Real Estate Broker Application
Real Estate Broker Application
Real Estate Broker Application
Guided By
is a bona fide student of this institute and the work has been
carried out by him/her under the supervision of Prof. Pradip Ugale
sir and it is approved for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of
Savitribai Phule Pune University, for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering).
Place: Avasari
Date: 20 May 2021
Every project big or small is successful largely due to the effort of a number of
wonderful people who have always given their valuable advice. We sincerely
appreciate the inspiration, support, and guidance of all those people who have
been instrumental in making this project a success. Firstly, we feel deeply honored
in expressing our sincere thanks to our guide Dr. P. K. Deshmukh Sir for making the
resources available at right time and providing valuable insights leading to the
successful completion of the project. We also thanks to H.O.D of Computer
Department Dr. Shashi Ghumbare. We will be failing in our duty, if we do not
express our gratitude towards the assistant professors of Computer Department or
their help and friends without which this project would not have been possible.
Problem Statement
Technologies/Frameworks Used
USE-CASE Diagram
Data Flow Diagram
Class Diagram
Schema Diagram
Agile Methodology for Development of this Project
Insights Of Project
Problem Statement:
Customer And Broker have been provided with Login and Logout
Technologies/Frameworks Used:
➢ Spring Boot + Rest Controller + JPA with Hibernate.
➢ Oracle
➢ Mockito
➢ Junit 5
➢ Ecpilse IDE
➢ Postman
➢ Sql Developer
➢ Operating System = Windows 8, 10.
➢ Spring Data JPA: -
➢ Spring Web: -
➢ Oracle:-
➢ Validation:-
USE-CASE Diagram :
Data Flow Diagram:
Class Diagram:
Schema Diagram:
Agile Methodology for Development of this
The Daily Scrum is a timeboxed meeting, during which a
Development Team coordinates its work and sets a plan for the next 24
hours. The event lasts 15 minutes and should be held daily at the same
place and time.
TDD Approach:
Test driven development is an iterative development process. In
TDD, developers write a test before they write just enough production
code to fulfill that test and the subsequent refactoring. Developers use
the specifications and first write test describing how the code should
behave. It is a rapid cycle of testing, coding, and refactoring.
TDD improves the speed as developers don’t need to spend time in
It may increase the time spent on developing tests and production
code during early phases. But as the development progresses, adding
and testing new functionality will be quicker and requires less rework.
It’s a lot cheaper in terms of resources to fix the issue immediately
rather than months down the track when they may be discovered.
Insights Of Project:
User: -
Customer: -
v http.//locaIhost:808OJcustomerJadd