Marriage Compatibility.

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Marriage Compatibility

Submit birth details, our marriage compatibility calculator analyze based on Vedic astrology will give you score
about marriage matching out of 36 gunas. This is basic information only for detailed analysis you have to consult
any astrologer to take final decision.

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Why Marriage Compatibility ?

Marriage is not just a ritual but is the first step towards building a new society. Hinduism is not a religion, it’s a way of
life. Ancient rishis and saints were great scholars and astrologers. They have built a science that calculates the influence of
planetary motion and energies in the universe on human life based on the time and place of their birth. This is not a subject
that evolved in a day. It took several centuries along with an enormous concentration and observation of stars and planets
and calculating their motion. Every stage of life is always related to the phases and motion of planets.

Indian marriage system is considered as one of the most influential marriage systems as it not only involves two
individuals but also their families. The system believes in harmonizing two individuals for ultimate eternity. The system
supports the husband and wife to pursue dharma, Ardha, kama to ultimately attain moksha (emancipation). The most
important feature of a Hindu marriage is that it is irreversible.

The traditional marriage system includes strict implementation of guna ponthana and the match was made with an age gap
of 5, 7 or 11 years. This not only avoids ego clashes but grahas also move into different rashis with time. Jupiter and
Saturn move by five and two rashis respectively and hence have good Kona stithi (planetary angle) making the marriage
more compatible. 

But the current marriage system involves lesser age gaps 1 or 2 years and hence the improper interactions between rashis
affect the relationship for example there would be some phases where husband and wife both are aggressive and some
other stages in life when both of them undergo a difficult phase. The specified age gap of 5, 7 or 11 years ensures if one of
the partners is aggressive at particular times, the other is calm and peaceful (according to their match of grahas) and many
similar instances where both of them balance each other.

Transformation is an essential part of life. A study conducted by us concluded that along with traditional guna ponthana,
the western system of marriage compatibility should also be taken into consideration. We also follow western marriage
compatibility for deeper analysis. According to us, checking for marriage compatibility is choosing a better option from
those available (just like we chose between a blade, knife, and a saw).

What is Marriage Compatibility ?

Marriage compatibility is essential for a fruitful, harmonious, and peaceful family. As marriage is a foundation for a better
society, it should be strong. And a strong marriage depends on the nature of individuals getting married which depends on
their upbringing and their horoscope (called kundali). Hence compatibility of grahas (planets) called Guna ponthana is
essential for a fruitful marriage.

It is said that marriages are made in heaven. God makes a person perfect by giving them a life partner who can transform
their life. The togetherness of a society depends on the strength of the marriages.

Traditional 36 guna ponthana for a better marriage

Natal Horoscope or Kundli of girl and boy are matched before proceeding towards marriage. There are eight aspects in the
birth chart (called koota) which have certain points and in total, they are 36 in number out of which at least an 18-point
match is required to proceed further.
1.   Jaati / Varna: It determines the propensities of individuals marrying. As we know there are four varnas
Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra. These show the spiritual compatibility of the guy and girl and the effect

of their ego on the relationship. A maximum of one point is allotted to this category.

2.   Vashya: It ascertains the person who dominates the relationship. It calculates mutual interaction/attraction and the
equation of marriage.A person comes under any of the five categories

1. Nara (Human),
2. Vanachara (Wild animals like lion, tiger),
3. Chatushpada (Small animals like deer),
4. Jalachara (Sea creatures like fish) and
5. Keetaka (Insects).

 The nature of the persons is determined by the nature of the animal they represent and hence balance in the relationship is
calculated. It is allotted a maximum of two points. 

3.   Tara: Tara is the birth star. There are 27 stars starting with Ashwini and ending with Revathi. This indicates the
total lifespan of the relationship. It determines the way they both understand and tend to each other. This gives a
maximum of three points.

4. Yoni: This measures the level of intimacy and mutual love in the relationship. This determines the way the man and
wife approach each other after marriage. The bonding and mutual approach in the relationship. This is classified
into 14 animals, which are Cow, Dog, Cat, Rat, Horse, Lion, Sheep, Snake, Buffalo, Tiger, Elephant, Deer,
Mongoose, Monkey. For example, if one of them is a cat and the other is a dog, it indicates a constant fight between
them (Both the animals are enemies). A maximum of four points is given by this category.

5.   Graha Maitri: This decides the compatibility in the family life i.e., mental compatibility, natural friendship,
affection, and bonding in the family. It also indicates the moon’s sign compatibility between the couple. It
contributes to a maximum of five points.

6.   Gana: Gana indicates the temperament and behavior differences in the couple. There are three ganas: Deva (god,
indicates satva guna – light, bliss, and goodness), Manava (Human, indicating Rajo guna – passion and motion) and
Rakshasa (Demon, indicating Tamo guna – inertia and darkness). This indicates the interpersonal relationship
among the couple and their approach to saving and maintaining their relationship. Six points (maximum) are given
by the elements of gana.

7.   Rashi: This is determined by the position of boy’s planets in different houses with respect to the girl’s birth chart.
This is a sign of love and emotional attachment in the marriage. Twelve zodiac signs are considered for
matchmaking and marriages are approved between the compatible signs. It is also called as Bhakoota and gives a
maximum of seven points.

8.   Nadi: It is related to the physical and mental health and reproduction of the couple. It is said that individuals with
similar nadi mustn’t marry as the children may face physical and mental troubles. Three nadis are Aadi Nadi (Vata),
Madhya Nadi (Pitta), and Anthya Nadi (Kapha). It is most crucial in matchmaking as it contributes to a maximum
of 8 points.
Koota Maximum Points

Varna 1

Vashya 2

Tara 3

Yoni 4

Graha Maitri 5

Gana 6

Rashi 7

Nadi 8

Total 36

Guna Ponthana is really important in determining the nature and compatibility of marriage. Out of 36 points, the number
of points to be attained determine the compatibility of the marriage are

<18 points – not recommended for marriage (Poor)

18 to 24 points – Acceptable match (Average)
24 to 32 – Best match (Above average)
>32 – Excellent match (Ideal) – Very rare

Kuja / Mangala Dosha is not considered in koota or guna ponthana. The match should be made only if both the bride and
the groom have an almost equal amount of mangal dosha in their horoscope. A mangalik and a non-mangalik match are
not recommended.

There are exceptions in the way Kuja dosha affects marital life. To know more about Kuja Dosha, visit Kuja Dosha page

Marriage compatibility or Kundli matching of the bride and groom would only let them know the obstacles in their marital
life. According to me, marriage is a complete package that comes with pros and cons. Accepting everything and facing the
world together binds the couple in an inseparable bond. Though marriages are made in heaven, and individuals are
responsible to fill the journey of togetherness with bliss.

To determine marriage compatibility, the following details are essential.

1. Date, time, and place of birth – In traditional astrology, the calculation changes every 2 minutes. While the
difference in birth time (known vs actual) by 4 minutes varies the prediction by a year in case of western astrology.

2. Life events – Considering one or two past life events of a person’s life, a reverse astrological calculation should be
done to know the accuracy of birth time if any difference or mismatch astrological rectification for accurate
interpretation should be done.

3. Marriage time – In jataka, 7th place indicates marriage with 2nd and 11th houses supporting better family and
happiness in life. Using both traditional and western techniques for predicting marriage time ensures accuracy.
Further, the life in the next five years and pleasure in marriage can be known.
4. Love and tradition – The combination of both love and marriage is also predicted by the 5th and 11th houses of
planets. Different combinations indicate variations in love life like breakups, inconsistent relationships, etc.

Parameters contributing to a successful marriage

1. Attractions – Shukra (Venus) and Kuja (mars) are responsible for the attraction between the partners. For example,
Venus in mesha of one partner and mars in midhuna, simha or dhanur, makes ardha-kona or tri-kona between the
grahas which leads to attractions in the relationship.

2. Exchange of views – Exchange of views indicates both partners understanding with each other. Budha (Mercury) is
responsible for understanding and exchange of views. Good planetary aspects with Shani (Saturn), chandra (moon),
and Brihaspati (Jupiter) supports the matching of wavelengths.

3. Bonding / Supporting each other in critical situations – Solar and lunar planets Ravi (Sun) and chandra (moon)
should be in good angle when we compare both horoscopes together which results in matured thoughts and makes
partners support each other in crucial situations.

4. Family attachments – As marriage is a union of two families, the partners must be compatible with the families of
each other. Shani and chandra in girl’s jatakam indicate mother-in-law, Ravi, and Shani indicate father-in-law.
These planets indicate the bonding of the girl with her in-laws.

The good angle between Shani (Saturn) of boy and chandra (moon) of girl makes the relationship stronger making
an emotional bonding in the family.

5. Nullifying each other’s negative qualities: The negative qualities imparted in a person due to the planetary positions
in their horoscope can be nullified by the presence of relevant planets at the required positions in the horoscope of
the partner.

If Jupiter and Mars have bad aspects among each other it causes logical thinking failures. 
Bad aspects between Shani, Ravi makes the person bold.

To nullify their negative qualities we have to encounter those aspects from the other partner’s horoscope 

6. 7th house is related to marriage, comparison by overlapping boy and girl horoscopes together 7th house should not
be connected to any malefic, as it will give negative results based on the planet.

Sun connected to the 7th house results in ego problems.

Mars connected to the 7th house results in quarrels.
Saturn connected to the 7th house results in disappointments.

Though the guna ponthana and other aspects match, both should have upcoming 5 years of positive progressive aspects in
their chart as per western astrology to ensure happy and stress-free marital life, when the negative aspects in one of the
partner’s horoscope are not annihilated by the horoscope of the other, the compatibility is disapproved and the match is
not recommended.

Note: Our marriage compatibility tools only check 36 points guna ponthana online and also generates western progression
charts of both bride and groom, it will allow scope for an astrologer to analyze all at one place.
In case of any issues (bugs or miscalculations), you can report at our forum

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Marriage Compatibility, Marriage Compatibility Test, Marriage Compatibility By Date Of Birth, Kundali Matching,
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Kundali, Marriage Matching Calculator, Nakshatra Pontana, Nakshatra Matching, Nakshatra Matching For Marriage,
Marriage Astrology Report, Marriage Calculator, Marriage Matching By Date Of Birth, Marriage Prediction, Western
Marriage Compatibility, Telugu Marriage Matching, Marriage Matching Horoscope


























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