Amplitude-Shift Keying: Modulation Digital Data Amplitude Carrier Wave Signal Frequency Phase Binary

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Amplitude-shift keying

Amplitude-shift keying (ASK) is a form of modulation that represents digital data as

variations in the amplitude of a carrier wave.

The amplitude of an analog carrier signal varies in accordance with the bit stream

(modulating signal), keeping frequency and phase constant. The level of amplitude can be
used to represent binary logic 0s and 1s. We can think of a carrier signal as an ON or OFF
switch. In the modulated signal, logic 0 is represented by the absence of a carrier, thus
giving OFF/ON keying operation and hence the name given.

Like AM, ASK is also linear and sensitive to atmospheric noise, distortions, propagation
conditions on different routes in PSTN, etc. Both ASK modulation and demodulation
processes are relatively inexpensive. The ASK technique is also commonly used to
transmit digital data over optical fiber. For LED transmitters, binary 1 is represented by a
short pulse of light and binary 0 by the absence of light. Laser transmitters normally have a
fixed "bias" current that causes the device to emit a low light level. This low level represents
binary 0, while a higher-amplitude lightwave represents binary 1.

The transmission of digital signals is increasing at a rapid rate. Low-frequency analogue

signals are often converted to digital format (PAM) before transmission. The source
signals are generally referred to as baseband signals. Of course, we can send analogue
and digital signals directly over a medium. From electro-magnetic theory, for efficient
radiation of electrical energy from an antenna it must be at least in the order of magnitude of
a wavelength in size; c = f, where c is the velocity of light, f is the signal frequency
and is the wavelength. For a 1kHz audio signal, the wavelength is 300 km. An
antenna of this size is not practical for efficient transmission. The low-frequency signal is
often frequency-translated to a higher frequency range for efficient transmission. The
process is called modulation. The use of a higher frequency range reduces antenna size.
In the modulation process, the baseband signals constitute the modulating signal and the
high-frequency carrier signal is a sinusiodal waveform. There are three basic ways of
modulating a sine wave carrier. For binary digital modulation, they are called binary
amplitude-shift keying (BASK), binary frequency-shift keying (BFSK) and binary phaseshift
keying (BPSK). Modulation also leads to the possibility of frequency multiplexing.
In a frequency-multiplexed system, individual signals are transmitted over adjacent,
frequency bands. They are therefore transmitted in parallel and simultaneously
in time. If we operate at higher carrier frequencies, more bandwidth is available for
frequency-multiplexing more signals.
In experiment 5, we have mentioned that we need a modulator to modulate the data to a high
carrier frequency, so that the signal can be transmitted effectively. Therefore, for receiver, we must
convert the digital signal back to the modulating signal. Figure 6.1 shows the theoretical diagram of
ASK demodulation. There are two methods to design the ASK demodulator, which are
asynchronous detector and synchronous detector. We will discuss these two types of ASK
demodulator in this experiment.
1. Asynchronous ASK detector:
Figure 6.2 is the block diagram of asynchronous ASK detector. This structure is a typical
asynchronous ASK detector. When the ASK signal pass through the rectifier, we can obtain the
positive half wave signal. After that the signal will pass through a low-pass filter and obtain an
envelop detection. Then get rid of the DC signal, the digital signal will be recurred.
Figure 6.3 is the circuit diagram of asynchronous ASK detector, which R1, R2, and μA741 comprise
an inverting amplifier to amplify the input signal. Then D1 is the rectifying diode to make the
modulation signal passes through D1 half wave rectifier. R3 and C1 comprise a low-pass filter.
μA741, VR1, D2, R4 and C2 comprise a comparator, therefore, the output terminal can demodulate
the digital demodulated signal.


_ Low-Sine Wave Distortion, 0.5%, Typical
_ Excellent Temperature Stability, 20ppm/C, Typ.
_ Wide Sweep Range, 2000:1, Typical
_ Low-Supply Sensitivity, 0.01%V, Typ.
_ Linear Amplitude Modulation
_ TTL Compatible FSK Controls
_ Wide Supply Range, 10V to 26V
_ Adjustable Duty Cycle, 1% TO 99%
_ Waveform Generation
_ Sweep Generation
_ AM/FM Generation
_ V/F Conversion
_ FSK Generation
_ Phase-Locked Loops (VCO)

The XR-2206 is a monolithic function generator
integrated circuit capable of producing high quality sine,
square, triangle, ramp, and pulse waveforms of
high-stability and accuracy. The output waveforms can be
both amplitude and frequency modulated by an external
voltage. Frequency of operation can be selected
externally over a range of 0.01Hz to more than 1MHz.
The circuit is ideally suited for communications,
instrumentation, and function generator applications
requiring sinusoidal tone, AM, FM, or FSK generation. It
has a typical drift specification of 20ppm/C. The oscillator
frequency can be linearly swept over a 2000:1 frequency
range with an external control voltage, while maintaining
low distortion.

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