A. Choose The Correct Answer by Choosing A, B, C, D, or E!
A. Choose The Correct Answer by Choosing A, B, C, D, or E!
A. Choose The Correct Answer by Choosing A, B, C, D, or E!
20. The text talks about 24. If I had had free time
A. Six US soldiers killed by a …………..
blast A. I will watch the movie together
B. attacking against American with my friend.
C. a blast north of Baghdad B. I would watch the movie
D. a Sunni Arab insurgent together with my friend.
E. the US military C. I would have watched the movie
together with my friends.
21. Which of the following statement D. I would have been watching the
is NOT mentioned in the text? movie together with my friends.
A. Insurgent could increase E. I watched the movie together
attacks outside Baghdad. with my friends
B. Three soldiers were wounded
25. What is the fact of the previous
after an explosion went off.
sentence? (question no. 24)
C. The US invasion has caused
more than 3.170 of its soldiers
A. I didn’t have free time. C. I was not having free time.
Therefore, I didn’t watch the Therefore, I was not watching
movie together with my friend. the movie together with my
B. I don’t have free time. friend.
Therefore. I don’t watch the
movie together with my friend.
D. I am not having free time. E. I would not have free time.
Therefore. I am not watching the Therefore. I have not watch the
movie together with my friend. movie together with my friend
B. Essay
1. Complete the following conditional sentence by putting word in bracket in the correct
a. I would by the sweater, if I (have) some money
b. If i had seen the concert, I (tell) you abot last night
4. The following message is sent to from
5. Analyze the following caption! Then answer the questions!
Figure 1: The giraffe (Girraffa camelopardalis) in an African even toed ungulate
mammal, the tallest of all land-living animal species. Males can be 4.8 to 5.5 metres
tall and weigh up to 1,360 kilograms. The record-sized bull was 5.87 m tall and
weighed approximately 2,000 kg. Females are generally slightly shorter and weigh
less than the males do.
Source: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/La TeXFloats_Figures_and_Captionss
a. What can you see in the picture?