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T he Effect of Comput er-Assist ed Language Learning Project (CALLP) on Yemeni EFL St udent …
Mohialdeen Alot umi
Exploring Teachers' T PCK: Are Indonesian Language Teachers Ready for Online Learning during t he C…
Horizon Research Publishing(HRPUB) Kevin Nelson, Edi Suyant o, Muhammad Fuad
Invest igat ing In-service Element ary School Teachers' Sat isfact ion wit h Part icipat ing in MOOC for Tea…
Kat erina Kedraka, Eirini T zovla
Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies Copyright 2020
2020, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1-14 ISSN: 2149-1291
Reza Rachmadtullah
Universitas PGRI Adi Buana, Surabaya, Indonesia
Widarto Rachbini
Graduate School Universitas Pancasila, Jakarta, Indonesia
The world of education in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 emphasized the
importance of digital literacy (Tamte, Enochsson, Buskqvist, and Kårstein, 2015). The colors
of education unite the application of pedagogy and ICT (Rienties et al., 2013). That need is seen
in the interaction of education that unites educators with ICT (Barak, 2017). So pedagogy and
technology are a unified whole in the development model of pedagogical competence (He,
Lundgren, & Pynes, 2017; Mei, Lin, Wang, & Lin, 2010). This reflects the fact that education
and ICT become policies and learning principles that need to be designed and applied in the
world of education (Lucke, Dunn, and Christie, 2017; Sumantri, Prayuningtyas,
Rachmadtullah, and Magdalena, 2018). This indicates that there is an ICT focus as educator
competencies in the world of education and knowledge-based learning models (Applewhite,
Kao, & Pritzker, 2018). Educators really need to have ICT-based classroom management skills
(Computers, 2013). Then the competence of educators is a competency based on technological,
pedagogical and knowledge competencies (Sergis, 2014) .
Naturally there will also be a change in measurement, which is a measurement that uses
a new ICT-based paradigm (Redecker, 2013). In this new paradigm, educators need to become
educators who are experts in content, technology and communication (Uerz, Volman, & Kral,
2018). Educators are musicians in classroom management based on communicative interactions
(Angeli & Valanides, 2005) The ability of educators in knowledge, in establishing educational
Correspondence Author E-Mail : ratnawati@esaunggul.ac.id
Susanto, R.
interactions, digital literacy skills or ICT and educational communication skills need to be built
for the development of learners and build positive, reflection, critical and evaluative views.
(Livingstone, 2007). So the mastery of technology, pedagogy, knowledge content and
communication is a factor and measurement model of pedagogical competency development
based on Technological, Pedagogical and Knowledge content (TPACK) (Rosenberg &
Koehler, 2015) and this ability becomes a strategy & key to educational success (Koh & Chai,
2016; Rachmadtullah, Ms, & Sumantri, 2018).
The successful mastery of technology in learning includes how the ability of educators
to use technology in preparing learning tools, in implementing learning, in assessing and
facilitating students in accessing learning devices, getting information and feedback on
assessments and ease of access (Liu, Tsai, & Huang, 2015; Woofter, 2019). The ability to
master technology and application in learning to overcome difficulties and obstacles in learning,
overcome problems of limited space and time, overcome differences in characteristics, learning
styles and can do repetition of learning incomprehension and incompleteness (Devine, et al,
2013) The ability to apply technology in learning can also improve learning attitudes and
behavior and independent learning tendencies and encourage learning to construct knowledge
(Andrew et al.,2018; Halpern, 2017). The ability to master the application of technology will
be able to improve the professionalism of educators in achieving learning outcomes (Chi &
Wylie, 2014). But the use of technology or ICT in learning is also not easy and without
obstacles if educators do not have a strong desire to use technology as a key to successful
learning, have limited self-confidence, low technological competence and unavailability of
networks or technological infrastructure (Jin, 2019). So the development and use of technology
is integrated in all human life and education is no exception (Yousafzai, Chang, Gani, & Noor,
2016). In the field of education, the use of technology focused on achieving learning and
technological achievements is perceived as the availability of infrastructure and internet and
intranet networks, ICT capabilities and the strong desire of educators to integrate ICT in
learning (McFarlane, 2019).
The preparation of pedagogical competencies is very basic for the teaching profession
(Wahyudin, 2016) Previous research states that pedagogical competence is a manifestation of
learning interactions. Pedagogical competence guarantees the focus of the learner, the level of
service, the value contained in the interaction between educators and learners, the ability to
listen with positive words, patterns of guidance, and how learning by providing learning
experiences for students to develop their potential (Susanto, Rozali, and Agustina, 2019)
Pedagogic or pedagogical abilities include how educators are able to condition collaborative
learning and social learning. (social learning).
Collaborative learning (Collaborative Learning) is a learning process that emphasizes
the process of collaboration between more than an individual who emphasizes the profile of
learners with the use of communication and information technology (Martín-Gutiérrez, Fabiani,
Benesova, Meneses, & Mora, 2015) In previous studies the implementation of collaborative
learning increases interactions between learners, improves the quality of learning and face-to-
face interaction or online learning that uses technology (Alamri & Tyler-Wood, 2017). This
learning process is also a strategy for learning achievement (Iasha, Rachmadtullah, Sudrajat, &
Hartanti, 2019). The process of collaborative learning is a group learning process where each
member contributes information, information, experience, ideas, attitudes, opinions, abilities
and skills they have to jointly increase the understanding of all members (Turgut, Tunga, &
Kisla, 2016; Yong, Gates, & Chan, 2019). Collaborative Learning is based on the idea that
learning activities should encourage and assist students in the process of building knowledge
so as to achieve deep understanding (Jaleel & Verghis, 2015). can also improve and develop
ways. By studying in groups, in addition to increasing student motivation and interest, it can
also improve and develop creative thinking. This is part of the professionalism and commitment
of educators (Asri et al, 2019; Ollila & Macy, 2018).
Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies Copyright 2020
2020, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1-14 ISSN: 2149-1291
Social learning (social learning) emphasizes the environment by involving the ability to
selectively observe the behavior of other individuals, in other words learning by modeling
(Piquero, 2015). Research conducted by Terrell describes that social learning links personal
formation and collaboration as achievements of learning.(Chen, Wang, Kirschner, & Tsai,
2018). Pedagogical abilities effectively impact social learning conditions (Cundill & Rodela,
2012; Widyasari et al., 2019) Social learning emphasizes the existence of groups and how
interactions between educators and learners take place in social and pedagogical interactions
(Susanto & Rachmadtullah, 2019).
Learning achievements expressed in a statement that can be a measurement of what
learners should know and understand, or referred to as an ability that can be done, a value or
outcome after gaining understanding and learning experience. Learning outcomes are very
beneficial for educators. Learning outcomes allow educators to design programs effectively, as
a measure of effective learning, and increase learning experiences (Rienties et al., 2013).
According to Bloom, effective learning outcomes can be measured in the realm of knowledge
levels, skill levels and behavior or attitudes (Rienties et al., 2013).
Technology is related to the teaching and learning process as an effective and efficient
media in the teaching and learning process. As a learning medium, technology, especially ICT
is associated with various activities used to access, collect, manipulate, and present or
communicate information. The intended technology includes equipment (such as computers,
laptops, and other devices), software applications and series (for example internet, wifi, local
network infrastructure (local network infrastructure and teleconference) .The use of technology
as a learning medium will obviously make teaching and learning process become effective and
efficient because it can facilitate a teacher in obtaining or conveying information (messages or
content, material) lessons, can help increase student understanding, presentation of data /
information more interesting or reliable, facilitate interpretation of data, and obtain information,
so in this case can it is said that technology as a medium is an important role as an effective and
efficient tool in the teaching and learning process
This research is very important to do because of the full technological and pedagogical
abilities to enhance learning outcomes in all three areas which include knowledge, skills and
attitudes. The results of research conducted by Malik, Rohendi and Widiaty ( 2019) and
McKenneyand Visscher (2019), The role of teachers is also needed in the development of
information technology in the learning process in schools, technology makes it easy for teachers
to convey messages and teachers can develop their pedagogical potential with the help of
technology. Wegerif and Major (2019) Technology has begun to be applied in education
because of the view that science is believed to improve the quality of human life. Various kinds
of technology products that can be utilized in learning show that the presence of information
and communication technology products is a necessity in education, especially in learning in
the present and future (Beckman, 2018; Wang et al, 2018) The increasing tendency of many
people towards ICT is directly related to the increasing stage of computer literacy, information
literacy, and also increasing community welfare. These factors complement each other and
cannot be separated. People who live in developed countries show a tendency for higher public
literacy compared to people in developing and poor countries. The integration of information
and communication technology in education develops through three stages, namely the use of
Audio-Visual Aid, the use of programmed material. The use of computers in education
(Cahyana, Sumantri, & Hasanah, 2017; Hadar & Ergas, 2019; Jandrić et al., 2018). Based on
the research findings that have been presented, the results of the study are useful to inform that
the importance of the study of factor analysis and measurement that touches on aspects of
pedagogy and technology as an indicator analysis of pedagogical competency development
models. This research is expected to be able to provide solutions for the advancement of
education through aspects of pedagogy and technology, especially in Indonesia and for
Susanto, R.
countries outside Indonesia, which are expected to be able to influence the advancement of
technology for teachers.
Literature Review
Globally, information and communication technology are all aspects that involve
technology, engineering, and management techniques used in controlling and processing
information and its use (Lawrence & Tar, 2018). There are three main components of learning
based on information and communication technology namely computers, multimedia, and
telecommunications. In addition, information and communication technology is also an
inseparable state that contains a broad understanding of all activities related to processing,
manipulation, management, and transfer of information between media. Technology is
something that cannot be avoided in this life, because technological progress will go according
to the progress of science (Khanagha, Ramezan Zadeh, Mihalache, & Volberda, 2018). Every
innovation created to provide benefits to human life, provide many conveniences, and as a new
way of doing human activities, specifically in the field of technology, people have enjoyed
many benefits brought about by the innovations that have been produced. Information and
Communication Technology, is a large umbrella terminology that includes all technical
equipment for processing and delivering information. ICT covers two aspects, namely
information technology and communication technology. Information technology includes all
matters relating to the process, use as a tool, manipulation, and management of information.
While communication technology is everything related to the use of tools to process and transfer
data from one device to another. Therefore, information technology and communication
technology are two inseparable concepts. So Information and Communication Technology
contains a broad understanding that is all activities related to processing, manipulation,
management, transfer of information between media (Alluhaidan, Chatterjee, Drew, & Stibe,
Research Design
This study aims to determine the factors and measurements that touch on aspects of
pedagogy and technology as an indicator analysis of pedagogical competency development
models. The method used in this research is a quantitative approach with associative design
while the design of the model in this study can be seen in Figure 1:
Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies Copyright 2020
2020, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1-14 ISSN: 2149-1291
TEC = Technological
PED = Pedagogical
LOC = Learning outcome
Research Hypothesis:
H1: The higher the technological capability, the higher the learning achievement
H2: The higher the pedagogical ability, the higher the learning achievement.
H3: There are dominant indicators in influencing the high level of achievement
Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire instrument consisting of 8 question
items that explored information and data regarding the ability of teachers in technoligcal and
pedagogical as well as learning outcomes obtained. The questionnaire was made with a Likert
scale consisting of 5 answer choices with very high measurements (score 5), high (score 4),
high enough (score 3), low (score 2), very low (score 1). Data was collected from the population
of educators in elementary schools in Region II of the West Jakarta City Administration, West
Jakarta, which includes Duri Kepa, Kedoya and Grogol Petamburan districts with a sample size
of 250 assuming the Maximum Likelihood Estimation Model (EML) that recommends sample
sizes between 100-200.
Susanto, R.
Data analysis techniques to identify the influence of the level of technological, and
pedagogical abilities on learning outcomes are carried out to get constructor analysis indicators
that can be used as models for the development of learning outcomes. Data analysis technique
is done through Goodness of-Fit (GoF) criteria. Stages of modeling and analysis of structural
equations for first and second model analysis. Measurements were made with Confirmatory
factor analysis (CFA) and using Structural equation modeling (SEM) as a tool. Data analysis
was also carried out to analyze indicators that predominantly influenced learning outcomes.
Construct Validity
The construct validity test shows the indicator size reflects the theoretical latent
construct through Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) with the following table 1:
Table 1
Construct Validity
Learning outcome Technological 653
Learning outcome Pedagogical 976
Tec1 Technological 717
Tec2 Technological 659
Tec3 Technological 696
Tec4 Pedagogical 750
Tec5 Pedagogical 800
Tec6 Learning outcome 725
Tec7 Learning outcome 761
Tec8 Learning outcome 709
The standardized regression values in the table indicate the loading factor of each
indicator to the construct where all values are> 0.60, which means the indicators are valid as
indicators to measure the construct
Constructive Reliability
Table 2
Constructive Reliability
Cronbach’s Alpha N of Items
Technological .732 3
Pedagogical .751 2
Learning outcome .776 3
The calculation results show that all instruments have very high reliability figures
(Cronbach’s Alpha), because according to Nunnaly (1967) (Peterson, 1994) and Hinkle (2004)
(A. Wheelan, 2004) or an index commonly used in social research, if the Cronbach's Alpha (α)
number above 0.60 indicates that the construct or variable is reliable.
Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies Copyright 2020
2020, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1-14 ISSN: 2149-1291
The diagram above provides summary information of GOF test results on the research
model that can be presented in the following table data.
Table 3
Goodness-of-fit Model
Goodness-Of-Fit (GOF) Analysis Results Cut Off Value Model Evaluation
Chi-square 2 = 33,052 Probabilitas ≥ Not Good
P = 0.002 0,05
TLI 0.954 TLI > 0.90 Good
GFI 0.969 GFI > 0.90 Good
AGFI 0.914 AGFI > 0.90 Good
CFI 0.948 CFI > 0.90 Good
RMSEA 0.079 RMSEA ≤ 0.08 Good
The table above provides summary information of GOF (Goodness of Fit) test results
on the research model as follows: (1) the chi-square criteria 33,052> 0.05 shows less good
because the smaller the better the better, (2) Model fit test with TIJ 0.954> 0.90 shows good
results, (3) GFI 0.969> 0.90 shows good results, (4) AGFI 0.914> 0.90 so that the model can
be accepted as a good model, (5) CFI 0.948> 0.90 shows good results, ( 6) RMSEA analysis as
an index to compensate for chi Square statistics shows 0.079 ≤ 0.08 so that there is a fit of the
model with the data so that the model can be accepted, then based on the existing GOF criteria,
the GOF is fulfilled, it is concluded that the model is fit with the data.
Hypothesis Testing
Hypothesis testing is done with the criteria of Critical Ratio (CR)> 1.96 or the value of
Probability (P) <0.05 then the basis for decision making:
If the probability value (sig value)> 0.05 or - t table <t count <t table then H0 is not rejected
If the probability value (sig value) <0.05 or t arithmetic <- t table or t arithmetic> t table then
H0 is rejected
Susanto, R.
Table 4
Estimate S.E
Learning outcome Technological 362 064
Learning outcome Pedagogical 719 062
Tec1 Technological 1000
Tec2 Technological 910 111
Tec3 Technological 922 104
Tec4 Pedagogical 1000
Tec5 Pedagogical 833 062
Tec6 Learning outcome 1000
Tec7 Learning outcome 1020 082
Tec8 Learning outcome 994 078
The value of p = *** (meaning the value is below 0.001, so this is significant at the 0.01
level which is certainly better than the 0.05 level)
Hypothesis Testing
1. p-value of the Technological variable = *** <0.05 so H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted,
which means that the Technological variable has a positive and significant effect on the
Learning outcome variable.
2. P-value of Pedagogical variable = *** <0.05 so H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, which
means Pedagogical variable has positive and significant effect on Learning Outcome
Of the eight indicators on the three research variables (in table 3) all meet the
significance due to loading factor> 0, 05 and can be described as the dominant variable indicator
of the research model as follows.
Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies Copyright 2020
2020, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1-14 ISSN: 2149-1291
b) Ped 4 at a magnitude of 0.833 which means exceeding the loading factor (>) 0,700,
which means that absolutely necessary indicators of the level of the ability of educators
in conditioning social learning (Social learning).
Based on the results of the terms that have been described, there is technological
progress as now, educators must be able to anticipate changes, so as not to miss the rapid
sophistication of technology. The use of information technology in teaching and learning
activities appropriately is expected to be able to make the learning process more meaningful,
given the various potential of information technology to support teaching and learning
activities. With the presence of technology, there is no other choice for the world of education
than taking part in utilizing it, which now allows for a wider communication process. Teachers
follow the development of technology, it will be easier to understand the progress of technology
that is so very fast development, on the contrary, teachers do not become technology illiterate
towards the advancement of sophisticated technology. This is in line with the basic theory and
framework of thinking formulated by Chi MTH, Wylie R The ability to master the application
of technology will be able to improve the professionalism of educators in achieving learning
outcomes (Chi & Wylie, 2014; Karakus, 2018). The results of the study also reinforce the
theoretical basis proposed by Terrell that social learning links personal formation and
collaboration as learning outcomes (Reed et al., 2010). The results of learning outcome that are
formed on the ability of Technological and Pedagogical provide construction on learning
outcome of knowledge, skills and attitudes positively and significantly (Rienties et al., 2013;
Zare, 2018).
The findings of this study also have a positive impact on teachers' knowledge of the use
of technology, because technology makes it easy for teachers to deliver messages to their
students. Furthermore, by using technology, the teacher will be greatly helped in carrying out
their duties in teaching. namely their learning will be more interesting so that it will be able to
foster student motivation in participating in learning from the teacher. Visualization and
animation of subject matter will make students easier to understand and more interested in
deeper learning the material. If all learning material can be packaged in a laptop then it is the
same as carrying the world in one hand. Imagine how much information can be entered on the
laptop and displayed by the teacher to his student students. Even various dictionaries and
encyclopedias can be embedded in the laptop as a source of learning that has extraordinary
Learning by utilizing technology has a positive impact on learning that is more relevant
to the real world because the material on the laptop is the latest material and can always be
updated. Thus, the teacher and students can do the teaching and learning process with the latest
material and will not miss the material from any part of the world. The teacher can arrange the
material according to students' needs for real life.
Clear learning will be more contextual and meaningful. Teachers and students will learn
from each other on material that has a relationship with the real world. Teachers will also be
Susanto, R.
more motivated and challenged to look for other learning resources so that they will encourage
them to be more active and creative.
Learning to use technology will encourage teachers to be able to create their own
materials by trying to perfect the materials that are already in their laptops. Thus, the teachers
will need cooperation with other teachers in adjusting existing material to their real needs in
class. This will encourage the realization of the principle of lifelong learning or because the
teacher will be challenged to always look for material from any source he can dig.
Technological and Pedagogical Models are factors and measurements of learning outcome in
education. This is evidenced by the results of research that concludes and answers the research
hypothesis that the higher technological capability, the higher performance learning. The higher
the pedagogical ability, the higher the learning outcome. There are dominant indicators in
influencing high levels of learning outcome.
The authors would like to thank all those who have contributed participation in this
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