CHE 140A Problem Set No. 2: Fogler, 1-15 (A-C), P. 33

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Department of Chemical Engineering Spring, 2009

University of California, Santa Barbara

CHE 140A Problem Set No. 2

Due Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Problem 1: Fogler, 1-15(a-c), p. 33

The reaction
A ⎯⎯ →B
is to be carried out isothermally in a continuous-flow reactor. Calculate both the CSTR and
PFR reactor volumes necessary to consume 99% of reactant A (i.e., C A = 0.01 C A0 ) when
the entering molar flow rate is 5 mol/h, assuming the reaction rate − rA is:

(a) − rA = k with k = 0.05 mol

h ⋅ dm3
(b) − rA = kC A with k = 0.0001 s-1
(c) − rA = kC A2 with k = 3 dm
mol ⋅ h

The entering volumetric flow rate is 10 dm3/h. Note: FA = C Av. For a constant volumetric
flow rate v = v0 , then FA = C Av0 . Also, C A0 = FA0 / v0 = [5 mol/h]/[10 dm3/h] = 0.5 mol/

Problem 2:
The reaction A ⎯⎯ → B has a reaction rate coefficient of k = 0.01 sec-1. For CA0 = 2.0
moles/liter, what time is required for 90% conversion in a constant-volume batch reactor? Compared
to 99% conversion? Compared to 99.9% conversion?

Problem 3: Levenspiel, 3-21, p. 90

Find the first-order rate constant for the disappearance of A in the gas-phase reaction
2A → R if, on holding the pressure constant, the volume of the reaction mixture, starting with
80% A, decreases by 20% in 3 min.

Problem 4: Fogler, 2-8(a-c), p. 74
In bioreactors, growth is generally autocatalytic in that the more cells you have, the
greater the growth rate
Cells + nutrients ⎯⎯⎯
→ more cells + product .

The cell growth rate, rg, and the rate of nutrient consumption, rs, are directly proportional to
the concentration of cells for a given set of conditions. A Levenspiel plot of (1/- rs) as a
function of nutrient conversion Xs = (CS0 - CS)/CS0 is given below in Figure P2-8.

Figure P2-8: Levenspiel plot for bacteria growth, Problem 4.

For a nutrient feed rate of 1 kg/hr with Cso = 0.25 g/dm3, what chemostat (CSTR) size is
necessary to achieve:
(a) 40% conversion of the substrate.

(b) 80% conversion of the substrate.

(c) What conversion could you achieve with an 80-dm3 CSTR? An 80-dm3 PFR?

Problem 5: Fogler, 2-9(a, b, e), p. 74

The adiabatic exothermic irreversible gas-phase reaction

2A + B ⎯⎯
→ 2C

is to be carried out in a flow reactor for an equimolar feed of A and B. A Levenspiel plot for
this reaction is shown in Figure P2-9 below.

(a) What PFR volume is necessary to achieve 50% conversion?

(b) What CSTR volume is necessary to achieve 50% conversion?
(e) What conversion can be achieved in a 6 x 104 m3 CSTR or also in a 6 x 104 m3 PFR?

Figure P2-9: Levenspiel plot for Problem 5

Problem 6:
Our ancestors made vinegar by aerobic bacterial fermentation of alcohol, which is derived from
sugar. It is now made by carbonylation of methanol, which is derived by reaction of synthesis
gas, which is obtained by steam reforming of methane.
(a) Write out balanced chemical reactions for these processes.
(b) Compare the industrial price/mass of acetic acid (provide the complete reference details for
your source) with its price/mass (in dilute water solution) in the grocery store.

Problem 7:
Formulas are shown below for some organic chemicals that are produced by the chemical and
pharmaceutical industries. Some of these are molecules that you eat or use every day and some of
these you really want to avoid. From your previous courses in organic chemistry and biochemistry,
match the following compounds with their respective molecular formulas.

_____ 1. sucrose
_____ 2. glucose
_____ 3. fructose
_____ 4. fat
_____ 5. soap
_____ 6. detergent
_____ 7. vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
_____ 8. 2,4,5-T (Agent Orange)
_____ 9. dioxin
_____ 10. DDT
_____ 11. ibuprofen
_____ 12. aspirin
_____ 13. TylenolTM (acetaminophen)
_____ 14. ContacTM (phenylpropanolamine)
_____ 15. ValiumTM (diazepam)
_____ 16. amphetamine
_____ 17. methamphetamine
_____ 18. RoundupTM (glyphosphate)
_____ 19. PCB
_____ 20. chlorophyll
_____ 21. citronella
_____ 22. morphine
_____ 23. heroin
_____ 24. thalidomide
_____ 25. penicillin
_____ 26. glycerin

_____ 27. caffeine
_____ 28. citric acid

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