Testing Motor by Baker

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The document discusses a recommended testing sequence for motors that involves progressively more rigorous tests: resistance, megohm, hipot, and surge tests. It provides details on how to perform each test and what problems might be indicated.

The 4 tests in the recommended testing sequence are: 1) Resistance test, 2) Megohm, 3) HiPot and 4) Surge.

If a problem is found in the coil resistance test, the motor should be inspected for the cause of any discrepancies between phases or from previous measurements/nameplate values. Typical problems include shorts, improper gauge wire, or loose connections.

Testing Theories and Recommendations

Recommended Testing Sequence

In order to test motors adequately and to have effective predictive maintenance programs,
Baker Instrument Company suggests using a specific test sequence. The general idea is
to perform the test sequence as a series of progressively more rigorous tests, accepting
the idea that if a test fails, troubleshooting and repair should begin at that time. Further,
more rigorous testing should only commence after satisfactory diagnosis and/or repair.

The suggested testing sequence is: (1)Resistance test, (2)Meg-ohm, (3)HiPot and finally
(4) Surge.

1. Coil Resistance Test

A coil resistance test looks for resistance imbalance between phases, discrepancies
between measured resistance values, previous measurements and nameplate values. If a
problem is found, the motor should be inspected for the cause of the discrepancies.
Typical problems that may exist are 1) hard shorts to the motor’s core, 2) hard shorts
between coils either within the same phase or between phases, 3) coils rewound with the
improper gauge wire, 4) loose or corroded connections. Further HiPot or Surge testing is
not necessary until the resistance measurement is acceptable.

2. Megohm Test

A megohm test is performed using a test voltage based on the operating voltage of the
motor and the appropriate standards/company testing guidelines. Look for an unusually
low megohm value when compared to previous measurements or industry accepted limits
for the type of insulation in the motor. If a low megohm value is measured, the motor
should be inspected for ground wall insulation damage some part of the ground wall
insulation has failed. Possible problems include: 1) slot liner insulation or enamel wire
insulation may be burned or damaged, 2) the motor might be full of dirt, carbon dust,
water or other contaminates, 3) connections to the actual coils may be bad, 4) wrong
insulation may have been used to connect the coils to the motor’s junction box, etc. No
further testing is necessary until the reason for low megohm readings is found and

3. HIPOT Test
A HiPot test is performed using a test voltage that is substantially higher than the
Megohm Test, but, once again, based on operating voltage of the motor and the
appropriate standards/company guidelines. Look for unusually high leakage currents or a

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leakage current that doesn’t stay constant or intermittently jumps up and down.
Breakdowns or high leakage currents are an indication of damaged ground wall
insulation. Inspect the motor’s slot liner, wedges, conductors between the junction box
and the coils, etc.

4. Surge Test

A Surge test is performed of each phase of the motor, again using an appropriate test
voltage based on the operating voltage of the machine and the appropriate
standards/company guidelines. Look for a jump to the left of the surge waveform pattern.
This is the signature of the turn – to – turn short. If a jump is observed, an inspection of
the motor should be made to look for damaged insulation between adjacent conductors.
The insulation may be hard to see visibly, so the motor may have to be disassembled to
find the problem. If no jump in the wave patterns is observed, the likelihood of motor
failure due to insulation failure is greatly reduced.

Recommended Test Voltages – HiPot and Surge Tests

A recommended test voltage for HIPOT testing a motor, generator or transformer is twice
the AC line voltage plus 1000 volts. This test voltage is consistent with NEMA MG-1,
IEEE 95-1977 (for test voltage greater than 5000 volts), and IEEE 43-1974 (test voltages
less than 5000V).

Examples for 460VAC and 4160VAC motors are as follows:

2 x 460V + 1000V= 920 + 1000 = 1920 V

2 x 4160V + 1000V = 8320 + 1000 = 9320 V

For new windings or rewound motors, the test voltage is sometimes increased by a factor
of 1.2 or even 1.7. This provides for a higher level of quality control on the work
performed. For the above 460V motor, the test voltage would be:

1920V * 1.2 = 2304

1920 * 1.7 = 3264

Note: Although the CRT display is accurately calibrated, it is not possible to set the
voltage exactly. It is suggested that the test voltages be rounded off to the nearest
graticule discernable on the display.

Applicable Standards

EASA Standard AR100-1998 Recommended Practice for the Repair of Rotating

Electrical Apparatus
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IEC 60034-1 (1999-08) Consolidated Edition, Rotating Electrical Machines Part I: Rating & Performance
Ed. 10.2

IEEE 43-1974 Recommended Practice for Testing Insulation Resistance of Rotating


IEEE 95-1977 Guide for Insulation Maintenance of Large AC Rotating Machinery

IEEE 112-1991 Test Procedures for Polyphase Induction Motors and Generators

IEEE 113-1985 Guide on Test Procedures for DC Machines

IEEE 115-1983 Test Procedures for Synchronous Machines

IEEE 429-1972 Evaluation of Sealed Insulation Systems for AC Electric Machinery

Employing Form-Wound Stator Coils

IEEE 432-1992 Guide for Insulation Maintenance for Rotating Electrical Machinery (5hp
to less than 10,000hp)

IEEE 434-1973 Guide for Functional Evaluation of Insulation Systems for Large High-
Voltage Machines

IEEE 522-1992 Guide for Testing Turn-To-Turn Insulation on Form-Wound Stator Coils
for Alternating-Current Rotating Electric Machines.

NEMA MG1-1993 Motors & Generators

Reprints or EASA standards are available from:

1331 Baur Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63132
Phone: 314-993-2220
FAX: 314-993-1269

Reprints of IEC standards are available from:

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

Reprints of IEEE standards are available from:

IEEE Customer Service
445 Hoes Lane
P.O. Box Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331
Phone: 1-800-678-IEEE
Fax: 908-981-9667
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Reprints of NEMA standards are available from:
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
Global Engineering Documents
Phone: 1-800-854-7179
International: 303-379-2740

Principles of coil resistance testing

The coil resistance test is a very simple test to perform and is an immediate indication of
the health of the conductor(s) in a winding. The coil resistance test consists of injecting a
known constant current through the winding, measuring the voltage drop across the
winding, and calculating the coil resistance using Ohm’s law. If a coil is shorted
somewhere in the interior of the winding the resistance will be lower than normal. This
lower coil resistance can be compared to previous measurements of the same coil,
measurements of identical coils, or compared to the motor name plate value to identify a
“bad” coil.

The measured resistance is affected by the variation of copper conductivity with

temperature. Therefore, the measured resistance value should be “corrected” to a
common temperature, usually 25oC, before comparing two different measurements. MTA
for Windows, a data logging application for the D6R/D12R, does this correction for you.

Since the windings found in many motors have very low resistances, the injected current
might have to be as high as 10 amps to accurately measure the voltage drop across the
coil. One of the difficulties encountered measuring the voltage drop across the coil itself
is, the affect of the contact resistance of the clip leads used to connect to the motor’s
winding. Contact resistances can be comparable or even greater than the resistance of
some coils. The effects of contact resistance are reduced by using a “four wire” or Kelvin
measurement. The Baker Instrument uses this technique.

Principles of High Voltage DC Testing

High voltage DC testing of electric motors is performed in order to determine the

integrity of the ground wall insulation system of a motor’s coil. The ground wall
insulation system consists of the wire’s insulation, slot liner insulation, wedges, varnish,
and sometimes, phase paper.

There are three types of high voltage DC tests performed by Baker test instruments:
Megohm tests, HiPot tests, and PI tests. Each type of test is designed to answer a
specific question regarding the properties of or the integrity of the ground wall insulation
system. There is also a Stepped HiPot test that can be performed with Baker testers, but
this test does not see widespread use. A brief discussion on each of these tests follows

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Before going further the meaning of “HiPot test” needs to be discussed. The phrase
“HiPot test” is used to describe the general idea of high voltage testing as well as to
describe a specific type of high voltage insulation stress test. One must differentiate
between the concept HiPot testing and the specific HiPot test based on the context of the

To perform any of the High Voltage DC Tests, the motor’s windings are isolated from
ground, the red test leads from the Baker Tester are connected to the motor’s three phase
coils and the black test lead is connected to the motor’s steel core/frame. The output
voltage on the red test leads is raised to a predetermined test voltage and the leakage
current flowing from the motor’s coils, through the ground wall insulation, to the motor
frame is measured. The Digital Tester then calculates the resulting insulation resistance
(IR) using Ohm’s law.

The Megohm test is an accurate measurement of the insulation resistance of the ground
wall insulation. The test consists of applying a DC voltage, usually 1.7 times the
operating “line” voltage of the machine, and measuring the leakage current. The leakage
current measurement is taken 60 seconds after the test voltage is reached. The insulation
resistance, abbreviated IR, is calculated using Ohm’s law:
Applied Voltage
IR =
Measured Leakage Current

The insulation resistance is a function of many variables: the physical properties of the
insulating material, temperature, humidity, contaminants on the surface of the winding’s
insulation, etc. The effects of temperature can be compensated for by converting the IR
value to a standard temperature – 40oC as shown later in this chapter. The effects of
humidity and contaminants can not be readily taken into account. Good judgment must be
used when analyzing IR values from motors that may be wet, dirty, loaded with carbon
dust, etc.

As mentioned above, the suggested test voltage for the Megohm test is 1.7 times the
applied/operating line voltage for the motor. For example a 480 volt motor would be
tested at 480V*1.7=816VDC. Recommended test voltages can also be found in IEEE 95,
ANSI C50.10-1977, IEC 34.1, NEMA MG-1 and EASA technical manuals (see chapter

When first applying the voltage to a motor or when increasing the voltage, an unusually
high current is observed. This high current is not a leakage current, but the charging
current of the capacitor formed by the motor’s copper coils, the ground wall insulation
and the motor’s steel core. This capacitor is usually called the “machine capacitance”.

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The polarization index test (PI test) is performed to quantitatively measure the ability
of the ground wall insulation to polarize. The PI test is the most confusing HVDC test in
use due to the subtleties in the interpretation of the results. When an insulator polarizes,
the electric dipoles distributed in the insulator align themselves with an applied electric
field. As the molecules polarize, a “polarization current”, also called an absorption
current, is developed that adds to the insulation leakage current. The test results become
confusing when attempting to attribute variations in the PI value to the polarizability of
the insulator or other affects such as humidity, moisture and instrument error.

The PI test is typically performed at the same voltage as the megohm test and takes 10
minutes to complete. The PI value is calculated by dividing the insulation resistance at 10
minutes by the resistance at 1 minute as shown below:

IR(10 min)
PI =
IR(1 min)

In general, insulators that are in good condition will show a “high” polarization index
while insulators that are damaged will not. IEEE 43 recommends minimum acceptable
values for the various thermal classes of motor insulation:

NEMA Class A 1.5

NEMA Class B 2.0
NEMA Class F 2.0
NEMA Class H 2.0

The Baker tester will automatically calculate the PI value at the end of a 10-minute HiPot
test. At the test’s conclusion, the PI value may be stored in one of the 10 memory
locations in the Baker tester for later recall.

Note: Some insulating materials developed in recent years for wire insulation do not
readily polarize. For example the newer inverter grade wires do not significantly polarize.
As recommended in IEEE 43, if the one minute insulation resistance is greater than
5000Mohms, the PI measurement may not be meaningful. In these situations the leakage
current is often very low – almost zero. Such low leakage currents are difficult to
accurately measure and as a result, instrument errors become very evident. However, the
operator must use judgement before declaring the PI test to be meaningless. The
indication of damaged insulation based on the PI test can be a very low leakage current
and a low PI value.

The HiPot test demonstrates that the ground wall insulation system can withstand a
“high” applied voltage without exhibiting an extraordinarily high leakage current or
actually breaking down. The test consists of applying a DC voltage to the windings of the
machine, same as a Megohm test, but at a higher voltage – usually more than twice the
voltage of the machine’s operating voltage. Therefore, the HiPot test is often called a
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“Proof” test. The insulation resistance value at the high applied voltage is not of interest
with the HiPot test. However, the value of the leakage current is and, more specifically,
whether or not the observed leakage current is within acceptable limits.

The choice of test voltage depends on whether a new motor (or coil) is being tested for
acceptance or whether an existing motor is being tested for continued service. Consult
your organizations’policies regarding the HiPot test voltage to be used. The simple
formula of “2V+1000” generally results in a good test voltage for the HiPot test for
motors already in service. Other recommended HiPot test voltages can be found in IEEE
95, IEEE 43, ANSI C50.10-1977, IEC 34.1 and NEMA MG-1 (see chapter 2).

The HiPot test usually lasts one minute and the leakage current recorded at the end of the
minute. The leakage current at the end of this minute is to be recorded for future
comparisons. Between the time when the voltage is applied to the motor and the time
when the leakage current measurement is taken, the operator should carefully observe the
leakage current and watch for sporadically varying leakage current that might indicate
weak insulation. Such variations should be considered a failure of the insulation.

Principles of Surge Testing

Surge testing is performed to detect insulation damage between turns within a motor’s
winding. This type of insulation problem cannot be found any other way than by surge
testing. The surge test consists of applying a short, fast rise time, high current impulse to
a winding. This high rise time impulse will induce, via Lenz’s Law, a voltage difference
between adjacent loops of wire within the winding. If the insulation between the two
loops of wire is damaged or somehow weakened, and if the voltage difference between
the wires is high enough there will be an arc between the wires. The arc is detected by
observing a shift in the surge waveform.

The Surge test is performed with an impulse generator and an oscilloscope type display to
observe the “surge waveform” in progress. The surge waveform is a representation of the
voltage present across the test leads of the Baker tester during a test. The indication of a
turn-to-turn fault is a shift to the left, and/or a decrease in amplitude of the surge test
waveform as the test voltage is increased.

Surge Testing Theory

As mentioned above very short high current pulses are applied to the coil during a Surge
test to create a voltage gradient (or potential) across the length of the wire in the winding.
This gradient produces a momentary voltage stress between turns.

The coil will respond to the surge pulse with a ringing or damped sinusoidal waveform
pattern. Each coil has its own unique signature ringing or wave pattern, which can be
displayed on a CRT display screen as shown below.
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Fig 5.1: Example of a “ringing” wave pattern resulting from Surge Testing

The wave pattern observed during a Surge Test is directly related to the coil’s inductance.
(There are other factors influencing the wave pattern but inductance is the primary one.)
The coil becomes one of two elements in what is known as a tank circuit – a LC-type
circuit made up of the coil’s inductance (L) and the surge testers internal capacitance (C).

Inductance (L) of a coil is basically set by the number of turns in a winding and the type
of iron core it rests in. The frequency of the wave pattern is determined by the formula:
Frequency =
2π LC

This formula implies that when the inductance decreases, the frequency will increase.

A surge test can detect a fault between turns that is due to weak insulation. If the voltage
potential is greater than the dielectric strength of the turn insulation, one or more turns
may be shorted out of the circuit. In effect, the number of turns in the coil is reduced.
Fewer working turns reduce the inductance of the coil and increased the frequency of the
ringing pattern from the surge.

The voltage or amplitude of the surge wave pattern is also reduced due to the decrease in
inductance of a coil with a fault between turns. It is determined by the formula:

Voltage = L

Where the current (i) varies according to pulse time (t)

When the insulation between turns is weak, the result is a low energy arc-over and a
change in inductance. When this happens the wave pattern becomes unstable – it may
shift rapidly to the left and right, and back to the original position.

A reduction in inductance occurs due to turn-to-turn faults, phase-to-phase faults, miss-

connections, open connections, etc. Partial ground wall testing is also performed in a
surge test when there is a ground line to the machine frame.

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The Surge test is most often used to test turn-to-turn insulation of coils or single
windings. Form coils, start and run windings, and multi-tapped windings are a few
examples. Surge tests are also used to compare new windings to a standard winding to
assure they conform.

Determination of a Fault

If a fault exists in a motor, the wave pattern on the display will collapse in amplitude and
a distinct shift to the left will occur, signifying an increase in frequency (a decrease in
inductance). When inductance decreases, the frequency of the wave pattern will increase
according to the formula above.

This is illustrated in the figure below. This type of fault is generally one that indicates a
failure of the turn-to-turn short.

If any wave pattern becomes erratic and/or flickers during testing, intermittent shorting or
arcing is probably occurring in the windings under the voltage stress. Arcing is often
accompanied by audible sounds. It may be desirable to store the wave pattern by this
arcing for reference if the operator can release the TEST (this freezes the wave pattern) at
the moment when the wave pattern appears the most affected by the fault (reduced
amplitude and increased frequency or shift to the left).

Motivation for Surge Testing

Motors are subjected to high energy, high voltage transients in their everyday operating
environment. These transient pulses can damage the insulation in the motor and, given
enough time, cause a catastrophic failure in the motor. The causes of high energy, high
voltage transients are:

• Motor start-up inrush current coupled with contact bounce in the MCC.
• Lightening strikes in the power system.
• Inverter drive transients.
• Line surges caused by other motors or transformers tripping in the power system.

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One of the primary functions of a Baker Tester is to closely simulate the transient
voltages seen by the motor without the high energy that accompanies the normally
occurring transients. These spikes are a significant aging factor for the end turn insulation
of an electric motor.

Contact Bounce

Oddly enough one of the major sources for the high-energy transients is the MCC, a
device that is supposed to protect the motor. When the breaker contacts close in the MCC
during startup, they will often “bounce” or chatter, this means that the high inrush current
is being made and broken several times. As a result of interrupting the current, an
inductive “kick back” voltage spike will be developed. Large inrush currents along with
the high inductance of electric motors are what give these “kick back” voltage spikes
their high energy.

Lightening Strikes

Lightening strikes can often be present on the power system or grid. Although a great
amount of effort is made to protect the grid from the damage caused by lightening, the
high voltage transients caused by strikes still get through to motors.

Inverter Transients

Variable speed drives or pulse width modulated drives are based on switching currents
very quickly in such a manner that the motor runs at a pre-set speed. The switching of the
current combined with the obvious fact that the motor is an inductor result in high-speed
transients being generated by the motor drive electronics. These transients are impressed
on the motor where they can slowly degrade the insulation in the motor windings.

Line Surges

When a transformer or motor operating on a power system trips off line, the energy
stored in the motor or transformer has to go somewhere. The energy is either absorbed by
the device or is pushed out onto the power system where other transformers or motors
have to absorb the energy. Often, large transient voltage spikes manifest this energy
impressed on the power system. These spikes are again, a source of damage to motors,
especially if the motor already has weakened insulation.

IGBT Switching Technology

Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) are used in the D6R/D12R surge testers to
make a very fast high voltage switch, which is the heart of the surge impulse generator.
These IGBT devices are very fast switching transistors. These are often found in
variables speed motor drives and are used in the D6R/D12R in much the same manner as

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in the drives. However, Baker Instrument Company has uniquely configured many IGBT
devices in series to form the high voltage switch. With the fast switching characteristics
of the IGBT transistors, the rise time of each surge pulse is between 0.1 and 0.2 micro-

Close up view of figure above.

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