M1 Recommend Methods To Promote An e Commerce System

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M1 recommend methods to promote an e-commerce

TV Adverts TV adverts are a great way to promote your e-commerce website a catchy
and good TV advert on a popular show can boost your website massively and get consumers
attention that wouldn’t normally know your website existed. TV adverts can be quite
expensive depending on the TV channel so it is always best to make sure your advertisement
is as good as it can possibly be.

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Radio Adverts Radio adverts are similar to TV adverts the only major difference

being they have to visualise the website of your e-commerce business because of this I
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believe that a tv advert is much more effective in advertising an e-commerce system

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compared to radio, however a radio advert is usually slightly cheaper than a tv advert as less
people generally listen to the radio nowadays compared to watching TV.

Newspapers: Newspapers are another common way of advertising and these allow
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people to see your adverts whilst they read the headlines for example, a big advantage to
newspaper advertising is that once that newspaper is printed with your advertisement it is
permanently there unlike TV and Radio adverts that only last for so long before you have to
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rebuy another adverting slot however Newspapers had a different audience to TV’s and
Radios, it’s common knowledge that most of the younger generation don’t read newspapers

so you’re bound to attract the older folk who might not enjoy shopping online.

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App Adverts App Adverts are becoming more and more common in today’s society,

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there is no denying how effective they are. App Adverts can take place anywhere on mobile

it can be on the internet, it can be on YouTube you can get advertisements midway through

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mobile games I personally believe this form of advertising is not as effective as some others

as I feel annoying the customer into clicking you isn't a good way to get clicks on your e-
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Spam: Spam usually associated with emails is sending advertising messages to a wide
audience in the hopes people will click on it. Spam emails are quite annoying thus most

email providers such as google have spam filters built into their email addresses.
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Pop-Ups pop-ups would be another way for the business to promote their website, they
are usually a still image or a small animation which is activated once the website has loaded.
This type of promotion is annoying however it has proven to be effect in recent years
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Forums: Another form of advertising is doing so through forums and this can be done in
different ways it can be subtle and hinted at or boldly and obviously an advertisement.
Advertising on forums is free however, most website owners will not appreciate you
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advertising your website on their website and will usually remove your forum posts and ban

your IP from posting on their website again. Advertising on forums can be allowed and
sections of the forum can be dedicated to your advertisement the amount of money it costs
varies widely as it is up to the website owner to think of a suitable price to allow you to
advertise on their forum.

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This study source was downloaded by 100000799371684 from CourseHero.com on 11-24-2021 01:54:52 GMT -06:00

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