6. This assignment accounts for 60% of the total marks for the course.
The purpose of this assignment is to develop learners’ ability to identify and assess how corporate
social responsibility is administered in a selected organisation. Activities incorporating corporate
social responsibility sometimes do not appear straightforward. Just by putting corporate social
responsibility activities in place will not automatically cultivate an ethical culture. Its execution is far
more important and it must be monitored and improved from time to time. Moreover, each
employee should embrace the notion of being socially responsible. Therefore, it is vital to explore
what corporate social responsibility can actually achieve at the workplace, for the organisation.
1. Read the brief article related to corporate social responsibility (CSR) in an organisation below.
2. Do a library research to find out how the world’s top CSR companies were selected. You may
also have the option to conduct an interview with a HR Manager of any selected organisation of
your choice to gain more insights on the CSR evolvement on the selected companies. The
research or interview should cover the various strategies and techniques used by these
companies to win these prestigious positions. You may also refer to the winning companies’
websites for more information. Support your answer using real examples.
The Top 100 Companies With The Best CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)
by André Gonçalves
11 MARCH 2019
Global CR RepTrak 100 is a global survey that rates multinational companies while accounting for
their corporate social responsibility (CSR) reputation. During January and February 2019, the study
collected the opinion of 230,000 people from the general public across the 15 biggest economies.
What are the companies with the best CSR reputation? Let’s take a look.
Building A Company’s Reputation And The Importance Of CSR
Market share, sales volume, license to operate, loyalty and profitability are all organizational
performance metrics influenced by people’s intents of purchasing, accepting, advocating for or
investing in a brand. This intent is built on the perception people get from companies in dimensions
such as:
Workplace practices. Equal opportunities are given among employees and they are
rewarded fairly.
Social responsibility. Social and environmental causes are supported.
Leadership. They have bold leaders with a clear mission and vision of how to get there.
The public judgment of these attributes is the result (often unconscious) of paid, earned and owned
media which people see every day. Sometimes it is a tweet, tv ad, or billboard that helps us assess
whether a brand meets our values or not. People also use the power of digital to scrutinize these
aspects of a company and to clear out their expectations.
Apart from RepTrak’s results, another recent study from Unilever says consumers are buying what
brands advocate for and not just what they are selling. Studies show people are increasingly
concerned about sustainability and want companies to be more transparent. Therefore, it’s vital that
companies develop their corporate responsibility strategies (CSR) and communicate them
throughout the most indicated channels. As the Rep Institute says, to avoid risk, companies must
know how to proactively manage reputation, deliver on stakeholder expectations, and mitigate
against risk by delivering on reputation assurances.
Part 1:
Select an organisation from the list in The World’s Top CSR Companies.
a. Provide relevant information on the selected organisation and make the operating environment
b. Explain how CSR evolves into a company-wide policy in the selected organisation.
Optional: You may also gain insights about this matter from any HR Manager from any selected
organisation of your choice.
Part 2:
By comparing and contrasting the information gained from the articles and/or interview with the HR
Manager; discuss:
a. How did CSR become more transparent in the selected organisation and also gained greater
visibility with its customers and service users - as the entire supply chains will be expected to
perform to the same standards of CSR as the core company itself?
b. How did the public evaluate this company’s CSR performance? Examine also the tool(s) used to
measure it.
c. Which of the 4 social responsibilities is/are more prevalent in this company and why so?
i. Economic Responsibilities (Be Profitable)
ii. Legal Responsibilities (Obey the Law)
iii. Ethical Responsibilities (Be Ethical, Do What is Right, Avoid Harm)
iv. Philanthropic Responsibilities (Contribute to the Community; Be a Good Corporate
Part 3:
Provide recommendations to enhance CSR among other similar organisations.
Assignment Format:
References should be latest (year 2015 onwards)
The assignment will be graded based on both content as well as presentation. You may receive mark
penalisation due to poor presentation, even if the content is adequate. Presentation includes spelling,
grammar, sentence and paragraph structure, continuity and transitions between paragraphs, headings,
and other mechanics of expository writing.
Marks Allocation:
Part 1
a) 7 marks
b) 8 marks
Part 2
a) 10 marks
b) 10 marks
c) 10 marks
Part 3 10 marks
Use of APA style
Language structure 5 marks
Clear and detailed Clear explanation on Fairly clear Unclear explanation No explanation was
Explanation on how CSR evolves into a
explanation on how how CSR evolves into explanation on how on how CSR evolves given.
1 company-wide policy in the selected
3 2 CSR evolves into company-wide policy CSR evolves into into company-wide 8
(b) organisation.
company-wide policy company-wide policy policy
Clear and detailed Clear explanation on Fairly clear Unclear explanation No explanation was
explanation on how how CSR become explanation on how on how CSR become given.
CSR become transparent and CSR become transparent and
Explanation on how CSR become more transparent and gained greater transparent and gained greater
2 transparent in the selected organisation gained greater visibility with its gained greater visibility with its
4 2.5 10
(a) and also gained greater visibility with its visibility with its customers and visibility with its customers and
customers and service users customers and service users customers and service users
service users service users
Clear and detailed Clear explanation on Fairly clear Unclear explanation No explanation was
explanation on how how the public explanation on how on how the public given.
Explanation on how the public evaluate the public evaluate evaluate the the public evaluate evaluate the
2 the selected company’s CSR performance the company’s CSR company’s CSR the company’s CSR company’s CSR
4 2.5 10
(b) and the tool(s) used to measure it. performance and the performance and the performance and the performance and
measurement tools measurement tools measurement tools the measurement
used. used. used. tools used.
2 4 Explanation on which of the 4 social 2.5 Clear and detailed Clear explanation on Fairly clear Unclear explanation No explanation was 10
explanation on the the social explanation on the on the social given.
responsibilities is/are more prevalent to
social responsibility responsibility (ies) social responsibility responsibility (ies)
(c) the selected company
(ies) prevalent with prevalent with (ies) prevalent with prevalent with no
justification justification some justification justification
More than four Three feasible Two feasible One feasible No recommendation
Recommendations to enhance CSR among
feasible recommendations to recommendations to recommendation to to enhance CSR was
3 4 other similar organisations 2.5 10
recommendations to enhance CSR enhance CSR enhance CSR given
enhance CSR
Presentation and formatting Very good usage of Good usage of APA Fair usage of APA for Poor usage of APA Not using APA for
Use of APA style APA for referencing for referencing and referencing and for referencing and referencing and bad
4 1.25 5
Language structure and language language structure language structure language structure language structure
References structure
Total 15 60