PPM Checklist: MCH (Al Jouf)
PPM Checklist: MCH (Al Jouf)
PPM Checklist: MCH (Al Jouf)
1 The case, display screen, buttons, knob, modules, power cord, and accessories √
have no obvious signs of damage.
2 The external connecting cables are not frayed and the connector pins are not √
loose and bent.
3 The safety labels and data plate are clearly legible. √
Power On Test
4 The power-on test is passed, the power indicator and alarm system work √
correctly, and the monitor starts up properly.
5 The monitor can operates correctly from battery power when an AC power √
failure accidentally occurs
Performance Tests (Patient Simulating)
6 Check if ECG waves are displayed correctly without noise and the HR value √
is within 80±1 bpm.
7 Check if The Resp wave is not distorted and the Resp value is within 40±2 √
8 Check if SpO2 (%) reading is within the acceptable ranges. √
9 Check if NIBP reading is within the acceptable ranges, and has no leakage. √
10 Check Temp. √
Recorder check
12 The recorder can print correctly and the printout is clear. √
Electrical Safety Tests.
9 Protective Earth Resistance: √ MAX 0.2 Ω
10 Patient Leakage Current (NC). √ MAX 10µA
11 Earth Leakage Current (NC). √ MAX 500µA
Name & Signature
Eng’r. / Tech .