AAEs and Psychyatrics
AAEs and Psychyatrics
AAEs and Psychyatrics
Harry Rashid, Sara Ormerod and Ed Day
APT 2007, 13:203-211.
Access the most recent version at DOI: 10.1192/apt.bp.105.000935
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Abstract Anabolic androgenic steroids (commonly known as anabolic steroids) are synthetic derivatives of the
hormone testosterone. They are being increasingly used by professional and recreational athletes to
enhance performance, and by men and women to improve physical appearance. This article discusses
the characteristics of such steroid ‘misusers’ and the techniques of use. It highlights the psychiatric com
plications associated with these steroids, including increased risk of aggression, personality disorders,
psychosis and mood disorders, particularly manic symptoms. Medical complications of steroid use are
common and frequently reversible. Use is associated with an increased risk of injury, cardiovascular
events, gastrointestinal complications, virilisation in women, and gynaecomastia and testicular atrophy
in men. Whether addiction to these steroids can occur is debatable, but there is evidence for dependence
and a withdrawal syndrome. Steroid use may be a ‘gateway’ to other addictions. Users are often reluctant
to seek treatment and the psychiatrist’s role in the recognition and management of use is presented.
Anabolic androgenic steroids are synthetic deriva public anabolic steroids are more commonly known
tives of the hormone testosterone and they are as drugs used by competing athletes as a performance-
characterised by a carbon skeleton with a four-ring enhancing (ergogenic) aid. However, the misuse and
cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene structure. Testos harmful use of anabolic steroids is no longer the sole
terone is the primary hormone synthesised in the domain of elite professional athletes. In recent years
testes in males; in females the circulating levels are the recreational use of these drugs has increased
typically about 10% of those observed in males. It has significantly, usually for the cosmetic purpose of
both ‘anabolic’ (tissue-building) and ‘androgenic’ enhancing appearance (Johnston et al, 2003). Misuse
(masculinising) properties. During puberty its is also no longer limited to a predominately male
androgenic action is central to the development of population, as females are becoming increasingly
the male phenotype, and the hormone is responsible involved in using anabolic steroids.
for the secondary sexual characteristics observed in Unless otherwise stated, reference in this article
men. In addition, testosterone regulates muscle to steroid use in general indicates the taking of
protein metabolism, sexual and cognitive functions, steroids without prescription. In particular, ‘misuse’
erythropoiesis, plasma lipids and bone metabolism indicates that the drug is being taken in a way that
(Evans, 2004). The androgenic effect cannot be would not comply with medical recommendations
separated from the anabolic, but purely anabolic and ‘harmful use’ indicates a pattern of use that is
steroids have been synthesised in an attempt to causing damage to health but does not meet ICD–10
minimise the androgenic effects. criteria for dependence (Box 1).
Anabolic androgenic steroids (which for conciseness
we will call anabolic steroids hereafter) are prescribed
for the treatment of male hypogonadism, and there is Anabolic steroids and the law
evidence for their efficacy in the treatment of cachexia
associated with HIV, cancer, burns, renal and hepatic In the UK, anabolic steroids are prescription-only
failure, and anaemia associated with leukaemia and drugs under the Medicines Act 1968. They can be sold
hepatic failure (Basaria et al, 2001). To the general by a pharmacist only on the presentation of a doctor's
Harry Rashid is an innovative general practice registrar with an honorary contract with Birmingham Heartlands and Solihull NHS
Trust, having initially worked in general adult psychiatry for the Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Trust. He has a specialist
interest in sports medicine and anabolic steroid misuse. Sara Ormerod is a specialist registrar in old age psychiatry currently working
for Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Trust. Her clinical and research interests include the interface between physical and
psychiatric disorders. Ed Day is a senior lecturer in addiction psychiatry at the University of Birmingham (Department of Psychiatry,
Queen Elizabeth Psychiatric Hospital, Mindelsohn Way, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2QZ UK. Email: e.j.day@bham.ac.uk), and an
honorary consultant psychiatrist with the Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Trust. His research interests include developing
innovative pharmacological and psychological treatments for alcohol and drug dependence.
Rashid et al
the form of creams and gels (Table 1). Amounts used towards the end of the cycle, in the hope of allowing
are supraphysiological, often 10–100 times greater the body’s hormonal system time to recuperate and
than therapeutic doses. There are three common maintain homoeostasis.
regimes practised by steroid misusers: ‘cycling’, Some people use anabolic steroids continuously for
‘stacking’ and ‘pyramiding’ (Lukas, 2003). years. Various additional drugs are taken to combat
During ‘cycling’ the user takes the steroid for 4– the side-effects of the steroids, and these include
12 weeks and then stops for a variable period, after human chorionic gonadotrophin, diuretics, thyroid
which use is resumed again. Users believe that this hormones, growth hormone and insulin (Table 2).
time-off period helps to minimise side-effects.
‘Stacking’ is the use of more than one steroid
at a time, to maximise increases in lean muscle Psychiatric complications
mass, weight gain and strength. The drugs may be
administered by different routes, for example as a Anabolic steroids have been associated with a range
combination of injectable and oral steroids. of psychiatric symptoms, although the limited
In ‘pyramiding’ the user follows a cycle of building research literature in this area does not yet prove a
up to a peak dose and then tapering back down causal link.
Table 2 Other drugs commonly taken in association with anabolic androgenic steroids
Drug Effect Side-effects/comments
Human growth hormone Widely believed to increase muscle and tendon Major side-effects are bone over
(HGH) strength, making rupture less likely growth, cardiomegaly and tendency
to develop diabetes
Insulin Promotes uptake of amino acids by cells and High risk of hypoglycaemia
increases protein synthesis. Often used after a
Insulin-like growth Mediates metabolic effects of HGH. Increases Requires diet high in carbohydrate
factor 1 (IGF–1) protein synthesis and decreases protein break and containing sufficient protein for
down in muscle cellular reproduction
Clenbuterol Bronchodilator used to treat asthma. A beta-2
agonist with a potential role as a fat burner
Human chorionic Natural protein hormone that mimics luteinising
gonadotrophin (HCG) hormone’s effects in stimulating production of
testosterone. Used to counter negative feedback
effects of exogenous steroids
Tamoxifen Anti-oestrogenic agent prescribed for treatment
of oestrogen-dependent breast tumours. Used to
prevent or reduce gynaecomastia
Diuretics Used before competitions to remove excess sub Can induce electrolyte imbalance
cutaneous water
Cytomel® Synthetic thyroid hormone (T3) used to increase
basal metabolic rate by increasing synthesis of
protein, carbohydrates and fats
After Lenehan et al, 2004.
Box 3 Physical signs of anabolic steroid use
Hyperandrogenism is associated with insulin resis
Musculoskeletal system
tance, although trial results are equivocal and may
• Muscular hypertrophy
vary with the type of steroid used. For example,
• Increases in skeletal muscle enzymes detect
a direct correlation between methyltestosterone
ed by routine serum chemistry
administration and insulin resistance has been
Cardiovascular system (often reversible after demonstrated in non-obese women (Diamond,
steroid use ceases) 1998), whereas other work has shown that neither
• Decreased high-density lipoprotein choles testosterone nor nandrolone adversely affected
terol and increased low-density lipoprotein insulin resistance in men (Hobbs et al, 1996).
cholesterol (known risk factor for coronary Aromatisation is the process by which steroid
artery disease) hormones are interconverted. Testosterone and other
• Increased blood pressure aromatisable anabolic steroids are metabolised in part
• Reported cases of myocardial infarction, left to oestradiol and other oestrogen agonists, and males
ventricular hypertrophy and stroke using high doses of anabolic steroids can have the
circulating oestrogen levels typical of women during a
Hepatic system normal menstrual cycle (Wilson, 1988). This can lead to
• Cholestatic jaundice
breast pain in men and gynaecomastia, which is one of
• Benign and malignant liver tumours
the most frequently described side-effects of anabolic
• Peliosis hepatis (blood-filled cysts)
steroid use. Gynaecomastia is often irreversible. The
Reproductive system effect of anabolic steroids on female breast tissue in
Males the long term is not well studied, although some
• Benign prostatic hypertrophy animal studies suggest that it may cause breast cell
• Testicular atrophy autolysis and necrosis (Blanco et al, 2002). Anabolic
• Sterility steroids suppress gonadotrophins, with variable
• Gynaecomastia effects on sexual interest, erectile function (causing
• Abnormalities of sperm count, motility and spontaneous erections), the prostate and fertility.
morphology Testicular atrophy has been documented in control
• Painful breast lumps trials, and oligospermia may follow anabolic steroid
• Anabolic steroid misuse by prepubertal use (Eisenberg & Galloway, 2005).
boys may lead to premature closure of bony Supraphysiological doses of anabolic steroids in
epiphyses and a consequent reduction in fi women lead to virilisation. Women taking steroids
nal height have reported voice instability (deepening of
Females both projected speaking voice and singing voice),
• Breast tissue may shrink
clitoral hypertrophy, shrinking breasts, menstrual
• Menstrual abnormalities
irregularities, nausea and hirsuitism. Many of
• Masculinisation, including clitoral hyper
these side-effects are largely irreversible. Steroid
trophy, hirsuitism, deepened voice use can also lead to cutaneous striae, acne and
balding. There is a case report of secondary partial
Dermatological system empty sella syndrome, with pituitary atrophy from
• Male-pattern baldness negative feedback associated with the misuse of
• Acne steroids together with growth and thyroid hormones
• Oily skin (Dickerman & Jaikumar, 2001).
• Jaundice
• Needle marks
• Oedema due to water retention evident in Other complications
the hands and feet
Injecting is the predominant route of administration
Other systems of anabolic steroids (80% in one study), and so users
• Sleep apnoea are at risk of contracting blood-borne viruses includ
• Exacerbation of tic disorders ing hepatitis B and C and HIV (Brower et al, 1991).
• Polycythaemia However, a study of 149 injectors of anabolic steroids
• Altered immunity in England enrolled between 1991 and 1996 showed
• Glucose intolerance that only 2% were hepatitis B core antibody positive,
• Non-hepatic neoplasias compared with 18% of intravenous heroin users and
(Brower, 1992) 12% of amphetamine users. None of the steroid users
tested positive for HIV (Crampin et al, 1998).
population and the clinician must be aware of this low potential for overdose, adverse cardiac effects
in order to avoid an incorrect diagnosis of steroid and anticholinergic side-effects, all of which must
use. For example, a normal teenage pubertal male be taken into account when treating people who
may exhibit breast buds, small testes and cystic acne. have an increased risk for suicide, cardiotoxicity and
Similarly, endocrine disorders may mimic harmful prostatic hypertrophy. Antipsychotic drugs may be
use of anabolic steroids: polycystic ovary disease and needed to treat persistent and marked irritability,
idiopathic hirsutism are highly relevant and treatable aggressiveness or agitation.
examples of this. Muscular hypertrophy and thin
abdominal skin folds are among the most common
findings in anabolic steroid users. Unusual injuries Conclusions
such as ruptured tendons, ligaments or muscles
should also alert the clinician to possible steroid Anabolic steroid use has increased in prevalence in
use (Eisenberg & Galloway, 2005). Unexplained or many high-income countries over the past decade,
pronounced aggression may be the only obvious and it can lead to aggression, depression, mania and
symptom or sign (Copeland et al, 2000). The use of psychosis, in addition to a range of physical complica
other illicit drugs should always be considered. tions. Psychiatrists should be aware of the possibility
of steroid use, particularly in young men. Knowl
edge of the potential physical signs, combined with
Laboratory tests a detailed assessment of all drug use, will enable
Urine testing can confirm anabolic steroid use and the clinician to include anabolic steroid use in a dif
be used as a measure of abstinence. Although these ferential diagnosis where relevant. Abstinence from
tests are common in competitive sports, they are not steroid use usually leads to a reversal of most physi
usually available from hospital laboratories as part cal and psychological signs, although a withdrawal
of routine drug screenings in the clinical setting. In syndrome has been described. The symptoms of
addition, their use as a screening method for evidence dependence on anabolic steroids are similar to those
of drug cessation is complicated by the fact that seen with other drugs of misuse, suggesting that some
many injectable steroids have long half-lives and are of the conventional drug misuse treatments may be
lipophilic, resulting in sequestration in adipose tissue effective with people dependent on steroids.
and potential detection in urine a number of months
after use. Alterations in liver transaminase levels, or Declaration of interest
an unsual low-/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
profile may also suggest anabolic steroid use. None.
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