CIE Review For : Inferential Statistics
CIE Review For : Inferential Statistics
CIE Review For : Inferential Statistics
Agape CIE Reviewer Notes – Inferential Statistics August 31, 2019
Agape CIE Reviewer Notes – Inferential Statistics August 31, 2019
Agape CIE Reviewer Notes – Inferential Statistics August 31, 2019
17. A manufacturer of car batteries claims that his batteries 19. A new rocket-launching system is being considered for
will last, on the average of 3 years with a variance of deployment of small short-range launches. The existing
1 year. If 5 of these batteries have lifetimes of 1.9, system is p = 0.8 as the probability of a successful
2.4, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.2 years, construct a 95% launch. A sample of 40 experimental launches is made
confidence interval for σ2 and decide if the with the new system and 34 are successful. Construct a
manufacture’s claim that σ2 = 1 is valid. Assume the 95% confidence interval for p and conclude if the new
population of battery lives to be approximately system is better.
normally distributed.
Agape CIE Reviewer Notes – Inferential Statistics August 31, 2019
Agape CIE Reviewer Notes – Inferential Statistics August 31, 2019
26. Estimate the linear regression line and determine the 27. Determine the value of the correlation coefficient from
amount of converted sugar produced when the coded the following information given:
temperature is 1.75.
Temperature 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00
Infant length 57.8 52.8 61.3 67 53.5 62.7 56.2 68.5 69.2
Converted Sugar 8.10 7.80 8.50 9.80 9.50 8.90 8.60 10.20 9.30 9.20 10.50
Age 78 69 77 88 67 80 74 94 102
Agape CIE Reviewer Notes – Inferential Statistics August 31, 2019
Age (years) 40 50 66 45 61 48 50 46
time (Minutes) 61 81 92 70 87 76 88 69