Universitas Negeri Makassar: Fakultas Bahasa Dan Sastera
Universitas Negeri Makassar: Fakultas Bahasa Dan Sastera
Universitas Negeri Makassar: Fakultas Bahasa Dan Sastera
Jurusan: Bahasa Inggris
Program Study: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Mata Kuliah: Kode Rumpun Mata Kuliah Bobot (SKS) Semester Direvisi
Introduction to Educational Research 15E21C507 General T: 3 P: 0 V (Lima)
OTORISASI Pengembang RPS Koordinator RMK Ka PRODI
Prof. M. Asfah Rahman, M.Ed., PhD Dr. Maemuna Muhayyang, M.Pd.
Capaian Pembelajaran (CP) Program Studi
S Menunjukkan sikap bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaan di bidang keahliannya secara mandiri;
KU1 Mampu menerapkan pemikiran kritis, logis, sistematis, dan inovatif untuk implementasi dan
pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sesuai dengan bidang keahlian;
KU2 Mampu menjalankan tugas dan menunjukkan kinerja secara mandiri, berkualitas, dan terukur;
KU3 Mampu mendokumentasikan, menyimpan, dan mengamankan, dan menemukan kembali data
dan informasi untuk menjamin kesahihan dan mencegah plagiasi;
KK1 Mampu merancang dan menjalankan penelitian dengan metodologi yang benar dalam bidang
pendiidkan secara umum dan pendidikan bahasa Inggris secara khusus;
Mata Kuliah
The students are able to
1. explain the nature and ethics in conducting educational research
2. demonstrate knowledge of research processes (reading, evaluating, and developing);
3. perform literature reviews using print and online databases;
4. identify, explain, compare, and prepare the key elements of a research proposal/report;
5. define and develop a possible research interest area using specific research designs;
6. compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative research paradigms, and explain the use of each in educational
7. describe, compare, and contrast descriptive and inferential statistics, and provide examples of their use in
educational field;
8. describe sampling methods, measurement scales and instruments, and appropriate uses of each;
9. demonstrate how educational research contributes to the objectives of the students' program
10. employ American Psychological Association (APA) formats for citations of print and electronic materials;
Deskripsi Singkat Mata Kuliah Bahan Kajian (Pokok Bahasan):
(MK) 1. The process of conducting research
This course offers an overview of 2. Identifying a research problem
research methodology including 3. Reviewing literature
basic concepts employed in 4. Selecting sample using probability and non-probability sampling techniques
quantitative and qualitative research
4. Specifying purpose, research questions and hypothesis
methods. This course introduces
research methods as they apply to
5. Collecting, analyzing and interpreting quantitative data
education in general and in applied 6. Collecting, analyzing, and interpreting qualitative data
linguistics in particular. It provides a 7. Reporting research
macro-perspective of the methods 8. Experimental designs
associated with conducting scholarly 9. Correlational design
research following the steps for 10. Survey design
quantitative and qualitative study. 11. Qualitative research designs: grounded theory, ethnograpic design, and narrative design
12. Mixed method designs
13. Action research design
Pustaka Utama:
Creswell, J.W. (2012). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and evaluating Quantitative and
Qualitative Research (Fourth Edition). New York, NY: Pearson Education, Inc.
Gay, L.R.; Mills, G.E.; & Airasian, P. (2006). Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and
Application. New Jersey, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
Media Pendamping Software: Hardware:
EDMODO (LMS) PC & LCD Projector; Komputer
Mobile Phone;
Pengampu MK Prof. M. Asfah Rahman, M.Ed., PhD
Mata Kuliah Prasyarat -
Mg ke CP Mata Kuliah Materi Pembelajaran Aktivitas Belajar Assessment
(sesuai tahapan (Pustaka) (Metode/strategi
belajar) pembelajaran) Indikator Bentuk Bobot
(Estimasi Waktu)
1. Students are able to The Nature and Process of Lecture & discussion; a. Define and - Tes 5%
explain the nature, type, Research: (3 x 50 minutes) describe the - Non-test:
essence, paradigm and • Definition of research Assignment 1: Summary importance of summary of the
process and application • Importance of research of definition and nature of educational lecture
of research in education. • Steps in conducting research, and ethics in research.
research conducting research. b. Describe the six
• Characteristics common steps in the process
to quantitative and of research.
qualitative research in c. Identify the
each of the steps characteristics of
• Research design (types of quantitative and
research) associated with qualitative research
quantitative and in the six steps.
qualitative research d. Identify the type of
• Ethical practices in research designs
research associated with
• The skills needed for quantitative and
research qualitative
(Creswell, pp. 1-64; Gay et research.
al.: pp.1-32) e. Discuss important
ethical issues in
f. Recognize skills
needed to design
and conduct
2. The students are able to Research Problem, Lecturing & discussion a. Define a research - Tes 10%
define a research Literature Review, and (3 x 50 minutes) problem and explain - Non-test:
problem, questions, Research Hypothesis: Assignment 2: Examining its importance in a summary of
purpose statements, and a research article study. article review
• Research problem and its
b. Distinguish between a
hypothesis. importance (problem and purpose
research problem and
• Research problem in statement, hypotesis, and other parts of research
quantitative and variable(s) investigated). process.
qualitative research c. Identify criteria for
• Writin a statement of the deciding whether a
problem section problem can and
• Literature review should be researched.
d. Describe how
• Differences between a quantitative and
literature review for a qualitative research
quantitative and problems differ.
qualitative study e. Learn the five
• Steps in conducting a elements in writing a
literature review “statement of the
• Research questions, problem” section.
purposes, and hypotheses f. Identify strategies
useful in writing a
• Designing research
purposes, questions, and “statement of the
hypotheses for problem” section.
quantitative study g. Define what a
literature review is and
• Designing research
why it is important.
purposes and questions h. Identify the five steps
for qualitative study in conducting a
literature review.
(Creswell, pp. 68-; Gay et i. Distinguish among
al.: pp.32-67) purpose statements,
research questions,
hypotheses, and
j. Describe why these
statements and
questions are
k. Write quantitative
purpose statements,
research questions, and
l. Write qualitative
purpose statements and
research questions.
3-5 The students are able to Collecting and analyzing Presentation; a. State the five steps in - Tes 10%
collect and analyze data quantitative data: Group discussion; the process of - Non-test:
• Population and sample (9 x 50 minutes) quantitative data summary of
Assignment 3: Examining collection. article review
• Research variables
b. Identify how to select
• Types of information or a research article of a
participants (sample)
data to be collected quantitative study for a study.
• Data collection (research instrument, data c. Identify the
instruments collection and analysis, permissions needed for
• Data analysis: interpretation of result). a study.
preparation, descriptive d. List different options
and inferential analysis for collecting
• Presenting and discussing information.
e. Locate, select, and
data analysis results
assess (or design and
develop) an
(Creswell, pp. 140-203; instrument(s) for use in
Gay et al., pp. 98-156) data collection.
f. Describe procedures
for administering
quantitative data
g. Identify the steps in
the process of
analyzing and
quantitative data.
h. Describe the process of
preparing data for
i. Identify the procedures
for analyzing data.
j. Show how to report
the results of data
k.Describe how to
interpret the results.
6 The students will be Collecting and Anlyzing Presentation; a. Identify the five - Tes 10%
able to collect and Qualitative Data: Group discussion; process steps in - Non-test:
analyze qualitative data • Steps in collecting (3 x 50 minutes) collecting qualitative summary of
qualitative data. Assignment 4: Examining data. article review
• Sampling approaches to b. Identify different
a research article of a
selecting participants and sampling approaches
qualitative study (problem to selecting
• Various types of qualitative and purpose statement, participants and sites.
data research instrument, data c. Recognize the various
• Procedures for recording collection and analysis). types of qualitative
qualitative data. data you can collect.
• Field issues and ethical d. Identify the procedures
considerations that need to for recording
be anticipated in qualitative data.
administering the data e. Recognize the field
collection. issues and ethical
• Steps in the process of considerations that
analyzing and interpreting need to be anticipated
qualitative data. in administering the
• Preparing and organizing data collection.
the data for analysis. f. Identify the six steps in
• Exploring and coding the the process of
data. analyzing and
interpreting qualitative
• Building description and
g. Describe how to
• Presentating, intepreting,
prepare and organize
and reporting of qualitative
the data for analysis.
h. Describe how to
explore and code the
(Creswell, pp. 204-264; Gray
et al., pp. 398-437)
i. Use codes to build
description and
j. Construct a
representation and
reporting of qualitative
k. Make an interpretation
of the qualitative
7 The students are able to Reporting research: Presentation; a. Define the purpose - Non-test: 5%
write research report • Purpose of a research report Group discussion; of a research report Outline of
and identify the types. (3 x 50 minutes) and identify the research proposal
• Structure your research Assignment 5: Identifying types.
report. b. Identify how to
research topic, listing
• Ethical, and scholarly structure your
variables, outlining research report.
writing practices. ideas/theories and related c. Identify good
• Criteria for evaluating a studies for literature sensitive, ethical, and
research report. review. scholarly writing
(Creswell, pp. 271-296; d. List criteria for
Gay et al., pp. 540-556) evaluating a research
11 The students are able to Correlational study: Presentation; a. Define correlational - Test 10%
design correlational a. Definition of correlational Group discussion; research, and describe - Non-test:
study research. (3 x 50 minutes) when to use it, and Summary of non-
b. Types of correlational Assignment 7: Summary how it developed. experimental
designs. of characteristics of and b. Identify the two types research
c. Key characteristics of of correlational
steps in conducting non-
correlational designs. designs.
d. Identify potential ethical experimental study c. Describe the key
issues in conducting (descriptive, correlational, characteristics of
correlational research. and causal-comparative) correlational designs.
e. Identify steps in d. Identify potential
conducting a correlation ethical issues in
study. conducting
f. List the criteria for correlational research.
evaluating a correlational e. Identify steps in
study. conducting a
correlation study.
(Creswell, 355-385); Gay et f. List the criteria for
al., pp. 159-212) evaluating a
correlational study.
12 The students are able to Survey research: Presentation; a. Define survey 10%
employ survey research • Defininition of survey Group discussion; research, and describe
design research (3 x 50 minutes) when to use it, and
• Types of survey designs. how it developed.
• Characteristics of survey b. Describe the types of
research. survey designs.
• Constructing and using a c. Identify the key
questionnaire. characteristics of
• Designing and conductin an survey research.
interview survey. d. Describe how to
construct and use a
• Ethical issues in survey
mailed questionnaire.
e. Describe how to
• Steps in conducting survey
design and conduct an
interview survey.
• Criteria useful for
evaluating survey research. f. Identify potential
ethical issues in survey
(Creswell, 298-334); Gay et research.
al. pp. 232-288) g. List the steps in
conducting survey
h. Identify criteria useful
for evaluating survey
13 The students are able to Mixed method design: Presentation; a. Define mixed methods - Test 5%
employ mixed method • Definition of mixed Group discussion research, and describe - Non-Test:
research. methods research (3 x 50 minutes) when to use it, and Summary of
• Types of mixed methods Assignment 8: Examining how it is developed. research article
designs. b. Identify the types of
a research article review
• Characteristics of mixed mixed methods
employing a mixed- designs.
methods research. method (problem and
• Ethical issues in mixed c. Describe the key
purpose statement, characteristics of
methods research.
hypotesis, and variable(s) mixed methods
• Steps used in conducting
mixed methods research. investigated). research.
d. Identify some potential
• Criteria for evaluating a
ethical issues in mixed
mixed methods study.
methods research.
e. Understand the steps
(Creswell, pp. 551-572; Gay
used in conducting
et al., pp. 488-496)
mixed methods
f. List criteria for
evaluating a mixed
methods study.
14. The students are able to Action research design: Presentation; a. Define action research, - Test 5%
employ action research • Definition of action Group discussion and describe when to
design research. (3 x 50 minutes) use it, and how it
• Types of action research Assignment 9: Writing a developed.
designs. (mini) research proposal b. Identify the types of
• Characteristics of action action research
research. designs.
• Potential ethical issues in c. Describe the key
action research. characteristics of
• Steps in conducting an action research.
action research study. d. Anticipate potential
• Criteria for evaluating an ethical issues in action
action research report. research.
e. Identify the steps in
(Creswell, pp. 596-618; Gay conducting an action
et al., pp.498-510) research study.
f. List the criteria for
evaluating an action
research report.
15 The students are able to Qualitative research design: Presentation; a. Define grounded - Test 10%
employ qualitative • Definition of grounded Group discussion; theory, ethnographic, - Non-test:
research resign theory, ethnographic, and (3 x 50 minutes) and narrative Summary of tthe
narrative research. Assignment 10: Summary research. types of
• Distinguish among three b. Distinguish among
of characteristics of and qualitative
types of grounded theory three types of
steps in conducting grounded theory, research
qualitative study ethnographic, and
• Characteristics of grounded
(grounded theory, narrative designs.
theory, ethnographic, and
narrative research. ethnography, and c. Identify the key
• Potential ethical issues in narrative) characteristics of
conducting grounded grounded theory,
theory, ethnographic, and ethnographic, and
naraative research. narrative research.
• Steps in conducting a d. Identify some
grounded theory, potential ethical
ethnographic, and naraative issues in conducting
study. grounded theory,
• Evaluating the quality of a ethnographic, and
grounded theory, narrative research.
ethnographic, and naraative e. Describe the steps in
study. conducting a
grounded theory,
(Creswell, pp. 431-532; ethnographic, and
narrative study.
Gay et al., pp. 398-454)
f. Evaluate the quality
of a grounded theory,
ethnographic, and
narrative study.