X-Aid™ Telegra's Automatic Video Incident Detection

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Telegra's Automatic Video

Incident Detection
X-aid™, Telegra's Automatic Video Incident Detection
System, is the industry most innovative and precise AID sys-
tem currently on the market. X-aid™'s leading edge is based
on unique and the most advanced algorithms, including
video recognition and object tracking, pattern recognition
and foreground object recognition algorithms.

Main purpose of Automatic Video Incident Detection

System is to increase safety on the road.

With hundreds of cameras deployed throughout

highways and tunnels delivering the immense
amount of information simultaneously, it is im-
possible even for a group of human operators to
monitor and evaluate the information effective-
ly or efficiently. Reliable AID system is a must
in such environments because it significantly
improves the efficiency of traffic management
systems. It automatically reports dangerous
situations and irregular traffic conditions, such
as fire or smoke in a tunnel, stopped vehicle,
slow vehicle, driving in opposite direction, pe-
destrians in traffic lanes, dropped cargo, or
traffic congestion.
Lack of AID system means not to have an infor-
mation on time (or not to have it at all!) about
various incidents on the road, e.g. collision.
These could mean further accidents as a result
of queue and/or consequentially other dam-


X-aid™ has superior detection performance

compared to current video incident detec-
tion systems on the market, due to use of own
unique algorithms. Video Automatic Incident
Detection quality is evident in these most im-
portant AID parameters:
· High Detection Ratio - the number of incidents

detected to the actual number of incidents in a
data set
· Low False Alarm Ratio - the number of incor-
rectly detected incidents to the number of all
detected incidents

Detection Ratio has direct effect on operators

and concessionaires:
· Not spotting a Wrong-Way Driving on time
nearly always results in a head-on collision.
This will cause road closure and consequently,
loss of income from toll. In the worst-case
scenario, it may end up with the loss of human
High immunity on all weather conditions

· Smoke/fire detection through video incident cause the operator to stop paying attention
detection is the fastest information to be re- and not react when there is a real need for
ceived if fire occurs in the tunnel. Seconds reaction.
matter in that situation and not having timely - Not reacting to an alarm can lead to seri-
alarm will cause slow reaction on the incident ously deteriorated tunnel safety
(e.g. if the tunnel is not closed on time more - The Management will be forced to in-
vehicle and people will be involved in the in- crease the number of operators to moni-
cident). This would cause serious implications tor all video streams simultaneously to
such as: injuries, damage on infrastructure, prevent such situations
cost of repair, cost of not having the tunnel in - The system will not be used to its full
operation, etc. potential, which translates to irrational
· Without an AID in place, a stopped vehicle, expense
usually caused by an accident, won't be no- · State-of-the-art automatic procedures that
ticed until the operator sees a queue on CCTV were deployed to help operating the highway/
streams. Typically, an operator can’t moni- tunnel could become useless as their inputs
tor video streams from all cameras deployed are false or even worse are causing the dam-
simultaneously. As a result, the operator's age. In some cases false alarms could cause
reaction will inevitably be delayed and might a complete road closure. Road closures
result in further accidents. translate to direct financial losses (e.g. toll
income loss, reopening costs, additional
False Alarm is the most annoying phenom- working hours for highway crews, etc.), but
enon related to AID today. Presence of False also indirect losses from bad publicity.
Alarm causes: · Agitated Operators are unable to perform
· Cry Wolf Syndrome - too many false alarms their duties properly, because of constant
High immunity on scene shakiness

harassment by false alarms. Agitated Opera- MOST ADVANCED VIDEO

tors lose focus and might overlook a critical RECOGNITION AND INCIDENT
alarm, skip procedural steps in emergencies,
etc. in a tunnel is an operator that operates
this sensitive and expensive construction not
Traditionally, counting object was depen-
being focused.
dent on the vehicle path line within a camera
zone, Smaller objects (i.e. motorcycles) could
be missed by a camera if there was another
vehicle in the same zone. X-aid™ artificial in-
X-aid™ achieves both of the goals: low false
telligence recognition algorithms and machine
alarms ratio and high detection rate, through
learning setup process assure that no vehicle is
these most important features:
missed, regardless of vehicle size or number of
vehicles appearing within the configurable area
· Use of own unique detection algorithms
supervised by a camera. X-aid™ guarantees
· X-aid™ is not affected by the most common

high accuracy and the highest performance.
causes of unreliable operations:
- Camera Vibrations
- Weather Conditions
- Luminance Variations
· Machine learning setup process and auto-
matic calibration ensure that there is no

need for periodic setup or calibration once

the system is deployed.

X-aid™ Video incident detection module is an X-aid™ enables the user to configure the
integrated part of topXview™. This enables responses as well as parameters for video
X-aid™ to have the fastest and the most reli- incidents using the intuitive, user-friendly
able responses to visually detectable incidents. topXview™ GUI, eliminating the need for
Combined with topXview's configurable auto- switching between multiple platforms /
mated procedures, X-aid™ becomes a must- systems.
have life-saving tool for any responsible ITS

Video Input · Analogue (PAL, NTSC) with encoders (MPEG4…)

· Digital (IP) cameras
· Video capture card
· Video streams from topXview™ streaming server
· X-aid is capable of decoding the most common video formats. This includes, but
is not limited to, MPEG 1/2/4 (including H.264 / AVC), MJPEG, etc.
· Multiple camera streams can be connected to a single AID analyzer. AID soft-
ware detects events simultaneously from all cameras connected to the analyzer

Detections · Location of the vehicle in the wrong direction

· Location of stopped vehicle
· Traffic Slowdown (traffic congestion, configurable, 10 km/h threshold)
· Slow vehicle (speed threshold under which the vehicle is classified as slow is
configurable by the user)
· Pedestrian presence and location
· Reduced or Loss of Visibility (smoke, fog, etc.)
· Fire

Statistics · Average Vehicle Speed (per interval)

· Vehicle Volume (per interval)

Error · Video Signal Loss

Notification · Camera Displacement - camera has moved from its original position

System Error · Video Analyzer Error

Notification · Video Analyzer Communication Loss

Configuration · Detection Zones

· Traffic Direction
· Events (alarms, statistics) for each zone

· Camera Calibration Parameters

· Enabling/disabling of events/statistics

Operating · Windows

Integration · Completely integrated in topXview™ platform

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only and should not be relied upon by any person as being complete or accurate. Telegra will not accept
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