Financial Aid Reflection
Financial Aid Reflection
Financial Aid Reflection
1. Federal Financial Aid – What are the different types of federal financial aid available to
students? How do you apply for federal financial aid? What benefits do students receive
from this type of financial aid?
There are 9 different types of federal financial aid, these types of financial aids consist
of: grants, scholarships, work-study jobs, loans, aid for military families, aid for
international study, aid and other resources from the federal government, aid from your
state government, and aid from your college or career school. To apply for federal
financial aid, you must gather the documents that you’ll need, complete the FAFSA form
early to maximize your aid, review the student aid and make corrections if needed,
respond to aid offer and choose the aid that you want, receive the aid, and renew your
FAFSA form. Applying for FAFSA and receiving federal financial aid, offers lots of
benefits. It can help cover expenses for tuition and fees, room and board, books and
supplies, and transportation. Another part of expenses that it covers are computers and
dependent care.
2. State Financial Aid – What are the different types of state aid available to students?
How do you apply for state financial aid? What benefits do students receive from this
type of financial aid?
The different types of financial aid for state, are grants, scholarships, work-study funds,
state loans, and tuition assistance. There are a couple of ways to apply for state financial
aid. Some states require that only a FAFSA must be completed to apply. While other
states require that families to complete a separate application. The benefits that state
financial aid has, is it eases the cost of attending a state school.
3. School Specific Financial Aid – Which schools did you research? Describe one grant or
scholarship that is offered at each school. What benefits do students receive from this
type of financial aid?
The schools that I researched are: San Diego State University, San Diego Miramar
College, Pomona College, and California Miramar University. San Diego State University
(SDSU) has a scholarship called the “Merit Scholarship.” This scholarship is only given to
students that are academically-qualified and graduated from a local SDSU admissions-
area high school. They must reach a GPA minimum of 4.00. The benefits that are
received, are given $7,500 - $10,000 per year. The merit scholarship is renewable up to
4 years as long as students have the following requirements. One of the resources that
San Diego Miramar College has for scholarships, is the NSHSS foundation website. They
provide what is known as a “STEM” scholarship for underrepresented groups to help
reduce financial barriers. The benefit from this scholarship, is to help ease the prices
down on certain activities that make it difficult to afford. Pomona College has their own
grants. The Iberian grant provides the opportunity for one student each summer to
pursue a research project in Spain or Portugal. The benefits that this grant includes are
traveling intelligence and alerts on travel conditions. California Miramar University
offers a grant called the “Federal Pell” grant. This grant is given to undergraduate
students who have not earned a bachelors or a professional degree. The benefit is that
this grant does not have to be repaid.
4. Private Scholarships – Describe two scholarships that you found interesting during your
research. What are the benefits of using this type of aid to fund your education?
The scholarships that I researched are the gates scholarship and real estate education
scholarship. The gates scholarship is for minority high-school students with low-income
households. This scholarship is awarded to 300 student leaders a year. The benefit that
comes out of this, is scholars will receive funding for cost of attendance that include:
tuition, fees, board, books, transportation, and more. The real estate education
scholarship is meant for eligible, economically disadvantaged students. Awards are
given to those who need help paying for cost of attendance, and who have an interest in
real estate career. The award amounts for this scholarship; is $600 per semester or
quarter, and $1200 per academic year.
5. Military Financial Aid – Do you or your family plan to or have served in the military? If
so, describe at least one military financial aid program that is available to you? What
benefits do students receive from this type of financial aid?
At this time, I don’t plan to serve in the military. My father passed away, and my mother
needs me to help her recover/coping. My father served in the military, and was
discharged with honor.
6. Personal Financial Aid Plan – After reviewing the different types of financial aid
available to students, what plan do you have for covering the costs of post-secondary
education? Write a paragraph that summarizes the total cost you expect to pay for post-
secondary education, the sources of aid you plan to use to cover these costs, and when
and how you plan to apply for each program. You may also need to consider alternate
sources of income such as a college fund or savings plan that has already been set aside.
I’m planning to take Music/Audio Production & Engineering. I don’t know how much this
whole program will cost. But I will apply for a part-time job, apply for grants, and also
have my mom with the school fee. I am planning to stay with my parents to save some
cost of living like foods and rent, and will use my part-time job earnings to pay for my
school. I have a little bit of savings, but it’s probably not enough to cover the whole