LM3525 Single Port USB Power Switch and Over-Current Protection

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LM3525 Single Port USB Power Switch and Over-Current Protection

Literature Number: SNVS051C

LM3525 Single Port USB Power Switch and Over-Current Protection
March 2005

Single Port USB Power Switch and Over-Current
General Description Features
The LM3525 provides Universal Serial Bus standard power n Compatible with USB1.1 and USB 2.0
switch and over-current protection for all host port applica- n 1 ms Fault Flag Delay During Hot-Plug Events
tions. The single port device is ideal for Notebook PC and n Smooth Turn-On Eliminates Inrush Induced Voltage
Handheld PC applications that supply power to one port. Drop
A 1 ms delay on fault flag output prevents erroneous over- n UL Recognized Component: REF # 205202
current reporting caused by inrush currents during the hot- n 1A Nominal Short Circuit Output Current Protects
plug events. Notebook PC Power Supplies
The LM3525 accepts an input voltage between 2.7V and n Thermal Shutdown Protects Device in Direct Short
5.5V allowing use as a device-based inrush current limiter Condition
for 3.3V USB peripherals, as well as Root and Self-Powered n 500mA Minimum Continuous Load Current
Hubs at 5.5V. The Enable input accepts both 3.3V and 5.0V n Small SO-8 Package Minimizes Board Space
logic thresholds. n 2.7V to 5.5V Input Voltage Range
The small size, low RON, and 1 ms fault flag delay make the n Switch Resistance ≤ 120 mΩ Max. at VIN = 5V
LM3525 a good choice for root hubs as well as ganged n 1µA Max Standby Current
power control in space-critical self-powered hubs.
n 100 µA Max Operating Current
n Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO)

n Universal Serial Bus (USB) Root Hubs including
Desktop and Notebook PC
n USB Monitor Hubs
n Other Self-Powered USB Hub Devices
n High Power USB Devices Requiring Inrush Limiting
n General Purpose High Side Switch Applications

Typical Operating Circuit and Connection Diagram





© 2005 National Semiconductor Corporation DS101055 www.national.com

Ordering Information
Part Number Enable, Delivery Option Package Type
LM3525M-H Active High Enable, 95 units per rail
LM3525M-L Active Low Enable, 95 units per rail
NS Package
LM3525MX-H Active High Enable, 2500 units per reel
Number M08A
LM3525MX-L Active Low Enable, 2500 units per reel

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Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) Operating Ratings
If Military/Aerospace specified devices are required, Supply Voltage Range 2.7 to 5.5V
please contact the National Semiconductor Sales Office/
Distributors for availability and specifications. Operating Ambient Range −40˚C to +85˚C
Operating Junction Temperature
Supply Voltage −0.3V to 6.0V
Range −40˚C to +125˚C
Output Voltage −0.3V to 6.0V
Storage Temperature Range −65˚C to +150˚C
Voltage at All Other Pins −0.3V to 5.5V
Lead Temperature
Power Dissipation (TA = 25˚C) (Soldering, 5 seconds) 260˚C
(Note 2) 700 mW
ESD Rating (Note 3) 2 kV
TJMAX (Note 2) 150˚C

DC Electrical Characteristics
Limits in standard typeface are for TJ = 25˚C, and limits in boldface type apply over the full operating temperature range. Un-
less otherwise specified: VIN = 5.0V, EN = 0V (LM3525-L) or EN = VIN (LM3525-H).
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
IN to Out pins
RON On-Resistance VIN = 5V 80 120 mΩ
VIN = 2.7V 120 160
IOUT OUT pins continuous output 0.5 A
ISC Short Circuit Output Current (Note 4) 0.5 1.0 1.5 A
ILEAK OUT pins Output Leakage EN = VIN (LM3525-L) or 0.15 10 µA
Current EN = GND (LM3525-H),
OCTHRESH Over-current Threshold 2.25 3.2 A
IFO = 10 mA, VIN = 5V 6 25
RFO FLAG Output Resistance Ω
IFO = 10 mA, VIN = 2.7V 8 40
IEN EN/EN Leakage Current EN/EN = 0V or EN/EN = VIN −0.5 0.5 µA
VIH EN/EN Input Voltage (Note 5) 2.4 1.9 V
VIL EN/EN Input Voltage (Note 5) 1.7 0.8 V
VUVLO Under-Voltage Lockout VIN = Increasing 1.9 V
VIN = Decreasing 1.8
IDDOFF Supply Current Switch OFF 0.05 1 µA
IDDON Supply Current Switch ON 65 100 µA
ThSD Overtemperature Shutdown TJ Increasing 135 ˚C
Threshold (Note 4) TJ Decreasing 125 ˚C
IFH Error Flag Leakage Current VFLAG= 5V 0.1 1 µA

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AC Electrical Characteristics
Limits in standard typeface are for TJ = 25˚C, and limits in boldface type apply over the full operating temperature range. Un-
less otherwise specified: VIN = 5.0V.
Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
tr OUT Rise Time RL = 10Ω 200 µs
tf OUT Fall Time RL = 10Ω 20 µs
tON Turn on Delay, EN to OUT RL = 10Ω 200 µs
tOFF Turn off Delay, EN to OUT RL = 10Ω 20 µs
tOC Over Current Flag Delay RL = 0 1 ms

Note 1: Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Electrical specifications do not apply when operating the device
beyond its rated operating conditions. Products are not tested under negative Absolute Maximum conditions.
Note 2: The maximum power dissipation must be derated at elevated temperatures and is dictated by TJMAX (maximum junction temperature), θJA (junction to
ambient thermal resistance), and TA (ambient temperature). The maximum allowable power dissipation at any temperature is PDMAX = (TJMAX − TA)/θJA or the
number given in the Absolute Maximum Ratings, which ever is lower. The thermal resistance θJA of the LM3525 in the SO-8 package is 150˚C/W.
Note 3: The human body model is a 100 pF capacitor discharged through a 1.5 kΩ resistor into each pin.
Note 4: Thermal shutdown will protect the device from permanent damage.
Note 5: For the LM3525-L, OFF is EN ≥ 2.4V and ON is EN ≤ 0.8V. For the LM3525-H, OFF is EN ≤ 0.8V and ON is EN ≥ 2.4V

Pin Description
Pin Number Pin Name Pin Function
1 EN (LM3525-L) Enable (Input): Logic-compatible enable input.
EN (LM3525-H)
2 FLG Fault Flag (Output): Active-low, open-drain output. Indicates overcurrent, UVLO and thermal
3 GND Ground
4, 5 NC Not internally connected.
7 IN Supply Input: This pin is the input to the power switch and the supply voltage for the IC.
6, 8 OUT Switch Output: This pin is the output of the high side switch. Pins 6 & 8 must be tied together.

Typical Application Circuit


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Typical Performance Characteristics
VIN = 5.0V, IL = 500 mA, TA = 25˚C unless otherwise

RDSON vs VIN RDSON vs Temperature

10105504 10105505

Current Limit vs Temperature Over Current Threshold vs Temperature

10105506 10105507

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Typical Performance Characteristics VIN = 5.0V, IL = 500 mA, TA = 25˚C unless otherwise
specified. (Continued)

Delay vs Temperature UVLO Threshold

10105508 10105509

Short Circuit Response Under Voltage Lock Out (UVLO)

10105510 10105511

Turn-ON/OFF Delay and Rise Time/Fall Time Short Circuit Current


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Functional Description In selecting a ferrite bead, the DC resistance of the wire used
must be kept to minimum to reduce the voltage drop.
The LM3525-H and LM3525-L are high side P-Channel
A 0.01 µF ceramic capacitor is recommended on each port
switches with active-high and active-low enable inputs, re-
directly between the Vbus and ground pins to prevent EMI
spectively. Fault conditions turn off and inhibit turn-on of the
damage to other components during the hot - detachment.
output transistor and activate the open-drain error flag tran-
sistor sinking current to the ground. Adequate capacitance must be connected to the input of the
device to limit the input voltage drop during a hot-plug event
INPUT AND OUTPUT to less than 330 mV. For a few tens of µs, the host must
IN (Input) is the power supply connection to the control supply the inrush current to the peripheral, charging its bulk
circuitry and the source of the output MOSFET. capacitance to Vbus. This current is initially supplied by the
input capacitor. A 33 µF 16V tantalum capacitor is recom-
OUT (Output) is the drain of the output MOSFET. In a typical mended.
application circuit, current flows through the switch from IN to
In choosing the capacitors, special attention must be paid to
OUT towards the load.
the Effective Series Resistance, ESR, of the capacitors to
If VOUT is greater than VIN when the switch is enabled, minimize the IR drop across the capacitor’s ESR.
current will flow from OUT to IN since the MOSFET is
bidirectional. SOFT START
THERMAL SHUTDOWN To eliminate the upstream voltage droop caused by the high
in-rush current drawn by the output capacitors, the inrush
LM3525 is internally protected against excessive power dis- current is internally limited to 1.0A.
sipation. In the event of a shorted output or heavy loads that
could elevate the die temperature to above approximately TRANSIENT OVER-CURRENT DELAY
135˚C, the thermal shutdown circuit of the LM3525 will be
In USB applications, it is required that output bulk capaci-
activated and the power switch turned off.
tance is utilized to support hot-plug events. During hot-plug
The switch is turned on after die temperature drops by 10˚C. events, inrush currents may also cause the flag to go active.
This built-in temperature hysteresis prevents undesirable Since these conditions are not valid over-current faults, the
oscillation of the thermal protection circuit and allows the USB controller must ignore the flag during these events.
device to reset itself after it is cooled down.
High transient current is also generated when switch is
UNDERVOLTAGE LOCKOUT enabled and large values of capacitance at the output have
to be rapidly charged. The inrush currents created could
UVLO prevents the MOSFET switch from turning on until exceed the short circuit current limit threshold of the device
input voltage exceeds 1.9V. forcing it into the current limit mode. The capacitor is
UVLO shuts off the MOSFET switch and signals the fault flag charged with the maximum available short circuit current set
if input voltage drops below 1.8V. UVLO functions only when by the LM3525. The duration of the inrush current depends
device is enabled. on the size of the output capacitance and load current. Since
this is not a valid fault condition, the LM3525 delays the
CURRENT LIMIT generation of the fault flag for 1 ms. If condition persists due
The current limit circuit is designed to protect the system to other causes such as a short, a fault flag is generated
supply, the MOSFET switches and the load from damage after a 1 ms delay has elapsed.
caused by excessive currents. The current limit threshold is The LM3525’s 1 ms delay in issuing the fault flag is adequate
set internally to allow a minimum of 500 mA through the for most applications. If longer delays are required, an RC
MOSFET but limit the maximum current to 1.0A typical. filter as shown in Figure 1 may be used.

The fault flag is an open-drain output capable of sinking
10 mA load current to typically 60 mV above ground.
The fault flag is active (pulled low) when any of the following
conditions are present: undervoltage, current limit, or ther-
mal shutdown.
A 1ms delay in reporting fault condition prevents erroneous
fault flags and eliminates the need for external RC delay
network. 10105524

Application Information FIGURE 1. Transient Fitter


The USB specification indicates that “no less than 120 µF In order to meet the USB requirements for voltage drop,
tantalum capacitors” must be used on the output of each droop and EMI, each component used in this circuit must be
downstream port. This bulk capacitance provides the short- evaluated for its contribution to the circuit performance as
term transient current needed during a hot plug-in. Current shown in Figure 2. The PCB layout rules and guidelines
surges caused by the input capacitance of the down stream must be followed.
device could generate undesirable EMI signals. Ferrite
beads in series with all power and ground lines are recom-
mended to eliminate or significantly reduce EMI.

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Application Information (Continued) • Place the output capacitor and ferrite beads as close to
the USB connector as possible.
• Place the switch as close to the USB connector as pos- • If ferrite beads are used, use wires with minimum resis-
sible. Keep all Vbus traces as short as possible and use at tance and large solder pads to minimize connection
least 50-mil, 1 ounce copper for all Vbus traces. Solder resistance.
plating the traces will reduce the trace resistance.
• Avoid vias as much as possible. If vias are used, use
multiple vias in parallel and/or make them as large as


FIGURE 2. Self-Powered Hub Per-Port Voltage Drop

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Typical Applications


FIGURE 3. SIngle-Port USB Self-Powered Hub


FIGURE 4. Soft-Start Application


FIGURE 5. Inrush Current-limit Application

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LM3525 Single Port USB Power Switch and Over-Current Protection
Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted

For Order Numbers , see Ordering Information Table

NS Package Number M08A

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