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(19) World Intellectual Property

International Bureau
(10) International Publication Number
(43) International Publication Date WO 2017/105266 Al
22 June 2017 (22.06.2017) PO PCT

(51) International Patent Classification: BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM,
B64C 39/00 (2006.01) DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
(21) International Application Number: KP, KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA,
PCT/RO20 16/000026 MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG,
(22) International Filing Date: NI, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS,
16 December 2016 (16. 12.2016) RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY,
(25) Filing Language: English ZA, ZM, ZW.
(26) Publication Language: English (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
(30) Priority Data: kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
a 2015 01021 18 December 201 5 (18. 12.2015) RO GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ,
TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU,
(71) Applicant: IOSIF, Taposu [RO/RO]; 18-22 Negoe Voda TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE,
Street, Bl. VI/ 2, Sc. C, Et. 1, Ap. 42, OP 18, District 1, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU,
Bucharest, 71544 (RO). LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK,
(72) Inventor; and
GW, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
(71) Applicant : RAZVAN, Sabie [RO/RO]; 40 Radna Street,
District 6, Bucharest 06023 1 (RO). Declarations under Rule 4.17 :
(74) Agent: NESTOR NESTOR DICULESCU KINGSTON — as to the identity of the inventor (Rule 4.1 7(Ϊ))
PETERSEN - INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY COUN¬ — of inventorship (Rule 4. 1 7(iv))
SELING; 201 Barbu Vacarescu St., Globalworth Tower,
17th floor, District 2, Bucharest 020276 (RO). Published:
(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every — with international search report (Art. 21(3))
kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,


(57) Abstract: The invention relates to an aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing and its operation method. Aircraft with vertical
takeoff and landing of aerodyne type according to the invention comprises a circular symmetrical aerodynamic body (1) having an
internal stiffening platform (2) located on the chord of the aerodynamic profile and which supports the components of the aircraft, at
o least four vertical ducted propellers (3a), (3b), (3c), (3d) arranged symmetrically to the central vertical axis of the carrier body (1),
but also to the predetemined flight axis and to the transverse axis of the carrier body (1), propellers (3a) and (3c) having the same ro -
tational direction opposite to that of propellers (3b) and (3d) at least two horizontal ducted propellers (4) with opposite rotation dir
o ections located inside the carrier body or outside of it, placed parallel symmetrical with the predetermined flight axis and on both
sides of it, vector nozzles (5), one for each horizontal propeller (4), which provides vector orientation to jets of the horizontal ducted
o propellers (4), the means of power supply (6), which are designed to provide electricity necessary to operate all engines and all elec -
trical and electronic devices on board, an electronic control and management flight module (7) and a landing gear (9), which aims to
promote contact between the aircraft and the ground.
Aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing and its operating process

The invention relates to an aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing capabilities
and its operating method.
There are several procedures and aircrafts with vertical takeoff and landing
capabilities which are already known.
It is known, for example, document US 2003/0098388 A 1 disclosing a vertical

takeoff and landing apparatus showing the drive means in the vertical direction and
propulsion means in the horizontal direction .
Known processes and aircrafts with vertical takeoff and landing capabilities
generally have the following disadvantages:
- high energy consumption or fuel during flight, leading to limited autonomy;
- helicopter and UAV multiple rotors devices, the flight is conducted via a thrust /
weight ratio higher than one;
- cruising speeds are low;
- the room for maneuver is limited;
- aircraft with vertical takeoff have very low maneuver capabilities during takeoff
and landing;
- aircraft with vertical takeoff achieve the transition from the vertical to the
horizontal flight with difficulty;
- loads are relatively small.
Also it is known from patent R01 10221 a bearing aerodynamic profile that can be
used in the aerospace industry.
It is disclosed in R0 10221 , the content of which is incorporated by reference

herein, an aerodynamic profile according to claims 1-3 of said patent that are also
incorporated herein by reference, profile that defines itself, in short, by an arbitrary
frame s(x) in a unit chord [0,1] and a positive differentiable function g(x) in said the
range, which represents the half-thickness of the profile, meeting the aerodynamic
profile in any vertical section following two conditions:
i) semi-thickness is tangential to the skeleton in the leading edges and run;
ii) the profile is bidirectional, that is symmetrical about the axis perpendicular on

the middle of the chord, i.e. s(x) = s(1-x) and g(x) = g(1-x).
The invention eliminates many of the mentioned drawbacks allowing the
possibility of achieving an aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing capabilities, simple,
economical, fast, and maneuverable, with a smooth transition from vertical to horizontal
flight and with greater flight autonomy.
The invention solves many of the drawbacks of the prior art by providing an
aircraft and a method of operating thereof according to the independent claims and the
dependent claims thereto.
More specifically, in a first aspect, the invention provides an aircraft with vertical
takeoff and landing which consists of a circular symmetrical, bearing, aerodynamic
body, having an internal stiffening platform located on the chord of the aerodynamic
profile and supporting the components of the aircraft, from at least four intubated
vertical propellers symmetrical to the central axis of the bearing body sound, as well as
to the preset flight axis and the horizontal axis cross-body carrier, the opposing
propellers having the same rotational direction and the adjoining opposite of at least two
intubated horizontal propellers with opposite rotation directions, parallel to the axis pre-
flight and on either side of it, from vector nozzles, one for each horizontal propeller,
which provides the vector orientation to the jets of the intubated horizontal propellers, by
means of power supply, electrical accumulators, which are designed to provide the
necessary electricity to operate all engines and electrical and electronic devices on
board, from an electronic control and management of flight module and a landing gear,
which aims to promote contact between aircraft and ground.
A preferred embodiment of the present invention is represented by an aircraft
having the shape of the aerodynamic profile defined in the patent R01 10221 .
The aircraft according to the invention can fly lifting three lifting modes, namely:
- the flight in lifting mode produced by the intubated vertical propellers this lifting
type being characteristic of the landing and takeoff phases of the device, and its
thrust / weight ratio is higher than one;
- the flight in dynamic lifting mode produced by intubated horizontal propellers
flight during which the machine is kept in the air due to the bearing force
resulting from its moves through the air and the thrust / weight ratio is below one;
- flying under the joint lifting mode obtained using both intubated vertical propellers
as well as the intubated horizontal propellers , this regime being characteristic for
the transition from takeoff to cruise and from the cruising stage to landing, and
the thrust / weight ratio of the device is variable, going from high values to low
values and vice versa.
In a second aspect, the invention describes a method of operating the aircraft

according to the invention which encompasses the description of the takeoff, landing
and flight booked cruise stages, the description of the maneuvers needed to perform
these steps and the description of other maneuvers that the flying device is capable of.
Other characteristics of the aircraft and its operating procedure, in accordance
with the present invention are subject of the dependent claims appended hereto.
The aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing according to the invention has the
following advantages:
- it takes off and lands vertically;
- in cruising mode the aircraft flies with a thrust / weight ratio below one like the

- it presents a low fuel consumption thanks to the hybrid propelling drive (for

versions equipped with this system);

- it has maneuver capabilities superior to all known aircrafts;

- it has very good flight characteristics in all flight modes (subsonic, transonic and
- it has low manufacturing costs due to the concept of symmetry;
- it is lightweight and does not need control surfaces and aerodynamic control;

- it has a high reliability in operation;

- it has increased safety operation.

The aircraft can have multiple uses in piloted versions or unmanned (UAV) unit
personnel flight, passenger transport, air travel, air taxi, aerial surveillance, mapping,
rapid delivery of materials, military applications with piloted devices or UAV, aircraft for
suborbital flight, etc.
These and other features of the present invention will become clear from the
following description of some embodiments which are not intended to limit the invention,
wherein Figures 1-41 are:
Figure 1 is a general view of the apparatus according to the invention in the
embodiment with flat soffit and the outer horizontal propulsion engines;
Figure 2 is known in the art (R01 10221) and it represents a two-way/bidirectional
aerodynamic profile;
Figure 3 is a view of the apparatus shown with the main section along the flight
axis and a second section through one of the horizontal thrusters;
Figure 4 is a top view of the arrangement of the intubated propellers vertical to
the flight axis and the transverse and the directions of rotation thereof;
Figure 5 is a section through a vertical intubated propeller;
Figure 6 is a view of the positioning of the axis of the vertical propellers to the
central axis of symmetry of the device;
Figure 7 is a version with eight vertical lifting propellers, divided into four pairs;
Figure 8 is a view of the soffit of the aircraft with the arrangement of the
horizontal intubated propellers in the version where these are placed outside the load-
bearing body;
Figure 9 is a section through the load-bearing body in it's profiled soffit version
with the horizontal intubated propellers placed inside the body;
Figure 10 is an embodiment with the engines of the horizontal intubated
propellers located near the flight axis and the vectorial nozzles spaced
Figure 11 is a view which shows the cones inside which the jet can be oriented
through the vector nozzles;
Figure 12 is an illustration of an embodiment of the electronic control module and
flight management with both pilot unit components located on the same mobile support
that can tilt along the flight axis;
Figure 13 is an illustration of the derivation of the angle of incidence of the
Figure 14 is another illustration of the derivation of the angle of incidence;
Figure 15 is a schematic presentation of the main phases of the flight process;
Figure 16 is an overview of how to obtain pitching motion using the vector
Figure 7 is getting left yaw movement using vector nozzles;

Figure 18 is getting to the right yaw movement using vector nozzles;

Figure 19 is getting to the right rolling motion using vector nozzles;
Figure 20 is getting rolling movement to the left with the vector nozzles;
Figure 2 1 is an embodiment of the aircraft in which it is provided with transverse
two-way intubated propeller positioned within the bearing body perpendicular to the
flight axis;
Figure 22 shows an embodiment of the aircraft in which it is provided with one¬
way transverse-intubated propellers situated outside the bearing body in its sides;
Figure 23 shows an embodiment of the aircraft in which it is provided with rocket
engines fitted twinned each with an intubated propeller together forming mixed pairs of
Figure 24 shows an embodiment of the aircraft in which it is provided with the
horizontal and vertical bidirectional propellers for maneuver disposed within the bearing
body and the vertical intubated propellers are closed with hatches;
Figure 25 shows the combined yawing maneuver with horizontal translation
performed using horizontal maneuver propellers;
Figure 26 shows an embodiment of the aircraft in which it is provided with the
horizontal and vertical bidirectional maneuver propellers, the vertical maneuver
propellers are placed in X , and the vertical takeoff and landing ones system is placed in
Figure 27 shows an embodiment of the aircraft in which it is provided with the
horizontal and vertical bidirectional maneuver propellers, the vertical maneuver
propellers and the vertical takeoff and landing ones being both placed in X ;
Figure 28 shows an embodiment of the aircraft in which it is provided with two
maneuver horizontal bidirectional propellers perpendicular to the flight axis;
Figure 29 shows an embodiment of the aircraft in which it is provided with
intubated vertical propellers with only maneuver bidirectional propellers;
Figure 30 shows the embodiment of the aircraft in which the horizontal propulsion
is performed with turbojet engines;

Figure 3 1 shows the embodiment of the aircraft in which the horizontal propulsion
carried out with pulse jet engines;
Figure 32 shows the embodiment of the aircraft with horizontal hybrid propulsion
where the heat engine is either a classical one of piston type or a rotary engine Wankel;
Figure 33 shows the embodiment of the aircraft with horizontal hybrid propulsion
where the thermal engine is turbojet in the building embodiment of turboshaft type;
Figure 34 shows the embodiment of the aircraft for very high altitudes flight fitted
with range rocket engine and ramjet engines for horizontal propulsion and rocket
engines with frequent restart mode for vertical and lateral maneuvers;
Figure 35 shows a an embodiment version of the aircraft for suborbital altitudes
flight provided with a range rocket engine for takeoff and rocket engines for horizontal
propulsion and rocket engines with frequent restart mode for vertical and lateral
Figure 36 shows an example of profile for suborbital aircraft with the soffit profiled
for re-entering the atmosphere;
Figure 37 illustrates the main phases of the suborbital flight process;
Figure 38 shows the embodiment of the apparatus with air amplifiers (Coanda
Figure 39 is an illustration of how the balance of the apparatus works by a three-
dimensional move of some components within the load-bearing body;
Figure 40 shows a supporting body with changeable profile;
Figure 4 1 shows a detail of joining the board with a mobile cap.
Embodiments of the invention will be described below with reference to the
The aircraft with takeoff and landing according to the invention is shown in an
overview in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows the aerodynamic profile described in the patent
R01 10221 according to the current state of the art.
In figure 3 it is shown with a main section along the flight axis and a secondary

section in one of the horizontal thrusters. The aircraft comprises a circular bearing body
1 with an aerodynamic bidirectional profile, an inner platform 2 placed on the chord of
the bidirectional profile, at least four vertical intubated propellers ("ducted fans") three
symmetrically arranged from the center of the bearing body from the flight axis of the
aircraft and from its horizontal transverse axis, 4 horizontal intubated propellers, which
are placed horizontally and parallel symmetrical with the flight axis of the apparatus, two
vector nozzles 5 that can be directed three-dimensional, one for each of the horizontal
intubated propellers, each of the two nozzles being operated by means of two actuators
y and z , one of which y carrying out the horizontal movement, and the other z the
vertical movement of the nozzle, a group of electric accumulators 6 , a flight

management and control electronic module 7 , six speed governors 8 , each one serving
an intubated propeller and a landing gear 9 . The aircraft with vertical takeoff and
landing, in its unmanned version can be controlled from the ground using a remote radio
control 0 or in its pilot version can be piloted with the means on board.
The bearing body 1 having both the role of wing, as well as of fuselage has a
circular symmetric shape and aims mainly, after reaching a certain horizontal speed of
the aircraft, at ensuring its aerodynamic carrying capacity. The profile of the bearing
body in figure 2 belongs to the family of aerodynamic profiles disclosed in R01 10221
patent and is defined by an arbitrary frame s(x) on an unit chord [0.1] and a positive and
differentiable function g(x) over the mentioned interval, which is the half-thickness of the
profile, meeting the following two conditions in any vertical section:
i) semi-thickness is tangential to the skeleton in the leading and run edges;
ii) the profile is bidirectional, that is symmetrical about the axis perpendicular to

the middle of the string, i.e. s (x) = s(1-x) and g (x) = g(1-x).
The bearing body 1 is provided with profiled openings i, both on the outside and
on the inside, which provide both air inlet to the vertical intubated propellers 3 and the
ejection thereof. On the underside of the carrying body 1 the two horizontal intubated
propellers 4 are placed parallel symmetrically to the predetermined flight axis, but
according to the chosen aerodynamic profile, they may be placed inside the bearing
body 1 as well.
Inside the bearing body 1 on its chord it is the inner platform 2 . This is placed on
the chord of the aerodynamic profile and is designed to provide the necessary support
for mounting the components of the unit and to confer stiffness to it. Thus, on the inner
platform 2 is placed the group of electric accumulators 6 , the electronic flight module 7 ,
speed governors 8 as well as fixings for vertical intubated propellers 3 . For the good
balance of the aircraft, the electronic flight module 7 as well as the group of electric
accumulators 6 will be placed and grouped symmetrically around the vertical axis of the
apparatus, namely the inner platform 2 . If the profile of the underside of the bearing
body is flat, the inside of the soffit constitutes the inner platform 2 .
The vertical intubated propellers 3 known as the streamlined propellers or
"ducted fans" are arranged symmetrically to the vertical central axis of the of the bearing
body 1 and symmetrically to the flight axis and to the transverse axis, perpendicular to
the flight and through the center of the bearing body 1 - figure 4 .
The rotation directions of the vertical intubated propellers 3 and their location are
similar to that of quadcopters "X", the rotation directions of the propellers a and c being
the same, opposite to that of propellers b and d , and the lines joining the intubated
propellers a and c , or b and d respectively intersect at the center of symmetry of the
bearing body 1. The vertical intubated propellers 3 are made of a tube which
streamlines the assembly formed by the propeller itself and the electric motor which
drives the propeller - Figure 5 . The vertical intubated propellers 3 are placed as far
away from the axes of the bearing body 1 and as close as possible to its edges, but still
so that they remain streamlined entirely into the structure of body 1 not to generate
significant turbulence and thus affect less the area available to generate buoyancy.
Vertical propellers 3 are driven by electric motors, but in certain embodiments the heat
engines with piston or the engines of Wankel type can also be used, or in some
embodiments we can even use turbo-jets to override the unit electric motor - propeller.
Vertical intubated propellers 3 are designed to ensure takeoff and vertical landing
of the aircraft, to maintain its sustentation when the body of the aircraft does not
generate enough load force displacement of ensuring the operation of the apparatus in
this lifting mode, but also to provide certain maneuvers in the cruise mode of the
aircraft. The electric motors of the intubated propellers motors are powered by the group
of electric accumulators 6 . The power of the engines of vertical intubated propellers 3
must provide a thrust / weight ration higher than one for the aircraft to be able to takeoff
and land vertically. The command of the vertical intubated propellers 3 is made by the
electronic control and flight management module 7 and by the speed governors 8 . As
these intubated propellers must provide a tensile force sufficient to takeoff, to increase
their efficiency ("disk loading") lips of the inlets and outlets, m and n - figure 5 - would be
shaped such that through the Coanda effect to increase the air suction ability on the
surface of the upper surface and at the same time the evacuated stream to have a
higher dispersion area. Also, to increase stability of the apparatus, the axis of the
vertical intubated propellers 3 can be inclined at an angle corresponding evenly to the
vertical central axis of the carrying body 1 - Figure 6 .
Also, in order to achieve more efficient large suction currents on the soffit of the
flight body in order to generate a better distribution of the low pressure on its surface,
eight vertical intubated propellers 3 can be used disposed in four pairs arranged
symmetrically about the axes of the machine, the component propellers of a pair have
identical rotation directions, opposite pairs having the same direction and those
enclosed opposite directions - figure 7 . They will achieve a more effective absorption of
the air from the upper side of the aircraft and will noticeably increase the power of
vertical traction of the machine, without adding too much extra weight. The component
propellers of a pair have a common order they are operated at the same speed, and in
this way the aircraft retains the same flight characteristics as the four propellers.
It should also be noted that the aircraft can also fly with a larger number of

vertical intubated propellers which can operate in a grouped manner as described

above. Using a larger number of vertical intubated propellers 3 there will be a static
distributive lifting.
For some versions of the aircraft there can be used bidirectional propellers driven
by electric reversible motors. Thus vertical intubated propellers 3 may direct the jet both
down and up, increasing thus increasing the maneuvering capabilities of the aircraft.
Thus, the machine can rotate around its flight axis and perform inverted flight using the
vertical intubated bidirectional propellers 3 , which reverse its direction of rotation while
turning the aircraft around the flight axis, after its turning angle exceeded 90 degrees to
the horizontal plane. Also, in the same way the aircraft can also rotate around the
transverse axis. Such maneuvers are known in the art to be characteristic of a
quadcopter equipped with reversible motors and bidirectional propellers.
Horizontal intubated propellers 4 are arranged horizontally symmetrical on both
sides of the predetermined flight axis and parallel with it - Figure 8 . The horizontal
intubated propellers 4 serve to propel the aircraft horizontally. These intubated
propellers provide horizontal traction of the aircraft in order to obtain a force of lift
allowing dynamic sustentation set during its horizontal movement with a corresponding
speed. The horizontal intubated propellers 4 may be located outside the bearing body
mounted on the soffit of the aircraft when it is flat, may be-placed entirely within the
carrying body, with the vector nozzle 5 outside thereof when the soffit is profiled as
shown in Figure 9 , or they may be located partly within and partly outside the body
supporting it. In the case where the horizontal intubated propellers 4 are placed outside
the bearing body 1, they may be mounted parallel to the inner platform 2 the outer part
of which constitutes the soffit of bearing body 1 or can be mounted inclined at an angle
such that when flying in cruising mode the aircraft may have optimal angle of incidence
and the orientation of the axis of the horizontal intubated propellers 4 to coincide with
the flight direction of the aircraft.
The horizontal intubated propellers 4 have similar structure with the vertical ones,
but with the following differences: the tubes are longer, the inlets are profiled air inlet at
high speed and at the rear are provided with converged vector nozzles for ejection 5 .
It is preferable that the rotation directions of the horizontal propellers 4 to be

opposed to cancel any spurious points. Since the intubated propellers 4 are used in
cruising flight, their thrust will be chosen depending on the desired performances. If the
aircraft is small and is intended for short-haul flights, the horizontal propellers 4 can be
driven by electric motors, and for long distances the electric motors can be replaced
with piston heat engines or Wankel type engines 11 or hybrid drive systems 12. For
high speed, horizontal intubated propellers 4 can be replaced by turbojet engines 13 or
even ramjet or rocket engines. A n alternative engine version for medium cruising
speeds is the pulsoreactor engine - 14. These versions will be described separately.
For a better balance of the aircraft the motors of the horizontal intubated
propellers can be arranged, as shown in Figure 10, in the proximity of the central
vertical axis of the aircraft, and the vector nozzles will be placed at a greater distance
from each other, in order to more efficiently generate the moments required for the
handling of the aircraft, and thus the tubes of the intubated propellers will have a curved
shape. This embodiment is best suited for when the intubated propellers are located
within the bearing body.
Figure 11 presents an embodiment of the aircraft in which the vector nozzles 5
show a convergent form and can move simultaneously both vertically and horizontally
and can guide the jet in any direction contained within cones p whose generators meet
on the axes of the intubated propellers 4 . The angle of the generator of these cones is
technological limited by the type and construction method of the respective vector
nozzles. The length of the intubated propellers 4 will be large enough so that the stream
that runs through the vector nozzles 5 does not interact with the edge of the bearing
body 1. The nozzles move horizontally and vertically using two actuators y and z that
move the nozzle in vertical and horizontal planes with levers. This embodiment of
achieving vector nozzles is known in the current art, but more complex vector nozzles
can also be used such as those used by jet aircrafts with this kind of traction.
Vector nozzles 5 are designed to ensure the aircraft's main maneuvers in flight
mode in dynamic lifting produced by horizontal intubated propellers 4 .
The group of electric accumulators 6 has the role of ensuring the electricity
necessary to operate all engines and electrical and electronic devices on board. The
group of electric accumulators can operate as a single source for all engines unit, or
each motor as a power source may have one distinct accumulator or a distinct group of
accumulators. The total power of the electric accumulators must be sufficient to provide
power to run electrical and electronic devices on board to provide the power required for
takeoff to the engines of the vertical propellers simultaneously with the power
necessary to the engines of the horizontal propellers for propulsion until reaching
cruising speed following that after this, the electricity to be consumed only for
maintaining cruising speed, for maneuvering flight and operation of electrical and
electronic devices, marked preservation of stored electrical energy sufficient for moving
back to the lifting mode and carrying out landing maneuvers. Since the aircraft requires
a higher power for takeoff phase, this implies a rapid discharge rate of the accumulators
and to fill this need, concomitantly with electric accumulators and it can also be used
supercapacitors. They are lightweight and have a high density power and provide in the
short-term the electric power required during takeoff and up to reaching cruising speed.
Electric accumulators can be replaced by any source that can provide electricity and are
suitable for such use. An example is the lightweight fuel cells.
The role of the electronic control and flight management module 7 is to take the
orders of the either on board or on the ground via a receiver / transmitter interface,
interpret them and then to electronically order the aggregates and the devices of the
aircraft so that they faithfully carry out commands from the pilot. The electronic control
and flight management module 7 can be built for such a purpose or may consist of pilot
units with open source platforms that already are on the market, such as Arduino /
Ardupilot, OpenPilot, Paparazzi, Pixhawk, Aeroquad, Mikrokopter, KKMulticopter etc.
Basically the electronic control and flight management module 7 consists of an
electronic platform containing an electronic microprocessor, electronic memory and
interfaces for input / output data which together form a programmable complex, i.e. a
so-called on board computer. In addition to this onboard computer, the electronic control
and flight management module 7 also contains the following basic electronic devices:
gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer, barometer. Through other interfaces and
input / output ports the electronic control and flight management module 7 can also be
connected to other additional devices such as ultrasonic devices for measuring the
distance from the ground, GPS devices, Bluetooth, WiFi, video cameras etc. and can
also receive monitoring data on engine speed, the temperature sensors, battery charge
sensors etc. Through the output interfaces the electronic flight module 7 transmits
commands to the speed governors 8 and by default to the engine of the intubated
propellers 3 and 4 and the nozzles 5 according to orders received from the pilot and can
also receive feedback information from them through the input / output ports.
Generally pilot units on the market are already equipped with various
autostabiliser functions of the device and automatically maintaining certain flight
characteristics such as for example gyroscopic stabilizing or the automated maintaining
the travel altitude or the distance from the ground, travel speed etc.
For ease of operation unit and its construction and to use pilot units already on
the market, electronic control and flight management module 7 can be made up mainly
of two pilot-units as described above, the first of them 15 will manage the sustentation
of the aircraft in quadcopter mode ordering the vertical intubated propellers 3 , and the
second pilot unit 16 will be used to control the horizontal propulsion, i.e. horizontal
intubated propellers 4 and nozzles 5 . The two pilot-units can be ordered independently
by the pilot or operate unitary via an interface that transmits data between the two units
that integrates and coordinates the premises.
Both pilot units will be located in the symmetry center of the aircraft, oriented
along the flight axis of the aircraft according to the manufacturer's indications, and jointly
arranged one above the other. Said pilot units will be mounted on a mobile support 17
which can tilt to the horizontal axis of the aircraft in the direction of the flight axis with a
modifiable angle via a servomotor 18 - figure 12. A n embodiment can be done through
which mobile holder 17 can be inclined in any direction, the support being located on a
pivoting gimbals system in three axes.
Given that the two units are arranged in parallel planes and are jointly mounted,
the sensors of the respective units have the same values and thus the aircraft will
maintain its trajectory and position when the flight management exchange between the
two units takes place.
The electronic control and flight management module 7 communicates with the
pilot either through direct means, if the pilot is on board, either via a receiver /
transmitter (radio / GSM / etc.) interface which communicates with the control station
located on the ground.
The aircraft can perform autonomous pre-programmed flights without requiring
human intervention during flight.
The electronic control and flight management module 7 will be scheduled so as
at the decrease of the horizontal speed at which electromagnetic force becomes lower
than the weight, said module automatically orders the entry into operation of vertical
intubated propellers 3 for supplementing the lifting force or for total transition to the
lifting flight regime produced by the propellers intubated vertical 3 . This order will be
triggered when the sensors of the module will notice a drop in altitude that is not due to
pilot commands. Also, the electronic flight module will be programmed so that during the
cruising flight to warn the pilot (either on the ground or on board) if accidentally the
amount of electricity on board becomes insufficient to fulfill flight and if the pilot ignores
these warnings, the flight module will automatically initiate landing procedure regardless
of pilot orders.
As an additional safety measure of the aircraft it can be provided also with a
landing parachute triggered automatically in the event of problems because of which
landing can no longer be performed safely with the means on board.
Speed governors 8 are designed to ensure the operation of electric motors of the
intubated propellers according to orders transmitted by the pilot via electronic control
and flight management module 7 . Given that we refer to an aircraft, these speed
governors will be selected or constructed taking into account the safety coefficients
required for safely operating the engines.
The landing gear 9 is to promote contact between aircraft and ground. It will be
high enough to prevent the unwanted turbulence formation on the soffit of the aircraft
during the takeoff phase. Preferably, it will be retractable in its entirety. Also, it may be
provided with wheels.
Radio remote control 10 is designed to transmit via radio waves the commands
of the ground-based pilot (in the embodiment where the aircraft is operated from the
Flight procedure is as follows:
The first phase of flight is the vertical takeoff of the aircraft. By ordering the pilot
on the ground or on board the takeoff phase is initiated by turning off vertical intubated
propellers 3 , without turning on the horizontal ones 4 . In this phase of the flight, the
aircraft takes off and is handled basically as a classical quadcopter / multicopter this
flying in lifting regimen using the vertical propellers. The way of obtaining the
maneuvers in this flight regime is known in the current art and thus pitch, roll, yaw
movements and the horizontal translations can be obtained as in any quadcopter by
asymmetric changing of the speeds of vertical intubated propellers 3 and for obtaining
vertical translation through the simultaneous increase or decrease of the speeds of the
vertical intubated propellers 3 . This flight phase is managed through pilot unit 15 of
module 7 .
Second phase of flight is the transition from the lifting mode obtained using
vertical intubated propellers, to the dynamic lifting mode obtained by achieving a
bearing strength resulting from moving the aircraft through the air using the horizontal
intubated propellers. For a swift entry into the dynamic lifting mode it is necessary to
obtain the appropriate angle of incidence. This change of the angle of incidence can be
achieved in three ways:
- the first way to change the angle of incidence is obtained by tilting the control
module and flight management module 7 , which comprises two pilot units 5 and
16, with a desired angle a to the inner platform 2 to the predetermined flight

direction, thus changing the horizontality landmark of pilot units. Since the pilot
units on the market are programmed at the factory to keep the horizontality of the
ground consequently pilot-unit 15 will command increasing of the speed of
propellers a and b simultaneously with decreasing speed to propellers c and d
which will lead to the tilting of the aircraft with the same angle a and a backwards
movement of the aircraft. To compensate for this backwards movement of the
machine, while tilting the pilot unit 15, the horizontal intubated propellers 4 -
which vector nozzles remain in a neutral position, increase their speed at a value
at which the horizontal component of the tactile force exceeds the horizontal
component of the traction force resulting from the asymmetric speed of the
vertical propellers which move the aircraft backwards, thus resulting a forward
movement of the aircraft with the desired angle of incidence as shown in figure
13. If the pilot unit 5 has the altitude hold function active it can be achieved a
compensation of all traction forces developed by the propellers of the aircraft and
its weight thereby achieving an ordered hover with a tilted angle a (alpha).
- the second way of obtaining the angle of incidence is similar to the first, only that,
simultaneously with the tilt of the control and flight management module 7 it is
oriented upwards with the same angle and the two vector nozzles 5 - figure 14.
In this flight phase the flight management is transferred from pilot unit 15 to pilot unit 16.

Since the pilot unit 15 and pilot unit 16 have the same angle of inclination, at the
transfer of flight management between the two pilot-units he trajectory and the position
of the aircraft will be maintained.
The third phase of flight is that of dynamic lifting mode flight. In this phase the
horizontal intubated propellers 4 will power the aircraft with a speed greater than or
equal to the rate at which the dynamic sustentation is obtained, and with getting this
speed the speed of the vertical intubated propellers 4 will drop to zero, they no longer
be needed to achieve sustentation.
The main maneuvers of the aircraft will be made using vector nozzles 5 and only
for some additional maneuvers the vertical propellers 3 can also be used. At this stage
of flight the flight management will be done through pilot unit 16.
Fourth flight phase is the transition from the dynamic lifting mode flight to that of
lifting flight mode produced by the vertical propellers. After decreasing of the speed of
the aircraft to the value at which dynamic sustentation decreases, the aircraft
automatically switches using control and flight management module 7 to the other lifting
mode that is the one obtained by turning on the vertical intubated propellers 3 . The
vertical propellers will run concurrently with the horizontal ones 4 a period of time until
they eventually reduce its thrust to zero. During this time the module 7 lies in a plane
parallel to the inner platform 2 in order to obtain a zero angle of incidence of the aircraft,
the aircraft orienting itself parallel to the ground. In this flight phase the flight
management is transferred from unit to pilot-unit 16 to pilot unit 15.
Fifth phase of flight is that of vertical landing, the device will land in the already
known manner of any quadcopter / multicopter only using the vertical intubated
propellers 3 . This flight phase is managed through pilot unit 15. The five main phases of
the flight procedure are illustrated in figure 15.
It is additionally noted that if the aircraft is equipped with landing gear equipped

with wheels, it can takeoff and land like a classic airplane.

During the dynamic lifting mode flight the main maneuvers of the aircraft will be
made using vector nozzles 5 . Thus, by their simultaneous orientation in the same
direction vertically up or down, the pitching motion is obtained - figure 16. By targeting
vector nozzles horizontally to the left the turning movement to the left of the aircraft is
obtained - Figure 17 and by orienting the nozzles horizontally to the right the turning
movement to the right of the of the aircraft is obtained - Figure 18. By simultaneously
orienting vector nozzles simultaneously in opposite directions vertically the roll
movement of the aircraft is achieved. Thus, by orienting upwards the right vector nozzle,
while downwardly orienting the left one the roll movement to the right is obtained, as
shown in Figure 19, and through orienting the right nozzle down while targeting the left
one up the roll movement of the aircraft to the left is obtained, as shown in Figure
20.Through the simultaneous orientation of the vector nozzles in any direction within the
cone p combined motions are obtained as described above.
The gyration of the aircraft can also be achieved by asymmetric traction of the
horizontal intubated propellers, but this maneuver will be used in cases of emergency
only, when the turn cannot be achieved by the means described above. In case of
horizontal propeller engine failure the asymmetric traction resulting from this can be
compensated by vector nozzles by targeting the opposite of the part on which the
specific engine damaged in a similar way can be found, maneuver similar to the
compensation maneuver of classic airplanes using drift direction.
During the dynamic lifting flight regime the maneuverability of the aircraft can be
supplemented by the vertical intubated propellers 3 , which can perform vertical or
oblique translation maneuvers relative to the direction of flight, without the modification
of the angle of incidence of the aircraft. Also, three vertical intubated propellers can run
other commands during cruising flight, which combined with maneuvers generated by
the nozzles 5 can provide an aircraft maneuverability superior to that of existing
aircrafts. Thus, the use of bidirectional vertical intubated propellers 3 can enhance the
maneuverability of the aircraft it can more quickly execute maneuvers such as tono,
looping, and inverted flight and quickly translate to lower altitudes without changing the
angle of incidence.
Simultaneously with superior maneuvering capabilities, it can still generate
additional air maneuver capacity, non-existent in current aircrafts namely horizontal
translation during cruising flight without changing the angle of incidence.
By placing a transverse bidirectional intubated propeller 19 in the horizontal
plane perpendicular to the flight axis and passing through the vertical symmetry axis of
the aircraft, positioned inside the bearing body 1 - figure 2 1 , the aircraft may be capable
of horizontal translation which combined with maneuver capabilities described above
obtained using vertical intubated propellers 3 and the pitching, roll and yaw movements
that can be generated by horizontal intubated propellers 4 by means of vector nozzles 5
may ensure the aircraft maneuvering capabilities superior to all known aircrafts. And, to
be able to further increase the capability of side maneuver of the aircraft, the tube ends
of the transverse bidirectional intubated propeller 19 will be provided with three-
dimensional vector nozzles 20 and 2 1 which can guide inside a cone z , and this whole
side maneuver will be controlled either independently of other maneuver devices of the
aircraft, either linked to them. In order to assure the inlet of a sufficient amount of
necessary air, the tube of the transverse intubated propeller 19 is provided at each end
in the proximity of the vector nozzles with valves or hatches q and r which are operated
by depression towards the interior of the tube in order to ensure the intake of a sufficient
quantity of air which will be ejected at the other end of the tube.
The tube of the transverse intubated propeller 19 which is placed perpendicular
to the flight axis on the inside of the housing 1 will have a curved shape towards the
outer back and soffit as to avoid the center of the housing, but in order to preserve
symmetry to the flight axis .
The bidirectional intubated propeller 19 may be replaced by two individual
unidirectional intubated side propellers 22 and 23 located outside the bearing body 1 in
both sides of it, possibly in some streamlined recesses - figure 22, which are three-
dimensionally steerable by mounting them in gimbal type devices. They can be
operated individually or in combination with one another or in combination individually or
simultaneously with other maneuvering devices of the aircraft. Besides the lateral
translation movements, these intubated individual propellers can contribute to other
complex maneuvers of the aircraft: vertical translations or translations with vertical
components, movements with the yaw component, roll motions or roll components and
also can help supplement traction or braking aircraft, etc.
For the device to perform sudden maneuvers or even to accelerate or brake
suddenly, the two transverse unidirectional intubated individual propellers 22 and 23
located outside the bearing body 1 can be replaced with two restart rocket engines, one
for each side board fitted with vector nozzles or with rocket engines fully mounted on a
gimbal-type mechanism.
If the desired aircraft has to have fast takeoff capabilities and an ability to
suddenly perform maneuvers, rocket engines can be added. Because rocket engines
have a short period of service, while they can develop a very high traction, they will be
twin mounted with one propeller forming practically a mixed pair of propellants, following
that in normal flight maneuvers intubated propellers to be used, and if the need for very
rapid takeoff and / or execution of sudden maneuvers, rocket motors r are used either
separately or in conjunction with twin intubated propellers. Such rocket engines can
provide a parallel reaction and control system similar to that of the spacecrafts (reaction
control system - RCS) that can operate independently or in conjunction with the other
maneuver devices of the aircraft - Figure 23.
Various type of engines can be used, such as monopropellant rocket engines
(eg., with hydrazine or hydrogen peroxide), bipropellant, or cold-gas type.
Braking the aircraft can be done in three ways:
- by decreasing the traction of the horizontal intubated propellers 4 or even by reversing
their rotation for the biderectional propellers versions;
- by increasing the angle of incidence of the aircraft using vector nozzles 5 ;
- by targeting forward the vector nozzles 20 and 2 1 the transverse bidirectional
intubated propeller 19 or the side individual unidirectional intubated propellers 22 and
23 depending on the design of the aircraft.
If the four horizontal intubated propellers are triggered by reversible electric
motors, they can be fitted with speed governors 8 that can operate engines in reverse,
generating reverse thrust that decelerates the aircraft rapidly. Also, the braking capacity
of the aircraft can be supplemented by the classical aerodynamic brake surfaces
operated by screws.
An embodiment of the aircraft which allows greater maneuverability also allows
the closing of the vertical intubated propellers 3 with hatches t during cruising flight is
shown in figure 24. This version has some horizontal bidirectional intubated propellers
called horizontal maneuver propellers 24 which are arranged horizontally perpendicular
and symmetrical on the axis of the aircraft to its ends, propellers 24a are perpendicular
to the axis of flight and propellers 24b are parallel to the axis of flight, and each of these
horizontal maneuver propellers are matched with a vertical bidirectional intubated
propeller called vertical maneuvering propellers 25 and which are arranged vertically in
the proximity of the horizontal maneuver propellers and being also perpendicular to the
axes of the aircraft. All these propellers are inside the housing of the aircraft 1. Vertical
maneuver propellers are smaller in diameter and have a lower power than the vertical
intubated propellers 3 , since their primary purpose is to provide vertical translation
maneuvers, pitching or roll of the apparatus during the dynamic lifting flight mode.
Vertical maneuver propellers 25 are arranged in the so-called cross system that is
located on the axis of perpendicular flight to it and located on the transverse axis and
perpendicular to it, as opposed to vertical intubated propellers 3 which are arranged in
the X system. Vertical maneuver propellers can provide extra power during takeoff
operating with the vertical propellers 3 , the latter will be closed with hatches when
reaching cruising speed to ensure better aerodynamics of the of the aircraft. Given that
this embodiment allows the closure with hatches of the vertical propellers 3 , they can be
designed with a larger diameter in order to have greater efficiency in this case they can
be also be trained by heat engines or replaced with turbojets, but the maneuver
propellers will be driven by electric motors. The horizontal maneuver propellers 24 will
provide the horizontal translations of the aircraft and as well as its yaw maneuvers. It is
worth noting that the horizontal maneuver propellers 24 can change the direction of the
flight of the aircraft very quickly by means of a maneuvering combination of them,
following that the a pair of opposite propellers to execute a translation maneuver, with
the same direction of ejection, and the other pair to execute a yaw movement, having
opposite directions of ejection - figure 25. However the horizontal maneuver propellers
24b parallel to the flight axis of the aircraft can provide extra traction when needed for
horizontal movement.
In another embodiment the aircraft can also have a similar to the pattern having

the horizontal and vertical maneuvering propellers, form of the aircraft which can be
achieved either by the permutation of the position of the vertical intubated propellers 3
with the vertical maneuver propeller 25 and the horizontal bidirectional maneuver
propellers 24 retain their position as in the version described above. Thus the vertical
intubated propellers 3 will be arranged in a cross system, that is located on the flight
axis perpendicular to it and located on the transverse axis and perpendicular to it, and
the vertical maneuver propellers 25 will be arranged in the X system - Figure 26.
Considering that the vertical propellers 3 will close, during the cruising flight, with the
hatches t , thereby obtaining a lower aerodynamic disturbance along the axis of flight.
Another embodiment is the arrangement both of the vertical intubated propellers
3 and the maneuvering ones 25 in the same X system with placing the vertical
bidirectional shunting propellers 25 to the edges of the bearing body. Thus, a greater
bearing surface and lower turbulence can be achieved during cruising flight - Figure 27.
A relatively simple embodiment, which gives the aircraft increased
maneuverability is one in which we have the vertical intubated propellers 3 and the
horizontal propellers 4 provided with vector nozzles 5 , with the addition of only a couple
of horizontal bidirectional transverse maneuver propellers, namely the ones placed
perpendicular on the flight axis 24a - Figure 28.
A very simple embodiment designed for aircrafts with low production cost or for
low scale radio controlled versions, but which still retain a good maneuvering ability, can
be obtained by the configuration of the system of propulsion and maneuvering only from
the vertical propellers 3 which are in the bidirectional embodiment, the horizontal
transverse bidirectional propellers 24a and the horizontal intubated propellers 4 , which
have the same dimensions and structural characteristics as the propellers 24a. By
giving up vector nozzles 5 it produces an aircraft with a remarkable symmetry and
aerodynamic characteristics virtually identical regardless of the horizontal direction of
travel - Figure 29.
The aircraft can be declined in several variants with very different uses.
First, to increase the range of the aircraft in the prior art horizontal thrusters is
necessary to replace the horizontal electric power trains with heat engines. Thus, either
the electric engines of the horizontal intubated propellers will be replaced with
conventional heat piston engines or with Wankel type engines, either with a thermal-
electric hybrid drive or the horizontal intubated propellers will be replaced entirely with
turbo-jet engines - Figure 30.
Thus, the number of on-board accumulators decreases substantially, making
room for the storing of liquid fuel. Although one can use heat engines for the vertical
intubated propellers 3 , it is preferable that their engines be electric, because they have
a small mass, a very short time response and high reliability. Given the fact that the
vertical intubated propellers 3 are used at maximum only for a limited period of time for
the takeoff and landing phases, the electric achievement version is preferable.
Instead, for driving the horizontal propellers 4 is preferable to use heat engines
because the liquid fuel has a much higher value of stored energy per mass unit (W / kg),
and during the flight the fuel is consumed thus easing the aircraft and taking also into
account the fact that the cruising flight is conducted under thrust / weight subunit, in this
way a substantial increase in the range of the aircraft is achieved. In addition, the types
of heat engines and mostly the use of jet engines can provide high travel speeds to be
achieved, including supersonic.
For aircrafts with lower speed, heat engines can be conventional with piston, but
especially rotary Wankel type, which are particularly suitable for their low weight and
low vibration. At the moment there is a big enough range of Wankel engines typically
used in the UAV appliances sector.
A particular variant of jet engine is the pulsoreactor engine - figure 3 1 . It provides
a lightweight, low specific fuel consumption and high reliability. This engine variant
might be used mainly for average travel speeds.
One excellent engine suitable for the needs of an average speed aircraft is the
hybrid, thermal-electric 11. Thus each of heat engineslO of the horizontal intubated
propellers will be coupled on the same shaft of the propeller 26 with an electric
generator-motor- 27 thus performing a hybrid power train assembly - Figure 32. The
electric generator-motor will be connected to the propeller through a clutch 28, and the
heat engine will in turn be coupled to the propeller through another clutch 29. Thus the
intubated propeller can be set in motion either by the heat engine or by the electric one,
or by both at the same time according to the flight mode. During the operation of heat
engine 10, when both clutches are engaged, it simultaneously moves the axis of the
electric motor-generator 27, which can operate in the first part of the flight as a
generator, recharging electric accumulators 6 on board. When electricity abound
generator passes through a control device 30 as a motor entailing the propeller thus
helping to ease the burden of the heat engine or helping with it to increase traction.
When the amount of electricity drops to a predetermined threshold that would ensure
simultaneously both the energy required for flight maneuverability and to land the
machine from that flight altitude, the engine will switch back to a generator mode
recharging batteries to full capacity. Thus, during the flight there will be a sufficient
amount of electricity on board to ensure all flight maneuvers that require the contribution
of electric motors and also the landing maneuver in all conditions, including an
emergency. To this end, the control and management module of the flight 7 will be
programmed to manage the operation mode of the motor-generator so as to ensure
these requirements. The two clutches offer the possibility that the aircraft be powered in
some cases either by the heat engine only either by the electric motor only. For smaller
aircrafts the two clutches may lack, the heat-engine/ electric generator engine assembly
permanently operating jointly.
For hybrid devices intended for higher speeds, piston heat engines or Wankel
type engines may be replaced by turboshaft type turbojets 3 1 , coupled spindle with
electric motor / generators operating at high speeds regimes 32 - Figure 33. The shaft
of the engines can be shared or the two axes of the heat engine and the electric one
can be coupled through a clutch 33.
For the aircrafts intended for high speeds and altitudes there can also be used
range rocket engines (boosters) 34 for the takeoff and acceleration phase, and instead
of horizontal intubated propellers 4 ramjets or scramjets 35 - Figure 34. Also for
translation movements and other maneuvers of the aircraft, the vertical intubated
propellers 3 and the transverse one 19 will be replaced by restart rocket engines 36b
and 36c respectively. Range rocket engines 34 are designed to carry the aircraft to the
speed and altitude required to start ramjets, and after the latter take over the task of
propulsion, the additional rocket motors (boosters) will be enlarged. To maneuver, the
ramjets 35 are provided with finned vector nozzles typical for rocket engines.
For suborbital flights you can use a variant equipped with rocket engines only. In
this case ramjets 35 will also be replaced by restart rocket engines 36a with vector
nozzles. Thus for propulsion and maneuvering during cruising flight the aircraft will use
rocket engines with steerable jet 36a and for maneuvers amending the trajectory
vertical rocket engines 36b and the transverse horizontal ones 36c - Figure 35. In this
configuration, the aircraft can be used for suborbital flights, because it can have a
proper discoid shape - Figure 36. For braking and precise positioning of the aircraft
there can be used response and control systems typical to spacecrafts reaction control
system - RCS)
To achieve a suborbital flight, the aircraft will be provided for the takeoff and
acceleration phase range with rockets 34 and it will be launched either directly from an
vertical position as the conventional spacecrafts, either horizontally using a tilted ramp
that can be further provided with an electromagnetic carrier cart or using a carrier
aircraft at a higher altitude.
The stage of suborbital flight will be achieved by periodically changing the angle
of incidence, the aircraft bouncing from time to time in the upper denser atmosphere,
thus making a suborbital navigation in jumps at an altitude of about 100 km. Changing
the angle of incidence can be done either with vertical restart rockets 36b or using the
nozzles of the horizontal restart rockets with vector nozzles 36a. For the hot gases to
not affect the housing of the aircraft, rocket engines with steerable nozzles type of
aerospike type straight or tapered can be used.
Braking to reenter the dense atmosphere of a suborbital version aircraft will be
made using the soffit and the vertical rockets 36b. The soffit by its shape will achieve
the aerodynamic braking and heat dissipation resulting from friction with the air and the
vertical rocket engines 36b will slow down the aircraft and will control the angle and the
position of the aircraft at its entry into the atmosphere. After slowing the aircraft down to
a speed corresponding to the last stage of the landing phase parachutes will be used.
The flight sequence in the version with the launch of the aircraft from the tilted
ramp is illustrated in Figure 37.
A particular embodiment is the one obtainable by replacing all intubated
propellers and other maneuver devices with Coanda ejectors powered by an air
compressor on board - Figure 38. Thus there will be one engine that operates the
compressor, which in turn powers the Coanda ejectors of the aircraft by means of a
controllable pressure vessel. Thus the lifting, propulsion and maneuvering system of the
aircraft will consist of the following components:
- air compressor 37
- pressure vessel 38
- adjustable valves 39
- vertical ejectors 40
- horizontal propulsion ejectors 4 1
- vector nozzles of the horizontal ejectors 42
- air intakes 43
- optional - transverse three dimensionally steerable ejectors or provided with vector
The functionality of this embodiment is the following: the air compressor 37 is fed
by air intakes 43 and compresses the air which enters into the pressure vessel 38 that
feeds it if necessary so that the pressure of compressed air does not fall below
necessary to enable the ejectors. The control and flight management 7 orders the
distribution of compressed air via adjustable vanes 39 to the vertical Coanda ejectors 40
and the horizontal ones 4 1 . The adjustable valves 39 are designed to provide air under
pressure to the ejectors according to the order received from module 7 , the valves
fulfilling a similar role to that of speed governors 8 for the engines of the intubated
propellers of the embodiments provided with electric motors.
The flight procedure is the same as that of the embodiments with intubated
propeller or jet .
During the flight the aircraft can maintain or alter the center of gravity by the
vertical movement of some greater mass components that are placed on the vertical
axis of the aircraft or in its proximity, such as for example the group of electric
accumulators 6 . This assembly that can be achieved by placing the respective weight
on a mobile support 44 driven in the vertical direction by means of a device that already
exists on the market (for example, worm shaft, actuators, etc.). At the same time, the
movable carrier 44 is slidable horizontally in the longitudinal or transverse directions, so
that the center of gravity can be moved three-dimensionally depending on the needs
balance of the apparatus - Figure 39.
The symmetrical shape of the aircraft also allows the possibility of building a
bearing body with modifiable form. This would allow an optimum adaptation of the
aircraft to different modes of speed and altitude. In this respect the modifiable bearing
body is made up of its fixed board 45, the upper surface of the spherical cap 46 the
spherical cap of the soffit 47 and the actuarial mechanism of the two caps 48. The
actuarial mechanism of caps 48 is fixed to the inner platform 2 , and it can
simultaneously or independently move up or down the two caps, thus changing the
shape of the outer side or of the soffit - Figure 40. In order to obtain a proper curvature
the caps will slide under the two planes of the board. In order to achieve a smooth
transition from the surface of the caps to that of the board, the latter will be made of an
elastically deformable material with a shape such as that of figure 4 1 with the ends cut
in a zigzag. The caps will be made of rigid materials and will slide on the under cut
edges of the dashboard. To maintain a fine shape profile, junction (k) of the board and
the caps will be covered with expandable material 49 polyester type - polyurethane,
copolymer Spandex type, Lycra, Elastan or Darlexx or other materials with similar
As an added safety the aircraft will be equipped with a landing parachute
triggered automatically in the event of problems because of which the landing with the
means on board can no longer be performed safely.

1. Aircraft with vertical takeoff and landing of aerodyne type characterized by that it
comprises an aerodynamic symmetrical circular bearing body (1) having an inner
stiffening platform (2) located on the rope of the aerodynamic profile which supports the
components of the aircraft, at least four vertical intubated propellers (3a), (3b), (3c), (3d)
arranged symmetrically to the central vertical axis of the bearing body (1), but also to
the predetermined flight axis and to the transverse axis of the bearing body (1), the
propellers (3a) and (3c) having the same direction of rotation, opposite to that of the
propellers (3b) and (3d), at least two horizontal intubated propellers (4) with opposite
rotation directions, placed parallel symmetrical to the predetermined flight axis and on
either side of it, the vector nozzles (5), one for each horizontal propeller (4), which
provides the vector orientation of the jets of the horizontally intubated propellers ( 4) the
means of power supply (6), which are designed to provide electricity necessary to
operate all engines and electrical and electronic devices on board, an electronic control
and management of flight module (7) and a landing gear (9), which aims to promote
contact between aircraft and ground.

2 . Aircraft according to claim 1 , characterized in that said body (1) has an aerodynamic
profile defined by an arbitrary frame s(x) in a unit chord [0,1] and a positive differentiate
function g (x ) on the above-mentioned interval, which is the half-thickness of the profile,
the aerodynamic profile meeting in any vertical section the following two conditions:
i) semi-thickness is tangential to the skeleton in its leading and run edges;

ii) the profile is bidirectional, that is symmetrical to the axis perpendicular to the middle

of the string, i.e. s(x) = s(1-x) and g(x) = g(1-x).

3 . Aircraft according to claim 1 and 2 , characterized in that it is driven by a pilot on

board the machine or by a pilot seated on the ground by means of a radio remote
control (10).
4 . Aircraft according to claim 1 and 2 , characterized in that the power supply means (6)
consist of electric accumulators or one or more fuel cells.

5 . Aircraft according to claim 1 and 2 , characterized in that the vertical intubated

propellers (3) and horizontal ones (4) are bidirectional and they may rotate in both

6 . Aircraft according to claim 1, characterized in that the vertical intubated propellers (3)
are provided with openings profiled for the intake and ejection (i), using the Coanda

7 . Aircraft according to claims 1 and 2 , characterized in that it has a number of eight

vertical intubated propellers (3) grouped in four pairs arranged in the X system, each of
the component propellers of a pair having the same direction of rotation, and the
adjacent pairs have opposite directions and the opposite pairs have the same rotational

8 . Aircraft according to claim 1 and 2 , characterized in that the horizontal intubated

propellers (4) and the vertical ones (3a-3d) are driven by electric motors, piston heat
engines, rotary heat engines or a combination thereof.

9 . Aircraft according to claims 1, 2 and 8 , characterized in that it is provided with

thermal-electric hybrid propulsion(1 1), the heat engines (10) of the horizontal intubated
propellers (4) are coupled to the same shaft (26) of the propeller with electric motor-
generators (27) so as to provide an overall hybrid propulsion system, wherein said
engine-generators (27) during the cruising flight operates either as a generator to
recharge the electric accumulators (6) and to ensure electricity for maneuvering and
landing or operates as a motor to ease the burden of heat engines (10) when excess
electricity is accumulated or to supplement their power.
10. Aircraft according to any one of claims 1, 2 , 8 or 9 , characterized in that the

assemblies made up of heat engines (10) and intubated horizontal propellers (4) are
replaced by turbojet engines of turboshaft type (31) which are coupled to same spindle
with electric motor-generators (27).

11. Aircraft according to claims 1, 2 and 8 , characterized in that the horizontal intubated
propellers (4) and their associated motors are replaced by jet engines ( 3).

12. Aircraft according to claims 1, 2 and 8 , characterized in that the horizontal intubated

propellers (4) and their associated motors are replaced with pulse jet engines (14).

13. Aircraft according to claims 1 and 2 , characterized in that it is additionally provided

with a bidirectional transverse intubated propeller (19) positioned within the bearing
body (1) placed in a horizontal plane perpendicular to the flight axis passing through the
axis of symmetry of the aircraft and it si provided with three-dimensional vector nozzles
(20) and (21), and the tube of the intubated propeller (19) is provided at each end
before the vector nozzles with valves or hatches (q) and (r) which open by depression to
the tube by providing a sufficient amount of intake air that will be ejected at the other
end of the tube.

14. Aircraft according to claim 1 and 2 , characterized in that it is further provided with

two three-dimensionally steerable intubated individual propellers (22) and (23) arranged
symmetrically in the horizontal plane from the center of the bearing body (1) on its
transverse axis and perpendicular to the axis of flight, positioned outside the bearing
body (1) at its lateral limits.

15. Aircraft according to claims 1 and 2 , characterized in that the rocket engine is

provided with the three-dimensional steerable rocket engines placed in the horizontal
plane symmetrically from the center of the bearing body (1) on its transverse axis
perpendicular to the axis of flight and positioned at the side ends of the bearing body
(1) inside or outside of it.
16. Aircraft according to claim 1 and 2 , characterized in that it comprises an additional

maneuvering system which comprises two horizontal bidirectional maneuver propellers

(24a) placed in the horizontal plane symmetrically arranged parallel to the transverse
axis of the aircraft on both sides of it, placed to the ends of the bearing body (1).

17. Aircraft according to claim 1 and 2 , characterized in that it comprises an additional

maneuver system in the horizontal plane which comprises two pairs of bidirectional
horizontal maneuvering propellers (24a) and (24b) placed inside the carrier body (1),
the propellers (24a) being arranged horizontally symmetrically parallel to the transverse
axis of the aircraft on both of its sides and fitted to the ends of the carrier body (1) and
the propellers (24b) being placed in the same horizontal plane symmetrically parallel to
the flight axis of the aircraft on both of its sides and placed to the ends of the carrier
body (1).

18. Aircraft according to claims 1, 2 and 17, characterized in that inlet and outflow of the
vertical intubated propellers (3) closed with some hatches (t) during cruising flight and
the aircraft is additionally provided with four vertical maneuver propellers (25) arranged
vertically and perpendicular to the flight axis of the aircraft respectively on the
transverse axis of the aircraft, each of the propellers(25) being placed in the proximity of
each one of the horizontal maneuvering propellers (24).

19. Aircraft according to claim 18, wherein the vertical maneuver propellers (25) are
arranged in the X system and have the centers of rotation on the same radius as the
vertical intubated propellers (3).

20. Aircraft according to any of the claims 1, 2 , 5 , 7-12, 13, 14, 16 to 18, characterized
in that it is provided with restart rocket engines (r) which are mounted paired with all the

engines of the intubated propeller or a part or all jet engines that make up the aircraft,
thus forming mixed pairs of engines.
2 1 . Aircraft according to claims 1 and 2 , wherein the electronic control and flight

management module(7) consists of two pilot units, a first unit (15) managing the
sustentation of the aircraft in quadcopter obtained by using vertical intubated propellers
(3), and the second pilot unit (16) serving to manage command of the horizontal
propulsion, i.e. the horizontal intubated propellers (4) and the nozzles (5), both pilot
units being located in the center of symmetry of the aircraft and directed along its flight
axis and mounted integrally one upon the other on a mobile support (17) which can be
inclined to the horizontal plane of the aircraft in the direction of the flight axis or any
other direction with a changeable angle.

22. Aircraft according to claims 1, 2 , 5 , 7-12, 13, 14, 16 to 18, characterized in that all or
part of the intubated propellers or of the jet engines of the aircraft are replaced by
Coanda type ejectors (air amplifiers).

23. Aircraft according to claims 1, 2 and 14, characterized in that, in the embodiment
designed for high speeds and altitudes the horizontal intubated propellers(4) are
replaced by ramjet engines (35) and rocket motors (36a) provided with vector nozzles,
vertical intubated propellers (3) are replaced by engines missile (36b) and propellers
intubate individual steerable dimensional (22) and (23) are replaced by rocket engines
(36c) and the aircraft is additionally provided with rocket range motors (34) for takeoff
and landing parachute.

24. Aircraft according to claims 1, 2 , 5 and 17, characterized in that that in order to carry
out the flight maneuvers it uses two pairs of bidirectional horizontal maneuvering
propellers only (24a) and (24b) and intubated vertical propellers (3) of bidirectional type.

25. Aircraft according to claims 1 or 2 , characterized in that the body (1) has a
changeable shape, consisting of a fixed board (44) has a spherical cap of the upper
surface (45), a spherical cap of the soffit ( 46) and an actuator (47) of the two caps,
which is fixed to the inner platform (2), which can move concurrently or independently
up and down the two caps, thus changing the shape of the upper surface or of the soffit,
the caps sliding under the two plans of the aircraft's dashboard.

26. Aircraft according to claim 25, characterized in that in order to obtain a smooth
transition from the surface of the caps to the board, the latter is made from an elastically
deformable material with zigzag cut edges, and the contact portion connector (k) is
covered on the outside with expandable material.

27. A method of operating an aircraft as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 26 comprising

the steps of takeoff and handling under a static lifting mode by means of vertical
intubated propellers (3), and on reaching the flight altitude, horizontal movement via
horizontal intubated propellers (4) and by means of the vector nozzles (5) with which
the respective horizontal propellers are provided (4) and / or by means of the vertical
intubated propellers (3), the aircraft is oriented at an angle of incidence necessary for its
entry into cruising mode, and after the aircraft goes into cruising mode, the main
maneuvers will be carried out using vector nozzles (5), the of control all means of
propulsion being possible via an electronic control and flight management module(7).

28. A method of flying the aircraft according to claims 1 and 2 1 , characterized in that the
incidence angle of the apparatus is achieved by tilting the direction of flight with angle
a of the control and flight management module (7) to the inner platform (2 ) while
increasing the speed of the horizontal intubated propellers (4) until it develops a tensile
force sufficient for moving along the flight path of the aircraft.

29. A method of flying the aircraft according to claims 1 and 2 1 , characterized in that the
angle of incidence of the apparatus is achieved by tilting to the direction of flight with
desired angle a of the control and flight management module (7) to the inner platform
(2) concurrently with the simultaneous orientation in the vertical plane upwards at the
same angle a of the vector nozzles (5) and the increasing of the speed of the horizontal
intubated propellers (4) until these develop a tensile force sufficient to move the
aircraft's direction of flight
30. A method of flying the aircraft according to claims 1 and 2 , characterized in that after
the takeoff in quadcopter mode the transition stage of the aircraft from the lifting flight
mode performed using vertical intubated propellers (3) to the dynamic lifting mode is
achieved by changing the angle of incidence which is correlated with increasing speed
of the horizontal intubated propellers (4) up to the speed at which to obtain the dynamic
lifting mode at the respective angle of incidence.

3 1 . A method of flying device according to Claims 1 and 2 1 , characterized by

maintaining the functions of automatic stabilization of the aircraft after ending the
transition from the lifting flight mode produced by the vertical intubated propellers (3) to
the lifting dynamic mode btained by means of the horizontal intubated propellers (4) is
achieved by disengaging the automatic stabilization functions of the pilot-unit (15) and
the takeover by the pilot unit (16) of the automatic stabilization functions of the aircraft
during the dynamic lifting flight.

32. A method of flying device according to claim 1, characterized in that, under the
dynamic lifting mode the pitch movement is achieved by the simultaneous orientation of
the vector nozzles (5) in the same vertical direction, up or down, the yaw movement is
achieved by the simultaneous orientation of the vector nozzles (5) in the same
horizontal direction and the roll movement is achieved by the simultaneous orientation
of the vector nozzles (5) in contrary directions vertically.

33. A method of flying the aircraft according to claims 1 and 13, characterized in that it
further performs the following maneuvers, the translation motion in the horizontal plane
to the left or right by operating the bidirectional propeller (19) in one direction or the
other while maintaining the nozzles (20) and (21) in the neutral position, the movement
of the roll to the left or right by operating the bidirectional propeller (19) in either
direction and the orientation of the nozzles (20) and (21) vertically with equal angles, but
oriented in opposite directions and the yaw movement to the left or right by activating
the bidirectional propeller ( 9) in either direction and the orientation of the nozzles (20)
and (21) horizontally with equal angles, but oriented in opposite directions.
34. A method of flying the aircraft according to claims 1 and 14, characterized in that it
further performs the following maneuvers, the translational motion in the horizontal
plane to the left or right by operating either the propeller (22) or the propeller (23) while
keeping them in a neutral position, the roll movement to the left or right by concomitantly
operating the propellers (22) and (23) and by their orientation in the vertical plane in the
desired direction, the turning movement to the left or right by concomitantly operating
propellers (22) and (23) and by their orientation in the horizontal plane in the desired
direction, vertical translation movements by orienting the propeller vertically in the same
direction and with the same angle, movements combined as described above by
targeting the propellers in opposite directions and at different angles and by using the
different speeds of the two propellers and the braking maneuver by the orientation of
propellers (22) and (23) in the same plan and the same angle in the opposite direction
of movement

35. A method of flying aircraft according to claims 1, 2 characterized in that the braking
stage is achieved by increasing the angle of incidence of the aircraft by the
simultaneous vertical upwards movement of the vector nozzles (5).

36. A method of flying aircraft according to claims 1, 2 and 5 , characterized in that the
braking stage is achieved by reversing the direction of rotation and therefore of the
traction of the horizontal intubated propellers (4).

37. A method of flying aircraft according to claims 1, 2 and 17 , characterized in that the
braking stage is achieved by reversing the direction of rotation and therefore of the
traction of the horizontal bidirectional intubated maneuver propellers (24b).

38. A method of flying aircraft according to claims 1, 2 and 13 , characterized in that the
braking stage is carried out by orienting forward the vector nozzles (20) and (21) and
the transverse bidirectional intubated propeller (19).
39. A method of flying device according to claims 1, 2 and 14, characterized in that the
braking stage is achieved by orienting the uni-directional three-dimensionally steerable
side intubated individual propellers (22) and (23).

40. A method of flying aircraft according to claims 1 and 2 , characterized in that the
transition stage from the dynamic lifting flight mode to the lifting flight produced by the
vertical propellers (3) is performed using the control and flight management module (7)
by its repositioning in a plane parallel to that of the lower deck (2) the transfer of the
flight management being accomplished from the pilot-unit (16) to pilot-unit (15) and the
speed of the horizontal intubated propellers (4) will decrease while increasing the speed
of intubated propellers (3) to maintain the altitude of the aircraft until its horizontal
velocity is zero, after which the aircraft will land in the particular, known way of

4 1 . A method of flying aircraft according to claims , 2 and 23, characterized in that that
to carry out suborbital flights
- the takeoff and the acceleration of the aircraft from vertical position or from a sloping
ramp is achieved by means of range rockets,
- the movement of the aircraft to reaching stratospheric altitudes and the adequate
speed is performed by bouncing jumps on the upper atmosphere, bouncing obtained by
periodical change of the angle of incidence using vector nozzles of the horizontal
rockets (36a)
- and the reentry of the aircraft is done by the adequate expansion of the angle of
incidence, so that the soffit to to effectively hold back in combination with the vertical
rockets (36b) which together with the horizontal maneuver rockets (36c) keep it on the
desired path with the desired angle of incidence, following that the last part of the
landing to be conducted with the help of a parachute.
INV. B64C39/00

According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC

Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)



Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No.

D E 24 45 495 A l (KAELIN J R ) 1-41

27 March 1975 (1975-03-27)
the whole document

D E 196 30 026 A l (REDEL GEORG [DE]) 1-41

29 January 1998 (1998-01-29)
the whole document

US 3 752 419 A (RICHTER S ) 1-41

14 August 1973 (1973-08-14)
abstract; figures

GB 898 358 A (AVR0 AIRCRAFT LTD) 1-41

6 June 1962 (1962-06-06)

□ Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C. See patent family annex.

* Special categories of cited documents :

"T" later document published after the international filing date or priority
date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand
"A" document defining the general state of the art which is not considered the principle or theory underlying the invention
to be of particular relevance
"E" earlier application or patent but published on or after the international "X" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
filing date considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive
"L" documentwhich may throw doubts on priority claim(s) orwhich is step when the document is taken alone
cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other "Y" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
special reason (as specified) considered to involve an inventive step when the document is
"O" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other combined with one or more other such documents, such combination
means being obvious to a person skilled in the art
"P" document published prior to the international filing date but later than
the priority date claimed "&" document member of the same patent family

Date of the actual completion of the international search Date of mailing of the international search report

22 March 2017 05/04/2017

Name and mailing address of the ISA/ Authorized officer

European Patent Office, P.B. 5818 Patentlaan 2
NL - 2280 HV Rijswijk
Tel. (+31-70) 340-2040,
Fax: (+31-70) 340-3016 Salentiny, Gerard
Patent document Publication Patent family Publication
cited in search report date member(s) date

D E 2445495 Al 27-03-1975 CH 568187 A5 31-10-1975

DE 2445495 Al 27-03-1975
FR 2257489 Al 08-08-1975
GB 1477714 A 22-06-1977
US 3933325 A 20-01-1976

D E 19630026 Al 29-01-1998 NONE

US 3752419 A 14-08-1973 NONE

GB 898358 A 06-06-1962 NONE

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