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A. Choose The Correct Answer by Choosing A, B, C, D, or E!

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A. Choose the correct answer by 3.

Andy : I heard there will be a

choosing A, B, C, D, or E! concert tonight. Would you like
1. John : Hello, Jean. Where have to go with me?
you been? Sam : I’m afraid I cannot.
Jean : Hi, John. I just bought Andy : Why? I think you
few really love the band.
Sam :Yes, I do. But I have
kilograms of apples in the
many works at home.
Andy : Let me help you, then.
John : Do you need some help to Sam : ..........................
carry the apples? Andy : Never mind. That’s
Jean : what friend should do.
The suitable respond to complete What should Sam say?
the dialogue is
A. I don’t know A. I really appreciate your help
B. Why? B. I don’t need your help
C. Of course, that’s very kind of C. I am fine, thank you
you D. I will go, too
D. I will help you E. Don’t worry
E. Good bye
4. Jane : You look pale.
2. Ronald : You look so busy Jim : I've got a serious
Marry : No, thank you. I can Jane : ....................
handle The suitable expression to
them. complete the dialogue is ….
The suitable expression to A. Let me take you to the
complete the dialogue is …. restaurant.
A. I will leave you alone B. What about a glass of avocado
B. Would you like some help? juice?
C. Do you want to help me? C. Let me take you to the hospital.
D. Sure, I would like to D. Would you like fried or steamed
E. Yes, please chicken?
E. Okay thanks.
5. Tom : This question is so
difficult to answer. 6. What position does satria apply
Jerry : ........................... for?
The suitable respond to complete A. Accounting staff
the dialogue is …. B. Secretary
A. Just don't answer it. C. Supervisor
B. Let's stop studying and go D. Business managerial staff
playing. E. Business administration staff
C. Would you like a cup of coffee?
D. Let me help you working on it. 7. Which of the following is not the
E. Just so so strenght of satria?
A. He ha strong communication
This text is for questions 6 to 9 B. He has skills in customer service
Satria Danu Atmaja C. He has excellent foreign
JIn. Halmahera 34 language skills
Bandung 40115 D. He has good administrative
Bandung, April 8, 2019 skills
E. He has two year experiences
Personnel Manager
Colls Co. 8. From the letter, we know that
JIn. Melati 290 A. Satria knew the job vacancy
Bandung 40239 from the personnel manager
Dear Sir, B. Satria has no experiencee at alll
I am writing to you in response to C. Satria has ever worked in
your administration advertisement for administrative school before
business staff which was advertised in D. The job vacancy was advertised
the Jakarta Post on Tuesday, April, 3, in newspaper
2019. I recently graduated from the E. The company needed some
University of Sebelas Maret, bussiness managerial staff as
Surakarta. I have two years experience soon as possible
in a variety of fields including
insurance and finance. 9. In addition to my extensive office
In addition to my extensive office experience, i i have strong
experience, have strong communication. The underlined
communication, customer service, and word has similar in meaning to
administrative skills. My broad A. Broad
background makes me an excellent B. General
candidate for this posítion. C. Limited
Thank you for your consideration. I D. Complete
look forward to hearing from you to E. exclusive
arrange an interview.

Satria Danu Atmaja

Exclosure: Resume
This text is for questions 10-12 hear audio content, those who may not
be fluent in the language in which the
audio is presented, those for whom the
language spoken is not their primary
language, etc. Captions can be either
closed or open. Closed captions can be
turned on or of, whereas open captions
ALEXANDER RIEDELI are always. Closed captions for
Three beetles have been named after
television are very limited in their
french cartoon series Asterix: Asterix,
Obelix, and Idefix. formatting because the caption look,
Source: https://www.bbc.com/ feel, and location are determined by
the caption decoder built into the
10. From the caption above, we know television set. Open captions are
that Alexander Riedeli is someone similar to, and include the same text,
who .. as closed captions, but the captions are
A. took the picture a permanent part of the video picture,
B. has the beetles and cannot typically be turned off.
C.named the beetles 13. Caption on television are useful
D. wrote the article for.. .
E. made the caption A. those who cannot see
B. those who do not have video
11. What is the article probably about? C. those who do not have television
A. The extinct beetles. set
B. New insects discovered. D. those who cannot operate the
C. The lost beetles. computer
D. Beetles in France. readers
E. French cartoon series. E. those who cannot hear
12. he caption above answers the
reader question about. 14. "..., it has also been found to help
A. the name of the beetles those that can hear audio
B. the species of the beetles content,.."(sentence 4)
C where the beetles was found The word "it" refers to.
D. who discovered the beetles A. caption
E what the beetles look like B. television
C. audio
This text is for questions 13 to 14 D. captioning
Caption can also be found on E. language
television. In this case, captions are
This text is for questions 15
text versions of the spoken word
presented within multimedia. Captions to 19.
allow the content of web audio and Storm damage shuts down
video to be accessible to those who do Australia Zoo
not have access to audio. Though A major clean-up is underway at
captioning is primarily intended for Australia Zoo after it was hit hard by
those who cannot hear the audio, it has last night's storm.
also been found to help those that can
The damage forced a decision for D. The storm happened few days
the zoo to remain closed today. ago.
A spokesman said all the animals E. The damage made the zoo
were safe as they had dens to provide collapsed.
protection from the tempest.
The decision to close during the 18. A spokesman said all the animals
clean- up was not made lightly, were safe as they had dens to
however, our guest, animal, and staff provide protection from the
safety is Our priority at all times," she tempest." The underlined word
said. The zoo is expected to re-open
has similar in meaning to
Monday morning.
A. rain
Taken from:
B. eruption
C. destruction
15. What is the news about? D. wind
A. Storms happened in Australia E. storm
B. A zoo is damaged because of a 19. The decision to close during the
storm. clean-up was not made lightly,
C. The closure of a zoo because however, our guest, animal, and
of its poor facilities. staff safety is our priority at all
D. Some animals ran away from times," he said. The indirect
Australian Zoo. sentence is.
E. Many animals died because of A. He said that the decision to
the storms. close during the clean-up was
not been made
16. What is the purpose of the lightly,however, their guest,
closure? animal, and staff sarety is
A. To clean-up the zoo. their priority at all times.
B. To make the zoo bigger and B. He said that the decision to
better. close during the clean-up was
C. To avoid the storms. not been made lightly,
D. To protect the endangered however, our guest, animal,
animals. and staff safety is their
E. To improve the facilities of the priority at all times.
zoo. C. He said that the decision to
close during the clean-up had
17. Which of the following been made lightly, however,
statements is true based on the their guest, animal, and staff
text? safety is their priority at all
A. All the zoos in Australia are times.
closed today. D. He said that the decision to
B. The closure is done because of close during the clean-up had
the damage of the zoo. not been made lightly,
C. The zoo is hoped to open next however, their guest, animal,
year. and staft safety was their
priority at all times.
E. He said that the decision to D. Six US soldiers died due to a
close during the clean-up was blast north of Baghdad on
not make lightly, however, Monday.
their guest, animal, and stafi E. Iraq and US forces are in the
safety is their priority at all second week of a security
times. crackdown in Baghdad.
The text is for questions number 20
to 22 22. Iraq and US forces are in the third
Baghdad (Reuters)- Six U.S week of a security crackdown in
soldiers were killed by a blast north of Baghdad aimed at stemming
Baghdad on Monday, the US military sectarian violence." (paragraph 3)
said on Tuesday. in one of the single
The underlined word has the same
deadliest ground attacks against
American forces in Iraq in months. meaning with..
Three other soldiers were wounded A. line
after an explosion went off near their B. guard
vehicles in the province of Salahaddin, C. attack
the military said in a statement, D. clean up
without giving details. Salahaddin is a E. protection
Sunni Arab insurgent stronghold.
More than 3.170 US soldiers have
23. I will visit your
died in Iraq since the US-led
invension in March 2003. Iraq and US
forces are in the third week of a A. If I come to Indonesia.
security crackdown in Baghdad aimed B. If I came to Indonesia.
at stemming sectarian violence. US C. If I will come to indonesia.
military Commanders have expressed D. If I would come to Indonesia.
concern that insurgents could step up E. If I would have come to
attacks outside Baghdad. Indonesia

20. The text talks about 24. If I had had free time
A. Six US soldiers killed by a …………..
blast A. I will watch the movie together
B. attacking against American with my friend.
C. a blast north of Baghdad B. I would watch the movie
D. a Sunni Arab insurgent together with my friend.
E. the US military C. I would have watched the movie
together with my friends.
21. Which of the following statement D. I would have been watching the
is NOT mentioned in the text? movie together with my friends.
A. Insurgent could increase E. I watched the movie together
attacks outside Baghdad. with my friends
B. Three soldiers were wounded
25. What is the fact of the previous
after an explosion went off.
sentence? (question no. 24)
C. The US invasion has caused
more than 3.170 of its soldiers
A. I didn’t have free time. C. I was not having free time.
Therefore, I didn’t watch the Therefore, I was not watching
movie together with my friend. the movie together with my
B. I don’t have free time. friend.
Therefore. I don’t watch the
movie together with my friend.
D. I am not having free time. E. I would not have free time.
Therefore. I am not watching the Therefore. I have not watch the
movie together with my friend. movie together with my friend

B. Essay
1. Complete the following conditional sentence by putting word in bracket in the correct
a. I would by the sweater, if I (have) some money
b. If i had seen the concert, I (tell) you abot last night

2. Please make 3 example of offering help


3. Read the following CV, then answer the questions!

Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information
Name : Susan Fatmawati
Address : Jati Street No. 32, Surakarta
Telephone : (0271) 892736
Cell Phone : 089 837 9226
Email : susanfatma@yahoo.com
Date of Birth : January 17, 1994
Place of Birth : Surakarta
Gender : Female
Marital Status : Single
Interest : Reading, traveling, singing
1999-2000 : TK Pertiwi 2
2000-2006 : SD Bhakti 1
2006-2009 :SMP Negeri 1
2009-2012 : SMA Negeri 1
2012-2016 : Sebelas Maret University
Work Experience
2016-2017 : Accountant, PT. Adi Jaya Furniture
2016-2019 : Accountant, Hills Hotel
Computer : Proficient in Microsoft Word,
Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook
Express Questions
a. Whose CV is that?

b. Has the applicant married?

c. Where had the applicant worked before?

d. When did the applicant graduate from the university?

e. ls the applicant still working?

This text is for question number 4

Dear Liza,
I have received you letter asking me to meet you at your house this Sunday to discuss
the urgent matter you have. I regret however to say that it will not be possible for me
to see you on Sunday as I already have a previous appointment . I shall see you on
Monday next week at 5 p.m . Hoping the change of date will be convenient to you .
Your sincerely

4. The following message is sent to from
5. Analyze the following caption! Then answer the questions!
Figure 1: The giraffe (Girraffa camelopardalis) in an African even toed ungulate
mammal, the tallest of all land-living animal species. Males can be 4.8 to 5.5 metres
tall and weigh up to 1,360 kilograms. The record-sized bull was 5.87 m tall and
weighed approximately 2,000 kg. Females are generally slightly shorter and weigh
less than the males do.
Source: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/La TeXFloats_Figures_and_Captionss

a. What can you see in the picture?

b. What type is the caption above?

c. What tense does it use?

d. How is the structure of the caption?

e. Where can you see this caption?

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