Côte D'ivoire's Post-Election Crisis
Côte D'ivoire's Post-Election Crisis
Côte D'ivoire's Post-Election Crisis
Nicolas Cook
Specialist in African Affairs
Côte d’Ivoire has entered a renewed period of extreme political instability, accompanied by
significant political violence, following a contested presidential election designed to cap an often
forestalled peace process. The election was held under the terms of the 2007 Ouagadougou
Political Agreement, the most recent in a series of partially implemented peace accords aimed at
reunifying Côte d’Ivoire, which has remained largely divided between a government-controlled
southern region and a rebel-controlled zone in the north since the outbreak of a civil war in 2002.
Extensive recent fighting in the west, Abidjan, and in a growing number of other areas, among
diverse other indicators, suggest that a new Ivoirian civil war is now under way.
These developments directly threaten long-standing U.S. and international efforts to support a
transition to peace, political stability, and democratic governance in Côte d’Ivoire, among other
U.S. objectives. Indirectly at stake are broader, long-term U.S. efforts to ensure regional stability,
peace, democratic and accountable governance, and economic growth in West Africa, along with
billions of dollars of U.S. foreign aid to achieve these ends. The United States has supported the
Ivoirian peace process since the 2002 war, both diplomatically and financially, with funding
appropriated by Congress. It supports the ongoing U.N. Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI);
funded a UNOCI predecessor, the U.N. Mission in Côte d’Ivoire; and assisted in the deployment
in 2003 of a now defunct Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) military
intervention force. The 112th Congress may be asked to consider additional funding for UNOCI;
U.S. support for a potential ECOWAS military intervention force; or funding for emergency
humanitarian aid in response to the deteriorating political-military situation.
On November 28, 2010, a presidential election runoff vote was held between the incumbent
president, Laurent Gbagbo, and former Prime Minister Alassane Ouattara, the two leading
winners of a first-round poll a month earlier. Both claim to have won the runoff and separately
inaugurated themselves as president and formed rival governments. Ouattara bases his victory
claim on the U.N.-certified runoff results announced by the Ivoirian Independent Electoral
Commission (IEC). These show that he won the election with a 54.1% share of votes, against
45.9% for Gbagbo. The international community, including the United States, endorsed the IEC-
announced poll results as legitimate and demanded that Gbagbo cede the presidency to Ouattara.
H.Res. 85 (Payne), introduced on February 10, 2011, voices support for these positions. Gbagbo,
rejecting the IEC decision, appealed it to the Ivoirian Constitutional Council, which reviewed and
annulled it and proclaimed Gbagbo president, with 51.5% of votes against 48.6% for Ouattara.
Gbagbo therefore claims to have been duly elected and refuses to hand power over to Ouattara.
The electoral standoff has caused a sharp rise in political tension and violence, deaths and human
rights abuses, and spurred attacks on U.N. peacekeepers. The international community has
broadly rejected Gbagbo’s victory claim and endorsed Ouattara as the legally elected president. It
is using diplomatic and financial efforts, sanctions, and a military intervention threat to pressure
Gbagbo to step aside. H.Res. 85 would express congressional support for such ends. Top U.S
officials have attempted to directly pressure Gbagbo to step down. An existing U.S. ban on
bilateral aid was augmented with visa restrictions and financial sanctions targeting the Gbagbo
administration. As of early 2011, regional mediation had produced few results. Continued
political volatility was likely under most current scenarios, and there was a growing risk of war. A
unity government might temporarily reduce political tension, but would likely not resolve the root
causes of the crisis. If the political crisis is resolved, however, Côte d’Ivoire is well-placed to
recover economically.
Recent Developments..................................................................................................................1
Introduction and Implications for the United States .....................................................................2
Post-Electoral Crisis....................................................................................................................4
Competing Electoral Victory Claims .....................................................................................5
International Recognition of Ouattara Resisted by Gbagbo ....................................................8
Political Tension and Violence............................................................................................. 12
Casualties and Rising Threat Level................................................................................ 13
Violence Escalates and the Threat of War Rises ............................................................. 16
Threats to International Mandates and Accountability.................................................... 19
Humanitarian Effects and Responses ................................................................................... 20
U.S. Humanitarian Assistance ....................................................................................... 21
International Reactions.............................................................................................................. 22
International Multilateral and Bilateral Responses ............................................................... 22
Regional Diplomacy ........................................................................................................... 24
AU High-Level Panel.................................................................................................... 25
AU Panel Recommendations: Prospects and Significance.............................................. 27
Threat of Military Intervention to Oust Gbagbo................................................................... 30
U.N. Sanctions .................................................................................................................... 32
European Union Sanctions .................................................................................................. 33
Constriction of Gbagbo Administration Access to Finance................................................... 34
U.S. Diplomatic and Policy Responses ...................................................................................... 38
U.S. Stance ......................................................................................................................... 38
Presidential and Other High-Level Efforts to Pressure Gbagbo to Step Down ................ 39
U.S. Visa Restrictions ................................................................................................... 40
U.S. Targeted Financial Sanctions ................................................................................. 41
Congressional Responses .................................................................................................... 41
U.S. Relations, Assistance, and Elections Support ..................................................................... 42
Outlook..................................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 1. Côte d’Ivoire: National Map with Regions.................................................................. 46
Table C-1. Acronyms Used in This Report................................................................................. 72
Appendix A. Background on the Election.................................................................................. 47
Appendix B. Background to the Crisis....................................................................................... 60
Author Contact Information ...................................................................................................... 74
Recent Developments
The two contenders in Côte d’Ivoire’s November 28, 2010 presidential election runoff election,
Laurent Gbagbo (baag-boh) and his rival, former Prime Minister Alassane Ouattara (wah-tah-
rah), both continue to claim to have won the runoff and to exercise exclusive national executive
authority, and to attempt to consolidate their control over state institutions. In response to the
expansion of UNOCI authorized by the U.N. Security Council on January 19, 2011, Congress
may be asked to appropriate increased levels of funding for the operation. Similarly, if ECOWAS
mounts a new military intervention—which the organization has contingently planned, but
deferred for the time being—the Administration may request Congressional appropriations to
support such an action, as past administrations have for several previous ECOWAS interventions.
Lastly, if a renewed armed conflict erupts in Côte d’Ivoire, whether as a result of external
intervention or civil war, Congress is likely to be asked to fund emergency humanitarian
interventions to aid war-affected civilians and refugees. Under any of the scenarios outlined
above, with respect to possible future efforts to consolidate peace if the crisis is resolved,
Congress may consider new funding and related oversight activities—or may decide that none
should be provided at all, given competing, pressing U.S. priorities. Apart from any consideration
of possible crisis-related aid, Congress is likely to monitor U.S. efforts to help resolve the Ivoirian
crisis because of the implications of such efforts for bilateral and regional U.S. policy goals. See
“Post-Electoral Crisis,” below
Post-electoral political violence is escalating and had resulted in at least 462 deaths by March 25
and likely many more. Territorial military battles in the west and elsewhere, extensive armed
clashes in Abidjan, and a range of other indicators suggest that a new Ivoirian civil war is now
under way. State security forces have violently suppressed political protests and raided opposition
strongholds, often causing fatalities, and numerous armed clashes have occurred in the
commercial capital, Abidjan. The combat has involved state security forces, elements of the
northern rebel Forces Nouvelles (FN, or New Forces)1, and militant supporters of Gbagbo and
Ouattara, resulting in many deaths and internal displacements. The FN has seized territory in the
far west, along with multiple towns in that region and in central and eastern Côte d’Ivoire. In
some instances, presumed ethnicity is being used an indicator of putative political affiliation, and
as the basis for attacks on individuals and communities by militant supporters of the two
presidential contenders. See “Political Tension and Violence,” below.
Humanitarian conditions are deteriorating. As of late March, the crisis had internally displaced or
prompted the flight as refugees of between 800,000 and 1.1 million people, including over 93,000
who had fled to neighboring Liberia, and the number was projected to rise sharply due to fighting
in western Côte d’Ivoire. Current U.S. assistance responses to help address emergency
humanitarian needs generated by the Ivoirian crisis are being expanded; all such assistance, in
Liberia, Côte d’Ivoire, and elsewhere in the region, totaled about $28.6 million as of mid-March.
See “Humanitarian Effects and Responses,” below.
United Nations (U.N.) sanctions compliance experts are monitoring multiple cases of alleged
violations of a U.N. arms embargo. Attempts to hinder the movement and activities of U.N.
Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI) personnel and activities, in some cases through armed
In this report, in most cases and except where otherwise specified, French acronyms are given and employed for
Ivoirian entities, in accordance with common usage.
attacks, continue. UNOCI has recently received new helicopter gunships and is attempting to
attain its fully authorized force level. In response to the expansion of UNOCI authorized by the
U.N. Security Council on January 19, 2011, Congress may be asked to appropriate increased
levels of funding for the operation. Similarly, if ECOWAS mounts a new military intervention—
which the organization has contingently planned, but deferred for the time being—the
Administration may request Congressional appropriations to support such an action, as past
administrations have for several previous ECOWAS interventions. Lastly, if a renewed armed
conflict erupts in Côte d’Ivoire, whether as a result of external intervention or civil war, Congress
is likely to be asked to fund emergency humanitarian interventions to aid war-affected civilians
and refugees. Under any of the scenarios outlined above, with respect to possible future efforts to
consolidate peace if the crisis is resolved, Congress may consider new funding and related
oversight activities—or may decide that none should be provided at all, given competing,
pressing U.S. priorities. Apart from any consideration of possible crisis-related aid, Congress is
likely to monitor U.S. efforts to help resolve the Ivoirian crisis because of the implications of
such efforts for bilateral and regional U.S. policy goals. See “Post-Electoral Crisis” and text box
on UNOIC, below.
Most governments around the world, including that of the United States, as well as the African
Union (AU) and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), are pressing for
Gbagbo to cede the presidency to Ouattara, in accordance with the U.N.-certified run-off result
announced by the Ivoirian Independent Electoral Commission. An AU heads of state crisis
resolution panel delivered its findings on March 10. It reaffirmed Ouattara’s election win,
reiterated an AU demand that Gbagbo to step down, and recommended that a national unity
government and peace and reconciliation process based on an existing peace agreement be
established. The panel’s findings were rejected by Gbagbo and largely accepted by Ouattara, but
he rejected the appointment of an AU representative appointed to implement the panel’s
recommendations, asserting that the appointee, a former Cape Verdean prime minister, has links
to Gbagbo. Prior AU/ECOWAS mediation efforts had produced few tangible results. See
“International Reactions“ and “U.S. Diplomatic and Policy Responses,” below.
International financial pressure and sanctions on the Gbagbo administration appear to be reducing
its ability to pay state salaries, possibly undermining civil servant loyalties. The Ivoirian financial
sector has become increasingly paralyzed following the withdrawal from Côte d’Ivoire of several
international banks and the transfer of Ivoirian central bank authority to Ouattara. A cocoa export
ban imposed by the Ouattara administration has been extended through the end of March 2011.
Gbagbo has nationalized the cocoa sector and may seize unexported stocks, and may nationalize
other sectors. Record global cocoa price rises are being attributed to political uncertainty in Côte
d’Ivoire. Some governments are calling for expanded sanctions on the Gbagbo administration.
See “Constriction of Gbagbo Administration Access to Finance,” below.
State media coverage continues to be highly partisan, and often contains xenophobic material and
rhetoric directed against governments that have endorsed Ouattara’s election, including that of the
United States. Attacks on press freedom relating to coverage of the election continue. See
“Control of Information” textbox, below.
extreme political instability in the wake of a contested presidential election. The election was
conducted under the terms of the most recent in a series of partially implemented peace
agreements aimed at reunifying Côte d’Ivoire, which has remained largely divided between a
government-controlled southern region and a rebel-controlled zone in the north since the outbreak
of a civil war in 2002. The war, along with the political events that contributed to and followed it,
is discussed Appendix B.
The current instability, which has been accompanied by significant political violence, threatens
long-standing U.S. and international efforts to support a transition to peace, political stability, and
democratic governance in Côte d’Ivoire, which are prerequisites for long-term socio-economic
development in Côte d’Ivoire, another key U.S. bilateral objective. While the situation in Côte
d’Ivoire does not directly affect vital U.S. national interests, the country remains an important
economic hub in the region, and if the crisis were to devolve into an armed conflict, negative
economic and humanitarian impacts in West Africa could be significant. Also indirectly at stake
are broad, long-term U.S. efforts to ensure regional political stability, peace, democratic and
accountable governance, state capacity-building, and economic growth in West Africa—along
with several billion dollars worth of investments that the United States has made in the sub-region
to achieve these goals.
The United States has supported the peace process in Côte d’Ivoire since 2002, both politically
and financially, with funding appropriated by Congress. It aided in the 2003 deployment of the
former Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Mission in Côte d’Ivoire
(ECOMICI), a military intervention force. It also contributed 22% of the cost of a 2003-2004
U.N. military monitoring and political mission, the U.N. Mission in Côte d’Ivoire (MINUCI), and
continues to fund about 27% of the cost of the ongoing U.N. Operation in Côte d’Ivoire
(UNOCI), a multi-faceted peacekeeping mission that succeeded MINUCI.
In response to the expansion of UNOCI authorized by the U.N. Security Council on January 19,
2011, Congress may be asked to appropriate increased levels of funding for the operation.
Similarly, if ECOWAS mounts a new military intervention—which the organization has
contingently planned, but deferred for the time being—the Administration may request
Congressional appropriations to support such an action, as past administrations have for several
previous ECOWAS interventions. Lastly, if a renewed armed conflict erupts in Côte d’Ivoire,
whether as a result of external intervention or civil war, Congress is likely to be asked to fund
emergency humanitarian interventions to aid war-affected civilians and refugees. Under any of
the scenarios outlined above, with respect to possible future efforts to consolidate peace if the
crisis is resolved, Congress may consider new funding and related oversight activities—or may
decide that none should be provided at all, given competing, pressing U.S. priorities. Apart from
any consideration of possible crisis-related aid, Congress is likely to monitor U.S. efforts to help
resolve the Ivoirian crisis because of the implications of such efforts for bilateral and regional
U.S. policy goals.
Post-Electoral Crisis
On November 28, 2010, a presidential election runoff vote was held between the incumbent
president, Laurent Gbagbo, and former Prime Minister Alassane Dramane Ouattara, the two
candidates who had garnered the most votes, 38% and 32%, respectively, in a generally peaceful
but long-delayed first-round presidential poll held on October 31, 2010. Both candidates claim to
have won the runoff vote and separately inaugurated themselves as president and appointed
cabinets, forming rival governments. Both claim to exercise national executive authority over
state institutions and have taken steps to consolidate their control.
Gbagbo, citing the Constitutional Council’s constitutionally authorized decision, asserts that he is
the legally elected president and has rejected international calls to step down. His victory claim
has been widely rejected internationally, however, because the Special Representative of the U.N.
Secretary-General’s (SRSG) for Côte d’Ivoire, Choi Young-Jin—based on an independent tally
process carried out entirely separately but in parallel to that undertaken by the IEC—“certified the
outcome of the second round of the presidential election, as announced by the… IEC, confirming
Mr. Ouattara as the winner.”5 SRSG Choi concluded that based on his certification, which was
For details, see “International Reactions” section, below. In mid-December, the U.N. Secretary-General made a
statement reflecting this international consensus. He stated that “the results of the election are known. There was a clear
winner. There is no other option. The efforts of Laurent Gbagbo and his supporters to retain power and flout the public
will cannot be allowed to stand. I call on him to step down and allow his elected successor to assume office without
further hindrance. The international community must send this message — loud and clear. Any other outcome would
make a mockery of democracy and the rule of law.” UNSG, “Secretary-General’s Remarks at UNHQ Year-End Press
Conference,” December 17, 2010.
Under the Ivoirian constitution, the Constitutional Council is charged with judging the legality of national presidential
and legislative nominations and elections and with determining the final results of the presidential elections, including
by deciding the outcome in cases of disputes pertaining to the outcome of such elections, among other duties.
IEC, Second Tour de l’Election du President de la Republique de Côte d’Ivoire, Scrutin du 28 Novembre 2010,
Resultats Provisoires par Centre de Coordination, December 2, 2010; and Conseil Constitutionnel, Decision No CI-
2010-Ep-34/03-12/CC/SG Portant Proclamation des Resultats Definitifs de l’Election Presidentielle du 28 Novembre
2010 au Nom du Peuple de Côte d’Ivoire, December 3, 2010.
UNOCI, “Presidential Elections,” http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/unoci/elections.shtml
“conducted without regard to the methods used and result proclaimed by either the IEC or the
Constitutional Council… the Ivorian people have chosen Mr. Alassane Ouattara with an
irrefutable margin as the winner over Mr. Laurent Gbagbo.” Gbagbo’s claim has also been
rejected because Choi, after closely examining the Constitutional Council’s proclamation
negating the IEC decision “certified that … [it] was not based on facts.”6
The decision of the Constitutional Council was widely viewed internationally and by the Ivorian
opposition as having been motivated by partisan bias. The Council’s decision was preceded by
what appears to have been a coordinated effort by Gbagbo supporters to discredit selected runoff
poll results before they were announced by the IEC—once it had become clear, based on partial
preliminary poll results, that Gbagbo would likely not win the poll—and to disrupt or extend past
the three-day deadline IEC validation of the results, creating a rationale for the Council’s review
and rejection of the IEC’s determination. On December 1, a Gbagbo-nominated IEC member,
Damana Adia Pickass, seized and tore up the provisional IEC results on live television just as the
IEC spokesman, Bamba Yacouba, was about to publicly announce them. The incident disrupted
the workings of the IEC and reportedly caused it to miss its legal deadline for announcing the
results, creating the basis for Council review. 7
The Council’s decision was also viewed skeptically because it resulted in the statistically highly
unlikely annulment of the 597,010 votes, a number equivalent to 10.4% of all registered voters or
13% of all votes cast during the runoff. 8 Furthermore, all of the annulled districts were located in
major population zones of in northern Côte d’Ivoire, which is considered an Ouattara electoral
stronghold and is largely controlled by the northern rebel Forces Nouvelles. Some observers also
contend that under Article 64 of the national electoral code, the Council had the authority to
cancel the entire election, but not part of it, and to order new elections in the case of a
cancellation. The president of the Council, however, has contended that electoral precedent gave
the Council the authority to order a partial cancellation; he cited as the basis of such authority the
partial cancellation of 1995 presidential election results. He has also contended that new elections
were not necessary because only 13% of votes were affected—even though the cancellation of
these votes had the material effect of reversing the election’s outcome—and asserted that a new
election would only have been required if 30%-40% of votes had been dismissed. 9 Appendix A
“Background on the Election” discusses the first and second round polls and the lengthy, highly
contested peace and pre-election processes that preceded it.
Y.J. Choi, U.N. SRSG, “Statement on the Second Round of the Presidential Election Held on 28 November 2010,”
December 8, 2010
Tim Cocks and Loucoumane Coulibaly, “Ivory Coast President Party Says Rebels Rigged Poll,” Reuters, December
1, 2010; Scott Stearns, “Ivory Coast Electoral Commission Misses Presidential Deadline,” VOA, December 1, 2010;
and BBC News, “Gbagbo Ally Tears Up Ivory Coast Run-Off Results,” December 1, 2010.
CRS calculations based on Constitutional Council and IEC-reported vote numbers.
AU PSC, Report of the High Level Panel.
The accord was signed in April 6, 2005 and amended by the signatories, after an implementation review, on June 29,
The OPA superseded all prior peace accords, but in many instances these earlier accords remained operative because
the OPA incorporated provisions by reference. A number of legal reforms relating to election administration,
citizenship, and related matters were also based upon and enacted based upon provisions within these accords.
AU Peace and Security Council (PSC), Report of the High Level Panel of the African Union for the Resolution of the
Crisis in Cote d’Ivoire, PSC/AHG/2(CCLXV), March 11, 2011.
Choi, “Statement on the Second Round…”; Y.J. Choi, U.N. SRSG, “Statement on the Certification of the Result of
the Second Round of the Presidential Election Held on 28 November 2010,” December 3, 2010; IEC, Second Tour de
l’election …”; and Abidjan.net, “Localisation des Incidents lors du Scrutin,” Côte d’Ivoire 2010 - Elections
Présidentielles, December 5, 2010, via Carter Center communication.
AU PSC, Report of the High Level Panel.
In late January 2011, UNOCI had an authorized strength, through mid-2011, of 10,650 personnel, but had not fielded
this large a contingent; it had a deployed field strength of 9,024 troops and police. The mission has been temporarily
supplemented by several hundred additional troops from the neighboring U.N. Mission in Liberia (UNMIL). It was
attempting to obtain additional troops to meet its authorized personnel cap.19 UNOCI is a multi-faceted mission. It
monitors military aspects of peace accords and an arms embargo; assists with disarmament, demobilization, and
reintegration of armed groups and parties to the conflict; provides support for security sector reform, humanitarian
aid deliveries, the re-establishment of state administration and law and order; adherence to human rights laws; aids
efforts to conduct free and fair elections and related processes of citizen identification and voter registration; and
protects U.N. personnel and assets. U.N. sanctions, including diamond export and arms import embargoes and a
selective travel ban and assets freeze also were imposed in order to spur the conflict resolution process. In early
March, two helicopter gunships arrived, and a third was en route; they were seen as enabling UNOCI to more
forcefully address military attacks on its forces or persons or property under its protection.
Use of the term “Gbagbo government” refers to the de facto, self-defined Gbagbo-headed administration that is
active alongside the similarly defined Ouattara government. The term is not used to imply that the Gbagbo
administration is a de juris government, but rather that it is one of two competing entities that claim state power.
Television Ivoirienne, “Government Communiqué on the UN Operation in Côte d’Ivoire,” December 18, 2010, via
BBC Monitoring Africa; Tim Cocks, “Gbagbo Ally Accuses West of Wooing Ivorian Military,” Reuters, December 12,
2010; and Marco Chown Oved, “Gbagbo Orders UN Peacekeepers to Leave Ivory Coast,” AP, December 18, 2010
UNSC, “Security Council Extends Mission in Côte d’Ivoire Until 30 June 2011, Strongly Condemns Attempts to
Usurp Will of People, Urges Respect for Election Outcome,” SC/10132, December 20, 2010; and VOA, “UN
Spokesman: Gbagbo Not Ivory Coast President,” December 18, 2010.
BBC, “Ivory Coast’s Laurent Gbagbo Bans UN and French Flights,” March 10, 2011; Marco Chown Oved, “Gbagbo
Vows to Block UN Flights in Ivory Coast,” AP, March 10, 2011; and UNNS, “Human Rights in Côte d’Ivoire
Deteriorating, Warns Top UN Official,” March 10, 2011.
The Gbagbo government and its supporters have taken an uncompromising stance with regard to
what they see as Gbagbo’s legally binding, incontrovertible electoral win. They have pursued
diverse efforts to ensure that he remains president. These efforts have included attempts to ensure
support among civil servants and the military by asserting control over various revenue and credit
streams to ensure salary payments; attempts to eject UNOCI and impede its operations; violent
raids on opposition strongholds; and pursuit of an international public relations campaign to
promote the Gbagbo case.
The public relations campaign has included a grassroots media outreach effort by Gbagbo
supporters, who have distributed government and pro-Gbagbo press articles and blogs, in some
cases promoting vitriolic rumors and conspiracy theories. The latter have included various alleged
French and/or foreign mercenary-backed plans to oust Gbagbo, in some cases with putative U.S.
assistance, and allegations of military collusion between the FN and UNOCI. Coverage of such
alleged collusion has reportedly featured prominently and frequently on state TV and other pro-
Gbagbo media, part of what the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights has described as “an
intensive and systematic campaign” by state-owned radio-television (RTI) to promote
“xenophobic messages inciting hatred and violence [and...] religious and ethnic division between
the north and the south” and “intolerance and hatred against the UN, the AU, ECOWAS, the
facilitator of the Ivorian dialogue, as well as non-LMP leaders and supporters [i.e., persons who
do not support Gbagbo ].”20
S/RES/1962, December 20, 2010; and S/RES/1967, January 19, 2011. In this report, documents cited with the
number “S/...” are U.N. Security Council (UNSC) documents; of these citations that begin with the letters “S/RES…”
are UNSC resolutions. For the sake of brevity, except as otherwise noted, only the document number and date (at first
citation) of official U.N. documents are used herein to identify such documents, which often incorporate lengthy sub-
titles and meeting forum data. The full text of all U.N. documents cited herein can be found online via the document
symbol search box of the U.N. Official Document System, http://documents.un.org.
U.N. Human Rights Council (UNHRC), Report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the Situation of
Human Rights in Côte d’Ivoire, February 15, 2011.
The Gbagbo camp’s information campaign has also employed the use of official Ivorian
government websites and foreign lobbyists to make the government’s case. In the United States, a
short-lived, now abandoned effort by Lanny J. Davis, a Washington lobbyist and former special
counsel to former President William J. Clinton, garnered substantial attention.22 To counter the
Gbagbo side’s efforts and promote its views on various issues, the Ouattara government has hired
two U.S. firms to represent its views and interests in the United States. 23 It has also reportedly
established a television station that broadcasts from the Golf Hotel in Abidjan, where the Ouattara
government is based and resides under the protection of a reported 800 UNOCI troops.24
Government of France, email to CRS December 23, 2010, and information provided in February 2004 and December
2005; S/2010/600; and S/2004/962, December 9, 2004.
Two Davis-owned firms worked for the Gbagbo administration for a brief period in December 2010 to “present the
facts and the law as to why there is substantial documentary evidence that ... Gbagbo is the duly elected president as a
result of the Nov. 28 elections” and to help find “a peaceful resolution and mediation for the current conflict …
consistent with Côte d’Ivoire constitution and laws.” Davis’s firms produced a website,
http://www.ivorycoastelection.org, which laid out the government’s views on the election crisis. Davis quit his Côte
d’Ivoire commission in late December, citing the failure of an attempt by President Obama to telephone Gbagbo (see
below), Gbagbo’s failure to heed Davis’s advice, and Davis’s inability to contact Gbagbo directly. Ben Smith, “Davis
Resigns Ivory Coast Contract,” Politico, December 29, 2010; and Helene Cooper and Eric Lichtblau, “American
Lobbyists Work for Ivorian Leader,” New York Times (NYT), December 22, 2010.
They include Jefferson Waterman International and Covington & Burling LLP. The former is providing “advocacy
and consulting services related to Ivorian national interests, including economic, financial, military, security, trade,
investment and public relations” on behalf of Ouattara. The latter is providing “advice on international legal and policy
matters related to the outcome of the recent presidential elections in Côte d’lvoire, including the refusal of Mr. Laurent
Gbagbo to leave office in accordance with the result certified by the United Nations.” Since 2007, Ouattara has retained
another firm, LTL Strategies, to represent his views when visiting the United States. Quotations from firms’ Foreign
Agents Registration Act registration statements.
Television Ivoirienne, “Côte d’Ivoire: Gbagbo Minister Briefs MP’s About Pro-Ouattara Radio, TV,” via BBC
Monitoring Africa, February 23, 2011.
Gbagbo has also pursued a series of alternative actions that might allow him to remain a key
government leader if he is forced to cede the presidency. He has suggested that he might be
willing to entertain a negotiated solution to the crisis and has called for Ouattara and himself to
“sit down and discuss” a way out of the crisis with him. 25 A key Gbagbo ally has suggested that a
potential outcome of such negotiations might include a power-sharing deal, such as the formation
of a government of national unity (GNU), although ECOWAS and other international
interlocutors—including the United States—have rejected such an outcome. The Ouattara camp
rejected the possibility of a GNU until January 10, when the Ivoirian ambassador to the United
Nations, an Ouattara appointee, stated that Ouattara would be willing to form a unity government
that would include members of Gbagbo’s Ivorian Popular Front (FPI) party, if Gbagbo agreed to
step down and recognize Ouattara as the legitimately elected leader of Côte d’Ivoire.26
Gbagbo has also invited renewed international mediation to negotiate a resolution of the crisis
(see “Regional Diplomacy,” below). On December 21, he addressed the Ivorian nation on TV and
stated that he was “ready—respecting the constitution, Ivorian laws and the rules that we freely
set for ourselves—to welcome a committee of evaluation on the post-election crisis in Ivory
Coast.” He stated that such an assessment should be led by the African Union, with the
participation of the United Nations, EU, ECOWAS, the Arab League, United States, Russia,
China, and “Ivoirians of goodwill.”27 The United States, along with most major governments and
international organizations, rejected Gbagbo’s proposal, asserting that such an evaluation “has
already been done,” by the IEC and through the U.N. certification process. In discussions with a
visiting ECOWAS heads of state in late December, Gbagbo also reportedly demanded a vote
recount and, were he to depart his post, a grant of amnesty for any criminal charges that he may
face as a result of post-electoral human rights abuses associated with his control over state
institutions and security forces and his refusal to cede the presidency. 28
Xinhua, “Roundup: Côte d’Ivoire’s Electoral Crisis a Tough Nut To Crack,” December 12, 2010. See also State
Department, “Daily Press Briefing,” January 4, 2011; Cooper and Lichtblau, “American Lobbyists …”
Tim Cocks, “Ouattara Offers Unity Govt If Gbagbo Steps Down,” Reuters, January 10, 2011, among others.
Florence Villeminot, “Gbagbo Calls for International Review of Electoral Crisis,” France 24, December 22, 2010.
State Department, “Daily Press Briefing,” December 8, 2010, and December 22, 2010; Marco Chown Oved,
“Neighbors Put Ivory Coast Military Option on Hold,” AP, December 29, 2010.
Control of Information
In addition to asserting its case internationally and suppressing ant-Gbagbo demonstrations, the Gbagbo
administration undertook efforts to control the flow of information reaching the Ivorian population immediately after
the disputed runoff. On December 2, after the IEC’s announcement of Ouattara’s electoral win, the National Council
of Audiovisual Communication (CNCA), which regulates media broadcasting, banned coverage of the Ivorian political
crises by foreign radio and TV channels in the country, as well as the U.N.-run ONUCI FM. It also jammed selected
radio broadcasts, including ONUCI FM, and in February 2011 unsuccessfully ordered it off the air. It enacted the TV
ban by ordering the local affiliate of the French satellite TV services provider Canal+ to suspend targeted
transmissions, and Canal+ complied with the order. SMS cell phone text messaging services were also suspended after
the runoff. The two main TV stations, both state-owned, have also been broadcasting content favorable to Gbagbo
and critical of UNOCI, and certain foreign governments, such as those of France and the United States.
Contention over control of media has involved violence in some cases. One of the most notorious post-elections
human rights abuse cases involved a December 16 attempt by a mass of pro-Ouattara demonstrators to take over
Radiodiffision Télévision Ivorienne (RTI), the state media broadcaster, which has been broadcasting stridently pro-
Gbagbo messages since the election. The crowd’s action was violently suppressed by security forces, which opened
fire on the crowd, killing an estimated 20 or more persons and injuring many more. RTI has also been the target of
attempts to hinder broadcasts; in late December, its TV signal was not available in some areas of the country, and was
dropped from satellite rebroadcast in the West Africa sub-region.29
There have also been raids on numerous opposition-affiliated newspapers and printing presses, and at least nine
foreign journalists have been detained during the post-electoral period. Local journalists have also faced coercive
threats, detention, and beating by security forces. Some of the Gbagbo government’s actions were partially reversed;
opposition newspapers were publishing, and some formerly jammed banned radio stations began broadcasting anew.
There have also been new incidents of censorship and indications that the Gbagbo administration is seeking to impose
greater regulatory control over the press. Harassment of and threats against journalists have also continued,
prompting nine independent or pro-Ouattara newspapers to suspend operations in early March 2011, although eight
later resumed operation. Ouattara supporters have also been accused by a the international and Ivoirian branches of
the Committee to Protect Journalists of taking actions to “exact reprisals on their critics in the press,” and pro-
Ouattara press outlets, like those favorable to Gbagbo, have been accused of publishing highly partisan, biased, and
often false or conspiracy-centered information.30
Human Rights Watch (HRW), “Côte d’Ivoire: Pro-Gbagbo Forces Abducting Opponents,” December 23, 2010;
Marco Chown Oved, “Ivory Coast State TV Signal Cut Off In Some Areas,” Associated Press (AP), December 23,
2010; VOA “UN Radio Defying Incumbent Ivorian Government Broadcast Ban,” February 11, 2011; and RSF, “State
TV Signal No Longer Being Carried by Intelsat,” December 25, 2010.
Television Ivoirienne, “Government Communiqué…”; BBC, “Ivory Coast: Laurent Gbagbo Bans UN Radio
Broadcasts,” February 10, 2011; U.N. News Service (UNNS), “Côte d’Ivoire: UN Demands End To New Hostile
Campaign From Defeated President,” January 5, 2011; Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), “Election in Dispute,
Ivory Coast Bans News Broadcasts,” December 3, 2010; Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA), “Côte d’Ivoire
ALERT: Media Regulator Bans Foreign Media From Covering Political Crises,” December 7, 2010; Reporters Sans
Frontiers (RSF)/International Freedom of Expression eXchange network (IFEX), “Local and International Media Hit
By Battle Between Rival Camps For Control of News,” December 17, 2010; Open Source Center (OSC), “Côte
d’Ivoire—Ivorians Able To Access Media Despite Ban,” December 9, 2010; RSF, “Ivorian Media Fuel Anti-French
Hostility,” December 4, 2010; MFWA, “Two Detained TV Journalists Tortured Severely,” February 8, 2011; CPJ,
“Ivory Coast Using Media Regulation To Censor Critics,” February 10, 2011; Tim Cocks, “Ivorian Pro-Ouattara
Newspapers Shut After Threats,” Reuters, March 1, 2011; Reuters, “BBC, Radio France International Go Off Air in
Ivory Coast,” March 2, 2011; Television Ivoirienne, “State Security ‘Comes Before All Freedoms’- Ivorian Pro-
Gbagbo Minister,” via BBC Monitoring Africa, February 17, 2011; and Tim Cocks, “Ivory Coast’s Media War Turns
Nasty,” Reuters, March 13, 2011, among others.
According to UNOCI, the security situation is “very tense and unpredictable;” as a result, the
United Nations temporarily relocated its non-essential staff to Gambia on December 6, 2010.31
There have been limited armed clashes between security forces that support each camp—which
reportedly include the bulk of the national military and police forces, in the case of Gbagbo, and
the military wing of the rebel FN in the case of Ouattara. The outer perimeter of the U.S. embassy
in Abidjan was slightly damaged by “an errant rocket-propelled grenade” during one armed
exchange.32 There have also been a spate of extrajudicial killings, other human rights abuses by
state security forces during operations to suppress public demonstrations by Ouattara supporters,
as well as attacks on and abductions of Ouattara and Gbagbo partisans by groups of unidentified
armed men, described as ‘death squads.’
UNOCI, “Presidential Elections,” http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/missions/unoci/elections.shtml.
Tim Cocks and Ange Aboa, “Ivorian Troops, Rebels Clash in Abidjan,” Reuters, December 16, 2010; Reuters, “UN
Moving Nonessential Staff Out of Ivory Coast,” December 6, 2010; and State Department, “Daily Press Briefing,”
December 16, 2010.
UNNS, "Death Toll From Post-Electoral Violence in Côte d’Ivoire Rising, UN Reports," March 24, 2011; and
UNNS, “Human Rights in Côte d’Ivoire Deteriorating, Warns Top UN Official,” March 10, 2011.
According to U.N. report “on 3 January, at least 35 people were killed and more than one hundred were wounded,
and 230 houses were burnt down in inter-ethnic violence between heavily armed Dioula and Gueré militias allegedly
aided, in the case of the latter, by Liberian mercenaries. The incident occurred after a female trader of the Dioula ethnic
origin was shot and killed in an ambush by a group of highwaymen composed of Gueré youth.” Tensions between
immigrant Dioula and indigenous Gueré have long been motivated by factors such as rights to land and residency
rights. UNHRC, Report of the High Commissioner.
UNNS, “Human Rights Situation in Côte d’Ivoire Getting Worse, Says UN Report,” February 24, 2011; UNHRC,
Report of the High Commissioner; and U.N. Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), “Côte
d’Ivoire: UN Experts Deeply Concerned with Gross Human Rights Violations Which May Amount to Crimes Against
Humanity,” December 31, 2010.
and other top U.S. officials have condemned the shootings and called for the perpetrators of this
and other violence to be held to account for their actions. Similarly, France has called for a U.N.
inquiry into the ongoing political violence in Côte d’Ivoire.37 In late March, a residential area in
Abidjan was shelled, resulting in between 25 and 30 deaths.
The total number of fatalities and abuses resulting from post-electoral violence is likely higher
than the total documented by the United Nations; additional killings, detentions, and abuses were
reported prior to the period covered by the U.N. assessment, and have since continued. In
addition, the national military reportedly does not release numbers of its own casualties or
civilians killed by its members.38 Reporting by non-governmental human rights monitoring
groups, such as Human Rights Watch (HRW) and Amnesty International (AI), mirrors U.N.
findings regarding a post-electoral rise in human rights abuses. HRW and AI have, in particular,
drawn attention to a rise in apparently politically motivated use of rape as a means of
intimidation.39 In mid-March 2011, HRW stated that
The three-month campaign of organized violence by security forces under the control of
Laurent Gbagbo and militias that support him gives every indication of amounting to crimes
against humanity. [...] The killing of civilians by pro-Ouattara forces, at times with apparent
ethnic or political motivation, also risks becoming crimes against humanity should they
become widespread or systematic.40
There have also been reports of mass graves. UNOCI attempted to investigate reports of three
such graves, one in Abidjan, one in the south-central town of Gagnoa, near Gbagbo’s place of
origin, and one in the town of Daloa, but was prevented from accessing the sites by state security
forces, some in mufti, a “clear violation of international human rights and humanitarian law,”
according to the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay.
Loucoumane Coulibaly and Ange Aboa, “Ivorian Forces Kill 7, Post-Election Toll Hits,” March 3, 2011. See also
Rukmini Callimachi and Marco Chown Oved, “Video Shows Women Gunned Down in Ivory Coast,” AP, March 4,
2011; YouTube video posted by Ludox225, “Tueries à ABOBO mars 2011 Côte d’Ivoire.mp4,” March 4, 2011; State
Department, “Violence in Côte d’Ivoire,” [Press Statement by Secretary of State], March 4, 2011; and Media Coulibaly
and Tim Cocks, “Gunfire Erupts in Abidjan, Gbagbo Forces Kill 4,” Reuters, March 8, 2011.
White House, “Statement by President Barack Obama on the Violence in Côte d’Ivoire,” March 9, 2011; State
Department, “Violence in Côte d’Ivoire,” [Press Statement by Secretary of State], March 4, 2011; and Radio France
Internationale (RFI), “France Calls For Côte d’Ivoire Inquiry After Women Killed,” March 4, 2011.
Loucoumane Coulibaly and Charles Bamba, “Ivorian Rebels Seize Town,” Reuters, February 25, 2011.
UNNS, “UN Envoy Urges Protection From Sexual Violence Amid Côte d’Ivoire Crisis,” January 27, 2011; AI, Côte
d’Ivoire Mission Report, February 22, 2011; and HRW, “Côte d’Ivoire: Violence Campaign by Security Forces,
Militias,” January 26, 2011, among others.
HRW, "Côte d’Ivoire: Crimes Against Humanity by Gbagbo Forces," March 15, 2011.
1960: Côte d’Ivoire becomes independent of France under President Felix Houphouët-Boigny, who holds power until
his death in 1993. His semi-authoritarian regime creates a liberal, market-based and prosperous economy in south.
1990: Opposition parties legalized; Houphouët-Boigny wins Côte d’Ivoire’s first multiparty presidential election,
beating Laurent Gbagbo of the Ivoirian Popular Front (FPI).
1993: Henri Konan Bédié succeeds Houphouët-Boigny as president.
1995: Bédié re-elected in poll boycotted by opposition parties protesting candidacy restrictions and reported
electoral manipulation.
1998: Constitutional changes affecting electoral laws, seen as favorable to the incumbent, passed.
1999: In July, former Prime Minster Alassane Ouattara returns home to vie against Bédié for president in 2000. His
bid highlights ethnic, regional, and religious political divisions within the national polity. In December, a military pay
protest turns into a coup led by Robert Guéï, ousting Bédié.
2000: Throughout year, electoral tensions rise, notably regarding national identity card distribution process, reported
harassment of northerners, and presidential candidacy of Guéï. Several incidents of military restiveness occur, and use
of military in domestic crime suppression leads to abuses. Constitutional changes approved by July referendum, widely
boycotted in north, requiring both parents of presidential candidates be Ivoirian-born citizens.
State of emergency imposed before widely boycotted presidential election on October 22. Vote count is suspended
and Guéï claims to have won the election. Gbagbo, the majority vote winner, organizes anti-Guéï protests. Guéï flees.
Rival political party post-poll violence ensues, but Gbagbo’s win is ratified by Supreme Court. Controversial legislative
election held in late 2000, but violence over claimed political disenfranchisement forces poll suspension in north.
2001: Government, albeit criticized over its human rights and judicial records, sponsors inter-party National
Reconciliation Forum.
2002: In September, a military pay and conditions-of-service mutiny by soldiers, primarily of northern origins, turns
into attempted coup d’état. After clashes with loyalist forces in south, rebel units withdraw and rapidly take control of
the northern half of the country. They form a political movement, later called the Forces Nouvelles, and eventually
establish a basic administrative state in areas they control. Fighting decreases in late 2002 but continues into early
2003. Regional and international peace mediation ensues.
2003-2010: A series of partially implemented key peace accords, each building on elements of preceding ones,
signed: the Linas-Marcoussis Agreement (2003); the Accra III Agreement (2004); the Pretoria Agreement (2005); and
Ouagadougou Political Agreement (2007). Elections are repeatedly delayed due to contestation over peace process,
notably regarding the sequencing of disarmament, citizen and voter identification, and elections.
An initial U.N. political and military monitoring mission created in 2003 is replaced by the U.N. Operation in Côte
d’Ivoire in April 2004. A 2004 government attempt to attack north results in nine French fatalities and one U.S. citizen
death, prompting a French military retaliation. Violent anti-French protests follow.
Gbagbo’s electoral term ends in 2005, but under emergency constitutional powers, underpinned by international
community support for the ongoing peace process and the formation of a unity government, he retains power,
pending elections. Electoral, disarmament, and state reunification processes proceed slowly due to political disputes.
Elections are finally held in late 2010, but result in a contested outcome and the current political crisis.
The rise in tension and violence prompted a number of international diplomatic missions to
evacuate personnel and, in some cases, private citizens, from Côte d’Ivoire. Several governments
have advised their citizens not to travel to the country and to depart it if they are there. Citing “the
deteriorating political and security situation ...and growing anti-western sentiment” the State
Department warned U.S. citizens to avoid travel to Côte d’Ivoire, and on December 20, 2010,
ordered the departure of all non-emergency embassy personnel and family members.41 It was also
These include the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, Nigeria, and Portugal. State
Department, “Travel Warning Côte d’Ivoire,” December 19, 2010; and Marco Chown Oved, “Ivory Coast Opposition
prompting large numbers of Ivoirian citizens and residents to flee to neighboring countries,
primarily Liberia, as refugees, or to become internally displaced within Côte d’Ivoire. See
“Humanitarian Effects and Responses,” below.
Wants Gbagbo Gone by Force,” AP, December 22, 2010, among others.
March 3 press release by the International Crisis Group discussing its report, Côte d’Ivoire: Is War the Only Option?,
March 3, 2011, the executive summary of which states that the “most likely scenario in the coming months is armed
conflict involving massive violence against civilians, Ivorian and foreign alike, that could provoke unilateral military
intervention by neighbours, starting with Burkina Faso.”
UNHRC, Report of the High Commissioner. See also Alphonso Toweh, “Liberian Mercenaries Hope For Work in
Ivory Coast,” Reuters, December 31, 2010; and HRW, “Côte d’Ivoire: Leaders Should Prevent Abuses by Their
Forces,” February 24, 2011.
UNHRC, Report of the High Commissioner.
reports and visual media evidence documenting live burnings of beaten victims, among other
Fighting in Abidjan has been frequent. It was reportedly first initiated by state security forces
loyal to Gbagbo, which launched repeated raids on putative opposition strongholds in Abidjan.
These raids, which reportedly have been associated with numerous extralegal detentions and
extrajudicial killings, appear to be spurring retaliatory violence.47 On February 23, 2011, a
security force element conducting a such raid was ambushed by counter-assailants using small
arms, resulting in the deaths of between 20 and 30 members of the raiding team and an extended
firefight. The assailants were not identified, but were reported to be members of a Forces
Nouvelles-affiliated fighting cell that calls itself the Movement for the Liberation of the Peoples
of Abobo-Anyama (MLP-2A). The militia’s name refers to the densely populated northern
neighborhoods of Abobo and Anyama, where about 1.5 million residents, many northerners and
foreign migrant workers, live. A similar armed anti-Gbagbo element, dubbed the “Invisible
Commando,” is also reportedly active. Some prior raids had been resisted by residents of the area,
but the February 23 clash signaled a significant escalation in violence and the most lethal clash up
until that date in Abidjan between state security forces and armed elements opposing them,
assisted by local youths and some defectors form the national military. A large area of Abobo
known as PK-18 is now under the control of FN-linked elements that observers view as
supportive of Ouattara, but which may be loyal to a former FN commander, Ibrahim “IB”
The February clashes appear to have spurred a rise in such confrontations; multiple gun fights
between Gbagbo and Ouattara forces reportedly occurred during the last week of February 2011,
and the fighting spread to other areas of the city on March 2.49 On March 7, pro-Ouattara fighters
Corpses of victims of violence are also reportedly burned inside of tires in order to dispose of them, due to a shortage
of undertaker service access. Marco Chown Oved, “Houses Looted By Police in Ivory Coast,” AP, March 6, 2011;
John James, “Ivory Coast’s Descent Into ‘Madness’,” BBC, March 10, 2011; and U.N. IRIN, “Côte d'Ivoire: Paul –
‘People Burn Tyres With the Bodies to Defuse the Smell,’” March 4, 2011.
Ange Aboa and Tim Cocks, “Ivorian Pro-Gbagbo Groups Rampage Against Foreigners,” Reuters, March 1, 2011.
According to the United Nations, state security forces that have been involved in such operations include elements of
the Compagnie Républicaine de Sécurité (CRS), the Centre de Commandement des Opérations de Sécurité (CECOS),
the Garde Républicaine, the Brigade Anti-Emeute (BAE), the Brigade du Maintien de l’Ordre (BMO), the national
Gendarmerie and the Navy, aided by civilian militia and youth groups, as well as by English-speaking “mercenaries.”
UNHRC, Report of the High Commissioner.
Coulibaly, a former Ivoirian soldier and a one-time FN leader sidelined by Prime Minister Guillaume Soro.
Coulibaly has been associated with various past coups or coup attempts, and some observers believe he may have been
associated with a rocket attack on an aircraft carrying Soro. Africa Confidential, “Côte d’Ivoire: Peering into the
Abyss,” March 4, 2011; and Reuters, "Ivorian Abidjan Insurgents Say Don't Back Ouattara," March 27, 2011.
Reuters, “Ivory Coast Fighting Spreads to Southern Abidjan,” March 2, 2011; Marco Chown Oved and Rukmini
Callimachi, “Official: At Least 20 Security Forces Killed,” AP, February 23, 2011; HRW, “Côte d’Ivoire: Leaders
Should Prevent”; and Rukmini Callimachi, “Ivory Coast Rebels Seize Control of 30-mile Strip,” AP, March 7, 2011.
in control of Abobo reportedly attacked a village “populated by the largely pro-Gbagbo Ebrie
tribe” that is located within the Abobo area under their control, killing three persons and
wounding 30.50 On March 14, following a weekend attack by pro-Gbagbo forces on Abobo aimed
at expelling pro-Ouattara forces from the neighborhood, gun battles erupted for several hours in
Abidjan neighborhoods south of Abobo, near the central business district and in other generally
pro-Gbagbo areas, including near the home of the national army chief of staff, Phillipe Mangou.
The ongoing clashes in Abidjan and elsewhere prompted Mangou to state on March 15 that pro-
Gbagbo forces were prepared to go to war.51
Another key sign that rising conflict was burgeoning into a large-scale armed civil conflict was
the February 25 seizure from a pro-Gbagbo militia, the Front for the Liberation of the Great West
(FLGO), of several villages in western Côte d’Ivoire by FN elements. About a week later, the FN
also seized additional nearby territory in the western Montagnes region and the town of Toulépleu
in the neighboring Moyen-Cavally region, to the south of Montagnes, and in mid-March took
control of the town of Doké 20 miles to the east. Possession of this territory—provided that the
FN can hold it—would give the FN control over much of the Ivoirian border with Nimba county
in neighboring Liberia, where both pro-Gbagbo and Ouattara armed elements have reportedly
been recruiting ex-combatants from the Liberian civil war. In early March, the U.N. High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) also reported that there was “heavy fighting… in and
around Duékoué on the road to Man.”52 By late March, fighting in the west had expanded toward
the center and east of the country. There were reports that FN forces had taken control of two key
towns, Duekoue, in the west, and the central town of Daloa, and seized two smaller towns in the
east near the Ghanaian border.53 Such fighting has prompted multiple humanitarian agencies to
temporarily withdraw their workers from the west.
The prospect of renewed armed conflict had earlier been spurred by repeated calls by Ouattara
aides for Gbagbo to be removed from office by force, and by a December 24 threat by ECOWAS
to undertake such an action. While the regional body later deferred military intervention, pending
further negotiation, as of mid-January 2011, the proposal remained the focus of active military
planning (see section entitled “Threat of Military Intervention to Oust Gbagbo”).55 Similarly,
Reuters, “Ivorian Village Attacked, 3 Killed-Gbagbo Ministry,” March 7, 2011.
Ange Aboa and Tim Cocks, “Ivorian Gunmen Move Close to Central Abidjan,” Reuters, March 14, 2011; and Ange
Aboa and Media Coulibaly, “Shooting at Pro-Gbagbo Abidjan Roadblock Kills 4,” Reuters, March 15, 2011.
Ivoirian “regions” (e.g., Moyen-Cavally and Montagnes) are jurisdictions akin to provinces or states. Coulibaly and
Bamba, “Ivorian Rebels Seize Town”; Ange Aboa, “Ivorian Rebels Take Third Town in West,” Reuters, March 7,
2011; Callimachi, “Ivory Coast Rebels Seize”; UNHCR, Côte d’Ivoire Situation Update CIV+5, March 4, 2011; and
VOA News, “Ivory Coast Rebels Take Over Another Town,” March 13, 2011; among others.
Ange Aboa and Tim Cocks, "Two Towns Fall, Civilians Killed in Ivory Coast War," Reuters, March 29, 2011.
Tim Cocks, "I.Coast's Gbagbo Readying Rockets, Helicopter - UN," Reuters, March 22, 2011
BBC News, “UN Chief Warns Situation in Ivory Coast Could Become ‘Critical’,” December 22, 2010; Marco
Chown Oved, “Ivory Coast Opposition Wants Gbagbo Gone by Force,” AP, December 22, 2010; Agence France Presse
while Ouattara has repeatedly called for a peaceful resolution of the crisis, notwithstanding the
statements of his aides, in March 2010, an FN spokesman stated that the rebel movement saw “no
other option but force” to make Gbagbo leave power.56
any attack on UN forces will be an attack on the international community and those
responsible for these actions will be held accountable. Any continued actions obstructing and
constricting UN operations are similarly unacceptable. UNOCI will fulfill its mandate and
will continue to monitor and document any human rights violations, incitement to hatred and
violence, or attacks on UN peacekeepers. There will be consequences for those who have
perpetrated or orchestrated any such actions or do so in the future.58
The threat also prompted the UNSC to increase the size of UNOCI in early 2011 (see text box
entitled “UNOCI,” above). In late December, the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights,
Navi Pillay, stating that “no longer can heads of State, and other actors ...commit atrocious
violations and get away with it,” wrote to Gbagbo “reminding him of his duty under international
law to refrain from committing, ordering, inciting, instigating or standing by in tacit approval of
rights violations.” Similar letters were sent to the heads of key Ivorian security services.59 The
International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor is reportedly monitoring violence against civilians
and against UNOCI peacekeepers, as well as speech advocating or resulting in mass violence, and
has threatened to prosecute those who, under international law, abet or cause violence.60 He
specifically cited Charles Blé Goudé as an example of a person whose public speech might, if
warranted, potentially be prosecuted. Blé Goudé, Gbagbo’s Minister of Youth, is a leader of some
of Gbagbo’s most militant supporters.61
(AFP), “Military Intervention in ICoast Ruled Out Now: Cape Verde,” December 29, 2010; ECOWAS, “Extraordinary
Session of the Authority of Heads of State and Government on Côte d’Ivoire,” December 24, 2010.
Reuters, “Ivorian Rebels Say Only Force Can Remove Gbagbo,” March 10, 2011.
Anita Snow, “UN Probing Ivory Coast Helicopter Report,” AP, February 28, 2011.
U.N., “Statement Attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General on the Situation in Côte d’Ivoire,”
December 18, 2010.
UNNS, “Any Attack…”
ICC, “Statement by ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo on the situation in Côte d’Ivoire,” December 21, 2010;
see also HRW, “Côte d’Ivoire: Pro-Gbagbo Forces Abducting…”
Blé Goudé, Gbagbo’s nominee as Minister of Youth and Employment, heads the Young Patriots, a youth
organization that has in the past undertaken militia-like actions and engaged in protests, some violent, and attacks. He
is one of three persons who in 2004 were made subject to U.N. travel restrictions and asset freezes. He is accused by
the U.N. of “repeated public statements advocating violence against United Nations installations and personnel, and
against foreigners; direction of and participation in acts of violence by street militias, including beatings, rapes and
In response to the rising danger faced by UNOCI peacekeepers, including a threat by Blé Goudé
to attack the Golf Hotel, Ban—reiterating a December 17 statement—warned that “UNOCI is
authorized to use all necessary means to protect” its personnel, Ouattara government officials,
and other civilians at the hotel. He said an attack on it “could provoke widespread violence that
could reignite civil war.” 62 U.N. and foreign government officials have subsequently and
repeatedly made similar statements.
Refugee numbers in Liberia have grown rapidly, but a small portion are believed to fluctuate in
response to conditions in Côte d’Ivoire; household heads, for instance, sometimes return
temporarily to tend to property or farms. During some periods, the rapid inflow of refugees has
caused the UNHCR to suspend individual registration and temporarily adopt a rapid emergency
extrajudicial killings; intimidation of the United Nations, the International Working Group (IWG), the political
opposition and independent press; sabotage of international radio stations; obstacle to the action of the IWG,
…UNOCI, the French Forces and to the peace process.” Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution
1572 (2004) concerning Côte d’Ivoire, “List of Individuals Subject to Paragraphs 9 and 11 of Resolution 1572 (2004)
and Paragraph 4 of Resolution 1643 (2005),” n.d.
U.N., “Statement Attributable to the Spokesperson…” SRSG Choi also stated of UNOCI that “we are heavily armed
and present and preparing ourselves... They will be defeated, they will be repulsed. There is no doubt about this.” See
UNNS, “Any Attack…”; and Christophe Koffi, “Ivory Coast Youth Leader Urges Assault on Gbagbo Rival’s HQ,”
AFP, December 29, 2010.
UNHCR, “At Least 20,000 Flee Fresh Violence in Côte d’Ivoire Capital, Abidjan,” February 25, 2011; UNHCR, “As
Some 30,000 Flee to Liberia, UNHCR Urges Help for Civilians in Besieged Abidjan District,” March 1, 2011; Africa
Confidential, “Côte d’Ivoire: Peering into the Abyss,” March 4, 2011; UNHCR, Côte d’Ivoire Situation Update CIV+5,
multiple February and March 2011 updates; and UNNS, "Up to 1 Million People Driven from Homes by Violence in
Côte d’Ivoire, UN Reports," March 25, 2011.
Reuters, “Power, Water Back in Ivory Coast’s Rebel North,” March 5, 2011; and U.N. Integrated Regional
Information Networks (IRIN) News Service, “Côte d’Ivoire: The North Unplugged,’ March 2, 2011, and series of early
2011 IRIN News briefings on the effects of the crisis, available at http://www.irinnews.org >> Africa >> Côte d’Ivoire.
registration system. An anticipated continuing large inflow of refugees had prompted the UNHCR
to contingently plan to address the emergency needs of 250,000 refugees and to identify
additional potential camps and host communities where this population could stay. Such refugee
and IDP inflows are severely straining local communities’ supplies of food and water.65 Key
challenges included protection, “registration and documentation of a very mobile population next
to porous borders” in an insecure, widely dispersed, inaccessible rural zone; and the need to
address “vulnerabilities in an environment already characterized by limited access to basic
services for local populations.” Notwithstanding these challenges, the UNHCR and the World
Food Program (WFP), together with Liberian authorities and a variety of nongovernmental
organizations (NGOs), were channeling refugees to camps and providing water, sanitation, and
emergency food and shelter to them. The UNHCR is also attempting to ensure that a
humanitarian corridor be established to enable civilians to reach safer place and to allow
humanitarian agency access to affected populations.66 The United States is channeling aid toward
these emergency humanitarian needs.
On January 4, 2011, following a late 2010 field assessment of the impact of Ivoirian refugees
inflows on local Liberian host communities, the U.S. ambassador to Liberia issued a complex
emergency disaster declaration. This action enabled the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster
Assistance (OFDA) of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to provide aid
these communities, worth an initial $100,000. In mid-March, OFDA was reviewing proposals
from several NGOs focused on possible increases in assistance for Liberian host communities
impacted by the refugee influx. OFDA has separately provided $800,000 to UNICEF in support
of emergency services for host communities. OFDA was expected to provide additional
assistance in Côte d’Ivoire, pending a field-based needs assessment, in response to the March 13
declaration of a complex disaster emergency by the U.S. ambassador in Abidjan. 67
Alphonso Toweh, “Refugee Upsurge Brings Ivorian Woes to Liberia,” Reuters, March 15, 2011.
UNHCR, Côte d’Ivoire Situation Update CIV+5, March 4, 2011. See also Nebehay, “450,000 Flee.”
The assistance is being programmed through USAID/Liberia to the NGOs EQUIP Liberia and the International
Rescue Committee “to support emergency health, protection, and water, sanitation, and hygiene activities in affected
areas of Liberia.” USAID, “Most Recent Disaster Declaration: Complex Emergency, 1-04-11,” online notice; and
USAID responses to CRS inquiries, March 14 and 15, 2011.
On March 7, 2011, President Obama authorized PRM to provide $12.6 million in FY 2011
Emergency Refugee and Migration Assistance (ERMA) to address “unexpected and urgent
refugee and migration needs... related to humanitarian needs resulting from the recent unrest in
Côte d’Ivoire.”68 This PRM-administered ERMA assistance is slated to support refugee assistance
in Liberia ($9.4 million) and in Côte d’Ivoire and neighboring countries other than Liberia (about
$3.2 million). 69
FFP has provided about $3.1 million in assistance in Liberia in support of WFP emergency
operations (EMOPs) in support of refugees and targeted segments of host communities, and in
early March had provisionally approved an additional $7.5 million in such aid in Liberia. It had
also provisionally approved $4.5 million for a WFP EMOP in Côte d’Ivoire focused on support
for IDP and host community needs. USAID/Liberia has scaled up existing health programs in
communities affected by Ivoirian refugee inflows, primarily to address respiratory and digestive
illness treatment and the provision of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services.70
International Reactions
Much of the international community—with at least one exception and some qualifications
among African governments—has rejected Gbagbo’s claim of electoral victory and endorsed
Ouattara as the legally elected president of Côte d’Ivoire. In response to Gbagbo’s refusal to cede
the presidency to his rival, the international community is pursuing a range of coordinated and
bilateral efforts aimed at forcing him to abide by the results of the election. These include
diplomatic isolation and non-recognition of the Gbagbo government; personal travel and financial
sanctions against members of the regime; constriction of credit and access to state financial
assets; and the threat of military action to enforce the electoral outcome. In late March there were
calls for the imposition of expanded U.N. and European Union sanctions targeting the Gbagbo
White House, “Presidential Memorandum-Unexpected Urgent Refugee and Migration Needs Related to Côte
d’Ivoire,” Presidential Determination No. 2011-7, March 7, 2011.
The $9.4 million tranche is to be allocated to the UNHCR for multi-sectoral refugee assistance ($7.8 million); to a
WFP Special Operation focusing on logistics augmentation, including critical road repair and increased U.N.
warehousing and trucking capacity ($600,000); and to various NGOs, in coordination with the UNHCR, to address
assorted refugee aid needs ($1 million). The $3.2 million tranche is slated to be allocated to the UNHCR “for IDP
protection activities (e.g. border monitoring, IDP registration and protection monitoring, IDP camp management) and
contingency planning for refugee flows to Ghana, Guinea, Mali, and Burkina Faso” ($2.5 million); and to the
International Organization for Migration (IOM) for refugee transportation and IDP camp coordination programs in
Côte d’Ivoire ($700,000). State Department/PRM response to CRS inquiry, March 8, 2011.
The $7.5 million aid tranche in Liberia was slated to support the 180-day food needs of an estimated 150,000 Ivoirian
refugees and 36,000 host community members, while the $4.5 million tranche in Côte d’Ivoire was for support of the
180-day food needs of about 130,000 IDPs and host community populations impacted by the crisis in multiple parts of
the country. USAID response to CRS inquiry, March 14, 2011.
The UNSC, in turn, endorsed the decisions of ECOWAS and the AU. On December 8, a day after
a UNSC meeting in which the Council heard the report of SRSG Choi on the election, 73 the
UNSC released a press statement on Côte d’Ivoire in which Council members, “in view of” the
ECOWAS endorsement of “Ouattara as President-elect,” called on “all stakeholders to respect the
outcome of the election.”74
Several governments that recognize Ouattara’s election have also bilaterally dropped recognition
of the Gbagbo government; Ouattara has written to at least 20 governments requesting such an
action. In late December, as pro-Ouattara protesters occupied the Ivorian embassy in Paris, the
French government stated that it had “taken note” of Ouattara’s dismissal of the Gbagbo-
designated ambassador to France, and pledged to recognize an envoy named by Ouattara. The
French government also reportedly “grounded a plane belonging to Gbagbo at an airport in
France in response to a request by” Ouattara.76 Canada, the United Kingdom (UK), Belgium, and
ECOWAS, “Final Communiqué,” ECW/CEG/ABJ/EXT/FR. /Rev. 2, December 7, 2010.
AU PSC, “Communiqué,” PSC/PR/COMM.1(CCLII), December 9, 2010.
At the meeting, the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations (USUN) Susan E. Rice, acting as UNSC
president, stated that “the participation of the representative of Côte d’Ivoire in this meeting without objection is not
intended to be viewed and should not be understood as an acknowledgment of the legitimacy of his Government.”
Russia objected to the assertion. S/PV.6437, December 7, 2010; AFP, “Russia ‘Quibbling’ Over UN I.Coast Statement:
US,” December 7, 2010; and UNSC, “Opposition Man’s Win ‘Irrefutable’, Top United Nations Official in Côte
d’Ivoire,” SC/10102, December 7, 2010.
UNSC, “Security Council Press Statement on Côte d’Ivoire,” SC/10105, December 8, 2010. Issuance of the
December 8 statement, which did not reference a direct UNSC decision explicitly endorsing Ouattara’s election, came
after “five days of intense negotiations to come to a unified position on the outcome of the elections” attributed to
“Security Council member Russia’s refusal to interfere in domestic elections.” Russia reportedly “blocked a proposed
statement saying the United Nations had exceeded its mandate by calling Ouattara the winner of the November 28
runoff vote.” VOA, “UN Security Council Recognizes Ouattara As Ivory Coast President-Elect,” December 8, 2010;
and AFP, “Russia ‘Quibbling’…”
On December 20, the Security Council urged universal recognition of “Ouattara as President-elect of Côte d’Ivoire
and representative of the freely expressed voice of the Ivorian people...in view of ECOWAS and African Union’s
recognition ...[and] as proclaimed” by the IEC. The General Assembly’s action—which by default rescinded the
credentials of Gbagbo’s U.N. Ambassador, Alcide Djedje, a Gbagbo advisor and his newly selected foreign minister—
was opposed ex post facto by Namibia and Nigeria on technical grounds. They cited a need to study the resolution at
issue, a report by the U.N. Credentials Committee. Djedje and his staff had previously departed New York, reportedly
taking with themselves the Ivorian U.N. mission’s computer hard drives. AP, “UN Recognizes Ouattara as Ivory Coast
President and Accepts Credentials of His UN Ambassador,” December 23, 2010, among others.
AFP, “France to Recognise Ouattara’s I.Coast Ambassador: Official,” December 27, 2010; and Thibauld Malterre,
several other EU countries have also announced that they would only accept ambassadors named
by Ouattara.77
The Gbagbo government has attempted to retaliate against some governments that have dropped
recognition of his government and rejected his envoys by doing the same in return. It has declared
the British, Canadian, and French ambassadors persona non-grata and asked them to leave the
country. Canada and France responded by saying the request was without merit as Canada does
not recognize Gbagbo as president, while the UK ambassador was not immediately affected, as he
is regionally based, in Accra, Ghana.78
Regional Diplomacy
The AU and ECOWAS have each held several high-level meetings to address the crisis and
dispatched multiple diplomatic delegations to Côte d’Ivoire in order to diffuse tensions and
convince Gbagbo to respect the results of the election and cede the presidency. The most recent
AU effort to end the crisis was undertaken by a heads of state panel, dubbed the “Panel of Five,”
advised by a team of technical experts led by AU Peace and Security Commissioner Ramtane
Lamamra. The panel was viewed as holding a charge that would test the credibility of the AU vis-
à-vis the Ivoirian crisis and the strength of its dedication to democratic principles, given that prior
regional mediation efforts to resolve the crisis and to ensure Ouattara’s effective assumption of
executive powers, in accordance with AU and ECOWAS endorsements of his election, had
produced few tangible results.79
“Gbagbo Rivals Take Over Ivory Coast’s Paris Embassy,” AFP, December 27, 2010.
State Department, “Daily Press Briefing,” December 29, 2010; Martin Vogl. “WAfrica bank Head Resigns Over
Ivory Coast,” AP, January 22, 2010; and AFP, “Canada No Longer Recognizes ICoast Envoy,” December 29, 2010.
Rukmini Callimachi, “Official: Ivorian Government Expelling British and Canadian Ambassadors,” AP, January 6,
2011; Rukmini Callimachi, “Official: Ivorian Government Expelling British and Canadian Ambassadors,” AP, January
6, 2011; and U.S. Embassy-Abidjan, “Daily Press Review,” December 29, 2010.
The panel was also seen as a key barometer of the integrity and strength of AU support for one of its core founding
principles, the primacy democratic choice and governance; had the panel compromised regarding its demand that
Gbagbo cede power by supporting a mediated outcome allowing him to maintain power, its fidelity to that principle
might have been brought into question. Martin Roberts, “AU Mediators Arrive in Côte d’Ivoire for Discussions with
Rival Presidents,” IHS Global Insight Daily Analysis, February 7, 2011. See also Africa Confidential, “Côte d’Ivoire:
Peering into the Abyss,” March 4, 2011.
AU High-Level Panel
The AU high-level panel, appointed by the AU PSC in late January 2011, was made up of the
presidents of South Africa, Chad, Mauritania, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, and Chad, along with AUC
chairman Jean Ping and ECOWAS Commission president Victor Gbeho. In early February the
Al Jazeera, “Mbeki Fails to End Ivorian Crisis,” December 6, 2010, among others.
AFP, “ECOWAS Sends Letter…”; State Department, “Daily Press Briefing,” December 17, 2010; RFI, “France, US,
EU Put Financial Squeeze on Gbagbo,” December 19, 2010; and AFP, “African Union Mediator Arrives in Ivory
Coast,” December 17, 2010.
AFP, “Kenya PM Says I.Coast’s Gbagbo Should Be Forcibly Removed,” December 17, 2010; AFP, “Kenya’s
Odinga Named AU Lead Monitor on I. Coast Crisis,” December 27, 2010; and David Clarke, “Summit-Time for
Outside Force in Ivory Coast-Odinga,” Reuters, March 10, 2011.
Ange Aboa, “Ivory Coast Mediator Hints at Talks Between Rivals,” Reuters, January 17, 2011; and Emmanuel
Peuchot, “AU Chief Meets Ivory Coast Presidential Rivals, AFP, January 25, 2011.
panel deployed its technical team to Abidjan to consult with the opposed parties and, after
conferring in Mauritania, met with the parties in Abidjan on February 21, a day on which at least
six persons were reported killed in a state security force raid on opposition residential areas. One
panel member, Burkinabe President Blaise Compaoré, the former OPA facilitator, did not join the
panel during its trip to Abidjan due a threat of attack on his person by the Young Patriots, who
view him as partial toward Ouattara.
On February 28, the PSC extended the panel’s mandate until the end of March, requesting that it
“formulate… a comprehensive political solution... to submit to the Ivorian parties.”84 In early
March, Ping traveled to Abidjan on behalf of the panel to consult with the two presidential
claimants and invited them, along with Paul Yao N’Dre, the head of the Ivoirian Constitutional
Council, to a March 10 AU PSC meeting, at which the panel presented its conflict resolution
findings and recommendations. Ouattara attended the meeting, held in Ethiopia, but Gbagbo did
not; instead, he sent two delegates, the leader of his FPI political party, Pascal Affi N’Guessan,
and his foreign minister Alcide Djedje. N’Dre did not attend.The AU high-level panel’s report,
presented to the PSC at the meeting, reviewed the election, the pre-electoral process and political
environment, and the post-electoral crisis, and laid out a range of recommendations for resolving
it. The panel reaffirmed Ouattara’s election win and recommended that Gbagbo step down; called
on the Constitutional Council to swear in Ouattara as president; recommended that a national
unity government be formed; and called for the establishment of a national peace and
reconciliation process based on the Ouagadougou Political Agreement.
It also found that what it termed the partisan composition and “dysfunction” of the IEC and the
Constitutional Council had provided the basis for the contended electoral outcome. It reserved
particular criticism, however, for the Constitutional Council; it sharply questioned the procedures
by which the Council had reached its determinations on the outcome of the election and the basis
of the legal authority under which it had acted. The panel called especially “disturbing” the
Council’s decision to cancel nearly 600,000 votes, or what it said was 13% of the total, “just
enough to reverse the results,” while simultaneously arguing that this action was not likely to
affect the fairness of the poll. The panel also observed that former President Gbagbo had held
office for a decade, a period corresponding to the maximum term that he could have served had
he been constitutionally elected to two successive terms of five years—and had thus enjoyed a
lengthy opportunity to promote peace and reconciliation, an outcome that the panel’s report
stressed not been achieved. 85
AU, Communiqué of the 263rd Meeting of the PSC on Côte d’Ivoire [press release],” February 28, 2011. See also
APA, “AU Experts on Côte d’Ivoire Leave Abidjan,” February 10, 2011; and Marco Chown Oved, “6 Killed as Army
Opens Fire in Ivory Coast; African Union Panel Arrives,” AP, February 21, 2011.
AU, Report of the High Level Panel of the African Union for the Resolution of the Crisis In Côte d’Ivoire,
PSC/AHG/2 (CCLXV), March 10, 2011.
Except as noted, all quotations in this text box are citations to Annex VII of the panel’s report, entitled “Proposals for
an Overall Political Solution to the Crisis in Côte d’Ivoire.”
AU, Report of the High Level Panel.
two parties. The Gbagbo camp has strongly and repeatedly rejected the panel’s recommendations,
asserting that they are unacceptable because they are not in accordance with the Constitutional
Council’s ruling in favor of Gbagbo’s election. 88 In light of Gbagbo’s posture and other
indications that the two sides remained entrenched and unwilling to compromise, some press
analyses on March 11 concluded that the panel’s efforts had failed. Such analyses may have been
premature, since the panel’s recommendations had not been formally adopted, but they accurately
underlined the poor prospects for implementation—and appeared prescient when on March 27,
Ouattara rejected the appointment of José Brito, a former Cape Verde foreign affairs minister as
the AU High Representative for Côte d'Ivoire. Brito was appointed to implement the panel’s
recommendations, but Ouattara asserted that Biro was not suitable because he was not a former
head of state and because he has alleged personal and political ties to Gbagbo.89
An additional complicating factor was Ouattara’s selective interpretation of what the panel had
called for. He accepted the need or a cross-party government “in a framework of reconciliation…
because I want peace,” but rejected the notion that it would, at its core, be a power-sharing
government with Gbagbo or his close allies.90 He instead emphasized that he would remain firmly
in control of the unity government called for by the panel and implementation of the provisions
that it calls for, stating:
I will form which will include members of other parties that I will select... It is different to
say that it is a National Unity Government as if ministers will be opposed to me, that is not
the case... I will take the best people in Côte d’Ivoire to run a disaster situation [in
which]....the economy is completely down and the social indicators are worse than we have
seen since independence. So I want to have a strong team, a team of competent people from
all parties and from the civil society but I will select them… Gbagbo will have an honorable
exit and thereafter when he comes to see me we’ll discuss that.91
Ouattara also did not appear to overtly endorse or address the panel’s other recommendations,
regarding further implementation of the Ouagadougou Political Agreement, establishment of a
TRC, passage of an amnesty, and related measures.
Notwithstanding these challenges, the panel was seen as having achieved a notable success by
having prominently advocated a single, cohesive AU approach toward resolving the crisis. This
outcome was seen as important in light of multiple press reports suggesting that splits regarding
the appropriate conflict resolution strategy had emerged among AU member states, potentially
threatening largely unified international efforts to resolve the crisis and providing implicit support
for Gbagbo’s position. South African President Jacob Zuma’s agreement to join his fellow
panelists in making their recommendations was especially noteworthy in this respect, since South
Reuters, “Gbagbo Camp Rejects AU Plan for Ivorian Crisis,” March 10, 2011; BBC, “Ivory Coast’s Laurent Gbagbo
Bans UN and French Flights,” March 10, 2011; David Clarke, “Summit-Time for Outside Force in Ivory Coast-
Odinga,” Reuters, March 10, 2011; and Francois Ausseill, “Ivory Coast’s Gbagbo Rejects AU mediation’s Proposal,”
AFP, March 10, 2011.
Tim Cocks And Loucoumane Coulibaly, "Ouattara Rejects Au Envoy For Ivorian Crisis," Reuters, March 27, 2011;
VOA, "Ouattara Rejects New Ivory Coast Mediator," March 27, 2011; and AU, "Appointment of the High
Representative of the African Union for Cote d’Ivoire," March 26, 2011.
He was quoted as saying “You can’t have people elected and say you have to share power... How can I share with
someone who has been in power for 10 years and whom Ivorians didn’t vote for? It’s illogical.” Tim Cocks and Aaron
Maasho, “Fears of Ivorian Conflict Grow As Mediation Fails,” Reuters, March 11, 2011.
Scott Stearns, “Aide Says Gbagbo Rejects AU Endorsement of Ouattara as Ivory Coast Leader,” VOA, March 11,
Africa’s prior stance had been viewed as a possible obstacle to that end. The Zuma government
had issued equivocal statements on the crisis—it variously endorsed ECOWAS’s findings in favor
of Ouattara’s election but also questioned the validity of the election outcome and called for an
undefined mediated outcome—and had taken other actions that that some analysts interpreted as
unilateral actions to address the crisis.92
Other indications of discord among AU member states had included Gambia’s recognition of the
legality of Gbagbo’s election and its opposition to a possible ECOWAS military intervention and
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni’s call for an investigation of the poll process and rejection
of the validity of international recognition of Ouattara and rejection of Gbagbo’s claimed win.93
Some press reports had also implied that statements of support for a negotiated end to the crisis
and in opposition to regional military intervention in Côte d’Ivoire by Angola, traditionally seen
as a strong Gbagbo ally, signaled Angola’s backing for Gbagbo.94 Angola, however, has not
overtly backed Gbagbo; its government has not recognized an official Ivoirian election winner,
and it reportedly refused a February request from the Gbagbo administration for funding
assistance. The positions of Angola and South Africa suggest that a claim by Gbagbo’s minister
of foreign affairs, Alcide Djedje, that Angola, Uganda, South Africa, Democratic Republic of
Congo, Gambia, Equatorial Guinea, and Ghana support Gbagbo’s continued tenure, are
overblown, or in several cases, lack credibility in several instances. 95
Emma Thomasson, “U.N. Chief Worried About AU Rift Over Ivory Coast,” Reuters, January 28, 2011; Bashir
Adigun, “ECOWAS Criticizes S.Africa Warship Off West Africa,” AP, February 8, 2011; and Colum Lynch, “On
Ivory Coast Diplomacy, South Africa Goes Its Own Way Wednesday,” Turtle Bay [U.N.-focused blog], February 23,
2011, among others.
Felix Onuah and Elias Biryabarema, “African States at Odds on Ivory Coast Crisis,” Reuters, January 25, 2011;
Gambian Presidency, “Government Issues Strong Reservations About ECOWAS Decision to Compel President
Laurent Gbagbo To Relinquish Power,” December 28, 2010; Angola Press Agency, “Executive Confident About
Peaceful Solution for Côte d’Ivoire,” January 14, 2011; Kemo Cham, “Gambian Leader Expresses Support for
Gbagbo,” AfricaNew.com, December 31, 2010; and Loucoumane Coulibaly and Ange Aboa, “Ivorian Forces Kill 7,
Post-Election Toll Hits,” March 3, 2011.
Angola had maintained a close alliance with Gbagbo largely because Ouattara, while prime minister under the late
Félix Houphouët-Boigny, had reportedly supported the rebel National Union for the Total Independence of Angola
(UNITA) during its long civil war fight against the Angolan government led by President José Eduardo dos Santos.
During Gbagbo’s tenure, by contrast, UNITA was no longer permitted a presence in Côte d’Ivoire, and the Gbagbo
government reportedly halted an arms shipment to UNITA and allowed Angolan security officials to abduct and
repatriate UNITA supporters present in Côte d’Ivoire. Vasco Martins, An Unshaken Alliance: Angola’s Stance in the
[sic] Côte d’Ivoire, Portuguese Institute of International Relations and Security, March 2011.
The Statesman (Ghana), “Exposed: Mills Supports Gbagbo, Foreign Minister Reveals,” March 9, 2011
Jon Herskovitz, “S.Africa Sees ‘Discrepancies’ in Ivory Coast Vote,” Reuters, January 21, 2011; South African
Government, “Media Statement by the Department of International Relations and Cooperation on the Situation in Côte
d’Ivoire,” December 8, 2010; and Donna Bryson, “S.Africa Says Ivory Coast Elections ‘Inconclusive’,” AP, February
17, 2011.
AFP, “S.Africa Criticized For Sending ‘Warship to Ivory Coast’,” February 8, 2011. See also Ashir Adigun,
“ECOWAS Criticizes S.Africa Warship Off West Africa,” AP, February 8, 2011, among others.
Mandy Roussouw, “Navy’s Most Trusted Vessel Deployed to Côte d’Ivoire,” Mail & Guardian, February 4, 2011.
The strategy of deploying a warship as a possible venue for talks recalled former South Africa President Nelson
Mandela’s 1997 mediation, on a docked Navy ship, between the late President Mobutu Sese Seko and his rebel
successor, the late President Laurent Kabila, both of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, then known as Zaire.
Nicholas Kotch, “Mobutu on Ship for Zaire Talks, Said Ready to Quit,” Reuters, May 4, 1997; and Reuters, “South
African “Grey Diplomat” Awaits Zairean Talks,” April 29, 1997.
reiterating the ECOWAS’s demand and offer to escort him into exile abroad. “In the event that
Mr. Gbagbo fails to heed this immutable demand,” they further decided, ECOWAS “would be left
with no alternative but to take other measures, including the use of legitimate force, to achieve the
goals of the Ivorian people.”99
The delegation met with Gbagbo and Ouattara on December 28, but Gbagbo did not meet the
ECOWAS demand for him to step down. He reportedly demanded a vote recount and an amnesty,
were he to cede the presidency. After the delegation departed Côte d’Ivoire, ECOWAS leaders
decided to defer immediate military intervention in favor of further negotiation, but regional
military leaders met to plan and coordinate a possible deployment, as the heads of state had
mandated. 100 The same delegation, joined by Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga, the
designated AU mediator, and ECOWAS President Gbeho, met with Ouattara and Gbagbo on
January 3, and again demanded that Gbagbo cede power; emphasized that power-sharing deal
was not feasible; and offered to provide amnesty to Gbagbo if he stepped down. No apparent
headway resulted. The talks were described by an anonymous diplomat as “failure No. 2,”
although Gbagbo “agreed to negotiate a peaceful end to the crisis without any preconditions” and
pledged that he would lift a blockade of the hotel where the Ouattara government is housed under
armed UNOCI and FN protection. As of late January, he had fulfilled neither pledge. 101
Prior to the departure of the second delegation, a Nigerian defense spokesman, speaking on
December 31, stated that ECOWAS military chiefs from several member countries had “prepared
plans to ‘forcefully take over power’ from” Gbagbo using a grouping of troops called the
ECOWAS standby force, said to consist of 6,500 troops, if diplomatic efforts to pressure him to
cede the presidency fail. A further logistics meeting was held in mid-January 2011 in Mali to
“finalize when troops would be deployed and how long they could remain in the country.” The
chiefs of staff were also slated to travel to Bouaké, in north-central Côte d’Ivoire, a possible
intervention staging point. Ghana, however, later declined to participate in a potential
intervention, citing an overburden of international peacekeeping deployments in other regions, a
preference for “quiet diplomacy,” and the presence of an estimated 600,000 or so Ghanaians in
Côte d’Ivoire.
Nigeria is also thought to have domestic security concerns of its own that might preclude it from
contributing forces. On December 31, the United Kingdom announced that it would politically
support use of force by ECOWAS in the UNSC, but did not offer or commit any troops for such a
purpose. The UK has also prepared military contingency plans with the French, but the objective
of such plans, which may pertain to evacuations of foreign citizens, has not been described
publicly. 102
ECOWAS, “Extraordinary Session…,” December 24, 2010.
Marco Chown Oved, “Delegation Leaves Ivory Coast Without Gbagbo,” AP, December 28, 2010; and Oved,
“Neighbors Put…”; and AFP, “Military Intervention in ICoast Ruled Out Now: Cape Verde,” December 29, 2010.
AU-ECOWAS, “Joint AU-ECOWAS mission to Côte d’Ivoire Communique,” January 4, 2011, via African Press
Organization. Limited access to the hotel has prompted UNOCI to resupply the hotel by helicopter. Adam Nossiter,
“Ivory Coast Leader’s Rival Remains Under Blockade,” NYT, January 6, 2011; UNSC, Security Council Press
Statement on Situation in Côte d’Ivoire,” SC/10149, January 10, 2011; and Al Jazeera, “Kenya PM Warns of Côte
d’Ivoire War,” January 7, 2011.
Aljazeera.net, “Plan to Force…” See also Tim Castle, “UK Says Would Back Force to Oust I.Coast’s Gbagbo,”
Reuters, December 31, 2010; Ola Awoniyi, “W.African Defence Chiefs Plan I.Coast Intervention,” AFP, December 29,
2010; Francis Kokutse, “Ghana President Says ‘No’ to Troops in Ivory Coast,” January 7, 2011; and AFP, “Ouattara:
West Africa ready to intervene in I.Coast,” January 19, 2011, among others.
It is not clear how an ECOWAS intervention would operate, particularly in relation to the UNOCI
and French forces that are already present on the ground. The Ouattara camp has called for a
special forces commando operation to rapidly remove Gbagbo quickly, which it asserts can be
done “without much damage” because “Gbagbo’s location can be quickly identified by a team of
elite troops because he ‘is essentially at his residence or at the presidential palace’.” The possible
danger to civilian lives resulting from such an operation could be substantial, however, given the
large population that supported Gbagbo’s election, the militancy of a core of Gbagbo’s support
base and the presence of a large, highly ethnically and regionally mixed civilian population in
Abidjan. Key Gbagbo supporters have stated that they would respond in kind to any attempt to
attempt to oust Gbagbo by force of arms, and that such an attempt would spark a war.103
A further effort to drive home ECOWAS’s demand to Gbagbo was delivered by Nigeria’s former
military head and President Olusegun Obasanjo on January 8. His presence, given his reputation
as a forceful, uncompromising interlocutor, was interpreted as underlining the putative
seriousness of ECOWAS’s threat. An Ouattara aide was quoted as stating that “In diplomacy you
can say things very nicely. Or you can say it by being mean. He is here to say it in the mean way.”
Despite such perceptions, no breakthroughs were reported as a result of Obasanjo’s trip.104
U.N. Sanctions
On October 15, 2010, the UNSC adopted Resolution 1946, renewing an arms embargo on Côte
d’Ivoire, targeted financial assets freeze and travel restrictions first authorized under UNSC
Resolution 1572 of November 15, 2004, and a ban on the import of rough diamonds from Côte
d’Ivoire, first authorized under UNSC Resolution 1643 of December 15, 2005.105 On January 6,
2011, USUN Permanent Representative Rice stated that, following the imposition of targeted U.S.
and EU sanctions on Gbagbo and associates of his regime, “to the extent that [...the political
situation] remains stalled, I think we are obliged to look at whether it [the U.N. sanctions regime]
needs to be augmented and invigorated.”106 In late March 2011, France and Nigeria, backed by
ECOWAS, proposed expanded U.N. travel and asset freeze sanctions targeting members of the
Gbagbo administration and imposing a ban on heavy weapons in Abidjan.107
Rukmini Callimachi, “Ivory Coast Election Winner Wants Rival Ousted,” AP, January 6, 2011; and RFI, “We Are
Ready to Resist, Says Gbagbo Party Leader,” January 8, 2011.
Rukmini Callimachi, “Nigeria’s Obasanjo Meets with Ivory Coast Rivals,” AP, January 9, 2011, among others.
S/RES/1572, November 15, 2004; S/RES/1643, December 15, 2005; and S/RES/1946, October 15, 2010.
USUN, “Remarks by Ambassador Susan E. Rice, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, to Members
of the UN Press on Sudan and Côte d’Ivoire,” January 6, 2011.
Louis Charbonneau and Patrick Worsnip, "France Asks UN council to Sanction I.Coast's Gbagbo," Reuters, March
25, 2011; Reuters, "ECOWAS Calls for Strict UN Sanctions on Ivory Coast," March 24, 2011
AFP, “UN Suspects Zimbabwe Over I. Coast Arms Embargo,” March 4, 2011.
Louis Charbonneau, “UN Probes Zimbabwe Arms Sent to Ivory Coast,” Reuters, March 3, 2011.
AFP, “UN Suspects Zimbabwe.”
Alex Bell, “ZANU PF Denies Sending Arms to Ivory Coast,” SW Radio Africa, March 7, 2011.
UNNS, “Ban Calls for Compliance with Arms Embargo in Côte d’Ivoire,” February 28, 2011; Louis Charbonneau,
“UN Admits Error on Belarus Helos to I.Coast Claim,” Reuters, March 2, 2011; Anita Snow, “UN Probing Ivory Coast
Helicopter Report,” AP, February 28, 2011; AFP, “UN Suspects Zimbabwe”; Charbonneau, “UN Probes Zimbabwe
Arms”; and Reuters, “Ivorian Troops Shot at Arms Investigators: UN,” March 1, 2011among other sources.
Tim Cocks, "I.Coast's Gbagbo Readying Rockets, Helicopter - UN," Reuters, March 22, 2011
import of rough diamonds from Côte d’Ivoire. 114 On December 22, 2010, the Council of the
European Union adopted a decision imposing a visa ban “on former president Laurent Gbagbo
and 18 other individuals.” On December 31, it extended the ban on an additional 59 “persons who
are obstructing the peace process in Côte d’Ivoire and are jeopardising the proper outcome of the
electoral process.”115 On January 14, amending its October 29, 2010, decision, the EU Council
imposed an asset freeze on “85 individuals that refuse to place themselves under the authority of
the democratically elected president, as well as of 11 entities that are supporting the illegitimate
administration of Laurent Gbagbo” and also imposed a visa ban on the 85 individuals. The
entities targeted reportedly include Côte d’Ivoire’s two main ports, which play a key role in
enabling the export of cocoa, a key source of revenue for the Gbagbo government, and the order
prevents them from new financial dealings EU-registered vessels. The sanctions could shut down
the national oil refinery, which may be unable to buy crude to supply its operations.116 In late
March 2011, the EU was reportedly considering imposing new financial and potentially other
types of sanctions on the Gbagbo administration.117
On December 6, the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the World Bank jointly stated that
that they “support the efforts being made by the African Union and the international partners to
bring this crisis... to a quick and peaceful resolution.”118 On December 22, 2010, the World Bank
reported that it had “currently stopped lending and disbursing funds to the Ivory Coast” and
closed its office in Côte d’Ivoire. The statement also said that both the World Bank and the AfDB
“have supported ECOWAS and the African Union in sending the message to President Gbagbo
that he lost the elections and he needs to step down.”119 As of January 10, the AfDB had not
issued any further public statements on the Ivorian crisis since issuing the joint statement with the
World Bank, but U.S. Treasury officials who liaise with the World Bank and AfDB reported to
CRS that the AfDB “has stopped processing new operations or disbursing funds on existing
S/RES/1572; S/RES/1643; and S/RES/1946.
Council of the European Union, “Côte d’Ivoire: Council Adopts Visa Ban List,” 18206/10, December 22, 2010, and
“Côte d’Ivoire: Council Extends Visa Ban List,” 18261/10, December 31, 2010.
Council of the European Union, “Côte d’Ivoire: Council Adopts Assets Freeze and Designates Additional Persons
and Entities Subject to Restrictive Measures,” 5361/11, January 14, 2011. See also Reuters, “EU Ships Banned From
Deals With Ivory Coast Ports,” January 17, 2011; and Reuters, “I.Coast State Oil Firm Sees EU Sanctions Hurting,”
January 21, 2011.
Reuters, "EU Weighs New Sanctions on Ivory Coast's Gbagbo," March 28, 2011.
AfDB, “Joint World Bank – African Development Bank Statement on the Situation in Côte d’Ivoire,” December 5,
World Bank, “World Bank Statement on Côte d’Ivoire,” 2011/278/AFR, December 22, 2010.
U.S. Treasury officials also noted that Côte d’Ivoire hosts the AfDB’s permanent headquarters, which the AfDB
vacated in 2003 when civil war began. The AfDB is now temporarily located in Tunis, Tunisia. They also observed that
that, technically, the World Bank and AfDB have suspended ongoing and new funding to Côte d’Ivoire, rather than
formally or permanently terminated activities, as might be connoted by the term “stopped,” as used in the World
As of January 10, 2011, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) had not publicly issued any post-
electoral notices pertaining to decisions on whether it is currently working with either the self-
asserted Gbagbo or Ouattara government, or regarding any change in the status of its relations
with Côte d’Ivoire, as the IMF had not formally polled its members regarding these issues, which
is the procedure through which it makes such determinations. However, a U.S. Treasury official
informed CRS that as of the same date, the IMF was engaging with neither government.121
On December 23, the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA), the supervisory
body of the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO), a regional central bank, recognized
Ouattara as the legitimately elected president of Côte d’Ivoire, and gave him authority over
UEMOA-related activities and BCEAO transactions. 122 UEMOA member countries use a
common currency, the West African Communauté Financière de l’Afrique (CFA) franc. The CFA
is backed by the BCEAO, pegged to the Euro and is supported indirectly by the French treasury.
The effect of this action is unclear; on December 23, the Associated Press reported that
several banks in downtown Abidjan posted notices in their windows saying that they would
not be cashing civil servant paychecks because they hadn’t received a guarantee from the
government that they would be reimbursed. Lines of impatient civil servants formed outside
the banks, but just after noon the notices were removed and one by one people started
receiving their money.123
Despite such pressure, in January and February 2011,Gbagbo officials had reported that they had
access to funding sources, reportedly including customs, tax, cocoa, and oil revenues, to pay
government salaries, but were reportedly strongly pressuring banks, commodity traders, and other
businesses to ensure funding flows in the form of credit and other payments, to the Gbagbo
government. According to the United States ambassador to Côte d’Ivoire, Phillip Carter, Gbagbo
has been extorting local businesses to pay in advance their taxes, to pay things forward –
contracts forward, putting increasing pressure on a variety of companies that are involved in
natural resources, be it coffee, cocoa, petroleum, timber, whatever, to pay forward. They’re
In mid-January 2011, the Ouattara camp complained that, despite the BCEAO’s recognition of
Ouattara as the legitimate president, the bank was continuing to channel cash to the Gbagbo
government, as some news reports had previously suggested. Such charges have been denied by
the BCEAO. The Ouattara camp has been attempting to cut funding to Gbagbo in several ways.
On January 10, the Ouattara government issued a list of 16 Ivorian treasury, banking, and cocoa
officials it wanted sanctioned for backing Gbagbo. 125 The head of BCEAO, Philippe-Henry
Bank’s December 22 statement. U.S. Treasury, January 10, 2011, response to a CRS inquiry.
U.S. Treasury response to CRS inquiry, January 10, 2011.
West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA), Communiqué de Presse de la Session Extraordinaire du
Conseil des Ministres de l’UEMOA, December 23, 2010.
Marco Chown Oved, “Ivory Coast’s Gbagbo Loses Access to State Funds,” AP, December 24, 2010.
State Department, “Briefing by U.S. Ambassador to Côte d’Ivoire Phillip Carter,” February 4, 2011; see also Adam
Nossiter, “Cut Off, Ivory Coast Chief Is Pressing for Cash,” New York Times, January 17, 2011.
The Ouattara list reportedly included “the head of the cocoa regulating body Gilbert Ako, the head of the local
branch of the West African central bank, Denis N’Gbe, four treasury officials and local directors of several other banks,
including Ecobank Côte d’Ivoire and Standard Chartered,” and the national oil refinery director was also on the list.
Reuters, “Ouattara Urges Sanctions on Ivorian Finance Officials,” January 10, 2011. See also Adam Nossiter, “Cut Off,
Dacoury-Tabley, a reported Gbagbo ally, resigned on January 22 after being accused of not
cooperating with Ouattara. In late January, in retaliation for UEMOA’s action, the Gbagbo
administration seized BCEAO’s local offices and assets. 126
On February 9, the Gbagbo administration seized the Bourse Regionale des Valeurs Mobilieres, a
West African regional stock exchange, and in mid-February 2011 it ceased operations in Abidjan,
along with several major foreign banks. They suspended operations in Côte d’Ivoire due to
security fears and pressure by the Gbagbo administration on them to continue to service its credit
needs. These developments contributed to a further paralysis of the increasingly cash-strapped
banking sector. Affected banks included Standard Chartered Plc, Citigroup Inc., BNP Paribas SA
and Societe Generale SA. In the wake of these banks’ officers’ departure from the country, the
Gbagbo administration seized the banks’ local holdings, although it was not clear what assets,
apart from office space and other tangible property, the government might be able to liquidate.127
The Gbagbo government has also partially nationalized the cocoa and coffee sectors and possibly
gold mining operations, and may seize cocoa stocks that remain unexported due to firms’
compliance with EU sanctions.128
By early March 2011, the financial pressures on the Gbagbo government appeared to be gradually
reducing its ability to finance its operations. In late January 2011, it was reportedly able to
successfully make its second monthly post-election state salary disbursement, but was reportedly
only able to make 62% of February salary payments by early March.129
On December 31, Côte d’Ivoire technically defaulted on a sovereign bond repayment, reportedly
because the Ouattara government claimed that the state lacks funds to make the payment and
because the Gbagbo government did not make payment. The debt at issue was a $29 million
initial “coupon” payment on an outstanding $2.3 billion Eurobond issue. However, the issue gives
Côte d’Ivoire a 30-day grace period, preventing it from falling into sovereign debt default status
until February 1, and on January 11, the Gbagbo government pledged to make the coupon
payment by February 1.130 Further access to international bond markets for either a Gbagbo or an
Ouattara government, however, may prove difficult because the national debt was reportedly
twice previously restructured due to past defaults.131
Ivory Coast Chief Is Scraping for Cash,” NYT, January 17, 2011, and Tim Cocks, “Ivory Coast Strife Draws in
W.Africa Central Bank,” Reuters, January 14, 2011.
Martin Vogl. “WAfrica bank Head Resigns Over Ivory Coast,” AP, January 22, 2010; and Diadie Ba, “W.African
Currency Zone Worried About Ivorian Fall-Out,” Reuters, February 1, 2011, among others.
The bourse later reopened after being transferred to Bamako, Mali. Ange Aboa and Loucoumane Coulibaly, “Ivory
Coast’s Gbagbo Vows To Nationalise Banks,” Reuters, February 17, 2011, among others; Olivier Monnier, “West
Africa Exchange Closes Indefinitely After Gbagbo Seizure,” Bloomberg, February 16, 2011; and Economist
Intelligence Unit, "Côte d’Ivoire," Country Report, March 2011.
John James and Ousmane Attai, “Ivory Coast Exporters Threatened,” Wall Street Journal, March 10, 2011; and
Ivoirian Presidency, “Ordonnance Relative aux Dispositions Nouvelles d’Achat et Exportation du Café et du Cacao,”
Ordonnance N° 2011-75, March 6, 2011.
Tim Cocks and Laurent Prieur, “Ivory Coast Pays Gov’t Workers, AU Mediators Stall,” Reuters, March 4, 2011;
and Reuters, “Lack of Funds to Bring Down I.Coast’s Gbagbo-France,” March 9, 2011.
Reuters, “Ivory Coast Gbagbo Ministry Confirms Bond Pledge,” January 11, 2011.
Clare Connaghan, “Debt Default Looms for Ivory Coast,” Wall Street Journal, January 7, 2011, Aljazeera.net, “Plan
to Force Out Gbagbo ‘Ready’,” December 31, 2010, via BBC Monitoring Africa; and Mark Bohlund, “Côte d’Ivoire
Misses Coupon Payment, Sovereign Default Looming,” IHS Global Insight Daily Analysis, January 5, 2011.
In the face of the BCEAO move, pro-Gbagbo activists have advocated that Côte d’Ivoire drop as
its currency the CFA, and adopt a new national currency, reportedly dubbed the MIR, the French
acronym for “Ivorian currency of the resistance.” In part, the move would be a symbolic strike at
France, which the Gbagbo regime and its supporters have accused of various acts of sabotage
aimed at ousting Gbagbo from power. The CFA is the currency of UEMOA countries, which is
backed by the BCEAO, pegged to the Euro, and supported indirectly by the French treasury.133
One observer has proposed a further measure to prevent the Gbagbo regime from seeking further
alternative sources of credit on the private market. Todd Moss of the Center for Global
Development, a former State Department African affairs official, has suggested that the African
Union, publicly backed by major donor governments, issue a “declaration of non-transferability”
regarding new loans to the Gbagbo regime. Such a declaration would assert that such loans
Oral communication from Ghanaian official, February 24, 2011; Reuters, “ICE cocoa at Fresh 32-Year High on
I.Coast Unrest,” March 1, 2011; Caroline Henshaw, “Cocoa Prices Jump As Ivory Coast Extends Export Ban,” Dow
Jones, February 22, 2011; State Department, “Daily Press Briefing,” January 24, 2011; and Caroline Henshaw, “Ivory
Coast Cocoa Export Ban Brings Price Spike,” Wall Street Journal Online, January 25, 2011; Ange Aboa, “Industry
Alarmed by Gbagbo Grab at Ivorian Cocoa,” Reuters, March 8, 2011; and Marco Chown Oved, “Ivory Coast Govt Will
Seize Unexported Cocoa,” AP, March 9, 2011, among others.
Honore Koua, “Isolation Drives Country to Contemplate Dumping the CFA Franc,” The East African, January 3,
2011; Selay Marius Kouassi, “I. Coast Contemplate New Currency,” AfricaNews, January 3, 2011; and APANEWS,
“Côte d’Ivoire Announces Plans to Introduce New Currency,” December 30, 2010.
“would be considered illegitimate and invalid” and thus not subject to repayment by the Ouattara
U.S. Stance
On December 3, 2010, President Obama publicly congratulated Ouattara on his electoral victory,
and stated that the IEC, “credible and accredited observers, and the United Nations have all
confirmed this result and attested to its credibility.” He urged “all parties, including incumbent
President Laurent Gbagbo, to acknowledge and respect … the will of the electorate.” He also said
that the “international community will hold those who act to thwart the democratic process …
accountable for their actions.” His statement mirrored a similar one delivered a day earlier by a
National Security Council (NSC) spokesman.135 On December 23 Secretary of State Hillary
Rodham Clinton stated that “President Alassane Dramane Ouattara is the legitimately elected and
internationally recognized leader of Côte d’Ivoire.”136 A variety of other top U.S. officials have
made similar statements.
President Obama and other top U.S. officials have also condemned the use of deadly force against
unarmed protesters. On March 9, 2011, President Obama, mirroring a March 4 statement by
Secretary of State Clinton, said he was “appalled by the indiscriminate killing of unarmed
civilians during peaceful rallies, many of them women” by “security forces loyal to former
President Laurent Gbagbo.”137 He said that the
United States remains deeply concerned about escalating violence, including the deepening
humanitarian and economic crisis and its impact in Côte d’Ivoire and neighboring countries.
All armed parties in Côte d’Ivoire must make every effort to protect civilians from being
targeted, harmed, or killed. The United States reiterates its commitment to work with the
international community to ensure that perpetrators of such atrocities be identified and held
individually accountable for their actions.
Notwithstanding U.S. recognition of Ouattara’s election, the United States continues to view the
self-declared Gbagbo government as legally responsible for any actions that it may take in
exercising executive authority over state institutions.138 Such actions might include the issuance
of command and control directives to elements of the state security forces, some of which have
reportedly committed post-election human rights abuses, or the inappropriately partisan, private,
Todd Moss, “How the International Bond Market Might Influence Côte d’Ivoire,” CGD, December 29, 2010.
White House, “Statement by the President on the Election Results in Côte d’Ivoire,” December 3, 2010; and White
House, “Statement by NSC Spokesman Mike Hammer on the elections in Côte d’Ivoire,” December 2, 2010.
State Department, “Remarks/Special Session of the Human Rights Council on the Situation in Côte d’Ivoire,”
December 23, 2010.
White House, “Statement by President Barack Obama on the Violence in Côte d’Ivoire,” March 9, 2011; and State
Department, “Violence in Côte d’Ivoire,” [Press Statement by Secretary of State], March 4, 2011.
On January 4, 2011, a State Department spokesman stated that Gbagbo “is responsible for what has occurred in Côte
d’Ivoire over the past few weeks,” and on January 5 added that “We decry the violence that has resulted in deaths and
injuries of citizens of Côte d’Ivoire. We believe they’re politically motivated. We believe that the Government of
President Gbagbo is fully responsible.” State Department, “Daily Press Briefing,” January 4, 2011, and January 4,
2011; and CRS discussion with State Department official, January 5, 2011.
or extralegal use or abuse of fiscal or other state resources. The United States has, however,
formally accepted the credentials of a new Ivoirian ambassador to the United States, Daouda
Diabate. Diabate, appointed by President Ouattara, arrived to take up his post in early February
2011. The United States had previously recognized President Ouattara’s recall of Gbagbo’s
designated ambassador to the United States, Yao Charles Koffi, and recognized as his interim
replacement as charge d’affaires of the Côte d’Ivoire embassy in the United States, Kouame
Christophe Kouakou, the former Deputy Chief of Mission under Koffi. From the U.S.
perspective, Koffi’s status as ambassador was formally terminated on December 30, although
efforts to achieve this end began in mid-December, when Ouattara made his recall. 139
These efforts appear to be part of a U.S.-supported international strategy to provide Gbagbo with
a “soft landing,” a euphemism for voluntary exile under international pressure. 144 “Similar
inducements” to those outlined in President Obama and Secretary Clinton’s letters were
reportedly proffered by France and other African countries.145 A letter from Nigerian President
Reuters, “U.S. Accepts Ouattara Ivory Coast Envoy,” February 11, 2011; Nico Colombant, “New Ivory Coast
Ambassador Arrives in US,” VOA, February 8, 2011; State Department, “Daily Press Briefing,” December 29, 2010;
and State Department information provided to CRS.
Lanny J. Davis, a former Gbagbo Washington lobbyist, claimed to have been instrumental in attempting to arrange a
call between Gbagbo and Obama. Smith, “Davis Resigns…”; and Cooper and Lichtblau, “American Lobbyists …”
Eric Lipton and Sheryl Gay Stolberg, “In Ivory Coast, Bid to Ease Out Defiant Leader,” NYT, December 31, 2010;
Shiner, “Obama Joins African Leaders…”; Julie Pace, “With Personal and Political Motivation, Obama…”; and VOA,
“Clinton: Ivorian President Should Yield Power to Successor,” December 9, 2010.
Shiner, “Obama Joins African Leaders in Pressing Gbagbo…”; and Reuters, “Obama Dangled White House Visit to
Ease Ivorian Row,” December 9, 2010.
Mary Beth Sheridan, “U.S. Imposes Sanctions to Press Ivory Coast Leader to Step Aside,” Washington Post,
January 9, 2011.
“Soft landing” is a term that U.S. officials have in the past used to describe efforts to pressure leaders whose
continued tenure, typically after periods of significant political volatility, has appeared untenable, and whose efforts to
cling to power have imperiled democratic transitions or threatened to generate significant political violence or armed
conflict. The term was used, for instance, to describe efforts to pressure the departure into exile of the late President
Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire or former Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, among others.
Sheridan, “U.S. Imposes Sanctions ...”
Goodluck Jonathan, acting for ECOWAS, that was given to Gbagbo on December 17 reportedly
contained an offer of asylum by an unnamed African country.146
The effort has been portrayed by U.S. officials not as an outright offer to Gbagbo of asylum in the
United States, but as a proffer of assistance to help arrange exile, with the condition—a measure
meant to pressure him to accept the proposal—that if Gbagbo agrees to step down, he must do
soon. The effort was also qualified by a second condition designed to motivate Gbagbo to help
prevent any further human rights abuses. Any potential additional abuses by forces under his
control, or other acts for which Gbagbo might be held accountable under international justice
mechanisms, might lead to the offer being withdrawn; the proposal gives Gbagbo a “window of
opportunity” to act in accordance with international demands, but a finite one defined by events
on the ground.147
No publicly stated decision has been announced on whether the United States—which provides
limited security sector assistance to ECOWAS, in part focused on its stand-by force, and funds a
military advisor who is based at ECOWAS’s military headquarters—would support an ECOWAS
military intervention in Côte d’Ivoire. However, an ECOWAS delegation that was sent to the
United States to consult with U.S. and U.N. officials, reportedly including with respect to possible
external support for an ECOWAS military intervention, met with the U.S. National Security
Advisor, Tom Donilon on January 26. A White House statement on the meeting did not address
the issue of possible U.S. military support for ECOWAS. It stated that “Mr. Donilon expressed
strong support for the efforts of ECOWAS to facilitate a peaceful transition of power in Côte
d’Ivoire,” and that he and the delegation “reaffirmed their shared commitment to see” Ouattara
take “his rightful role as President of Côte d’Ivoire, and their shared resolve to see former
President Laurent Gbagbo cede power.” Participants also “discussed the importance of
maintaining international unity on this point” and agreed to continue to closely coordinate their
responses to the crisis.148
Andrew Quinn, “Ivory Coast President Offered Exile in Africa - US,” Reuters, December 17, 2010; AFP,
“ECOWAS Sends Letter to Gbagbo Calling On Him To Quit Power, December 17, 2010; and State Department, “Daily
Press Briefing,” December 17, 2010.
Lipton and Stolberg, “In Ivory Coast, Bid to Ease Out...”; Quinn, “Ivory Coast President Offered Exile...”; and State
Department, “Daily Press Briefing,” January 4, 2011.
White House, “Readout of the Meeting of the National Security Advisor with the Delegation from the Economic
Community of West African States,” January 26, 2011.
Stephen Kaufman, “U.S. Applies Travel Restrictions on Côte d’Ivoire’s Gbagbo,” America.gov, December 21,
Congressional Responses
On February 10, 2011, Representative Payne introduced H.Res. 85, entitled Supporting the
democratic aspirations of the Ivoirian people and calling on the United States to apply intense
diplomatic pressure and provide humanitarian support in response to the political crisis in Côte
d’Ivoire. As of March 10, the resolution had 44 co-sponsors.
There have been few other public congressional responses to the Ivoirian crisis. On December 7,
Representative Donald M. Payne, then the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Africa and Global
Health of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs (111th Congress), called on Gbagbo, “in the
manner befitting of a statesman, to peacefully transfer power to President-elect Ouattara.” He also
expressed deep concern “over the reports of the deadly attack against the opposition headquarters
committed by paramilitary forces, and of violent outbursts between supporters of the ruling
Ivorian Popular Front (FPI) and the opposition Rally of the Republicans (RDR).” He urged
Gbagbo “to immediately rein in his security forces and all paramilitary groups to prevent further
bloodshed and suffering at the hands of the Ivorian people,” and stated that “it is absolutely
critical at this juncture that the rule of law, suspension of violence, and the will of the people be
upheld to prevent a major crisis.” On March 3, 2011, in a guest column for AllAfrica.com,
Representative Payne strongly criticized Gbagbo’s effort to stay in power. He wrote that the
Gbagbo “regime and its supporters are waging a continuing campaign of terror against a large
numbers of Ivorians, United Nations peacekeepers, and foreign businesses and residents in the
country.” He concluded that “Gbagbo is clearly willing to push his country and its neighbors into
a state of political anarchy and economic disarray in order to maintain his grasp on political
power.” 151
2010; and State Department, “Côte d’Ivoire: Travel Restrictions,” PRN 2010/1847, December 21, 2010.
Executive Order (E.O) 13396, “Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Conflict in Côte d’Ivoire,”
was issued by former President George W. Bush on February 7, 2006, and between that date and addition of Gbagbo
and associates in early 2011, designated three individuals. It was issued, in part, to implement UNSC Resolution 1572
of 2004. U.S. Treasury, “Treasury Targets Former Côte d’Ivoire President Laurent Gbagbo and Members of his Inner
Circle, January 6, 2011; E.O. 13396; and U.S. Treasury, An Overview of the Côte d’Ivoire Sanctions, n.d.
HFAC, “Congressman Donald Payne Calls on Gbagbo to Respect the Will of the Ivorian People,” December 8,
2010; and Donald M. Payne, “Côte d’Ivoire: On the Brink of War,” via AllAfrica.com, March 3, 2011.
On December 21, Senator Kerry stated that he welcomed “the State Department’s announcement
of travel sanctions against members of Laurent Gbagbo’s administration in Côte d’Ivoire for their
refusal to recognize the results of the legitimate, democratic election on November 28.” He also
stated that, in the wake of “violent attacks against civilians and supporters” of Ouattara, “it is vital
that all parties involved in the present standoff respect human rights, maintain a constructive
dialogue, restore telecommunications networks to allow the free flow of information, and abide
by the standards of international law.”152
Since the ouster of Bédié, Côte d’Ivoire has been subject to a restriction on bilateral aid that
prohibits the use of foreign operations funds—with some exceptions for selected non-
governmental organization, human welfare, and humanitarian needs programs—to a country
whose democratically elected head of government is deposed by a military coup d’état.154 The
United States has also imposed personal sanctions on selected persons viewed as threatening the
peace process in Côte d’Ivoire (see previous discussion of U.S. visa restrictions and financial
sanctions). U.S. bilateral engagement was also reduced as a result of the 2002 conflict by the
suspension and later closure of a country Peace Corps program in 2002 and 2003. After the
northern rebellion in October 2002, 133 Peace Corps volunteers were evacuated by U.S. and
French forces, and the program was suspended. The country office closed in May 2003.
The United States has repeatedly pressed the parties to the Ivorian conflict to durably and
comprehensively resolve their conflict, and has attempted to foster a transition to peace and
democracy by diplomatically and otherwise supporting implementation of the OPA and prior
peace accords. The United States provided about $9 million in assistance to help ECOMICI
deploy in 2003 and financially and politically supports the UNOCI mission ($81 million, FY2009
actual; $128.6 million, FY2010 enacted; and $135 million, FY2011 request. It has also funded
limited election support activities (see text box).
The United States is providing emergency assistance to respond to the humanitarian impact of the
post-election crisis; these efforts are discussed in the “Humanitarian Effects and Responses”
section, above. In addition to this aid, Côte d’Ivoire has received limited U.S. food aid and
substantial HIV/AIDS and health-related assistance in recent years ($107 million in FY2009 and
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, “Chairman Kerry On U.S. Travel Sanctions Against Members of the Gbagbo
Administration In Côte d’Iviore [sic],” December 22, 2010.
State Department, “Côte d’Ivoire,” Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, February 23, 2001.
The aid restriction was first imposed in accordance with Section 508 of the Foreign Operations, Export Financing,
and Related Programs Appropriations Act, FY2000, a component of P.L. 106-113. Similar restrictions have been
imposed in each subsequent fiscal year.
an estimated $133 million in FY2010, with $133 million requested in FY2011).155 Another policy
concern is trafficking in persons. The State Department reports that Côte d’Ivoire is a source,
transit, and destination country for women and children trafficked for forced labor and
commercial sexual exploitation. There are several U.S. anti-trafficking programs in place.
State Department, Congressional Budget Justification for Foreign Operations, FY2011.
NDI, “NDI Programs in Côte d’Ivoire,” October 18, 2010; and NDI response to CRS inquiry, October 20, 2010.
USAID response to CRS inquiry, October 18, 2010.
Carter Center, Waging Peace: Côte d’Ivoire; and State Department DRL response to CRS inquiry, January 13,
NED, “Côte d’Ivoire,” Where We Work; and NED response to CRS inquiry, October 20, 2010.
resolved “to such an extent that U.S. assistance can help restore stability and promote good
governance,” the Administration of President Barack Obama would seek to
promote credible and peaceful elections [e.g., parliamentary or local ones], support a deep
and broad nationwide reconciliation process, restore the rule of law and combat impunity,
raise public awareness of the costs of corruption, expose Ivoirian youth to nontraditional
ideas of civil society, help young political leaders develop new approaches and adopt better
political platforms, fight trafficking in persons, stem the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and increase
economic productivity.
In addition to $133.3 million in Global Health and Child Survival (GHCS) funding mentioned
above, the FY2011 State Department budget request envisions the provision of $4.2 million in
Economic Support Fund (ESF) assistance for conflict mitigation and reconciliation, good
governance, political competition and consensus-building and civil society support, along with
$40,000 in International Military Education and Training aid.
As of late-March 2011, both the Ouattara and Gbagbo camps were rigidly adhering to their
respective positions, and mediation by regional bodies, such as ECOWAS and the AU, had
yielded few concrete prospects for a peaceful resolution of the crisis. While the ECOWAS threat
of military intervention had been shelved indefinitely, there were an increasing number of calls
for expanded sanctions on the Gbagbo administration aimed at forcing it to cede power. There
were also signs that the armed forces and militant supporters of each side were actively
employing armed force to ensure that their respective candidates maintained or gained control of
state institutions; territorial military battles in the west, FN seizures of multiple towns, extensive
armed clashes in Abidjan, and a range of other indicators suggested that a renewed civil war had
begun. The international community, wary of such developments, had prepared for a possible
uptick in conflict. The UNSC has increased the size of UNOCI, and foreign governments have
prepared contingency plans for the evacuation of foreign citizens from Côte d’Ivoire in the event
of armed conflict and in the face of growing anti-foreigner sentiments among some sectors of the
The burgeoning of armed conflict war dampened the possibility that the crisis might be resolved
through political means. Even if such a resolution is achieved, however, Côte d’Ivoire is likely to
remain tense and highly politically unstable for some time. If Gbagbo is ultimately forced to cede
the presidency—as would appear to be a distinct possibility, given the extent and strength of
international opposition to his continued incumbency—his supporters, nearly half of the
population and, in particular, his large corps of militant supporters, are likely to remain aggrieved
and to obstruct the political process. If, by contrast, Gbagbo continues to resist efforts to force
him to step down, the country is likely to remain divided, politically unstable, and at an extended
risk of renewed armed conflict due to resentment and feelings of disenfranchisement by
supporters of Ouattara.
A power-sharing agreement might provide a temporary respite from the immediate threat of war.
Such an outcome has been strongly rejected by international community, however, and had also
been spurned by Ouattara until January 10, when he said he would be agreeable to appointing a
coalition government that would include members of Gbagbo’s party, but not Gbagbo himself.
The recommendations proposed by the high-level AU mediation panel in mid-March incorporated
a proposal much akin to what Ouattara had said he would accept, but were rejected by Gbagbo.
Had such a proposal been successfully adopted, however, the resulting government would likely
not have resolved the political and socio-economic issues that underlie the conflict, nor have
boded well for the rule of law as it relates to democratic governance in Côte d’Ivoire.
Source: CRS adaptation of U.N. Cartographic Section Map No. 4312 Rev. 2, June 2009
Key accord implementation challenges pertained to the sequence and manner in which
disarmament, citizen and voter identification, voter registration, other electoral administration
tasks, and various accord-prescribed legal reforms would take place; and differences over the
scope of presidential authority. Controversy over these and other issues regularly prompted
episodes of political volatility, mass political protests that were, at times, violent, and
underpinned electoral process delays which, in turn, spurred the successive series of accords. The
root causes underlying the conflict include contention over land; internal and regional migration;
the nature of national identity; qualifications for citizenship; and the extent of foreign influence
over Ivorian political processes; security force abuses; issues of socio-economic welfare (e.g.,
The OPA was later amended four times, most recently in late 2008. The main pre-OPA accords were the Linas-
Marcoussis Agreement, of 2003; the Accra III Agreement, of 2004; and the Pretoria Agreement, of 2005.
External facilitators have included the United Nations Security Council, the African Union, ECOWAS, and foreign
heads of state, in their capacities as accord mediators.
Carter Center, “Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions,” November 30, 2010
power cuts and uneven access to social services); and other aggravating factors, such as
corruption and crime.
According to U.N. reporting, in 2009 the government and the FN, substantially aided by UNOCI,
made substantial progress in completing the processes of pre-electoral citizen identification and
voter registration processes. Over 6.59 million persons were legally identified and 6.38 million
registered as voters, but 2.7 million of this number had to have their identification for voting
purposes confirmed. Citizen identification was a prerequisite of elections and was conducted
concurrently with voter registration, but was a separate objective under the OPA. The lack of
identification papers for millions Ivorian and foreign populations resident in Côte d’Ivoire was a
key issue underpinning the conflict and the years of subsequent political impasse. Lack of proof
of national identity was common due to factors such as historical discrimination; lack of
administrative capacity; lack of access of Ivorian-born, second generation immigrants to legal
identification rights and processes; and destruction and poor administration of civil registers
during and after the conflict. Persons eligible for inclusion on the voter roll included those entered
on the 2000 election voter list and any other Ivoirian citizen 18 years or older who could present
proof of birth, although according to the Carter Center, “in practice, these distinctions were not
applied and individuals seeking to be on the voter list did not have to demonstrate proof of
nationality.” This situation created the basis for disputation of the validity of entries on the voter
roll, and complicated the voter registration process, turning what was initially planned as a six-
week exercise into a two-year process. 163
S/2010/245; S/2010/537, October 18, 2010; UNSC, “Statement on the certification of the final voters list by Choi
Young-Jin, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Côte d’Ivoire,” S/2010/493, September 24, 2010; and
Carter Center, “Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions,” November 2, 2010.
S/2010/15, January 7, 2010; and Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Côte d’Ivoire Country Report, January 2010.
delay, based on voter registration progress, the validation by the Constitutional Council on
November 19 of 14 of 20 aspirant presidential candidates, and an amendment to the remaining
electoral timeline established under the OPA , elections were forecast to be held by late February
or early March 2010.165
On February 11, 2010, however, Prime Minister Soro ordered an indefinite suspension of the
national voter registration contestation process following “tensions created by the process of
validating the provisional voter list.” This process had sown fears in some areas that courts, at the
direction of the FPI-led government, would purge opposition voters from the voter rolls.166 This
controversy arose after the then-IEC chairman, Robert Mambé, a PDCI member, reportedly
erroneously distributed 429,030 voter names to local IEC offices during what he asserted was an
internal IEC voter vetting exercise. Gbagbo’s supporters claimed that the names at issue were
primarily of persons of northern descent. After an Interior Ministry investigation, the Gbagbo
government accused Mambé of fraudulently trying to rig the voter list on behalf of the opposition,
and demanded that he resign. The opposition came to Mambé’s defense and accused the
government of trying to further delay elections and extend the president’s term. Mambé rejected
the claims of Gbagbo’s supporters and called for an independent UNOCI probe into the affair.167
The situation was further inflamed when on February 11 President Gbagbo unilaterally dissolved
the government, dismissed the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC), and called on Soro to
quickly appoint a new government and propose “a new credible electoral commission.”168
Gbagbo’s actions followed weeks of growing dispute between the presidency and the IEC over
the Mambé controversy and Mambé’s refusal to resign, and invalidated the prior election
schedule, raising questions about when the long delayed presidential election would occur. The
IEC dissolution was strongly opposed by the opposition camp, which labeled it “undemocratic
and unconstitutional” and tantamount to a coup d’état.169 In subsequent weeks, demonstrations
broke out in multiple Ivoirian cities. Some were violent, resulting in around 12 fatalities. After a
mediation visit by the OPA Facilitator, President Blaise Compaoré of Burkina Faso, a new IEC
was appointed on February 25, and an opposition member was later chosen as its chairman.
At the time that the candidates were approved, the election was still formally slated to be held on November 29,
2009; the fact that it was not held until nearly a year later caused some to question whether the candidature process
should have been reopened. While such an outcome may have permitted greater political participation, it would almost
certainly not have changed the outcome, as no candidate other than the leading three (Gbagbo, Ouattara, and Bédié)
won more than 2.57% of votes cast, and all but one garnered far less than 1% of votes. In addition, reopening the
candidature qualification process may further have delayed the vote by reigniting debate over candidate eligibility,
which was “affected by the Linas-Marcoussis Agreement. The agreement established preferential consideration for...
candidates from signing political parties or groups [who] were exempted from the demonstration of any legal
requirements (such as proof of citizenship, tax payment, or health certificate) other than the personal declaration and
signature of candidacy. Carter Center, “Statement…,” November 2, 2010; and S/2010/15.
Loucoumane Coulibaly, “Ivory Coast Suspends Registration of Voters,” Reuters, February 11, 2010; Loucoumane
Coulibaly, “Thousands Riot Over Voter Lists in Ivory Coast Town,” Reuters, February 5, 2010; and S/2010/245.
EIU, Côte d’Ivoire Country Report, January 2010; and S/PV.6284, January 1, 2010.
Although the OPA did not endow Gbagbo with the authority to dissolve the IEC, Gbagbo asserted that Article 48 of
the constitution allowed him to do so. Tim Cocks and Ange Aboa, “Ivory Coast’s President Dissolves Government,”
Reuters, February 12 2010
AFP, “ICoast Opposition Says Government Sacking a ‘Coup’,” February 13, 2010.
Opposition parties then agreed to join a new government, and political tensions eased. Processes
leading up to the production of a final electoral list (which Gbagbo supporters later repeatedly
asserted needed to be “disinfected” to remove northern names, with which they claimed it was
UNSG quotes from S/2010/245, May 20, 2010and S/2010/600, November 23, 2010. On the issues discussed in this
textbox, see also Institute for Security Studies, Peace and Security Council Report, December 2010, AFP, “Ivory
Coast’s Ex-Rebels Vow To Disarm Before Vote,” March 15, 2010; and AFP, “I.Coast President’s Camp Says Peace
Process in Danger,” March 23, 2010.
“infested”),171 to be followed by the production and distribution of identity and voters’ cards,
began in March.
On March 17, at a U.N. Security Council meeting following renewed opposition demands for an
election, the Ivoirian delegate stated that the 429,030 voters at issue in the Mambé controversy
had to be stricken from the voter list, which he said would then have to be audited over a one-two
month period. In addition, citing a series of attacks on state and FPI facilities in FN-controlled
areas, he stated that a free vote could not be held in a “bisected territory” beset by an “atmosphere
of intimidation,” and insisted that full national reunification and complete disarmament of the FN
rebels take place prior to elections. 172 This stance prompted the opposition to accuse the
government of again attempting to delay voting. In early May there were renewed tensions after
the opposition, rejecting alleged interruptions to the electoral process and to prolonged electoral
list vetting appeals procedures, called for an expedited election and announced a protest march. It
was later postponed, however, due to fears that it would spur violence.173
This process, which resulted in the deletion of 1,273 entries and the addition of 7,418 new ones,
ended in late August. A separate verification process focusing on 1.79 million “white list” entries,
ran to the parallel public court-based appeals process between June and early August. It resulted
in the temporary removal from the provisional voters list of 55,000 persons “for whom no civil
registry records could be found” or whose voter identification data did not match the civil
registry. It was decided that their cases would be adjudicated after the election. After
consultations between the main political parties, a final voters list of 5.73 million persons was
announced, and on September 9 President Gbagbo ordered by decree that national identity cards
to be issued to the listed persons. In accordance with the OPA and U.N. Security Council
Resolution 1826 July 2008, among others, SRSG Choi certified the final voters list.174
Positive momentum toward finalizing the voter rolls was accompanied by progress in setting out
an election timeline. On August 5, Prime Minister Soro announced that, as proposed by the IEC, a
first round of presidential elections would be held on October 31, 2010, and a presidential decree
UNOCI, “Press Review for Monday, 8 February 2010”; and U.S. Embassy (Abidjan), “Côte d’Ivoire: American
Embassy’s National Daily Press Review,” August 19, 2010.
S/PV.6284; and Patrick Worsnip, “UN Council Demands Ivory Coast Hold Elections Soon,” Reuters, March 17,
S/2010/537 and S/2010/493.
was signed enacting the date in law. In late August, the IEC announced a schedule for completing
outstanding elections preparation tasks, and attention turned to completing them. Key tasks
the distribution of 11,658,719 identity and voters cards; the establishment of the electoral
map of 10,179 polling sites and 20,073 polling stations; the identification, recruitment and
training of 66,000 polling staff; the coordination of electoral observers; the transportation of
the electoral material; the establishment of a results tally centre; and the provision of security
for the election.175
The two month timeline for accomplishing these tasks was tight and—given Côte d’Ivoire’s
lengthy history of technical and political delays regarding accomplishment of election
administration tasks—the potential risk of further electoral delays or operational failures,
especially in remote areas, was high. In general, however, the remaining electoral process
progressed smoothly, with the exception of one significant controversy. On October 21, the IEC
announced plans to manually tabulate polling station results, rather than do so electronically, as
previously planned, after some IEC members and opposition candidates asserted that the
electronic tabulation contractor, SILS Technology, might be biased due to the close ties of a
company official to Gbagbo’s FPI party. After consultations between Choi, the representative of
the OPA Facilitator, and the IEC spurred by worries that manual tabulation would likely delay
vote counting past the legally required three-day deadline, the IEC agreed to implement the
original electronic tabulation plan. However, this process was subjected to oversight by a
committee of experts.176
Final preparations for poll day—which were the responsibility of the IEC but, as with significant
portions of earlier tasks, were substantially carried out by UNOCI—were not completed until just
prior to polling. 177 The joint distribution of voter and national identity cards by the IEC and the
National Identification Office (ONI) began on October 6. These materials were transported by
UNOCI to individual polling stations. By October 19, 83% of voter cards had been distributed in
the commercial capital, Abidjan, but only 40% had been distributed in other areas of the
country.178 Distribution of ballot boxes and other polling materials took place between October 8
and 11 October, and sensitive electoral materials—ballot papers, indelible ink, and electoral
documents—began on October 23.
A two-day training of the 66,000 polling station workers took place in the final four days prior to
the vote; most poll workers received their training less than 48 hours prior to the start of
It was made up of made up of representatives of the Prime Minister, the IEC, the OPA facilitator, a Swiss technical
advisory contractor, Crypto AG, and UNOCI. S/2010/600; U.S. Embassy Abidjan, “National Daily Press Review,”
October 25, 2010; VOA, “Ivory Coast PM Tries to Ease Concern Over Vote Count,” October 26, 2010; and Xinhua,
“Côte d’Ivoire to Set Up “Committee Of Experts” to Monitor Election Tally,” October 25, 2010.
UNOCI provided extensive technical and logistical assistance to the IEC and other national institutions to support
the identification and electoral processes. This included transport of electoral materials and registration agents;
refurbishment of identification and voter registration centers; training judges and registration agents. Election
administration funding to the government was provided primarily by the European Union and the U.N. Development
Program. S/2010/245; and UNOCI, “Presidential Elections in Côte d’Ivoire,” [Fact Sheet], October 25, 2010.
A deadline on collection of cards, delivery of which had been delayed in some places due to administrative
inefficiencies, was extended by the IEC; voters were allowed to obtain their cards on polling day. Tim Cocks, “Ivory
Coast Says Election Preparations on Schedule,” Reuters, October 21, 2010; S/2010/600; and Carter Center,
“Statement…,” November 2, 2010.
polling.179 According to the Carter Center, limited voter education outreach posters and similar
information tools were produced by the IEC, but in practice, voter education was largely
delegated by the IEC to “external actors including civil society, political parties, and the
international community,” and on polling day, little information on voting procedures was
reportedly available to voters.180 During the run-up to polling, UNOCI’s public service radio
station, covering 75% the national territory, broadcast “continuous information on the electoral
process in five national languages” and gave “equal broadcast time to all candidates for campaign
statements.”181 The limited scope of voter education, and the distribution of public education
appears to have been reflected in national variations in the incidence of invalid balloting, which
ranged from 2.34% in Abidjan to much higher levels in the remote, social services-poor north,
such as 8.58% in the northeastern Zanzan region.182
Election Security
Election security—given the importance of the poll to the peace process and threats by militia and
other elements to disrupt the electoral process—was a key challenge. The OPA had provided for
the creation of an entity known as the Integrated Command Centre (ICC), to be comprised of
8,000 mixed gendarmerie brigades and police units made up of jointly deployed government and
FN force members. Under the OPA, the ICC was to be responsible for providing security during
the elections. ICC units had few resources and limited operational capacities, however, and only
slightly more than 1,000 men, about two-thirds from the government side and about a third from
the FN, had been assigned to the ICC by prior to the election. In addition, the FN elements were
not receiving salaries, unlike their government counterparts, creating morale problems.
Election Campaign
The two-week official electoral campaign, which was extensively preceded by technically
prohibited informal campaigning, began on October 15. The leading contenders, Gbagbo,
Ouattara, and Henri Konan Bédié, a former head of state, campaigned nationwide, while the
remaining 11 lesser candidates focused their campaigns in their political base areas. The
campaign was generally peaceful, with some limited exceptions involving “isolated acts of
S/2010/600; Carter Center, “Statement…,” November 2, 2010; and UN Integrated Regional Information Networks,
“Countdown to Deadlock,” December 10, 2010.
Carter Center, “Statement…,” November 2, 2010.
UNOCI, “Presidential Elections…”
Carter Center, “Statement…,” November 2, 2010.
S/2010/600; S/2010/245; S/2010/537; and UNOCI, “Presidential Elections…”
violence, provocation and vandalism, including tearing down campaign posters” and clashes
between party militants in several towns.184 Political tensions also arose as a result of a sometimes
provocative media environment and as a result of heated rhetoric by party supporters. UNOCI
reported that while access to state media remained uneven, and that “some opposition
candidates... denounced alleged unequal media coverage of the candidates by State-controlled
media, candidates’ access to State media significantly improved during the official electoral
campaign, in comparison to the preceding period.”185
The ruling FPI also reportedly claimed that it lacked access to FN-controlled media in the
northern part of the country, notably to the FN-controlled television station TV Notre Patrie. A
regional think tank reported that “it is clear that prior to the campaigning period some candidates
particularly the incumbent, used their advantageous positions in using public media to reach
supporters.”186 Several high-level foreign delegations toured the country during the campaign
period to monitor the campaign and urge Ivoirians to conduct a peaceful election.187 Political
parties generally appeared to observe a political party code of good conduct that 40 parties had
signed in 2008.188 Prior to the first round, members of the Houphouëtist Rally for Democracy and
Peace (RHDP) coalition, which includes the Bédié’s Democratic Party of Côte d’Ivoire (PDCI)
and Ouattara’s Rally of the Republicans (RDR) and two other parties, mutually pledged to jointly
support whichever of their two leading candidates eventually stood against Gbagbo in the event
of a run-off vote.
First Round
Voting during the first round vote on October 31—which featured a historically high 83.7% voter
participation rate, with 4.84 million voters out of 5.78 million registered going to the polls—was
generally peaceful. Polling was observed by a 14-member civil society observer group, the Civil
Society Coalition for Peace and Democratic Development in Côte d’Ivoire (COSOPCI) and some
affiliated organizations, such as the Convention of Civil Society of Côte d’Ivoire (CSCI). It was
also monitored by international observers, including the Carter Center and the European Union.189
Carter Center, “Statement…,” November 2, 2010.
Institute for Security Studies, Peace and Security Council Report, December 2010.
S/2010/600. In its findings on the first round electoral campaign, the Carter Center, similarly, stated its regret that
“throughout the period before the official opening of the campaign, the candidate for the presidential majority
dominated National Television (RTI), whereas Art. 30 of the Electoral Code stipulates that “parties and candidates have
equitable access to state media from the date of publication of the provisional list until polling.” Carter Center,
“Statement…,” November 2, 2010.
The code, signed by the political parties in April 2008, was the product of an inter-party consultation undertaken by
the U.S. National Democratic Institute, technically supported by UNOCI and the CEI. NDI, “Côte d’Ivoire: NDI Helps
Political Parties Agree to Code of Conduct,” April 29, 2008; and Carter Center, “Statement…,” November 2, 2010.
Other international delegations included those of ECOWAS, the African Union, the Organisation Internationale de
la Francophonie (OIF), the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the African Caribbean and Pacific
Group of States (ACP), and official bilateral delegations from the United States and Japan; all foreign embassies were
accredited by the CEI and many observed both rounds. UNOCI, “Presidential Elections…”; S/2010/600; and email
from NED official, December 30, 2010.
Polling generally proceeded smoothly, in part due to the use of a single ballot and a scheme in
which each polling station served a maximum of 400 voters, although it was reportedly marred, in
some cases by technical failures.190 The vote tallying process reportedly took place transparently
and in accordance with applicable regulations. It proceeded slowly in some instances, however,
due to lack of transportation, some failures of the electronic tabulation transmission system, and
the refusal of some polling staff to transmit official results prior to receiving stipend payments.
There were a very limited, statistically insignificant number of tallying irregularities reported, and
in some instances, observers were illicitly barred from monitoring vote counting.191
The three top vote-earning candidates were:
• Gbagbo, of the Ivorian Popular Front (FPI), running as the candidate of the
Presidential Majority (LMP) coalition, who won, 756,504 votes, or a 38.04%
vote share;
• Ouattara, of the Rally of the Republicans (RDR), who won 1,481,091 votes, or a
32.07% share; and
• Bédié, of the Democratic Party of Côte d’Ivoire (PDCI), who garnered 1,165,532
votes, or a 25.24% share.
The next highest vote-earner was Mabri Toikeusse Albert, of the Union for Democracy and Peace
in Côte d’Ivoire (UDPCI), who won 2.57% of votes cast. No other candidate won more than a
0.37% vote share. Since no candidate won an absolute majority of votes cast (i.e. over 50% of
votes, as required by the Ivoirian electoral code), a second round was required. 192
The IEC released initial partial results on November 2, and on November 3, Bédié’s PDCI party
asserted that there had been irregularities and non-transparency in tallying, resulting in inaccurate
results. It called for the IEC to stop issuing provisional results and requested a vote recount. On
November 4, IEC released complete provisional results.193 The PDCI’s demand of a recount,
underpinned by protest demonstrations by PDCI supporters, was joined by the UDPCI party on
November 4 and on November 6 by the RHDP coalition, which alleged that “serious
irregularities” had occurred during the first round. The Constitutional Council reportedly claimed,
counter to the assertions of opposition applicants, that no appeals were filed within the legal time
frame. It effectively dismissed all allegations of irregularities by certifying the IEC’s announced
provisional results. After having assessed the entire first round election process, SRSG Choi
certified the Constitutional Council-vetted first round results on November 12.194
These included the late arrival or the absence of selected polling station staff; late delivery of polling materials; and
a widespread failure to observe polling procedures such as the securing of polling boxes with numbered ties, the
recording of tie seal numbers used, and checks of voters’ fingers for indelible ink (i.e., proof of previous voting).
S/2010/600; Carter Center, “Statement…,” November 2, 2010; Convention of Civil Society of Côte d’Ivoire,
Enseignements a Tirer du Premier Tour de l’Election Presidentielle, Appel aux Electeurs et aux Candidats pour le
Second Tour, November 9, 2010; and COSOPCI, et al,. Communiqué Preliminaire sur les Elections Presidentielles du
31 Octobre 2010 en Côte d’Ivoire, November 1, 2010, among others.
IEC, Election du President de la Republique, Scrutin du 31 Octobre 2010, Resultats Provisoires par Region et par
Departement, November 3, 2010; and Abidjan.net, “Informations sur les Candidats,” Elections Présidentielles 2010.
VOA, “Ivory Coast Opposition Candidate Ouattara Call for Recount,” November 6, 2010.
The allegations of irregularities were reportedly based on a disparity between the total number of polling stations
Second Round
The Constitutional Council initially scheduled the runoff vote for November 21, counter to
standing IEC plans for it to be held on November 28, but on November 9, Prime Minister Soro
announced that the cabinet had decided that due to technical and logistical challenges, the second
round would be held as originally planned by the IEC. President Gbagbo fixed the date in law by
decree. On November 10, the IEC scheduled the second round electoral campaign between
November 20 and 26. On November 7, Bédié called for his supporters to vote for Ouattara in the
second round, as per the RHDP coalition’s pre-electoral agreement, and on November 10,
Ouattara publicly promised to form a union government with Bédié if he won the runoff. In a
later debate he also pledged to appoint FPI ministers. In the second round, Gbagbo, running as the
candidate of the Presidential Majority (LMP) coalition, ran against Ouattara, who ran as the
candidate of the RHDP.
The Carter Center reported that, as in the first round campaign, technically prohibited informal
campaigning occurred prior to the official campaign period. The campaign also featured, for the
first time ever in Côte d’Ivoire, a live debate that was broadcast nationally on November 25. The
debate, a two hour and fifteen minute forum, was wide-ranging and substantive. Both candidates
used the occasion to appeal for a peaceful democratic election and use of non-violence to achieve
political ends. The first half focused primarily on differences between the two candidates’ views
of the Ivoirian conflict, the stalled peace process, and the election of 2000, in which Gbagbo
came to power. The latter portion highlighted policy differences between the two rivals and their
respective policy agendas, focusing on such issues as deficiencies in the judicial system and state
structure, military reform, and economic and social services policy. Notably, Ouattara pledged to
establish a truth and reconciliation commission if elected.196
(20,073) and tally sheets transmitted (19,854), which was reportedly an artifact of the merging of some adjacent polling
stations, the cancellation of some tally sheets, and the siting of some polling stations overseas. There was also a
discrepancy of 58,770 voters between the number of registered on the final voters list and the number cited in the
provisional results, which was reportedly an artifact of security and electoral personnel having voted at their polling
duty stations, rather than their registered station, which caused some polling stations to produce tallies listing more
votes than registered voters. S/2010/600.
Carter Center, “Statement…,” November 2, 2010.
Abidjan Television Ivoirienne Chaine Une, “Ivorian Runoff Candidates Discuss Political Programs in TV Debate -
Full Version,” via OSC, November 25, 2010.
Despite the substantive tone of the debate and the two candidates’ appeals for peace and national
reconciliation, the Carter Center reported that the runoff poll took place
against the background of a tense and often negative campaign. Long-standing disputes
about national identity issues and land ownership were … inflamed by negative political
rhetoric and fueled by a partisan media. Sporadic incidents of violence, including several
deaths, occurred in the days preceding the election and on election day itself.”
It also stated that “the run-off climate quickly degenerated with widespread communication
strategies based essentially on negative portrayals of the opposing camp and the use of politically
affiliated newspapers to spread rumors. 197
Clashes between opposed youth party militants occurred in several places in the days leading
up the poll, and at least seven people were reported killed in political violence in Abidjan on
the day before the vote, while at least two were killed in northern Côte d’Ivoire on polling
day. 198 According to SRSG Choi, during the second round, state-controlled media, as in the first
round, provided “unbalanced” coverage before and after the official electoral campaign, but
“generally guaranteed equal access to the two presidential candidates” during the campaign. He
also noted that “major political parties[‘]...newspapers... enjoyed complete freedom of press
before, during and after the election.”199
In light of the rising tension associated with the runoff vote, the government and the FN deployed
4,000 troops to join the integrated command center prior to the vote. Plans called for an additional
1,500 government soldiers to be deployed to FN-controlled areas, to be accompanied by 500 FN
soldiers, while 1,500 FN troops would deploy to government-held areas and be joined by 500
government troops. President Gbagbo also imposed a curfew after 11 PM on the day of the poll to
ensure the security of ballot box returns and freedom of movement for the security forces. 200
The Carter Center and other vote-monitoring groups reported that substantial improvements in
poll worker training and administration were made in support of the runoff poll, and that logistics
in support of the polling improved compared to those provided during the first round. The Carter
Center also reported that while “voting and counting operations were largely well-conducted by
polling station officials,” many of the same deficiencies relating to the supply and distribution of
election materials that occurred during the first poll were reiterated during the runoff. The Carter
mission also reported that an IEC order that tabulation results be publicly displayed at local
precincts was applied in only about half of the locations it monitored.
The Center reported that “on the eve of the campaign, Laurent Gbagbo’s spokesman set an early tone, naming
Alassane Ouattara as the instigator of the 1999 coup and 2002 armed forces rebellion. Similar messages had begun to
circulate earlier by SMS and by the screening in several areas of the country of a controversial, and later forbidden,
movie depicting crimes committed during the war ostensibly by Ouattara. The opposition was not exempt from
negative tactics, as both campaigns resorted to name-calling and party supporters from both sides were involved in acts
of violence and intimidation, in some cases, aimed at election observers.” Carter Center, “Statement of Preliminary
Findings and Conclusions,” November 30, 2010. See also “Barrister Affoussy Bamba: ‘Films of Hatred,’ New Forces
Indignant!” [New Forces Statement, November 18, 2010], Cajon Abidjan.net, via OSC, November 2-21, 2010; VOA,
“Supporters of Ivory Coast Candidates Clash,” November 19, 2010, among other press reports on runoff tensions.
Multiple Reuters, AP, and AFP reports, November 23-29, 2010.
Choi,, “Statement on the Certification …”
VOA, “Ivory Coast to Bolster Security for Presidential Run-Off ,” November 22, 2010; and Scott Stearns, “Ivory
Coast’s President Imposes Election Curfew,” VOA, November 26, 2010.
According to the United Nations, voting reportedly generally proceeded peacefully and
transparently, was “generally conducted in a democratic climate;” featured a voter turnout of
81.1%—nearly as high as that during the first round. There reportedly were, however, “some
incidents, which were at times violent;” “isolated disruptions,” including electoral violence; and
irregularities in a small minority of polling places.201 The Carter Center, like the European Union
(EU) observation mission, also reported witnessing acts of “potential voter intimidation in some
five percent of the polling stations visited a higher level than was reported for the first round, and
perhaps a reflection of the hardened tactics of the run-off campaign.” Similarly, its findings stated
that it had received but not witnessed “serious election day irregularities occurred after the close
of polling stations [reported to include]… cases of efforts to obstruct the physical transfer of
ballot boxes and results, the destruction of election materials, and the theft of ballot boxes.” 202
A Contested Runoff
On the runoff polling day, the Gbagbo and Ouattara camps accused one other of orchestrating
electoral irregularities, voter intimidation, or actions aimed at blocking voters from accessing
polls. Some complaints of this nature were confirmed by European Union election observers.203
This outcome was not surprising, even though the vast majority of polling had occurred without
problems. The possibility that the election would be controversial had long been predicted by
analysts, given the longstanding difficulties encountered in conducting a poll, the use of the
slogan “we win or we win” by Gbagbo supporters, and pre-election statements by supporters of
Gbagbo and Ouattara that they would never accept a win by their rival. 204
Many observers believed that Gbagbo would not have agreed to allow voting to occur unless he
felt assured of a win, for example, on the basis that he felt that the opposition would not remain
united during a runoff vote; because he believed that electoral institutions and legal process were
structured in his favor; and a belief the international community, in a desire for an end to the
Ivoirian crisis, might accept some flaws in the polling process. If this analysis is correct, the
current crisis suggests that he miscalculated regarding multiple factors: strong electoral
opposition to his continued incumbency; the strength of international support for the OPA and the
role of U.N. certification vis-à-vis Ivoirian legal processes (i.e., the role of the Constitutional
Council); and the unwillingness of the international community—to date—to alter the election
outcome through a negotiated resolution to the crisis, despite the threat of political violence.205
An early indication that the vote would, in fact, be legally contested emerged the day after
polling, when Gbagbo’s campaign manager announced plans to contest the results in at least three
heavily pro-Ouattara districts in the north.206 On December 1, the Gbagbo campaign formally
Choi, “Statement on the Certification …”; see also BBC Monitoring Africa, “Côte d’Ivoire: Ex-rebels Secure
Voting in Abidjan,” transcript of Television Ivoirienne broadcast on November 28, 2010, among other reports.
Carter Center, “Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions,” November 30, 2010.
Mission d’Observation Electorale en Côte d’Ivoire Union Europeenne [EUEOM], “Un Second Tour Sous Tension,”
[preliminary statement on runoff], November 3, 2010, and other EUEOM statements.
Adam Nossiter, “Ensconced in the Presidency, With No Budging in Ivory Coast,” NYT, December 26, 2010. See
also Roland Lloyd Parry, “Two Killed in Fresh I.Coast Election Violence,” AFP, November 28, 2010; and Reuters,
“Candidates Charge Voter Intimidation in Ivory Coast Vote,” NYT, November 29, 2010.
Nossiter, “Ensconced…; and Jennifer G. Cooke, The Election Crisis in Côte d’Ivoire, Center for Strategic and
International Studies, December 7, 2010, among others.
Pascal Affi N’Guessan, Gbagbo’s campaign manager, was quoted as stating that “according to figures in our
filed five applications for the annulment of the second round of balloting in eight northern
departments “because of serious irregularities in the integrity of the poll.” These related primarily
to allegations of the absence of LMP representatives at the polls, including through acts of
kidnapping or physical obstruction; ballot stuffing; transport of ballot tally sheets by unauthorized
persons; establishment of impediments to voting; a lack of voting booths and of guaranteed secret
suffrage; and the misattribution of unearned or fictitious votes to Ouattara. The Constitutional
Council then reviewed the results and on December 3 overturned the findings of the IEC, as
discussed above, and proclaimed Gbagbo winner of the election. 207
possession, Laurent Gbagbo cannot lose this election.” The Ouattara camp’s equally strong opposite stance was
suggested by an Ouattara lawyer, Chrysostome Blessy, who stated that Gbagbo “cannot win, even by cheating.” Roland
Lloyd Parry, “I.Coast Fears Fresh Violence as Vote Results Roll In,” AFP, November 30, 2010; see also Reuters,
“Ivory Coast’s Gbagbo Rejects Results in 3 Regions,” November 29, 2010.
Conseil Constitutionnel, Decision No CI-2010-Ep-34/03-12/CC/SG…
Historical Background
As discussed in the body of this report (see text box “Côte d’Ivoire: Country Overview”), in the
mid-1980s, demands for increased democratization, periodic social unrest, and political tensions
emerged. Long-term cocoa price and production declines, growing national debt, austerity
measures, and pressures on land, in particular new tree cropping land for cocoa, which
contributed to a gradual economic decline in Côte d’Ivoire, helped foster these political
dynamics. While economic decline underpinned these tensions, social competition increasingly
began to be expressed through ethnic, regional, and religious identity. The large, mostly Muslim
populations of immigrant workers and northern Ivoirians resident in the south faced increasing
resistance by southern ethnic groups and the state to their full participation in national civic life
and rights to citizenship. These developments set the stage for subsequent political developments
and contributed to the 2002 rebellion and the years of political impasse that followed.
Bédié Administration
Houphouët, who died in December 1993, was immediately succeeded by the president of
parliament, Henri Konan Bédié. He declared himself president, in accordance with provisions in
the 1990 constitution, even though then-Prime Minister Alassane Dramane Ouattara—a former
World Bank economist who had held his post since it was created in 1990—was widely seen as
Houphouët’s designated successor. Ouattara initially contested Bédié’s succession claim, but
resigned as prime minister after the French government accepted the claim and left the country,
taking up a position as Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund. He
remained a key political figure, however. In mid-1994 Ouattara supporters—predominantly
northern Muslims, intellectuals, and young professionals, and defectors from the reformist wing
of the ruling Democratic Party of Côte d’Ivoire (PDCI)—formed a new political party, the
Republican Rally (RDR) that became a vehicle for Ouattara’s later return to Ivoirian electoral
politics in 1995. Employing his influence over Houphouët’s PDCI, Bédié began to consolidate his
own power base, in part by replacing Ouattara allies with loyalists, and by assuming the PDCI
chairmanship in1994.
Bédié emphasized the close linkages and sources of continuity between his government and the
system he had inherited from Houphouët, but many observers saw him as a considerably less
effective leader than Houphouët. Bédié also ushered in a transformation of Ivoirian politics that
helped spur the later division of the country. Increasingly, Bédié was accused by critics of
blaming immigrants for many of the country’s problems, and of fueling public anti-immigrant
sentiments. He used these divisions to rally political support, making use of a nationalist ideology
known as Ivoirité. It defined southerners as ‘authentic’ Ivoirians, in opposition to ‘circumstantial’
ones, i.e., northerners and immigrants, and helped initiate the later evolution of ultra-nationalist,
xenophobic political views among some in the south. It also helped fuel increasingly volatile
national politics encompassing electoral competition; military, student, and labor unrest; conflict
over land and residency rights; and periodic mass protests, some violent, over economic and other
Bédié continued to pursue efforts to consolidate his power. In January 1996, the cabinet was
shuffled; military General Robert Guéï, who had previously been relieved of his military
command post after being appointed Minister of Employment and Civil Service in October 1995,
was made Minister of Sports. In May 1996, following news reports that there had been a coup
attempt planned by restive soldiers in mid-1995, the army leadership was shaken up. Guéï was
demoted to a minor administrative post because the planned coup was attributed to elements
under his former command. The latter part of Bédié’s tenure was beset by accusations of human
rights abuses associated with security force crackdowns on the opposition; student protests;
economic pressures; and accusations of corruption by domestic critics and donor governments.
In 1998, the National Assembly passed a series of constitutional changes viewed as highly
favorable to the incumbent. They increased executive control of elections, extended the
presidential term of office, and codified in the constitution nationalities laws defining political
candidacy requirements. Candidates were required to be Ivoirian by birth, parentage, and to have
lived continuously in Côte d’Ivoire for ten years prior to running.
Guéï promised to maintain respect for democracy, eradicate government corruption, re-
appropriate funds seized in corrupt dealings, rewrite the Constitution, and hold transparent
elections within a year. Bédié, who at first sought refuge in the French embassy, fled to France
after a sojourn in Togo. After negotiations, all major political parties, including Bédié’s PDCI,
agreed top support the “transitional” CNSP junta, which was established in early 2000. It
established a 27-member Consultative Commission on Constitutional and Electoral Matters,
composed of representatives of the main political parties, civil society and labor organizations,
and religious institutions. This entity drafted proposals for a new constitution and electoral code,
which it presented in March 2000 in anticipation of a later referendum on these proposals.
Guéï’s Leadership
As junta leader, Guéï was initially seen as a pro-Ouattara, partly due to Bédié’s opposition to
Ouattara. Many Ivoirians nursed hopes that the Guéï’s administration would bridge the growing
ethno-regional divisions in the country and usher in a rapid transition to transparent constitutional
civilian rule. Guéï’s hoped-for collegial and consensual leadership, however, developed into a
governing style based on top-down commands and a public rhetoric focused on discipline and
order. Personal political ambition also came to define his leadership. He made public statements
replete with grandiose patriotic rhetoric and flattering self-representations, casting himself as the
redeemer of common citizens’ aspirations against the machinations of corrupt politicians, leading
some to label him a narcissist. His leadership increasingly came to be seen as motivated by the
goal of eliminating perceived rivals in the military, weakening the RDR and the potential for a
strong Ouattara candidacy, and getting himself elected into office. In April 2000 he created a
political party, the Rassemblement pour le Consensus National (Rally for National Consensus)
that was expected to support his candidacy.
The Guéï government began a program to issue national identity cards to citizens and resident
permits to foreigners, as a prerequisite for voter registration ahead of elections. The issue was
considered sensitive because it was seen as providing a potential means for the state to exclude
native-born Ivoirians of northern origins and the Ivoirian-born children of immigrants from
participating in the political process. It also would enable officials to formally differentiate
between Ivoirians and non-Ivoirians, a point of controversy because ID checks of persons of
perceived northern origins and foreign West African economic migrants were reportedly often
used to threaten such persons with deportation, refusal of employment, residence, or land rights.
The rule of law also suffered in other ways. In response to public protests against rising crime, the
military undertook to arrest criminals directly, especially targeting organized gangs in Abidjan.
The use of military forces to enforce civilian criminal law, however, reportedly prompted some
members of the military to themselves engage in acts of banditry and highway robbery. Extortion
and harassment reportedly became common at military roadblocks. Military indiscipline was not
limited to soldiers’ public conduct. In March 2000, soldiers mutinied over salary demands;
officers were taken hostage and one base commander was killed.208 In July, troops mutinied over
non-payment of $9,000 allotments that they claimed they had been promised by Guéï after the
coup of the previous December. Soldiers looted, stole vehicles and weapons, and paralyzed
commerce and public services in Abidjan and the secondary cities of Bouaké and Korhogo. The
uprising was violently crushed by the gendarmerie following imposition of a curfew and after the
negotiation of a far lower allotment payment. Only a fraction of the promised payment was
subsequently made, due to government insolvency, and over 50 of hundreds of mutineers were
court marshaled. Urban infrastructure damage due to the rebellion was extensive.
Nicholas Phythian, “Ivoirian Coup Left Legacy of Army Insubordination,” Reuters, March 30, 2000.
forces halted an RDR demonstration, and elections slated for September were postponed until
As the election drew nearer, public security deteriorated. Harassment of immigrants by security
forces reportedly increased. In September, the High Council of Imams (CSI) and National Islamic
Council (CNI) warned that unfair restrictions on electoral eligibility would result in social unrest.
They also condemned official harassment of northerners and Muslims, and later called for a
boycott of the election, after Ouattara was excluded. During pre-poll voter registration,
nationality documentation restrictions prevented many northerners from registering as new
voters. On September 18, an attack on Guéï’s residence was suppressed. The attack, a putative
attempted putsch and assassination by members of the military and his own presidential guard,
was suspected by some observers to be have been mounted by Guéï himself as a pretext to purge
the military of perceived opponents and undercut political opposition to his candidacy. After the
incident, a state of emergency was declared and political meetings were banned, and a number of
predominantly northern soldiers were arrested; some were reportedly summarily executed, while
others reportedly were tortured.
In October, the Supreme Court, headed by Tia Kone, a former personal legal advisor to Guéï,
declared 14 of 19 prospective presidential candidates ineligible to run, including six PDCI
candidates. Included among them was Bédié and the PDCI’s official presidential nominee, Emile
Bombet, due to embezzlement allegations in both cases, and Ouattara. Only Guéï and the FPI’s
Gbagbo, along with three minor candidates, were allowed to run. Guéï opponents claimed that the
Supreme Court should also have banned Guéï’s candidacy because military law required him to
resign from the military six months prior to the election. Guéï had not met that requirement, and
when a newspaper reporter raised the question in an article, the reporter was beaten by the
presidential guard. A similar legal question was raised in relation to the candidacy of Gbagbo,
whose status as a state employee may have made him technically ineligible to run.
The legislative election was held with decidedly mixed success, primarily related to Ouattara’s
disqualification as a parliamentary candidate by the Supreme Court, on the basis that his
nationality certificate was technically invalid. Ouattara’s RDR boycotted the polls, rejecting what
it called the Gbagbo’s “sham reconciliation process,” and mounted protests. The RDR’s actions
had a significant effect. In Abidjan, large and violent RDR protests were held. In the north,
prefectures and constabulary stations were attacked, and the vote was widely boycotted.
Ouattara’s disqualification prompted international concern over the poll’s validity, and major
international organizations and donor governments did not deploy election monitoring missions.
Despite such obstacles, voting went smoothly nationwide, except in the north, where elections
could be held in only four of 32 electoral districts, due to attacks on election equipment and the
subjection of election officials to intimidation. In the south, by contrast, voting was peaceful but
the turnout rate was low, at about 34%. A by-election was held in the north in January 2001.
While calls by the RDR for another boycott resulted in very high abstention rate (about 87%), the
poll went forward peacefully, in part due to close supervision and heavy security, despite being
held in a tense atmosphere one week after an attempted coup.
Despite rising political tensions and social cleavages, in 2001 and 2002 there were signs that Côte
d’Ivoire was beginning to make limited progress toward national reconciliation and political
compromise. In late 2001, a National Reconciliation Forum, in which all of the major parties,
constituencies, and key leaders participated, was organized by the government. It focused on
barriers toward national unity, governance, civil-military relations, immigration, and ethno-
regional and religious divisions.
This it did with mixed success. Although the government steadily increased its estimates of deaths, launched
inquiries into these human rights abuses, and welcomed foreign inquiries into such issues, several of these inquiries
faltered, and issued no substantive findings. In addition, when eight gendarmes were tried by a military tribunal for the
Yopougon killings, they were acquitted due to lack of evidence and because intimidated witnesses refused to testify in
the proceedings. Human Rights Watch, The New Racism: The Politics of Ethnicity in Côte d’Ivoire, August 28, 2001.
The rebellion was initially reported to be motivated by military pay grievances and working conditions. In
particular, a group of about 750 rank-and-file soldiers, who had been recruited by Guéï, were reportedly concerned over
government institutions and facilities was prevented by loyalist forces, the insurrection rapidly
broadened an existing national fissure between north and south. During the initial uprising, Guéï
was killed under unclear circumstances.
After clashes with loyalists near the commercial capital, Abidjan, and elsewhere, the rebel units
gradually withdrew to the central city of Bouaké and from there rapidly took control of over half
of the country. They then formed a political organization called the Patriotic Movement of Côte
d’Ivoire (MPCI, after the French), and began to articulate a political agenda and lay out demands,
and reportedly appointed provincial governors. The MPCI took control of local administration in
northern rebel-held territory, and civil and commercial life reportedly resumed a relatively routine
character after being disrupted by population shifts and displacements. The provision of social
services, however, sharply declined under rebel administration, and never recovered fully.
Periodic, sometimes fierce fighting ensued, as the government unsuccessfully attempted to retake
towns along the north-south dividing line. The MPCI also allied itself with two small rebel groups
in western Côte d’Ivoire. The groups, which reportedly included many Liberians and Sierra
Leonean combatants, announced their existence in November 2002 by seizing several towns in
the west. In late 2002, early 2003, and periodically since, the west has been the scene of armed
clashes over territory; communal violence related to immigrants’ land and residency rights; and
criminal armed violence. International peacekeepers also clashed with the western rebels in the
first several years after the rebellion.
Peace Mediation
The country remained divided and often tense in the years after the uprising, but military conflict
generally subsided after 2002, with some notable exceptions (e.g., periodic but localized armed
conflict in the west; occasional ceasefire line provocations; and a brief resumption of warfare in
late 2004). International conflict mediation efforts, notably by ECOWAS, began soon after the
rebellion, but made little progress until early 2003, when a French-brokered peace accord, the
Linas-Marcoussis Accord (LMA), was signed. It allowed Gbagbo to remain in power, but
provided for the creation of an interim government of national reconciliation (GNR) under a
“consensus” prime minister. The LMA charged the GNR with preparing for presidential elections
in 2005 and reforming the armed forces with external aid to ensure ethnic and regional balance in
the military. It required the disarming of all armed forces, the expulsion of foreign mercenaries,
and the creation of an international LMA monitoring group. An LMA annex set out a roadmap for
resolving key issues underlying the crisis. It called for reform of electoral candidacy and
citizenship eligibility rules, the electoral system, and land tenure and press laws; creation of a
human rights abuse panel; and freedom of movement and post-war economic recovery planning.
their anticipated dismissal by Gbagbo. This group of soldiers, known as the zinzin (crazy ones) and the bahéfoué
(sorcerers), had previously staged several protests. Several rebel leaders were members of a more politically motivated,
generally pro-Ouattara group of army officers who had deserted and taken refuge in Burkina Faso after being accused
of treasonous intents by Guéï. The northern rebels appeared to enjoy substantial popular support, and were joined by
volunteers and by traditional hunter-warriors known as dozo.
No War, No Peace
The LMA was immediately opposed—vocally and with violence, including assaults on French-
owned businesses and homes—by partisans of Gbagbo’s FPI party and elements of the military
and government. They asserted that it ceded too much power and made too many other
concessions to the rebels. Gbagbo, under pressure to repudiate the LMA, indicated that he had
signed it reluctantly under intense foreign pressure. These and later remarks hindered
implementation of the LMA, which was later amended by a series of internationally mediated
accords, though its basic provisions remained a keystone of most of these later agreements.
From early 2003 through early 2007, the two sides endeavored to implement the provisions of the
LMA and subsequent peace agreements by pursuing a range of political and legal reform
processes and reaching various agreements to achieve military and militia disarmament and
demobilization. Focal issues included the sequence and manner in which disarmament, voter
registration, citizen identification, and elections would take place; the content of proposed laws
aimed at implementing the key provisions of the LMA and other agreements, and the manner in
Daniel Balint-Kurti, “IMF Mission Favors Raising Ivoirian Cocoa Export Tax,” Dow Jones Commodities Service,
August 16, 2002.
There are long-standing conflicts, for instance, between local Bété farmers and Baoulé cocoa farmers who gradually
moved west and cleared new forest areas to plant new cocoa crops after exhausting soil resources in their home areas.
Similarly, tensions between the between the Bété of the southwest—Gbagbo’s ethnic group—and the Yacouba, the
ethnic group of former military leader general Robert Guéï, increased after the rebellion.
which they would be enacted; and differences over the scope and exercise of presidential
These efforts were overseen and sometimes led by two consensus prime ministers. The first was
Seydou Diarra, appointed in 2003 after the LMA was signed. Charles Konan Banny succeeded
Diarra in December 2005 after a crisis over delayed national elections and an internationally
endorsed, non-electoral extension of Gbagbo’s tenure in office for a year. During this period,
notably under Banny’s tenure, talks and other cooperative efforts between the opposed parties
sometimes resulted in significant progress toward the key goals set forth in the various peace
accords. Such progress was, however, often interspersed with and undercut by political
backtracking and obstructionism by one or both parties, political gridlock, and frequent
accusations by one or both sides charging their opponent with undermining progress toward
peace, often spurred by incendiary political rhetoric and partisan journalism. Similarly, mediation
efforts by external governments or U.N. officials, while sometimes nominally successful, were
often criticized by one or both sides as being biased.
Armed conflict briefly flared on several occasions, most notably in November 2004, when a
government attempt to attack the north was repulsed by French and U.N. troops. This effort
included an air attack on a French base (see text box “France’s Military Presence in Côte
d’Ivoire” in body of report). Mass protests, sometimes including violent mob actions,
subsequently periodically punctuated the conflict. The political division of the country also led to
breakdowns in law and order, frequent impunity for security officials accused of human rights
abuses and other crimes, and a rise in corruption.
Due to the weak rule of law, local officials on both sides of the conflict reportedly gained access
to and at times diverted official revenues. Such funding sources have taken the form of official
taxes and fees and illicit, extortion-based payments, from such sources as domestic and
international trade in goods, travelers, state-controlled firms; agricultural commodity sales,
notably in the key cocoa sector; and illicit diamond exports. Access to such revenue streams was
long seen as undermining political support for a quick resolution of the conflict.
leader Guillaume Soro. The accord was preceded in 2006 by halting progress toward citizen
identification; voter registration; disarmament; and some other elements of the peace process, but
also by marked tension over these processes and between President Gbagbo and Prime Minister
Banny in the wake of an imported toxic waste dumping scandal. Such tension also arose over the
two leaders’ conflicting claims regarding their peace process implementation decision-making
powers, notably after the U.N. Security Council passed Resolution 1721, which recognized
Banny’s broad power to implement the peace process, but did not, according to Gbagbo’s
interpretation, reduce Gbagbo’s constitutional authorities.
The 2007 accord superseded but incorporated all earlier agreements. Under its provisions, FN
leader Guillaume Soro became foreign minister. The accord also renewed and amended processes
for conducting citizen identification, voter registration, elections (but mandated no election
deadline), and provided for the formation of a new transitional government; laid out procedures
for disarmament and a merging of the FN and the government military-security structures;
created a youth civic service, a political party code of conduct, and an accord monitoring organ
made up of the leaders of the top political parties; re-established state structures and authority
nation-wide; and requested the lifting of U.N. sanctions and a reduced role for international
peacekeepers, who were to be gradually replaced in certain areas by the newly merged security
forces. While many of the accord’s provisions were fulfilled, most notably the conduct of the
2010 presidential election, many key elements remain significantly unimplemented. International
reaction to the accord was generally positive but cautionary. While welcome as an Ivorian
solution to an Ivorian conflict, it gave substantial leeway to presidential authority, which was
viewed as potentially leading to contention over accord implementation, especially since it
reduced the international political and military role in the peace process, provided no sanctions
for implementation failures, and empowered only the four leading political parties.
Acronym Descriptor
Nicolas Cook
Specialist in African Affairs
ncook@crs.loc.gov, 7-0429