The Effectiveness of Patrol Methods in Pagadian City: The Problem and Its Setting
The Effectiveness of Patrol Methods in Pagadian City: The Problem and Its Setting
The Effectiveness of Patrol Methods in Pagadian City: The Problem and Its Setting
Chapter 1
The problem and its setting
Police patrols refers to what the officers do whether it is spying scenario, cops walking the beat, or on in-depth
criminal investigation. The operation of police patrol also include various activities, initially, the police will identify
crime and provide a physical police presence at the location. This presence include officers on foot, as well as
officers in car patrolling the location. However, police patrol can also include other types of operations including
the use of 9-1-1system like in the united states of America and using certain types of patrol where in officers may
also look for opportunities to interact with community in casual or formal situations.
The time that police officers spend handling calls for service is also considered part of patrol work. Officers on
patrol respond to calls take report, quell disturvances, and forth. The combination these two set of activities
patrolling and handling calls occupy most of the personnel in the typical police department. Thus patrol is the main
business of policing.
The term patrol is associated with the police today. New police officers are usually assigned to patrol duties and are
often called patrol officers. The largest until in most police department is the patrol division. In small police
department, everyone patrols. When we call for police assistance, weather for an emergency. To report a crime, to
quite a disturbance or to request some type of routine service, patrol officers are typically dispatched.
Catching criminals is still very important, but today’s criminal use many kinds of different weapons and can speed
away from the scene of their crimes very quickly. The police have to try and keep up with modern inventions that
can be use to fight crime. They have power full cars and motorbikes, fast motors launches and helicopter. The
information the police collect is often stored in computers. Police scientists have modern laboratories where they
study all the brought in by detectives. Police in over a hundred countries share information with each other. They
use the organization called “Interpol” which is base in paris.
Machines have not been the answer to all the police problems. They use dog to taskcriminals and sniff out
explosive and drugs. Horses are still used for controlling large numbers ofpeople. Most of the police officers all
over the world carry guns.
Conceptual frame work
Police functions and services are currently based on three implicit basic conceptual units:
the person, the process, and the product. Each one of these was the fundamental assumption for
one of the three historical models of police science: the Personal Qualities Model, the
Community Relations Model, and the Scientific Management Model. Although none of these
models has ever been implemented in a pure form, modern police science is implicitly based on
their three basic conceptual units which are applied to different but specific areas of police
functions and services. However, these conceptual units have never been explicitly reconciled
with each other, thus at times resulting in contradictory proposals. A comprehensive theory of
police functions and services requires a conceptual framework for explicitly relating the person,
the process, and the product. A two-dimensional framework is proposed based on a
psychological and a sociological level of analysis.
The result of this research study will benefit different group people; to the police officers of
Pagadian city. The result of this research study shall build a good relationship between the police
officers and the people. This study primarily benefits the community to become more organized.
For the citizens of Pagadian City. To become more disciplined. They need to help the police
officers towards crime prevention by applying the patrol methods.
Together with the other major public and private services, result of the study may help improve
the quality of life of the community by launching prevention programs that will reduce the fear
of crime and promote a true feeling of community safety. To the barangay councils of selected
barangays of Pagadian city. The results of this study will help improve their jobs through the use
of patrol methods. Working together with the PNP officers, the community will be well protected
from crimes that may occur in the locality. To the future researchers. The students in
criminology course who are interested on the same topic will find this research study useful as
future reference
Scope and limitation of the study
This research study will deal on the effectiveness of the different police patrol methods such as
foot patrol. Motorcycle patrol, automobile patrol use to prevent crimes in Pagadian City.
Definition of term
There are world in this study which need to define operationally to obtain a clear and
understandable and meaning interpretation on how they used in this study. Automobile patrol
A police automobile equipped with a radio telephone for Communicating with police
headquarters .Bicycle patrol
The most often mentioned are visibility and mobility. Motorcycle patrol- equipment will differ
from that of other personnel. Oplan site program
Against criminals riding motorcycle. Foot patrol
Is the backbone of policing, the central aspect of police operations. Patrol
A person or group of person who perform such an act. Police officers
Refers to people who are responsible for enforcing and manage the patrolling regulations and
con trolling the crime rate. Maintain the safety of the people in public place, and pre vent crimes
in Pagadian city. .Patrol
Is a policing tactic or technique that involves movement around an area for purpose of
observation, inspection or security
Chapter 2
`Review of related literature and studies
This chapter is consist of relates literature and studies which have direct relations to the present
research study.
Foreign literature
Increasing the police presence can occur in a number of ways. One mainstay of policing since
the 1930s has been random preventive patrol by automobile. Random patrol generally involves
officers randomly driving around their beat in downtime between calls for service. The idea is to
create a sense of omnipresence and to maximize deterrence by keeping offenders on their toes
about when an officer will drive by next. Additionally, crime is expected to be deterred at the
time officers are driving through (or setting in ) a particular area. Because crime is not randomly
distributed across beats, but is instead highly concentrated (see weisburd.Greff. & yang. 2012.)
random prevented patrol has generally not been thought to be very effective crime control. Tool
(telep & weisburd. 2012 ). In the major study in this area, the Kansas city preventive patrol
experimentive patrol on the ( kelling et al. 1974 ). Increasing (o rDecreasing ) levels of
preventive patrol did not have a significant impact on crime or victimization.
Random preventive patrol is routinely dismissed as an in affective strategy that police should not
be using based largely on the results of this single study. A Sherman and weisburd (1995) note
,the small sample of beats in the study created low statistical power, which made it difficult for
the evaluation to discern a significant difference between the study groups even if one had exist
(see also Sherman, 1992).. A more systematic
Examination of the impact of increasing patrol in beats of large geographic areas may thus
Provide a stronger answer to the question of “does random prevented patrol work?”
By simply citing the Kansas city study as the final answer. In a recent review or systematic
reviews in policing. Telep and weisburd.(2004) argued that while most police innovation in
policing have been covered by an existing review. More
Traditional tactics in policing have received less attension . while these “standard model “ tactics
(weisburd & eck.2004)such as random preventive patrol are generally seen as out dated.
Theycontinue to occupy a substantial portion of police time and resources so more systematic
inquiry into there effects would be worthwhile. Increasing police presence is not limited to
random patrols at the beat level. Increasing preventive police patrols has also been an important
component in a number of interventions at smaller units of geography than the police beat. The
original hot spots policing experiment in Minneapolis ( Sherman and weisburd. 1995) focused on
trying to increase patrol levels on high crime street blocks to three hours per day. More recently.
The sacramento police department used 15 minute stop by officers in a random order to increase
police prensence on high crime street segments ( telep, Mitchell, & weisburd, in press ). Di tella
and schargrodsky ( 2004 ) evaluated the impact of adding police officers. To guard jewish and
muslim building a terrorist attack in Buenos aires. ratcliffe andcollegues ( 2011 ) evaluated the
impact of using foot patrol to increase patrol levels in high crime areas in philadelphia. these hot
spots or micro place intervention generally show stronger evidence of effectiveness, in part
because police are maximizing their deterrent ability by focusing in on the highest crime places.
We recognized that many of these hot spots policing studies are also include in the hotspots
policing systematic review by braga, papachristos, and hureau ( 2012 ). We will focus though on
only those hot spot studies focused entirely ( or entirely ) on increasing police presence. Any
problems-oriented hot spots interventions, for example, will not be covered by our
Review and as a result, we do not expect the overlap between the two reviews to be substantial.
We suspect that most police interventions examining increased patrol and / or presence will
focus on either the police beat or a micro place ( spot ) as the unit of analysis, although
police could increase patrol levels at any units of geography. Our main requirements are that the
increase in the police presence be the focus of the intervention and that the evaluation focus on
crime and dis order out comes using a rigorous research design.
Local literature
A section on police patrol methods and strategies discusses automobile versus foot patrol;
specialized patrol method bicycle, canine ,and marine patrol; the controversy over one officer
versus two officer patrol units; and the take home patrol car program implemented by some
departments to increase police visibility. Different patrol tactics and strategies are described.
Including preventive police patrol, team policing, high visibility and low visibility patrol, decoy
patrol, and split-force patrol. Additional sections out line basic principles of organization and
management and patrol force staffing and deployment in addition, the uses, advantages, and
background of police communication centers, automated information system, classification
schemes for call dispatch, and the 911 emergency telephone number are discussed. The police
records system, and special support functions, such as criminalistics, are described as supports to
patrol operations. The attributes and functions of effective police patrol supervision are
reviewed, and the importance of training personnel and enhancing patrol operations is assessed.
Tables and figures are include. Study objectives, summaries and review questions are provided
for each chapter. Police organizational structure, police manpower deployment, police command
and control ,partrol , police management, law enforcement
Local study
The PNP indicates that the decrease in the volume of crime is attributable to the PNP’s
Crime prevention programs (san,star 20 sep.2007). Specifically, the PNP has reportedly increase
police visibility, made use of foot patrol officers, establish checkpoint, Employed motorcycle
police, and undertaken night watch operations, among other initiatives,(sun .star 20sept.2007).
Moreover, the PNP state in a press release that They posted a ‘crime solution Efficiency ‘ of
88.37 percent ( Philippines 6 feb.2008). Corroborating information pertaining to this crime
solution rate could not be found among the sources consulted by the research directorate. The
best studies have shown that patrol work combines a variety of crime control, order maintenance,
traffic enforcement, and service duties and requests of these four commonly use categories,
crime control seems to account for the largest portion of calls handled by the police as well as
police encounters with citizens, and pure service accounts for the smallest portion. However, it
must be quickly be emphasized that most crime related calls and encounters involve minor
offenses, routine report taking, and no arrest (often because a suspect is never identified). Patrol
officer are more likely to take enforcement actions, in the form or arrest citations, in order
maintenance and traffic the situations than in crime related situations. The seminal study of
patrol effectiveness was the Kansas ity preventive patrol experiment, conducted by the police
foundation and published in 1974. This experiment tested the impact of three levels of patrolling
strength, ranging from no patrol to twice the normal level, in fifteen patrol beats during the
course of a year. The result were surprising-there were no differences in victimization, reported
crime, fear of crime, public perception of police presence, arrest, traffic accidents, or anything
that was measured. Police patrols (not all police presence, just regular patrols) were virtually
eliminated from five beats for an entire year and nobody notice. Similarly, patrols were doubled
in five other beats nobody noticed.
Local literature
A section on police patrol methods and strategies discusses automobile versus foot patrol;
specialized patrol method bicycle, canine ,and marine patrol; the controversy over one officer
versus two officer patrol units; and the take home patrol car program implemented by some
departments to increase police visibility. Different patrol tactics and strategies are described.
Including preventive police patrol, team policing, high visibility and low visibility patrol, decoy
patrol, and split-force patrol. Additional sections out line basic principles of organization and
management and patrol force staffing and deployment in addition, the uses, advantages, and
background of police communication centers, automated information system, classification
schemes for call dispatch, and the 911 emergency telephone number are discussed. The police
records system, and special support functions, such as criminalistics, are described as supports to
patrol operations. The attributes and functions of effective police patrol supervision are
reviewed, and the importance of training personnel and enhancing patrol operations is assessed.
Tables and figures are include. Study objectives, summaries and review questions are provided
for each chapter. Police organizational structure, police manpower deployment, police command
and control, patrol, police management, law enforcement