Oncomelania Quadrasi (Tiny Snail)
Oncomelania Quadrasi (Tiny Snail)
Oncomelania Quadrasi (Tiny Snail)
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1.ELISA high sensitivity but low specificity 1.male can also be asymptomatic & become
2.Western Blot analysis low sensitivity but chronic carrier
high specificity (confirmatory) a.urethritis
FOUR C’s IN THE MANAGEMENT OF AIDS c.purulent discharge
1.Compliance d.epididymitis
3.Contact tracing 2.female
4.Condoms a.urethritis
c.vaginal discharge
e.if untreated PID
3.neonate opthalmia neonatorum
Collaborative Mg’t Diagnostics
1.Prevention 1.gram stain gram negative intracellular and
a.Maintain monogamous relationship extracellular cocci
b.Avoid promiscuous sexual contact 2.c/s
c.Sterilize needles, syringes and instruments
used for cutting operations Collaborative Mg’t
d.Proper screening of blood donors 1.neonate (opthalmia neonatorum)
e.Rigid examination of blood and other products erythromycin or silver nitrate
for transfusion 2.antibiotics
f. Avoid oral, anal contact and swallowing of a.ceftriaxone 1 gram single dose IM
semen b.cefixime single dose
g.Use condom and other protective devices c.doxycycline for 7 -10 days to treat existing
Chlamydial infection
2. meds highly active antiretroviral therapy 3.abstinence until culture are negative
(HAART) 4.treat sexual partner
a.nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase
inhibitors bind to enzyme & prevent Complications
conversion of RNA to DNA 1.Male
1)nevirapine a.prostatitis
2)delavirdine b.urethral strictures
3)efavirenz c.urethritis
b.nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase d.sterility
inhibitors incorporate into the viral DNA & 2.Female
cause destruction a.PID
1)didanosine b.Infertility
2)zidovudine c.Ectopic pregnancy
3)lamivudine d.Bartholin’s abscess
c.protease inhibitors prevent production &
assembly of new virus C. Syphilis
1)saquinavir Causative agent Treponema pallidum
2)ritonavir (spirochete)
3)indinavir Incubation Period 10 – 90 days
B. Gonorrhea may affect genitourinary tract, 1.Primary Stage highly infectious stage
rectum, pharynx, & eyes a.chancre small, hard painless lesion found in
penis, vulva, lips, vagina or rectum
Causative Agent Neisseria gonorrhoeae b.heals w/in 2 -3 weeks with or without
Incubation Period 3 – 4 days treatment
Mode of transmission direct contact via c.regional lymphadenopathy
sexual contact or passage through the birth canal
(contagious as long as bacteria is present)
Collaborative Mg’t
1.doxycycline teratogenic
b.sore throat & headache
2.azithromycin drug of choice (long term
c.lymphadenopathy gray mucuous patches in
antibiotic therapy may be done)
the mouth
3.treatment of partner may be needed
d.condylomata lata flat lesions that may
appear in moist areas (most infectious of
syphilitic lesion)
E. Trichomoniasis
e.symptoms disappears 2 -6 weeks
Causative Agent trichomonas vaginalis
3.Latent Age absence of clinical symptoms
a. results of serological tests remains Signs & Symptoms
positive 1.may be asymptomatic
b. transmission can occur blood contact 2.frothy, green-yellow malodorous vaginal
c. majority remains in this stage w/out discharge
symptoms 3.strawberry spot on cervix
4.itching, burning & dyspareunia
1.Venereal Dse. Research lab. (VDRL)
2.Fluorescent treponemal antibody
Collaborative Mg’t
1.penicillin (IM) single dose w/ probenicid
After therapy, the woman may experience a Mode of transmission sexually transmitted
sudden episode of hypotension, fever, Treatment
tachycardia, and muscle aches. 1.Metronizadole The drug of choice is
Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction due to the metronidazole which may be teratogenic.
sudden destruction of spirochetes. It lasts for 2.Clotrimazole is used for trichomoniasis
24 hours and then fades. 3.avoid usage of tight-fitting undergarments for
long periods
2.tetracycline or doxycycline if allergic w/ 4.use condoms
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Most Common Kidney Diseases
1.Chronic glomerulonephritis
2.Acute Renal Failure
3.Chronic Renal Failure
4.Acute Nephritis
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