Design of RC Beam (GB) : Geometry

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Project Title: TWO STOREY BLDG Designed by: JCA

Location: CABUYAO Reviewed by: JFC

Client: Date: 2021-11-28


Beam Type = SMRF
Beam Width bw = 250 mm
Beam Height h = 400 mm
Concrete Cover cc = 40 mm

Concrete Strength f'c = 27.6 MPa
Rebar Strength (Main) fy = 414 MPa
Rebar Strength (Stirrups/Hoops) fys = 276 MPa
Rebar Strength (Stiffener Bars) fyt = 276 MPa
Modulus of Elasticity Es = 200000 MPa

Main Bars, db
1st layer 2nd layer 3rd layer
Left support, Top bars 3-Ø16 - -
Midspan, Top bars 2-Ø16 - -
Right support,Top bars 2-Ø16 - -
Left support, Bottom bars 2-Ø16 - -
Midspan, Bottom bars 2-Ø16 - -
Right support, Bottom bars 2-Ø16 - -
Stirrups/Hoops, ds
Left support 2 legs - Ø10 @ 85 mm C/C
Midspan 2 legs - Ø10 @ 150 mm C/C
Right support 2 legs - Ø10 @ 85 mm C/C
Stiffener Bars, dt
Stiffener bars each face 1-Ø10 stiffener bar each face

Moment, Mu Critical Load Combination:
Left support, Top bars 122 ULC, 1.68 DEAD + 0.5 LIVE + 1 SEISMIC (7) = 52.16 kNm
Midspan, Top bars 113 ULC, 0.9 DEAD + 1 WIND (2) = 5.33 kNm
Right support, Top bars 116 ULC, 1.68 DEAD + 0.5 LIVE + 1 SEISMIC (1) = 40.21 kNm
Left support, Bottom bars 132 ULC, 0.42 DEAD + 1 SEISMIC (1) = -7.62 kNm
Midspan, Bottom bars 121 ULC, 1.68 DEAD + 0.5 LIVE + 1 SEISMIC (6) = -22.38 kNm
Right support, Bottom bars 115 ULC, 0.9 DEAD + 1 WIND (4) = -7.62 kNm
Shear, Vu Critical Load Combination:
Shear at left support 122 ULC, 1.68 DEAD + 0.5 LIVE + 1 SEISMIC (7) = 45.98 kN
Shear at midspan 122 ULC, 1.68 DEAD + 0.5 LIVE + 1 SEISMIC (7) = 31.87 kN
Shear at right support 116 ULC, 1.68 DEAD + 0.5 LIVE + 1 SEISMIC (1) = -39.88 kN
Torsion, Tu Critical Load Combination:
Maximum torsion 118 ULC, 1.68 DEAD + 0.5 LIVE + 1 SEISMIC (3) = -3.19 kNm

Value of β1 if(f'c≤28, 0.85, max(0.85-(0.05/7)(f'c-28),0.65) = 0.85 NSCP 422.

Factor of safety against moment Φb = 0.90 NSCP 421.2.1

Factor of safety against shear Φv = 0.75 NSCP 421.2.1

Factor of safety against torsion Φt = 0.75 NSCP 421.2.1

Crushing strain εcu = 0.003 NSCP 422.2.2.1

Tensile Strain εt = 0.004 NSCP 409.3.3.1

Maximum size of aggregate size dagg = 19 mm
Minimum clear spacing csmin = max(25 mm,db, (4/3)dagg) = 25.33 mm NSCP 425.2.2

Clear spacing at top 1st layer cst = (bw-2•cc-2•ds-db)(N-1)-db ≥ csmin = 51.00 mm OK

Clear spacing at bottom 1st layer csb = (bw-2•cc-2•ds-db)(N-1)-db ≥ csmin = 118.00 mm OK

Maximum torsion Tu = 3.19 kNm STAAD Result

Area Concrete Cross Section Acp = bw•h = 100000.00 mm²

Perimeter of Concrete Cross Section Pcp = bw•h = 1300.00 mm
Threshold Torsion Tth=Φt0.083λ•√(f'c)•(Acp /Pcp) = 2.52 kNm NSCP 422.7.4.1

Tu ≥ T th ∴ Torsional reinforcement is required

Cracking Torque Tcr = 0.33λ•√(f'c)•(Acp2/Pcp) = 10.00 kNm NSCP 422.7.5.1

Confinement Width X1 = bw - 2cc - dh = 160.00 mm

Confinement Height Y1 = h - 2cc - dh = 310.00 mm
Area of Confinement Aoh = X1•Y1 = 49600.00 mm²
Gross area enclosed by shear flowpath Ao = 0.85 • Aoh = 42160.00 mm² NSCP 422.

Perimeter of Confinement Ph = 2•(X1 + Y1) = 940.00 mm

Effective depth d = h - cc - ds -0.5•db = 342 mm
Nominal Shear provided by concrete Vc = 0.17λ•√(f'c)•bwd = 76.36 kN NSCP 422.5.5.1
Torsional moment strength τ = √((Vu/(bwd)2+(Tu•Ph/(1.7•Aoh )) = 0.90 MPa NSCP 422.7.7.1

Max. Torsional moment strength τmax = φt•(Vc/bwd+0.66•√(f'c)) = 3.27 MPa NSCP 422.7.7.1

τ > τ max ∴ Sufficient to resist torsion

Nominal Torsional Moment Tn = min ( Tu, Tcr) = 4.26 kNm
Ratiio, At/s At/s = Tn/(2•Ao•fyt•cotθ) = 0.18294 mm²/mm NSCP 422.7.6.1

Longitudinal Reinforcement Al = (At/s)•Ph•(fyt/fy)•cot2θ = 114.64 mm²

Min. requirements 0.175•bw/fyt = 0.15851 mm²/mm NSCP 409.6.4.3

Min. longitudinal reinforcement Almin = 0.42•√(f'c)•(Acp/fyt) = 418.33 mm² NSCP 409.6.4.3

- min(At/s,0.175•bw/fyt)•Ph•(fyt/fy)
Use longitudinal reinforcement max (Al, Almin) = 418.33 mm²
Longitudinal reinforcement As (tor)= max(Al, Almin)/3 = 139.44 mm²
Required area of stiffener Asr = max(Al, Almin)/3 = 139.44 mm²
Provided area of stiffener bars N•0.25•π•dt2 = 157.08 mm² 2
D/C Ratio = 0.89 OK

Effective depth d = h - cc - ds -0.5•db = 342.00 mm
Minimum steel ratio ρmin = max (1.4/fy,0.25•√(f'c)/fy) = 0.003382 NSCP 409.6.1.2

Minimum steel area Asmin = ρmin•bw•d = 289.13 mm²

Balanced steel ratio ρbal = (0.85f'c/fy)•β1•(600/(600+fy)) = 0.028501 NSCP 409.3.3.1

Maximum steel ratio ρmax = (fy/Es+εcu/(εcu+εt))•ρbal = 0.020643 NSCP 409.3.3.1

Value of εy εy = fy/Es = 0.002070 NSCP 421.2.2.1

Max. compression height cmax = d•(εcu/(εcu+εt) = 146.57 mm

Max. compression block amax = β1•cmax = 124.59 mm
Max. nominal momoment Mnmax = 0.85•f'c•amax•bw•(d - amax/2) = 204.38 kNm
Factor of safety Φb = if (εt ≥ 0.005, 0.90, if(εt ≤ εy, 0.65, = 0.814676 NSCP 421.2.2

0.65, 0.65 + 0.25•(εt - εy)/(0.005 - εy))

Ultimate maximum moment Mumax = Φb•Mnmax = 166.50 kNm

Singly Reinforced (Mu ≤ Mumax)

(A) Assume section is tension controlled (εt = 0.005, Φb = 0.90)
Compression height c = d•(εcu/(εcu+0.005) = 128.25 mm
Compression block a= β1•c = 109.01 mm
Nominal moment (Tension controlled) MnTC = 0.85•f'c•a•bw•(d - a/2) = 183.81 kNm
Ultimate moment (Tension controlled) MuTC = Φb•MuTC ≥ Mu = 165.43 kNm
Coefficient of resistance Rn = Mu/(Φb•bwd2)
Actual steel ratio ρ = 0.85•f'c/fy•(1-√(1-(2•Rn/0.85/f'c)))
Area of steel As = max(ρ•bw•d, Asmin)
(B) Transition Region (MuTC < Mu)
Area of steel As = max(0.85•f'c•amax•bw/fy = 1764.96 mm²
Doubly Reinforced (Mu > Mumax)
Total nominal moment Mn = Mu/Φb
Value of Mn1 Mn1 = Mnmax
Value of Mn2 Mn2 = Mn - Mn1
Compression height c = d•(εcu/(εcu+εt)
Value of d' d' = h - d = 58.00 mm
Value of As1 (Cc = T1) As1 = 0.85•f'c•a•bw/fy = 1764.96 mm²
Value of As2 As2= Mn2/fy/(d-d')
Area of tension bars As = As1 + As2
Compression stress f's = min(600•(c-d')/c, fy) = 362.57 MPa
Area of compression bars (Cs = T2) A's = As2•fy/fs
Final steel area Ast = max ( As(flexure), As(torsion), A's(compression side))

Desc. Top left support Top midspan Top right support Bot left support Bot midspan Bot right support
Mu 52.16 kNm 5.33 kNm 40.21 kNm 3.73 kNm 22.38 kNm 7.62 kNm
Design Singly Singly Singly Singly Singly Singly
Rn 1.98 MPa 0.20 MPa 1.53 MPa 0.14 MPa 0.85 MPa 0.29 MPa
ρ 0.00501 0.00049 0.00382 0.00034 0.00209 0.00070
As 428.26 mm² 289.13 mm² 326.56 mm² 289.13 mm² 289.13 mm² 289.13 mm²
Mn - - - - - -
Mn2 - - - - - -
As2 - - - - - -
As - - - - - -
A's - - - - - -
Ast 428.26 mm² 289.13 mm² 326.56 mm² 289.13 mm² 289.13 mm² 289.13 mm²
N (prov'd) 3 pcs 2 pcs 2 pcs 2 pcs 2 pcs 2 pcs
As (prov'd) 603.19 mm² 402.12 mm² 402.12 mm² 402.12 mm² 402.12 mm² 402.12 mm²
D/C Ratio 0.71 0.72 0.81 0.72 0.72 0.72

Considering Shear Only
Shear provided by concrete ØvVc = Øv•0.17•λ•√(f'c)•bw•d = 57.27 kN NSCP 422.5.5.1

Half shear provided by concrete 0.50•ØvVc = 28.64 kN NSCP 409.6.3.1

Max. shear 1 requirements 0.33•√(f'c)•bw•d = 148.23 kN NSCP 409.

Max. shear 2 requirements 0.67•√(f'c)•bw•d = 300.95 kN NSCP 409.

Condition 1 max. spacing, d/2 d/2 = 171.00 mm NSCP 409.

Condition 2 max. spacing, d/4 d/4 = 85.50 mm NSCP 409.

Shear provided by steel Vs = (Vu-ØvVc)/Φv NSCP 422.5.1.1

Spacing due shear reinforcements SA = min(Avfys/(0.062•√(f'c)•bw),Avfys/0.35/bw)

Spacing due shear strength requirements SS = Av•fys•d/Vs NSCP 422.

Area of shear legs Av = (no. of legs)•0.25•π•ds2

Shear at distance "d" Vud = Critical section for shear (For spacing near support) NSCP 409.4.3.2

Shear at distance "2h" Vu2h = Critical section for shear (For spacing at midspan) NSCP 418.6

Required Spacing if Vu ≤ 0.5•ØvVc

‖ Stirrups are not required
else if 0.5•ØvVc < Vu ≤ ØvVc
‖ min (d/2, SA, 600 mm)
else if Vs ≤ 0.33•√(f'c)•bw•d NSCP 409.

‖ min (d/2, SA, SS, 600 mm)

else if 0.33•√(f'c)•bw•d < Vs ≤ 0.66•√(f'c)•bw•d NSCP 409.

‖ min (d/4, SS, 300 mm)

else if Vs > 0.67•√(f'c)•bw•d
‖ Increase beam size

Desc. Left Sup (S1) Midspan (S2) Right Sup (S1)

Vud 38.92 kN 31.87 kN 28.12 kN
Vs - - -
Av 157.08 mm² 157.08 mm² 157.08 mm²
SA 495.47 mm 495.47 mm 495.47 mm
SS - - -
Req'd Spacing 171.00 mm 171.00 mm -

Considering Shear and Torsion

Ratio Av/s max(Vs/fys/d,Avmin/s) = 0.31703 mm²/mm
Total ratio for legs Atot/s = 2•(At/s) + (Av/s) = 0.68290 mm²/mm NSCP 409.6.4.2
Area of one leg of stirrup A1s = 0.25•π•ds = 78.54 mm²
Req'd spacing S1 = min((no. of legs)•A1s/(Atot/s), Ph/8, 300 mm) = 117.50 mm OK NSCP 409.


Clear span Ln = 4700.00 mm
Minimum clear span Ln ≥ 4d = 1368.00 mm OK NSCP 418.6.2.1

Minimum beam width, bmin bw ≥ max(0.3•h, 200 mm) = 200.00 mm OK NSCP 418.6.2.1

Maximum Steel Ratio pact ≤ 0.025 = 0.025 OK NSCP 418.6.3.1

Minimum As at joint face left As+ ≥ As-/2 = 301.59 mm² OK NSCP 418.6.3.2
Minimum As at joint faceright As+ ≥ As-/2 = 201.06 mm² OK NSCP 418.6.3.2

Minimum As+ or As- at Midspan Asmid ≥ (max As at any sections)/4 = 150.80 mm² OK NSCP 418.6.3.2

First spacing at joint face of support So = first hoop = 50 mm NSCP 418.6.4.4

Min. spacing at support S1 ≥ min(6db, d/4, 150) = 85.50 mm OK NSCP 418.6.4.4

Min. spacing at midspan S2 ≥ d/2 = 171.00 mm OK NSCP 418.6.4.6

Min.spacing at lap splices Slap ≥ (d/4, 100) = 85.50 mm NSCP 418.6.3.3

Probable moment: Left support

Factor of safety Φp = 1.0 NSCP 402.2

Shear at joint Vu = 30.80 kN

Shear at distance "d" Vud = 25.76 kN
Area at top provided Atop = n•0.25•π•db = 603.19 mm²
Compression block 1 a1 = Atop•1.25•fy/(0.85•f'c•bw) = 53.22 mm NSCP 418.8.2.1

Probable moment 1 Mpr1 = Φp•Atop•1.25•fy•(d-a1/2) = 98.45 kNm NSCP 418.6.5

Area at bottom provided Abot = n•0.25•π•db2 = 402.12 mm²

Compression block 2 a2 = Abot•1.25•fy/(0.85•f'c•bw) = 35.48 mm NSCP 418.8.2.1

Probable moment 2 Mpr2 = Φp•Abot•1.25•fy•(d-a2/2) = 67.48 kNm NSCP 418.6.5

Uniform load W u = (Vu-Vud)/d = 14.74 kN/m NSCP 409.4.3.2

Design Shear Force 1 Ve1 = (Mpr1+Mpr2+(W u•Ln2/2))/Ln = 69.94 kN NSCP 418.6.5.1

Design Shear Force 2 Ve2 = (Mpr1+Mpr2-(W u•Ln2/2))/Ln = 0.67 kN NSCP 418.6.5.1

Half of max. shear Vu/2 = 19.46 kN NSCP 418.6.5.2

Shear due to concrete Vc = 0.00 kN NSCP 418.6.5.2

Shear due to steel Vs = max(Ve1, Ve2, Vu/2)/Φv = 93.25 kN

Shear area Av = (no. of legs)•0.25•π•db2 = 157.08 mm²
Required spacing S1 = Av•fys•d/Vs = 159.01 mm OK NSCP 422.

Probable moment: Right support

Factor of safety Φp = 1.0 NSCP 402.2

Shear at joint Vu = 25.50 kN

Shear at distance "d" Vud = 17.10 kN
Area at top provided Atop = n•0.25•π•db2 = 402.12 mm²
Compression block 1 a1 = Atop•1.25•fy/(0.85•f'c•bw) = 35.48 mm NSCP 418.8.2.1

Probable moment 1 Mpr1 = Φp•Atop•1.25•fy•(d-a1/2) = 67.48 kNm NSCP 418.6.5

Area at bottom provided Abot = n•0.25•π•db = 402.12 mm²
Compression block 2 a2 = Abot•1.25•fy/(0.85•f'c•bw) = 35.48 mm NSCP 418.8.2.1

Probable moment 2 Mpr2 = Φp•Abot•1.25•fy•(d-a2/2) = 67.48 kNm NSCP 418.6.5

Uniform load W u = (Vu-Vud)/d = 24.56 kN/m NSCP 409.4.3.2

Design Shear Force 1 Ve1 = (Mpr1+Mpr2+(W u•Ln2/2))/Ln = 86.43 kN NSCP 418.6.5.1

Design Shear Force 2 Ve2 = (Mpr1+Mpr2-(W u•Ln2/2))/Ln = -29.01 kN NSCP 418.6.5.1

Half of max. shear Vu/2 = 19.46 kN NSCP 418.6.5.2

Shear due to concrete Vc = 0.00 kN NSCP 418.6.5.2

Shear due to steel Vs = max(Ve1, Ve2, Vu/2)/Φv = 115.24 kN
Shear area Av = (no. of legs)•0.25•π•db = 157.08 mm²
Required spacing S1 = Av•fys•d/Vs = 128.66 mm OK NSCP 422.

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