21decentralized Operations and Segment Reporting

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 Decentralization

A decentralized organization is one in which decision making is not confined to a

few top executives but rather is spread throughout the organization with managers
at various levels making key operating decisions relating to their sphere of
responsibility. Decentralization is a matter of degree, since all organizations are
decentralized to some extent out of necessity.

 Advantages of Decentralization

A decentralized organization does not confine decision-making authority to a few

top executives; rather, decision-making authority is spread throughout the
organization. The advantages of decentralization are as follows:
1. Top management freed to concentrate on strategy.
2. Decision-making authority leads to job satisfaction.
3. Lower level managers can respond quickly to customers.
4. Lower-level managers gain experience in decision-making.
5. Lower-level decision often based on better information.

 Disadvantages of Decentralization

1. May be a lack of coordination among autonomous managers.

2. Lower-level managers may make decisions without seeing the “big picture.”
3. Lower-level manager’s objectives may not be those of the organization.
4. May be difficult to spread innovative ideas in the organization.

 Segment

A segment is a part or activity of an organization about which managers would

like cost, revenue, or profit data. Examples of segments include divisions of a
company, sales territories, individual stores, service centers, manufacturing plants,
marketing departments, individual customers, and product lines. A company’s
operations can be segmented in many ways. For example, segment the business by
geographic region, by individual store, by the nature of the merchandise, by brand
name and so on.
Responsibility Center
Responsibility accounting systems link lower-level managers’ decision-making
authority with accountability for the outcomes of those decisions. Responsibility
center is broadly defined as any part of an organization whose manager has control
over, and is accountable for cost, profit, or investment funds. The three primary
types of responsibility centers are cost centers, profit centers, and investment
centers. Superior Foods Corporation provides an example of the various kinds of
responsibility centers that exist in an organization.

Investment Centers S u p e r io r F o o d s C o r p o r a tio n

C o r p o r a te H e a d q u a rte rs
P r e s id e n t a n d C E O

O p e r a tio n s F in a n c e Legal P e rs o n n el
V ic e P r e s id e n t C h ie f F In a n c ia l O ffic e r G e n e ra l C o u n s e l V ic e P r e s id e n t

S a lty S n a c k s B e vera g es C o n fe c tio n s

P ro d u c t M a n g e r P ro d u c t M a n a g e r P ro d u c t M a n a g e r Centers

B o ttlin g P la n t W a reh o u se D is tr ib u tio n Cost

M anager M anager M anager

 Cost Center

A cost center is a business segment whose manager has control over costs, but
not over revenue or investment funds. Service departments such as accounting,
general administration, legal and personnel are usually considered to be cost
centers. In addition, manufacturing facilities are often considered to be cost center.
The manager of the cost center are expected to minimize cost while providing the
level of services or the amount of products demanded by the other parts of the
organization. Standard cost variances and flexible budget variances are often used
to evaluate cost center performance.

 Profit Center

In contrast to a cost center, a profit center is any business segment whose

manager has control over both costs and revenue. Like a cost center, however, a
profit center generally does not nave control over investment funds. Profit center
managers are often evaluated by comparing actual profit to targeted or budgeted
profit. An example of a profit center is a company’s cafeteria.

 Investment Center

An investment center is any segment of an organization whose manager has

control over cost, revenue, and investments in operating assets. Investment center
managers are usually evaluated using return on investment (ROI) or residual
income. An example of an investment center would be the corporate headquarters.

 Segment Margin

To prepare an income statement for a particular segment, variable expenses are

deducted from sales to yield the contribution margin for the segment. The
segment margin, which is computed by subtracting the traceable fixed costs of
a segment from its contribution margin. It represents the margin available
after a segment has covered all of its own costs. The segment margin is the best
gauge of the long-run profitability of a segment. There are two keys to building
segmented income statements:
1. A contribution format should be used because it separates fixed from variable
costs and it enables the calculation of a contribution margin.
2. Traceable fixed costs should be separated from common fixed costs to enable
the calculation of a segment margin.
Income Statement
Contribution Margin Format
Television Division

Sales $300,000
Variable COGS 120,000
Other variable costs 30,000
Total variable costs 150,000
Contribution margin 150,000
Traceable fixed costs 90,000
Division margin $ 60,000

 Traceable Fixed Cost

A Traceable costs or a segment is a fixed cost that is incurred because of the

existence of a particular segment and would disappear over time if the segment
itself disappeared. Only the traceable fixed costs are charged to a segment in the
segmented income statements in the report. It is important to realize that the
traceable fixed costs of one segment may be a common fixed cost of another
segment. For example, the landing fee paid to land an airplane at an airport is
traceable to the particular flight, but it is not traceable to first-class, business-class,
and economy-class passengers.

 Common Fixed Cost

A common cost is a fixed cost that supports the operations of more than one
segment, but is not traceable in whole or in part to any one segment. Common
costs arise because of the overall operation of the company and would not

disappear if any particular segment were eliminated. Common costs are not
allocated to segments.

Income Statement

Company Television Computer

Sales $ 500,000 $ 300,000 $ 200,000
Variable costs 230,000 150,000 80,000
CM 270,000 150,000 120,000
Traceable FC 170,000 90,000 80,000
Division margin 100,000 $ 60,000 $ 40,000

Common costs 25,000

Net operating income $ 75,000

 Return on Investment (ROI)

Rate of return is an approach for measuring managerial performance of a segment.

The return on investment (ROI) is defined as net operating income divided by
average operating assets. The higher the ROI of a business segment, the greater
the profit generated in a segment operating assets. ROI measures net operating
income earned relative to the investment in average operating assets.
Net Operating Income
Return on Investment
(ROI) = Average Operating
Net operating income, rather than net income, is used in the ROI formula. Net
operating income is income before interest and taxes and is sometimes referred
to as earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT). Operating assets include cash,
account receivable, inventory, plant and equipment, and all other assets held for
productive use in the organization. Most companies use the net book value of
depreciable assets to calculate average operating assets.
We can modify this formula slightly by introducing sales as follows
Net Operating
Return on Investment Income X
(ROI) Average Operating

The first term on the right-hand side of the equation is the margin. Margin is a
measure of management’s ability to control operating expenses in relation to sales.
The lower the operating expenses per taka of sales, the higher the margin earned.
Net Operating
Margin = Income
The second term of the right-hand side of the equation is turnover. Turnover is a
measure of the sales that are generated for each taka invested in operating assets.
Turnover = Average Operating
The following alternative form of the ROI formula, which will be used most
frequently, combines margin and turnover:
Return on Investment (ROI) = Margin X Turnover

 Improve or Increase the ROI

There are three ways to increase ROI;

1. Increase Sales: With the help of increase in sales we can be able to increase
2. Reduce Expenses: If we can be able to reduce expense, operating income will
be increased. Due to the increase in operating income ROI will be increase
3. Reduce Assets: If we can be able to reduce average operating assets, ROI will
be increased. By using JIT inventory as an operating asset can be reduced.
Criticisms of ROI
1. In the absence of the balanced scorecard, management may not know how to
increase ROI. They may increase ROI in a way that is inconsistent with the
company’s strategy or they may take actions that increase ROI in the short run
but harm the company in the long run. Example, cutting back on research and
development cost.
2. Managers often inherit many committed costs over which they have no control.
These committed costs may be relevant in assessing the performance of the
business segment.
3. A manager who is evaluated based on ROI may reject investment opportunities
that are profitable for the whole company but that would have negative impact
on the manager’s performance evaluation.

 Residual Income

Another approach to measuring an investment center’s performance is residual

income. Residual income is the net operating income that an investment center
earns above the minimum required return on its operating assets. That means,
Residual income measures net operating income earned less the minimum required
return on average operating assets. Residual income encourages managers to make
profitable investments that would be rejected by managers using ROI.

Operating assets $ 100,000 Actual income $ 30,000

Required rate of return × 20% Minimum required return (20,000)
Minimum required return $ 20,000 Residual income $ 10,000

 Transfer Pricing

A transfer price is the price charged when one segment of a company provides
goods or services to another segment of the company. The fundamental objective in
setting transfer prices is to motivate managers to act in the best interests of the
overall company. There are three primary approaches to setting transfer prices:
1. Negotiated Transfer Prices
2. Transfer at Cost Prices at the selling division
a. Variable Cost
b. Full (Absorption Cost) Cost
3. Transfer at Market Prices

 Negotiated Transfer Prices

A negotiated transfer price results from discussions between the selling and buying
divisions. Advantages of negotiated transfer prices:
a) They preserve the autonomy of the divisions, which is consistent with the
spirit of decentralization.
b) The managers negotiating the transfer price are likely to have much
better information about the potential costs and benefits of the transfer
than others in the company.

 Transfer at Cost Prices

Many companies set transfer prices at either the variable cost or full (absorption)
cost incurred by the selling division. The drawbacks of this approach include:
1. Using full cost as a transfer price can lead to suboptimization because it does not
distinguish between variable costs, which may be relevant to the transfer pricing
decision, and fixed costs, which may be irrelevant.

2. If cost is used as the transfer price, the selling division will never show a profit on
any internal transfer. The only division that shows a profit is the division that
makes the final sale to an outside party.
3. Cost-based transfer prices do not provide incentives to control costs. If the actual
costs of one division are passed on to the next, there is little incentive for
anyone to work on reducing costs.

 Transfer at Market Prices

A market price (i.e., the price charged for an item on the open market) is often
regarded as the best approach to the transfer pricing problem. It works best when
the product or service is sold in its present form to outside customers and the
selling division has no idle capacity. With no idle capacity the real cost of the
transfer from the company’s perspective is the opportunity cost of the lost revenue
on the outside sale.
It does not work well when the selling division has idle capacity. In this case,
market-based transfer prices are likely to be higher than the variable cost per unit
of the selling division. Consequently, the buying division may make pricing and
other decisions based on incorrect, market-based cost information rather than the
true variable cost incurred by the company as a whole.

1. What is meant by the term decentralization?
Decentralization means that decision making in an organization isn’t confined
to a few top executives, but rather is spread throughout the organization with
managers at various levels making key operating decisions relating to their
sphere of responsibility.

2. What benefits are felt to result from decentralization in an organization?

The benefits include: (1) a spreading of decision-making responsibility among
managers, thereby relieving top management from day-to-day problem
solving and allowing them to focus their time on long-range planning; (2)
training in decision making for lower-level managers, thereby preparing them
to assume greater responsibility; (3) greater job satisfaction and greater
incentive for lower-level managers; (4) better decisions, since decisions are
made at the level where the problem is best understood; and (5) a more
effective basis for measuring managerial performance through the creation of
profit and investment centers.

3. Identify three business practices that hinder proper cost assignment to

segments of a company.
The three business practices are (a) omission of some costs in the
assignment process, (b) the use of inappropriate allocation methods, and (c)
allocation of common costs to segments.

4. Explain how the segment margin differs from the contribution margin. Which
concept is most useful to manager? Why?
The contribution margin represents the portion of sales revenue remaining
after deducting variable expenses. The segment margin represents the
margin still remaining after deducting traceable fixed expenses from the
contribution margin. Generally speaking, the contribution margin is most
useful as a planning tool in the short run, when fixed costs don’t change. The
segment margin is most useful as a planning tool in the long run, when fixed
costs will be changing, and as a tool for evaluating long-run segment
performance. One concept is no more useful to management than the other;
the two concepts simply relate to different planning horizons.

5. What is segment of an organization? Give several examples of segments.


A segment is any part or activity of an organization about which a manager

seeks cost, revenue, or profit data. Examples of segments include
departments, operations, sales territories, divisions, product lines, and so

6. What costs are assigned to a segment under the contribution approach?

Under the contribution approach, costs are assigned to a segment if and only
if the costs are traceable to the segment (i.e., could be avoided if the
segment were eliminated). Common costs are not allocated to segments
under the contribution approach.

7. Distinguish between traceable cost and a common cost. Give several

examples of each.
A traceable cost of a segment is a cost that arises specifically because of the
existence of that segment. If the segment were eliminated, the cost would
disappear. A common cost, by contrast, is a cost that supports more than one
segment, but is not traceable in whole or in part to any one of the segments.
If the departments of a company are treated as segments, then examples of
the traceable costs of a department would include the salary of the
department’s supervisor, depreciation of machines used exclusively by the
department, and the costs of supplies used by the department. Examples of
common costs would include the salary of the general counsel of the entire
company, the lease cost of the headquarters building, corporate image
advertising, and periodic depreciation of machines shared by several

8. What are the benefits and costs of decentralization?

Benefits of decentralization include:
1. better decisions made by lower-level managers due to their
having the best information regarding local conditions,
2. the acquisition of decision-making ability and other management
skills that help lower-level managers move up in an organization,
3. better motivation and higher status of lower-level managers.

Costs include:
1. making decisions that are not in the organization's best interests,
2. duplication of services,
3. higher costs of accumulating and processing information, and
4. the waste of time due to dickering with other organizational units
about goods or services one unit provides to another.

9. Differentiate Centralization and Decentralization.

Centralization happens when decision rests exclusively to top management.

Decentralization is in place when the power to make decision is entrusted to

operating managers; this is the model used in designing and managing
autonomous responsibility centers.

10.What are the advantages of Decentralization? Give at least three.

(1) Responsibility center managers are authorized to decide on operational
matters within their technical expertise and control.
(2) Decisions are made quicker
(3) Employees are more involved leading to more commitment in their work.

11.What are the dis-advantages of Decentralization? Give at least two.

(1) Lower managers who lack the necessary skills in making excellent decisions
are tapped.
(2) Operating managers are inclined to decide in favor of presenting a favorable
results of their responsibility center’s performance over that of the
organizational performance; this leads to sub optimization.

12.How does the organizational segments are classified within a decentralized

In decentralized operations, organizational segments are classified into
responsibility centers headed by a manager who is assigned a corresponding
authority, responsibility and accountability in business operations.

13.Describe the lowest internal transfer price that an autonomous division

manager of an investment center would consider accepting for a product that
his/her division produces.
The lowest price that an investment center manager should ever consider is
the one that would leave his/her performance evaluation measures
unaffected. Typically, this would be the price that maintains divisional profits
at the level that existed prior to acceptance of the internal transfer. This
price should be no lower than the total of the selling segment’s incremental
costs associated with the services/goods plus the opportunity cost of the
facilities used.

14.Can the performance evaluation measures (for autonomous subunit

managers) create goal congruence problems in transfer pricing situations?
Yes, at times, performance-based incentives can conflict with overall
organizational goals. The situation is the worst when upper level managers
look at the performance of subunit managers in a comparative fashion. In
this case, before transacting with another internal segment, each manager
needs to determine how the transaction would affect his/her performance
evaluation measure relative to the performance evaluation measure of the
other transacting party.

15.The allocation of costs gives rise to several unique terms. Briefly discuss the
following: cost object, cost allocation base, and cost allocation.
Cost object—the responsibility centers, products, or services to which costs
are to be assigned.

Cost allocation base—a measure of activity, physical characteristic, or

economic characteristic that is used as the basis for cost allocation.
Commonly known as cost drivers, examples may include machine hours,
labor cost, number of setups, and a host of other items.

Cost allocation—the process of assigning costs to the cost object by using

the cost allocation base.

16.Why don’t upper-level managers simply dictate transfer prices to divisional

managers, and thereby avoid all the hassles and expense of the negotiations
between them (divisional managers)?
Once upper-level managers impose their wills on lower-level managers, the
autonomy of the lower-level managers is reduced. This situation is significant
because managers should only be evaluated on the controllable aspects of
operations. If upper management sets transfer prices, various divisional
income measures (ROI, RI, etc.) are no longer fair bases on which to evaluate
lower-level managers. Thus, intervention reduces both the authority to act
and the subsequent responsibility of lower managers.

17.Explain the relevance of sub optimization.

Sub optimization is a condition whereby individual managers work to achieve
results that are in their own best interests and that of their segments to the
detriment of the overall company. Top managers must guard against such
behavior of subordinates when authority is delegated to them in a
decentralized setting. Sub optimization results from segment managers’
motivation to appear successful and gain rewards and recognition.
Sometimes, this motivation overrides the best interests of the company.

18.The two basic functions of responsibility reports are to:

(1) Provide operational managers with information needed for planning,
controlling, and decision making for their areas of responsibility.
(2) Assist top managers in evaluating how well operational managers fulfilled
their responsibilities to the organization.

19.The performance reports generated by a responsibility accounting system

often form a "hierarchy of performance reports." Explain what is meant by
this term.
The performance evaluations are tied to the organizational chart. The
performance report at each level reflects results of the units that report to the
manager at that particular level, with the results being combined and
"delivered" to the next higher level in the firm. Thus, each manager receives
feedback that reflects his or her areas of responsibility, and the whole
process parallels a pyramiding of accountability throughout the organization.

20.Explain why managers needs to measure performance.

The goal of measuring performance is to objectively capture achievement of
the organization's goals. To achieve goals, firms identify critical success
factors. Some critical success factors are more easily measured in
nonmonetary units rather than monetary units. Examples of such factors
include: customer satisfaction, throughput, and product quality.


1. Why would a company decentralized?
a. To train and motivate division managers
b. To focus top management’s attention to operating decisions
c. To allow division managers to concentrate on strategic planning
d. All of the above

2. Decentralization occurs when

a. The firm’s operations are located over a large geographic area to reduce
b. Authority for important decisions is delegated to lower segments of the
c. Important decisions are made at the upper levels and the lower levels of
the organization are responsible for implementing the decisions
d. None of the above.

3. In a company with a centralized approach to responsibility accounting, upper-

level managers typically
a. Make key decisions only
b. Implement key decisions only
c. Both make and implement decisions
d. Review the outcomes of key decision only

4. Responsibility accounting is a system whose attributes include

a. Culpability, liability and accountability
b. Responsibility, liability and culpability
c. Performance evaluation, accountability, and responsibility
d. Liability, accountability, and performance evaluation

5. The Atwood Company uses a performance reporting system that reflects the
company’s decentralization of decision making. The departmental
performance report shows one line of data for each subordinate who reports
to the group vice-president. The data presented shows the actual costs
incurred during the period, the budgeted costs, and all variances from budget
for that subordinate’s department. The Atwood Company is using a type of
system called
a. Cost-benefit accounting

b. Flexible accounting
c. Responsibility accounting
d. Contribution budgeting

6. What term identifies an accounting system in which the operations of the

business are broken down into reportable segments and the control functions
of a foreperson, sales managers or supervisor is emphasized?
a. Responsibility accounting
b. Operations-research accounting
c. Control accounting
d. Budgetary accounting

7. Segmented income statements are most meaningful to managers when they

are prepared
a. In a multi-step format
b. On an absorption cost basis
c. On a cost behavior basis
d. On a cash basis

8. When used for performance evaluation, periodic internal reports based on a

responsibility accounting system should not
a. Distinguish between controllable and noncontrollable costs
b. Include allocated fixed overhead
c. Be related to the organization chart
d. Include variances between actual and budgeted controllable costs

9. Consistency between goals of the firm and the goals of its employee is:
a. Goal compensation
b. Goal optimization
c. Goal congruence
d. Goal conformance

10.Goal congruence is most likely to result when

a. A managers knows the criteria used to judge his or her performance
b. Reports’ behavior is affected by the criteria used to judge their
c. Performance evaluation criteria encourage behavior in the company’s best
interests as well as in the manager’s best interests
d. Managers’ behavior is affected by the criteria used to judge their

11.An emphasis on obtaining goal congruence is consistent with a broad

managerial approach called

a. Just-in-time philosophy
b. Management by objectives
c. Management by crisis
d. Management through goal congruence

12. A segment is any part of an organization about which manager seeks

a. Cost data
b. Revenue data
c. Quantitative data
d. Any of the above

13. Indicate which of the following costs would be avoided if a segment is

1. Variable manufacturing costs
2. Direct fixed costs
3. Common fixed costs
4. Variable selling costs
5. Direct fixed selling costs
6. Common fixed selling costs

a. 2,3,5,6 c. 2,3,4,5
b. 1,2,4,5 d. 1,4,5,6

14. Advantages of decentralization include all of the following except

a. Divisional management is able to react to changing market conditions
more rapidly than top management
b. Divisional management is a source of personnel for promotion to top
management positions
c. Decentralization can motivate divisional managers
d. Decentralization permits divisional management to concentrate on
company-wide problems and long-range planning
15. In a company with decentralized approach to responsibility accounting,
upper-level managers typically
a. Make key decisions only
b. Implement key decisions only
c. Both make and implement key decisions
d. Review the outcomes of key decisions only

16. Decentralization occurs when

a. The firm’s operations are located over a large geographic area to reduce
b. Authority for important decisions is delegated to lower segments of the
c. Important decisions are made at the upper levels and the lower levels of
the organization are responsible for implementing the decisions
d. None of the above

17. A good example of a common cost which normally could not be assigned to
products on a segmented income statement except on an arbitrary basis
would be:
a. Product advertising outlays
b. Salary of a corporation president
c. Direct materials
d. The product manager’s salary

18. All other things being equal, if a division’s traceable fixed expenses increase:
a. The division’s contribution margin ratio will decrease
b. The division’s segment margin ratio will remain the same
c. The division’s segment margin will decrease
d. The overall company profit will remain the same.

19. It is the process of delegating the decision-making authority throughout an

a. Staffing
b. Segmentation
c. Decentralization
d. None of the above.

The process of delegating the decision making authority throughout an
organization is called decentralization. It is the dispersion or distribution
of powers and functions from the central authority within the organization.

Obviously Choices A and B are incorrect. Staffing is merely assigning

capable workers to their appropriate kind of work. And Segmentation is
the process of dividing the costs or activities of the organization.
20.The following are the advantages of decentralization, except one:
a. Sharpens the focus of subunit managers
b. Increases motivation of subunit managers
c. Management is relieved of much day-to-day problem solving
d. Manager’s attention may be focused only on the subunit rather than the
organization as a whole

Accordingly, there are 10 advantages of the decentralization.
Choices A, B and C are correct.

In a decentralized setting, the manager of a small subunit has a

concentrated focus. Top management are relieved of the burden of day-to-
day operating decisions, and they can spend more time and energy on
strategic planning for the entire organization.

Also, subunit managers are usually more highly motivated when they can
exercise greater individual enterprise.

So, Choice D is incorrect, because individual subunit managers may

regard themselves as competing with managers of other subunits in the
same organization as if they were external rivals. Consequently, they may
be unwilling to share information to other subunits.

21. There are costs that are charged directly to the segments in the report,
choose the exception.
a. Insurance and maintenance of the division building
b. Salary of the division manager
c. Common fixed expenses not traceable
d. Direct fixed costs

Only the traceable or direct fixed costs are charged to the segments in
the report. Deducting traceable fixed costs from the segment contribution
margin would yield the segment margin or contribution to indirect or
common costs.

Therefore, deducting common fixed expenses not traceable to individual

segment from the segment margin would result to the net operating
income or loss of the segment. So thus, it is inappropriate to deduct or
charged common fixed expenses that are not traceable.

Choices A and B are example of traceable fixed costs, which are easily
identified or traced to a particular segment.

22. An organization’s managerial decision-making model for capital budgeting is

based on the net present value of discounted cash flows. The same
organization’s managerial performance evaluation model is based on annual
divisional return on investment. Which of the following is true?
a. Divisional managers are likely to maximize the measures in the decision-
making model.
b. Divisional managers are likely to maximize the measures in the
performance evaluation model.
c. The manager has an incentive to accept a project with a positive net
present value that initially has a negative effect on net income.
d. The use of models with different criteria promotes goal congruence.

23.A large corporation allocates the costs of its headquarters staff to

decentralized divisions. The best reason for this allocation is to
a. More accurately measure divisional operating results
b. Improve divisional management’s morale
c. Remind divisional managers that common costs exist
d. Discourage any use of central support services

24. Disadvantages of decentralization include all of the following except:

a. lack of communication among segments.

b. services duplication.
c. lower manager motivation.
d. time taken to negotiate between units.

25.Advantages of decentralization include all of the following except:

a. divisional management is able to react to changing market conditions more
rapidly than top management
b. divisional management is a source of personnel for promotion to top
management positions
c. decentralization can motivate divisional managers
d. decentralization permits divisional management to concentrate on firm-
wide problems and long-range planning

26.Separation of businesses into more manageable operating units is termed

a. True
b. False

27.The process of measuring and reporting operating data by areas of

responsibility is termed responsibility accounting.
a. False
b. True

28.A decentralized business organization is one in which all major planning and
operating decisions are made by top management.
a. False
b. True

29.A centralized business organization is one in which all major planning and
operating decisions are made by top management.
a. True
b. False

30.The primary disadvantage of decentralized operations is that decisions made

by one manager may affect other managers in such a way that the
profitability of the entire company may suffer.
a. True
b. False

31.The three common types of responsibility centers are referred to as cost

centers, profit centers, and investment centers.
a. True
b. False

32.One of the advantages of decentralization is that delegating authority to

managers closest to the operation always results in better decisions.
a. False
b. True

33.Developing and retaining quality managers is an advantage of

a. True
b. False

34.A responsibility center in which the department manager has responsibility

for and authority over costs, revenues, and assets invested in the department
is termed a cost center.
a. True
b. False

35.Budget performance reports prepared for the vice-president of production

would generally contain less detail than reports prepared for the various plant
a. True
b. False

36.The amount of detail presented in a budget performance report for a cost

center depends upon the level of management to which the report is
a. True
b. False

37.The primary accounting tool for controlling and reporting for cost centers is a
a. False
b. True

38.Responsibility accounting reports that are given to lower level managers are
usually very detailed, in turn, higher level managers will be given a summary
a. True
b. False

39.A manager in a cost center also has responsibility and authority over the
revenues and the costs.
a. True
b. False

40.The plant managers in a cost center can be held responsible for major
differences between budgeted and actual costs in their plants.
a. True
b. False

41.A responsibility center in which the authority over and responsibility for costs
and revenues is vested in the department manager is termed a profit center.
a. True
b. False

42.Operating expenses directly traceable to or incurred for the sole benefit of a

specific department and usually subject to the control of the department
manager are termed direct expenses
a. True
b. False

43.Sales commission’s expense for a department store is an example of a direct

a. False
b. True

44.Operating expenses incurred for the entire business as a unit that are not
subject to the control of individual department managers are called indirect
a. False
b. True

45.Office salaries expense for a department store is an indirect expense.

a. True
b. False

The next 6 questions are based on the following data & choices: (Matching
Depending on the type of responsibility center, managers have different
responsibilities. Match the responsibilities with the responsibility center.
a. Cost center
b. Profit center
c. Investment center
d. Cost and Profit centers
e. Cost and Investment centers
f. Profit and Investment centers
g. Cost, Profit, and Investment centers

46.Factory wages
Cost, Profit, and Investment centers

47.Purchase of equipment
Investment center

48.Property taxes
Investment center

49.Repairs and maintenance expense

Cost, Profit, and Investment centers


Profit and Investment centers

51.Indirect expenses
Cost and Profit centers

52.The underlying principle of allocating operating expenses to departments is

to assign to each department an amount of expense proportional to the
revenues of that department.
a. True
b. False

53.Property tax expense for a department store's store equipment is an example

of a direct expense.
a. True
b. False

54.Depreciation expense on store equipment for a department store is an

indirect expense.
a. True
b. False

55.Responsibility accounting reports for profit centers are normally in the form of
income statements.
a. True
b. False

56.The manager of a profit center does not make decisions concerning the fixed
assets invested in the center.
a. True
b. False

57.The profit center income statement should include only revenues and
expenses that are controlled by the manager.
a. False
b. True

58.The manager of the furniture department of a leading retailer does not

control the salaries of departmental personnel.
a. False
b. True

59.Service department charges are similar to the expenses of a profit center that
purchased services from a source outside the company.
a. True
b. False

60.Purchase requisitions for Purchasing and the number of payroll checks for
Payroll Accounting are examples of activity bases.
a. False
b. True

61.The rates at which services are charged to each division are called service
department charge rates.
a. False
b. True

62.The service department will determine its service department charge rate
and charge the company’s divisions or departments according to their use of
that particular service department.
a. True
b. False

63.The profit center income statement should include only controllable revenues
and expenses.
a. False
b. True

64.Controllable expenses are those that can be influenced by the decisions of

the profit center management.
a. False
b. True

The next 6 questions are based on the following:

An activity base is used to charge service department expenses. Match each of the
following questions with an activity base.
a. Purchasing
b. Payroll Accounting
c. Human Resources
d. Maintenance
e. Information systems
f. Marketing
g. President’s office
h. Transportation

65.Number of work orders


66.Number of employees
Human Resources

67.Number of payroll checks

Payroll Accounting

68.Number of purchase requisitions



69.Equally amongst divisions

President’s Office

70.Number of advertising campaigns


71.Number of miles

72.Number of computers in department

Information Systems

73.Which of the following would be most effective in a small owner/manager-

operated business?
a. Profit centers
b. Centralization
c. Investment centers
d. Cost centers

74.Businesses that are separated into two or more manageable units in which
managers have authority and responsibility for operations are said to be:
a. Decentralized
b. Consolidated
c. Diversified
d. Centralized

75.Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of decentralized operation?

a. Competition among managers decreases profits
b. Duplication of operations
c. Price cutting by departments that are competing in the same product
d. Top management freed from everyday tasks to do strategic planning

76.Which is the best example of a decentralized operation?

a. One owner who prepares plans and makes decisions for the entire
b. Each unit is responsible for their own operations and decision making.
c. In a major company, operating decisions are made by top
d. None of the above. All are examples of a centralized management.

77.The following are advantages of decentralization except:

a. Managers make better decisions when closer to the operation of the
b. Expertise in all areas of the business is difficult, decentralization makes
it better to delegate certain responsibilities.

c. Each decentralized operation purchases their own assets and pays for
operating costs.
d. Decentralized managers can respond quickly to customer satisfaction
and quality service.

78.Which of the following is not one of the common types of responsibility

a. Cost Center
b. Profit Center
c. Investment Center
d. Revenue Center

79.Which of the following is a disadvantage of decentralization?

a. Decisions made by one manager may negatively affect the profitability
of the entire company.
b. Helps retain quality managers.
c. Decision making by managers closest to the operations.
d. Managers are able to acquire expertise in their areas of responsibility.

80.A manager is responsible for costs only in a(n):

a. profit center
b. investment center
c. volume center
d. cost center

81.In a cost center, the manager has responsibility and authority for making
decisions that affect:
a. Revenues
b. Assets
c. both costs and revenues
d. costs

82.For higher levels of management, responsibility accounting reports:

a. are more detailed than for lower levels of management
b. are more summarized than for lower levels of management
c. contain about the same level of detail as reports for lower levels of
d. are rarely provided or reviewed

83.Most manufacturing plants are considered cost centers because the have
control over
a. sales and costs.
b. fixed assets and costs.
c. costs only.
d. fixed assets and sales.

84.The following is a measure of a manager’s performance working in a cost

a. budget performance report

b. rate of return and residual income measures

c. divisional income statements
d. balance sheet

85.A responsibility center in which the department manager has responsibility

for and authority over costs and revenues is called a(n):
a. profit center
b. investment center
c. volume center
d. cost center

86.In a profit center, the department manager has responsibility for and the
authority to make decisions that affect:
a. not only costs and revenues, but also assets invested in the center
b. the assets invested in the center, but not costs and revenues
c. both costs and revenues for the department or division
d. costs and assets invested in the center, but not revenues

87.Which of the following expenses incurred by the sporting goods department

of a department store is a direct expense?
a. Depreciation expense--office equipment
b. Insurance on inventory of sporting goods
c. Uncollectible accounts expense
d. Office salaries

88.Which of the following expenses incurred by a department store is an indirect

a. Insurance on merchandise inventory
b. Sales salaries
c. Depreciation on store equipment
d. Salary of vice-president of finance

89.In a profit center, the manager has responsibility and authority for making
decisions that affect:
a. liabilities
b. assets
c. equity
d. costs

90.Operating expenses directly traceable to or incurred for the sole benefit of a

specific department and usually subject to the control of the department
manager are termed:
a. miscellaneous administrative expenses
b. direct expenses
c. indirect expenses
d. operating expenses
91.In evaluating the profit center manager, the income from operations should
be compared:
a. across profit centers

b. to historical performance or budget

c. to the competition's net income
d. to the total company earnings per share

92.The minimum amount of desired divisional income from operations is set by

top management by establishing a maximum rate of return considered
acceptable for invested assets.
a. True
b. False

93.The major advantage of residual income as a performance measure is that it

gives consideration to not only a minimum rate of return on investment but
also the total magnitude of income from operations earned by each division.
a. True
b. False

94.The ratio of income from operations to sales is termed the profit margin
component of the rate of return on investment.
a. True
b. False

95.The ratio of sales to invested assets is termed the investment turnover

component of the rate of return on investment.
a. True
b. False

96.If income from operations for a division is $6,000, invested assets are
$25,000, and sales are $30,000, the profit margin is 20%.
a. True
b. False

97.If income from operations for a division is $6,000, invested assets are
$25,000, and sales are $30,000, the profit margin is 24%.
a. False
b. True

98.If income from operations for a division is $6,000, invested assets are
$25,000, and sales are $30,000, the investment turnover is 1.2.
a. False
b. True

99.If income from operations for a division is $6,000, invested assets are
$25,000, and sales are $30,000, the investment turnover is 5.
a. False
b. True

100. If income from operations for a division is $30,000, sales are $243,750, and
invested assets are $187,500, the investment turnover is 1.3.

a. True
b. False

101. If income from operations for a division is $120,000, sales are $975,000,
and invested assets are $750,000, the investment turnover is 6.3.
a. True
b. False

102. If divisional income from operations is $75,000, invested assets are

$637,500, and the minimum rate of return on invested assets is 6%, the
residual income is $36,750.
a. True
b. False

103. If divisional income from operations is $100,000, invested assets are

$850,000, and the minimum rate of return on invested assets is 8%, the
residual income is $68,000.
a. True
b. False

104. The profit margin component of rate of return on investment analysis

focuses on profitability by indicating the rate of profit earned on each sales
a. True
b. False

105. In rate of return on investment analysis, the investment turnover

component focuses on efficiency in the use of assets and indicates the rate at
which sales are being generated for each dollar of invested assets.
a. True
b. False

106. The minimum amount of desired divisional income from operations is

set by top management by establishing a minimum rate of return considered
acceptable for invested assets.
a. True
b. False

107. A disadvantage to using the Residual Income performance measure is that

it encourages managers to spend only the minimum acceptable rate of return
on assets set by upper management.
a. True
b. False

108. The costs of services charged to a profit center on the basis of its use
of those services are called:
a. operating expenses
b. noncontrollable charges

c. service department charges

d. activity charges

109. Division T reported income from operations of $875,000 and total service
department charges of $575,000. Therefore:
a. net income was $300,000
b. the gross profit margin was $300,000
c. income from operations before service department charges was
d. consolidated net income was $300,000

110. To calculate income from operations, total service department charges are:
a. added to income from operations before service department charges
b. subtracted from operating expenses
c. subtracted from income from operations before service department
d. subtracted from gross profit margin

111. What is the term used to describe expenses that are incurred for the benefit
of a specific department?
a. Indirect expenses
b. Margin expenses
c. Departmental expenses
d. Direct expenses

112. The DuPont formula uses financial information to measure the performance
of a business.
a. True
b. False

113. The DuPont formula uses financial and nonfinancial information to measure
the performance of a business.
a. True
b. False

114. The balanced scorecard is a set of financial and nonfinancial measures

that reflect the performance of the business.
a. True
b. False
115. The objective of transfer pricing is to encourage each division manager
to transfer goods and services between divisions if overall company income
can be increased by doing so.
a. True
b. False

116. Transfer prices may be used when decentralized units are organized as
cost, profit, or investment centers.
a. True
b. False

117. Under the cost price approach, the transfer price is the price at which
the product or service transferred could be sold to outside buyers.
a. True
b. False

118. Under the negotiated price approach, the transfer price is the price at
which the product or service transferred could be sold to outside buyers.
a. True
b. False

119. The negotiated price approach allows the managers of decentralized

units to agree among themselves as to the transfer price.
a. True
b. False

120. It is beneficial for related companies to negotiate a transfer price when the
supplying company has unused capacity in its plant.
a. True
b. False

121. It is beneficial for two related companies to use the cost price approach for
transfer pricing when both of the companies operate as cost centers and are
not concerned with the revenue.
a. True
b. False

122. Responsibility accounting reports for profit centers will include

a. costs.
b. revenues.
c. expenses and fixed assets.
d. revenues, expenses, net income or loss from operations.

123. Some organizations use internal service departments to provide like

services to several divisions or departments within an organization. Which of
the following would probably not lend itself as a service department?
a. Inventory Control
b. Payroll Accounting
c. Information Systems
d. Human Resources

124. The following is a measure of a manager’s performance working in a

profit center.
a. balance sheet
b. rate of return and residual income measures
c. budget performance report
d. divisional income statements

125. Which of the following would not be considered an internal centralized

service department?
a. Payroll accounting department
b. Manufacturing department
c. Information systems department
d. Purchasing department

126. Managers of what type of decentralized units have authority and

responsibility for revenues, costs, and assets invested in the unit?
a. Profit center
b. Investment center
c. Production center
d. Cost center

127. A responsibility center in which the department manager is responsible for

costs, revenues, and assets for a department is called:
a. a cost center
b. a profit center
c. an operating center
d. an investment center

128. In an investment center, the manager has the responsibility for and the
authority to make decisions that affect:
a. the assets invested in the center, but not costs and revenues
b. costs and assets invested in the center, but not revenues
c. both costs and revenues for the department or division
d. not only costs and revenues, but also assets invested in the center

129. In an investment center, the manager has responsibility and authority for
making decisions that affect:
a. Costs
b. Revenues
c. Assets
d. costs, revenues, and assets

130. The profit margin is the:

a. ratio of income from operations to sales
b. ratio of income from operations to invested assets
c. ratio of assets to liabilities
d. ratio of sales to invested assets

131. The investment turnover is the:

a. ratio of income from operations to sales
b. ratio of income from operations to invested assets
c. ratio of assets to liabilities
d. ratio of sales to invested assets

132. Identify the formula for the rate of return on investment.

a. Invested Assets/Income From Operations

b. Sales/Invested Assets
c. Income From Operations/Sales
d. Income From Operations/Invested Assets

133. Which of the following expressions is termed the profit margin factor as
used in determining the rate of return on investment?
a. Sales/Income From Operations
b. Income From Operations/Sales
c. Invested Assets/Sales
d. Sales/Invested Assets

134. Which of the following expressions is termed the investment turnover factor
as used in determining the rate of return on investment?
a. Invested Assets/Sales
b. Income From Operations/Invested Assets
c. Income From Operations/Sales
d. Sales/Invested Assets

135. Toxic Company manufactures five flavors of salsa. Last year, Toxic
generated net operating income of $40,000. The following information was
taken from last year's income statement segmented by flavor (brackets
indicate a negative amount):
Wi Mi Me We Mo
Contribution $35,00 $162,00
margin............... $(2,000) $45,000 0 $50,000 0
Segment margin. . . $(16,000) $(5,000) $7,000 $10,000 $94,000
Segment margin
less allocated
common fixed $(15,000 $(3,000
expenses............ $(26,000) ) ) $0 $84,000

Toxemia expects similar operating results for the upcoming year. If Toxic
wants to maximize its profitability in the upcoming year, which flavor or
flavors should Toxic discontinue?
a. no flavors should be discontinued
b. Wi
c. Wi and Mi
d. Wi, Mi, and Me

The segment margin is a better indication of profitability of individual
products than the segment margin less allocated common fixed expenses.
The products with negative segment margins should be discontinued to
maximize profit: Wi and Mi.

136. Consider the following three conditions:

I. An increase in sales

II. An increase in operating assets

III. A reduction in expenses

Which of the above conditions provide a way in which a manager can improve
return on investment?
a. Only I
b. Only I and II
c. Only I and III
d. Only II and III

137. When calculating a segment's return on investment (ROI), which of the

following assets of that segment would be considered a part of average
operating assets?
a. Cash
b. accounts receivable
c. plant and equipment
d. all of the above

138. Which of the following measures of performance encourages continued

expansion by an investment center so long as it is able to earn a return in
excess of the minimum required return on average operating assets?
a. return on investment
b. transfer pricing
c. the contribution approach
d. residual income
139. Residual income is:
a. Net operating income plus the minimum required return on average
operating assets.
b. Net operating income less the minimum required return on average
operating assets.
c. Contribution margin plus the minimum required return on average
operating assets.
d. Contribution margin less the minimum required return on average
operating assets.

140. What additional information is needed to find the rate of return on

investment if income from operations is known?
a. Invested assets
b. Residual income
c. Direct expenses
d. Sales

141. The best measure of managerial efficiency in the use of investments in

assets is:
a. rate of return on stockholders' equity
b. investment turnover
c. income from operations
d. inventory turnover

142. Two divisions of Halloway Company (Divisions X and Y) have the same profit
margins. Division X's investment turnover is larger than that of Division Y (1.2
to 1.0). Income from operations for Division X is $50,000, and income from
operations for Division Y is $38,000. Division X has a higher return on
investment than Division Y by:
a. using income from operations as a performance measure
b. comparing income from operations
c. applying a negotiated price measure
d. using its assets more efficiently in generating sales

143. The excess of divisional income from operations over a minimum

amount of divisional income from operations is termed:
a. profit margin
b. residual income
c. rate of return on investment
d. gross profit

144. Which one of the following is NOT a measure that management can
use in evaluating and controlling investment center performance?
a. Rate of return on investment
b. Negotiated price
c. Residual income
d. Income from operations

145. A factor in determining the rate of return on investment--the ratio of

income from operations to sales--is called:
a. profit margin
b. indirect expense
c. investment turnover
d. cost

146. A factor in determining the rate of return on investment--the ratio of

sales to invested assets--is called:
a. profit margin
b. indirect margin
c. investment turnover
d. cost ratio

147. Investment centers differ from profit centers in that they

a. are responsible for net income only.
b. are able to invest in assets.
c. have less responsibilities than cost centers and profit centers
d. are only responsible for revenues.

148. The balanced scorecard measures financial and nonfinancial

performance of a business. The balanced scorecard measures four areas.
Identify one of the following that is not included as a performance
a. Internal Process

b. Financial
c. Innovation and Learning
d. Employees

149. The following is a measure of a manager’s performance working in an

investment center.
a. budget performance report
b. rate of return and residual income measures
c. divisional income statements
d. all of the responses

150. Which of the following is not a commonly used approach to setting

transfer prices?
a. Market price approach
b. Revenue price approach
c. Negotiated price approach
d. Cost price approach

151. Which of the following is NOT a common approach used to set transfer
a. market price
b. variable cost
c. negotiation
d. suboptimization

152. For performance evaluation purposes, the variable costs of a service

department should be charged to operating departments using:
a. the actual variable rate and the budgeted level of activity for the
b. the budgeted variable rate and the actual level of activity for the
c. the budgeted variable rate and the budgeted level of activity for the
d. the actual variable rate and the peak-period or long-run average
servicing capacity.

153. Which of the following companies is following a policy with respect to

the costs of service departments that is not recommended?
a. To charge operating departments with the depreciation of forklifts used
at its central warehouse, Shalimar Electronics charges predetermined
lump-sum amounts calculated on the basis of the long-term average
use of the services provided by the warehouse to the various
b. Manhattan Electronics uses the sales revenue of its various divisions to
allocate costs connected with the upkeep of its headquarters building.
c. Rainier Industrial does not allow its service departments to pass on the
costs of their inefficiencies to the operating departments.

d. Golkonda Refinery separately allocates fixed and variable costs

incurred by its service departments to its operating departments.

154. A segment of a business responsible for both revenues and expenses

would be called:
a. a cost center.
b. an investment center.
c. a profit center.
d. residual income.

155. The impact on net operating income of short-run changes in sales for a
segment can be most clearly predicted by analyzing:
a. the contribution margin ratio.
b. the segment margin.
c. the ratio of the segment margin to sales.
d. net sales less segment fixed costs.

156. Determining the transfer price as the price at which the product or
service transferred could be sold to outside buyers is known as the:
a. Cost price approach
b. Negotiated price approach
c. Revenue price approach
d. Market price approach

157. When is it appropriate to use the market price approach when two
related companies are providing services or products to each other?
a. The production for the selling company is falling under full capacity
and it needs to increase its sales.
b. The purchasing company is currently purchasing a product at a price
from an outside supplier as it would from its related company that is
operating at full capacity.
c. The purchasing company is considered a cost center and is not
concerned with maximizing profits for the company.
d. The policy of the parent company is that when a product is sold by an
outside supplier and by a related party, purchases must be made
within the company.

158. Which transfer price approach is used when the transfer price is set at
the amount sold to outside buyers?
a. Market Price
b. Cost Price
c. Negotiated Price
d. Variable Price

159. In a segmented contribution format income statement, what is the best

measure of the long-run profitability of a segment?
a. its gross margin
b. its contribution margin

c. its segment margin

d. its segment margin minus an allocated portion of common fixed

160. In order to properly report segment margin as a guide to long-run

segment profitability and performance, fixed costs must be separated into
two broad categories. One category is common fixed costs. What is the other
a. discretionary fixed costs
b. committed fixed costs
c. traceable fixed costs
d. specialized fixed costs

161. The transfer price that must be less than the market price but greater
than the supplying division’s variable costs per unit is called
a. the cost price approach
b. the negotiated cost approach
c. the standard cost approach
d. the market price approach

162. Which of the following segment performance measures will decrease if

there is an increase in the interest expense for that segment?

Return on Residual
Investment Income
a. a. Yes Yes
b. b. No Yes
c. c. Yes No
d. d. No No

163. Which of the following segment performance measures will increase if there
is a decrease in the selling expenses for that segment?

Return on Residual
Investment Income
Yes Yes
No Yes
Yes No
164. No No Some investment
opportunities that should be
accepted from the viewpoint of the entire company may be rejected by a
manager who is evaluated on the basis of:
a. return on investment.

b. residual income.
c. contribution margin.
d. segment margin.

165. These statements are presented to you:

I: Allocating common fixed costs to segments on segmented income
statements reduces the usefulness of such statements.
II: A responsibility center is a business segment whose manager has control
over costs, revenues, or investments in operating assets.
In your evaluation of the foregoing statements:
a. Both statements are true
b. Both statements are false
c. Only statement I is true
d. Only statement II is true

166. These statements are presented to you:

I: A segment is any part or activity of an organization about which a manager
seeks cost, revenue, or profit data
II: Residual income is used in the numerator to compute turnover in an ROI
In your evaluation of the foregoing statements:
a. Only Statement I is true
b. Only statement II true
c. Statement I is true and Statement II is false
d. Statement I is false and Statement II is false

167. These statements are presented to you:

I: Net operating income is earnings before interest and taxes.
II: Land held for possible plant expansion would be included as an
operating asset in the ROI calculation.
In your evaluation of the foregoing statements:
a. Only Statement I is true
b. Only statement II true
c. Statement I is true and Statement II is false
d. Statement I is false and Statement II is false

168. These statements are presented to you:

I: Margin equals Stockholders' Equity divided by Sales.
II: The use of return on investment (ROI) as a performance measure may
lead managers to reject a project that would be favorable for the company as
a whole.
In your evaluation of the foregoing statements:
a. Only Statement I is true
b. Only statement II true
c. Statement I is true and Statement II is false

d. Statement I is false and Statement II is true

169. The transfer price which is uses a variety of cost concepts is the
a. Negotiated price approach
b. Standard cost approach
c. Cost price approach
d. Market price approach

170. These statements are presented to you:

I: Residual income is equal to the difference between total revenues and
operating expenses.
II: When using residual income as a measure of performance, it is not
meaningful to compare the residual incomes of divisions of different sizes.
In your evaluation of the foregoing statements:
a. Only Statement I is true
b. Only statement II true
c. Statement I is true and Statement II is false
d. Statement I is false and Statement II is true

171. The biggest challenge in making a decentralized organization function

effectively is:
a. earning maximum profits through fair practices.
b. minimizing losses.
c. taking advantage of the specialized knowledge and skills of highly
talented managers.
d. obtaining goal congruence among division managers.
e. developing an adequate budgetary control system.

172. What practice is present when divisional managers throughout an

organization work together in an effort to achieve the organization's goals?
a. Participatory management.
b. Goal attainment.
c. Goal congruence.
d. Centralization of objectives.
e. Negotiation by subordinates.

173. Consider the following statements about goal congruence:

I. Goal congruence is obtained when managers of subunits throughout an

organization strive to achieve the goals set by top management.
II. Managers are often more concerned about the performance of their
own subunits rather than the performance of the entire organization.
III. Achieving goal congruence in most organizations is relatively
straightforward and easy to accomplish.

Which of the above statements is (are) true?

a. I only.
b. II only.
c. I and II.

d. II and III.
e. I, II, and III.

174. Only those fixed costs labeled “common” are charged to the individual
segments when preparing a segmented income statement.
a. False
b. True

175. A company has two divisions, each selling several product lines. If segment
are prepared at the product line level, the division managers' salaries would
be considered as common fixed costs of the product lines.
a. False
b. True

176. A segment margin is computed by deducting variable and traceable

fixed expenses
from the sales of a segment.
a. True
b. False

177. Those fixed costs that arise because of the existence of the segment
and that would
disappear if the segment were eliminated are called traceable fixed costs of
a. True
b. False

178. Suppose a company evaluates divisional performance using both ROI

and residual
income. The company's minimum required rate of return for the purposes of
income calculations is 12%. If a division has a residual income of $6,000, then
its ROI is less than 12%.
a. True
b. False

179. Return on investment (ROI) encourages managers to accept all

investment decisions
that will benefit the company as a whole when it is used as a measure of
a. True
b. False

180. Just-in-time practices improve return on investment (ROI) by

decreasing turnover.
a. True
b. False

181. Whenever the selling division must give up outside sales in order to
sell internally, it has an opportunity cost that should be considered in setting
the transfer price.
a. True
b. False

182. If transfer prices are to be based on cost, then the costs should be
actual costs rather
than standard costs.
a. True
b. False

183. Setting transfer prices at full cost can lead to bad decisions since,
among other reasons, full cost does not take into account opportunity costs.
a. True
b. False

184. The selling division in a transfer pricing situation would want the
transfer price to be set to cover at least the full cost per unit plus the lost
contribution margin per unit on outside sales.
a. True
b. False

185. Under a responsibility accounting system, fewer expenses are charged

against managers the higher one moves upward in an organization.
a. True
b. False

186. Responsibility accounting functions most effectively in decentralized

a. True
b. False

187. In a strongly centralized organization there is a large amount of

freedom to make
decisions at all levels of management.
a. True
b. False

188. All profit centers are responsibility centers, but not all responsibility
centers are profit centers.
a. True
b. False

189. If a cost is a common cost of the segments on a segmented income

statement, the cost should:
a. be allocated to the segments on the basis of segment sales.

b. not be allocated to the segments.

c. excluded from the income statement.
d. treated as a product cost rather than as a period cost.

190. Spiedino Company sells its products to both residential and commercial
customers in eight sales territories. In which of the following ways could
Spiedino be segmented?
a. by product and then further segmented by type of customer.
b. by type of customer and then further segmented by sales territory.
c. by sales territory and then further segmented by product line.
d. all of the above.

191. Which of the following is generally considered to be part of the value

chain of a manufacturing company?
a. marketing activities
b. customer service activities
c. research and development activities
d. both A and C above
e. all of the above

192. A national retail company has segmented its income statement by

sales territories. If each sales territory statement is further segmented by
individual stores, which of the following will most likely occur?
a. some common fixed expenses in the sales territory segmented
statement will become traceable fixed expenses in the individual store
segmented statement.
b. some traceable fixed expenses in the sales territory segmented
statement will become common fixed expenses in the individual store
segmented statement.
c. the sum total of the individual stores' segment margins in each sales
territory will be equal to the segment margin for the sales territory.
d. both A and C above.

193. Hayworth Company has just segmented last year's income statements
into its ten product lines. The chief executive officer (CEO) is curious as to
what effect dropping one of the product lines at the beginning of last year
would have had on overall company profit. What is the best number for the
CEO to look at to determine the effect of this elimination on the net operating
income of the company as a whole?
a. the product line's sales dollars.
b. the product line's contribution margin.
c. the product line's segment margin.
d. the product line's segment margin minus an allocated portion of
common fixed expenses.

194. In an income statement segmented by product line, a fixed expense

that cannot be allocated among product lines on a cause-and-effect basis
should be:

a. classified as a variable expense.

b. allocated to the product lines on the basis of sales dollars.
c. allocated to the product lines on the basis of segment margin.
d. classified as a common fixed expense and not allocated.
e. classified as a traceable fixed expense and not allocated.

195. Managerial performance can be measured in many different ways

including return on investment (ROI) and residual income. A good reason for
using residual income instead of ROI is:
a. Residual income can be computed without having to measure
operating assets.
b. Managers are more likely to accept projects that are beneficial to the
c. ROI does not take into account both turnover and margin.
d. A minimum rate of return does not have to be specified when the
residual income approach is used.

196. Which of the following performance measures will decrease if the

minimum required rate of return increases?
Return on Residual
Investment Income
a. Yes
b. Yes
b. Yes No
197. c. No No Which of the following performance
measures will increase if inventory
decreases and all else remains the same?
Return on Residual
Investment Income
a. Yes
b. Yes
c. Yes No
198. d. No No Some investment opportunities which
should be accepted from the
viewpoint of the entire company may be rejected by a manager who is
evaluated on the basis of:
a. return on investment.
b. residual income.
c. contribution margin.
d. segment margin.

199. Which of the following would be an argument for using the gross cost
of plant and equipment as part of operating assets in return on investment

a. It is consistent with the computation of net operating income, which

includes depreciation as an operating expense.
b. It is consistent with the balance sheet presentation of plant and
c. It eliminates the age of equipment as a factor in ROI computations.
d. It discourages the replacement of old, worn-out equipment because of
the dramatic, adverse effect on ROI.

200. Which of the following would not be included in operating assets in

return on investment calculations?
a. Cash.
b. Accounts Receivable.
c. Equipment
d. Factory building rented to (and occupied by) another company.

201. Which of the following statements is correct concerning return on

investment calculations?
a. Margin equals stockholders' equity divided by sales.
b. Return on investment equals margin divided by turnover.
c. Turnover equals return on investment divided by margin.
d. Sales equals turnover divided by margin.

202. All other things equal, which of the following would increase a
division's residual income?
a. Increase in expenses.
b. Decrease in average operating assets.
c. Increase in minimum required return.
d. Decrease in net operating income.
203. The basic objective of the residual income approach to performance
measurement and evaluation is to have a division maximize its:
a. return on investment (ROI).
b. cash flows.
c. cash flows in excess of a desired minimum amount.
d. net operating income in excess of a minimum return.

204. Residual income:

a. is the return on investment (ROI) percentage multiplied by average
operating assets.
b. is the net operating income earned above a certain minimum required
return on sales.
c. is the net operating income earned above a certain minimum required
return on average operating assets.
d. will always be greater than zero.

205. A company is analyzing the performance of responsibility centers.

Controllable costs would be included in the performance reports of which of
the following types of responsibility centers?
Investment Centers Profit Centers
a. No No
b. No Yes
c. Yes Yes
d. Yes No

206. Controllable revenue would be included in a performance report for a:

Investment Centers Profit Centers
a. No No
b. No Yes
c. Yes Yes
d. Yes No

207. Which of the following is necessary for any valid performance

a. It must be part of the financial accounting system in use.
b. It must be quantifiable.
c. Goal congruence must be promoted by its use.
d. It must be financial in nature.

208. Productivity is measured by the

a. total quantity of output generated from a limited amount of input
during a time period.
b. quantity of good output generated from a specific amount of input
during a time period.
c. quantity of good output generated from the quantity of good input
used during a time period.
d. total quantity of input used to generate total quantity of output for a
time period.

209. A small manufacturing company recently stated its sales goal for a period
was P100,000. At this level of activity, its budgeted expenses were P80,000.
Its actual sales were P100,000, but its actual expenses were P85,000. This
company operated
a. effectively and efficiently. c. effectively but not efficiently.
b. neither effectively nor efficiently. d.
efficiently but not effectively.

210. Why would a company decentralize?

a. to train and motivate division managers
b. to focus top management’s attention to operating decisions
c. to allow division managers to concentrate on strategic planning
d. all of the above

211. When a manager takes an action that benefits his or her responsibility
center, but not the company as a whole,
a. it is a non-controllable action
b. there is a lack of goal congruence
c. the center must be an artificial profit center
d. the manager should be fired

212. The accumulation of accounting data on the basis of the individual manager
who has the authority to make day-to-day decisions about activities in an
area is called
a. static reporting.
b. responsibility accounting.
c. flexible accounting.
d. master budgeting.

213. Cost centers in a responsibility accounting system

a. will organize the company into the smallest units of activity – the
individual worker
b. will have a specific manager in charge of every cost center
c. should have the same code number for similar units wherever they
appear in an organization
d. should show the contribution margin in its control report

214. Which one of the following would NOT usually be considered a controllable
cost for the product or division manager?
a. factory wages C. maintenance
b. plant salaries D. plant rent expense

215. Of little or no relevance in evaluating the performance of an activity

would be
a. Flexible budgets for mixed costs
b. Fixed budgets for mixed costs
c. The difference between planned and actual results
d. The planning and control of future activities

216. Residual income

a. is always the best measure of divisional performance
b. is not as good a measure of performance as ROI
c. overcomes some of the problems associated with ROI
d. cannot be used by divisions that deal with others in the same company

217. Which of the following will not improve return on investment if other
factors remain constant?
a. Increasing sales volume while holding fixed expenses constant.
b. Decreasing assets.
c. Increasing selling prices.
d. None of the above.

218. A decentralized business organization is one in which all major

planning and operating decisions are made by top management.

219. Responsibility accounting reports that are given to lower level

managers are usually very detailed, in turn, higher level managers will be
given a summary report.


220. Depreciation expense on store equipment for a department store is an

indirect expense

221. Controllable expenses are those that can be influenced by the

decisions of the profit center management.

223.The major advantage of the rate of return on investment over income from
operations as a divisional performance measure is that divisional investment
is directly considered and thus comparability of divisions is facilitated.

224.If income from operations for a division is $6,000, invested assets are
$25,000, and sales are $30,000, the investment turnover is 5.

225.The DuPont formula uses financial and nonfinancial information to measure

the performance of a business.

226.Businesses that are separated into two or more manageable units in which
managers have authority and responsibility for operations are said to be:
a. decentralized
b. consolidated
c. diversified
d. centralized

227. The following is a measure of a manager’s performance working in a cost

a. budget performance report
b. rate of return and residual income measures
c. divisional income statements
d. balance sheet

228.Division T reported income from operations of P875,000 and total service

department charges of P575,000. Therefore:
a. net income was P300,000
b. the gross profit margin was P300,000
c. income from operations before service department charges was

d. consolidated net income was P300,000

229.Identify the formula for the rate of return on investment.

a. Invested Assets/Income From Operations
b. Sales/Invested Assets
c. Income From Operations/Sales
d. Income From Operations/Invested Assets

230.Which of the following is not a commonly used approach to setting transfer

a. Market price approach
b. Revenue price approach
c. Negotiated price approach
d. Cost price approach

231.When the majority of authority is maintained by top management

personnel, the organization is said to be
a. centralized.
b. decentralized.
c. composed of cost centers.
d. engaged in transfer pricing activities.

232.An internal reconciliation account is not required for internal transfers based
a. market value.
b. dual prices.
c. negotiated prices.
d. cost.

233.In an internal transfer, the selling division records the event by crediting
a. accounts receivable and CGS.
b. CGS and finished goods.
c. finished goods and accounts receivable.
d. finished goods and intracompany sales.

234.Indirect costs should be allocated for all of the following reasons except to
a. motivate managers.
b. determine the full cost of a product.
c. motivate general administration.
d. compare alternatives for decision making.

235.Which service department cost allocation method assigns costs directly to

revenue-producing areas with no other intermediate cost pools or
a. step method
b. indirect method
c. algebraic method
d. direct method

236. To identify costs that relate to a specific product, an allocation base should
be chosen that
a. does not have a cause-and-effect relationship.
b. has a cause-and-effect relationship.
c. considers variable costs but not fixed costs.
d. considers direct material and direct labor but not manufacturing

237. S1 Decentralization can lead to greater job enrichment and satisfaction.

S2 Negotiated transfer prices are most appropriate customized
high-volume and high-cost services

Segment margin is equal to segment sales revenue minus:

A. Variable cost of goods sold, variable selling and administrative expenses
traceable fixed costs
B. Variable cost of goods sold, variable selling expense and common fixed
C. Variable cost of goods sold, total selling expense and traceable fixed costs
D. Variable cost of goods sold, variable selling expense, common
expense and traceable fixed costs

239. If a cost is a common cost of the segments on a segmented income

statement, the cost should:
a. be allocated to the segments on the basis of segment sales.
b. not be allocated to the segments.
c. excluded from the income statement.
d. treated as a product cost rather than as a period cost.

240.If a segment’s common costs decrease, then:

a. Net operating income remains the same.
b. Segment margins remain the same.
c. Sales have increased.
d. Sales have decreased

241.A report that measures financial and non financial performance measures for
various organization units in a single report is called
a. Balanced scorecard
b. Financial report scorecard
c. Imbalanced scorecard
d. Unbalanced scorecard

242. Customer satisfaction measures are an example of:


a. Goal congruence approach

b. Balanced scorecard approach
c. Financial report scorecard approach
d. Investment success approach

243. An example of a performance measure with a long-run time horizon

a. Is direct materials efficiency variances
b. Is overhead spending variances
c. Is number of new patents developed
d. Include all of the above measure

244. Should asset be defined as total assets or net assets? This question is
considered part of which step in designing an accounting-based performance
a. Choose performance measures that align with top management’s
financial goals
b. Choose the time horizon of each measure
c. Choose a definition for each performance measure
d. Choose a measurement alternative for each performance measure

245. Should asset be measured art historical cost or current cost? This question
is considered part of which step in designing an accounting based
performance measure?
a. Choose performance measures that align with top management’s
financial goals
b. Choose the time horizon of each measure
c. Choose a definition for each performance measure
d. Choose a measurement alternative for each performance measure

246. Which of the following statements about designing an accounting based

performance measure is false?
a. The steps may be followed in a random order
b. The issue considered in each step are independent
c. Management’s beliefs are present during the analysis
d. Behavioral criteria are important when evaluating the steps

247.The biggest challenge in making a decentralized organization function

effectively is:
a. earning maximum profits through fair practices.
b. minimizing losses.
c. taking advantage of the specialized knowledge and skills of highly
talented managers.
d. obtaining goal congruence among division managers.
e. developing an adequate budgetary control system.

248.What practice is present when divisional managers throughout an

organization work together in an effort to achieve the organization's goals?
a. Participatory management.
b. Goal attainment.
c. Goal congruence.
d. Centralization of objectives.
e. Negotiation by subordinates.

249. Consider the following statements about goal congruence:

I. Goal congruence is obtained when managers of subunits throughout an organization
strive to achieve the goals set by top management.
II. Managers are often more concerned about the performance of their
own subunits rather than the performance of the entire organization.
III. Achieving goal congruence in most organizations is relatively
straightforward and easy to accomplish.

Which of the above statements is (are) true?

a. I only.
b. II only.
c. I and II.
d. II and III.
e. I, II, and III.

250. Most scorecards includes the following, except:

a. Time
b. profitability measures
c. customer- satisfaction measures
d. innovation measures

251. What is the first step in designing accounting-based performance,

a. choose performance measures that align with top management’s
financial goal
b. determine the time horizon of each performance measure
c. define the components of each performance measure
d. choose a measurement alternative
e. decide on a target level of performance

252. What is the second step in designing accounting-based performance, measures?

a. choose performance measures that align with top management’s
financial goal
b. determine the time horizon of each performance measure
c. define the components of each performance measure
d. choose a measurement alternative
e. decide on a target level of performance

253. What is the third step in designing accounting-based performance,


a. choose performance measures that align with top management’s

financial goa
b. determine the time horizon of each performance measure
c. define the components of each performance measure
d. choose a measurement alternative
e. decide on a target level of performance

254. A company's sales margin:

a. must, by definition, be greater than the firm's net sales.
b. has basically the same meaning as the term "contribution margin."
c. is computed by dividing sales revenue into income.
d. is computed by dividing income into sales revenue.
e. shows the sales dollars generated from each dollar of income.

255. Which of the following elements is not used when calculating the
weighted-average cost of capital?
a. Before-tax cost of debt capital.
b. After-tax cost of debt capital.
c. Cost of equity capital.
d. Market value of debt capital.
e. Market value of equity capital.

256. Transfer prices can be based on:

a. variable cost.
b. full cost.
c. an external market price.
d. a negotiated settlement between the buying and selling divisions.
e. all of the above.

257. Which of the following transfer-pricing methods can lead to

dysfunctional decision-making behavior by managers?
a. Variable cost.
b. Full cost.
c. External market price.
d. A professionally negotiated, amicable settlement between the buying
and selling divisions.
e. None of the above.

258. The Pro Division of Custom Industries is in need of a particular service.

The service can be obtained from another division of Custom at "cost,"
with cost defined as the summation of variable cost ($9) and fixed cost
($3). Alternatively, Pro can secure the service from a source external
to Custom for $10. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Pro should compare $10 vs. $3 in deciding where to acquire the
b. Pro should compare $10 vs. $9 in deciding where to acquire the
c. Pro should compare $10 vs. $12 in deciding where to acquire the

d. From Custom's perspective, the proper decision is reached by

comparing $10 vs. $9.
e. Both "C" and "D" are true.

259. It includes all assets is equals to ____________.

a. total assets available
b. total assets employed
c. total assets employed less liabilities
d. shareholder’s equity

260. A report that measures financial and non financial performance

measures for various organization units in a single report is called
a. Balanced scorecard
b. Financial report scorecard
c. Imbalanced scorecard
d. Unbalanced scorecard

261. Division A transfers item no. 78 to Division B. Consider the following situations:
1—A is located in Texas and B is located in California.
2—A is located in Texas and B is located in Mexico.

Assuming that item no. 78 is unavailable in the open market, which

of the following choices correctly depicts the probable importance of
federal income taxes when determining the transfer price that is
established for item no. 78?
Situation 1 Situation 2
A. Important Important
B. Important Not important
C. Not important Important
D Not important Not important
E. It is not possible to judge based on the information

262. Division A transfers a profitable subassembly to Division B, where it is

assembled into a final product. A is located in a European country
that has a high tax rate; B is located in an Asian country that has a
low tax rate. Ideally, (1) what type of before-tax income should each
division report from the transfer and (2) what type of transfer price
should be set for the subassembly?
Division A Division B Transfer
Income Income Price
A. Low Low Low
B. Low High Low
C. Low High High
D High Low High
E. High High Low

263. Consider the following statements about transfer pricing:

I. Income taxes and import duties are an important consideration when
setting a transfer price for companies that pursue international
II. Transfer prices cannot be used by organizations in the service industry.
III. Transfer prices are totally cost-based in nature, not market-based.

Which of the above statements is (are) true?

a. I only.
b. II only.
c. I and II.
d. II and III.
e. I, II, and III.

264. Given that ROI measures performance over a period of time, invested
capital would most appropriately be figured by using:
a. beginning-of-year assets.
b. average assets.
c. end-of-year assets.
d. total assets.
e. only current assets.

265. Hayes Division has been stagnant over the past five years, neither
growing nor contracting in size and profitability. Investments in new
property, plant, and equipment have been minimal. Would the
division's use of total assets (valued at net book value) when measuring
ROI result in (1) using numbers that are consistent with those on the
balance sheet and (2) a rising ROI over time?
Consistent with Produce a Rising Return on
Numbers Investment Over Time?
on the Balance
A. Yes Yes
B. Yes No
C. No Yes
D. No No
E. Yes Need more information to

266. The income calculation for a division manager's ROI should be based on:
a. divisional contribution margin.
b. profit margin controllable by the division manager.
c. profit margin traceable to the division.
d. divisional income before interest and taxes.
e. divisional net income.

267. To partially eliminate the problems that are associated with the short-

term focus of return on investment, residual income, and EVA, the

performance of a division's major investments is commonly evaluated
a. post- audits.
b. sensitivity analysis.
c. performance operating plans.
d. horizontal analysis.
e. segmented reporting.

268. The amounts charged for goods and services exchanged between two divisions are
known as:
a. opportunity costs.
b. transfer prices.
c. standard variable costs.
d. residual prices.
e. target prices.

269. Nevada, Inc., has two divisions, one located in Las Vegas and the other
located in Reno. Las Vegas sells selected goods to Reno for use in
various end-products. Assuming that the transfer prices set by Las
Vegas do not influence the decisions made by the two divisions, which
of the following correctly describes the impact of the transfer prices on
divisional profits and overall company profit?
Las Vegas Profit Reno Profit Nevada Profit
A. Affected Affected Affected
B. Affected Affected Not affected
C. Affected Not affected Affected
D Not affected Not affected Affected
E. Not affected Not affected Not affected

270. Thurmond, Inc., has two divisions, one located in New York and the
other located in Arizona. New York sells a specialized circuit to Arizona
and just recently raised the circuit’s transfer price. This price hike had
no effect on the volume of circuits transferred nor on Arizona’s option
of acquiring the circuit from either New York or from an external
supplier. On the basis of this information, which of the following
statements is most correct?
a. The profit reported by New York will increase and the profit reported by
Arizona will decrease.
b. The profit reported by New York will increase, the profit reported by
Arizona will decrease, and Thurmond’s profit will be unaffected.
c. The profit reported by New York will decrease, the profit reported by
Arizona will increase, and Thurmond’s profit will be unaffected.
d. The profit reported by New York will increase and the profit reported by
Arizona will increase.
e. The profit reported by New York and the profit reported by Arizona will
be unaffected.

271.In a company with a centralized approach to responsibility accounting,

upper-level managers typically
A. make key decisions only
B. implement key decisions only
C. both make and implement key decisions
D. review the outcomes of key decisions only

272. Why would a company decentralize?

A. to train and motivate division managers
B. to focus top management’s attention to operating decisions
C. to allow division managers to concentrate on strategic planning
D. all of the above

273. Advantages of decentralization include all of the following except

A. divisional management is able to react to changing market conditions
more rapidly than top management
B. divisional management is a source of personnel for promotion to top
management positions
C. decentralization can motivate divisional managers
D. decentralization permits divisional management to concentrate on
company-wide problems and long-range planning

274. In a company with a decentralized approach to responsibility accounting,

lower-level managers typically
A. make key decisions only
B. implement key decisions only
C. both make and implement key decisions
D. review the outcomes of key decisions only

275. Decentralization occurs when

A. the firm’s operations are located over a large geographic area to
reduce risk
B. authority for important decisions is delegated to lower segments of the
C. important decisions are made at the upper levels and the lower levels
of the organization are responsible for implementing the decisions
D. none of the above

276.Consistency between goals of the firm and the goals of its employees is:
A. goal optimization C. goal congruence
B. goal conformance D. goal compensation

277. Goal congruence is most likely to result when

A. reports to managers include all costs
B. managers’ behavior is affected by the criteria used to judge their
C. performance evaluation criteria encourage behavior in the company’s
best interests as well as in the manager’s best interests
D. a manager knows the criteria used to judge his or her performance

278. When a manager takes an action that benefits his or her responsibility
center, but not the company as a whole,
A. it is a non-controllable action
B. there is a lack of goal congruence
C. the center must be an artificial profit center
D. the manager should be fired

279.A management decision may be beneficial for a given profit center, but
not for the entire company. From the overall company viewpoint, this
decision would lead to
A. goal congruence C. centralization
B. suboptimization D. maximization

280.An emphasis on obtaining goal congruence is consistent with a broad

managerial approach called
A. management by crisis
B. management by objectives
C. management through goal congruence
D. just-in-time philosophy

281. In a responsibility accounting system, the process in which a supervisor

and a subordinate jointly determine the subordinate’s goals and plans for
achieving these goals is
A. Top-down budgeting C. Bottom-up budgeting
B. Imposed budgeting D. Management by objectives

282. Responsibility accounting is a system whose attributes include

A. responsibility, liability, and culpability
B. liability, accountability, and performance evaluation
C. performance evaluation, accountability, and responsibility
D. culpability, liability, and accountability

283. Some basic elements of responsibility accounting are

A. chart of accounts classification C. control-based reports
B. budgeting system D. all of the above

284. What term identifies an accounting system in which the operations of the
business are broken down into reportable segments and the control
functions of a foreperson, sales managers, or supervisor is emphasized?
A. Responsibility accounting C. Operations-research accounting
B. Control accounting D. Budgetary accounting

285. The Atwood Company uses a performance reporting system that

reflects the company’s decentralization of decision making. The
departmental performance report shows one line of data for each
subordinate who reports to the group vice-president. The data presented
shows the actual costs incurred during the period, the budgeted costs, and
all variances from budget for that subordinate’s department. The Atwood
Company is using a type of system called

A. Flexible budgeting C. Responsibility accounting

B. Contribution budgeting D. Cost-benefit accounting

286. The accumulation of accounting data on the basis of the individual

manager who has the authority to make day-to-day decisions about
activities in an area is called
A. static reporting. C. responsibility accounting.
B. flexible accounting. D. master budgeting.

287. Which of the following is critically important for a responsibility accounting

system to be effective?
A. Each employee should receive a separate performance report.
B. Service department costs should be allocated to the operating
departments that use the service.
C. Each manager should know the criteria used for evaluating his or her
D. The details on the performance reports for individual managers should
add up to the totals on the report to their supervisor.

288.The report to a territorial sales manager which shows the contribution to

profit by each salesperson in the territory is called
A. a profit report C. an absorption profit report
B. a responsibility report D. a distribution report

289.A responsibility center

A. is an organization unit where management control exists over incurring
costs or generating revenue
B. is responsible for all other departments
C. has a responsible manager in charge of it
D. all of the above

290. A segment of an organization for which management wants to report the

cost of the activities performed separately is called a(n)
A. cost center C. activity-based costing center
B. activity center D. batch activity center

291. The sequence that reflects increasing breadth of responsibility is

A. cost center, investment center, profit center
B. cost center, profit center, investment center
C. profit center, cost center, investment center
D. investment center, cost center, profit center

292. A cost center is used to

A. show responsibility for scheduling materials, labor, and overhead
B. collect costs incurred performing a set of homogeneous activities
C. show authority for choosing product markets and sources of supply
D. assign responsibility for setting the chart of accounts

293. Cost centers in a responsibility accounting system

A. will organize the company into the smallest units of activity – the

individual worker
B. will have a specific manager in charge of every cost center
C. should have the same code number for similar units wherever they
appear in an organization
D. should show the contribution margin in its control report

294. A profit center is

A. a responsibility center that always reports a profit.
B. a responsibility center that incurs costs and generates revenues.
C. evaluated by the rate of return earned on the investment allocated to
the center.
D. referred to as a loss center when operations do not meet the
company's objectives.

295.A responsibility center having control over generating revenue is

A. a cost center C. a profit center
B. an investment center D. an operation center

296. A distinguishing characteristic of an investment center is that

A. revenues are generated by selling and buying stocks and bonds.
B. interest revenue is the major source of revenues.
C. the profitability of the center is related to the funds invested in the
D. it is a responsibility center which only generates revenues.

297.In which type of responsibility center is the manager held accountable for
its profits?
A. Cost center C. Investment center
B. Profit center D. Profit centers or Investment centers

298.Which of the following responsibility centers have managers who are held
accountable for costs?
A. Cost centers and Investment centers
B. Revenue centers and Profit centers
C. Revenue centers and Investment centers
D. Cost centers and Profit centers

299.In responsibility accounting the most relevant classification of costs is

A. fixed and variable C. discretionary and committed
B. incremental and not incremental D. controllable and no

300. Controllable costs are costs that

A. fluctuate in total in response to small changes in the rate of capacity
B. will be unaffected by current managerial decisions.
C. management decides to incur in the current period to enable the
company to achieve objectives other than filling customers’ orders.
D. are likely to respond to the amount of attention devoted to them by a
specified manager.

301.Overtime conditions and pay were recently set by the personnel

department. The production department has just received a request for a
rush order from the sales department. The production department protests
that additional overtime costs would be incurred as a result of the order. The
sales department argues the order is from an important customer. The
production department processes the order. In order to control costs, which
department should be charged with the overtime costs generated as a result
of the rush order?
A. Personnel department
B. Production department
C. Sales department
D. Shared by production department and sales department

302. Which one of the following would NOT usually be considered a controllable
cost for the product or division manager?
A. factory wages C. maintenance
B. plant salaries D. plant rent expense

303. Micro Manufacturing uses an accounting system that charges costs to the
manager who has been delegated the authority to make the decisions
incurring the costs. For example, if the sales manager accepts a rush order
that requires the incurrence of additional manufacturing costs, these
additional costs are charged to the sales manager because the authority to
accept or decline the rush order was given to the sales manager. This type of
accounting system is known as
A. Functional accounting C. Contribution accounting
B. Reciprocal allocation D. Profitability accounting

304. A basic budgeting system includes

A. a planning schedule C. involvement of all managers
B. follow-up plan steps D. all of these

305. Segmented income statements are most meaningful to managers

when they are prepared
A. on an absorption cost basis C. on a cost behavior basis
B. on a cash basis D. in a multi-step format

306. Transfer prices are charges for

A. transportation of goods outside units of an organization.
B. goods sold by subunits to outside customers.
C. goods exchanged among subunits.
D. goods stored within a subunit.

307. A transfer price is a price charged

A. to outside customers
B. when one division sells its goods or services to another division
C. by the selling division to the buying division when outside market does not
D. a and b

308. Transfer prices are

A. necessary to calculate costs in a cost, profit, or investment center
B. preferred by buying divisions are the lowest possible
C. do not make any difference for the company's bottom-line no matter what
number is used
D. all of the above

309. Which of the following is a key factor to consider in deciding whether to

make internal transfers, and, if so, in setting the transfer price?
A. Is there an outside supplier?
B. Is the seller's variable cost less than the market price/
C. Is the selling unit operating at full capacity?
D. All of the above are key factors.

310. From the standpoint of the company, the important question in transfer
pricing is
A. what is fair to the divisions
B. how to determine the profit of the divisions
C. whether or not the transfer should take place
D. when the transfer should be made

311. The objective of a transfer pricing system should be to

A. maximize the transfer price
B. minimize the transfer price
C. maintain goal congruence between the divisions and the entire firm
D. none of the above

312. The objective(s) of transfer pricing are

A. to motivate managers
B. to provide an incentive for managers to make decisions consistent with the
firm's goals (i.e., goal congruence)
C. to provide a basis for fairly rewarding the managers
D. all of the above

313. A transfer pricing system should satisfy which of the following objectives?
A. accurate performance evaluation C. goal congruence
B. preservation of divisional autonomy D. all of the above

314. The market price method satisfy a key objective of transfer pricing,
A. objectivity C. consistency
B. usability D. reliability

315. Which item is usually not relevant to a decision by a divisional

manager to reduce a transfer price to meet a price offered to another division
by an outside supplier?
A. opportunity cost
B. variable manufacturing costs
C. fixed divisional overhead

D. the price offered by the outside supplier

316. The general rule in establishing transfer prices consistent with economic
decision making is the
A. differential cost plus opportunity cost if goods are transferred internally.
B. actual cost plus opportunity cost if goods are transferred internally.
C. standard cost plus opportunity cost if goods are transferred internally.
D. all of the above.

317. The minimum transfer price should be:

A. opportunity cost for selling division
B. opportunity cost for buying division
C. opportunity cost for the company as a whole
D. only variable cost for the selling division

318. A selling division produces components for a buying division that is

considering accepting a special order for the products it produces. The
selling division has excess capacity. The minimum price the selling division
would be willing to accept is the
A. selling division’s variable costs
B. buying division’s outside purchase price
C. price that would allow the buying division to cover its incremental cost of the
special order
D. price that would allow the selling division to maintain its current ROI

319. The minimum transfer price from the seller's standpoint is

A. market price when excess capacity exists
B. market price when excess capacity does not exist
C. incremental costs when excess capacity exists
D. b and c

320. Generally, the outside market price would be

A. a floor for internal transfer price.
B. a ceiling for internal transfer price.
C. both a and b
D. none of the above.

321. The basic methods used in transfer pricing are

A. variable or full costs C. market price or negotiated price
B. dual prices D. all of the above

322. An example of a transfer price policy is

A. market price.
B. actual cost plus markup.
C. standard cost plus markup.
D. all of the above.

323. Transfer prices are set by:

A. cost or cost plus C. negotiation
B. market prices D. all of the above

324. Which of the following are transfer pricing models?

A. Variable cost method C. Market cost method
B. Average price method D. All of the above

325. If a firm operates at capacity, the transfer price should be the:

A. external market price. C. actual cost.
B. differential cost. D. standard cost.

326. To avoid waste and maximize efficiency when transferring products among
divisions in a competitive economy, a large diversified corporation should
base transfer prices on:
A. full cost C. replacement cost
B. variable cost D. market price

327. If an intermediate market exists, the optimal transfer price is the:

A. outlay cost for producing the goods.
B. opportunity cost of not selling to the outside market.
C. market price.
D. variable costs associated with producing the product.

328. If there is no excess capacity, the transfer price is often

A. market price
B. opportunity cost plus incremental cost
C. variable cost or variable cost plus profit
D. a or b

329. Market pricing approach in transfer pricing

A. helps to preserve unit autonomy
B. provides incentive for the selling unit to be competitive with outside suppliers
C. may be the most practical approach when there is significant conflict
D. both a and b

330. The best transfer price is usually

A. actual cost plus a percentage markup
B. a reliable market price
C. budgeted full cost plus a percentage markup
D. budgeted variable cost plus a percentage markup

331. Market-based transfer prices are best for the

A. company when the selling division is operating below capacity.
B. company when the selling division is operating at capacity.
C. buying division if it is operating at capacity.
D. buying division.

332. Which transfer price is ideal for the company when the selling division
is at capacity?
A. Market price
B. Incremental cost
C. Budgeted full cost

D. Actual variable cost plus a percentage profit

333. Disadvantages of transfer prices based on actual cost include:

A. reducing the incentive of managers of supplying divisions to control their
B. passing on efficiencies or inefficiencies of supplying divisions to receiving
C. both a and b.
D. none of the above.

334. Which of the following types of transfer prices do not encourage the selling
division to be efficient?
A. transfer prices based upon market prices
B. transfer prices based upon actual costs
C. transfer prices based upon standard costs
D. transfer prices based upon standard costs plus a markup for profit

335. The worst transfer-pricing method is to base the prices on

A. market prices C. budgeted variable costs
B. budgeted total costs D. actual total costs

336. Variable costing method of transfer pricing is

A. easy to implement
B. intuitive and easily understood
C. more logical when there is excess capacity
D. all of the above

337. A company may consider using variable costs in transfer pricing when there
A. excess capacity because variable costs would stay the same
B. no excess capacity because variable costs would not stay the same
C. excess capacity because fixed costs would stay the same
D. no excess capacity because fixed costs would stay the same

338. If full cost is used in transfer pricing, it is preferable to use

A. standard full cost because the buyer does not wish to be stuck with
B. standard full cost because the seller does not wish to pass along the
variations in cost
C. actual full cost because the buyer is well-advised to deal with the real rather
than anticipated costs
D. actual full costs because the seller is well-advised to deal with the real rather
than anticipated costs

339. Negotiated transfer prices are appropriate when:

A. there are cost savings to the selling division.
B. there is no external market price.
C. the internal market price reflects a bargain price.
D. all of the above.

340. A negotiated transfer pricing system is set up where

A. the two sides cannot agree on a price and the difference between the two
sides is absorbed by the home office
B. a ready market price is not available and the two sides must come up with an
agreeable price
C. the buyer buys at variable cost and the seller only sells at full cost
D. the two sides agree to use a cost basis for transfer pricing

341. To minimize taxes, some multinational companies set low transfer

prices when goods are shipped from
A. low tax countries to other low tax countries
B. low tax countries to high tax countries
C. high tax countries to low tax countries
D. c or b


Use the following information for questions 1 through 5:
Wing, Inc.’s income statement for the most recent month is given below.
__ Total Store P ___Store Q _
Sales P600,000 P200,000 P400,000
Variable Expenses 384,000 144,000 240,000
Contribution Margin 216,000 56,000
Traceable Fixed Costs 152,000 42,000 110,000
Segment Margin 64,000 P14,000 P50,000
Common Fixed Costs 34,000
Net Income P30,000

For each of the following questions, refer back to the original data.

1. If Store Q sales increase by P30,000 with no change in fixed costs, the overall
company net income will
a. Increase by P3,750
b. Increase by P7,500
c. Increase by P12,000
d. Increase by P18,000


Percentage of Increase in = 30,000

contribution margin 400,000
= 7.5%
Increase in net income = 160,000 x 7.5%

= P12,000

2. The marketing department believes that a promotional campaign at Store P

costing P5,000 will increase sales by P15,000. If the campaign is adopted,
overall company net income will
a. Decrease by P800
b. Decrease by P5,800
c. Increase by P5,800
d. Increase by P10,000


Increase in promotional campaign 5,000

Increase in contribution margin (56,000x7.5%) (4,200)
Decrease in Income 800

Percentage of increase in sales (15,000/200,000) 7.5%

3. A proposal has been made that will lower variable costs in Store P to 65% of
sales. However, this reduction can only be accomplished by a P16,000
increase in Store P’s traceable fixed costs. If this proposal is implemented and
sales remain constant, overall company net income will
a. Remain in same
b. Decrease by P2,000
c. Increase by P2,000
d. Increase by P14,000


Decrease in variable cost

[(200,000x0.65) – 44,000)] 14,000
Increase in fixed cost (16,000)
Decrease in Net Income (2,000)
4. If sales in Store Q increase by P30,000 as a result of a P7,000 increase in
traceable fixed costs
a. Store Q’s contribution margin will increase by P18,000
b. Store Q’s segment margin will increase by P12,000
c. Store Q’s contribution margin will increase by P11,000
d. Store Q’s segment margin will increase by P5,000


Increase in contribution margin

(160,000x.075) 12,000
Increase in traceable fixed cost (7,000)
Increase in Segment Margin 5,000

5. Currently the sales clerks receive a salary of P17,000 per month in Store Q. A
proposal has been made to change from a fixed salary to a sales commission

of 5%. Assume that this is adopted, and that as a result sale in Store Q
increase by P40,000. The new segment margin for Store Q will be
a. P47,000
b. P61,000
c. P85,000
d. P44,000


Increase in contribution margin

(160,000x0.10) 16,000
Increase in traceable cost
[(440,000x0.05) – 17,000] (5,000)
Net increase in contribution margin 11,000
Previous segment margin 50,000
New contribution margin 61,000

6. Win company has two divisions, S and T. The company’s overall contribution
margin ratio is 30% when sales in the two divisions total P750,000. If variable
costs are P450,000 in Division S, and if Division S’s contribution margin ratio
is 25%, then sales in Division T must be
a. P75,000
b. P150,000
c. P225,000
d. P300,000


Total Sales 750,000

Sales in Division S (450,000/0.75) (600,000)
Sales in Division T 150,000

7. Sigma Retail Company consists of two stores, A and B. Store A had sales of
P80,000 during March, a contribution margin ratio of 30% and a segment
margin of P11,000. The Company as a whole had sales of P200,000, a
contribution margin of 36% and segment’s margin for two stores totaling
P31,000. If net income for the company was P15,000 for the month, the
traceable fixed costs in Store B most have been
a. P16,000
b. P20,000
c. P31,000
d. P28,000


Total Contribution Margin

(200,000x0.36) 72,000
Total segment margin (31,000)
Total traceable fixed cost 41,000

Traceable Fixed Cost- Store A

CM (80,000 x .3) 24,000
Segment Margin (11,000) (13,000)
Traceable Fixed- Store B 28,000

8. Gamma Retail Company has two Stores, M and N. The Store N had sales of
P180,000 during March, a segment margin of 30% and traceable fixed costs
of P26,000. The company as a whole had a contribution margin ratio of 25%
and P120,000 in total contribution margin. Based on this information, total
variable cost in Store M for the month must have been
a. P140,000
b. P260,000
c. P300,000
d. P360,000


Total Variable Cost [(120,000/.25) x .75] 360,000

Variable Cost of Store N (180,000-80,000) (100,000)
Variable Cost of Store M 260,000

9. Aldrin Market has three stores: P, Q and R. During 2017, Store P had a
contribution margin of P24,000 and a contribution margin ratio of 30%. Store
Q had variable cost of P48,000 and a contribution margin ratio of 40%. Store
R had variable cost of P84,000, which represent 70% of sale in the store. For
2017 Aldrin Markets total sales were
a. P320,000
b. P360,000
c. P440,000
d. P280,000


Total variable cost(120,000/.25)x.75 P360,000

Variable cost of store N (180,000 – 80,000) (P100,00)

10. Alpha Market has two stores, F and G. During 2017, store F had a
segment margin of P10,000, traceable fixed cost of P26,000, and a variable
cost equal to 55% of sale. Alpha Market as a whole had a segment margin of
15%, a contribution margin ratio of 40%, and total sales of P180,000 for the
year. Based on this information, traceable fixed cost in Store G for the year
a. 19,000
b. 17,000
c. 30,000
d. 36,000


Total contribution margin (180,000x.40) P72,000

Total segment margin (180,000x.15) (27,000)
Total traceable fixed cost P45,000
Traceable fixed cost – store F (26,000)
Traceable fixed cost – store G P19,000
11. Khi Company has two divisions, J and K. During 2017, the contribution
margin in J was P30,000. The contribution margin ratio in K during 2017 was
40%, its sales were P125,000, and its segment margin was P32,000. The
common fixed expense in the company were P40,000, and the company’s net
income for the year was P18,000. The segment margin for division J for 217
a. 26,000
b. 32,000
c. 8,000
d. 58,000


Total segment margin (40,000-18,000) P58,000

Segment margin of store K (32,000)
Segment margin of store J 26,000

12. Division X makes and sells a single product. Presently is sells 12,000 units
per year to outside customers at P24 per unit. The annual capacity is 20,000
units and the variable cost to make each unit is P16. All selling expenses are
fixed. Division Y would like to buy 10,000 units a year from Division X. The
unit price that Division X should charge Division Y, according to the transfer
pricing formula, is
a. P24.00
b. P21.40
c. P17.60
d. P16.00


Differential cost P16

Opportunity cost (2,000/10,000)x8 1.6
Minimum transfer price 17.6
13. A company has only two divisioln- P and Q. Division P has a capacity for
making 75,000 wheel sets per year and regularly sells 60,000 each year on
the outside market. The regular sales price is P100 per wheel set and the unit
variable production cost is P65. Division Q currently buys 30,000 wheel sets
(of the kind made by P) yearly from an outside supplier at a price of P90 per
wheel set. If Q were to buy the 30,000 wheel sets it needs annually from P at
P87 per wheel set, the change in annual net operating income for the
company as a whole, compared for what it is currently, would be
a. P600,000

b. P225,000
c. P750,000
d. P135,000


Selling price 87.00

Minimum transfer price
Variable cost 65.00
Opportunity cost 17.5 (82.5)
Savings per unit (90-87) 3.00
Incremental advantage 7.50
X 30,000
Increase in net income 225,000

14.Income from operations for Division B is $150,000, total service department

charges are $400,000 and operating expenses are $2,266,000. What are the
revenues for Division B?
a. $550,000
b. $3,216,000
c. $2,816,000
d. $2,666,000

15.Income from operations for Division M is $120,000, and income from

operations before service department charges is $975,000. Therefore:
a. total operating expenses are $855,000
b. total manufacturing expenses are $855,000
c. direct materials, direct labor, and factory overhead total $855,000
d. total service department charges are $855,000

16.The following data are taken from the management accounting reports of
Dancer Co.:
Div. A Div. B Div. C
Income from operations $1,800,0 $1,350,0 $1,350,0
00 00 00
Total service
department charges 1,700,00 1,050,00 1,100,00
0 0 0

If an incentive bonus is paid to the manager who achieved the highest

income from operations before service department charges, it follows that:
a. Division A's manager is given the bonus

b. Division B's manager is given the bonus

c. Division C's manager is given the bonus
d. The managers of Divisions B and C divide the bonus
Use the following information for questions 17-21:
The following financial information was summarized from the accounting records of
Block Corporation for the current year ended December 31:

Softwar Hardwar Corporate

e e Total
Division Division
Cost of goods sold $47,20
Direct operating expenses 27,200 20,040
Net sales 95,000 64,000
Interest expense $ 2,040
General overhead 18,160
Income tax 4,700

17.The gross profit for the Software Division is:

a. $47,800
b. $20,600
c. $13,240
d. $33,280

18.The income from operations for the Software Division is:

a. $47,800
b. $20,600
c. $13,240
d. $33,280

19.The gross profit for the Hardware Division is:

a. $47,800
b. $20,600
c. $13,240
d. $33,280

20.The income from operations for the Hardware Division is:

a. $47,800
b. $20,600
c. $13,240
d. $33,280

21.The net income for Block Corporation is:

a. $13,640
b. $ 8,940
c. $15,680
d. $10,980

22.Stevenson Corporation had $275,000 in invested assets, sales of $330,000,

income from operations amounting to $49,500 and a desired minimum rate
of return of 7.5%. The rate of return on investment for Stevenson is:
a. 8%
b. 10%
c. 18%
d. 7.5%
Use the following information for questions 23 to 25:
Steven Corporation had $550,000 in invested assets, sales of $660,000, income
from operations amounting to $99,000, and a desired minimum rate of return of
23.The profit margin for Stevenson is:
a. 16%
b. 20%
c. 18%
d. 15%

24.The investment turnover for Stevenson is:

a. 1.2
b. 1.0
c. 1.1
d. 1.3

25.The residual income for Stevenson is:

a. $0
b. $17,820
c. $14,850
d. $16,500

26.Espinosa Corporation had $220,000 in invested assets, sales of $242,000,

income from operations amounting to $48,400, and a desired minimum rate
of return of 3%. The rate of return on investment for Espinosa is:
a. 4%
b. 22%
c. 3%
d. 6.4%

Use the following information for questions 27 to 29:


SP Corporation had $1,100,000 in invested assets, sales of $1,210,000, income from

operations amounting to $242,000, and a desired minimum rate of return of 15%.
27.The profit margin for Espinosa is:
a. 20%
b. 22%
c. 15%
d. 32%

28.The investment turnover for Espinosa is:

a. 1.3
b. 1.2
c. 1.0
d. 1.1

29.The residual income for Espinosa is:

a. $60,500
b. $22,000
c. $77,000
d. $24,200

Use the following information for questions 30 to 33:

The Anderson Company has sales of $4,500,000. It also has invested assets of
$2,000,000 and operating expenses of $3,600,000. The company has established a
minimum rate of return of 7%.
30.What is Anderson Company's profit margin?
a. 20%
b. 80%
c. 44.4%
d. 18%

31.What is Anderson Company's investment turnover?

a. 1.80
b. 2.25
c. 1.25
d. 1.4

32.What is Anderson Company's rate of return on investment?

a. 56%
b. 20%
c. 45%
d. 25%

33.What is Anderson Company's residual income?


a. $252,000
b. $900,000
c. $1,400,000
d. $760,000

34.The profit margin for Division E is 28% and the investment turnover is 2.8.
What is the rate of return on investment for Division E?
a. 20%
b. 28%
c. 14%
d. 78.4%

35.Division Q for Mott Company has a rate of return on investment of 28% and
an investment turnover of 1.4. What is the profit margin?
a. 28%
b. 20%
c. 14%
d. 39.2%

36.Division I of Norris Company has a rate of return on investment of 28% and a

profit margin of 20%. What is the investment turnover?
a. 3.6
b. 1.4
c. 5.0
d. .7

37.Division A of Purvis Company has a rate of return on investment of 15% and

an investment turnover of 1.2. What is the profit margin?
a. 10%
b. 12.5%
c. 9%
d. 6%

38.The profit margin for Division K is 8% and the investment turnover is 1.20.
What is the rate of return on investment for Division K?
a. 8%
b. 6.7%
c. 7.3%
d. 9.6%

39.Assume that divisional income from operations amounts to $187,000 and top
management has established 15% as the minimum rate of return on
divisional assets totaling $1,000,000. The residual income for the division is:
a. $37,000
b. $28,050
c. $67,000

d. $0

40.Assume that Division P has achieved income from operations of $165,000

using $900,000 of invested assets. If management desires a minimum rate of
return of 8%, the residual income is:
a. $72,000
b. $13,200
c. $185,000
d. $93,000

Use the following information for questions 41 to 43:

Division W of Comer Company has sales of $140,000, cost of goods sold of $83,000,
operating expenses of $43,000, and invested assets of $100,000.
41.What is the rate of return on investment for Division W?
a. 14%
b. 2.8%
c. 10%
d. 5.47%

42.What is the profit margin for Division W?

a. 14%
b. 2.8%
c. 10%
d. 5.47%

43.What is the investment turnover for Division W?

a. 1.4
b. 1.2
c. 1.7
d. 0.7

Use the following information for questions 44 to 46:

Division R of O'Murray Company has sales of $200,000, cost of goods sold of
$120,000, operating expenses of $58,000, and invested assets of $125,000.
44.What is the rate of return on investment for Division R?
a. 9.15%
b. 17.6%
c. 20%
d. 5.5%

45.What is the profit margin for Division R?

a. 8.8%
b. 9.15%
c. 11%
d. 20%

46.Starrs Shoe Factory is an investment center and is responsible for all of their
net income and the use of their assets. In 2008, the invested assets totaled
$460,000 and net income was $115,000. What is to rate of return on assets?
a. 25%
b. 25%
c. 4%
d. 400%

Use the following information for questions 47 to 48:

The Koko Company has income from operations of $80,000, invested assets of
$400,000, and sales of $930,000.
47.What is the profit margin?
a. 43%
b. 8.6%
c. 20%
d. 4.3%

48.What is the investment turnover?

a. 5.000
b. 2.325
c. 20
d. 4.30

Use the following information for questions 49 to 51:

Materials used by Aro-Products Inc. in producing Division 3's product are currently
purchased from outside suppliers at a cost of $5 per unit. However, the same
materials are available from Division 6. Division 6 has unused capacity and can
produce the materials needed by Division 3 at a variable cost of $3 per unit. A
transfer price of $3.20 per unit is established, and 40,000 units of material are
transferred, with no reduction in Division 6's current sales.
49.How much would Division 3's income from operations increase?
a. $150,000
b. $50,000
c. $32,000
d. $72,000

50.How much would Division 6's income from operations increase?


a. $8,000
b. $15,000
c. $80,000
d. $150,000

51.How much would Aro-Products total income from operations increase?

a. $32,000
b. $112,000
c. $80,000
d. $150,000

Use the following information for questions 52 to 54:

Materials used by Bristol Company in producing Division C's product are currently
purchased from outside suppliers at a cost of $10 per unit. However, the same
materials are available from Division A. Division A has unused capacity and can
produce the materials needed by Division C at a variable cost of $8.50 per unit. A
transfer price of $9.50 per unit is negotiated and 30,000 units of material are
transferred, with no reduction in Division A's current sales.
52.How much would Division C's income from operations increase?
a. $0
b. $90,000
c. $15,000
d. $60,000

53.How much would Division A's income from operations increase?

a. $0
b. $90,000
c. $30,000
d. $60,000

54.How much would Bristol's total income from operations increase?

a. $45,000
b. $120,000
c. $60,000
d. $150,000

Use the following information for questions 55 to 56:

The Hua Company's radio division currently is purchasing transistors from the Xiang
Co. for $3.50 each. The total number of transistors needed is 8,000 per month. Hua
Company's electronics division can produce the transistors for a cost of $4.00 each.
The $4 is made up of $3 in variable costs, and $1 in allocated fixed costs.

55.What should be the range of a possible transfer price?

a. No transfer should take place.
b. $3.51 to $3.99
c. $3.01 to $3.99
d. $3.01 to $3.49

56.What would be the total savings (or additional costs) if the transfer were to
take place?
a. $4,000 Savings
b. $4,000 in additional costs
c. $8,000 Savings
d. $8,000 in additional costs

57.Koko Company has two divisions. Division A is interested in purchasing

10,000 units from Division B. Capacity is available for Division B to produce
these units. The per unit market price is $30 per unit, with a variable cost of
$17. The manager of Division A has offered to purchase the units at $15 per
unit. In an effort to make this transfer price beneficial for the company as a
whole, what is the range of prices that should be used during negotiations
between the two divisions?
a. $15 to $30
b. $15 to $17
c. over $30
d. $17 to $30

58.Income from operations of the Commercial Aviation Division is $2,225,000. If

income from operations before service department charges is $3,250,000:
a. operating expenses are $1,025,000
b. total service department charges are $1,025,000
c. non-controllable charges are $1,025,000
d. direct manufacturing charges are $1,025,000

59.Walsh Company has three Stores: X, Y, and Z. During August, the variable
expenses in Store X were $90,000 and the contribution margin ratio was
25%. Store Y had a contribution margin of $27,000 and a contribution margin
ratio of 20%. Store Z had variable expenses of $120,000 and a variable
expense ratio of 60% of sales. For August, Walsh Company's sales were:
a. $318,000
b. $455,000
c. $485,000
d. $555,000

60.Channing Company has two divisions, S and T. The company's overall

contribution margin ratio is 30% when sales in the two divisions total

$750,000. If variable expenses are $450,000 in Division S, and if Division S's

contribution margin ratio is 25%, then sales in Division T must be:
a. $75,000
b. $150,000
c. $225,000
d. $300,000

61.Insider Company has two divisions, J and K. During March, the contribution
margin in J was $30,000. The contribution margin ratio in K was 40%, its sales
were $125,000, and its segment margin was $32,000. The common fixed
expenses in the company were $40,000, and the company's net operating
income was $18,000. The segment margin for Division J was:
a. $26,000
b. $32,000
c. $8,000
d. $58,000

62.Davison Inc. consists of two districts, A and B. The company as a whole had
sales of $400,000, a contribution margin ratio of 25% and a combined
segment margin totaling $35,000. District A had sales of $90,000 during May,
a contribution margin ratio of 45%, and a segment margin of $16,000. If the
net operating income of Davison Inc. for May is $12,000, the traceable fixed
expenses in District B must have been:
a. $23,000
b. $24,500
c. $49,000
d. $40,500

63.Domingos Company has two product lines, C and J. Line C has sales of
$100,000 during March, a segment margin ratio of 19%, and traceable fixed
expenses of $20,000. The company as a whole had a contribution margin
ratio of 25% and $105,000 in total contribution margin. Based on this
information, total variable expenses for product J must have been:
a. $61,000
b. $176,000
c. $315,000
d. $254,000

64.Bennett Company has two stores, P and Q. During April, Store P had a
segment margin of $8,000 and variable expenses equal to 65% of sales.
Traceable fixed expenses for Store Q were $18,000. Bennett Company as a
whole had a contribution margin ratio of 40%, a combined segment margin of
$20,000, and sales of $180,000. Given this data, the sales for store Q were:

a. $157,143
b. $60,000
c. $30,000
d. $120,000

65.Brummitt Corporation has two divisions: the BAJ Division and the CBB
Division. The corporation's net operating income is $10,700. The BAJ
Division's divisional segment margin is $76,100 and the CBB Division's
divisional segment margin is $42,300. What is the amount of the common
fixed expense not traceable to the individual divisions?
a. $86,800
b. $107,700
c. $53,000
d. $118,400

66.Sorto Corporation has two divisions: the East Division and the West Division.
The corporation's net operating income is $93,200. The East Division's
divisional segment margin is $223,200 and the West Division's divisional
segment margin is $15,900. What is the amount of the common fixed
expense not traceable to the individual divisions?
a. $316,400
b. $145,900
c. $109,100
d. $239,100

67.Quinnett Corporation has two divisions: the Export Products Division and the
Business Products Division. The Export Products Division's divisional segment
margin is $34,300 and the Business Products Division's divisional segment
margin is $86,700. The total amount of common fixed expenses not traceable
to the individual divisions is $95,600. What is the company's net operating
a. $216,600
b. $121,000
c. $25,400
d. ($121,000)

68.Gunderman Corporation has two divisions: the Alpha Division and the Charlie
Division. The Alpha Division has sales of $230,000, variable expenses of
$131,100, and traceable fixed expenses of $63,300. The Charlie Division has
sales of $540,000, variable expenses of $307,800, and traceable fixed
expenses of $120,700. The total amount of common fixed expenses not
traceable to the individual divisions is $119,200. What is the company's net
operating income?

a. $147,100
b. $331,100
c. $27,900
d. $211,900

69.Given the following data:

Return on investment ................................. 25%
Sales ............................................................. $100,000
Average operating assets ............................ $40,000
Turnover ....................................................... 2.5
Minimum required rate of return ............... 18%
Margin on sales ............................................ 10%
The residual income would be:
a. $2,800
b. $0
c. $6,000
d. $8,000

70.Given the following data:

Average operating assets ............... $250,000
Total liabilities ............................... $100,000
Sales ................................................ $600,000
Contribution margin ...................... $150,000
Net operating income ..................... $30,000
Return on investment (ROI) would be:
a. 5%
b. 12%
c. 25%
d. 60%

71.Last year a company had sales of $400,000, a turnover of 2.4, and a return
on investment of 36%. The company's net operating income for the year was:
a. $144,000
b. $120,000
c. $80,000
d. $60,000

72. Cabot Company had the following results during June: net operating
income, $2,500; turnover, 4; and ROI, 20%. Cabot Company's average
operating assets were:
a. $50,000
b. $200,000
c. $12,500
d. $10,000

73. The following information pertains to Quest Company's Gold

Division for last year:
Sales ................................................ $311,000
Variable expenses ........................... $250,000
Traceable fixed expenses ................ $50,000
Average operating assets ................ $40,000
The Gold Division's return on investment is:
a. 10.00%
b. 13.33%
c. 27.50%
d. 30.00%

74. The following information relates to last year's operations at the

Paper Division of Germane Corporation:
Minimum required rate of return ............... 15%
Return on investment (ROI) ........................ 18%
Sales ............................................................ $810,000
Turnover (on operating assets) ................... 5 times
What was the Paper Division's net operating income last year?
a. $24,300
b. $29,160
c. $145,800
d. $162,000

75. The following information is available on Company X:

Sales ............................................................ $90,000
Net operating income.................................. $3,600
Average operating assets ........................... $30,000
Stockholders’ equity .................................. $25,000
Minimum required rate of return ............... 10%
Company X's residual income would be:
a. $1,100
b. $5,400
c. $360
d. $600

76. The following information relates to last year's operations at the

Bread Division of Rison Bakery, Inc.:
Residual income ............................ $12,000
Net operating income..................... $60,000
Sales ................................................ $300,000
Average operating assets ............... $400,000
What was the Bread Division's minimum required rate of return last year?
a. 12%
b. 4%
c. 15%
d. 20%

77. Division X makes a part that it sells to customers outside of the

company. Data concerning this part appear below:
Selling price to outside customers ............. $75
Variable cost per unit ….............................. $50
Total fixed costs ........................................ $400,000
Capacity in units ........................................ 25,000
Division Y of the same company would like to use the part manufactured
by Division X in one of its products. Division Y currently purchases a
similar part made by an outside company for $70 per unit and would
substitute the part made by Division X. Division Y requires 5,000 units of
the part each period. Division X has ample excess capacity to handle all of
Division Y's needs without any increase in fixed costs and without cutting
into outside sales of the part. What is the lowest acceptable transfer price
from the standpoint of the selling division?
a. $75
b. $66
c. $16
d. $50

78. The Blade Division of Dana Company produces hardened steel

blades. One-third of the Blade Division's output is sold to the Lawn
Products Division of Dana; the remainder is sold to outside customers. The
Blade Division's estimated sales and standard cost data for the next year
are as follows:
Sales To Lawn Products Outsiders
Unit sales 10,000 20,000
Sales $15,000 $40,000
Variable costs $10,000 $20,000
Fixed costs $3,000 $6,000
The Lawn Products Division has an opportunity to purchase 10,000
identical quality blades from an outside supplier at a cost of $1.25 per unit
on a continuing basis. The Blade Division cannot sell any additional
products to outside customers because the market is saturated. This
decision would have no effect on the company's total fixed costs. If the
Blade Division refuses to meet the $1.25 price internally and the Lawn
Products Division starts buying from the outside supplier, the company as
a whole will be:
a. better off by $500 each period.
b. worse off by $1,500 each period.
c. better off by $2,500 each period.
d. worse off by $2,500 each period.

79. Using the formula in the text, if the lowest acceptable transfer price
for the viewpoint of the selling division is $80 and the lost contribution
margin per unit on outside sales is $30, then the variable cost per unit
must be:
a. $50
b. $30

c. $110
d. $80

80. Mar Company has two decentralized divisions, X and Y. Division X

has always purchased certain units from Division Y at $75 per unit.
Because Division Y plans to raise the price to $100 per unit, Division X is
seeking an outside supplier of the part for the old price of $75 per unit.
Division Y's costs follow:
Y’s variable costs per unit ..................................... $70
Y’s annual fixed costs ............................................ $15,000
Y’s annual production of these units for X …......... 1,000 units
If Division X buys from an outside supplier, the facilities Division Y uses to
manufacture these units would be idle. What would be the result if the top
management of Mar Company insists that Division X purchase from
Division Y at a transfer price of $100 per unit?
a. it would reduce the company's overall profit because Division X should
buy from outside suppliers at $75 per unit if possible.
b. it would provide lower overall company net operating income than the
old transfer price of $75 per unit.
c. it would provide higher overall company net operating income than the
old transfer price of $75 per unit.
d. it would be more profitable for the company than allowing X to buy
from outside suppliers at $75 per unit.

Use the following to answer questions 81 to 83:

Meyer Company has two sales areas: North and South. During April, the
contribution margin in the North was $90,000, or 30% of sales. The segment
margin in the South was $25,000, or 10% of sales. Traceable fixed expenses
were $30,000 in the North and $15,000 in the South. Meyer Company reported a
total net operating income of $52,000.

81. The total sales for Meyer Company were:

a. $983,333
b. $430,000
c. $550,000
d. $480,000

82. The total fixed expenses for Meyer Company were:

a. $45,000
b. $33,000
c. $85,000
d. $78,000

83. The variable costs for the South area were:

a. $180,000
b. $210,000
c. $225,000
d. $120,000

Use the following to answer questions 84 to 87:

The Rialto Company's income statement for May is given below:
Total Division L Division M

Sales $300,000 $165,000 $135,000

Variable expenses 153,000 99,000 54,000
Contribution margin 147,000 66,000 81,000
Traceable fixed 97,000 45,000 52,000
Segment margin 50,000 $ 21,000 $ 29,000
Common fixed 25,000
Net operating income $ 25,000

84. If sales for Division L increase $30,000 with a $9,000 increase in the
Division's traceable fixed expenses, the overall company net operating
income should:
a. decrease by $4,000
b. increase by $21,000
c. increase by $3,000
d. increase by $5,700

85. During May, the sales clerks in Division L received salaries totaling
$25,000. Assume that during June the salaries of these sales clerks are
discontinued and instead they are paid a commission of 18% of sales. If
sales in Division L increase by $35,000 as a result of this change, the June
segment margin for Division L should be:
a. $30,300
b. $24,000
c. $5,300
d. $60,000

86. If the sales in Division M increase by 25% while traceable fixed

expenses decrease by $7,000, the segment margin for Division M should:
a. increase by $13,250
b. increase by $7,250
c. decrease by $17,750
d. increase by $27,250

87. A proposal has been made that will lower variable costs in Division
M to 37% of sales. The reduction can be accomplished only if Division M's
traceable fixed costs are allowed to increase $12,000. If this proposal is
implemented, and if sales remain constant, overall company net operating
income should:
a. increase by $12,000
b. increase by $16,050
c. decrease by $7,950
d. decrease by $12,000

Use the following to answer questions 88 & 89:

Miller Company has two sales areas: North and South. In June, the contribution
margin in the North was $50,000, or 20% of sales. The segment margin in the
South was $15,000, or 8% of sales. Traceable fixed expenses are $15,000 in the
North and $10,000 in the South. During June, Miller Company reported total net
operating income of $26,000.

88. The total fixed expenses (traceable and common) for Miller
Company in June were:
a. $49,000
b. $25,000
c. $24,000
d. $50,000

89. The variable costs for the South in June were:

a. $230,000
b. $185,000
c. $162,500
d. $65,000

Use the following to answer questions 90 & 91:

Nantua Sunglasses Corporation has two divisions, Southern and Northern. The
following information was taken from last year's income statement segmented
by division:
Total Southern Northern

Sales $4,000,000 $2,500,0 $1,500,0

00 00
Contribution margin $1,650,000 $1,050,0 $600,000
Divisional segment $850,000 $700,000
Net operating income last year for Nantua Company was $400,000.

90. In last year's income statement segmented by division, what were

Nantua's total common fixed expenses?
a. $450,000
b. $800,000
c. $1,250,000
d. $1,300,000

91. If the Northern Division's sales last year were $300,000 higher, how
would this have changed Nantua's net operating income? (Assume no
change in the revenue or cost structure.)
a. $30,000 increase
b. $80,000 increase
c. $120,000 increase
d. $300,000 increase

Use the following to answer questions 92 & 93:

Brandon, Inc. has provided the following data for last year's operations:
Sales .......................................................... $100,000
Net operating income ................................. $6,000
Average operating assets ........................... $40,000
Stockholders’ equity .................................. $25,000
Minimum required rate of return ............... 10%

92. Brandon's residual income is:

a. $2,000
b. $4,000
c. $3,500
d. $2,500

93. Brandon's return on investment (ROI) is:

a. 6%
b. 10%
c. 15%
d. 24%

Use the following to answer questions 94 & 95:

The following selected data pertain to the belt division of Allen Corp. for last
Sales .......................................................... $1,000,000
Average operating assets ........................... $400,000
Net operating income ................................ $100,000
Turnover .................................................... 2.5
Minimum required return .......................... 20%

94. How much is the return on investment?

a. 25%
b. 10%
c. 20%
d. 15%

95. How much is the residual income?

a. $100,000
b. $20,000
c. $80,000
d. $900,000

Use the following to answer questions 96 & 97:

Yola Co.'s East Division had the following results last year:
Sales .......................................................... $620,000
Variable expenses ...................................... $500,000
Traceable fixed expenses .......................... $100,000
Average operating assets ........................... $50,000

Minimum required rate of return ............... 18%

96. The return on investment was:

a. 40.00%
b. 29.00%
c. 18.00%
d. 8.33%

97. The residual income was:

a. $3,600
b. $9,000
c. $11,000
d. $20,000

Use the following to answer questions 98 & 99:

Data pertaining to Mar Co.'s Alo Division for last year follows:
Sales ............................................................ $100,000
Variables expenses ....................................... $60,000
Traceable fixed expenses ............................ $10,000
Average operating assets .............................. $20,000
Minimum required rate of return .................. 12%

98. Alo's return on investment was:

a. 60%
b. 75%
c. 138%
d. 150%

99. Alo's residual income was:

a. $27,600
b. $30,000
c. $32,400
d. $40,000

Use the following to answer questions 100 & 101:

The following selected data pertain to the Maple Division of Beyer Corp. for last
Sales .......................................................... $300,000
Average operating assets ........................... $100,000
Net operating income ................................. $20,000
Turnover .................................................... 3.0
Minimum required rate of return ............... 12%

100. The return on investment was:

a. 6.67%
b. 8.00%
c. 20.00%
d. 33.33%

101. The residual income was:

a. $2,400
b. $5,600
c. $6,667
d. $8,000

Use the following to answer questions 102 & 103:

The Northern Division of the Kimball Company reported the following data for
last year:
Sales .......................................................... $800,000
Operating expenses ................................... $690,000
Stockholders’ equity .................................. $250,000
Average operating assets ........................... $400,000
Minimum required rate of return ............... 14%

102. The return on investment last year for the Northern Division was:
a. 50%
b. 80%
c. 27.5%
d. 44%

103. The residual income for the Northern Division last year was:
a. $112,000
b. $144,000
c. $110,000
d. $54,000

Use the following to answer questions 104 to 107:

The following data are for the Akron Division of Consolidated Rubber, Inc.:
Sales .......................................................... $750,000
Net operating income ................................ $45,000
Stockholders’ equity .................................. $75,000
Average operating assets ........................... $250,000
Residual income ........................................ $15,000

104. The margin used in calculating the return on investment for the past
year was:
a. 6.00%
b. 8.67%
c. 10.00%
d. 8.00%

105. The return on investment for the past year was:

a. 6%
b. 30%
c. 18%
d. 26%

106. The turnover used in calculating the return on investment for the
past year was:
a. 1.4
b. 3.3
c. 10.0
d. 3.0

107. The minimum required rate of return used in calculating the residual
income for the past year was:
a. 30%
b. 12%
c. 15%
d. 6%

Use the following to answer questions 108 to 111:

Cebe Products is a division of a major corporation. Last year the division had
total sales of $26,800,000, net operating income of $1,768,800, and average
operating assets of $8,000,000. The company's minimum required rate of return
is 12%.

108. The division's margin is closest to:

a. 22.1%
b. 6.6%
c. 29.9%
d. 36.5%

109. The division's turnover is closest to:

a. 0.22
b. 2.74
c. 15.15
d. 3.35

110. The division's return on investment (ROI) is closest to:

a. 74.0%
b. 5.1%
c. 22.1%
d. 1.5%

111. The division's residual income is closest to:

a. $808,800
b. $1,768,800
c. $(1,447,200)
d. $2,728,800

Use the following to answer questions 112 to 115:

Dealey Products is a division of a major corporation. The following data are for
the last year of operations:
Sales ................................................................................. $12,700,000
Net operating income ...................................................... $1,549,400

Average operating assets ................................................. $5,000,000

The company’s minimum required rate of return ............ 10%

112. The division's margin is closest to:

a. 12.2%
b. 39.4%
c. 31.0%
d. 51.6%

113. The division's turnover is closest to:

a. 0.31
b. 2.54
c. 8.20
d. 1.94

114. The division's return on investment (ROI) is closest to:

a. 31.0%
b. 3.8%
c. 78.7%
d. 8.8%

115. The division's residual income is closest to:

a. $279,400
b. $1,549,400
c. $1,049,400
d. $2,049,400

Use the following to answer questions 116 to 119:

The Portland Division's operating data for the past two years is as follows:
Year 1 Year 2
Return on investment 12% 24%
Stockholders’ equity $500,000 $200,000
Net operating income ? $288,000
Turnover ? 2
Sales $1,600,000 ?
The Portland Division's margin in Year 2 was 150% of the margin for Year 1.

116. The turnover for Year 1 was:

a. 10.00
b. 2.00
c. 1.50
d. 3.20

117. The net operating income for Year 1 was:

a. $192,000
b. $128,000
c. $266,667
d. $208,000

118. The sales for Year 2 were:

a. $750,000
b. $2,000,000
c. $3,846,154
d. $2,400,000

119. The average operating assets for Year 2 were:

a. $750,000
b. $400,000
c. $1,200,000
d. $800,000

Use the following to answer questions 120 & 121:

Data from the Trendall Company for last year follow:
Sales .......................................................... $750,000
Stockholders’ equity .................................. $400,000
Return on investment ................................ 12%
Turnover .................................................... 1.5
Minimum required rate of return ............... 10%

120. The average operating assets were:

a. $300,000
b. $400,000
c. $500,000
d. $600,000

121. The margin used in calculating return on investment was:

a. 6.67%
b. 16.67%
c. 20.00%
d. 8.00%

Use the following to answer questions 122 to 124:

Ahalt Industries is a division of a major corporation. Data concerning the most
recent year appears below:
Sales .............................................. $17,340,000
Net operating income .................... $1,248,480
Average operating assets ............... $6,000,000

122. The division's margin is closest to:

a. 41.8%
b. 7.2%
c. 20.8%
d. 34.6%

123. The division's turnover is closest to:

a. 2.39
b. 13.89
c. 0.21

d. 2.89

124. The division's return on investment (ROI) is closest to:

a. 1.5%
b. 20.8%
c. 5.3%
d. 17.2%

Use the following to answer questions 125 to 127:

Beach Industries is a division of a major corporation. Last year the division had
total sales of $11,360,000, net operating income of $624,800, and average
operating assets of $4,000,000.

125. The division's margin is closest to:

a. 15.6%
b. 35.2%
c. 5.5%
d. 40.7%

126. The division's turnover is closest to:

a. 2.84
b. 18.18
c. 2.46
d. 0.16

127. The division's return on investment (ROI) is closest to:

a. 0.9%
b. 15.6%
c. 4.1%
d. 13.5%

Use the following to answer questions 128 & 129:

Division A makes a part with the following characteristics:
Production capacity in units ...................... 15,000 units
Selling price to outside customers ............. $30
Variable cost per unit ................................ $20
Fixed cost per unit ..................................... $4
Total fixed costs ........................................ $60,000
Division B, another division of the same company, would like to purchase 5,000
units of the part each period from Division A. Division B is now purchasing these
parts from an outside supplier at a price of $28 each.

128. Suppose that Division A has ample idle capacity to handle all of Division
B's needs without any increase in fixed costs and without cutting into
sales to outside customers. If Division A refuses to accept the $28 price
internally, the company as a whole will be:
a. worse off by $40,000 each period.
b. worse off by $20,000 each period.

c. better off by $10,000 each period.

d. worse off by $30,000 each period.

129. Suppose that Division A is operating at capacity and can sell all of its
output to outside customers at its usual selling price. If Division A sells the
parts to Division B at $28 per unit (Division B's outside price), the
company as a whole will be:
a. better off by $20,000 each period.
b. worse off by $10,000 each period.
c. worse off by $40,000 each period.
d. There will be no change in the status of the company as a whole.

Use the following to answer questions 130 to 132:

Division T of Clocker Company makes a timer which it sells for $30 to outside
The division has supplied the following data concerning the timer:
Monthly capacity ........................... 12,000 timers
Variable cost per unit .................... $15
Fixed cost per unit ......................... $10
Presently, Division S of Clocker Company is currently buying 5,000 similar timers
each month from an overseas supplier at $27 each. Division S would like to
acquire its timers from Division T if the price is right.

130. Suppose Division T is operating at capacity and can sell all of the
timers it produces to outside customers at its usual selling price.
According to the formula in the text, what is the lowest acceptable
transfer price from the viewpoint of the selling division?
a. $30
b. $27
c. $25
d. $15

131. Suppose Division T is operating at capacity and can sell all of the
timers it produces to outside customers at its usual selling price. If
Division T meets the price of the overseas supplier and sells 5,000 timers
to Division S each month, the effect on the monthly net operating income
of the company as a whole will be:
a. increase of $15,000
b. decrease of $15,000
c. decrease of $60,000
d. increase of $10,000

132. Suppose that Division T can sell only 10,000 timers to outside
customers. According to the formula in the text, what is the lowest
acceptable transfer price from the viewpoint of the selling division?
a. $24
b. $27
c. $30

d. $15

Use the following to answer questions 133 & 134:

Division A of Tripper Company produces a part that it sells to other companies.
Sales and cost data for the part follow:
Capacity in units ........................................ 60,000
Selling price per unit ................................. $40
Variable costs per unit ............................... $28
Fixed costs per unit at capacity ................. $9
Division B, another division of Tripper Company, would like to buy this part from
Division A. Division B is presently purchasing the part from an outside source at
$38 per unit. If Division A sells to Division B, $1 in variable costs can be avoided.

133. Assume that Division A is presently operating at capacity. According

to the formula in the text, what is the lowest acceptable transfer price
from the viewpoint of the selling division?
a. $37
b. $39
c. $36
d. $38

134. Assume that Division A has ample idle capacity to handle all of
Division B's needs without any increase in fixed costs and without cutting
into outside sales. According to the formula in the text, what is the lowest
acceptable transfer price from the viewpoint of the selling division?
a. $40
b. $39
c. $28
d. $27

Use the following to answer questions 135 & 136:

Division S of Kracker Company makes a part that it sells to other companies.
Data on that part appear below:
Selling price on the intermediate market .............. $30
Variable costs per unit ........................................... $22
Fixed costs per unit (based on capacity) ............... $7
Capacity in units .................................................... 50,000
Division B, another division of Kracker Company, presently is purchasing 10,000
units of a similar product each period from an outside supplier for $28 per unit,
but would like to begin purchasing from Division S.

135. Suppose that Division S has ample idle capacity to handle all of
Division B's needs without any increase in fixed costs or cutting into sales
to outside customers. If Division S refuses to accept a transfer price of
$28 or less and Division B continues to buy from the outside supplier, the
company as a whole will:
a. gain $20,000 in potential profit.
b. lose $60,000 in potential profit.

c. lose $70,000 in potential profit.

d. lose $20,000 in potential profit.

136. Suppose that Division S can sell all that it can produce to outside
customers. If Division S sells to Division B at a price of $28 per unit, the
company as a whole will be:
a. worse off by $80,000 each period.
b. worse off by $70,000 each period.
c. better off by $20,000 each period.
d. worse off by $20,000 each period.

Use the following to answer questions 137 to 139:

Division 1 of Ace Company makes and sells wheels that can either be sold to
outside customers or transferred to Division 2. The following data are available
from last month:
Division 1:
Selling price per wheel to outside customers ............................. $50
Variable cost per wheel when sold to outside customers ........... $35
Capacity in wheels ..................................................................... 15,000

Division 2:
Number of wheels needed per month ......................................... 5,000
Price per wheel paid to an outside supplier ................................ $47

If Division 1 sells the wheels to Division 2, Division 1 can avoid $2 per wheel in
sales commissions.

137. Suppose that Division 1 sells 7,500 units per month to outside
customers. According to the formula in the text, what is the lowest
acceptable transfer price from the viewpoint of the selling division if
Division 2 requires 5,000 units per month from Division 1?
a. $33
b. $35
c. $47
d. $50

138. What is the maximum price per wheel that Division 2 should be
willing to pay Division 1 if a transfer were to take place?
a. $33
b. $35
c. $47
d. $50

139. Suppose that Division 1 sells 11,500 units each month to outside
customers. According to the formula in the text, what is the lowest
acceptable transfer price from the viewpoint of the selling division?
a. $47.00
b. $43.50

c. $37.50
d. $34.73

140. Failure Corporation is a manufacturer of a versatile statistical

calculator. The following information is a summary of defective and returned
units for the previous year.
Total defective units 1,000
Number of units reworked 750
Number of customer units returned 150
Profit for a good unit P40
Profit for a defective unit P25
Cost to rework a defective unit P10
Cost of a returned unit P15
Total prevention cost P10,000
Total appraisal cost P5,000

The total quality cost is

a. P15,000. c. P28,500.
b. P15,750. d. P11,250.

Failure costs:
Rework cost (750 units x P10) P7,500
Returned units (150 x P15) 2,250
Not reworked (250 units x P15) 3,750
Prevention costs 10,000
Appraisal cost 5,000
Total quality costs P28,500

141. Computer Solutions Corporation manufactures and sells various high-tech

office automation products. Two divisions of Computer Solutions Corporation
are the Computer Chip Division and the Computer Division. The Computer
Chip Division manufactures one product, a "super chip," that can be used by
both the Computer Division and other external customers. The following
information is available on this month's operations in the Computer Chip
Selling price per chip P50
Variable costs per chip P20
Fixed production costs P60,00
Fixed SG&A costs P90,00
Monthly capacity 10,00
External sales 6,00
Internal sales 0 chips

Presently, the Computer Division purchases no chips from the Computer Chips
Division, but instead pays P45 to an external supplier for the 4,000 chips it needs
each month.

Assume, for this question only, that the Computer Chip Division is selling all that
it can produce to external buyers for P50 per unit. How would overall corporate
profits be affected if it sells 4,000 units to the Computer Division at P45?
(Assume that the Computer Division can purchase the super chip from an
outside supplier for P45.)
a. no effect c. P20,000 decrease
b. P20,000 increase d. P90,000 increase

Purchase price P45
Cost if purchased from within:
Variable cost P20
Opportunity cost 30 50
Loss per unit P 5
x number of units 4,000
Decrease in profit P20,000

142. Sadaku Corporation operates two stores: J and K. The following

information relates to store J:

Sales revenue $1,300,00

Variable operating expenses 600,000
Fixed expenses:
Traceable to J and controllable by J 275,000
Traceable to J and controllable by 80,000

J's segment contribution margin is:

A. $345,000.
B. $425,000.
C. $620,000.
D. $700,000.
E. $745,000.

143. Scotty Corporation operates two stores: A and B. The following information
relates to store A:

Sales revenue $900,000

Variable operating expenses 400,000
Fixed expenses:
Traceable to A and controllable by A 275,000
Traceable to A and controllable by 120,000

A's segment profit margin is:

A. $105,000.
B. $225,000.
C. $380,000.
D. $500,000.
E. $505,000.

144. BDC Corp. has two departments, the ALC Department and the SCR
Department. Net operating income of the corporation was $200,000
during this past reporting period. The ALC segment margin was $180,000
and the SCR segment margin was $60,000. What is the common fixed cost
for the corporation?
a. $20,000
b. $40,000
c. $30,000
d. $60,000
ALC + SCR = Total Segment - Income = Common
$180,000 + $60,000 = $240,000 - $200,000 = $40,000

145. ABC, Inc. has two divisions: AAA and BBB. For the current year, the AAA
division has sales of $3,000, variable expenses of $1,000, and traceable
fixed expenses of $500. The BBB division has sales of $12,000, variable
expenses of $5,000, and traceable fixed expenses of $3,200. Common
fixed costs are $750. What is the company’s net operating income?
a. $5,550
b. $3,500
c. $4,550
d. $2,000


Sales $15,000 $3,000 $12,000

Less: Variable $(6,000) $(1,000) $(5,000)


CM $9,000 $2,000 $7,000

Less: Traceable $(3,700) ($500) $(3,200)

Fixed Costs

Segment $5,300 $1,500 $3,800


Less Common $ (750)


Net Operating $4,550


146. 8. Koen Corporation has two divisions: Division A and Division B. Last
month, the company reported a contribution margin of $50,000 for
Division A. Division B had a contribution margin ratio of 30% and its sales
were $250,000. Net operating income for the company was $30,000 and
traceable fixed expenses were $50,000. Koen Corporation's common fixed
expenses were:
a. $95,000
b. $75,000
c. $45,000
d. $50,000


Total Company Division A Division B B%
Sales $250,000
Variable expenses

CM $125,000 (2) $50,000 $75,000 (1) 30%

Traceable fixed
expense $50,000
Segment margin $75,000 (3)

Common fixed $45,000

expenses (answer)
Net operating $30,000

147. Segment A generated sales revenues of P400,000 and variable operating

expenses of P180,000. Its controllable fixed expenses were P40,000. It was
assigned 20% of P200,000 of fixed costs controlled by others. The common
fixed costs were P25,000. What was Segment A's controllable segment profit
a. P220,000
b. P180,000
c. P140,000
d. P160,000

Controllable segment profit margin = Revenue - (Segment's variable
operating costs + Controllable fixed costs).
(P400,000 – P180,000 – P40,000) P180,000

148. If the investment turnover increased by 30% and ROS decreased by 20%,
the ROI would

a. increase by 30%
b. increase by 4%
c. increase by 6%
d. none of these

(1.3 x 0.8) – 100% = 4.0%

149. If the investment turnover decreased by 10% and ROS decreased by 30%,
the ROI would
a. increase by 30%
b. decrease by 37%
c. decrease by 10%
d. none of the above

Decrease in ROI: (0.90 x 0.70) – 1.00 = 37.0%

150. Marsh Company that had current operating assets of one million and net
income of P200,000 had an opportunity to invest in a project that requires an
additional investment of P250,000 and increased net income by P40,000. The
company's required rate of return is 12%. After the investment, the
company's residual income will amount to
A. 80,000 C. 90,000
B. 85,000 D. 95,000

New Operating Profit (P200,000 + P40,000) P240,000
Less Required Returns (P1,250,000 x 0.12) 150,000
New Residual Income P 90,000

151. An appropriate transfer price between two divisions of the Reno

Corporation can be determined from the following data:
Fabrication Division
Market price of subassembly P50
Variable cost of subassembly P20
Excess capacity (in units) 1,000
Assembling Division
Number of units needed 900
What is the natural bargaining range for the two divisions?
A. Between P20 and P50 C. Between P50 and P70
B. Any amount less than P50 D. P50 is the only acceptable price

The Fabrication division has excess capacity, therefore the division
can transfer the units at a minimum transfer price of P50

152. Family Enterprises has two divisions: Davy and Johnny. Davy Division
has a capacity to produce 2,000 units and is expecting to sell 1,500 units.
Johnny Division wants to purchase 100 units of a product Davy produces.

Davy sells the product at a selling price of P100 per unit, the variable cost per
unit is P25 and the fixed costs total P30,000. The minimum transfer price that
Davy will accept is?
A. P100 C. P43.75
B. P45 D. P25

The minimum Davy would accept is the opportunity cost to make the
product, which would be the variable cost of P25.

153. Assume that Division X has a product that can be sold either to
outside customers on an intermediate market or to Division Y of the same
company for use in its production process. The managers of the division are
evaluated based on their divisional profits.
Division X:
Capacity in units 200,000
Number of units being sold on the intermediate market 160,000
Selling price per unit on the intermediate market P75
Variables costs per unit 60
Fixed costs per unit (based on capacity) 8

Division Y:
Number of units needed for production 40,000
Purchase price per unit now being paid to an outside supplier P74
The minimum transfer price to be charged by the Division X should be:
A. P60 C. P68
B. P75 D. P74

The minimum transfer price is P60 because the Division X has excess

154. Bearing Division of Phantom Corp. sells 80,000 units of Part X to the outside
market. Part X sells for P10.00 and has a variable cost of P5.50 and a fixed
cost per unit of P2.50. Bearing has a capacity to produce 100,000 units per
period. Motor Division currently purchases 10,000 units of Part X from
Bearing for P10.00. Motor has been approached by an outside supplier
willing to supply the parts for P9.00. What is the effect on XYZ’s overall profit
if Bearing refuses the outside price and Motor decides to buy outside?
A. no change
B. P20,000 decrease in Phantom profits
C. P35,000 decrease in Phantom profits
D. P10,000 increase in Phantom profits

The profit of the company will decrease by P35,000 which is the
difference between the variable (relevant) cost and the purchase price.
(P9.00 – P5.5) x 10,000 units = P35,000

155. Bearing Division of XYZ Corp. sells 80,000 units of Part X to the outside

market. Part X sells for P10.00 and has a variable cost of P5.50 and a fixed
cost per unit of P2.50. Bearing has a capacity to produce 100,000 units per
period. Motor Division currently purchases 10,000 units of Part X from
Bearing for P10.00. Motor has been approached by an outside supplier
willing to supply the parts for P9.00. What is the effect on XYZ’s overall profit
if Bearing refuses the outside price and Motor decides to buy inside?
A. no change C. P35,000 decrease in XYZ profits
B. P20,000 decrease in XYZ profits D. P10,000 increase in XYZ

There is no change in the profit because the Motor Division did not buy
from the outside supplier

156. Company Y is highly decentralized. Division X, which is operating at

capacity, produces a component that it currently sells in a perfectly
competitive market for P13 per unit. At the current level of production, the
fixed cost of producing this component is P4 per unit and the variable cost is
P7 per unit. Division Z would like to purchase this component from Division
X. What would be the price that Division X should charge Division Z?
A. P 7 C. P 11
B. P 13 D. P 9

The division is operating at capacity (zero excess capacity). Any
quantity of production to be transferred to the Division Z must be at
P13; Any price below P13, as transfer price, would decrease its profit.

157. The Black Division of Pluma Company produces a high quality marker.
Unit production costs (based on capacity production of 100,000 units per
year) follow:
Direct materials P 60
Direct labor 25
Overhead (20% variable) 15
Other information
Sales price 120
The Black Division is producing and selling at capacity.
What is the minimum selling price that the division would consider as a
“transfer price” to the Red Division on which no variable period costs would be
A. P120 C. P 88
B. P 91 D. P117

Selling price (market price) P120
Less avoidable selling expense 15 x 20% 3
Minimum transfer price P117

158. Harem Corporation consists of two divisions, Mining and Builders. The
Mining makes black steel, a product that can be used in the product that the

Builders division makes. Both divisions are considered profit centers. The
following data are available concerning black steel and the two divisions:
Mining Builders
Average units produced 150,000
Average units sold 150,000
Variable mfg cost per unit P2
Variable finishing cost per P5
Fixed divisional costs P75,000 P125,000
The Mining Division can sell all of its output outside the company for P4 per
unit. The Builders Division can buy the black steel from other firms for P4. The
Builders Division sells its product for P12.
What is the optimal transfer price in this case?
A. P2 per unit C. P7 per unit
B. P4 per unit D. P9 per unit

The optimal transfer price is P4 per unit, which represents the value
of using the black steel in the Builders Division because the black
steel will cost P2 to manufacture and each unit used internally is a
unit that cannot be sold to external buyers. If an intermediate market
exists, the optimal transfer price is the market price

159. Assume that Steel Division has a product that can be sold either to outside
customers on an intermediate market or to Fabrication Division of the same
company for use in its production process. The managers of the division are
evaluated based on their divisional profits.
Steel Division:
Capacity in units 200,000
Number of units being sold on the intermediate market
Selling price per unit on the intermediate market
Variables costs per unit (including P3 of avoidable selling expense)
Fixed costs per unit (based on capacity)

Fabrication Division:
Number of units needed for production
Purchase price per unit now being paid to an outside supplier
The appropriate transfer price should be:
A. P90 C. P70
B. P87 D. P86


The division is operating at capacity, therefore, the minimum transfer

price must be the amount of selling price, less avoidable selling
Selling price P90
Avoidable selling expense 3
Net Price 87

160. Chips Division manufacturers electronic circuit boards. The boards can be
sold either to Compo Division of the same company or to outside customers.
Last year, the following activity occurred in division A:

Selling price per circuit board P125

Production cost per circuit board 90
Numbers of circuit boards:
Produced during the year 20,000
Sold to outside customers 16,000
Sold to Compo Division 4,000

Sales to Compo Division were at the same price as sales to outside customers.
The circuit boards purchased by Compo Division were used in an electronic
instrument manufactured by that division (one board per instrument). Compo
Division incurred P100 in additional cost per instrument and then sold the
instrument for P300 each.

Assume that Chips Division’s manufacturing capacity is 20,000 circuit boards.

Next year Compo Division wants to purchase 5,000 circuits board from Chips
Division rather than 4,000. (Circuit boards of this type are not available from
outside sources.)

Should Chips Division sell 1,000 additional circuit boards to Compo Division or
continue to sell them outside customers?
A. No, because the overall profit will decrease by P35,000.
B. Yes, because the overall profit will decrease by P35,000.
C. No, because there is no change in the overall profit.
D. Yes, because the overall profit will increase by P75,000.

Selling price charged by Compo Division P300
Selling price charge by Chips Division 125
Additional selling price P175
Less additional processing cost by Compo 100
Additional profit per unit P 75
Additional profit: 1,000 x P75 P75,000

161. Chips Division manufacturers electronic circuit boards. The boards

can be sold either to Compo Division of the same company or to outside
customers. Last year, the following activity occurred in division A:
Selling price per circuit board P125
Production cost per circuit board 90
Numbers of circuit boards:

Produced during the year 20,000

Sold to outside customers 16,000
Sold to Compo Division 4,000

Sales to Compo Division were at the same price as sales to outside customers.
The circuit boards purchased by Compo Division were used in an electronic
instrument manufactured by that division (one board per instrument). Compo
Division incurred P100 in additional cost per instrument and then sold the
instrument for P300 each.

Assume that Chips Division’s manufacturing capacity is 20,000 circuit boards.

Next year Compo Division wants to purchase 5,000 circuits board from Chips
Division rather than 4,000. (Circuit boards of this type are not available from
outside sources.)

Chips Division proposed that a transfer for additional 1,000 units be produced
by requiring its workers to work overtime. Chips Division indicated that the
transfer price may be unreasonably high because of the overtime premium.

What is the maximum transfer that Compo Division will accept for the
additional 1,000 units?
A. P 90 C. P200
B. P125 D. P300

Final selling price by Compo P300
Less additional processing cost 100
Maximum material cost (transfer price) P200
At a transfer price of P200, Compo will not realize any profit on the
additional 1,000 units

Use the following data to answer questions 162 through 164.

N & R Company transfers a product from division N to division R. Variable cost of
this product is anticipated to be P40 a unit and total fixed costs amount to P8,000. A
total of 100 units are anticipated to be produced. Actual cost, however, amounts to
P50 for variable costs. Fixed costs were same as budget. However, actual output
was twice as many.

162. Actual cost per unit amounts to

A. P90 C. P115
B. P92 D. P120

The actual cost is the sum of unit variable cost plus fixed cost divided
by actual units produced.
50 + (8000 ÷ 200) = P90

163. The transfer price based on actual variable costs plus 130% markup
amounts to
A. P90 C. P115

B. P92 D. P120

Variable cost P 50
Markup (P50 x 1.3) 65
Transfer price P115

164. The transfer price based on budgeted full cost plus 30% markup amounts to
A. P117 C. P150
B. P140 D. P156

Budgeted full costP40 + (P8,000 ÷ 100) P120
Markup (P120 x 0.3) 36
Transfer price P156


Geary Industries is a division of a major corporation. Last year the division had total
sales of $7,920,000, net operating income of $190,080, and average operating
assets of $3,000,000. The company's minimum required rate of return is 16%.

a. What is the division's margin?
b. What is the division's turnover?
c. What is the division's return on investment (ROI)?

a. Margin = Net operating income ÷ Sales = $190,080 ÷ $7,920,000 =
b. Turnover = Sales ÷ Average operating assets = $7,920,000 ÷
$3,000,000 = 2.6
c. ROI = Net operating income ÷ Average operating assets = $190,080 ÷
$3,000,000 = 6.3%

Sterling Company, a wholesale distributor of DVDs, has been experiencing losses for
some time, as shown by its most recent monthly income statement below:
Sales ……………………………................... P1,500,000
Less Variable expenses……………………. 588,000
Contribution Margin………………………. 912,000
Less Fixed expenses……………………….. 945,000
Net Operating Loss………………………... P (33,000)

In an effort to isolate the problem, the president has asked for an income statement
segmented by geographic market. Accordingly, the Accounting Department has
developed the following data:
Geographic Market
East Central West
Sales……………………................. P400,000 P600,000
Variable expenses as a
percentage of sales…………….. 52% 30%
Traceable fixed expenses……….. P240,000 P330,000

1. Prepare an income statement by geographic market, as desired by the
president. Show both Amount and Percent columns for the company as a
whole and for each geographic market. Carry percentage computations to
one decimal place.
2. The company’s sales manager believes that sales in Central geographic
market could be increased by 15% if advertising were increased by P25,000
each month. Would you recommend the increased in advertising? Show
computations to support your answer.


Requirement 1
Geographic Market
Total Company ast entral West
Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount %
P1,500,00 100. P400,00
Sales 0 0 0 100 P600,000 100 P500,000 100
Less variable 208,00
expenses 588,000 39.2 0 52 180,000 30 200,000 40
Contribution margin 912,000 60.8 192,000 48 420,000 70 300,000 60
Less traceable fixed 240,00
expenses 770,000 51.3 0 60 330,000 55 200,000 40
Geographic market
segment margin 142,000 9.5 P(48,000) (12) P 90,000 15 P100,000 20
Less common fixed
expenses not
traceable to
markets* 175,000 11.7
Net operating income P
(loss) (33,000) (2.2)

* P945,000 – P770,000 = P175,000.


Requirement 2
Incremental sales (P600,000 × 15%)............................................. P90,000
Contribution margin ratio...............................................................
× 70%
Incremental contribution margin................................................... 63,000
Less incremental advertising expense........................................... 25,000
Incremental net operating income.................................................P38,000

Yes, the advertising program should be initiated.

SCG, Inc., produces and sells recordable CD and DVD packs. Revenue and cost
information relating to the products follow:
Selling price per pack P8.00 P25.00
Variable expense per pack P3.20 P17.50
Traceable fixed expenses per year P138,000

Common fixed expenses in the company total P105,000 annually. Last year the
company produced and sold 37,500 CD packs and 18,000 DVD packs.

Prepare a contribution format income statement for the year segmented by product

Total CD DVD
Sales*........................................................... P750,000 P300,000 P450,000
Variable expenses**..................................... 435,000 120,000 315,000
Contribution margin..................................... 315,000 180,000 135,000
Traceable fixed expenses............................. 183,000 138,000 45,000
Product line segment margin....................... 132,000 P 42,000 P 90,000
Common fixed expenses not traceable to
products.................................................... 105,000
Net operating income................................... P 27,000

* CD: 37,500 packs × P8.00 per pack = P300,000;

DVD: 18,000 packs × P25.00 per pack= P450,000.
** CD: 37,500 packs × P3.20 per pack = P120,000;
DVD: 18,000 packs × P17.50 per pack= P315,000.

PROBLEM 4: Koko Company’s costs were over budget by $48,000. The Koko
Company is divided in two regions. The first region’s costs were over budget by

$5,000. Determine the amount that the second region’s cost was over or under
$43,000 over budget

PROBLEM 5: Using the data from the Koko Company, determine the divisional
income from operations for the A and B regions.

Region Region
Sales $600,00 $900,00
0 0
Cost of goods
sold 200,000 350,000
Selling expenses
150,000 275,000

Purchasing $80,00
accounting 40,000
Allocate service department expenses proportional to the sales of each

A Region = $600,000 - ($200,000 + $150,000) - ($600,000/$1,500,000 *
Income A region = $202,000

B Region = $900,000 - ($350,000 + $275,000) - ($900,000/$1,500,000 *

Income A region = $203,000

PROBLEM 6: The Kuroko Company has income from operations of $60,000,

invested assets of $345,000, and sales of $786,000. Use the DuPont formula to

calculate the rate of return on investment, and show (a) the profit margin, (b) the
investment turnover, and (c) rate of return on investment.

(a) Profit Margin = $60,000 / $786,000 = 7.63%
(b) Investment turnover = $786,000 / $345,000 = 2.278
(c) Rate of return on investment = 7.63% x 2.278 = 17.38%

PROBLEM 7: The Peace Company, Division A has income from operations of

$80,000 and assets of $400,000. The minimum acceptable rate of return on assets
is 14%. What is the residual income for the division?

Income from operations $80,00

Minimum acceptable income from operations 56,000
as a percent of assets:
$400,000 * 14%

Residual income $24,00


PROBLEM 8: The materials used by the Koko Company Division A are currently
purchased from outside supplier at $55 per unit. Division B is able to supply Division
A with 20,000 units at a variable cost of $42 per unit. The two divisions have
recently negotiated a transfer price of $48 per unit for the 20,000 units. By how
much will each division’s income increase as a result of this transfer?

Division A
Change in sales $0
Decrease in variable costs (20,000 * ($55 - $48)) 140,000
Increase in income $140,00

Division B
Increase in sales (20,000 * $48) $960,00
Increase in variable cost (20,000 * $42) 840,000
Increase in income $120,00

Total Increase in income for Koko Company $260,00

PROBLEM 9: The materials used by the Koko Company Division A are currently
purchased from outside supplier. Division B is able to supply Division A with 20,000
units at a variable cost of $42 per unit. The normal price that Division B normally
sells its units is $53 per unit. What is the range of transfer prices that the two
division managers should negotiate?
$53 to $42 per unit.
PROBLEM 10: The budget for Department 10 of Plant M for the current month
ending March 31 is as follows:
During March, the costs incurred in Department 10 of Plant M were materials,
$204,000; factory wages, $285,000; supervisory salaries, $63,600; depreciation of
plant and equipment, $35,000; power and light, $21,360; insurance and property
taxes, $14,400; maintenance, $9,456.
Materials $208,00
(a Prepare a budget performance report for the supervisor of
)Factory wages
Department 10 of Plant M for the month of March. 265,000
(b Are salaries 67,800
there any significant variances (greater than 5%) of the
budgeted amounts
of plant that should be examined by the supervisor?
and equipment 35,000
Power and light 22,500
Insurance and property taxes 15,500
Maintenance 9,700

Supervisor, Department 10--Plant M
For Month Ended March 31, 20--
Budget Actual Over Under
Materials $208,00 $204,00 $ 4,00
0 0 0
Factory wages $20,00
265,000 285,000
Supervisory $ 4,20
67,800 63,600
salaries 0
Depreciation of
and equipment 35,000 35,000 -- --
Power and light 22,500 21,360 1,140
Insurance and
15,500 14,400 1,100
property taxes
9,700 9,456 244
$623,50 $632,81 $20,00 $10,68
0 6 0 4

(b The factory wages and supervisory salaries expenses should be

) examined by the supervisor.

PROBLEM 11: A department store apportions payroll costs on the basis of the
number of payroll checks issued. Accounting costs are apportioned on the basis of
the number of reports. The payroll costs for the year were $231,000 and the
accounting costs for the year totaled $75,500. The departments and the average
cost of store equipment and average cost of inventory for each are as follows:

Number of Number
Payroll of Reports
Department R 483 70

Department S 1,470 85
Department T 147 345

Determine the amount of (a) payroll cost and (b) accounting cost to be
apportioned to each department.
Total R S T
Number of payroll 2,100 483 1,470 147
Percent 100% 23% 70% 7%
Payroll cost $231,00 $53,13 $161,70 $16,17
0 0 0 0

Number of reports 500 70 85 345
Percent 100% 14% 17% 69%
Accounting cost $10,57 $52,09
$75,500 $12,835
0 5

PROBLEM 12: A portion of the divisional income statement for the year just ended
is presented below in condensed form.
Department F
Net sales $ 250,000
Cost of goods sold 180,000
Gross profit $ 70,000
Operating expenses 90,000
Loss from operations $ (20,000)

The operating expenses of Department F include $45,000 for direct expenses.

It is estimated that the discontinuance of Department F would not have
affected the sales of the other departments nor have reduced the indirect
expenses of the business. Assuming the accuracy of these estimates,
determine the effect (increase or decrease and amount) on the income from
operations of the business if Department F had been discontinued.

$25,000 decrease, which is the income from operations for Department F
($250,000 net sales - $180,000 cost of goods sold - $45,000 direct

PROBLEM 13: Some items are omitted from each of the following condensed
divisional income statements of Willis Inc.
Division L Division M Division N
Sales $ (1) $320,000 $580,000
Cost of goods sold 480,000 120,000 $ (5)
Gross profit $220,000 $ (3) $180,000
Operating expenses 95,000 160,000 $ (6)
Income from
$ (2) $ (4) $ 75,000

(a Determine the amount of the missing items, identifying

) them by number.
(b Based on income from operations, which division is the
) most profitable?

(a (1 $700,000
) )
(2 $125,000
(3 $200,000
(4 $40,000
(5 $400,000
(6 $105,000

(b Division L

PROBLEM 14: Casey Co. has two divisions, F and G. Invested assets and
condensed income statement data for each division for the past year ended
December 31 are as follows:

Division F Division G
Revenues $175,000 $112,500
Operating expenses 112,500 92,750
Service department
27,500 12,625
Invested assets 225,000 97,500

(a Prepare condensed income statements for the past year for

) each division.
(b Using the expanded expression, determine the profit margin,
) investment turnover, and rate of return on investment for each



Casey Co.
Divisional Income Statements
For the Year Ended December 31, 20--
Division Division
Revenues $175,00 $112,50
0 0
Operating expenses
112,500 92,750
Income from operations before
service department charges $ $
62,500 19,750
Service department charges
27,500 12,625
Income from operations $ $
35,000 7,125

(b) Rate of return on investment (ROI) = Profit margin  investment


ROI = Income From Operations  Sales

Sales Invested Assets

Division F = $35,000  $175,000

$175,000 $225,000

ROI = 20.0%  .778

ROI = 15.6%

Division G = $7,125  $112,500

$112,500 $97,500

ROI = 6.3%  1.15

ROI = 7.2%

PROBLEM 15: Data for Divisions R, S, T, U, and V are as follows:

Div. Sales Income from Inv. Rate of Profit Invest.
Operations Assets Return Margin Turnover
on Inv.
R (1) $35,000 $200,000 (2) (3) 1.6
S $455,000 (4) $284,375 16% (5) (6)
T $525,000 $73,500 (7) (8) (9) 1.2
U $800,000 (10) (11) (12) 13.0% 2.5
V (13) (14) $250,000 (15) 16.0% 2.0

(a Determine the missing items, identifying each by number.

(b Which division is most profitable in terms of income from
) operations?
(c Which division is most profitable in terms of rate of return
) on investment?

(a (1) $320,000 ($200,000 x 1.6)
(2) 17.5% ($35,000/$200,000)
(3) 10.9% ($35,000/$320,000)
(4) $45,500 ($284,375 x 16%)
(5) 10% ($45,500/$455,000)
(6) 1.6 ($455,000/$284,375)
(7) $437,500 ($525,000/1.2)
(8) 16.8% ($73,500/$437,500)
(9) 14% ($73,500/$525,000)
(10 $104,000 ($800,000  13.0%)
(11 $320,000 ($800,000/2.5)

(12 32.5% ($104,000/$320,000)
(13 $500,000 ($250,000  2.0)
(14 $80,000 ($500,000  16%)
(15 32% (16%  2.0)

(b) Division U

(c) Division U

PROBLEM 16: Several items are missing from the following table of rate of return
on investment and residual income. Determine the missing items, identifying each
item by the appropriate letter.

Invested Income Rate of Min.Rate of Min. Amt. of Residual

Assets from Oper. Return Return Income Income
on Inv. from
(a) (b) (c) 16% $128,000 $10,000
$153,000 (d) 12% (e) (f)
(g) 20% (h) (i) $24,000
(j) $129,000 24% (k) $ 60,000 (l)

(a $800,000 ($128,000/16%)
(b $138,000 ($128,000 + $10,000)
(c 17.3% ($138,000/$800,000)
(d 18% ($153,000/$850,000)
(e $102,000 ($850,000  12%)
(f) $51,000 ($153,000 - $102,000)
(g $165,000 ($825,000  20%)
(h 17.1% ($141,000/$825,000)
(i) $141,000 ($165,000 - $24,000)
(j) $537,500 ($129,000/24%)
(k 11.2% ($60,000/$537,500)

(l) $69,000 ($129,000 - $60,000)

PROBLEM 17: The sales, income from operations, and invested assets for each
division of Jamieson Company are as follows:
Income Invested
Sales from Assets
(a Operation
Using the expanded expression, determine the profit margin,
) investment turnover, and s rate of return on investment for each
Division E division.$4,000,0 $550,000
Round to one decimal place. $2,400,0
(b Which is00 00 invested?
(are) the most profitable per dollar
) F 4,800,00 760,000 2,500,00
0 0
Division G 7,000,00 860,000 2,800,00
0 0
(a Rate of Return on Investment:

ROI = Profit Margin x Investment Turnover

ROI = Income from Operations x Sales

Sales Invested Assets

Division E: ROI = $550,000 x $4,000,000

$4,000,000 $2,400,000
ROI = 13.8% x 1.67
ROI = 23.0%

Division F: ROI = $760,000 x $4,800,000

$4,800,000 $2,500,000
ROI = 15.8% x 1.92
ROI = 30.3%

Division ROI = $860,000 x $7,000,000

$7,000,000 $2,800,000
ROI = 12.3% x 2.5
ROI = 30.8%

(b Divisions F and G are almost equally profitable.


PROBLEM 18: The sales, income from operations, and invested assets for each
division of Winston Company are as follows:

Income Invested
Sales from Assets
Division C $5,000,0 $3,900,0
00 00
Division D 6,800,00 4,300,00
0 0
Division E 3,750,00 7,250,00
0 0
Management has established a minimum rate of return for invested assets of

(a Determine the residual income for each division.


(b Based on residual income, which of the divisions is the most

) profitable?

(a Division C: $318,000 ($630,000 - $312,000)
Division $416,000 ($760,000 - $344,000)
Division E: $170,000 ($750,000 - $580,000)

(b Division D

PROBLEM 19: Materials used by Nead Company in producing Division A's product
are currently purchased from outside suppliers at a cost of $30 per unit. However,
the same materials are available from Division B. Division B has unused capacity
and can produce the materials needed by Division A at a variable cost of $20 per

(a If a transfer price of $25 per unit is established and 60,000 units

) of material are transferred, with no reductions in Division B's
current sales, how much would Nead Company's total income
from operations increase?

(b Assuming transfer price of $25, how much would the income

) from operations of Division A increase?

(c Assuming transfer price of $25, how much would the income

) from operations of Division B increase?

(d If the negotiated price approach is used, what would be the


) range of acceptable transfer prices?

(a $600,000

(b Division A would save $5 per unit on 60,000 units or $300,000.


(c Division B would earn an additional $300,000 by selling 60,000

) units at $5 above the variable cost.

(d $20.01 to $29.99

PROBLEM 20: Eban Wares is a division of a major corporation. The following data
are for the latest year of operations:
Sales ................................................................................. $10,890,000
Net operating income ...................................................... $609,840
Average operating assets ................................................. $3,000,000
The company’s minimum required rate of return ........... 16%
a. What is the division's margin?
b. What is the division's turnover?
c. What is the division's return on investment (ROI)?
d. What is the division's residual income?

a. Margin = Net operating income ÷ Sales = $609,840 ÷ $10,890,000 = 5.6%
b. Turnover = Sales ÷ Average operating assets = $10,890,000 ÷ $3,000,000 =
c. ROI = Net operating income ÷ Average operating assets = $609,840 ÷
= 20.3%
d. Residual income = Net operating income - Minimum required rate of return ×
Average operating assets = $609,840 - 16% × $3,000,000 = $129,840


Omen Company produces and sells only two products that are referred to as RIPS
and PITS. Production is “for order” only, and no finished goods inventories are

maintained; work in process inventories are negligible. The following data have
been extracted relating to last month:
Sales $180,000 $180,000
Manufacturing costs:
Materials $18,000 $24,000
Labor $54,000 $48,000
Overhead $72,000 $84,000
Selling expenses $14,400 $10,080
Administrative expenses $12,000 $18,000

An analysis has been made of the manufacturing overhead. Although the

items listed above are traceable to the products, $36,000 of the overhead
assigned to RIPS and $72,000 of that assigned to PITS is fixed. The balance of
the overhead is variable. Selling expenses consist entirely of commissions
paid as a percentage of sales. Direct labor is completely variable.
Administrative expenses in the data above are fixed and cannot be traced to
the products but have been arbitrarily allocated to the products.

Prepare a segmented income statement, in total and for the two products.
Use the contribution approach.

Sales $360,000 $180,000 $180,000
Less: Variable
Materials 42,000 18,000 24,000
Labor 102,000 54,000 48,000
Manufacturing 48,000 36,000 12,000
Selling expenses 24,480 14,400 10,080
Total Variable 216,480 122,400 94,080
Contribution margin 143,520 57,600 85,920
Less fixed expenses:
Manufacturing 108,000 36,000 72,000
Segment margin 35,520 $ 21,600 $ 13,920
Less common
Administrative 30,000
Net operating income $ 5,520

Financial data for Redstone Company for last year appear below:

Redstone Company
Statements of Financial Position
Beginning Ending
Balance Balance
Cash $120,000 $160,000
Accounts Receivable 110,000 100,000
Inventory 50,000 60,000
Plant and equipment (net) 180,000 160,000
Investment in Balsam Company 50,000 60,000
Land (undeveloped) 120,000 120,000
Total assets $630,000 $660,000

Liabilities and owners’ equity:

Accounts payable $ 70,000 $ 90,000
Long-term debt 500,000 500,000
Owners’ equity 60,000 70,000
Total liabilities and owners’ equity $630,000 $660,000

Redstone Company
Income Statement
Sales $1,222,000
Less operating expenses 1,099,800
Net operating income 122,200
Less interest and taxes:
Interest expense $60,000
Tax expense 20,000
Net income $ 42,200

The company paid dividends of $32,200 last year. The “Investment in Balsam
Company” on the statement of financial position represents an investment in
the stock of another company.

a. Compute the company's margin, turnover, and return on investment for
last year.
b. The Board of Directors of Redstone has set a minimum required return of
25%. What was the company's residual income last year?

a. Operating assets do not include investments in other companies or in
undeveloped land.
Beginning Ending
Balance Balance
Cash $120,000 $160,000
Accounts Receivable 110,000 100,000
Inventory 50,000 60,000
Plant and equipment (net) 180,000 160,000

Total Operating Assets $460,000 $480,000

Average operating assets = ($460,000 + $480,000) ÷ 2

= $470,000
Margin = Net operating income ÷ Sales
= $122,200 ÷ $1,222,000 = 10%
Turnover = Sales ÷ Average operating assets
= $1,222,000 ÷ $470,000 = 2.6
ROI = Margin × Turnover
= 10% × 2.6 = 26%
b. Net operating income ................................................ $122,200
Minimum required return (25% × $470,000) ........... 117,500
Residual income ........................................................ $ 4,700

Purple Associates is a consulting firm that specializes in information systems for
construction and landscaping companies. The firm has two offices – one in Manila
and one in Cebu. The firm classifies the direct costs of consulting jobs as variable
costs. A segmented income statement for the company’s most recent year is given
Total Company Manila Cebu
Sales P750,000 100.0% P150,000 100% P600,000
Less Variable Expenses 405,000 54.0 45,000 30 360,000
Contribution Margin 345,000 46.0 105,000 70
240,000 40
Less Traceable Fixed
Expenses 168,000 22.4 78,000 52 90,000
Office Segment Margin 177,000 23.6 P27,000 18% P150,000
Less Common Fixed
Expenses not traceable
to segments 120,000 16.0
Net Operating Income P57,000 7.6%

1. By how much would the company’s net operating income increase if Cebu
increased it sales by P75,000 per year? Assume no change in cost behavior
2. Refer to the original data. Assume that sales in Manila increase by P50,000
next year and that sales in Cebu remain unchanged. Assume no change in
fixed costs.
a. Prepare a new segmented income statement for the company using the
format above. Show both amounts and percentages.
b. Observe from the income statement you have prepared that the CM ratio
for Manila has remained unchanged at 70% (the same as in the data

above) but that the segment margin ratio has changed. How do you
explain the change in the segment margin ratio?

Requirement 1
P75,000 × 40% CM ratio = P30,000 increased contribution margin in Cebu.
Since the fixed costs in the office and in the company as a whole will not
change, the entire P30,000 would result in increased net operating income
for the company.

It is incorrect to multiply the P75,000 increase in sales by Cebu’s 25%

segment margin ratio. This approach assumes that the segment’s
traceable fixed expenses increase in proportion to sales, but if they did,
they would not be fixed.

Requirement 2

a. The segmented income statement follows:


Total Company Manila Cebu

Amount % Amount % Amount %
Sales.............................. P800,00 100.0% P200,00 100% P600,00 100%
0 0 0
Less variable expenses.. 420,00 52.5 60,00 30 360,00 60
0 0 0
Contribution margin...... 380,000 47.5 140,000 70 240,000 40
Less traceable fixed
168,00 21.0 78,00 39 90,00 15
0 0 0
Office segment margin. . 212,000 26.5 P 62,000 31% P150,00 25%
Less common fixed
expenses not traceable
to segments................
120,00 15.0
Net operating income.... P 92,000 11.5%

b. The segment margin ratio rises and falls as sales rise and fall due to
the presence of fixed costs. The fixed expenses are spread over a larger
base as sales increase.

In contrast to the segment ratio, the contribution margin ratio is a stable

figure so long as there is no change in either the variable expenses or the
selling price of a unit of service.

Laban lang Corporation's Maintenance Department provides services to the
company's two operating divisions-the Paints Division and the Stains Division. The
variable costs of the Maintenance Department are budgeted based on the number
of cases produced by the operating departments. The fixed costs of the
Maintenance Department are budgeted based on the number of cases produced by
the operating
Maintenance Department
Budgeted variable cost............................. $2 per case
Budgeted total fixed cost.......................... $1,140,000
Actual total variable cost.......................... $239,400
Actual total fixed cost............................... $1,157,980

Paints Division
Percentage of peak period capacity
required................................................. 30%
Budgeted cases........................................ 29,000
Actual cases.............................................. 29,040

Stains Division
Percentage of peak period capacity
required................................................. 70%
Budgeted cases........................................ 85,000
Actual cases.............................................. 84,960

departments during the peak period. Data appear below:

1 For performance evaluation purposes, how much Maintenance

Department cost should be charged to the Stains Division at the END

of the year?
2 If Store B sales increase by $20,000 with no change in traceable fixed
expenses, the overall company net operating income should:
3 The marketing department believes that a promotional campaign at
Store A costing $5,000 will increase sales by $15,000. If its plan is
adopted, overall company net operating income should:
4 A proposal has been made that will lower variable expenses in Store A
to 62% of sales. However, this reduction can only be accomplished by
an increase in fixed expenses of $8,000. If this proposal is
implemented and sales remain constant, overall company net
operating income should:
5 If sales in Store B increase by $30,000 as a result of a $7,000
expenditure in fixed expenses:
6 Currently the sales clerks receive a salary of $7,000 per month in Store
B. A proposal has been made to change from a fixed salary to a sales
commission of 5%. Assume that this proposal is adopted, and that as a
result sales increase by $20,000. The new segment margin for Store B
should be:


1 Maintenance Department cost charged to Stains Division
= ($2 per case × 84,960 cases) + ($1,140,000 × 70%)
= $169,920 + $798,000 = $967,920

O'Neill, Incorporated's income statement for the most recent month is given

Total Store A Store B

$300,0 $100,0 $200,0
Sales............................... 00 00 00
192,00 72,00 120,00
Variable expenses........... 0 0 0
Contribution margin........ 0 28,000 80,000
76,00 21,00 55,00
Traceable fixed expenses 0 0 0
$ 7,00 $ 25,00
Segment margin..............
32,000 0 0
2 27,00 Store B
Common fixed expenses. 0
$ 5,00
Net operating income...... 0
contribution margin ratio = $80,000 ÷ $200,000 = 40%
Additional net operating income = $20,000 × 40% = $8,000

3 Store A contribution margin ratio = $28,000 ÷ $100,000 = 28%

Change in net operating income = ($15,000 × 28%) − $5,000

= $4,200 − $5,000 = $800 decrease

4 New amount for Store A variable expenses = $100,000 × 62% = $62,000

Change in net operating income = ($72,000 − $62,000) − $8,000
= $10,000 − $8,000 = $2,000 increase

5 Store B contribution margin ratio = $80,000 ÷ $200,000 = 40%

Change in segment margin = ($30,000 × 40%) − $7,000
= $12,000 − $7,000 = $5,000 increase
The segment margin should increase by $5,000

6 $220,00 ($200,000 +
) Sales............................... 0 $20,000)
Sales commissions.......... 11,000 ($220,000 × 5%)
132,00 ($220,000 ×
Other variable expenses. 0 60%*)
Contribution margin........ 77,000
48,00 ($55,000 −
Traceable fixed expenses 0 $7,000)
Segment margin......... 29,000

*Variable expenses ÷ Sales = $120,000 ÷ $200,000 = 60%

Suside Corporation has two operating divisions-an Inland Division and a Coast
Division. The company's Customer Service Department provides services to both
divisions. The variable costs of the Customer Service Department are budgeted at
$38 per order. The Customer Service Department's fixed costs are budgeted at
$433,200 for the year. The fixed costs of the Customer Service Department are
determined based on the peak period orders.

Percentage of Peak Period Budgeted

Capacity Required Orders
Inland Division.... 40% 2,400

Coast Division..... 60% 5,200

At the end of the year, actual Customer Service Department variable costs
totaled $303,240 and fixed costs totaled $450,280. The Inland Division had a
total of 2,430 orders and the Coast Division had a total of 5,170 orders for the

1 Prepare a report showing how much of the Customer Service

Department's costs should be charged to each of the operating divisions
at the end of the year.
2 How much of the actual Customer Service Department costs should not be
charged to the operating divisions at the end of the year? Who should be
held responsible for these uncharged costs?


1 The amount of cost that would be charged to each of the operating
divisions at the end of the year would be as follows:
Inland Coast
Division Division
Variable cost allocation:
$38 × 2,430 orders.... $92,340
$38 × 5,170 orders.... $196,460
Fixed cost allocation:
40% × $433,200........ 173,280
60% × $433,200........ 259,920
Total cost charged......... $265,620 $456,380

2 The uncharged costs are:

Variable Fixed
$303,2 $450,2
Total actual costs incurred 40 80
288,80 433,20
Costs charged................. 0 0
$14,44 $17,08
Spending variance........... 0 0

The spending variance represents the difference between the Customer

Service Department’s actual costs and what those costs should have been,
given the actual level of activity. This difference is properly the responsibility
of the Customer Service Department and should not be charged to the
operating divisions.

Diva has asked Dina of the same company to supply it with 5,000 units of part
WD26 this year to use in one of its products. Diva has received a bid from an
outside supplier for the parts at a price of $19.00 per unit. Dina has the capacity to
produce 25,000 units of part WD26 per year. Dina expects to sell 21,000 units of
part WD26 to outside customers this year at a price of $18.00 per unit. To fill the
order from Diva, Dina would have to cut back its sales to outside customers. Dina
produces part WD26 at a variable cost of $12.00 per unit. The cost of packing and
shipping the parts for outside customers is $2.00 per unit. These packing and
shipping costs would not have to be incurred on sales of the parts to Diva.

1 What is the range of transfer prices within which both the Divisions' profits
would increase as a result of agreeing to the transfer of 5,000 parts this
year from Diva to Dina?
2 Is it in the best interests of the overall company for this transfer to take
place? Explain.


1 From the perspective of Diva, profits would increase as a result of the
transfer if and only if:

Transfer price > Variable cost + Opportunity cost

The opportunity cost is the contribution margin on the lost sales, divided
by the number of units transferred:
Opportunity cost = [($18.00 - $12.00 - $2.00)×1,000*]/5,000 = $0.80

* Demand from outside customers.................... 21,000

Units required by Diva..................................... 5,000
Total requirements.......................................... 26,000
Capacity.......................................................... 25,000
Required reduction in sales to outside
customers.................................................... 1,000

Therefore, Transfer price > $12.00 + $0.80 = $12.80.

From the viewpoint of Dina, the transfer price must be less than the cost
of buying the units from the outside supplier. Therefore,
Transfer price < $19.00.
Combining the two requirements, we get the following range of transfer
$12.80 < Transfer price < $19.00.

2 Yes, the transfer should take place. From the viewpoint of the entire
company, the cost of transferring the units within the company is $12.80,
but the cost of purchasing them from the outside supplier is $19.00.
Therefore, the company’s profits increase on average by $6.20 for each of
the special parts that is transferred within the company.

Kantana Corporation has two operating divisions-a North Division and a South
Division. The company's Logistics Department services both divisions. The variable
costs of the Logistics Department are budgeted at $32 per shipment. The Logistics
Department's fixed costs are budgeted at $372,300 for the year. The fixed costs of
the Logistics Department are determined based on peak-period demand.
Percentage of Peak Budgeted
Period Capacity Shipments

North Division..... 25% 1,700
South Division.... 75% 5,600

At the end of the year, actual Logistics Department variable costs totaled
$335,000 and fixed costs totaled $382,850. The North Division had a total of
4,700 shipments and the South Division had a total of 5,300 shipments for
the year.
1 Prepare a report showing how much of the Logistics Department's costs
should be charged to each of the operating divisions at the end of the
2 How much of the actual Logistics Department costs should not be charged
to the operating divisions at the end of the year? Who should be held
responsible for these uncharged costs?


1 The amount of cost that would be charged to each of the operating
divisions at the end of the year would be as follows:
North South
Division Division
Variable cost allocation:
$32 × 4,700 shipments... $150,400

$32 × 5,300 shipments... $169,600

Fixed cost allocation:
25% × $372,300............. 93,075
75% × $372,300............. 279,225
Total cost charged.............. $243,475 $448,825

2 The uncharged costs are:

Variable Fixed
$335,0 $382,8
Total actual costs incurred. 00 50
320,00 372,30
Costs charged.................... 0 0
$15,00 $10,55
Spending variance............. 0 0

The spending variance represents the difference between the Logistics

Department’s actual costs and what those costs should have been, given the
actual level of activity. This difference is properly the responsibility of the
Logistics Department and should not be charged to the operating divisions.

Annyeong Corporation has two operating divisions-a Consumer Division and a
Commercial Division. The company's Order Fulfillment Department provides
services to both divisions. The variable costs of the Order Fulfillment Department
are budgeted at $56 per order. The Order Fulfillment Department's fixed costs are
budgeted at $233,700 for the year. The fixed costs of the Order Fulfillment
Department are budgeted based on the peak period orders.
Percentage of Peak
Period Capacity Budgeted
Required Orders
Consumer Division........ 40% 1,200
Commercial Division..... 60% 2,900

At the end of the year, actual Order Fulfillment Department variable costs
totaled $237,390 and fixed costs totaled $239,140. The Consumer Division
had a total of 1,240 orders and the Commercial Division had a total of 2,860
orders for the year.
1How much Order Fulfillment Department cost should be allocated to the
Commercial Division at the end of the year?
2How much actual Order Fulfillment Department cost should not be allocated to
the operating divisions at the end of the year?

1 Order Fulfillment Department cost allocated to Commercial Division

= ($56 per order × 2,860 orders) + ($233,700 × 60%)
= $160,160 + $140,220 = $300,380

2 Actual cost = $237,390 + $239,140 = $476,530

Cost allocated to operating divisions
= [$56 per order × (1,240 + 2,860 orders)] + $233,700
= [$56 per order × 4,100 orders] + $233,700
= $229,600 + $233,700 = $463,300
Actual Order Fulfillment cost not allocated to operating divisions
= $476,530 − $463,300 = $13,230

Division Co of the Coku Company makes a part that can either be sold to outside
customers or transferred internally to Division Ku for further processing. Annual data
relating to this part are as follows:

Annual production capacity......................... 80,000 units

Selling price of the item to outside
customers................................................. $35
Variable cost per unit................................... $23
Fixed cost per unit....................................... $5
Ku of the Coku Company requires 15,000 units per year and is currently
paying an outside supplier $33 per unit. Consider each part below
1If outside customers demand only 50,000 units per year, then according to the
formula in the text, what is the lowest acceptable transfer price from the
viewpoint of the selling division?
2If outside customers demand 80,000 units, then according to the formula in the
text, what is the lowest acceptable transfer price from the viewpoint of the
selling division?
3 If outside customers demand 80,000 units and if, by selling to Division Ku,
Division Co could avoid $4 per unit in variable selling expense, then
according to the formula in the text, what is the lowest acceptable transfer
price from the viewpoint of the selling division?
4If outside customers demand 70,000 units, then according to the formula in the
text, what is the lowest acceptable transfer price from the viewpoint of the
selling division for each of the 15,000 units needed by Co?


1 Transfer price ³ Variable cost per unit + (Total contribution margin on lost
sales ÷ Number of units transferred) = $23 + ($0 ÷ 15,000) = $23
2 Transfer price ≥ Variable cost per unit + (Total contribution margin on lost
sales ÷ Number of units transferred) = $23 + [($35 − $23) × 15,000] ÷
15,000 = $23 + $12 = $35
3 Transfer price ≥ Variable cost per unit + (Total contribution margin on lost
sales ÷ Number of units transferred) = $23 + [($35 − $23 − $4) ×
15,000] ÷ 15,000 = $23 + $8 = $31

4 Transfer price ≥ Variable cost per unit + (Total contribution margin on lost
sales ÷ Number of units transferred)
= $23 + [($35 − $23) × 5,000*] ÷ 15,000 = $23 + ($12 ÷ 3)
= $23 + $4 = $27

*Lost sales units = 15,000 − (80,000 − 70,000) = 15,000 − 10,000 = 5,000

Ferrar Corporation has two major business segments-Consumer and Commercial.
Data for the segment and for the company for March appear below:

Sales revenues, Consumer................ $680,000

Sales revenues, Commercial............. $280,000
Variable expenses, Consumer........... $394,000
Variable expenses, Commercial........ $143,000
Traceable fixed expenses, Consumer $102,000
Traceable fixed expenses,
Commercial.................................... $45,000

In addition, common fixed expenses totaled $210,000 and were allocated as

follows: $122,000 to the Consumer business segment and $88,000 to the
Commercial business segment.
1The contribution margin of the Commercial business segment is:
2A properly constructed segmented income statement in a contribution format
would show that the segment margin of the Consumer business segment is:
3 . A properly constructed segmented income statement in a contribution format
would show that the net operating income of the company as a whole is:


Sales............................. 0
Variable expenses......... 0
Contribution margin...... 0

Sales............................. 0
Variable expenses......... 0
Contribution margin...... 286,000
Traceable fixed 102,00
expenses................... 0
Segment margin........... 0
Total Consume Commerci
Company r al
Sales............................. $960,000 0 $280,000
Variable expenses......... 537,000 394,000 143,000
Contribution margin...... 423,000 286,000 137,000

Traceable fixed
expenses................... 147,000 102,000 45,000
Segment margin........... 276,000 0 $92,000
Common fixed
expenses................... 210,000
Net operating income... $66,000

PROBLEM 11: Casey Co. has two divisions, F and G. Invested assets and
condensed income statement data for each division for the past year ended
December 31 are as follows:

Division F Division G
Revenues $175,000 $112,500
Operating expenses 112,500 92,750
Service department
27,500 12,625
Invested assets 225,000 97,500

(a Prepare condensed income statements for the past year for

) each division.
(b Using the expanded expression, determine the profit margin,
) investment turnover, and rate of return on investment for each



Casey Co.
Divisional Income Statements
For the Year Ended December 31, 20--
Division Division
Revenues $175,00 $112,50
0 0
Operating expenses
112,500 92,750
Income from operations before
service department charges $ $
62,500 19,750
Service department charges
27,500 12,625
Income from operations $ $
35,000 7,125

(b) Rate of return on investment (ROI) = Profit margin  investment


ROI = Income From Operations  Sales

Sales Invested Assets

Division F = $35,000  $175,000

$175,000 $225,000

ROI = 20.0%  .778

ROI = 15.6%

Division G = $7,125  $112,500

$112,500 $97,500

ROI = 6.3%  1.15

ROI = 7.2%

Chips Division manufacturers electronic circuit boards. The boards can be sold
either to Compo Division of the same company or to outside customers. Last year,
the following activity occurred in division A:
Selling price per circuit board P125
Production cost per circuit board 90
Numbers of circuit boards:
Produced during the year 20,000
Sold to outside customers 16,000
Sold to Compo Division 4,000

Sales to Compo Division were at the same price as sales to outside customers.
The circuit boards purchased by Compo Division were used in an electronic
instrument manufactured by that division (one board per instrument). Compo
Division incurred P100 in additional cost per instrument and then sold the
instrument for P300 each.

Assume that Chips Division’s manufacturing capacity is 20,000 circuit boards.

Next year Compo Division wants to purchase 5,000 circuits board from Chips
Division rather than 4,000. (Circuit boards of this type are not available from
outside sources.)

Chips Division proposed that a transfer for additional 1,000 units be produced
by requiring its workers to work overtime. Chips Division indicated that the
transfer price may be unreasonably high because of the overtime premium.

What is the maximum transfer that Compo Division will accept for the
additional 1,000 units?

Final selling price by Compo P300
Less additional processing cost 100
Maximum material cost (transfer price) P200

At a transfer price of P200, Compo will not realize any profit on the
additional 1,000 units


I. Jensen Co. makes three products: Tulips, Asters, and Roses. Last year’s net
operating income/(loss) was $(145,000). The following segment information
was taken from last year’s segmented income statement:
Tulips Asters Roses
Contribution $25,000 $(50,000) $70,000
Segment Margin $(5,000) $(80,000) $50,000
Segment Margin $(15,000 $(120,000 $(10,000 )
less common ) )
fixed costs

Jensen expects that this pattern of segment information will be similar next
year. If Jensen wants to maximize profit in the coming year, which product or
products should he discontinue?


Tulips Asters Roses

Contribution $25,000 $(50,000) $70,000
Segment Margin $(5,000) $(80,000) $50,000
Segment Margin $(15,000 $(120,00 $(10,000
less common ) 0) )
fixed costs

Based on the Segmented income Statement, Tulips and Asters should

be discontinue, because they have a negative segment margin.

II. Nantua Sunglasses Corporation has two divisions: Southern and Northern.
The following information was taken from last year’s income statement
segmented by division:
Total Southern Northern
Sales $4,000,00 0 $2,500,00 0 $1,500,00 0
Contribution Margin $1,650,00 0 $1,050,00 0 $ 600,000
Segment Margin $850,000 $700,000 $150,000

If the Northern Division’s sales last year were $300,000 higher, how would
this have changed Nantua’s net operating income (assuming no change in
cost structure)?

Before Increase in Sales After Increase in Sales
Northern % of Sales Northern % of Sales
Sales $1,500,00 100% $1,800,000 100%
Variable costs $(900,000 60% $(1,080,000 ) 60%
Contribution $600,000 40% $720,000 40%
Increase in income = $720,000 - $600,000 = $120,000

III. Segmented income statements are used to show revenues, expenses, and
income for major parts of an organization.

A. Consider a regional chain of department stores that has two or three
stores in each of several cities. One way to segment this business is
geographically. Describe another way of segmenting the firm.
B. Segmented income statements often distinguish between "fixed expenses
controllable by the segment manager" and "fixed expenses traceable to
the segment, but controllable by others." Assume that the Cleveland
district has three retail stores. Give two examples of each type of fixed
C. Common costs create difficulties when preparing segmented income
statements. Define "common costs," give an example for the regional
chain of department stores, and explain in general terms why such costs
create a problem.

A. Other possible segments:
 product lines (women's clothing, men's clothing, housewares, etc.)

 demographic characteristics of customer (gender, use of cash or credit

card, approximate age, etc.)

B. Fixed expenses controllable by the Cleveland regional manager include:

 regional advertising
 contracts for maintenance of local facilities such as
snowplowing, landscaping, routine building maintenance
 utilities (controllable to some extent at the individual store
 salaries (within limits set by upper management)

Fixed expenses traceable to the segment, but controllable by others

 salary of the regional manager
 building depreciation (assuming the regional manager does not
have authority to close or open stores)
 Corporate charges for services such as legal and accounting,
MIS, central purchasing, etc.
 debt-service costs on funds used to acquire (build) the stores

C. Common costs are costs incurred to benefit more than one segment.
Frequently, there is no cause/effect relationship regarding the size of
these costs and the segments nor are such costs easily traceable to the
segments. Examples include salaries of top corporate officials and costs
of the corporate headquarters.

IV. Brando Corporation manufactures decorative, sculpted accessories that are

sold by interior decorators and home furnishing stores. The following situation
concerns two Brando employees: Pitbull, head of the company's Billing
Department, and Caty, the firm's general manager.

Pitbul's Billing Department makes heavy use of hourly employees and is

evaluated as a cost center. Understanding the need for prompt collection of
receivables, Pitbul strives to run a first-class operation. Pitbul also
understands the need to contribute in a big way to Branson's financial
performance so she continually strives to minimize Billing Department

Unfortunately, Pitbul experienced a heated discussion with Caty several

weeks ago, the subject being the shoddy operation that she is running. Caty
complained loudly about the lack of timely billings to customers and the
general lack of attention to detail, as many complaints have surfaced about
erroneous invoices and customer statements.

A. What is meant by the term "responsibility accounting?"
B. What measure(s) of performance would companies normally use to
evaluate a cost-center manager?

C. Does Caty have a valid reason to be upset with Pitbul ? Given the nature
of the Billing Department, did Deborah err in her quest to minimize
expenses? Explain.
D. Is it likely that the Billing Department could be evaluated as a profit
center? Why?

A. Responsibility accounting refers to the various concepts and tools that are
used within an organization to evaluate the performance of people and
various sub-units (such as divisions and departments). Managers are
appointed to oversee these sub-units and held accountable for items
under their control.

B. The manager of a cost center is typically evaluated on the amount of cost

incurred. The costs should be under the manager's control, and the
service provided by the center should be high.

C. Yes. Although Pitbul understands the need to run a first-class operation

and contribute to Branson's overall financial performance, she may have
taken things a bit too far. A cost-center manager should strive to run an
operation that provides high-quality service at the lowest possible cost.
This does not necessarily mean cost minimization, which often results in
the elimination of key tasks (i.e., the "fine points") needed to achieve
quality. It is possible that the department's late billings and errors in
invoices and customer statements may have been caused by such

D. No. A profit-center manager is evaluated on the basis of revenues

generated and costs incurred. The Billing Department does not produce
any revenues for Branson—it merely handles customer invoices and
statements. Sales of company products are likely the responsibility of a
separate Sales Department.

V. Chunsa, Inc., provides a variety of telecommunications services to residential

and commercial customers from its massive campus-like headquarters in
suburban Orlando. For a number of years the firm's maintenance group has
been organized as a cost center, rendering services free of charge to the
company's user departments (sales, billing, accounting, marketing, research,
and so forth).

Requests for maintenance have grown considerably, and demand is

approaching the point where quality and timeliness of services provided is
becoming an issue. As a result, management is studying whether the
maintenance operation should be converted from a cost center to a profit
center, with users to be billed for services performed.

A. Differentiate between a cost center and a profit center. How is each of
these centers evaluated?

B. What will likely happen to the number of user service requests if the
company makes the switch to a profit-center form of organization? Why?
C. Assume that a user department has requested a particular service, one
that is time consuming and costly to perform. The maintenance group's
actual cost incurred in providing this service is $17,800, and the user has
agreed to pay $20,800 if the switch to a profit center is made. If this case
is fairly typical within the firm, which of the two forms of organization (cost
center or profit center) will result in a more responsive, service-oriented
maintenance group for Chunsa? Why?

A. Cost centers and profit centers are different types of responsibility units
within an organization. With a cost center, a manager is held accountable
for the amount of cost incurred; in contrast, with a profit center, managers
are evaluated on the amount of profit generated, namely, revenues minus

B. The number of service requests is likely to drop because users will now be
charged for services provided. In cases where services are free, users
sometimes use and abuse the privilege.

C. The profit center form of organization will probably result in a more

service-oriented maintenance group. The profit-center manager would be
willing to perform services as long as capacity is available and revenues
exceed expenses. Naturally, the added profit is viewed favorably, and the
quality of services may actually increase. On the other hand, if organized
as a cost center, providing additional service will likely result in higher
costs, which could be viewed unfavorably in performance evaluations.

VI. Consider the following situation:

The marketing manager of Gilroy, Inc., accepted a rush order for a nonstock
item from a valued customer. The manager filed the necessary paperwork
with the production department, and a production manager did the same with
purchasing for needed raw materials. Unfortunately, a purchasing clerk
temporarily lost the paperwork; by the time it was found, it was too late to
order from Gilroy's regular supplier. A new supplier was located that quoted a
very attractive price.

The materials soon arrived and were found to be of poor quality, thus giving
rise to a favorable materials price variance, an unfavorable materials quantity
variance, and an unfavorable labor efficiency variance. These latter two
variances, as was the usual case, appeared on the production manager's
performance report for the period just ended.

A. Given that the company uses a responsibility accounting system, should
the production manager be penalized for poor performance? Briefly

discuss, keeping in mind that a production manager is generally in a very

good position to control material usage and labor efficiency.
B. Should anything be done to correct the situation? If "yes," briefly explain.

A. No. Although the variances appear on the production manager's
performance report and are often under his or her control, an adjustment
is needed in this case. The problem appears to be the fault of the
purchasing clerk who misplaced the paperwork. Another explanation may
be that the fault lies with the marketing department for accepting a rush
order and possibly putting a strain on the entire manufacturing system.

B. Yes. These variances should be discussed to determine who's to blame

and then cross-charged against that individual's department.

VII. Lanie Corporation manufactures plastic water bottles. It plans to grow by

producing high-quality water bottles at a low cost that are delivered in a timely
manner. There are a number of other manufacturers who produce similar water
bottles. Leonard believes that continuously improving its manufacturing
processes and having satisfied employees are critical to implementing its

a. Is Lanie strategy one of product innovation and leadership, best total cost,
or complete customer solutions? Briefly explain.

Identify at least one key element that you would expect to see included in
the Balanced Scorecard:

b. for the financial perspective;

c. for the customer perspective;
d. for the internal perspective; and
e. for the learning and growth perspective.

a. Maloney’s strategy is one of best total cost because there are a
number of other manufacturers who produce similar water bottles. To
succeed, Maloney will have to achieve lower costs relative to competitors
through productivity and efficiency improvements, elimination of waste,
and tight cost controls.

The company’s Balanced Scorecard should describe the best total cost
strategy. Key elements should include:

b. operating income growth from productivity gains and growth for the
financial perspective;
c. growth in market share, new customers, customer responsiveness,
and customer satisfaction for the customer perspective;

d. yield, time to complete customer jobs, and order delivery time for the
internal business perspective; and
e. number of process improvements, hours of employee training, and
employee satisfaction for the learning and growth perspective

VIII. Saxex) is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is the largest jewelry
retailer in the UK. COMPANY PROFILE Saxex operates some 600 jewellery
outlets in the UK. Products include: traditional jewelry of gold and gem
stones, costume jewelry, watches, clocks, and silverware. Saxex’s turnover
makes up about 17 per cent of the UK jewelry market which is valued at
around £2.7 billion per year. Its brand name, used in all outlets, is ‘Jewel in
the Crown’ and is well recognized as a sign of good value and reasonable
quality. The company currently manufactures some jewelry from gold and
rough gem stones, but it also buys in jewelry ready for sale. Given the volume
of its purchases it obtains significant discounts from all types of supplier.
While the company is profitable, its rate of growth has slowed significantly in
recent years. The major reasons for this are:
1. There is an outlet in every city and most major towns in the UK and Saxex
has thus reached the point of market saturation.
2. The ‘Jewel in the Crown’ stores are essentially mid-market and this has not
been a growth area for the industry in recent years. It is particularly
susceptible to a downturn in the economy.
AN INDUSTRY PROFILE: Jewelry in the UK is retailed through a variety of
outlets including shops, mail order, jewelry counters in department stores,
market stalls, and catalogue showrooms. Retailers include large listed
companies with many branches, smaller private companies (normally with a
limited number of branches in a particular region) and independent single
outlets. There is also a very wide range of quality and prices in the industry.
STRATEGIES FOR GROWTH: The board of Saxex is considering two strategies
to return the business to higher growth. The company does not have
significant liquid resources and thus intends to use debt to finance strategic
Strategy A – Open a new, up-market jewelry division. The board is considering
opening shops under a new name to sell up-market jewelry at a higher price
and at a much greater profit margin than the existing business. As yet it is
unsure whether to buy retailing space and create a new brand or to buy an
existing up-market jewelry chain.
Strategy B – Expand Overseas Saxex is considering opening up further outlets
in Europe under its existing brand name and selling its existing product
range. It is unsure whether to buy existing overseas companies and re-brand
them with the ‘Jewel in the Crown’ label or merely to buy retailing space.

a. Assume the following with respect to an existing outlet and a new outlet
under Strategy A.
Existin Up-
g Market
Annual Fixed Costs £240,00 £360,00
0 0

Expected sales 37,500 24,000

Average variable cost £24 £36
per item

Assume that existing outlets generate a contribution margin (i.e. contribution

divided by sales) of 25 per cent.
Calculate the average price that the new up-market outlet must charge per
item in order to earn the same overall profit as the existing outlet.
b. Evaluate each of the proposed development strategies under the following
• Marketing strategy
• Risk
•Growth by acquisition or by internal development; and conclusions.
Where appropriate, refer to relevant strategic models.


 Management Advisory Services CPA Reviewer by Cabrera

 Management Advisory Services CPA Reviewer by Agamata
 Management Advisory Services CPA Reviewer by Roque
 Management Advisory Services CPA Reviewer by Bobadilla
 www.coursehero.com/325301316-Chapter-6-Segmented-Income-Statement-
 www.scribd.com
 www.quizlet.com
 https://www.scribd.com/doc/110605859/Chapter13-Investment-Centers-and-

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