Essay Student Motivation Determines, Direct, and Sustains What They Do To Learn

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Student Motivation Determines, Direct, and Sustains What They Do to Learn

Lecturer: Zakky Yavani M.Pd

Arranged by:

Nisa Nuraisyah 1908103061




TAHUN 2021/2022

Learning in the world of education is a concept of knowledge that is mostly done by

educators. Teachers who act as educators or teachers will try to convey knowledge to their
students or students seriously and actively. One thing that needs to be known from the teaching
and learning process is that the knowledge gained and the increase in knowledge is only one
small part of the activities to form a complete personality.

In order to increase activeness in learning, we really need motivation in learning to

determine, direct, and sustains what we learn. in the world of education, student motivation is
very influential in learning. Motivation, one of the leading problems in education, is an ongoing
issue for teachers. Motivation is important because it highly contributes to achievement.
Teachers have to be certain that their students are being motivated in order to develop a positive
outcome. This article suggests some strategies to sustain students’ classroom motivation.
Motivation has a significant role to direct the students' behavior in a learning activity. It will
change their way of learning in a classroom. students' motivation can be aroused by
understanding the goal and the concept of learning activity. Motivated students will give more
efforts in their learning activity.

Motivation also influences students' achievement in a learning process. It means that

students with low motivation will face the difficulties in the learning process while students with
high motivation can reach learning's objective easily. In addition, students with highly motivated
in learning, tend to have a high score in learning result and higher than a passing grade. On the
other hand, students with low motivation tend to have a bad result and doing a remedial test. In
another word, English achievement is very important for a student because it is a requisite of
school graduation. In order to make students have a better result or English achievement,
motivation should be improved for students in English learning.

Motivation in Learning

Wina Sanjaya (2010:249) says that the motivational learning process is one of the most
important dynamic aspects. It often happens that students who lack achievement are not caused
by their lack of ability, but because there is no motivation to learn so that they do not try to direct
all their abilities. In the traditional learning process that uses an expository approach, the teacher
sometimes forgets the element of motivation. Teacher as if forcing students to accept the
material presented. This situation is not profitable because students cannot learn optimally which
of course the achievement of learning outcomes is also not optimal. Modern view of the learning
process placing motivation as one of the important aspects in generating student learning

Learning motivation is a condition that exists in an individual where there is an urge to do

something in order to achieve the goal. According to Mc Donald in Kompri (2016: 229)
motivation is a change in energy in a person's personality which is characterized by the
emergence of affective (feelings) and reactions to achieve goals. Thus the emergence of
motivation is marked by a change in energy in a person that can be realized or not.

The Function of Motivation in Learning

The success of the teaching and learning process is influenced by students' learning
motivation. Teachers as educators need to encourage students to learn in achieving goals. Two
functions of motivation in the learning process are proposed by Wina Sanjaya (2010:251-252)

1. Encourage students to be active

Everyone's behavior is caused by an impulse that comes from within which is called motivation.
The size of a person's enthusiasm for work is largely determined by the size of that person's
motivation. The enthusiasm of students in completing the assignments given by the teacher on
time and wanting to get good grades because students have high motivation to learn.

2. As director

The behavior shown by each individual is basically directed to meet their needs or to achieve
predetermined goals. Thus, motivation serves as a driver of effort and achievement. The
existence of good motivation in learning will show good results.

Factors Affecting Learning Motivation

The success of student learning in the learning process is strongly influenced by the
motivation that exists in him. One indicator of the quality of learning is the high motivation of
the students. Students who have motivation Students who are high on learning will be moved or
moved to have a desire to do something that can get certain results or goals.

According to Kompri (2016:232) learning motivation is a psychological aspect that is

experiencing development, meaning that it is affected by physiological conditions and
psychological maturity of students. Some elements that influence motivation in learning are:

1. The ideals and aspirations of students, The ideals will strengthen students' learning motivation
both intrinsic and extrinsic.

2. Student Ability, The desire of a child needs to be accompanied by the ability and skill to
achieve it.

3. Student Condition, The condition of students which includes physical and spiritual conditions.
A student who is sick will interfere with attention in learning.

4. Student Environmental Conditions, The student environment can be in the form of the natural
environment, residential environment, peer association and social life.
Efforts to Improve Student Learning Motivation

The purpose of learning is to achieve success with optimal achievement. To achieve

optimal learning outcomes, teacher creativity is required in generating student learning
motivation. There are several things that must be considered by teachers to generate student
learning motivation as stated by Wina Sanjaya (2010: 261-263), namely:

a. Clarify the goals to be achieved.

Clear goals can foster student interest in learning. The clearer the goals to be achieved, the
stronger the student's motivation to learn. Therefore, the teacher needs to explain in advance the
goals to be achieved before the process learning begins.

b. Generating student interest.

Students will be encouraged to learn, when they have an interest in learning.

Some of the ways that can be done to foster student interest include:

1. Connect the subject matter to be taught with the needs of students.

2. Adjust the subject matter to the level of experience and ability of students.

3. Use various learning models and strategies in a variety of ways.

c. Creating a pleasant atmosphere in learning

d. Give reasonable praise for each student's success


Motivation has an important position in achieving the learning objectives that have been
set. The emergence of motivation is not solely from the students themselves but teachers must
involve themselves to motivate student learning. The existence of motivation will provide
enthusiasm so that students will know the direction of learning. Learning motivation can arise if
students have a desire to learn. Therefore, both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation must exist in
students so that the learning objectives that have been formulated can be achieved optimally.

Motivation has an important role to influence the power of learning activity, but the
motivation is also influenced by the goals. If there is a higher goal, there is a bigger motivation to
reach the goal. Motivation also have functions to activate and increase the activity as an effort to
reach the goals. As Sukmadinata (2011:63) notes, “Motivation also can functioned to activate
and increase the activity”. If the students have a good motivation, they will more enthusiastic in
the studying process and surely they will get a better result than the students without motivation.

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Kompri. (2016). Motivasi Pembelajaran Perspektif Guru dan Siswa. Bandung: PT Rosda Karya.

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