Unit 1 Functions, Limit and Continuity: 1.0 Objectives
Unit 1 Functions, Limit and Continuity: 1.0 Objectives
Unit 1 Functions, Limit and Continuity: 1.0 Objectives
1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Review of the Basic Concepts
1.3 Functions
1.3.1 Graph of a Function
1.3.2 Bounded Functions and Their Bounds
1.3.3 Monotone Function
1.3.4 Inverse Function
1.3.5 Types of Function
1.4 Concept of Limit
1.5 Continuity
1.6 Let Us Sum Up
1.7 Key Words
1.8 Some Useful Books
1.9 Answer or Hints to Check Your Progress
After going through this unit, you will be able to understand the notions of:
• function, limit and continuity;
• familiarise yourself with their forms of simple derivation; and
Addressing problems of economics with the aid of mathematical language and
techniques have proved quite useful. Therefore, the present discussion is
devoted to introduce you to some of basic concepts, which are adopted widely
in the formulation of problems and analysing the results. We will discuss the
ideas of function, limit and continuity confining ourselves to the system of
real numbers (i.e., zero, integers, rational and irrational numbers (positive or
negative)). We do not intend to enter the sophisticated technicalities of
language as well as derivation of these. To present these themes, therefore, we
take the help of examples.
x −1
ii) ⎯⎯
→ Interval of x is –1 „ x < 1.
x +1
By a function of x, defined for a given domain is a quantity y, which has a
single and definite value for every value of x in its domain.
The variable x, to which we may arbitrarily assign different values in the
given domain, is called the independent variable (or argument) and y is
called the dependent variable (or function).
A function may be undefined for some particular value or values of x in a
given interval. The forms a/0 or 0/0 are meaningless. In other words, we
cannot define division by zero.
If y = ƒ(x) is a function of x, then in case ƒ(x) is a mathematical expression
involving x, ƒ(a), i.e., the value of the function for x = a in general be obtained
by putting a for x in the expression for ƒ(x).
i) ƒ(x) = sin2x – cos x, ƒ(0) = –1.
x −1
ii) ƒ(x) = , ƒ (1) = 0.
However, note that, ƒ (–1) is undefined.
• Sometimes functions may be given in an implicit form.
For example, x3 – Iy2 = 0. From this we can write y as a function of x
like y = x 3/2 or, x as a function of y, i.e., x = (Iy2)1/3.
1.3.1 Graph of a Function
In drawing the graph, it is sufficient if we know the definite value of y
corresponding to every value of x in the defined domain. The graph shows the
way in which the function is related to and changes with the argument.
Draw the graph for the following functions:
i) ƒ(x) = x ii) ƒ(x) = x, x … 0 iii) ƒ(x) = x2/x
Introduction to y= f x
Differential Calculus
y= f x Functions, Limit and
In the above definition, if the functions are such that f(x1) < f(x2) and f(x1) >
f(x2) for every (x1, x2) domain of x, then we call them strictly increasing
and strictly decreasing functions, respectively.
Example: The last example and exercise actually showed the strictly
increasing and strictly decreasing functions.
> >0
aa 0
The curve approaches both the axis as x or y value is large, but never touches
either axis.
We will state some functions, which are not expressible as above. Broadly,
they may be called non-algebric functions or transcendal functions.
a) Exponential function: y = abx
b) Logarithmic function: y = f (log a x)
c) Trigonometric function: It involves expressions like sin x, cos x, tan x or
their inverse.
Example: If the successive values of x are 5.9, 5.9, 5.999, we say,
x ⎯⎯ → 6 − 0 and if the successive values of x are 6.1, 6.01, 6.001, we say
that x ⎯⎯
→ 6 +0.
Check Your Progress 1
1) Distinguish between variable and constants giving examples. 11
Introduction to ……………………………………………………………………………
Differential Calculus
2) Point out the domain of definition of the following functions:
cos x + sin x
i) = f (x)
cos x − sin x
ii) x 2 − 5x + 6x = f (x)
3) q = f(p) =
Draw the graph of the above function. Show that this is a monotonically
decreasing function. Also, show that the function has a lower bound
f (x+x) − f (x)
4) f(x) = x3 + 2x. Find
If the successive values of a are always greater than a, then we say ‘x tends to
a from right’ and write this as x → a + 0 or x → a + . Similarly, if the
successive values of a are always less than a, then we say ‘x tends to a from
left’ and write it as x → a − 0 or x → a − .
a) Limit of a Function
Lim f (x) means the following:
x →a
(as small as we like), we can find another positive quantity δ such that |f(x) – t|
< ∀ x such that 0 < |x – a| „ δ.
[ ∀ means ‘for all’]
x2 −1
i) lim = 2.
x →1 x −1
x2 −1
If x = 1 + δ (δ £ 0) =2+δ
x −1
x2 − 1
Taking δ small enough, the difference between and 2 can be made
x −1
as small as we like. Hence, limit of the function is 2.
However, when x = 1, the function is non-existent.
ii) lim (2x − 1) = 1
x →1
When a quantity t2 can be obtained such that given any pre-assigned quantity
, however small, we can determine a positive quantity δ, so that |f(x) – t2| <
whenever 0 < a – x „ δ, i.e., a– δ „ x < a.
The left hand limit is also denoted by the symbol f(a–0).
When lim f (x) = lim f (x) , each of these is equal to lim f (x) , i.e., for
x →a+0 x →a − 0 x →a
lim f (x) to exist, each of lim f (x) and to exist, each of lim f (x) and
x →a x → a+0 x →a+0
Example: Does lim x exist?
x →0
x x
lim = lim x = 1 This is not equal to
x →0 + 0 x x → 0+0
x x
lim x = lim = −1
x →0 − 0 x →0− 0 x
Thus, lim x does not exist.
x →0
1 1
i) lim 3
= ∞, lim 3 = − ∞
x →0 + 0 x x →0− 0 x
Hence, lim does not exist.
x→0 + 0 x3
• Limit of a function as the variable tends to infinity
lim f (x) = t , provided, given any pre-assigned positive quantity , however
x →∞
small, we can determine a positive quantity M, such that |f(x) – t| < for all
values of x > M.
Similarly, lim f (x) = t , provided, given any pre-assigned positive quantity ,
x →∞
however small, we can determine a positive quantity M, such that |f(x) – t| <
whenever –x > M. In a similar way, we may define
lim f (x) = ∞, lim f (x) = - ∞
x →∞ x →- ∞
lim e x = ∞, lim x 3 = - ∞
x →∞ x →- ∞
⎧ f (x) ⎫ t1
iii) lim ⎨ ⎬= (t 2 ≠ 0)
x → a ∅ (x)
⎩ ⎭ t2
iv) lim F[f (x)] = F[ lim f (x)]
x →a x →a
vi) If lim ∅(x) = t1 and lim ψ(x) = t 2 and if (x) < ψ (x) in a certain
x →a x →a
iii) lim log (1 + x ) = 1
x →0 x
ex - 1
iv) lim =1
x →0 x
xn - an
v) lim = na n- 1 ,
x →a n- a
for all rational values of n, provided a > 0.
(1+x) n - 1
vi) lim =n
x →0 x
xn Functions, Limit and
vii) lim =0 Continuity
x →∞ n
a 0 x n + a1x n- 1 + ... + a n
i) lim
x →0 b 0 x n + b1x n- 1 + ... + b n
= an/bn [since lim x = 0 , n… 0)
sin x
ii) lim
x→ π x- π
Put x – π = z as x → π, z → 0
sin(z + π) sin z cos π - cos z sin π
lim = lim
z →0 z z → 0 z
sin z
= lim ( - 1) = - 1
z →0 z
1 + x2
iii) lim
z →∞ 1 + x3
1 1 1 1
+ lim 3 + lim
= lim x x = x →∞ x x →∞ x
z →∞ 1 1
+1 lim 3 + 1
x3 x →∞ x
= =0
⎛ 1 2 n ⎞
iv) lim ⎜ 2 + 2 + ... + 2 ⎟
⎝n n n ⎠
⎛ 1 + 2 + ... + n ⎞
= lim ⎜ ⎟
⎝ n2 ⎠
n(n + 1) 1⎛ 1⎞
= lim 2
= lim ⎜ 1 + ⎟
x →∞ 2n x →∞ 2
⎝ n⎠
1⎛ 1⎞ 1 1
= ⎜1 + lim ⎟ = (1 + 0 ) =
2⎝ x →∞ n⎠ 2 2
v) lim x−2
x →2
Here lim x − 2 does not exist. Hence, the limit does not exist.
x → 2- 0
Introduction to Check Your Progress 4
Differential Calculus
sin x 2
i) lim
x →0 x
cosec x - cot x
ii) lim
x →0 x
sin x
iii) lim
x →∞ x
iv) f(x) = ax2 + bx + c
⎧ f (x + n) - f (x) ⎫
show that lim ⎨ ⎬
n →0
⎩ n ⎭
= 2ax + b
12 + 22 + ... + n 2
v) lim
n →∞ n3
tan - 1x
vi) lim
n →0 x
Intuitively, a function f(x) is continuous provided its graph is continuous, i.e.,
a continuous function does not have any break at any point of its graph.
More formally, a function f(x) is said to be continuous for x = a, provided
lim f (x) exists, finite and is equal to a.
x →a
b) f(x) = (–2)x,
lim f (x) oscillates infinitely,
x →∞
Thus, xn is continuous for all x when n is positive and continuous for all
values of x except 0 when n is negative.
sin x
ii) f (x) = tan x =
cos x
lim sin x = sin a and lim cos x = cos a – both are continuous.
x →a x →a
20 ……………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………………………… Functions, Limit and
Continuous Variable: If x takes all possible real values from a given number
a to another given number b, then x is called a continuous variable.
Bounded Functions and their Bounds: Let ƒ(x) be a function defined in the
interval (a, b). If a finite number K is there such that ƒ(x) „ K for every x,
then ƒ(x) is bounded above in the interval and K is an upper bound of the
function ƒ(x).
Similarly, if a finite number m is there such that ƒ(x) … m for every x, then
ƒ(x) is bounded below in the interval and m is a lower bound of the function
ƒ(x). If ƒ(x) is both bounded above and bounded below, then f(x) is said to
be simply bounded.
3) Do Yourself
4) [3x 2 + 2 + 3xh + h 2 ]
2 1 Functions, Limit and
Thus, the limit = = Continuity
2 a a
ii) |sin x – 0| = |sin x| can be made arbitrarily small by making |x| arbitrarily
Thus, lim sin x = 0
1 1
iii) sin x − sin θ = 2sin (x − θ) cos (x + θ)
2 2
As x → θ , sin (x − θ) → θ
Also cos (x + 0) „ 1
Thus, lim (sin x − sin θ) = 0
= lim
z →0
sin z
. z = ⎜ lim
⎝ z → 0
sin z ⎞
⎟ lim
z ⎠ x →∞
( z )
= 1.0 = 0.
2sin 2
1- cos x 2
ii) lim = lim
x →0 x sin x x →0 x x
x.2sin cos
2 2
x ⎛ x⎞
sin⎜ sin ⎟
= lim 2 = 1 lim 2 . 1
x ⎜x x ⎟
2 ⎜ →0 ⎟ ⎛ x⎞
x →0
x cos
2 ⎠ ⎜⎜ lim cos ⎟
2 ⎝ x 2⎟
⎝ 2 →0 ⎠
1 1 1
= .1. =
2 1 2
1 1
iii) Put = z as x → , z → 0, lim z sin
x z → 0 z
Introduction to 1
Differential Calculus Since z is not actually zero, value of sin is a finite quantity between [–1, 1].
Thus, by taking z as small as we like we can make z sin as small as we like,
i.e., z sin - 0 is less than any pre-assigned positive quantity. Thus, the
limit is zero.
f (x + h) - f (x)
iv) lim
h →0 h
a(x + h) 2 + b(x + h) + c - ax 2 - bx - c
= lim
h →0 h
a(x 2 + 2xh + h 2 ) + bh - ax 2
= lim
h →0 h
⎛ 2axh + h 2 ) + bh ⎞
= lim ⎜ ⎟
h →0
⎝ h ⎠
= lim (2ax + b) = 2ax + b [ Q h ≠ 0]
n →0
v) lim
n →∞ 6n 3
1⎛ 1⎞ ⎛ 1⎞
= lim ⎜1 + ⎟ ⎜ 2 + ⎟
n →∞ 6⎝ n⎠ ⎝ n⎠
1 1
= .1.2 =
6 3
vi) Put tan - 1 x = θ , i.e., tan θ = x
As x → 0, θ → 0 .
= lim
θ →0
tan θ ⎝
= ⎜ lim
θ → 0
θ ⎞
⎟ . lim cosθ
sin θ ⎠ θ→∞
= 1.1 = 1.
Check Your Progress 5
i) lim f (x) = 0 (It has already been proved in the problem for limit). Thus,
x →0
x 2 - 2x + 4
ii) f (x) = is the ratio of two continuous functions.
x 2 - 5x + 6
(Polynomials are continuous can be verified easily). Thereby the
property – III of the continuous function, f(x) will be continuous at all
values of x except when x2 – 5x + 6 equals zero, i.e., the point of
discontinuity of f(9x) are x = 2, 3.
(x+2)(x - 2)
iii) lim f (x) = lim =4
x →2 x →2 (x - 2)
Thus, f(2) = 4 is the requirement for f(x) to be continuous at x = 2.