell reaction and find out the free energy change in the
reaction under standard conditions. Given the oxidation potentials,
E / = +0.402V and E = –0.268 V

2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 12

7.(a) In a KCl solution how Cl– ion can be estimated conductometrically?

(b) Describe standard hydrogen electrode and express the corresponding
half cell reaction.
(c) What are the electrodes (anode and cathode) used in a dry Leclanche
cell? Which type of cell is this, primary or secondary?
(d) Consider the following electrochemical cell configurations:
(i) Zn (s) │ Zn SO4 (solution) ║ CuSO4 (solution) │Cu (s)
(ii) Zn (s) │H2SO4 (aqueous) │Cu (s)
Which one is reversible and the other irreversible cell and why?
(e) Show that the reaction time for a 1st order reaction for 75%
conversion is twice the time for 50% conversion.
2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 2 = 12
Group – E

8. (a) Explain alternating axis of symmetry with suitable example.

(b) Why propynoic acid (CH≡CCOOH) is stronger than propenoic acid
(CH2=CHCOOH)? Explain the fact.
(c) Identify the elimination products. Which product should be major and

CHEM 1001 4

(d) Find out the absolute configuration of the each stereocentre of the
following molecules.



(2+1) + 2 + (2+1+1) + (2+1)= 12

9.(a) Briefly write down the synthetic route and uses of Aspirin.

(b) Differentiate between enantiomer and diastereomer.

(c) Predict the major and minor products obtained when HBr is added to
2-methylpropene. Explain why the reaction is taking place in such
(d) Explain the nature of inductive effect shown by phenyl ring in the
compounds Ph-CH3 and Ph-CN respectively.
(2+1) + 3 + (2+2) + 2 = 12

& Submission Link
AEIE https://classroom.google.com/c/Mjc0MDg4MzgxNTg1/a/Mjg4NDQ4MjUxNTI0/details
CSBS https://classroom.google.com/c/Mjc0MDg4MzgxNjgx/a/Mjg4NDQ4MjUxNDg3/details
CSE A https://classroom.google.com/c/MjM1NzQ2MzI1OTY3/a/Mjk0NDE2NjUwNDY2/details
CSE B https://classroom.google.com/c/MjM3OTk5MTYzOTA4/a/MjczNDQyNzc4OTkz/
CSE C https://classroom.google.com/c/MjQxNzE0ODY2Njk0/a/Mjk1NjE0MTU2NTY3/
ECE A https://classroom.google.com/w/Mjc0MDM5MDcxNjY3/tc/Mjg4NDQzMDIyNjE2
ECE B https://classroom.google.com/c/MTcxNjM0MjYzNDkx/a/Mjg4NDQyOTYxNDQz/details
ECE C https://classroom.google.com/c/MjcwNDcyNTc5MjQ5/a/Mjg4NDQ3MTY4NTUz/details
IT https://classroom.google.com/c/MjMyNzI0MTczMzkx/a/Mjk0NDEzNDk0Nzg2/details
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CHEM 1001 5

CHEM 1001 6

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