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Interview Q & A --on Kernel Upgradation

What is a Kernel Patch?

Kernel patches are simply a replacement of executable files at OS level.

Why do we upgrade kernel?

Kernel is upgraded while applying patches or add-ons, upgrading SAP or while converting from
Unicode to Non Unicode or vice versa.

What is the difference between Unicode and Non- Unicode?

•Unicode is a character encoding system similar to ASCII.
•This encoding standard provides the basis for processing, storage and interchange of text data in
any language in all modern software and information technology protocols.
•It supports all kinds of languages and it requires 70% more processing speed and storage area to
run the system perfectly.

What is SAPCAR?
SAPCAR is a Compression utility similar to winzip but it is a command based tool.

What are the two SAP services that has to be stopped before applying kernel patches?

Why should we stop the two SAP services?

The two SAP services have to be stopped because they are also part of the run folder. So, these
two services will also be updated and since they can’t be updated when they are running, these
services have to be stopped.

What are the two ways in which you can uncar a .car file?
1. SAPCAR –xvf .CAR and
2. CAR –xvf .CAR

What are the pre-requisites before applying a kernel patch?

•Check the Status of Kernel.
•Read the SAP Notes before downloading the patch.
•Go to Marketplace and download the required patch.
•Uncar the file and store it in a new folder KERNEL_NEW.
•Use the Transaction SM02 and send messages to all the users.
•Make sure no user is logged in using the transaction SM04 or AL08.
•Make sure no background job is running by using the transaction SM37.
•Stop the MMC and Database also.
•Stop the two services SAPOSCOL and SAP_INSTANCE NO.
•Take a backup of usr/sap//sys/exe/run folder and rename it as RUN_OLD.
•Copy the uncarred files into the run folder.
•Then start the MMC and logon.

TMS questions and Answers...

TMS questions and Answers...

What are the functions of a Transport Management System?

The TMS offers the following functions:
•Configuring the transport routes using a graphical editor.
•Displaying the import queues for all SAP Systems in the transport domain.
•Importing all the requests in an import queue.•Importing all the requests in a project.
•Importing specific requests.
•Transports between SAP Systems without a common transport directory.

What does a Transport domain contain?

Transport Domain will include all the systems which you plan to administer using the Transport
Domain controller.

How can we lock/unlock all users from OS level and from SAP?
At SAP Level:Use the T-Code EWZ5 and lock the users. At OS Level:Use the
locksys for locking and tp unlocksys for unlocking.

How to check the tp version?

Go to /usr/sap//sys/exe/run folder and type tp –V

What does return code 12 in transports indicates?

It indicates a problem in transport tool. tp and R3trans has to be updated from the marketplace.

What are the prerequisites before working with TMS?

Prerequisites before working with TMS are:
Configure the transport domain
Configure the domain controller
Configure the transport routes
Choose the transport strategy

What are the actions performed when a domain controller is defined and the entries are saved?
The following actions are performed:
The user TMSADM is created.
The RFC destinations required for TMS are generated.
The TMS configuration is stored in trans directory.
The transport profile for tp is generated.
The SAP system is configured as single system.

What is the purpose of configuring Virtual Systems?

TMS can be used to configure SAP Systems as virtual systems in the transport domain so that
the transport routes of the whole system landscape can be modeled.

When we configure TMS, two files are created. What are they?
The two files created are:1. domain.cfg and2. tp_domain.pfl.

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