Marketing Channels Facebook Conversion Metrics: Conversions

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Map of marketing metrics

Efficiency Conversion metrics Clicks Frequrency Reach Impressions Marketing channels People Engaged Facebook

Post Clicks
Click Through Rate
Net Marketign Contribution
View Through Rate Likes
Average Order Margin
Max CPC Quality Score Click Through Rate
Post View Conversion Average CPC
Average Order Value New Likes

Average Position Unlikes

Cost per Acquisition
Click Value
Friends of Fans

Margin Return on Ad Spend Revenue Conversion Rate Comissions Active Affiliates CPA CPC Total Reach
Conversions Clicks

Unique visitors Organic Reach

General traffic metrics
Domain Authority Paid Reach
Twitter Viral Reach
Bounce Rate Monetary value Google PageRank
External Referrers
Link Shares Impression Share
Average Position
Pages per Visit Post Views

Mentions Impressions
Time on Site
Views Youtube

Retweets Unique Viewers

Unsubscribe Rate Click Through Rate Open Rate
New vs returning Estimated Minutes Watched
Average View Duration
Conversion metrics Affiliates
General traffic metrics PPC Followers Sharing Comments Likes and Dislikes Relative Retention Absolute Retention

Social media Display

SEO E-mail marketing
Marketing metrics Definitions
Conversion Metrics

Conversion Rate ROI

Is the percentage of unique visitors who take a desired action upon visiting the website. The desired action Is a performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an investment or to compare the efficiency of a
may be submitting a sales lead, making a purchase, viewing a key page of the site, downloading a white paper, number of different investments. To calculate ROI, the benefit (return) of an investment is divided by the cost of
or some other measurable action. the investment; the result is expressed as a percentage or a ratio. A marketer may compare two different
products by dividing the gross profit that each product has generated by its respective marketing expenses.
Is the amount of money that is brought into a company by its business activities.

Return on Ad Spend General Traffic Metrics

The formula is: spend/(profit-spend). It gives you a rough idea on your return rate from ad spend budget.
However be aware of all factors, like channel attribution and conversion funnel before making any ROAS-based Unique Visitor
decisions. Represented by a cookie ID, ususally understood as a 'person ID'. Beware of the fact, that a cookie is unique
only for a combination of device and browser. Same person wll have 2 different Visitor IDs while browsing your
Margin page on 2 browsers even if doing it at the same time & same device.
Is the difference between a product's (or service's) selling price and the cost of production. Gross profit margin
(which is the difference between revenue and expenses) is one measure of a company's performance. Visit
A sequence of requests from a uniquely identified client (usually by a cookie ID) that expired after a certain
CPA (Cost per Acquisition) amount of inactivity, usually 30 minutes
This is how much you have paid already for each goal completion (conversion). Alwas make sure to be able to
compare it with MPO (margin per order)
Bounce rate
The number of visitors, who immediately left your landing page without going any further. If this metric spikes,
Average order value you need to seriously think of your landing page quality & call to action placements
Average value of orders (gross) - an indicator of where your most valuable sales come in. Look at differences
between channels, maybe one of them grbs customers with a lower price elasticity and thus you might increase
the budget there? Pages per visit
The number of pages a user opens during a single visit to a website.
Average order margin
Order margin tells you what percentage of the sales price is actually profit. You can further take an average of Time on site
these profit margins to produce a more representative expression of profit. Is the sum of all times on page for a visit. Or, more accurately, it is the difference between the time they viewed
the first and last pages in a visit. Note that viewing pages in different tabs doesn't affect this
Net marketing contribution
This is how much you've harvested: the total difference between your income (net margin) and marketing costs. New vs returning visitors
Brake it for channels, partners, whatever you need. Always take into account also attribution models! A new visitor, is the cookie ID that your web analytics tool have never seen before & the returning one is the ID
matched to a record in a database. Keeping in mind the unique visitor definition - if you have a bad luck and all
Efficiency your customers immediately delete cookies you'll see that every visitor is a new one.
Is ratio between margin to the total cost.

Marketing Metrics Definitions

Impression Share Average CPC

A percentage share of your impressions versus all related searches you might appear. This gives you a rough This is how much you have really paid. The same story as with Average Position, you will not see the each of
estimate of the volume at given keywords/phrases - take it seriously to discover the demand and potential cost your clicks with their costs, but a bit meaningless averages. Try always to download most granular reports so
if bidding higher that your data can speak as much as they can

Impressions Click Value

The total number of searches where your ad could be seen by the customers. You should be able to dermine how much a click has value for you. A rough estimate is: CV=CR*MPO, however
id doesn't take into account uncertanity around both CR and MPO. Take this number into account while placing
Clicks the max CPCs for your campaigns.
The number of clicks you will be charged for. It should be aligned with the number of so called inbound clicks
on your site, hower will always be lower than vthe number of visits (one user can click multiple ads within a
couple of minutes) and far smaller than the number of unique visitors. Affiliate Networks
Average Position CPC
The average position of your ads in search engine's rank. Tip: as you won't ever see a detailed report about This is pure evil: an affiliate partner that charges you for each click. Try to avoid such a deal, but if you are
your position for each click, the best data you can have in order to estimate the CTR-average position curve are already there: lool at your attribution model, try determining the incrementality of such partner and potential
the most granular, e.g. keyword level hourly report. halo effects. Use it all to dermine your click value (see: PPC). If lower than CPC in your agreement - turn it off!

Click Through Rate (CTR) CPA

The ratio of your clicks over the number of impressions. While comparing 2 or more CTRs in order to optimize This is pure goodness: treat it as a manna from heaven. You can't loose, only win. If so, try tu push the volume.
your campaigns always remember about statistical significance. the ratio of 10% can be derived as 1/10 and You are at the same ship as your partner: you both make money when you sell your stuff. Think together how to
100/1000 - which for an analytics person are two different conclusions. Go for the premium version to get more sell & earn more.
details with Bayesian small data approach!)
Active Affiliates
Quality Score The number of affiliates, who generated at least one visit during a given time frame (usually a week)
The allmighty number given by the publisher, their view of your ads quality. Depends on the relevance between
the phrase you bid on & your site content, but also your site responsiveness, usability, user ranks and many Commisions
other factors hidden from users. The incentive publishers want to give you is: "offer a great experience, so that Ususally the sum of what you pay your affiliate partner.
the user comes back to the search engine". Plays the crucial role in determining your rank and how much you
need to pay for a position. Make sure you never drop below 7/10!

The maximal amoutn you can pay for a click. It is not the same as the amount you will pay for a click - as
buggest publishers offer a second best proce auction type (so you'll pay a bit more than the first oppponent
right behind you. Beware, that in such type of an auction there is no 'optimal strategy' & the starategy 'bid your
true value of a click' is not a winning strategy from a gme theory perspective!

Marketing metrics definitions
Impressions Average Position/link position
Is a measure of the number of times an ad is seen, whether it is clicked on or not. Each time an ad displays it is Is the first position of a link to your site. Previously we reported the average position of all links to your site.
counted as one impression.

Refers to the total number of different people exposed, at least once, to an ad during a given period Email Marketing

Open Rate
The number of emails opened over the number of emails sent. Keep an eye on it to determine & A/B test your
The number of times a specific visitor to a website is shown a particular advertisement. Frequency capping is a
headlines and titles in the emails.
feature within ad serving that allows to limit the maximum number of impressions/views a visitor can see a
specific ad within a period of time. E.g.: 3 views/visitor/24-hours means after viewing this ad 3 times, any visitor
will not see it again for 24 hours. CTR (Click through rate in email marketing)
The number of clicks from emails sent over the number of emails opened. Again, an indicator of your content
Click Through Rate quality and email personalization. Always maximize it!
The ratio of your clicks over the number of impressions. While comparing 2 or more CTRs in order to optimize
your campaigns always remember about statistical significance. the ratio of 10% can be derived as 1/10 and Unsubscribe rate
100/1000 - which for an analytics person are two different conclusions. Go for the premium version to get more The number of customers that unsubscribed while receiving your campaign over the number of customers
details with Bayesian small data approach! you've sent emails to. While making decisions about campaign performance you do need to look at it, however
a change in this metric can suggest a deeper issue: investigate the frequency of communication, number of
View Through Rate errors & availability of your offers.
Measures the number of post-impression response or viewthrough from display media impressions viewed
during and following an online advertising campaign Recency
For a given customer, define what does it mean to be loyal. Is it logging to your page, maybe it's making a
purchase or using your app. Recency is the time from last defined action the customer took & today's date.
Post view conversion
Analyze your customers after how many days they "forget" about you and send them 'wake-up' communication
Happens when a customer sees an image or rich media ad on the display network, then later returns to your
site through a bookmark an organic listing or direct URL and completes a conversion on your site.
This is the metric that describes how often the customer compleats your predefined goal. The more freaquently
the customer plays your game/buys your product/logs-in to your service the bigger value he represents for you!
Monetary value
Domain Authority This is how much money have you really made on a given customer. The more you made, the more you can
Is the number of root domains which link to different pages on your website (rather than getting all links spend on loyalty programmes and more discounts you can give. Beware of taking into account costs per
pointing directly to your homepage). acquisition!
Google PageRank
It works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a rough estimate of how important CLV
the website is. The underlying assumption is that more important websites are likely to receive more links from Customer lifetime value. A net present value of discounted cash flow generated by your customer. Always
other websites. weight it by churn probability, take info account his frequency and monetary value

Marketing metrics definitions
Social: Facebook
People engaged External Referrers
Number of people (yes, people - not cookie IDs but real people. FB takes care of it & this is the best place in the The number of views your Facebook Page received from website URLs that are not part of
web to distiguish customers from browsers/devices!) who liked, commented shared or clicked on your posts
Post Views
Post clicks The number of times a story published on your Facebook Page News Feed was viewed during the time period
Number of clicks on your posts you select

Comments Impressions
Number of comments on your posts The number of times a post from your Facebook Page is displayed, but watch out - this is regardless of where a
person sees it & can be counted multiple times (every time the content is viewed).
Does it really need explanation? Shares
Nothing to do with stocks - number of shares of your posts
Nothing to do with stocks - number of shares of your posts
Social: Twitter
New Likes
Number of likes you've received during a given time.
Unlikes Number of people following you (sounds kind of creepy, though!)
Auch! yes, this happens - make sure you don't post too much & don't annoy people. Look at the number of
unlikes, especially time trended with your posts calendar & find patterns! Replies
Number of replies to your tweets
Friends of Fans
Number of individuals, who are frineds with your fans. Do you know, that there is a high probability that in 3 Retweets
steps you can reach Barrack Obama? Number of retweets to your tweets
Total Reach
Number of people who have seen any content you've generated. Mentions
How often you are being mentioned by others. Important one, if you want create buzz around your brand!
Organic Reach
The number of unique individuals who saw a specific post from your Facebook Page on their own News Feeds, Link shares
tickers, or directly on your Page How many times your links are being shared. Remember about utility of the links - what intent does a customer
have to share your link? Is it funny? Is it controversial? Does it solve a particular problem? Will the sharer be
Paid Reach acknowledge by his community by bringing this link into it?
The number of unique individuals who saw a specific post from your Facebook Page through a paid source,
such as a Facebook Ad or Sponsored Story Paid Reach
The number of unique individuals who saw a specific post from your Facebook Page through a paid source,
Viral Reach
such as a Facebook Ad or Sponsored Story
The number of unique individuals who saw a specific post from your Facebook Page through a story published
by one of their Facebook friends
Marketing metrics definitions
Social: Youtube

How many times your ad was displayed before the video?

Unique Viewers
Number of customers (at least in therory - remember not everyone is signed in to Google & there might be
cookie issues) who've seen your ads

Estimated Minutes Watched

The sum of time (in minutes) customers spend watching your ads - the measure of popularity
MarketingDistillery is a group of practitioners in the area of
Average View Duration e-commerce marketing. Our fields of expertise include:
The average time spend on a video by the customer. If significantly smaller than the total duration of the video
you've submitted think of making your content better! - marketing strategy and optimization.
- customer tracking and on-site analytics.
Absolute Retention - predictive analytics and econometrics.
Shows which parts of your video people are watching and abandoning. This gives you hints on where your - data warehousing and big data systems.
customers go away the most. - marketing channel insights in Paid Search, Social, SEO, CRM
and brand.
Relative Retention
Similar to absolute retention, however related to similar lenght videor on YT. This gives you an idea of most
annoying parts of your ad - treat is as a quality measure

Likes & Dislikes

Shows how many viewers give your videos a thumbs up or down
Visit us at
Shows how many comments are left on your videos

Shows how many times viewers share your videos and where

Map of marketing metrics by is licensed under

a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


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