Storing Images and BLOB Files in SQL Server
Storing Images and BLOB Files in SQL Server
Storing Images and BLOB Files in SQL Server
This article explores the data types and methods used for storing BLOBs (Binary Large Objects), such
as images and sounds, inside SQL Server. Legacy data types used in SQL Server versions 2000 and
SQL 2005 will be examined as well as the new SQL 2008 FILESTREAM binary type.
To start, we’ll compare two types of files, ASCII and Binary. Most of the values stored in SQL Server
consist of ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) characters. An overly
simplified explanation of ASCII characters would be letters, numbers, and symbols found on the
keyboard. A file containing only ASCII characters can be modified by a text editor such as Notepad
without consequence. Binary files however, contain both ASCII characters and special control
characters and byte combinations not found on the keyboard. An MP3 music file would be binary.
Opening an MP3 inside Notepad and removing characters in an attempt to make the song shorter
would result in the file being corrupted and not playable because Notepad is limited to ASCII
characters and cannot correctly interpret or create binary bits. Other examples of binary data include
images and EXE compiled programs. BLOBs then, are binary files that are large, or Binary Large
Objects (BLOB).
There are justified reasons both for and against storing binary objects inside SQL server. We’ll look at
both sides. As a real world example, we’ll consider a typical sales organization. There are usually
product lines, or families of products being sold. A level below the product line would be the individual
or discreet parts, we’ll call them widgets. Each widgets has the standard inventory columns such as
price, cost, quantity on hand, vendor, etc. In addition, many may have sales literature or brochures
describing the widget. Often these brochures are electronic such as PDF, Power Point, or some type of
image. One way of dealing with these electronic documents would be just to throw them up on a file
server and create a directory for each widget. This will work, until customers or employees want an
application they enter search parameters into and receive back the sales brochures that match. For
example, “show me all documents for blue widgets that sell for less than $100”. At this point, a
database tied to an application will usually be involved. Therefore, for this series of articles, we’ll create
a Visual Studio application that connects to SQL Server to retrieve widget sales brochures.
One of the first questions is where to store the electronic brochures. Either the application could store
the file system path information leading to the document, such as “d:\sales doc\widgeta-picture.jpg”,
inside a varchar column, leaving the actual document on the file system, or we could place the actual
jpg file inside a binary or image column. A few key questions will help determine the best option.
• Performance: Are these binary objects performance hungry, such as a streaming video? If so,
the file system may perform better than trying to stream the binary out of SQL Server.
• Size: Is the binary object to be retrieved large? Large being over 1 MB in size. If the object is
large, the file system will typically be more efficient at presenting, or reading the object than
SQL Server. If the binaries are small, say little images of each widget, then storing them inside
SQL server will be more than adequate.
• Security: Is access to the binaries a high security concern? If the objects are stored in SQL
Server, then security can be managed through the usual database access methods. If the files
are stored on the file system, than alternative security methods will need to be in place.
• Client Access: How will the client access the database, ODBC, Native SQL Driver? For large
streaming video, a client such as ODBC may time out or fail.
• Fragmentation: If the binaries will be frequently modified and are large, the file system may
handle fragmentation better than SQL Server.
• Transactions: Do you need transactional control? If so, then SQL has a built in solution.
For an in-depth discussion on database vs. file system storage for Blobs, as well as where the previous
1MB size reference came from, see the Microsoft article: To BLOB or Not to BLOB, located at .
Data Types
For this first example, we’ll create an application that will store images of each product. Because these
files are small, we’ll opt to store them in SQL Server. In SQL 2000, there were two different families of
data type options for these type of files, binary, and image. The Binary family includes three different
data types. The Binary data type itself, which requires a fixed size. For this first example, because our
images vary in size, we’ll use the varbinary data type, the “var” standing for variable. The varbinary
data type has a maximum length of 8,000 bytes. Starting in SQL 2005, “varbinary(max)” was included
in the binary data type family. The keyword MAX indicates the size is unlimited. If the SQL version is
before 2005 and the file size is greater than 8,000, then the Image data type can be used. It’s a
variable size type with a maximum file size of 2GB. Although the Image data type is included in SQL
2005 and SQL 2008, it shouldn’t be used. Microsoft says it’s there for backwards compatibly and will be
dropped at some point in the future. Therefore, this example will use the Binary type, the three
versions of which are recapped below:
In the next article, we’ll continue with BLOBs by creating a Visual Studio application that reads and
writes to a SQL Server binary data type. The mechanics of the data type VarBinary(MAX) will be
examined followed by the new SQL Server 2008 FILESTREAM option.
Part 2
By Don Schlichting
This article will focus on using the SQL Server Binary data type to store small image files. In Part 1 of
this series, the definition of binary and BLOBs (Binary Large Objects) was discussed, as well as when to
store them in SQL Server. A few reasons to store images or binary data inside SQL Server include
security, client access, and transactional control. This article will focus on the varBinary(MAX) data
type. It is available in SQL 2005 and SQL 2008. The (MAX) extension to the Binary type means there is
no upper size limit. The “var” means the size is variable rather than fixed as in the case of the
standard Binary data type. SQL BOL (Books On Line) gives a good example of the three binary types:
Use Binary when the sizes of the column data entries are consistent (and less than 8,000 bytes).
Use varBinary when the sizes of the column data entries vary considerably (and are less than 8,000
Use varBinary(max) when the column data entries exceed 8,000 bytes.
For SQL 2000, use the Image data type. However, be aware that Microsoft has stated the Image data
type is for backwards compatibility only, and may be discontinued on a future version.
Example Table
To begin, we’ll create a test database and table to hold our images. Use the following TSQL statement:
USE master;
USE Test;
In this example, the column name is BLOBData, but the column name can be any standard SQL name.
Binary data types do not have any special naming restrictions.
If you’re running SQL 2005 or SQL 2008, test the database inserting an image using a TSQL
statement. This statement will not work in SQL 2000 because only a (MAX) data type can be the
target. Find a small image then execute the following statement:
Substatute the ‘C:\temp\nextup.jpg’ for the file system path to your file. The OPENROWSET statement
allows SQL to access data from an external provider. Bulk is a special provider for OPENROWSET
created for inserting documents and images. For addiational details, see BOL “Importing Large Objects
by using the OPENROWSET Bulk Rowset Provider”. A Select of the table should produce one record as
shown below.
The SELECT statement will verify data has been inserted, but there isn’t a way in SQL to view the
image. For that we’ll create a small Visual Studio application.
Binary Write
This example will read the stored image from SQL and display it on a web page using Visual Studio.
Create a new page without code behind. The code behind example will be shown later.
SqlDataReader dr = objCmd.ExecuteReader();
<script runat="server">
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
The web page will use the sConn variable to find the database. The phrase “Integatred Security =
True” specifies Windows security will be used. The Server name should be the name of your server, or
use a dot if SQL and web server are on the same local machine. The SQL statement is only getting the
image, but in future examples, we’ll retrive the file name as well and build a more real life application.
The command type being set to “text” means a SQL statement will be passed in, as opposed to the
name of a stored procedure.
Creates a command object that ties the sql statement and the connection together. The command
object is execute in the next statement:
SqlDataReader dr = objCmd.ExecuteReader();
A new data reader is declared and set to the command objects return (the sql statement executed
against the connection). The dr.Read statement loads the first result (the only result in this example).
If we wern’t sure of a successful read, an IF statement could be used as a test. An exmaple will be
shown in the next article.
So now, the data reader has the image binary data, and it will be streamed to the page using
Response.BinaryWrite. Notice the html for the web page is empty. The BinaryWrite dosent need an any
html objects. In fact, any html on the page would be not be displayed. For example, we’ll stick a sting
between the div:
Hello World
But When the page is run, only the image is displayed as shown below:
In our example database, we have additional data stroed in SQL that we would like presented along
with the image, such as the file name. Because the Binary Write would overwrite any other html on the
page, a workaround is needed. Save this page as GetPicture.aspx. Create a new page and put an
image control on it as shown below. Set the imge url to the GetPicture page.
<script runat="server">
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
Here is the image <asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl="GetPicture.aspx" />
Because the binary stream stored in SQL can not be passed directly to the image control, the web page
containing the stream was passed.
Binary data can be stored in SQL and retreived by a web application. In the next article, a web
appliction will be created for inserting images into SQL. In addition, the exmpales in this article will be
expanded to include passing the file name of the picture back to the appliciton, passing in a specific
image name to retrieve, and converting these applictions to use stored procedures and code behind
Part 3
By Don Schlichting
Storing Images and BLOB files in SQL Server Part 3
In the first two articles of this series, BLOBs were defined along with scenarios of when to store them
inside SQL Server rather than on the file system. Several different types of VARBINARIES were
introduced, including the VARBINARY(MAX) data type which will be the focus of this article. The first
code example loaded an image into the database then retrieved it using an ASPX page with a Binary
Write. In this article, a web-based application will be created for inserting images into SQL Server. In
addition, the examples from the first two articles will be expanded and improved.
To begin, create a test database and table for storing images using the following TSQL script:
USE master;
The script created a single database, containing a single table, containing a single column. The test
column “BLOBData” uses the MAX keyword allowing it to store binaries of any size.
Next create a stored procedure that will be used by a web page for uploading images:
The stored procedure will pass one variable, the image “@FileData”, into SQL Server.
The rest of the examples in this series will use stored procedures rather than SQL statements. There
are many benefits to using stored procedures, such as increased security, preventing SQL Injection
attacks, portability, and performance.
This example uses Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 to create a web form, which will ask the end user to
browse to a file, and then upload the file into SQL Server. The application will also work in Visual
Studio 2005. To begin, create a new web site and an aspx page using code behind. Drag a FileUpload
and a Button control onto the form as shown below.
Switch to the source view of the page and change the default <form> tag to the following:
Change back to the design view and double click the button to create an On Click event. This will bring
up the code behind page as shown below:
At the top of the page, add using statements for the SQL:
using System.Data.Sql;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.IO;
paramFileData.Value = bImage;
The first line in the statement sets the connection to SQL Server. The phrase “Integrated Security”
means Windows security will be used rather than a SQL Login ID. Next the connection to the database
is opened. After the database is opened, the next two lines create a SQL Command object.
WebUp is the name of the stored procedure created eariler. It’s tied to the open database connection,
then the SQL Command is told WebUp is a stored procedure rather than a TSQL text statement.
The stored procedure requires a single parameter, the image, to be passed in. In the next line, a
parameter is created. The name “paramFileData” can be anything, there is nothting special about it,
but the Parameters.Add, “@FileData” must match the paramater name in the stored procedure.
paramFileData.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
Any data being passed into SQL is a command type of Input, data coming out would be
Ideally, at this point, the FileUpload control could pass the image directly into the stored procedure
parameter, but this doesn’t work. Instead, a byte array is created with the size of the image:
Lastly the Stream transferes the image into the byte array:
objStream.Read(bImage, 0, FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength);
Now the image data can be passed into the SQL parameter and executed.
paramFileData.Value = bImage;
Here is a link for the complete web application, both the design page and the code behind.
View the web page inside a browser and click the browse button. A Windows file chooser will appear as
shown below:
Once a file is selected and the final Button is clicked, the SQL Stored procedure will be executed.
Viewing the results inside SQL Server will show there is data, but not what it looks like.
Because there isn’t a BLOB viewer as part of SQL Server, we’ll create a viewer similar to the one in the
previous article, but stored procedure driven.
Create a simple stored procure that will select the image data using the TSQL code below:
Next create a aspx page with code behind. On the code behind page add using statements for SQL
using System.Data.Sql;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
In the Page_load section, use the following code to execute the stored procedure just created.
SqlDataReader dr = objCmd.ExecuteReader();
The web viewer code used is very similar to the previous article. The CommandType has been changed
to Stored Procedure, and the SQLCommand now uses the name of the procedure rather than a sql
string to execute.
SQL Server can be a handy container for image and BLOB data. Working with binary data is somewhat
different from working with ASCII. The data saved inside SQL Server isn’t visible like character data. In
addition, special handling of the data, such as with a byte array, is required before sending the data to
SQL Server. Overall, however, the working with BLOBS and SQL Server is very worthwhile.
Part 4
By Don Schlichting
BLOBs files are binary data, in other words, not text. Files like an MP3, exe, or pictures are all
examples of BLOBs (Binary Large Objects). Often, these types of files may be part of a larger database
project. The question usually arises as to how and where to store them, on the File System as files, or
inside SQL Server. There are legitimate reasons to justify both. As a very general guide, if the files are
small, store them inside SQL server. Another good reason to store binary data inside SQL Server is to
obtain the benefit of transactional control. For example, if you need to be sure that an image has been
updated or deleted before some other processing step begins, then SQL Server has that control built
in. On the other hand, large files, or streaming video, will perform better being served from the
Windows file system rather than inside SQL Server. Also, the file system will handle fragmentation
better than SQL Server.
This series began by Storing BLOBs inside SQL Server. Part 1 introduced BLOBs and the VARCHAR data
type family as well as simple methods for inserting BLOBs into a SQL Server VARCHAR(max) column.
Part 2 in this series expanded on this and introduced a Dot Net Binary Write method for displaying
those images. In Part 3, an ASPX page was created to accept an image from the web, and store it
directly inside SQL Server. This article will focus on storing BLOBs on the Windows File System and
using Microsoft SQL Server to organize them from a web page.
To begin, we’ll build on a control used in the previous examples, the File Upload control. This control
will live on a web page and will gather file information, such as file name and directory path to a test
image file, and eventually this information will be passed to SQL Server. To being, create a new page
called FileSystemIn.aspx with code behind and drag four controls on to it, a File Upload, a button, and
two labels as shown below.
On the code behind page, we’ll gather the file name and directory path and display them in the labels.
Create a Click event and insert the following code:
When the button is clicked, the “PostedFile”, (the file browsed to by the File Upload control) will be
We can also pass this data to SQL Server though a stored procedure so the database can become our
image organizer. First, create a test database to hold the file information from the TSQL below:
USE master;
TheName varchar(50),
DirPath varchar(50)
Now we’ll create a stored procedure the web page will use to INSERT:
Next, we’ll replace the web page code behind On Click code with a stored procedure. So now, the file
information will be saved inside SQL Server rather than displayed on a label.
Test the web page, SELECT on the FileInfo table; one row will be returned as shown below.
For an explanation of the On Click Stored Procedure code, please review article 3 in this series. The
same SQL Connection and Command objects were used there as well. From here, a web page can be
created to view the images by getting the path information from SQL Server.
There are a couple of problems with the type of implementation demonstrated. First, if files are deleted
or added by some method other than the web application, SQL Server will be unaware, and thus out of
sync with the file system. The second problem is nightly backup. Now you’ll need to backup the
directory paths where the files are stored as well as backing up the SQL Server database. In addition,
security to these files is now outside of SQL Server controls.
A way to overcome these problems in SQL Server 2008 is to use the new FILESTREAM option for a
VARBINARY(MAX) column. FILESTREAMS are physically stored on WINDOWS NTFS, just like a standard
MDF or LDF SQL Server files, but they are specifically created for storing binary data. The
CRATEDATABASE statement is used to create a special FILEGROUP and mark it as a stream. Once the
database is created, a column inside a table can be designated as a type “VARBINARY(MAX)
FILESTREAM”. BLOBs stored inside the FILESTREAM are not accessible from the file system. You can’t
open Windows File explorer and have access to them, meaning security is handled by SQL Server. In
addition, the images can be manipulated with standard INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. So
for large BLOBs, or BLOBs with high disk activity like streaming video, SQL Server now has a viable
option for handling this type of data.
SQL Server has several options for managing BLOBs or binary data. VARBINARY (MAX) in SQL 2005,
IMAGE data types in older versions, and the new FILESTREAM option in SQL Server 2008. Working with
them requires a little additional effort compared to standard data types, but the methods and objects
used are straightforward to use. Remember that error checking wasn’t included in these examples, so
make sure to check the FileUpload for a data before sending it to SQL Server (in case the end user
clicks the button before selecting a file).