Business / Study / Gaming / Streaming Social / Stream

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in Order to keep Serving you with Better Service, All Accounts and Prices have been Modified

‫تم تعديل جميع الباقات و اسعارها‬, ‫لمتابعة خدمتكم بشكل أفضل وللمحافظة على الخدمة والجودة‬

Social / Stream Business / Study / Gaming / Streaming

Plan Speed FUP* FNQ* Plan GB Up Down FNQ*
LBP/ Month LBP/ Month

Wi-Snail 4 upto 8 5GB 110,000 Lbp ✔ 6M 100 100 6M 6 upto 8M 115,000 Lbp
Wi-Turtle 5 upto 8 7GB 120,000 Lbp ✔ 7M 100 100 7M 7 upto 10M 130,000 Lbp
Wi-Rabbit 6 upto 10 8GB 155,000 Lbp ✔ 8M 75 75 8M 8 upto 12M 120,000 Lbp

Wi-Tiger 7 upto 12 8GB 175,000 Lbp ✔ 8M 100 100 8M 8 upto 12M 150,000 Lbp
Wi-Cheetah 8 upto 12 10G 185,000 Lbp ✔ 6M 200 200 6M 6 upto 8M 150,000 Lbp
Wi-Gorilla 8 upto 12 12G 245,000 Lbp ✔ 7M 200 200 7M 7 upto 10M 170,000 Lbp ✔
8M 200 200 8M 8 upto 12M 180,000 Lbp ✔
*FUP Daily F air U sage P olicy Only on Real Bandwith 8M 300 300 8M 8 upto 12M 245,000 Lbp ✔
*Additional 10gb for 35000
*FNQ F REE UNLIMITED N IGHT Q UOTA from midnight till 7 am *Monthly Capacity LIMITS

Social Accounts Upload is Half Real Capacity Business Accounts Upload is FULL Real Capacity

# All accounts are Burstable over shared bandwith following C ontention R atio

Corporate Accounts Are Available Upon Request

For support everyday from 8:00 AM till 12:00 PM 09-944955 / 70-944955
For Quota usage and expiry info please visit the following link:

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