Testprep GMAT Math Test
Testprep GMAT Math Test
Testprep GMAT Math Test
Test Prep
from the University of Minnesota
Students studying for the GMAT begin the preparations at widely different levels of and build confidence through a review of math
fundamentals presented in tandem with intensive
mathematical preparedness. While the quantitative review of Preparing for the GMAT math practice. You will learn simple test-taking
provides a brief mathematics skills review, students gaining the greatest benefit from strategies that will strengthen your ability to solve
this strategies-based course are those who begin with an understanding of the basic problems similar to those found on the actual
arithmetic, algebra, and geometry concepts tested on the GMAT. GRE or GMAT exam. You’ll prep efficiently with
structured lessons organized to help you
To help you gain the greatest benefit from Preparing for the GMAT, we are providing concentrate on the highest-yield areas. An expert
teacher guides you through the program and
you with this mathematics skills assessment. This self-administered pre-test is designed
provides extra help and personal attention when
to assess your current mathematics ability with respect to the math concepts commonly you need it. A personalized study plan ensures
encountered in the GMAT quantitative sections. Please take the time necessary to work that you are maximizing your time and effort on
through each of the 33 problems on this pre-test. Do not be concerned with a time limit the areas in which you need the most work. Visit
www.cce.umn.edu/testprep for complete
for this pre-test; rather, focus on understanding the math concept tested in each question. information.
Because you will not be able to use a calculator on the GMAT, you may not want to use
a calculator on this test in order to get the most accurate picture of your math skills. This course is designed to prepare you efficiently
a) 50% increase b) 50% decrease 14. M, N, O are consecutive integers. Which of the following
is true?
c) 331⁄3% increase d) 331⁄3% decrease
a) M + N + O is always even b) M + N + O is
e) 67% increase
always odd
c) M + 2N + O is always even d) M + 2N + O is
always odd
e) None of these is true
15. If x5 + 5x4 + 3x + 2 = x5 + 5x4 + 9x - 22, then x = 25. If the average of 6, 9, and x is 10, find x.
a) 12 b) 8 a) 30 b) 10
c) 4 d) 5 c) 21 d) 15
e) 3 e) 18
16. If y = 5 then 16 - 8y + y2 = 26. Solve for x. Given that 1 < 3x - 5 < 10.
a) -2 b) 1 a) 2 < x < 5 b) 1/3 < x < 3 1/3
c) 0 d) 3 c) x < 2 or x > 5 d) 3 < x < 5
e) 4 e) -2 > x > -5
17. If x + y = 11 and 2y = 6, then x = 27. If two angles are supplementary, then their sum is
a) 7 b) 8 a) 60 degrees b) 90 degrees
c) 14 d) 3 c) 180 degrees d) 270 degrees
e) 5 e) 360 degrees
18. (y + 3)2 = 28. The diameter of a circle is 10. Find its area.
a) y2 + 9 b) 2y + 6 a) 100 b) 50
c) y2 + 6y + 9 d) y + 6 c) 100π d) 10π
e) 36y2 e) 25π
20. If x is to 8 as 15 is to 12, then x equals 30. If the perimeter of a square is 56, the length of each side is
a) 10 b) 14 a) 10 b) 12
c) 8 d) 6 c) 14 d) 8
e) 12 e) cannot be determined
21. If there are 1.15 land miles in a nautical mile, how many 31. The angles in a triangle sum to
land miles are there in 10 nautical miles?
a) 90 b) 180
a) 15 b) 12.3
c) 135 d) 270
c) 8.8 d) 11.5
e) 360
e) none of these
32. If the base and height of a right triangle are 6 and 8 respec-
22. A trip takes 5 hours in a car moving 40 miles per hour. tively, what is the area of the triangle?
How long would the trip take in a train moving at 100
miles per hour? a) 48 b) 28
a) 1 hour b) 2 hours c) 36 d) 24
e) 12.5 hours 33. What is the measure of the third side of the triangle from
23. It takes Bill 4 hours to do a job. It takes Jane 2 hours to do
the same job. How many such jobs could they do together a) 9 b) 10
in 4 hours? c) 11 d) 12
a) 1 b) 3 e) 13
c) 5 d) 7
e) 9
24. Find the average of m, m + 1 and m + 2 The answers are located on the next page.
a) m b) m + 3
c) m + 1 d) 3m + 3
e) m + 2
Grad School Test Prep
University of Minnesota
360 Coffey Hall
1420 Eckles Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108-6084
If you score 20 or more correct answers, you should be adequately prepared to take Preparing for the GMAT.
If you score fewer than 20 correct answers, you should consider registering for Math Refresher for the GRE and GMAT.
19) b 20) a 21) d 22) b 23) b 24) c 25) d 26) a 27) c 28) e 29) d 30) c 31) b 32) d 33) b
Answers: 1) d 2) a 3) e 4) b 5) b 6) a 7) b 8) b 9) e 10) a 11) e 12) c 13) d 14) c 15) c 16) b 17) b 18) c