Marketing Channels Facebook Conversion Metrics: Conversions
Marketing Channels Facebook Conversion Metrics: Conversions
Marketing Channels Facebook Conversion Metrics: Conversions
Efficiency Conversion metrics Clicks Frequrency Reach Impressions Marketing channels People Engaged Facebook
Post Clicks
Click Through Rate
Net Marketign Contribution
View Through Rate Likes
Average Order Margin
Max CPC Quality Score Click Through Rate
Post View Conversion Average CPC
Average Order Value New Likes
Margin Return on Ad Spend Revenue Conversion Rate Comissions Active Affiliates CPA CPC Total Reach
Conversions Clicks
Mentions Impressions
Time on Site
Views Youtube
Marketing Metrics Definitions
The maximal amoutn you can pay for a click. It is not the same as the amount you will pay for a click - as
buggest publishers offer a second best proce auction type (so you'll pay a bit more than the first oppponent
right behind you. Beware, that in such type of an auction there is no 'optimal strategy' & the starategy 'bid your
true value of a click' is not a winning strategy from a gme theory perspective!
Marketing metrics definitions
Impressions Average Position/link position
Is a measure of the number of times an ad is seen, whether it is clicked on or not. Each time an ad displays it is Is the first position of a link to your site. Previously we reported the average position of all links to your site.
counted as one impression.
Refers to the total number of different people exposed, at least once, to an ad during a given period Email Marketing
Open Rate
The number of emails opened over the number of emails sent. Keep an eye on it to determine & A/B test your
The number of times a specific visitor to a website is shown a particular advertisement. Frequency capping is a
headlines and titles in the emails.
feature within ad serving that allows to limit the maximum number of impressions/views a visitor can see a
specific ad within a period of time. E.g.: 3 views/visitor/24-hours means after viewing this ad 3 times, any visitor
will not see it again for 24 hours. CTR (Click through rate in email marketing)
The number of clicks from emails sent over the number of emails opened. Again, an indicator of your content
Click Through Rate quality and email personalization. Always maximize it!
The ratio of your clicks over the number of impressions. While comparing 2 or more CTRs in order to optimize
your campaigns always remember about statistical significance. the ratio of 10% can be derived as 1/10 and Unsubscribe rate
100/1000 - which for an analytics person are two different conclusions. Go for the premium version to get more The number of customers that unsubscribed while receiving your campaign over the number of customers
details with Bayesian small data approach! you've sent emails to. While making decisions about campaign performance you do need to look at it, however
a change in this metric can suggest a deeper issue: investigate the frequency of communication, number of
View Through Rate errors & availability of your offers.
Measures the number of post-impression response or viewthrough from display media impressions viewed
during and following an online advertising campaign Recency
For a given customer, define what does it mean to be loyal. Is it logging to your page, maybe it's making a
purchase or using your app. Recency is the time from last defined action the customer took & today's date.
Post view conversion
Analyze your customers after how many days they "forget" about you and send them 'wake-up' communication
Happens when a customer sees an image or rich media ad on the display network, then later returns to your
site through a bookmark an organic listing or direct URL and completes a conversion on your site.
This is the metric that describes how often the customer compleats your predefined goal. The more freaquently
the customer plays your game/buys your product/logs-in to your service the bigger value he represents for you!
Monetary value
Domain Authority This is how much money have you really made on a given customer. The more you made, the more you can
Is the number of root domains which link to different pages on your website (rather than getting all links spend on loyalty programmes and more discounts you can give. Beware of taking into account costs per
pointing directly to your homepage). acquisition!
Google PageRank
It works by counting the number and quality of links to a page to determine a rough estimate of how important CLV
the website is. The underlying assumption is that more important websites are likely to receive more links from Customer lifetime value. A net present value of discounted cash flow generated by your customer. Always
other websites. weight it by churn probability, take info account his frequency and monetary value
Marketing metrics definitions
Social: Facebook
People engaged External Referrers
Number of people (yes, people - not cookie IDs but real people. FB takes care of it & this is the best place in the The number of views your Facebook Page received from website URLs that are not part of
web to distiguish customers from browsers/devices!) who liked, commented shared or clicked on your posts
Post Views
Post clicks The number of times a story published on your Facebook Page News Feed was viewed during the time period
Number of clicks on your posts you select
Comments Impressions
Number of comments on your posts The number of times a post from your Facebook Page is displayed, but watch out - this is regardless of where a
person sees it & can be counted multiple times (every time the content is viewed).
Does it really need explanation? Shares
Nothing to do with stocks - number of shares of your posts
Nothing to do with stocks - number of shares of your posts
Social: Twitter
New Likes
Number of likes you've received during a given time.
Unlikes Number of people following you (sounds kind of creepy, though!)
Auch! yes, this happens - make sure you don't post too much & don't annoy people. Look at the number of
unlikes, especially time trended with your posts calendar & find patterns! Replies
Number of replies to your tweets
Friends of Fans
Number of individuals, who are frineds with your fans. Do you know, that there is a high probability that in 3 Retweets
steps you can reach Barrack Obama? Number of retweets to your tweets
Total Reach
Number of people who have seen any content you've generated. Mentions
How often you are being mentioned by others. Important one, if you want create buzz around your brand!
Organic Reach
The number of unique individuals who saw a specific post from your Facebook Page on their own News Feeds, Link shares
tickers, or directly on your Page How many times your links are being shared. Remember about utility of the links - what intent does a customer
have to share your link? Is it funny? Is it controversial? Does it solve a particular problem? Will the sharer be
Paid Reach acknowledge by his community by bringing this link into it?
The number of unique individuals who saw a specific post from your Facebook Page through a paid source,
such as a Facebook Ad or Sponsored Story Paid Reach
The number of unique individuals who saw a specific post from your Facebook Page through a paid source,
Viral Reach
such as a Facebook Ad or Sponsored Story
The number of unique individuals who saw a specific post from your Facebook Page through a story published
by one of their Facebook friends
Marketing metrics definitions
Social: Youtube
How many times your ad was displayed before the video?
Unique Viewers
Number of customers (at least in therory - remember not everyone is signed in to Google & there might be
cookie issues) who've seen your ads
Shows how many times viewers share your videos and where