1888 For Almost Dummies
1888 For Almost Dummies
1888 For Almost Dummies
Robert J. Wieland
Before we begin...
“1844” is our classic icon. It marked the
beginning of the special faith of Seventh-day
Adventists, as Pentecost marked the beginning of
the gospel going to the world. Yet another date
keeps popping up, another “icon” for us, which has
perplexed us.
year prophecy of Daniel 8:14, which came in 1844,
our “icon.” That’s the setting for that first unique
Adventist icon-date.
her 25 million words of testimony.
must come to earth as King of kings and Lord of
lords immediately, when the harvest is “ripe.”
fact, anywhere.
What Did the 1888 Message
Ten Unique, Essential Elements
The true gospel unveils this mysterious unbelief
and leads to a repentance that prepares the church
for the return of Christ. Human pride, praise and
flattery of human beings, is inconsistent with true
faith in Christ. It’s a sure sign of prevailing
unbelief, even within the church.
“messengers” (A. T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner)
saw that the teaching that Christ took only the
sinless nature of Adam before the fall is a legacy of
Romanism, the insignia of the mystery of iniquity
which keeps Him “afar off” and not “nigh at hand.”
when in fact our root sin ever since 1888 has been
unbelief. Righteousness is by faith; it is impossible
to have faith and not demonstrate it in the life,
because faith always works by love. Our moral and
spiritual failures are the fruit of keeping alive
Israel’s ancient sin of unbelief.
condemnation is only by non-faith, which is
unbelief. But true faith is distinguished from its
obedient to all the commandments of God. (There
is a direct link between true justification by faith
and Sabbath-keeping.)
Chapter 1
the Jews murdered the prophets!”
Isaiah 53; he was stern. Joseph never asked again,
but truth moved him when he grew up to be a
Christian missionary proclaiming the second
coming of Jesus.
We are in a similar quandary. How can we
today explain to an innocent child why Jesus has
not come back a second time when our pioneers
proclaimed His “soon” coming nearly two
centuries ago? And we’ve been doing it ever since.
Does “soon” mean nothing?
begging over parts of three centuries, one of them a
complete one. Must it be so for centuries more?
two millennia, we have in a special way played
“Calvary” a second time.
are. Justification by faith in the Day of Atonement
is something beyond Luther’s, Calvin’s, or the
Evangelicals’ possible understanding.
the next verse: “And to her [the bride] was granted
that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and
white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of
The message will be carried not so much by
argument as by the deep convictions of the Spirit of
God. The arguments have been presented. The seed
has been sown, and now it will spring up and bear
fruit. … Now the rays of light penetrate
everywhere, the truth is seen in its clearness, and
the honest children of God sever the bands which
have held them. Family connections, church
relations, are powerless to stay them now. Truth is
more precious than all besides. Notwithstanding
the agencies combined against the truth, a large
number take their stand upon the Lord’s side.
Savior puts His arms around us warmly. The
innocent child Joseph Wolff saw what his people
needed to do—recover what they had lost.
Give it to them!
organization, but He has wisely left this to us.
Prayer is good, but not good enough; it must be
augmented by a response from us—“be zealous
therefore, and repent.” Praying for the latter rain
could drag on for another century, and praying
without recovering what we lost has to be a vain
exercise that only confuses people. No bridegroom
in his right mind can coerce his bride to say “I do.”
Neither can Christ.
Chapter 2
her contemporaries recognized: “1888” was the
beginning of that eschatological wonder. (It took
Ellen White about four years of contemplation to
come to that conclusion with enough courage to
say so publicly.)
world-enlightening message (and the last one at
that). If Ellen White was wrong in her perception
here, her life testimony gets pretty well discredited
en toto, because never was she so enthusiastic
about anything in her long career than she was
about this pinpointing of “1888” significance.
context of “1888” is the cosmic Day of Atonement
which we’ve been living in since 1844—often not
realizing it. At last the truth of justification by faith
is to be seen as its very essence.
and complete; but now its full fruitage must be
demonstrated in a people. The world and the
universe deserve to see that what has been theory
has become visible fact. Christ must lead His
people into a complete heart-reconciliation with
Himself. The Holy Spirit must speak creatively to a
corporate body of the church, “Be ye reconciled to
God.” Every buried root of alienation must and will
be “cleansed.”
(a) The sanctuary message as we understand it
came first (Hiram Edson in his barn); then
was happy, too, for here was that little “body” of
believers at last bent on “following the Lamb
wherever He goes.” The first such corporate group
in history since Pentecost!
Next week she is at it again:
harmony with Him upon the earth, cleansing the
soul temple from its moral defilement (February
You have been having light from heaven for
the past year and a half, that the Lord would have
you bring into your character and weave into your
experience. … If our brethren were all laborers
together with God they would not doubt but that
the message He has sent us during these last two
years is from heaven, … special light for the
people (March 18).
Or does it?
It was a partial fulfillment of a later prophecy Ellen
White made: “Great truths that have lain unheeded
and unseen since the day of Pentecost, are to shine
from God’s word in their native purity.” The
Sabbath and the cross finally came together. By
accepting the Bible truth of the nature of man
(mortal, not immortal), our people became ready to
grasp a deeper truth about the cross of Christ: the
death He died on His cross was the world’s
“second death.” The dimensions of His love
(agape) were far greater than modern Christianity
had comprehended.
3. In other words, because of the cross the
Father could “make His sun to rise on the evil and
on the good, and send rain on the just and on the
unjust” (Matt. 5:45). He was now free to treat
“every man” as though he had not sinned! Now the
truth of the Lord’s Supper could make heartfelt
sense: Christ Himself is “the bread of God …
which … gives life to the world.” “The bread that I
will give,” says Jesus, “is My flesh which I will
give for the life of the world. … Unless you eat the
flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood, you
have no life in you”—equally true of “all men,”
believers and unbelievers alike. But “the life of the
world” that Jesus speaks of is far more than the
physical life of animals! Christ gave the gift of
“more abundant” life to the human race; if only “all
men” would receive the gift (which is already
given them) with heart-felt thankfulness (which is
faith), it would be to them the beginning of eternal
the heresy of Universalism. By His sacrifice, Christ
has given every one of us the freedom to resist and
reject what He has given us. And sadly, many do.
The lost want their own final end; at the judgment
at the end of the thousand years of Revelation 20,
they will ask for destruction. Those who are saved
at last are simply those who gladly received the
gift. That simple.
of Christ’s cross—yet to lighten the earth with
No middle ground.
And in this New Covenant joy is revealed the
truth that prepares a people for translation. It’s a
more mature glimpse of the grace of God that
effectively “teaches” that self-denial is a joy. The
Sabbath “proclaimed more fully” is what must
come with the Loud Cry.
Chapter 3
Lord revealed to her which side she should stand
on in this conflict:
Christ and Satan and saw the Day of Atonement
and justification by faith in this light, the New
Covenant emerged out of the fog bright and clear
in the sunshine. Simply and briefly stated, what
they saw is this:
Perplexities and self-contradictions grow out of
this “dispensational” view wherever it comes up.
Among us, at the time of the 1888 General
Conference Session, it was difficult to find any two
of the leaders who could agree on the details.
published in the 1890s and now in book form under
that title by Glad Tidings Publishers).
[3] and make your name great;
[4] and you shall be a blessing.
[5] I will bless those who bless you,
[6] and I will curse him who curses you:
[7] and in you all families of the earth shall be
This was why in her enthusiasm the dear lady
declared this message of the New Covenant to be
“the beginning” of the light which should lighten
the earth with glory in the final “loud cry.”
that they could stand on a par with God in the plan
of salvation led our brethren to insist that God’s
promises must be mutually balanced by our own.
everything and is everything and gives everything.
Paul emerges as the first biblical writer who
clearly discerned the significance of Israel’s history
in the light of the two covenants. In Romans 4 he
tells us some six times that Abraham is “our
father,” yes, “the father of all them that believe”
(vss. 11-18). In Galatians 3 and 4 he tells the sad
story of the Old Covenant:
the Lord did not ask for them to make any promise
in return. But the next verse says, “They would not
heed Moses, because of anguish of spirit and cruel
bondage.” This unbelief set them up for the tragedy
of creating a vain Old Covenant promise that
would mislead people for generations.
Eden to dress it and to keep it” (Gen. 2:15). He
treasured it! Anybody who treasures a garden will
take care of it.
words, and some believe that there is nothing
wrong with Israel saying those words. But these
words were spoken in their “self-righteousness.”
And we know God didn’t ask them to make the
promises. And of course we know that all self-
righteousness is essentially sin. Thus unbelieving
Israel themselves formed the Old Covenant. Let’s
not blame God for their troubles!
Righteousness does not come by works, nor by
our promising to keep God’s law
get down on themselves and think they are no
good, why even try to be a Christian? Many give
up. That’s why the Old Covenant leads into
carelessly, not realizing what the lyrics say. For
example, take that lovely hymn of consecration, “O
Jesus, I Have Promised” (Seventh-day Adventist
Hymnal, #331). Many sing it with an Old Covenant
mind-set, not realizing that apart from God’s
powerful New Covenant promises we are
powerless to do what we are singing. We must
have “grace to follow” (last line, third stanza)! To
remind ourselves of this, perhaps we should change
one word: “O Jesus, I Have Chosen.”
When we do make promises to God, when can
we be sure that there is no “self-dependence” in
resurrected in the Church.
Chapter 4
A Breakthrough in
Understanding the Gospel
This is the supra-critical issue
message.” “Not one in one hundred … understands
for himself the Bible truth on this subject
[justification by faith] that is so necessary to our
present and eternal welfare.” That’s a polite way of
saying that 99 out of a 100 were asleep at the time.
justification by faith] is a part of the gospel which
could be proclaimed only in the last days, for only
then would it be true that the hour of judgment had
… The Reformers did not proclaim it.” That also
includes Calvin and the Wesleys.
It agrees with Arminianism’s insistence that
what Christ accomplished is available to “all men,”
but it disagrees with its insistence that it is only
available, that there is nothing in it effective for
“all men” unless they do something first. “1888”
says that Christ’s sacrifice has touched “every
man” who has ever come into the world because
mankind’s very life is the purchase of His blood.
The Father can make “His sun rise on the evil and
on the good, and send rain on the just and on the
unjust” only because of the “verdict of acquittal”
that Christ has given to “all men” because of the
cross (Matt. 5:45; Rom. 5:15-18, NEB).
that there is no exception. If it came only upon
those who have some special qualification, then it
would not be a free gift.
every man that has ever lived upon the earth, and
was involved with the first Adam, is involved in
this, and will live again [1 Cor. 15:22]. …
Therefore, just as far as the first Adam reaches
man, so far the second Adam reaches man. The
first Adam brought man under the condemnation of
sin, even unto death; [so] the second Adam’s
righteousness undoes that, and makes every man
live again.
issued in a [judicial] verdict of acquittal. … The
issue of one just act is acquittal and life for all
men” (Rom. 5:16, 18, NEB).
Long ago the importance was told us of
following Christ by faith into the Second
Apartment of the heavenly sanctuary, and the
tragedy of staying behind:
counterfeits of a false holy spirit. Justification by
faith in the light of Daniel 8:14 will save us from
confusion and deception.
commission was what the Lord intended “us” to
see in the 1888 era. But rejecting (“in a great
degree”) the beginning of the latter rain was a
spiritual abortion.
full truth of biblical justification by faith (with its
concomitant blessings of the New Covenant and
the nearness of our Savior) we will have a message
that will startle modern Evangelical churches.
Chapter 5
“1888” probed deeply
transforms His people into being “perfect,” ready
for Christ’s appearing. (c) This is accomplished not
by a works program, but simply by His people
“beholding” Him “just as He is,” but not as
Babylon portrays Him.
that she could not be tempted as all other humans
are—particularly with sexual temptation. We might
say, okay; at last we have a perfectly sinless
woman; so what?
Many see Him only in the cathedral windows
and assume they know Him; but the true Christ has
been hidden from them.
the claim of Satan when he was “Lucifer” that God
is unfair to maintain His law, for nobody can keep
it— especially humans who are already sinful by
nature (as we all are). The prime exhibit seemed
convincing: after some 4000 years of human
history when Jesus came, not one human had ever
been able to avoid falling into sin. Satan crowed:
“See! I’m right! God is unfair!” If Jesus had
sidestepped the contest by taking the sinless nature
of the unfallen Adam, Satan would forever after
have trumpeted, “Foul! Unfair!” A soldier with a
bulletproof vest is braver than one without.
6. Triumph in the “great controversy” over
word in the original, dikaioma, which means the
righteousness that has its origin in Christ but has
been imparted to the believing human being.
shared in the same, that through death He might
destroy [Greek, paralyze] him who had the power
of death, that is, the devil, and release those who
through fear of death were all their lifetime subject
to bondage. For indeed He does not give aid to
angels [who have a sinless nature], but He does
give aid to the seed of Abraham (2:14, 15).
that “God commanded [it] to be given to the
service of God will indeed be “in newness of life”;
then it will be found that His yoke is indeed “easy”
and His burden “light”; then His service will be
found indeed to be with “joy unspeakable and full
of glory.”
wholeheartedly, will it not prepare them for the
coming of Jesus when they will be caught up to
meet Jesus without dying (that’s the meaning of the
word “translation”)? (See 1 Thess. 4:16, 17. Enoch
and Elijah were “translated” without dying; Heb.
11:5, 2 Kings 2:11.) There will also be an
innumerable corporate crowd who have learned to
follow wherever the Lamb leads (Rev. 14:1-6).
Chapter 6
isn’t it? So, … enter Old Covenant guilt.
the “latter rain.” And now at last in 1888 He did so
with refreshing advance “showers” in a message
that startled and even alarmed “us.” It was
surprising because it majored in revealing Christ as
a Savior who does not wait for us either to initiate
or to maintain a “relationship” with Him. The
spotlight shone on a divine love that takes both
initiatives. And there is where we became scared:
this is going to upset our devotion to the Sabbath.
way, “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who wil ascend
into heaven?’” (that is, to bring Christ down from
above) or “‘Who will descend into the abyss?’”
(that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). But what
does it say? “The word is near you, even in your
mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith
which we preach).
prompts us continually. Our problem is revealed in
the next part of Isaiah’s verse: “And I was not
rebellious, nor did I turn away.” In contrast, that is
what we often do. We repulse the initiative that the
Holy Spirit takes in our behalf. (Peterson
represents Jesus as saying, “The Master, God,
opened My ears, and I didn’t go back to sleep,
didn’t pull the covers over My head,” vs. 5.)
After centuries and millennia of human history
we had come to Daniel’s “time of the end;” but
something was involved we weren’t prepared for.
Living in “the time of the end” meant that verses 7
and 8 of Revelation 19 had to be fulfilled in the
progressive Christian experience of the church as a
body. We can’t continue static in “the time of the
end” forever; Revelation 19 has to move on to
fulfillment. We can’t stall the progress of sacred
history. “The marriage of the Lamb is come and
His wife has made herself ready.” But she hadn’t
done it, yet.
(This all happened after the 1901 General
Conference Session.) Can He bring His people to
attention by an unprecedented fear-motivated
demand for holy living? The answer has to be in
the text: “To her [His bride-to-be] was granted that
she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and
white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of
saints” (vs. 8).
leaders were so shocked, they never recovered their
spiritual equilibrium until they rejected and
crucified Him. Ellen White often said (over 100
times) that our reaction to “1888” was “just like the
Jews.” It was Jesus taking us by the hand and
saying, Come, let’s go to the wedding!
example, the messengers didn’t harp on tithe-
paying, but huge tithe flowed in, unasked for.
Human hearts were beginning to respond in a
phenomenal way.
3. Christ was presented as carrying the world
on His heart. The message said nothing about
Arminianism or Calvinism, yet it transcended and
solved the anomalies in both. It was designed by
Heaven to grip the attention of sincere people in
the popular churches who sensed that the time had
come for something new. Startling as it might be,
the atonement was effected for the world; Christ
had died the second death for every man’s sin, had
“tasted death for every man” (Heb. 2:9). The
Savior had become the “last Adam.” He had
reversed what the first Adam did in bringing a
“judicial verdict of condemnation” on “all men,”
and had effected for the same “all men” a judicial
verdict of “acquittal” (Rom. 5:15-18, NEB). Now
was revealed the way to grip hearts and bring
conviction of the Sabbath truth. Now the
predictions of Early Writings and The Great
Controversy regarding the final inflow of souls
were to meet fulfillment. It was exciting to be
alive, and Ellen White was overjoyed.
that His “yoke is easy and [His] burden is light,”
and that it’s “hard” to resist and oppose such love.
Can you imagine the shock that ideas like this
could have had on ministers and people who heard
these things but had assumed that this little sect of
Seventh-day Adventists were legalists? Here was
forming in minds and hearts a deep conviction that
Jesus is a Shepherd seeking us, striding past all the
barriers that human prejudice has erected. Here is a
Divine Suitor who is taking bold steps to His
Beloved’s heart.
does that! 1 John 4:18). Hearts would be won to
want to “overcome even as [He] overcame” (Rev.
3:20). The stage was re-set.
dangerous cliff that wild stormy night
Chapter 7
“1888” was clear in this understanding
commandment (but it also includes obedience to
the troublesome seventh!). Fornication and
adultery are not to be “named” among those who
prepare for Christ’s second coming (Eph. 5:3).
Ellen White was especially concerned: a minister
who breaks the seventh commandment “is a traitor
of the worst type. From one such tainted, polluted
mind the youth often receive their first impure
thoughts. … A second trial would be of no avail
compliance with the law when the heart is un-
reconciled is the lukewarmness-plague of the world
“church of the Laodiceans.” This was the problem
which “the Lord in His great mercy” sought to heal
by sending “1888.” That’s why the New Covenant
was its focal point of controversy with the elders.
happened on the cross and lull people to neglect
obedience to the law? We have this answer (Ellen
White is speaking of “1888”):
“grace of God” can teach us to “say No to
ungodliness, and worldly passions, and to live self-
controlled, upright, and godly lives in this present
age” (Titus 2:11, NIV). Fear won’t do it; hope for
heavenly real estate won’t do it; only Christ’s grace
can do it.
Paul helps us understand what went wrong:
these dear people had misunderstood what true
commandment-keeping is. It does include
Sabbathkeeping, health reform, tithe-paying, all the
good works we can think of; but it fails to be true
obedience unless it is motivated by agape: “Love
[agape] does no harm to a neighbor; therefore love
[agape in the original] is the fulfillment of the law”
(Rom. 13:10; the Greek construction could be
understood as implying that agape alone is the
fulfillment of the law). Only proclaiming Christ
and Him crucified can motivate that fulfillment.
and glorious truths, the righteousness of Christ and
the entire sacrifice made in behalf of man, been
imprinted indelibly on my mind by the Spirit of
God? Has not this subject been presented in the
testimonies again and again? When the Lord had
given to my brethren the burden to proclaim this
message I felt inexpressibly grateful to God, for I
knew it was the message for this time. The third
angel’s message is the proclamation of the
commandments of God and the faith of Jesus
Christ. The commandments of God have been
proclaimed, but the faith of Jesus Christ has not
been proclaimed by Seventh-day Adventists as of
equal importance, the law and the gospel going
hand in hand. I cannot find language to express this
subject in its fullness.—Selected Messages, book 3,
p. 172 (emphasis supplied).
Chapter 8
Ellen White says yes, and it’s Bible
If that is true, the message of course was not
special; consequently many have assumed that
“1888” should be forgotten.
people, but there is something they simply cannot
see. The Reformers couldn’t see it, as it was before
their day; and Protestants in general today haven’t
seen it because of their absorption in the doctrine
of natural immortality. (And we haven’t made it
clear to them; our Questions on Doctrine that was
supposed to do that job fifty years ago failed.)
Take Calvinism as an example. It summarizes its
popular doctrines with the acronym TULIP:
contradict His election. But this greater truth does
not encourage disobedience. Faith in the Lord’s
“election” motivates to total harmony with Him in
one of us, but only for those few who are the
“elect.” In contrast, “1888” sees that Christ has
purchased the gift of salvation for “all men” and
has given the gift to them “in Himself.” Romans 5
describes it as a “judicial … verdict of acquittal …
for all men” (vss. 15-18). God wants all to be saved
and before the foundation of the world He
predestined all to be saved (Eph. 1:3-6).
to all, but has actually given the gift, placing it in
every man’s hand, as it were. He became “the
Savior of the world” (John 4:42), “the Savior of all
men, especially of those that believe” (2 Tim.
4:10). Not merely would-like-to-be.
has been willing to recognize. “Where sin
abounded, grace did much more abound” (Rom.
5:20). We’ve been quick to see how powerful are
temptations to sin, but slow to see that the grace of
Christ is far stronger than they are. When prayer
meeting time comes, the temptation to stay home
and watch TV seems strong; but the problem is not
the strength of the temptation. It’s that we don’t see
how much stronger is that grace.
“most precious message.”
His love is far greater than is usually
comprehended because it is agape, which “never
fails” (1 Cor. 13:8). The idea is entwined with what
Jesus means in Matthew 11:30, “My yoke is easy,
and My burden is light.” The idea many serious
youth have is that it’s “hard” to be saved and
“easy” to be lost—the result of neglecting the
grand dimensions of that agape which “passes
“much more abounding” grace, lest we weaken the
fear motivation to keep the commandments. (All
which of course is Old Covenant inspired.) But
another question remains.
who believe in Jesus and to leave the incorrigible
and unbelieving in sin and under wrath.” It sounds
perfect, but think again: “God so loved the world
… ” “God our Savior … will have all men to be
saved.” He “is the Savior of all men, especially of
those who believe.” He never “determined to leave
anyone under wrath.” Those who are “left” there
are only those who leave Him, on their own and
choose it. Arminianism came short.
the blood of Christ. The cross of Christ is stamped
on every loaf. … Every meal [becomes] a
sacrament” (The Desire of Ages, p. 660). This truth
is the essence of the final loud cry message that
will lighten the earth with glory. The sacrifice of
Christ has already given every human being all the
“benefit” he has ever enjoyed!
all his “fun,” his wealth, even his next breath, has
been purchased and given to him. He has already
enjoyed it all because Christ has died his second
death. He will then either believe humbly and
thankfully with a total dedication of his all to the
Savior and will receive “the seal of God,” or he
will choose to disbelieve and then enforce the mark
of the beast.
abundant help. Upon Christ as our substitute and
surety was laid the iniquity of us all. The guilt of
every descendant of Adam was pressing upon His
heart. … But now with the terrible weight of guilt
He bears, He cannot see the Father’s reconciling
face. The withdrawal of the divine countenance
from the Saviour in this hour of supreme anguish
pierced His heart with a sorrow that can never be
fully understood by man. So great was this agony
that His physical pain was hardly felt. …
Chapter 9
Good news!
Day of Atonement. An angel told Daniel, “Unto
two thousand and three hundred days; then shall
the sanctuary be cleansed” (8:14, KJV). That was
2300 literal years which ended in 1844 when Christ
began His final Day of Atonement work. While
this happens in heaven, on earth three angels
preach (Rev. 14:6-12).
some special spiritual nutriments in the fourth
Just as the Jews of Christ’s day (yes, even His
disciples) could not foresee the grand dimensions
of their calling, so we Seventh-day Adventists have
been slow to see the burst of light to come with that
“other angel” of Revelation 18. It was “sent” to us
but “we” blocked it.
“If the Lord has brought up sins to us that we
never thought of before, that only shows that He is
going down to the depths, and He will reach the
bottom at last; and when He finds the last thing that
is unclean or impure that is out of harmony with
His will, and brings that up, and shows that to us,
and we say, ‘I would rather have the Lord than
that’—then the work is complete, and the seal of
the living God can be fixed upon that character.
[Congregation: ‘Amen.’]. …
not propose to do that; consequently, He wants you
and me to know when our sins go, that we may
know when His righteousness comes.”
Chapter 10
infancy “in Christ” through all the stages from
childhood in which a woman grows up; she has
come at last to a place of maturity where she will
be ready to stand by His side as His “help-meet.”
Ezekiel spends an entire long chapter
discoursing on Israel’s youth being a time when
she was so charming and beautiful and innocent
that He, wanting to be her husband-to-be, fell in
love with her (16:8; that’s quite a chapter!). Paul
likens Christ’s relationship to His church as that of
a Lover being betrothed (2 Cor. 11:2).
extracted criticism through the years. “Bishop
Wordsworth in the nineteenth century once said it
was ‘inexpressibly shocking,’ and should not be
sung in Westminster Abbey.” Even his brother
John excluded it from his 1780 Large Hymnbook,
“and in other hymnbooks ‘lover’ has been altered
to ‘refuge’ or ‘Saviour.’”
man for a woman, because he still loved Gomer
after she played the harlot on him. Hosea could not
forget his love for her, notwithstanding. There must
have been something in her personality, in her
eyes, her soul, that won his devotion throughout
that stormy relationship.
believers that Revelation designates as “the
remnant,” which “keep the commandments of God
and have the testimony of Jesus Christ,” that has
called forth or has released the conjugal love of
Christ. He wants to marry “her”; and that desire is
a burning one, not to be turned aside. The
disappointment of that love in “1888” was to Him
“beyond description.”
sanctuary and the opening of the Second and they
believed, there was an endearing loyalty in His
eyes; then when Rachel Preston brought them the
seventh-day Sabbath truth, they welcomed it
instead of resisting and fighting it (as they did
precious truth forty years later). Then when the
first principles of health reform came, again they
eagerly accepted. On down through the early
history of this people, a special heavenly love affair
was developing. Not since Pentecost has Jesus
found such a group of believers loyal to Him.
for the night; why does He bother her now? (The
world is too comfy a place as it is, says the Bride-
to-be of the Lamb.)
And my heart yearned for him.
How my heart fainted when I heard him!
So I rose to let my darling in,
my hands all moist with myrrh,
my fingers wet with liquid myrrh,
that dropped on the catch of the bolt.
I opened to my darling,
But my darling, he had gone.
I sought him, but I could not find him,
I called, he never answered.
from the Hebrew text but from the ancient Greek
text, the LXX: “Behold, I stand at the door and
knock. If a certain one [tis, Greek] hears My voice
and opens the door,” … then comes the intimacy.
Ellen White Answers Questions About the
Message and the “Messengers”
nature” (p. 332).
we should not have had unless God had sent
somebody to bring it to us. God has let me have a
light of what His Spirit is, and therefore I accept it,
and I no more dare to lift my hand against these
persons, because it would be against Jesus Christ,
who is to be recognized in His messengers” (p.
careful how you treat it … Who says they [Jones
and Waggoner] are perfect? Who claims it? We
claim God has given us light in the right time. And
now we should receive the truth of God—receive it
as of heavenly origin” (pp. 566, 567).
and my husband. … And when another presented
it, every fiber of my heart said, Amen” (p. 349).
“The Lord is speaking through His delegated
messengers” (p. 398).
you point to as bringing out special light for the
people? The message as it has been presented
should go to every church … the heavenly
credentials” (p. 545). “God has shown me that He
raised up men here to carry the truth to His people,
and that this is the truth” (p. 614).
God, and be established in right doctrines. The
baptism of the Holy Spirit will dispel human
imaginings, will break down self-erected barriers,
and will cause to cease the feeling that ‘I am holier
than thou.’ There will be an humble spirit with all,
more faith and love; self will not be exalted. ‘Look
and live.’ Christ’s spirit, Christ’s example, will be
exemplified in His people. We shall follow more
closely the ways and works of Jesus. The pulpit,
the press, and the church will be more humble,
more forbearing, more patient and kind, and the
love of Jesus will pervade our hearts. It is
impossible for me to picture before you the result
of this influence” (p. 333; 1889).
character of the infinite God. The divine influence
imparted by holy angels will impress the minds
brought in contact with the workers; and from
these workers a fragrant influence will go forth to
all who choose to inhale it. The goodly fabric of
character wrought through divine power will
receive light and glory from heaven, and will stand
out before the world as a witness, pointing to the
throne of living God.