Government College of Engineering and Technology Jammu

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Submitted To Presented by
Prof Rajiv Kumar Bali Asif Javed Kachra
HOD ELECTRICAL Class Roll no:- GCET/LES-14/19
University Roll no:- 381102066

Basic working principle.
Types of Solar Thermal Power Plant.
Advantages of Solar Thermal Energy.
Disadvantages of Solar Thermal Energy.
List of Solar Thermal Power Plants in India.
Future scope.

Solar energy is the radiation from the sun capable of producing heat or
generating electricity.

Solar thermal power generation systems uses mirror to collect sunlight and
produce steam by solar heat to drive turbines for generating power.

This system generates power by rotating turbines like thermal and nuclear
power plant, and therefore, is suitable for large-scale power generation.

In 1866, Auguste Mouchout used a parabolic trough to produce steam for the
first solar steam engine.
Basic Working Principle
Mirror reflect and concentrate sunlight.
Receivers collect that solar energy and convert it into heat energy.
Heat energy is then converted into steam which rotates the steam turbine.
Steam turbine coupled to the generator rotates and thus produces electricity.
Types of solar thermal power plant
Parabolic Trough System
A parabolic trough consists of a linear parabolic reflector that concentrates
light onto a receiver positioned along the reflector’s focal line.

The receiver is a tube positioned directly above the middle of the parabolic
mirror and filled with a working fluid.

The reflector follows the sun during the daylight hours by tracking along a
single axis.

A working fluid (e.g. molten salt) is heated to 150-350°C as it flows through

the receiver and is then used as a heat source for a power generation system.

The efficiency of parabolic trough system is approximately 20%.

Parabolic trough solar power plant
Solar power tower systems
Power tower also known as “central tower” power plants or “heliostat” power
These designs capture and focus the sun’s thermal energy with thousands of
tracking mirrors (called heliostats) in roughly a two square mile field.
A tower resides in center of the heliostat field. The heliostats focus
concentrated sunlight on a receiver which sits on top of the tower.
Within the receiver the concentrated sunlight heats molten salt to over
1000°F (538°C).
The heated molten salt then flows into a thermal storage tank where it is
stored, maintaining 98% thermal efficiency, and eventually pumped to a
steam generator.
The steam drives a standard turbine to generate electricity.
The efficiency of solar power tower system is about 23-25%.
Solar tower power plant
Solar dish/engine system

The system consists of a stand-alone parabolic reflector that concentrates

light onto a receiver positioned at the reflector’s focal point.

The working fluid in the receiver is heated to 250-700°C and then used by a
Stirling engine to generate power.

Parabolic-dish systems have the highest efficiency of all solar technologies

provide solar-to-electric efficiency between 31-32%.
Parabolic dish power plant
Compact linear Fresnel reflector
Linear Fresnel reflectors use long, thin segments of mirror to focus sunlight
onto a fixed absorber located at a common focal point of the reflectors.

These mirrors are capable of concentrating the sun’s energy to approximately

30 times its normal intensity.

This concentrated energy is transferred through the absorber into some

thermal fluid.

The fluid then goes through a heat exchanger to power a steam turbine.

The efficiency of the compact linear fresnel reflector is little less than the
efficiency of parabolic trough system.
Linear Fresnel reflector solar power plant
Advantages of Solar Thermal Energy
No Fuel Cost- Solar thermal energy does not require fuel like most other
sources of renewable energy.

Predictable, 24/7 Power- Solar thermal energy can generate power 24 hours
a day. This is made possible as solar thermal power plants store the energy in
the form of molten salts etc.

No Pollution and Global Warming Effects- Solar thermal energy does not
cause pollution which is one of the biggest advantages.

Using Existing Industrial Base- Solar thermal energy uses equipment like
solar thermal mirrors and turbines which is made in large scale at low cost by
the existing Industrial Base.
Disadvantages of Solar Thermal Energy

High Costs- Solar thermal energy costs atleast Euro 3.5/watt and has not
declined too much in the last 3-4 years.

Water issue- Solar thermal plants use lots of water which is major problem in
Desert Areas. Using non-water cooling raises the cost of CSP projects too

Ecological and Cultural Issues- The usage of Massive Arrays of Mirrors is noted
to heavily impact the Desert Wildlife endangering the endangered species.
List of Solar Thermal Power Plants In India
S.No Name Location Capacity in Technology Completion
MW used Year

1. Dhursar Dhurser, 125 Fresnel November

Jaisalmer, reflector 2014

2. Godawari Nokh 50 Parabolic 2013

Green Village, trough
Energy LTD. Rajasthan

3. Megha Solar Anantpur, 50 Parabolic 2014

Plant Andhra trough

4. AC ME Solar Bikaner, 2.5 Power 2011

Tower Rajasthan Tower
Future scope

Solar thermal power plants in India are not using thermal storage

The establishment of feed-in tariffs and other incentives, passing dynamic

government policies, and the cooperation of industry, researchers and other
stakeholders will play crucial role in the development of CSP technology.

Solar thermal power generation is totally a new technology in India, thus

much more efforts are required for the upliftment of the energy scenario on
large scale.

In the face of global warming, rising fuel costs and an ever- growing demand
for energy, energy needs are expected to by nearly the equivalent of 335
million barrels of oil per day, most for electricity.

By concentrating solar energy with reflective materials and converting it into

electricity, modern solar thermal power plants, if adopted today as an
indispensable part of energy generation, may be capable of sourcing
electricity to more than 100 million people in next 20 years. All from one big
renewable source : THE SUN.
Thank you

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