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Test Summaries - wheels & castors (summary only - more detail available upon request)

Applicable Standards
& Test Methods Dynamic Test* Brake life Static Load Test Impact Test Brake Effectiveness¹
Hospital bed castors 1.0 x load capacity with 2.88km/hr speed. Apply brakes 10,000 Apply 3.0 x load 1 x load capacity at 10 degree
IEC60601-2-52 Obstacle height 20mm, 80mm wide, 90 times without brakes capacity for 1 hour. No incline with brakes on. Slippage
• Central locking degrees to travel, 1.5mm radius on edge. failing. deformation after 24 must be <10 mm.
• Trinity & TrinityEBC Dynamic run of 10 x forward and reverse hours elapsed time
bumps over obstacle.
Castors for furniture Apply 125% of load capacity, 2mm bump, Apply 2.0 x load 30kg load capacity: 5kg Load castor to 1.0 x load
AS1961.3-2004 (ISO 22879:2004) space 500 cycles, 6.5 cycles/min. capacity for 24hrs. from 200mm free fall drop. capacity, then apply horizontal
• Castors with a diameter of No deformation after 24 40kg load capacity: 5kg force of 20% of load capacity
50mm or less hrs elapsed time. from 300mm free fall drop. without brakes allowing wheel to
Proper function (minor swivel.
deformation allowed).
Castors for manually propelled • 1 x load capacity at 3km/hr speed. Apply brakes 5,000 times Apply 1.5 x load Load castor to 1.0 x load
equipment for institutional Obstacle height 3% of wheel diameter without brakes failing. capacity for 1hr. capacity, then apply horizontal
applications and with a radius 1/3 of height. Number No deformation after 24 force of 20% of load capacity
AS1961.5-2004 (ISO 22881:2004) of obstacles to be 10 times x wheel hrs elapsed time. without brakes allowing wheel to
• Light to medium duty ranges diameter in mm distance apart 1-3m swivel.
(excluding Economy and • Initial swivel play less than 4mm
castors with diameter <50mm) (measured at 200mm); final swivel play
< 8mm.
Applications up to 1.1m/s • 1 x load capacity at 4km/hr speed. Apply brakes 5,000 times ¹Brake Effectiveness Load castor to 1.0 x load
(4km/hr) (AS1961.7-2004 (ISO Obstacle height: 2.5% of wheel without brakes failing. capacity, then apply horizontal
22883:2004) diameter >90 shore A; 5% of wheel The ISO brake effectiveness tests are extremely force of X% of load (3 times x 10
• General to heavy duty castors diameter <90 shore A. Number of harsh. They exist to ensure that brakes are ramp- seconds) without brake allowing
obstacles to be 500 and to be 1m apart, capable by measuring brake traction force. wheel to swivel. X=10% for tyre
then remainder of 15,000 revolutions of However this greatly reduces the load capacity hardness >90 shore A X=15% for
the wheel without obstacles of the castor that is otherwise appropriate in tyre hardness < 90 shore A.
• Initial swivel play < 4mm (measured at safely complying with the ISO Static, Dynamic
200mm). Final swivel play < 8mm. and Impact tests.

Applications over 1.1m/s (4km/ • 1 x load capacity at 6km/hr speed Apply brakes 5,000 times At Fallshaw, our approach is to rate the castor Load castor to 1.0 x load
hr) & up to 4.4m/s (16km/h)** (bumps 1m apart) and 10km/hr speed without brakes failing. for normal use on flat surfaces. However if your capacity, then apply horizontal
AS1961.8-2004 (bumps 1.5m apart). Obstacle height: application involves brake application on ramps force of X% of load (3 times x 10
(ISO 22884:2004) 2.5% of wheel diameter for tyre hardness or inclines then you MUST reduce the catalogue seconds) without brake allowing
• Very heavy duty castors >90 shore A; 5% of wheel diameter <90 load rating by 0-40% in order to comply with wheel to swivel. X=10% for tyre
(excluding Economy range) shore A. Number of obstacles at 5 times the ISO brake effectiveness test (except in hardness >90 shore A X=15% for
the wheel diameter. hospital bed castors which are fully compliant at tyre hardness < 90 shore A.
• Initial swivel play < 3mm (measured at published ratings).
200mm). Final swivel play < 6mm.
Other Standards relevant to Fallshaw products:
* The ISO standard for dynamic testing specifies 3 mins ON/1 min OFF or 2 min OFF or 3 min OFF. However, • Shopping trolleys for general use (ASNZS 3847.1:1999)
we test 3 mins ON 3 min OFF in applications where excessive heat build up would not be experienced in • Shower/toilet chairs (mobile & static) (ASNZS 3973:2005)
the field and is not a failure mode. Change direction each cycle. Obstacles at 45° alternating left/ right. • Neutral Salt Spray Test AS2331.3.1-2001
** Note that we only provide castors for towing up to 10km/hr • Powder Coating Adhesion (AS1580 Method 408.4)

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