SITXFIN003 - Case Study Part 1
SITXFIN003 - Case Study Part 1
SITXFIN003 - Case Study Part 1
Budget Report
List the hotel’s financial commitments under Variable direct costs Laundry Maintenance
their correct cost category. Name at least Variable Indirect Costs Wages Utilities
two commitments for each category Fixed Indirect Costs Rent Salaries
Name the top four cost categories the Wages & on-costs
business has Beverage purchases
allocated the most funds too in this budget Food purchases
period. Utilities
Explain why have significant funds been The organisation under concern is a hotel
allocated to these categories? which relies on beverage and food purchases
because these are the primary elements
through which the organisation operates.
Apart of that, a hotel also relies on its staff
including the waiters, floor manager and
other people who are the key to serve the
customers. Since all of these elements are
the primary things which form the base of a
hotel’s operations, significant funds have
been allocated to these categories.
Discuss their importance to the business and If significant funds are not allocated to these
consequences if inadequate funds are categories, the day-to-day activities cannot
allocated be performed. For example, of food and
beverages are not purchases enough because
of low funds allocated to them, the hotel
might not be able to serve food and
beverages to all the customers which can
significantly deter the reputation of the
hotel. On the other hand, of budgets are cut-
off from wagers, the employees might not be
happier with their salaries which can
consequently increase the turnover ratio that
will not be in the favor of the company.
Consider budget – April. The primary information to be
You are holding a team meeting to discuss communicated to the team are the budgets
the financial targets provided in the that are allocated to each aspect of the
organisational and April bistro budgets. financial plan for April. Once the team
understand the budgets allocated for
Explain what information do you need to each category, they will then need to analyse
communicate to the team to ensure they the sales data for previous months, the
understand the targets and goals to be budget plan and the actual financial expenses
achieved to analyse how the previous month i.e.
March performed in comparison to the
budget plan. This will help in identifying any
management mistakes conducted in the
previous month so that they can be avoided
in the current month.
Explain what techniques can you use to Following techniques can be used for
promote awareness of methods of promoting
controlling costs or increasing sales so you awareness of methods of controlling costs or
can achieve budget targets increasing sales so that the budgets targets
can be
A presentation can be conducted for
the team members in which the
techniques used for cost controlling
and budget reduction will be
emphasized so. The presentation will
mainly focus on the advantages of
these techniques and how they can
benefit the overall organisation.
Other than the presentation, a
practical overview can also be
conducted which will make them
understand how the techniques work
and what will be their primary
benefits to the organisation. These
techniques include planning and
control, control reports and using