By Carol Kinsey Goman: Communicating Across Cultures
By Carol Kinsey Goman: Communicating Across Cultures
By Carol Kinsey Goman: Communicating Across Cultures
Across Cultures
by Carol Kinsey Goman
Communicating across cultures is challenging. Each culture has set rules that its members take
for granted. Few of us are aware of our own cultural biases because cultural imprinting is begun
at a very early age. And while some of a culture's knowledge, rules, beliefs, values, phobias, and
anxieties are taught explicitly, most of the information is absorbed subconsciously.
The challenge for multinational communication has never been greater. Worldwide business
organizations have discovered that intercultural communication is a subject of importance—not
just because of increased globalization, but also because their domestic workforce is growing
more and more diverse, ethnically and culturally.
We are all individuals, and no two people belonging to the same culture are guaranteed to
respond in exactly the same way. However, generalizations are valid to the extent that they
provide clues on what you will most likely encounter when dealing with members of a
particular culture.
Reason and emotion are part of all human communication. When expressing ourselves, we look
to others for confirmation of our ideas and feelings. If our approach is highly emotional, we are
seeking a direct emotional response: "I feel the same way." If our approach is highly neutral, we
want an indirect response: "I agree with your thoughts on this."
It's easy for people from neutral cultures to sympathize with the Dutch manager and his
frustration over trying to reason with "that excitable Italian." After all, an idea either works or it
doesn't work, and the way to test the validity of an idea is through trial and observation. That
just makes sense—doesn't it? Well, not necessarily to the Italian who felt the issue was deeply
personal and who viewed any "rational argument" as totally irrelevant!
When it comes to communication, what's proper and correct in one culture may be ineffective
or even offensive in another. In reality, no culture is right or wrong, better or worse—just
different. In today's global business community, there is no single best approach to
communicating with one another. The key to cross-cultural success is to develop an
understanding of, and a deep respect for, the differences.
Comprehension Questions
1. How does each of the items in the following contrasting pairs differ from the other?
The differentiation between high and low context cultures is meant to highlight differences in
how cultures communicate. High-context cultures will use communication that focuses on
underlying context, meaning, and tone in the message, and not just the words themselves.
If globalization is facing a fundamental threat, perhaps now is a good time to remind ourselves
of exactly what it is.
In simple terms, globalization is the process by which people and goods move easily across
borders. Principally, it's an economic concept – the integration of markets, trade and
investments with few barriers to slow the flow of products and services between nations. There
is also a cultural element, as ideas and traditions are traded and assimilated.
Globalization has brought many benefits to many people. But not to everyone.
To help explain the economic side of globalization, let's take a look at the well-known coffee
chain Starbucks.
The first Starbucks outlet opened its doors in 1971 in the city of Seattle. Today it has 15,000
stores in 50 countries. These days you can find a Starbucks anywhere, whether Australia,
Cambodia, Chile or Dubai. It's what you might call a truly globalized company.
And for many suppliers and jobseekers, not to mention coffee-drinkers, this was a good thing.
The company was purchasing 247 million kilograms of unroasted coffee from 29 countries.
Through its stores and purchases, it provided jobs and income for hundreds of thousands of
people all over the world.
But then disaster struck. In 2012, Starbucks made headlines after a Reuters
investigation showed that the chain hadn't paid much tax to the UK government, despite having
almost a thousand coffee shops in the country and earning millions of pounds in profit there.
As a multinational company, Starbucks was able to use complex accounting rules that enabled it
to have profit earned in one country taxed in another. Because the latter country had a lower
tax rate, Starbucks benefited. Ultimately, the British public missed out, as the government was
raising less tax to spend on improving their well-being.
We might think of globalization as a relatively new phenomenon, but it’s been around for
One example is the Silk Road, when trade spread rapidly between China and Europe via an
overland route. Merchants carried goods for trade back and forth, trading silk as well as gems
and spices and, of course, coffee. (In fact, the habit of drinking coffee in a social setting
originates from a Turkish custom, an example of how globalization can spread culture across
Globalization has speeded up enormously over the last half-century, thanks to great leaps in
The internet has revolutionized connectivity and communication, and helped people share their
ideas much more widely, just as the invention of the printing press did in the 15th century. The
advent of email made communication faster than ever.
The invention of enormous container ships helped too. In fact, improvements in transport
generally – faster ships, trains and airplanes – have allowed us to move around the globe much
more easily.
Globalization has led to many millions of people being lifted out of poverty.
For example, when a company like Starbucks buys coffee from farmers in Rwanda, it is
providing a livelihood and a benefit to the community as a whole. A multinational company's
presence overseas contributes to those local economies because the company will invest in
local resources, products and services. Socially responsible corporations may even invest in
medical and educational facilities.
Globalization has not only allowed nations to trade with each other, but also to cooperate with
each other as never before. Take the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, for instance, where
195 countries all agreed to work towards reducing their carbon emissions for the greater global
This chart, however, shows that global attitudes towards globalizing forces aren't all that good.
It shows that, in fact, in all but a couple of countries polled, people believe life was better in the
old days.
While some areas have flourished, others have floundered as jobs and commerce move
elsewhere. Steel companies in the UK, for example, once thrived, providing work for hundreds
of thousands of people. But when China began producing cheaper steel, steel plants in the UK
closed down and thousands of jobs were lost.
Every step forward in technology brings with it new dangers. Computers have vastly improved
our lives, but cyber criminals steal millions of pounds a year. Global wealth has skyrocketed, but
so has global warming.
While many have been lifted out of poverty, not everybody has benefited. Many argue that
globalization operates mostly in the interests of the richest countries, with most of the world's
collective profits flowing back to them and into the pockets of those who already own the most.
Although globalization is helping to create more wealth in developing countries, it is not helping
to close the gap between the world's poorest and richest nations. Leading charity Oxfam says
that when corporations such as Starbucks can legally avoid paying tax, the global inequality
crisis worsens.
Basically, done wisely (in the words of the International Monetary Fund) globalization could
lead to "unparalleled peace and prosperity". Done poorly, "to disaster".
Comprehension Questions:
1. What do the following words mean? Use context clues from the text to determine the
meaning of the words.
a. Enabled
b. Enormously
c. Flourished
d. Floundered
2. What does the experience of Starbucks tell the readers about globalization?
Comprehension Questions
1. How does each of the items in the following contrasting pairs differ from the other?