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Unit-B Revisionhk

Complete the text below using the words from the box.
book buy check in do go through queue take watch
l often travel from England to South Africa for business. It's always the same. First, I
go on the Internet and buy a plane ticket. I also book a hotel room for my stay.
When I get to the airport, I never queue at the check-in desk. I use electronic check in
and I carry my luggage onto the plane with me. Of course, I always go security.
Sometimes they look inside my suitcase.
On the plane, I usually have lunch and watch an in flight movie.
When I arrive, I take a taxi to my hotel. I check in at the hotel, have a shower and
eat. Then it's time for bed.
When I return home. I do some shopping at the airport. I always buy souvenirs.
Complete this conversation with the correct form (positive, negative or
question) of there is or there are.
A: Excuse me there is a bank near here?
B: I'm afraid there are a bank near here, but there are two cash machines
A: Oh, that's fine. Where are the cash machines?
B:There is a cash machine in the supermarket. Do you know where that is?
A: No, I don't
B: OK, do you know where the Tourist Information Office is?
A: Yes, I do there are a cash machine there?
B: Yes, very near there.
A: OK, I can find that. One more question
B: Yes?
A: There are any bookshops near the hotel?
B: Sorry there are any. But there are a lot of bookshops in the town centre.
A: OK. Thank you.
A Who asks the question? Write R (receptionist) or C (customer)
1. Hello, City Hotel. How can I help you? (R)
2.So, that's a single room for two nights, the 4th and 5 th? (R)
3. Is there a car park? (C)
4. How much is it per night? (C)
5. Can I have your credit-card details, please? (R)
6. Can l pay with Visa? (C)
7. What time do you expect to arrive? (R)
8. Is there a pick-up service? (C)
B Match each reply (a-h) with a question from Exercise A (1-8).
a) It's a Visa card. The number is 4409. (5)
b) Yes, that's right. (2)
c) I'd like to book a room from Monday 9th to Thursday 12th (1)
d) Yes, Visa is no problem. (6)
e) At about six o'clock. (7)
f) It's 80 euros. (4)
g) Yes, there is. Our driver can meel you al the airport. (8)
h) No, I'm afraid there isn't. But there's a public car park near the hotel. (3)
Put these food items in ta correct column of the table below
Apple apple pie aubergine beef cheesecake chocolate mousse cod
grapes lamb onion peach peas trout tuna veal

Meat Fish Fruit Dessert Vegetable

Beef Trout Apple Cheesecake Onion
Veal Tuna Peach Chocolate Mousse Aubergine
Lamb Cod Grapes Apple Pie Peas
Choose the best words to complete thls conversation.
lan: low many / much time do you have for lunch?
Ben: I have an hour. Are there any / much restaurants near here?
lan: Yes, there are any/some restaurants about five minutes from here. What kind
of food would you like?
Ben: How about some /a lot of hot, spicy food?
lan: There are a lot of / much restaurants with spicy food: Thai, Indian, Mexican…
Ben: There aren't many/some Mexican restaurants in my town, so let's try Mexican.
A Match the sentence halves.
1. Let's go a) to go for a coffee
2. My suggestion is b) visit the museum?
3. How about c) but l don't think we have time
4. Why don't we d) to the new Italian restaurant.
5. In my opinion e) trying the Indian restaurant?
6. I see what you mean f) an Indian curry is the best Idea.
B Complete the sentences below using the words from the box.
agree exactly know point right true
1.Yes, agree ,because it's easy to reserve a private room.
2. I don't exactly about that. I think It's too far away
3. You're know . The food is great
4. That's a good point , but you need to book.
5. That's true .There's a nice view of the mountains
6. Yes, I right .The prices are reasonable.
Read this advertisement. Choose the best word to complete each sentence
The Bristol Chair And Sofa Company

This weekend, we’re offering great deals on sofas

 20% discount on everything in our shop

 66% discount on selecte sofas
 Two for the price of one on selected chairs.
 Free delivery in the Bristol area
 Interest-free credit for one year
 Low deposit

1. Some/All of the shop's products have special lower prices this weekend
2. Some sofas are half / a third of the usual price.
3. The price for two chairs / one chair is half of the usual price.
4. There is a small price /no charge for bringing a sofa to your house in Bristol.
5. It costs/doesn't cost extra to pay for the sofa over one year.
6. There is a small amount of / no money to pay at the beginning.
Complete the text below using the past tense of the verbs from the box.
become decide do graduate join offer start work

Emily Sykes graduated from London University in 2005 with a degree in

accountancy. As part of her course, she did an internship in the accounts department
of an advertising agency. After her degree, the firm joined her a permanent job as an
accountant. She worked there from 2005 to 2007. During this time, she to do a
Master's degree in accountancy. In 2007, she started a one year course at the
London School of Economics. Following her Master’s course, she offered an import-
export firm in London. Two years ago, she became the head of the accounting
Write a paragraph (75-100 words) about Lars Karlsson.
2001-2006 studies at Stockholm University, does Internship with marketing firm as
part of his course; graduates with a degree In marketing
2006 graduates with a degree in marketing; afler graduation, JKKL Market Research
offers him a job as a researcher
2006 to 2009 works for JKKL; decides to start his own small market research
2009 leaves JKKL; opens a small research company, called Lars Karlsson Marketing
two years ago hires three researchers
now business very successful
Lars karlsson studied at the university of Stockholm since 2003, started with
marketing practices, as a stoppage of his urso. In 2006 he graduated as a
graduate of market with a degree and JKKL market research offers him a job as
a researcher for his great experience in practice, to which he accepts, working
for three years, until 2009, with the dream of opening a small research company
called Lars Karlsson Marketing. Two years ago he hired three researchers.
now the business is very successful.
A Choose the correct words to complete these tips for Germans doing
business in China.
When you meet /notice Chinese colleagues at work, you shake hands. You also
shake hands at the end of the day, too It's common to listen/nod as well. This sort of
greeting is very familiar to Germans and will come naturally
words such as maybe, we'll see and perhaps often mean/understand no. This is
because simply saying 'no' feels too direct and Impolite ih Chinese culture. Notice
/Listen carefully to everything people say in a business meeting: You may not hear
the word 'no" but the meaning of what you do hear could be 'no’.
This also means that the usual direct German way of conmunicating may be
surprising or upsetting. You may need to learn to understand / use indirectness, and
to be more Indirect in your own communication.
One way to understand the meaning of Indirect words is to notice /present the
speaker's body language, facíal expressions and gestures. This is part of
understanding the whole message
Names and titles
Chinese businesspeople generally understand /use a title such as Mr, Mrs and Miss
followed by their surname. For examples you might say, Good morning, Chief
Engineer Tung', As with greetings, this aspect of Chinese culture will seem very
familiar to Germans
Business cards
You should meet(present your business card with both hands, One side must be In
Chinese, and that's the slde you use / show to your Chinese contact.
B Match each of these statements about doing business in the US with one of
the four headings in Exercise A.
1. 'We prefer first names.
2. "There are no speclal rules about this. Sometimes we fold Ihem up or wite on them
3 'We really like to get to the point´
4 Look us In the eye and shake hands firmly

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