CIE Review For : Inferential Statistics

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Agape CIE Reviewer Notes – Inferential Statistics August 31, 2019

Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems

1. A sample of 3000 observations has a mean of 82 and
a standard deviation of 16. Using the empirical rule,
CIE Review for find what percentage of the observations fall in the
Inferential Statistics a) x ± 2s; b) x ± 3s

(Inferential Statistics) 2. The ages of cars owned by all employees of a large

company have a mean of seven years and a standard
Prepared By: deviation of 2 years. Using the Chebyshev’s theorem,
Engr. Cristopher E. Tupaz, CIE find the interval that contains the ages of the cars
August 31, 2019 owned by 85% of all employees of this company.

Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems

3. An electrical firm manufactures light bulbs that have a 5. The television picture tubes of Manufacturer A have a
length of life that is approximately normally distributed, mean lifetime of 6.5 years and a standard deviation of
with a mean equal to 800 hours and a standard 0.9 year, while those of Manufacturer B have a mean
deviation of 40 hours. Find the probability that a lifetime of 6.0 years and a standard deviation of 0.8
sample of 16 bulbs will have an average life of less year. What is the probability that a random sample of
than 775 hours. 36 tubes from Manufacturer A will have a mean lifetime
of at least 1 year more than the mean lifetime of a
sample of 49 tubes from Manufacturer B?
4. If a certain machine makes electrical resistors having a
mean resistance of 40 ohms and a standard deviation
of 2 ohms, what is the probability that a random sample
of 36 of these resistors will have a combined resistance
of more than 1458 ohms?

Agape CIE Reviewer Notes – Inferential Statistics August 31, 2019

Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems

6. A random sample of size 25 is taken from a normal 7. A chemical engineer claims that the population mean
population having a mean of 80 and a standard yield of a certain batch process is 500 grams per mm.
deviation of 5. A second random sample of size 36 is of raw material. To check this claim, he samples 25
taken from a different normal population having a batches each month. If the computed t-value falls
mean of 75 and a standard deviation of 3. Find the between -t0.05 and t0.05, he is satisfied with his claim.
probability that the sample mean computed from the 25 What conclusion should he draw from a sample that has
measurements will exceed the sample mean computed a mean x = 518 grams per mm. and a standard
from the 36 measurements by at least 3.5 but less than deviation s =40 grams? Assume the distribution to be
5.9. Assume the means to be measured to the nearest approximately normal.

Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems

8. The average life of a bread-making machine is 7 years 9. The standard deviation of the lifetimes of 100 electric
with a standard deviation of 1 year. Assuming that the bulbs manufactured is 120 hours. In a sample of 22
lives of these machines follow approximately a normal bulbs, find the probability that the sample standard
distribution, find the probability that the mean life of a deviation is (a) greater than 80, (b) between 100 to
random sample of 9 such machines falls between 6.4 150.
and 7.2 years.

Agape CIE Reviewer Notes – Inferential Statistics August 31, 2019

Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems

10. The scores of a placement test is given to college 11. Consider the following measurements of the heat
freshmen for the past 5 years are approximately producing capacity of the coal produced by two mines
normally distributed with a mean of 74 and a variance (in millions of calories per ton):
of 8. Would you still consider the variance of 8 to be
valid value of the variance if a random sample of 20 Mine 1: 8260 8130 8350 8070 8340
students who take this placement test this year obtained Mine 2: 7950 7890 7900 8140 7920 7840
a value of s2 = 20?
Can it be concluded that the two population variances
are equal?

Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems

12. An investigator is interested in the possibility of 13. Suppose that we have the following 10 randomly
merging the capabilities of television and the internet. selected body temperature:
A random sample of n=50 internet users who were
polled about the time they spend watching television 98.6 97.6 98.0 99.0 97.4
produced an average of 11.5 hours per week with a 98.4 98.4 98.4 97.0 98.6
standard deviation of 3.5 hours. Use this information to
estimate the population mean time internet users Construct the 95% confidence interval for the mean of
watching television, with an  = 0.05. all body temperatures.  = 0.05

Agape CIE Reviewer Notes – Inferential Statistics August 31, 2019

Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems

14. Students may choose between a 3-semester-hour 15. A taxi company is trying to decide whether to purchase
course in physics without labs and a 4-semester-hour brand A or brand B tires for its fleet of taxis. To
course with labs. The final written examination is the estimate the difference in the two brands, and
same for each section. If 12 students in the section with experiment is conducted using 12 of each brand. The
labs made an average examination grade of 84 with tires are run until they wear out. The results are
a standard deviation of 4, and 17 students in the
section without labs made an average grade of 77 Brand A: x1 = 36,300 kilometers, s1 = 5000 kilometers
with a standard deviation of 6, find a 99% confidence Brand B: x2 = 38,100 kilometers, s2 = 6100 kilometers
interval for the difference between the average
grades for the two courses. Assume the populations to Compute a 95% confidence interval μ1 – μ2, assuming the
be approx. normally distributed and of equal populations to be approximately normally distributed.
variances. You may not assume that the variances are equal

Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems

16. A random sample of 20 students obtained a mean of 18. A random sample of 200 voters is selected and 120
x = 72 and a variance of S 2 = 16 on a college test in are found to support an annexation suit. Find the 96%
mathematics. Assuming the scores to be normally confidence interval for the fraction of the voting
distributed, construct a 95% confidence interval for σ2. population favoring the annexation suit.

17. A manufacturer of car batteries claims that his batteries 19. A new rocket-launching system is being considered for
will last, on the average of 3 years with a variance of deployment of small short-range launches. The existing
1 year. If 5 of these batteries have lifetimes of 1.9, system is p = 0.8 as the probability of a successful
2.4, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.2 years, construct a 95% launch. A sample of 40 experimental launches is made
confidence interval for σ2 and decide if the with the new system and 34 are successful. Construct a
manufacture’s claim that σ2 = 1 is valid. Assume the 95% confidence interval for p and conclude if the new
population of battery lives to be approximately system is better.
normally distributed.

Agape CIE Reviewer Notes – Inferential Statistics August 31, 2019

Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems

20. An electrical firm manufactures light bulbs that has a 21. A random sample of 34 bags of a certain White
lifetime that is approx. normally distributed with a Cheddar popcorn brand weighed on average 5.23
mean of 800 and a standard deviation of 40 hours. ounces with a standard deviation of 0.24 ounces. Test
Test the hypothesis that μ=800 hours against the the hypothesis that the mean of this popcorn brand is at
alternative μ ≠ 800 hours if a random sample of 30 least 5.5 ounces at the 0.05 level of significance.
bulbs has an average life of 788 hours.

Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems

22. According to a dietary study a high sodium intake may 23. At a certain college it is estimated that at most 25% of
be related to ulcers, stomach cancer, and migraine the students ride bicycles to class. Does this seem to be
headaches. The human requirement for salt is only a valid estimate if, in a random sample of 90 college
220mg.per day which is surpassed in most single students, 28 are found to ride bicycles to class. Use a
servings of ready-to-eat cereals. If a random sample 0.05 level of significance.
of 20 similar servings of Special K has a mean sodium
content of 224 mg. & a standard deviation of 24.5mg,
does this suggest at the 0.05 level of significance that
the average sodium content for single serving of
Special K is greater than 220mg? Assume the
distribution of sodium contents to be normal.

Agape CIE Reviewer Notes – Inferential Statistics August 31, 2019

Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems

24. An urban community would like to show that the 25. The time to repair an electronic instrument is normally
incidence of breast cancer is higher than in a nearby distributed random variable measured in hours. The
rural area. It is found that 20 out of 200 adult women repair times for 16 such instruments chosen at random
in the urban community have breast cancer and 10 of are as follows
150 adult women in the rural community have breast
cancer. Can we conclude at the 0.05 level of 159 224 222 149 280 379 362 260
significance that breast cancer is more prevalent in the 101 179 168 385 212 264 250 170
urban community?
Test the hypothesis that the mean repair time exceeds
225 hours using an α = 0.05. Use a p-value for this test.

Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems

26. Estimate the linear regression line and determine the 27. Determine the value of the correlation coefficient from
amount of converted sugar produced when the coded the following information given:
temperature is 1.75.

Temperature 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00
Infant length 57.8 52.8 61.3 67 53.5 62.7 56.2 68.5 69.2
Converted Sugar 8.10 7.80 8.50 9.80 9.50 8.90 8.60 10.20 9.30 9.20 10.50
Age 78 69 77 88 67 80 74 94 102

Agape CIE Reviewer Notes – Inferential Statistics August 31, 2019

Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems

28. The data below represent the number of hours of pain 29. For the data shown below, test the hypothesis Ho’, at
relief provided by 5 different brands of headache the 0.05 level of significance, that there is no
tablets administered to 25 subjects. The 25 subjects difference in the average yield of wheat when
were randomly divided into 5 groups and each group different kinds of fertilizer are used. Also test the
was treated with a different brand. hypothesis Ho” that there is no differences in the
Perform the analysis of variance, TABLET average yield of the three varieties of wheat.
and test the hypothesis at the A B C D E
0.05 level of significance that 5 9 3 2 7 Fertilizer Variety of Wheat
the mean number of hours of 4 7 5 3 6 Treatment V1 V2 V3
relief provided by the tablets 8 8 2 4 9 T1 64 72 74
is the same for all five brands. 6 6 3 1 4 T2 65 57 47
3 9 7 4 7 T3 59 66 58
T4 58 57 53

Industrial Statistics 2 – Practice Problems

30. A study was carried out to determine the relationship
between the age and the time (in minutes) needed to
run a 12-kilometer marathon event. The table below
shows the recorded data.

Age (years) 40 50 66 45 61 48 50 46
time (Minutes) 61 81 92 70 87 76 88 69

Determine the Spearman’s coefficient of

determination from this data.

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